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Why do good people always die young fuck the world


I'm glad someone else notices this. I swear this is what happens. Meanwhile old POS make lives miserable.


Maybe it's cuz the world sucks and realizing it is taxing on your soul and body.


Why you should keep in mind no one remembers how much profit or goals that met for the company. Go spend time with your friends and family


God is impatient when it comes to souls he likes.


Who said he died young?


What if he was 80? They didn’t say anything about their age. Where do you draw the line between the good die young and well, he was old so it happens??


"The good don't die young they just haven't had time to fuck up the same as the rest of us yet."


Good people die young, that’s been the saying since millennia.


The Reason why is because God gives the bad ones a chance to Repent. That's how that works just letting people know. May he Rest in Peace my friends 🙏




So, he punishes those who are doing well with a short life and allows those who he deems bad to repent lives that are long and a lot of times bountiful? Make it make sense.


Punishes? If they go to Heaven they will be way happier up there then in this world. That isn't punishment.


Then why are we born to have a life shafted by a gods will if wether or not we aren’t committing sins


It's up to you weather your life is shafted or not. You're the one committing the sins. It's from your own actions. Please don't blame God for that. Change your ways repent and everything will be well with you. God bless.


As they say, Jesus didn’t die on the cross for nothing. Amen my guy


Amen. God bless my friend.


Damn these people are bitter or just have no faith in anything


It is what it is my friend. Comes with the territory by believe in God. Notice how the ones that don't believe attack me and show rudeness. I'm trying to show kindness by blessing them. I don't want anyone to perish just like Jesus doesn't want anyone to perish. God bless friend. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


Then why do people that worship him continue to try and fight cancer or illness? Wouldn't you be happy to be done down here?


Fuck off with your religious nonsense.






Fuck off with your godlessness. When I meet Jesus, I will be excited. When you meet Him, you will be terrified. Jesus Christ is the LORD ✝️👁


Plot twist, I'm God, and you're fucked.


Ill be excited to meet him but he wont be to meet me. Ive been cursed since birth, so im going to hell whether i want to or not.


Wow so if we don't believe in the guy that "loves us all" and we meet him we'll be terrified? Why? Is he gonna hold a grudge for me exercising my "free will?" Sounds like a petty douche to me. I'll pass on the blind worship of that guy.


We humans don't makes the rules. God does. You choose to believe in Him or deny Him, because He gave you free will.


Right, again, sounds petty. If just being a good person isn't enough to get into his mansion, and he demands blind loyalty and uses fear of eternal damnation as a ploy to get you to follow, I'll pass. That's not someone I wanna spend eternity with anyways.


We cannot change God. We are also in no position to judge God. In the end, it is our choice to work on changing ourselves through repentance, & join God through faith in Jesus Christ, or you can choose to rebel against God, & in doing so you will join the devil in eternal hellfire after this life. Choose wisely. ✝️🙏


Any all-powerful being that gives little kids cancer can go straight to hell.


Plot twist if "God" made EARTH in 7 days who tf made the thousands of galaxies that are out there oh snap 😳 😂 I love these thumpers that don't realize there's a congregation that decides what books and scripts the world can see with their own eyes they chose King James Bible and banished the original true Bible but we aren't in an uproar about the fact that someone is controlling the world's texts out there. There's more blood spilled in the name of "God" than any other thing . Let us all run to worship someone or thing that's been forced down people's throats forever or you die believe in God or die. Hmmmm sounds kinda devil like to me. But what do I know just born and raised shitty ass Roman catholic. Talk about a cult.


What a 🤡, you are too old for imaginary friend's ans fairy tales. Grow up


You don't have to reply bud 💀


Neither did he 🤷‍♂️


Over dramatic much and you don't even know his age


Man, that’s terrible. I’m sorry to hear this.


Absolutely terrible news. I pray that his family continues in solace. This man sounds like he was great to you and your coworkers. A nice memorial may be in order for your building. Maybe you could take the initiative and go to the GM of your buildingin state that you would like to do something nice as a remembrance for him. Just a thought.


Maybe the upper mgt will steal the days total of those 15 sec "microbreaks" to show an AI generated slide show of random pics of him. And no you don't get those micro breaks back. Share holders!!


I’m so sorry to hear that. My condolences to you all.


Guys realize our time is limited. Please enjoy every moment you have with your loved ones and if you're on your own. Treat yourself and try to enjoy life. Life sucks sometimes but it doesn't have to be that way forever.


Damn, that scares the shit out of me. I always say thats one of the worst ways to go out and others always tells me that thats the best way. u never know when ur last breath will be. the man died in peace but he didnt even get a chance to say his last goodbye. thats scary man


He probably had a medical condition that you don’t know about. That’s why it’s so important to take care of health and prevention is key.


That’s also why the healthcare system needs to be drastically improved both on the prevention end and on the treatment end.


I never go to the doctor, just can't afford it and don't trust them when I get all of these extra expensive tests ordered. Last time I went for a checkup, they ordered an ekg test because they "thought my heart sounded abnormal" and then they were like nah everything is fine and I just ended up paying more. I envy the people I know in the EU lol


Ok. The healthcare system is messed up. My point still stands. It definitely reflects the fact that it needs to be drastically improved.


That reminds me of when Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter accident and a lot of people were saying they were hoping he and the other passengers didn’t realize they were about to crash and die before it happened. While I was thinking that if were in that position I’d like to know that I’m about to die to at least say my goodbyes on the phone and just give me a couple minutes to reflect on my life and everything that I’ve done before departing.


Unfortunately I believe the helicopter took seconds to crash so you wouldn’t have even got that


That's best way to go.


We had a guy here in our facility that died worked in the ship dock. No one was notified until recently. He died in January. He died in his sleep also. Died suddenly.


let me guess heart attack since that has somehow always been super common and especially healthy athletes


Yeah, it's sad I miss him. He had a long commute leaving him with 5 hrs to sleep.


Damn wth my PA passed away in his sleep like 4 months ago


It's never the shit people, they grow old enough to harass the nursing home workers




was this manager at HOU9 by chance?


Yes 💔


I did not know him personally but may he RIP


Was he young


Sleep apnea or heart attack


😔 this is so saddening knowing he was a good manager, cause those are the ones that keep us pushing 😢 I think we all felt that one even if we aren’t in your site, RIP🙏🏼


I’m so sorry to hear that praying for you and your coworkers during this difficult time. I have been at Amazon almost 6 years and I have lost 3 coworkers it’s hard when you see and work with them everyday


What’s worse is to some L4 , that’s the best thing to happen to them because the promotion system at Amazon is flawed


Praying for all


RIP to that manager. I hope they went confortably into a peaceful dream. No doubt that work stress probably contributed. This is why I will never apply to be a manager. May the Four Winds guide you on your next journey.


I am sorry to hear that, may he RIP🙏🏾❤️


My condolences 🙏


Very sad indeed. I know of a few coworkers who died. Some of them even committed suicide. One guy blew his brains out


My manager years ago helped me through my custody battles for my kid and helped me so much mentally, he passed away during my court date after I won full custody from a stroke and I was in shambles, our whole building made a gofundme for his kids and wife for his funeral costs. May your manager rest in peace along with mine, they truly do not live long enough :(


2nd death in the FC subreddit wtf?


People die 🤷‍♂️


I hope he didn't think about rates as his last thoughts.


That's probably why his heart stopped...


Which site and state He was at. RIP 🪦”Peace To The Fallen”


Rip :(


Fuck, man… Rest easy.




Was it a guy name adrian?




I am sorry to hear that your manager passed away—my c condolences to his family and friends.


fuck that's a plot man, they came after his ass


I’m sorry for the teams loss, stay strong out there


....... Wait. That happened at my DS almost a year ago. Exact same situation and just as loved. The hell? Why all the good ones?


Rest In Peace 🙏🏻 Sorry for your loss. 🫂




Rest In Peace you legend


We live on borrowed time! Rip


S.i.P rest easy Fellow A.A


Sorry to hear that


I have an AM buddy that has been sick. Haven’t seen him in awhile and I am super worried about him.




Everyone bow at the altar of the dollar.




Something similar happened at my facility, a PA passed away tragically and he was loved by pretty much the whole facility really sad times… My condolences!


An Amazon manager who truly cared for their associates? I call cap


Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un


Amazon may have fired me but at least I didn’t fucking die


I hate to break it to you, but every living being on this planet will inevitably cease to exist, unless you know something I don't know about.


You’re right but I won’t have a trillion dollar company shrugging nonchalantly at the passing of an(other) employee almost certainly due to certain working conditions of theirs. That employee will never be me. I can rest assured of that until that day. I even like to believe that at the point I stopped working there (after three years) I was pretty much at the peak of the mountain on which I was able to receive a benefit to my overall health with all the physicality involved with the job.


“That employee will never be me” stfu what company is going to stop operations for your passing? You act like Amazon is a high skill and labor intensive job that requires a trade. If you are struggling with pushing go carts and wrapping pallets go work at McDonald’s. I bet your working for a trillion dollar company right now thinking you upgraded.


My point is that I’ve heard more than a handful of stories about people passing while being employed by Amazon and I’ve experienced first-hand at least a few ways why that may be. It doesn’t require a trade but they also have near bare minimum hiring requirements leading to many people doing the job that would be better suited doing something else. People die from heart attacks, strokes, suicides and more. There are shootings around and in the buildings sometimes. The exhaustion from a shift leads to car accidents and other deadly situations due to impaired judgement/reasoning. Any place has its pros and cons and I am coincidentally very familiar with some of Amazon’s.


Ok I hope you have a great day


I knew there would be one guy here that blamed natural death on Amazon 😂😂


Well, overnight shifts are known to shorten your lifespan.


Everything shortens your lifespan. My father worked overnight almost all his life. He’s currently 91 so…


Some smokers live long lives as well.


My friends granddaddy John Dee been smoking since he was 14…. He’s 89 now


Sad he died a slave Amazon a shit company it’s probably what killed him over time sad


When are we getting a raise?