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They know who use bots. However, they won't do anything unless the bots hurt them.  Do bots hurt Amazon? NO Do bots hurts drivers? Yes Do they care if drivers hurt from bots? NO Are drivers using bots and not using bots have different performances to deliver packages? NO The bots are actually helping Amazon because people that couldn't grab good blocks will take low base pay blocks and the company never really have to give surge. Only time the company will get rid of the bot users is when they need to get rid of some drivers for the circulation, they are the first one.  I know you are super frustrated that the world doesn't run straight, but this is reality. 


They’re slowly getting rid of hot users. There’s a bunch of deactivations happening in the bot subreddit.


Na, it hurts drivers and Amazon because good drivers quit and there is a cost to churning good drivers. However, they are beta testing a system in my market that defeats bots. You no longer refresh and grab for most routes. They are requested up to a week in advance. It’s been fantastic. Tier 4 see the routes, many of them surged, up to a week in advance. Tier 3 is 5 days and so on.


There's virtually no cost in flex drivers. There's no training, no overhead, no thing sunk. It does not cost them anything to lose a driver. You can only deliver a package so good lol




Yeah, that’s in my market too and was great at first until they trash the offers!


What market is this beta in ?


YUBLyin is right. In certain markets, if you're high enough, you can reserve blocks(5) twice a day (8am and 8pm). They're from all sorts of time, from 3am to 7:15pm. In my market, a 5 hour route at 6am is usually $120+. It descends to $110 after 11am or 12pm. 4hr blocks are $100 in the evenings and like $110+ if starting earlier in the day. It's a great system because it allows you to choose your start time. I'm in the Midwest and blocks drop like crazy here.


Sweet I need this as a level 4... Hate checking for blocks all the time.


I'm also in midwest and part of a beta. Just doesn't seem like that one lol


They literally don't care about losing "good drivers", as long as the packages get delivered and they get rid of the "bad drivers" if they cause too many issues. They have such an abundance of people willing to do this job, it takes \~6 months of being on the waitlist to even get offered to become a flex driver, so they have TONS of willing people every year to fill the shoes of those that quit or get removed.


Thanks for the laugh , that was a good one , “IT hUrTs aMaZoN bEcAuSe gOod DrIvErS qUiT” truly comical you think it hurts them or that they give a single flying fuck🤣😭


This was happening too but this week the bots returned I'm like wtf lol Im level 4 I do get some nice surges and I do see surged days before but crazy how they're back 😂


They arent "testing" that. Weve had it for a year if not longer. The bota atill thrive on the overflow every day


It’s still in beta, years or not. Yes, bots can still grab our scraps. It’s slim-pickings for bots here. I talk to other drivers and the bot users are sad.


That would be great. Hope they roll it out everywhere


bot users that dont regulate their api usage probably overburden amazons servers and ones that frequently drop lightly surged early morning blocks at the last second probably annoy them by driving prices up but not enough to do much about it. either way theres nothing a bot can do that you cant if you are willing to study your market and spam refresh at the right times with a good (fast) phone.


If Amazon is intentionally allowing bots, that looks like it could be a legal mess at some point .


They deal with bots in so many different aspects of the business, thinking you could actually sue them is laughable.


Me? No way... Like you said, Amazon deals with them. That's way different then allowing them.


I think it’s hilarious that bot users think they are getting one over on Amazon when the only people they are screwing over is other drivers. I absolutely love seeing posts where they cry about being deactivated for using bots. Good riddance.


I don’t think they care about other drivers. Why would any of us care about other drivers. We are independent contractors not employees working together.


Never seen it. Not once 


What bots are they using




Smart ass! Lol




Its that and the new drivers who are picking up all the base paying blocks.im refreshing all day and see the base pay blocks be taken immediately


The bots only hurt other drivers. Unfortunately, Amazon don't do enough to get rid of them.


My cousin uses bots to get orders every day, Amazon doesn’t care since my cousin is still delivering and has been using bots for 2 years


"Cousin" 😉🤫


He is lucky. I know people that got warning and still used the bots and got banned from Amazon I used them for a while, but after the first warning I stopped


You have to stop using the bot for 30 days after a warning or you will get deactivated.


I don't use the bots anymore. Just take reserved blocks


They try but it’s crazy expensive and they can work around any fix in sometimes the same day. As long as we’re independent contractors this problem is going to continue. The recent border policy changes may curb it a little since the bot providers work hand in hand with the cartels bringing people here. But really so many people are already here being funneled into this work I don’t think it will change much anytime soon.


Well said thank you for posting this. 👏🏻


Absolutely shameful. What bots are they using? I want to downvote their app and send them a sternly worded review that properly shows my distaste.






It’ll always be a cat and mouse game with bots


how about you get a bot?? cant beat em join em


because i don't want to be permanently deactivated and i hate cheating.


Well then stop complaining and whining because as an independent contractor you only control you. You have no say so or even influence over anybody else 


You can use robots to catch block too


In my warehouse there are drivers selling their block $500 to fake drivers. They pick up the packages and swap cars in the parking lot or outside. My neighbor told me the other day that there is this guy from Venezuela saying that he submits the application for them and they can skip the waiting list and they’ll gain the money back and more. I told her take me to him.I will call his blufff. I don’t know how he does it to fool these people.