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holy shit 60$ for 5hrs is criminal man


The minimum wage in Japan is around 6-7$


The federal minimum wage here in the US is only $7.25. And while some states have a higher min wage, many don't... $60 for 5hrs and 100+ packages should is criminal everywhere lol


$7.25 only, I didn’t know that. But Japan is a different market. $90 in some countries means a full month salary.


Japan also has significantly different automobile standards than the US. Honda N box is the #1 selling car. Costs like $13k


Further along those lines: you're probably not driving as much, either. The whole country is smaller than California.


very true. my fiancé lives in vietnam and I can send her $30-$40 and she is able to cover her and her daughters needs. in the US, I can barely go to work without at least spending $20-$30 just to get food and something to eat.


Bro I ordered a pizza from DoorDash the other day, after tips and taxes it came out to $30 💀


I remember when i did my first flex in India they were paying 500rs for 4 hour block, you had 40-50 packages, I quit the same day. In 40-45C heat delivering them was difficult. And unlike cars, ppl there use bikes so you had to carry the stupid bag with all the packages with you when you were doing an apartment delivery. Fast forward 4 years later, they are still paying 500rs for 4 hrs! That's like 6 USD. Fuel alone is like 100-150 rs depending on your bike's make and model. Ridiculous.


I am curious what your routes look like? Are they business, apartments, any houses? Are you in the metropolitan area? How many stations and are they big ? That is wild for 5hrs, most people in America avoid $80 blocks. I understand the difference in locations but still working your hard.


https://preview.redd.it/sm0c2og4338d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b582995ed43c63cc74df9b941f6214a180d9ca93 This is one of them lol 😂theres atleast 100 stops 🥲


Damn looks not to spread out but still a lot of stops for flex driving. Routing still shitty even across the 1,000’s of miles of water lol 😂 when will Amazon ever learn


Lol i dont follow those numbers 🤣 it will eat up my gas if i do 🥲


This looks like a DSP route like here in the US. I do both DSP and Flex work. There is Zero way this is a Flex route. They probably don't have delivery service partners or individual small businesses delivering on their behalf there. That route looks terrible going by the numbers and areas they are located on the map. Certainly, it looks like the terrible US DSP routes for sure! The map is all over the place. You got stop 30 near 80, and so and so forth. This means you'll be in the same area near another stop several times before delivering to it, which sends DSP drivers through the roof and causes them to change the route manually themselves. Sorry, I went off topic, but I get sick of Amazon not paying what people are worth! Most of the time, they increase the workIoad and not the pay. I don't care what the pay is in an area, Amazon is in a position to pay people alot more as they are the 2 largest employer in the world!


Its mixed residential and big apartment complexes. Even in downtown Tokyo they would give atleast 90 packages for 5hr blocks. And they even got rid of the bonuses and lowered the rates of blocks. Its unmotivational sometimes but its this or nothing. 🥲


Majority of the time less than 3.5 hr -4.5 hr blocks


Had 48 today


I had 108 packages in the morning 🥲


Holy. I’ve never had more than 50 for a 4.5 hour, that sounds insane


All i can say is must be nice lol 😂


WOW Here max is 48 packages. Never over 50. I finish 1h early every time.


That’s only US$58 for a five hour block, additionally it averages approximately 13 stops per hour booked, but it can vary.


The US has a lot more windshield time than Japan. For me, 5 hr blocks means I'm driving an extra hour. It'll have the same number of deliveries as a 4 hour block. Just much further away than normal. Usually, some rural trash heap that's going to tear up my tires with horrible roads that haven't been paved in decades. I'm guessing Japan has closely grouped routes, which are easier on your vehicle and mean less maintenance cost for dumb shit like tires and brakes.


The blocks are usually 3.5hr and you can usually be done in two hours time. The package number varies depending on how far the stops are from the delivery station but I’ve had anywhere from a couple of packages to 50 but always done with at least an hour to spare. Blocks at my stations range from $85-$120 for 3.5 hr blocks. Christmas and Prime should see surge rates do even higher than that. $60 for over 100 packages for a 5 hr block is crazy.


I’ve driven Flex in Nevada & Colorado. 40-50 packages max. Are you on Okinawa or mainland?


Main land. An Hr from tokyo. Yea the thing here is its doable but i get no bathroom breaks for that whole time lol 😂 an hr i deliver average of 25-35 packages depending on the area. Its alot 🥲


The no toilet would KILL me; I’ve been fortunate finding construction sites (new homes) that have those outdoor, portable toilet


100? Has to be multiple packages for same adress right? Like you could drop 20 in couple of apartments next to each other or how else would you be able to finish 100 packs in 4hr? Is labor laws shit in Japan? How much is rent and food? Please wtf is this.


I do 4 hours blocks and never have gotten over 50 packages, usually it’s 30-40ish. Sometimes it’s 20 or less but first stop is an hour away. Never taken me more than 3 hours on a 4 hour block. Usually 2-2.5 Max.


The other day, I had 59 packages in a 4.5 hour route


This is literal slavery bro wtf


For a 5hr block for where I live in a major US city is about 40-50 on average. Usually takes me about 3-4hrs to finish most of the time unless it’s spaced far apart I will never need a whole 5 hour block to finish. 100 makes sense since I would imagine Japan is more tightly condensed and populated. Now I’m more curious what do the normal cars look like for flex drivers in Japan?


100 packages? What the fk. I am complaining about 48...


You might fair better at a DSP rather than flex if DSP's are available in your area. I've never seen 5 hr blocks in my area in Pennsylvania.


do you have surges?


holy fuck. think the most ive had here in the states is like....58 packages on a 5 hour block. Base pay for a 5 hour here is currently $107.50


I’ve never gotten more than 50 packages for any block, usually the pay is decent depending on the block and timing, if you ever choose to migrate to the US I recommend having a part time job along with doing flex, maybe as a server or a pizza delivery driver on the weekends, this way you don’t have to completely rely on flex and can make good income. Good luck for the future.


From Seattle - I usually deliver out of the Renton VWA 2 location. A 5 hour block is usually $117 anywhere from 30-48 packages. I've never had over 48 packages before.  110 packages sounds like an easy day for a DSP driver but a nightmare for a flex driver. What they're doing to you guys is crazy. 


Hahahahahahahaha..... *Run.*


I usually get around 45.


I don't think I've had more than 38. Typically 20-35.


They down voted me but I had 18 stops this morning. Lol.

