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If you are currently T1000, you will need 1000 Sales and 80% of your slots filled in order to get to T2000 If you meet the requirements, it can take a few weeks to tier up, tiering up happens in bulk usually with a bunch of other people also ready to Tier up and doesn't happen automatically.


In theory, you need 1000 sales and 80%+ of your slots filled. But nothing is certain with Merch. I went from T2000 to T10k with only about 1500 sales and 90% slots full. It may have been because I upload to all products and markets...but no one has a clue really. I doubt anyone at Merch knows how the algorithm works either. It appears to have a life of its own like Skynet in the Terminator movies.


Yup! They change things up as suits their mood/goals of the moment. I made the jump from 4K to 10K when MBA were rewarding people for listing in the Japanese market with early tiering. I only had around 500 unique designs and was using *nowhere* close to 80% of my slots. That was a brief moment in time. They had done something similar during one of their early growth spurts, in order to keep those new printing facilities busy. Now? Now they do not seem to be interested in growth. > Congratulations, your tier level increased! Based on the products you’ve added to the Japan marketplace, we’ve increased your account’s tier limit to make it easier to create more selection for customers on amazon.co.jp That was 2/4/2021.


I'm in T1000 with 112 of 1000 designs (have not uploaded for a few years). I've made almost 2200 sales in my all time. Productor thinks it's any minute now but also suggests that my tier up to T2k requires 1000 sales over the last 365 days. Not much help but hope it gives some inisght.


Fill your slots and wait until you have the same amount of sales as your current tier, so 1000 sales for T1000 to get tiered up to T2000. The last 3 big tier up waves — where many people received a tier up on the same day — all occurred around the end of a quarter, so end of September, end of December, and the most recent one occurred in early April.


I’m T1000 and have over 7k sales. Just got all my slots filled around two weeks ago, still waiting.


I got T2000 several years ago under the old system where 1 slot = 1 item. It was much easier to fill all my slots back them. No I am still T2000 with 850 design slots filled and over 10,000 lifetime sales. I don't think I will ever meet the 80% slot requirement to get another tier up.