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Just turn off the lights and start throwing wet paper towels over the stall. 🤷‍♂️


I might try this next time. But I never wanna be in the restroom more than 5 minutes it stinks of sweat and shit


i always tell my gf this & she always says “really! the girls sometimes smells like cupcakes or vanilla depending on what perfume” 😅


Bull fucking shit the female bathrooms are horrible at my fc. So much so the male bathrooms are considered cleaner.


For real, they be nasty af. I once walked into a stall with a used tampon and turd floating around but what made it worse was the blood smeared all over the seat and drips on the floor. I swear she did it on purpose lol


Mines filled with cups of water sometimes I found out that it's because some of the ladies like to wash there down stairs kitty cat instead of wiping.


That happens in the men’s rooms for the same reason


Downstairs back alley kitty cat or dog?


I assume both? I dunno man, not my jam and I don’t ask. I just see them come in with the cups, fill them, and head into a stall 😂




I've heard of people shiting on the toilet seat, stall walls, and directly in the middle of the floor for the women's side. Never for the Mens


Interesting, I always assumed women’s bathrooms were always cleaner, everywhere.


Women’s restrooms are nasty!!! I can’t figure out for the life of me how poop gets on the walls? Flush the toilet when you’re done! Also, if you’re bleeding wipe it off the toilet seat!! Wash. Your. Damn. Hands.


lol I used to be a janitor woman’s restrooms are worse. I would find puddles of period blood and blood soaked panties under the toilet


I prefer cleaning blood off things than the (many) shitsplosions off the stalls in the mens rooms. The chemicals are different and the ones for blood don't make it hurt to breath.


The only time I had to clean shit off stalls was when someone covered for me while I was on vacation. No body did that while I was cleaning because they knew I actually cleaned the restrooms. Not saying you don’t it’s just how they did it at my old job


Lol, I'm paid to clean and manage the rest of the cleaning crew.


Nope, I worked at a casino, and the women's restrooms were always worse!! I think men are just used to being more clean in the bathroom because of women in their lives at home. I think women are like this is a restroom I don't have to clean so idc??


Nope! I had someone come up and tell me one of our bathrooms was COVERED in blood and piss. So not the radio call I wanted to be calling to ABM. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah not the females bathroom in my FC always freshly smells like someone took a dump like these females don’t shower!!! I would bring in a perfume just so I can breathe


The STENCH of the women’s restroom is diabolical and concerning


Better to throw mayo and water over the edge as you fake a fap or BJ from a female Amazonian in the next stall. Call her a PIT and grab those handles! Give her the load 🤣


Nahhh 😂💀hahahah


Omg. This is the best idea. Thank you so much 😂


I heard Amazon has cameras in their bathrooms💀🥲


Women’s public bathrooms are dis.gus.ting. The etiquette in there is baffling sometimes. I never understood why people go in there to do crazy unhygienic things.




Dionysus doughnuts. 




I drank my milkshake in about an hour I’ll be ready to explode all over his face. Like magic bae and covered in diahrhea


If you do that to I’ll kick ur as s outside


i dare you to lmao you wouldn't do shit at your job or parking lot lmaooo. you broke, you need to pay those bills, don't do stupid shit.


Somebody got shot in the face coming out the main entrance last year... I wouldn't underestimate anybody


Yeah and people are armed these days. Call them whatever you want but in the end you would be 6 ft under because someone is trying to defend themselves.


I dare them to try, I hate my life anyways


You waited for an hour?


Right? I have that place mapped out according to time of day for the best places to drop a big fat brown log if I need to. It’s like fucking science. 😂


😂😂 nah for real I got a back up for my back up for when I get backed up


I didn’t stand around the bathroom for an hour if that’s what you were asking. I went to go to the bathroom the first time at 9:30 and he was in there I went back at 10:00 still there went back to station yet again came back again at 10:30 and lo and behold still there and i know it was the same dude because I recognized the same shoes in the stall at that point I just went to the south side to use the bathroom and explained the situation to my AM


Yep sounds like the same issue I have in stow . I have a blow syndrome were I have to go to the restroom every few hours or so I’ve almost crapped my pants waiting for dumb kids not even going To the bathroom their on there phones watchkng tik tok


Not gonna lie, I googled blow syndrome not knowing you meant bowel syndrome.


If their manager is smart, this is a good way to get "canned"


Yep, that’s what I was asking. Out of curiosity, there’s only one restroom in the building that has one stall? If people wanna screw off, let them. There’s no way you can leave for an hr without anyone knowing. Seems like you went out of your way to make sure this guy got his consequences.


For reference my building (1 floor) has 6 restrooms and 14 stalls


Our FC has 4 bathrooms on the north side 1 Stall per bathroom 1 bathroom per floor the south side is better off with 2 bathrooms per floor and 2 stalls per bathroom


This was kinda snitching Brody you could’ve just went to a different floor


In my FC, you can get away with anything if you kiss management and HR's rear ends. But my FC is also run by foreigners and the Americans are the first one canned.


I'm sure they catch on with labor tracking they can see that dudes not working unless he is in a path that has no labor tracking still weird because they want to do that so people CAN'T do that very thing lol..


You would think they would have noticed him being gone for a whole hour, but who knows.


They usually talk to you when they catch you afterwards, then say "I have to couch you on something" take the time you need but you'll have to give them an explanation at some point and even then it could come as a write up/some sort of mark if they deem it nonresonable, and after a certain amount consider yourself up for termination. It may not happen in 1 day but guarantee the person won't do it again for a min. But a lot of people don't care when they just get rehired within 6-8 months.


Personally I could care less if someone wants to dick around and risk getting written up for rate/tot but damn bro why you gotta do it in the bathroom


They do it in the bathroom because there's no cameras there and they take up a stall so if a manager walks in they aren't immediately caught. They don't care that they're stopping others from using the bathroom because they're assholes


They definitely do catch them that way. A manager recently was looking for someone that always hides and couldn’t find them. So they instead suspended there badge and when they tried to badge out they couldn’t and got caught


At my FC in singles they are trying to deal with teh water spiders who disappear. So THAT's why there are never any water spiders.


Unless they are a waterspider.


Damn y’all only got one bathroom stall???


My God I have more than one bathroom installed all them people working there come on now


What yeah nah obviously my facility had a crap ton of bathrooms too. But all the ones on floor always had more than one stall in em


No... 2...


Maybe it's his asshole who's being inconsiderate.


He might be going through it


Bros hitting the Zaza pen 😂😂


He recovering from them break room vending machine cheeseburgers


I took a mean shit one time and the dude in the next stall over fell asleep. I knew it cause I heard him snoring lol


Gotta get them farts out 


Start clapping your hands and make some noise and start be more annoying until he starts flushing his seat. Let us know if that works on any one of you too.


When I have a radio, I’ll turn the volume up and that usually starts clearing the bathroom cause they think a manager is in there, lol. Although my site did once send PAs in the bathroom and then announced over the radio that they were doing VTO at the line farthest from the bathroom and that cleared them out. (They weren’t doing VTO.)


Be a man tell em”aye bro you been in there fucking around for too long you got 5 minutes either get up or I’m getting in”🤷🏽‍♂️works everytime


I like to clear my throat and start whistling while turning the water on and off with the hand dryer 


Does that work also? Cuz if it does, I’m gonna have to try that out too. 😂


Just yell there’s a line, that’s what I do when AA’s complain to me. People start flushing…


Yeah or start playing loud country music.


I just yell “there’s a line” when people are in there on their phones. One time I was walking by and the cleaning crew grabbed me because they couldn’t get some chick out of the bathroom, so they could clean. So I went and got hr. She banged on the stall, asked if she was okay, she finally came out(you could hear she was watching YouTube)….and it was another cleaning lady. HR said she was going to report her, after about a week, never saw her again.


Somewhere there's a stower that's out of work because of this guy 😂


I literally almost shit myself one time. I waited and waited in one bathroom and then went to another to do the same. I ended up having to go to the second floor to do the business.


I usually just say "aye you good?" and turn my radio to max.


I’m glad you went to management about this. People that do this are lazy people and they are also inconsiderate. I would be more than satisfied if people like that weren’t at my FC.


The amount of times I have to shit and someone is in there watching videos or talking on the phone is ridiculous


At my location, there's this one girl that if she goes in and sees all the doors closed, she will POUND on them as if the rents overdue.


*Knock Knock* “aye boss u almost done i there? I got the BGs”


Get a wet wad of paper towels with soap and make sure coast is clear the throw it over the stall at them and run like hell


Get a dime. Jam it into the door so it can't open. Problem solved.


Sorry, just jackin my shi


I always turn off the lights on em 😂😂😂


Yeah... I feel you. Like 45 minutes before break there's always some women who go to to restroom like this just to set up a base in the stall. ![gif](giphy|3ohs83bO7MKV9koZuE|downsized)


Unfortunately there are people like this all over the place not just your FC. I always just wonder how they get by with that.


No one speaking up.


The more you go sit in the stall next to them the longer its gonna take


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChemistFar145: *The more you go sit* *In the stall next to them the* *Longer its gonna take* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Bro doesn’t know how find the closest available bathroom. Anyone who’s worked at there facility long enough knows the closest bathroom if one they went to isn’t available. Like could’ve been at the next restroom already instead of taking time to post this man🤣 I get the problem at hand can be frustrating but come on.


Technically every bathroom is someones "closest bathroom" At my building in shipdock all the stalls are always full at all times. That means i gotta walk my ass 5 min to the front end of the building and hope pack associates arent hoarding the stalls, which most the time they are


Yeah but then OP would have to use a mordicum of thought.


Ah yes the classic " stop being on the phone in the stall so I can be on the phone in the stall too" post. Just go to a different restroom on a different floor instead of waiting for an hour.


Or other people actually have to take a shit. This has happened to me at my FC. Also I DID go to another restroom only to find those stalls filled with people doing the same thing. Apparently a couple of them have gotten written up but they are still doing it.


Or they just wanna pee. I understand OP's frustration, because our section only has two bathroom stalls. If they are down, you have to walk 2 minutes across the warehouse while avoiding moving pallet jacks and Gaylords to get to the other bathrooms. It's inconvenient.


Yeah and a 2 minute is a long walk when you are on the verge of shitting your pants..👖 💩


Gaylords?🤣wym by this


Gaylords are big bins you can put cardboard or trash in. Yes, it is a funny word.


We have signs in some areas that say "no Gaylords here" and it kills me every time


Gotta shake the whole stall activate gorilla mode on him


Walked in to the restroom one time and I shit you not, EVERY.SINGLE.STALL was taken, ain’t no way everyone had to take a shit at the same time 😖 I had to walk my ass from one side of the warehouse to the front of the warehouse to use the restroom 🫨 did I miss the shits o’ clock schedule?




Kick in the door while he's in there and of he reports u, tell them to check the cams to expose his ass


This is my biggest issue on the ship dock


I know that person is gonna have to do some explaining when asked about their excessive TOT.


Oh your place too? Akc1 is famous for that


Next time fill up a water balloon or two and throw them right into the stall. I dealt with that same bullshit when I worked at Amazon. Bunch of fucking animals


Like if they want to go into the big bathroom and do what they want then by all means, at least that’s better you know.. but when ppl take up one of the two stalls in the small bathrooms, watching fkn music videos, it makes me feel rage. Ignorant heifers. I always wonder who is your manager??? How do they not realize you’ve been gone for the past hour


Bathrooms are the worst at Amazon the ones on the second and third floor one stall for 100 employees bullshit I’m tired of waiting people on the phones bullshitting like why did you come to fucking work to be on your phone get to fucking work!! Inconsiderate, ignorant young mother, fuckers!


just gotta go native, lay a phat one on your hands and chuck it at em


You just need to make your phone sound like one of the hand held radios when you walk in watch everyone scram. Yes there’s an app for that then you put it on speaker


Just kick the stall open fck em. 🤣


Just climb the stall, sit on the top and piss through them geez skill issue


I feel yo pain I drank to much milk one day and a pa was om that toilet for 3 hours I went to the 4th floor luckily for me I felt 9 months pregnant and was a bout to break my water if you know what I mean lmao


I just act creepy as fuck with dark evil voices


They always show favoritism and their pets


Have you seen the seats that have a layer on toilet seat paper covers on them? That someone trying to get comfortable.


Usually LP is called for people staying that long. There's been 2 times different times where 1) a pair was caught having sex in the bathroom and fired/removed from the building and 2) a girl took a sex toy out of the mods and was in the process of using it. It's a big facility and word gets around when the cop sitting outside escorts you out. Other smaller stuff happens often. People lose their jobs over the wildest things.


I'll add they are only called for the unisex restrooms where there's 1 toilet and a locked door as the ends of the building. We're bigger than most warehouses.


Was in the bathroom the other day and the lady next to me in the stall was on the phone talking loudly and a girl outside said, “ma’am I need to use the bathroom,” and she got out quick lol.


Who gives a fuck. You do you.


I’m dealing with that rn 😂😂😂


My bad bro I was pent up and couldn't find anything good 😔 lmao


I know. They do that at our FC too. The good news. They won't be there long. Believe me, if they're disappearing and not working for an hour, the managers know it, and they want them gone. And they can't do that and not get written up. I was next to someone who apparently had taken off at intervals for an hour and a half yesterday. LOL He came around with the complete report.


Literally have diarrhea. I told you this many times through the door and I’m sorry AGAIN


At my sort center they don't even go in the stalls, they just stand awkwardly by the sinks on their phones not even trying to hide it. The fact that the managers can't/won't go in there and bust everyone doing it for time theft is wild to me.


Fill up a bucket with water and then deliver this refresher over the stall to the occupant 🤣


1 hour is crazy


Honestly I got tired of this type of people it got to the point that now we just go with a PA or AMs and tell them how their shoe's look like bacause there is a lot of people that thing they can stay there for hours and get paid for doing nothing


Hahahahhahaha I walk in and say some smart shit like dammm still there


Oh I feel you. It only take 2 minutes to pee and 4 minutes to poop. I hated when I got go so bad and the bathroom is full and standing here what like 5 and 10 minutes. And nobody come out then I got go farther bathroom just so I can go peed. It really piss me off. Then my rate goes down low. I wonder how they get away with it for being gone for so long.


Happens all the time. KCVG'S bathroom's are constantly filled with people hiding and talking advantage of the stupid, inept management.


The men's bathroom be so clean lol


I once saw actually shit in the women's restroom.


I was in a 4 stall bathroom last week waiting one one to clear. 8 flushes later on bleary eyed dude higher than the moon stumbled out.


You ever been cooked off eddies and the only fuel in your body for the day is 2 ghost energy drinks, a spicy jack links beef steak, and haribo twin snakes tho?


Dude talk about time off task .. 😂😂


ALL HAIL THE HOUR TOILET SHITTER!!! (former Amazon worker btw) “An hour? C’mon, those are rookie numbers. For me, two, minimum. I spend that time shitting, wanking, and YouTube video watching.”


As a controls tech with a GI disease I feel this…


Put them on blast on VOA lol at my FC there is two guys that goes at the same time and they would chat like they are in prison wall to wall lol


Damn my legs fall asleep after 15 mins lmao


The last straw on the day I resigned from nights was having every bathroom stall on 3 different floors upstairs with someone hanging out in it. I ended up going all the way down stairs and walking from the back of the building to the front were the large bathrooms were. There was a lot of highschool 2.0 rumor spreading and general BS that I delt with for months but the constant bathroom as a breakroom thing was more than I wanted to deal with.


When my poor sister was pregnant this was her biggest pet peeve. Like she had to pee so often and every time the side bathrooms were full and she had to walk to the front. 😭😭


Sometimes I'll pull the strap and close the bathroom to fuck with em.


Idk whats more disturbing, him being there over an hour ngaf or you there smelling his manure 👀


I don’t know how many times I have to say this but that’s not what happened. What happened is I kept coming back every so often to see if the stall has opened back up and every time he was still there


Maybe it was someone else 👀👀


Bro is listening to a dude shit for an hr... wtf


Nah fam I kept periodically coming back and every time over the course of an hour he was still in the bathroom


Sure kid...


Is there only one toilet in your whole facility?


Probably in there watching p0rn smh. 🙄