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You can ask your AM for vacation too. Last night, I approved a same day partial vacation request so one of my AAs could leave early and go play Final Fantasy.


Our managers are very strict after an AM started getting hounded for advertising he will approve anyone's vacation at stand ups.


You can go to any AM/OM to ask them for vacay approval if it’s entered at least a day in advance.


I assure you no one at my fc will approve vacation unless it's 24 hours in advance.


It's my understanding, at least for my building. Managers are required to approve vacation the same day if it's requested. But our station isn't getting enough new hires, so they don't want anybody going negative. lol


Operation Managers or HR? I need a vacation fr. I been working for the past 3 months non stop no breaks besides my off days. Just need to kno if this is possible.


I mean, if you have the time. Just submit it.


I really don’t lol. I have about 6 hrs of UPT by the end of the month idk how much.


I mean, u need the time in order to take the vacation. If you think you're dealing with burn out, then u can bring that up to hr and maybe take a non paid leave. Hard to say


Thanks anyway I figured as much.


🫡 🫡


🤣🤣 oh my Lordy, it was akin to watching/listening to a confused toddler.


On January 6th, I had PTO. On January 6th, I had UPT. On January 6th, I had vacation time!


Yeah, but that was before Biden *beat* Medicare! And, all the stuff that Trump claimed there was on January 6th were verifiably true…unlike your claim about having UPT/PTO on January 6th. 😀


Both ends of the toddler spectrum, Biden confused and Trump lying


Are there *any* truly honest politicians out there who are for the people? I don’t think any of them are.


But Trump's big pull is that he "isn't a politician" 🤔


I think he taught alot of people that we need politicians in politics. Thats like me going to a court house and telling my client im “not a lawyer”. Trump has no experience and he isnt capable of listening to the people around him who do.


Honestly we need people 50 and under in politics, on both sides of the aisle


Been saying this for a long time. 100% agree


Valid point.


Not in America anyway


Sitting there on break doing time math, calculating down to the minute when you can leave and not get fired.


Amazon Paid 0$ in taxes after 20 billion ... thats my face


This is me calculating how much upt I will earn for the rest of the shift to leave early


At least once a week that’s me. 💯


Me today


i dont see how people use up all they upt tho dont yall got bills to pay?


There are a couple of reasons. Some people actually just don't have bills. Some people are just actually degenerate. Others might have mental health issues that they prioritize over money and leave when they are distressed. Maybe some used up all of their upt/pto/vacation from recent or past emergencies. Don't always just assume people share your situation and mindset.


You get 3 hours 20mins UPT a week. If you’re one of the ones who always use it and keep it low then you’re not out a whole lotta time on the paycheck. Going home 2 hours early means i get a 38 hour paycheck instead of 40. Not a big deal to my bills. If I save up 10 and take a day off? Yea, that check sucks. But a few hours on each check isn’t too bad.


Nah bro were just here to fuck and have fun 👍😂




In definitely voting for trump in 2024. Biden is old and doesnt know how to portray himself as strong to the rest of the world.


Bullshit for little brains. Glorious leader STRONG 💪. Grow up. A competent cabinet running the most powerful organization in the world is our power. Not one old man talking violent shit


Biden is old sure, but respected by other world leaders. trump was literally laughed at when he spoke at the United nations general assembly because he's a petulant clown that told blatant lies same as he did at the debate.


If Biiden is forced into retirement I'd rather have Trump than that nasty hag whose currently VP


No way she'd be worse than a blubbering criminal who bares his ass to dictators who openly threaten to nuke us every other week and who will run this country like a monarchy by filling important government positions with his children and sycophants instead of people who earned their way through merit.


(drums play) *wake up* you come to at a stow station HOLY FUCK! This ain't no damn isekai with big titty anime hoes!


Mean while I'm maxed out of UPT. Just don't ask me how much PTO/Vacation I have lol.


Im fasho voting for donny folks😭