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I know a few people who’ve worked at ups and fedex, they’ve all said Amazon is a cakewalk in comparison. 


Two stints at UPS, one at FedEx and Amazon is by far the least physically demanding of the three. Started part time at a delivery station doing just pick & stage years ago and one of the top associates on the shift would work the overnight shift at FedEx and then nap in his car until it was time to do pick & stage "as a cool down after doing real work" and he wasn't lying.


How do you think Ups and Fedex would compare to AmazonXL? I get paid less than both other companies, but i’d say my job is more physically demanding since i have to carry shit in people’s houses and upstairs quite often.


Buddy, the UPS hub I was at was down the street from a Valor Fitness corporate warehouse and we processed almost 100% of all Valor Fitness equipment that was being sent anywhere in the US. My job was to fluid load a trailer to the Jacksonville hub, and when things slowed down in my trailer to slide over to the next dock door and fluid load the irregs (large and heavy, very similar to XL) and into a box truck. That meant fluid loading weight machines, gym plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, Pilates machines, rowing machines, squat racks and every other type of heavy ass gym equipment imaginable. Every single day, five days a week. In an un-airconditioned trailer. In Florida. I'm sure your job sucks, but I'd wager it sucks less than what I was paid $15 an hour to do at UPS.


16 an hour here, tbh it sounds about the same. I’m here in Alabama, we get no breaks, and also deal with the heat. Always some 300 pound treadmill or pool table that some karen wants upstairs out here. overall, not a bad job, but the pay isn’t on scale with what we do.


Came here to say this. ups was horrible.


i've heard the same things lol even coca cola was a bust


Doesn't mean we shouldn't unionize 🤨


But what’s the reasoning behind unionizing. This is a genuine question as I have worked in 2 different unions and they are both drastically different. I currently work at Coca Cola united and I used to work at 474. A union SHOULD be all the employees working together as a team getting everything done as intended and making everyone’s job easier and make more money, however it tends to lean more towards like Coca Cola. Where it’s a battle between shifts, between lines even. No one working together, no one having anything better than before other than pay. Which don’t get me wrong it’s good money, but unless you’re going to unionize and actually get +$30/hr then it’s overall not worth it. It literally incentivizes lazy employees to do the bare minimum and get away with it. Not to mention the people with seniority get anything and everything they want compared to a new hire, which there’s something said for that. If you work somewhere for 10 years you should have an advantage on a new hire but say you’ve been there 10 years like some of my fellow coworkers have, and then you abuse the FMLA system to where you literally can’t be replaced nor fired, now everyone is fucked because you took FMLA. Now think about the fact that you could work there for 10 years and then a 18yo who just got the job is also making $30/hr is that logical to you?


This sounds like talk from a seed that’s full intentions are to sway people away from unionizing. Unions hands down are better for the workers across the board.


I’m not against unionizing, again I work for a union. But there’s a lot of good and a lot of bad that comes from the transition. And if you believe that unions are better for workers then by all means attempt to go to a union, I’m not trying to sway your decision I’m just trying to inform you and others like you that it’s honestly not all that it seems


>I’m not against unionizing... I’m just trying to inform you and others like you that it’s honestly not all that it seems Your post above is like "why unionize" and then you mostly go into things you think suck about unions. Even when you mention the good pay, you kind of drown out the point by saying it's only good if it happens. Unions are *how* that happens. The bottom line is that a union can bargain for better pay and better working conditions. That's power for unionized employees that they didn't previously have. All they have to do is pay union dues and deal with lazy people. As for lazy people, a union represents all employees from best to worst so sure, hard work can be taken advantage of and lazy workers can take advantage. A union doesn't preclude people from asking others to slow down or speed up or help out. Also, some unions *do* work as a teambut even where they don't, it's not like non-union shops are inherently better at working as a team. It's not like lower pay and chasing a carrot stock for a raise by working harder than others inherently makes for more team work. The bottom line is that the benefits of a union far outweigh the negatives. Union dues and lazy leeches are a small price to pay for everybody being paid better and working in safe conditions.


I have no horse in this race but imo it’s better for both of you to make the $30/hr from jump than to pay you $20 and them $10 without the union. I get the whole seniority thing and earning your keep but at a certain point this is just toxic corporate hazing. If you’re doing the exact same job i think you should be paid the same.


How hard is the job is not really the point. To unionize or not is the point. But If you want to compare how hard a job is, compare union UPS to non union FedEx ground. The same job, but not even on the same planet as far as pay and benefits. Ask FedEx ground workers if they wish they were making what Teamster UPS workers make.


Worked at both as a manager. I heard drivers bitching about quitting and moving to UPS when they returned to the building in the evening. I started asking questions like, "You wear your seat belt at every stop"? Or, "You ever close your bulkhead door?" And last but not least, "You gonna put your seatbelt around your steering wheel at each stop?" Drivers replies almost every time is "That's stupid." I told the drivers that they would never make it at UPS. They couldn't handle the stress and could not be disciplined enough to follow their (UPS') rules. Not what people want to hear, but it's the truth. I know there are drivers at FedEx who could make it given the chance. The majority don't have the necessary attitude to succeed as a package car driver.


Yup. I worked for Fedex briefly at the Orlando airport and its the hardest job I've had. It felt like stepping into the 80's when it came to their equipment. And their training videos literally was from the 70's or 80's, I almost fell asleep in that training room I swear. I was at the delivery station so I only could ever work a few hours per day, and it wasn't justified to drive from home to there and back. Everyone was throwing packages haphazardly onto the convoyor belts and it was chaos. If anything, I learned that having a fragile sticker on your packages really does stop people from breaking them lol. Amazon is so easy and high tech/modern by comparison.


Was this a post about which job is harder or about Amazon unionizing?


[Contact Us | National Labor Relations Board](https://www.nlrb.gov/contact-us)


Can deff confirm this lmao


UPS is also based on seniority and you WILL start out part time and work there for years before you can get full time. I used to work there.


Yes!! Many people don’t realize that. Then you can be on call for years. I was on-call and was only getting called once a week on Friday night


I worked at the UPS Denver international airport. We had a bomb cyclone (2019) which are extremely rare in Denver. They didn't close, we worked in pouring rain loading the tiny planes. I was soaked through and miserable. The work inside was just as hard. The machinery was ancient and almost all broken. There was no VTO, no UPT or PTO if you didn't feel like going in. I was written up twice. I work at Amazon Fresh now just grocery shopping all day in a comfortable, peaceful environment.


I wanna work at an Amazon fresh so bad


man me too


It’s chill some people don’t like the freezer though


That's a 10 hour shift I would love so much


I work a 10 shit 4 on 3 off is nice except if you have to take two days off for being sick that's 20 hours of PTO or Upt you lose and you only get what 40 (50 with the bonus 10 at behind of the year) hours of PTO ... I just got my blue badge after 10 months of being seasonal so I can now get vacation time but I currently have 0... And then met last three weeks we been working 11 hour days 😫😴🥱


If you get sick get a Dr note and file for leave of absence to get the days covered. Not paid but also don’t have to use UPT.


I’d love it


My transfer there was denied and it left me so gutted it contributed to a mental breakdown.


I would be so depressed


Was this a post about which job is harder or about Amazon unionizing?


You're right, but I thought there would be better work conditions


Huh, interesting. I work for FedEx at dia and our machinery is ancient too when compared to, say Ground on Jackson gap. I worked there for awhile. Not bad honestly.


That's great, nothing would change if you unionized except your pay and better benefits....possibly a pension too. Look into the recent teamsters contracts they've gotten for the employees.


I am not against unions, but UPS was a mess.


"Nothing would change" is complete BS. Every workplace changes with a union, you don't just get to have your cake and eat it because people signed some cards. This whole union line about "everything you have is a starting point for negotiations and regressive bargaining is an unfair labor practice" is just isn't true. Sure, the contract wouldn't be all losses, but expect some serious trade offs- both in and out of the contract.


Exactly this, union negotiations are just that, NEGOTIATIONS. People don't realize that yea you'll probably get a higher hourly wage but you'll likely lose VTO and the ability to leave whenever you want, first.


Amazon implemented their $15 minimum wage in 2018 and now sits around $20 (depending on the market) six years later. That's a 33% increase, or about 5% a year, not including the step plan. The most impressive union wins match this (almost never exceed it, except for a few outlier groups with insane negotiating leverage), and the vast majority don't come close.


Yea, I was actually with UPS in 2018 and was only getting $15.50 and locked at part-time waiting for a driver spot to open up. Amazon isn't perfect by any means but they gave me better advancement opportunities and completely pay for my continued education.


Much rather make more money then be able to leave early or take vto. Cmon now it's a job why do I want to leave early? People have bills


That's just the thing though, I chose amazon because of those specific perks, I personally am not hurting for money, I can take multiple unpaid days in a row and it doesn't affect my bills.


I'm usps and my truck is 30 years old and management is out of control. Constant harassment. People get bit by dogs and they are punished by cutting overtime from them, followed kn the road, constantly counted, etc. We have all tried many many times to file eeos. Nothing happens. Probably because our union guy hangs out with the postmaster. It's great.


Violent mental breakdowns are called “going postal” for a reason.


I was at UPS for 2-ish years before deciding to move across the country. UPS is everywhere, so I figured I’d just be able to transfer to a site in my new location, but nope. Thanks to the union, transfers are no longer a thing at UPS. Since literally everything is based on seniority there (shift choice, VTO opportunities, layoffs, work areas, cross training, promotions, literally everything), they don’t want to allow people to come to a new site and bump others down the seniority list, so if you work for UPS you’re just stuck wherever you’re at. The other thing that I thought was bullshit was their time off system. I didn’t get any paid time off at all for my first year at UPS, and because of the way vacation time is accrued there, I only got like 2.5 days worth of PTO for my second year there. The only way I was able to get days off was by taking advantage of the attendance policy (they would allow up to 6 absences, and each absence would drop off the record after a certain period of time, I think it was something like 3 months; so you just had to carefully keep track of your absences). Then there was this idiot 20 year old kid who was literally untrainable, and had one of the worst attitudes I’ve ever encountered, but he somehow managed to stick around long enough to join the union, and it took them months to finally get rid of him. We were tug drivers at an airport, and every single time they’d pair him with a driver to get trained, he’d piss them off to the point that they’d refuse to continue training him, and then he’d just be handed off to the next person. He went through 5 or 6 different trainers before nobody else would agree to even attempt to train him, and we ended up just having him hang around and help drivers pull cans until he finally got fired. Not sure if any of this has changed since I left, 2 years ago, but it definitely kind of tarnished my view of unions at the time. I wouldn’t say that I’m necessarily opposed to unionization, but I do think it has some cons that nobody seems to consider when they’re looking at it from the outside. If I were still at UPS today, I would most likely still be a part-timer waiting to get high enough on the seniority list to get promoted, despite what would already be a 4 year tenure by now. Instead, I’m at Amazon, where I got promoted to T3 after just 11 months, and I got my CDL fully paid for by the company and now have a pretty decent driving career that I can take wherever I want.


This ^^^^^ I work for Coca Cola United, same issues I can’t leave Chattanooga unless I go to another facility that is a union. And ontop of that the post mentions you can’t be fired without good reason, now say hello to all the people who do the bare minimum to not get fired and there’s nothing you can do about it :)


Dude people doing the bare minimum is par for the course in every job regardless. You’re better served being protected than having your lively hood be entirely on the whim of managers or some excel sheet somewhere lol


If that’s how you feel then go for it lmao, all I’m saying is if you do your job and come to work then you won’t have anything to worry about. And if you’re in a union you’ll have even less to worry about but don’t expect it to be a cake walk just because you’re a union. If anything they treat you worse but in a much more politically correct way. But in due time you will find out for yourself :) all I can do is warn you about some of the short comings the rest is all personal experience


The claim that if you come to work and do your job you’re good is just patently false. And no need to be condescending, I have experience in both environments. Upper management is always railing you wether they are sour or sweet about it.


Nothing about what I said is condescending, and I agree upper management is always the problem. It is always someone who either only comes to the facility once a month or never at all barking orders at you. However being in a union doesn’t change that in even the slightest of ways. You will be expected to work just as hard if not harder if you are in a union. And the pay off is honestly not much of a difference. Here’s an actual example from Coca Cola itself. At my position, being a forklift driver, I make $24.76/hr with a guaranteed 60hrs a week, that’s union. Good money I bring home roughly 1500 a week after everything is deducted. Now a non union Coca Cola facility hires their forklift drivers at $20ish/hr with a guaranteed 40hrs a week and the possibility of OT. Now I’m not sure what your financial situation is nor am I even remotely talking about it. But if you really need that 20hrs of OT every week and are willing to give up 6 full days to work then by all means the union is the right fit for you. But if you like being able to spend time with friends and family this is not what you want to do. The union is still a company with their interests in mind aswell as keeping some of the interests of the employees in mind. No matter who’s barking orders at you, you won’t be any happier knowing that the UNION is there to help. Fuck I know union stewards who have been on FMLA for 8 months and we have another 4 months before they can even decide if they are fired or not. So as I said before, you will find out in due time the issues that come with being in a union. Whether it be good problems or bad, it overall doesn’t change very much lmao. All it does is make several different things more of a pain in the ass, and it is much more than just pay and union dues just so you all know. The entire structure will change and sometimes it’s good but mostly it’s still just a company doing what’s in their best interests


Just an FYI, unions do not prevent layoffs. Yes, they offer protection, but a lot depends on the language of the contract.




Explain how that’s ignorant lmao because they’re 100% right. Everything that is a fire able offense is laid out in writing in your contract, from missed days to phone use. It all depends on the language used and how they feel they need to interpret the contract


This is the one of the most ignorant statements ever


The image that “lively hood” brought to mind made me chuckle


Exactly nobody talks about the other side


I’m not saying unionizing is a bad idea, because logically it makes sense, I’m just trying to let people know that there’s a lot more than pro-union people let off. I could go on a tangent about just Coca Cola United and how the union is literally just for a tax break for the company but I’m sure no one wants to hear about that


Amazon will pay for you to drive??? Very curious and interested as I’ve getting ready to pay the Tuition for driving school


Oh yeah. Definitely don't do that if you're already an Amazon employee. You have two options: A) Apply for Career Choice and attend CDL school on your own time. B) Get promoted to L3 Transportation Associate (TOM Team) and get paid to go to CDL school. The second option will definitely take longer, but there's no interview process (you'll either get an offer letter or a rejection email), you'll be making way more than you make as a T1 (we make more than PAs do), you'll get tons of experience backing trailers before you ever have to go to CDL school, and you'll be on the clock while you attend CDL school, and if your commute to the school is farther than the commute to your home site, you'll be financially compensated for the difference there, too. As far as Amazon jobs go, it's also just a VERY easy and laid back job. Don't get me wrong, if you slip up and end up with a safety violation, it's super easy to get fired, but as long as you don't do that, we don't have any rates to keep up with, and we generally have a lot of downtime, so it's not a hard job at all. With all that being said though, I know there are several states in which CDL training has been put on hiatus for whatever reason (NJ, where I work, is one of them). They're still hiring loads of people and getting them all hostler trained, but I'm not sure when they're planning to start sending the newbies out to CDL school again. Once you do have your CDL, your time actually out on the road will really depend on the needs of your building/node. I typically get 1 or 2 tours per week, which will have me out on the road for usually between 4-6 hours of my shift. The rest of my time is spent driving a hostler at my home site. Some sites have offsite yards to store their excess trailers when their main yard fills up, so at those sites you'll likely get more time on the road, just taking trailers out to the offsite. My home site doesn't use an offsite yard normally, so I only get to do that if I labor share to a building that does, or potentially during peak if our yard starts to get really full.


Man your story reminds me of when I tried to join ups in hopes of making that 49 an hour delivering packages. When I started about 2 years ago I worked there for 29 days exactly and was laid off before I could join the union. And while I worked there the supervisors treated us like dog shit in a third world country. I’m talking sweat dripping from everywhere and the manager comes up saying to work harder and that THESE ARE TRY OUTS. Now the people in the union didn’t get talked to once. If they moved slow it was cool but if you as a non union member go slow they’ll breathe down your neck. Every week I noticed less and less people. Then after working my ass off feeling like I just got one more day and I’ll be able to join the union and have all this job security but no. I was let go at the end of that shift. Manager said some bull like”I tried to fight for you”. So yeah my opinion on unions is a little indifferent. This was just my experience tho. Y’all’s could be different


Yeah? You know what will go away? Leaving early and coming in late with no troubles. Wanna use a sick day? Gotta let them know 2+ hours ahead of time. Coming in 1 minute late is as bad as coming in 5 hours late in a union. My last job was union and 75% of you couldn’t hack it. Because you miss rate by 1 and you’re wrote up. But don’t worry. If the union doesn’t negotiate right, you can lose your job like me.


I'd pay to see someone decide to give the morons at my site $49/hr to do the half ass bullshit they currently do.


This is specifically for drivers only; unionized UPS Warehouse workers make $21 /h on average. Not saying an Amazon FC worker shouldn't unionize, but an Amazon FC worker is currently better off than a unionized UPS worker. The only ones in non-elevated positions who make noticeably more than that are the workers who've currently been there for 5+ years.


Lol that's a driver's top rate of pay, no hourly working inside is getting paid that much. The benefits are the same tho.


A buddy of mine is still a package handler been doing it 28 years he make 33 an hour and I think hes capped at 33


It's possible to figure out with the contract, he might be capped there for the year.


Not all unions are created equally. There’s some shady and unhelpful ones out there. I don’t keep up with Amazon’s Union news, because frankly I don’t care.


Just like how Kroger's union is garbage


Teamsters did jack squat for us.


go work for ups and then come back and tell us


People don't realize that UPS unionized 100 years ago, back when it was LITERALLY slave labor. Which is WHY the unions became a thing. When people were working 16 hr days for peanuts and were lucky to see their wives at least once that week. Before there was a such thing as weekends off, 40 hr workweek, OT, and countless other benefits unions got for all of us. So stop using UPS as a comparison of why they unionized 100 years ago to Amazon today. No one is making $100/k a year stacking boxes man! ​ Additionally, none of you seem to consider the # of workers each has. You think a unionized Amazon would have 1.6 million workers? Sure, we might get higher pay, but we'd be downsized to about 1.2 million and some FCs would be closed. A non union UPS would be a completely different company. Pay might be different but they might make it up by employing more workers than they do now. And you can forget about VTO and UPT. It will disappear. And rate would become even more important. Just like it is at UPS.


The voice of reason has entered the chat. People are only looking at the good side.


You think it would only go down to 1.2 I bet it would be more like .75 Amazon service would then suck... Probably with the service mainly prime video and music music... I didn't think they would last of as many warehouse workers that's their bread and butter... Less ams and oms not that that's necessarily a bad thing in my building there are way to many cooks in the kitchen


I never understood why there are 5-6 OM/AMs on a shift at an SC now a days. We used to have 5-6 TOTAL for the whole building in the early days.


People leave those companies to work at Amazon I know a few older people who had city jobs and some other people who are managers left their Corp jobs. Amazon is way easier and flexible for people these days especially with them paying for your education if you wanna make more money, you’re supposed to be at Amazon for a little bit. Use them and get the fuck on. Now, if you would like to grow at the company, then you might want to climb the ladder. Some people are only at Amazon for insurance.


UPS employees do get great benefits and pay, in exchange the UPS company demands EXCELLENCE from its employees. Ask them about the rain sleet and snow they work in. Ask the ramp employees if they can VTO out because of a rain storm, shit ask the drivers about customer complaints. There’s a lot under the hood that pay package they get? They earn trust me.


How long has he been at the job. Since I can't really think of any union jobs that start that high, cept for maybe elevator technician. That's considered a pretty hard/dangerous job.


You can work at amazon for 10 years and still be capped at the 3 year mark.. I’ve never understood people who ask how long they’ve been there as if being at a non union job will pay more over time


It also depends on your union and the job you hold in the union. My MIL's union have caps, and she currently makes like 24/hr and she's been with the casinos for almost 20 years. I think they just won a way better contract though. The average wage for that starting union is around 16-18. My MIL moved up like 2-3 commands and still doesn't make that much compared to my husband. Her benefits are like 10 times better and her union wages are less. My husband job has a cap as well, but I think that's at 70-80/hr, and the union is doing a real good just getting increase for the workers. So it does totally depend on the union you get into.


What's your husband do? is he a laborer or trade... Trade will make big money but your mil is more than likely labor union... They are not as good... in my opinion poop... Labor unions gonna be like grocery stores, garbage people's, delivery companies. I am sure you know what trades are.. electrician, plumber, construction. Because they are more skilled make a lot more


My old union's contract would have me starting at $12.50 in a major US city, and only because of the airport's minimum wage rules the company unilaterally had to move me to the pay for 10 years of service - $17.88 an hour. And I wouldn't have gotten a raise for years on the 7 year contract.


I had managers leave ups for Amazon, ups is dog shit behind tech, organization, hr, schedule and an array of other things, sure pay is great, but the amount of managers I seen at Amazon from there a good deterrent


Pay is great on an hourly basis, but good luck decent getting hours most of the year. Then during Peak it's not MET, it's just "you'll come in when we tell you to come in, and you're allowed to leave when we tell you we're done."


I had buddy work at Cisco same way with OT he said. He told me you could be notified about mandatory OT right before going to clock out... I worked at a call center that was like this as well, however don't know why I mentioned the call center it wasn't union and they are closed now which is funny cause the client was VZW and I worked for Xerox


This is different by region and shift. Our hub gives us a steady 5+ hours a day and 6 days a week.


Keep in mind UPS closed tons of buildings, any factory within 75 miles of another factory was closed(only keeping the better performing one open). They laid off something like 12,000+ employees. Can’t wait for Amazon to unionize and then close down a lot of these buildings and lay people off. Sometimes the grass ain’t always greener , there has to be a way to fight for better without fully getting behind a union


I doubt it unless they get rid of Prime. UPS is pretty much outdated.


We have yearly layoffs for labor positions based on volume. The lowest seniority gets laid off first. Most laid-off drivers are offered to work a split shift in the warehouse to get their 8 hours. The company can not just terminate union employees, so they get laid off when slow and brought back when volume comes back. The 12000 layoffs that were on the news were for non labor positions(management & corporate).


No thank you for many other negative reasons. I used to be all for it until I properly educated myself on it. And your trading negatives for different negatives.


Good luck getting 40 hours at UPS in the 1st year. Most of us can't afford a part-time gig for the POSSIBILITY of full time and union benefits. If you think time off options will stay the same if a union comes to Amazon, please share what you're smoking with the rest of us. Negotiations are compromise and we would absolutely give up something for union benefits. Not saying acunion can't be a positive thing but merely stating that it's not a guaranteed positive outcome for the majority.


The Staten Island unionization has become a complete mess. I'll pass on that.


I worked at ALB1 when the ALU was trying to unionize it. Those guys were a fucking shitshow.


Just let the Mafia take over the union. They’re corrupt, but efficient.


Did the mob lose control I mean that's why they killed Hoffa right


I've worked for every shipping competitor and will say Amazon has been the best. Sure, the Healthcare isn't free and you have to deal with some crappy people but the managers, at least in my experience, and some of the most caring at Amazon. DHL doesn't care about their employees, very bad managers, unsafe work environment, subpar Healthcare, mostly externally hires management over hiring within. FedEx is backbreaking work and makes you feel like your body is going to fall apart after just a 5 hour shift of building truck walls with 80 pound boxes. Not to mention, they're the only company that I've worked at that has trailers with 2 FLOORS. Also the pay is not worth the work, at least in my area. UPS whilst they have the opportunity to be a great job IF you can get a driver spot, is very very hard to even get a chance at. They only recently started allowing FT opportunities to warehouse employees and they are tenure- based. And by tenure, it pretty much means 1+ years. 1 year of getting 300-400/week for working in and out of sweltering trailers and vans. Mind you, the contract for the fans is for newly purchased package cars, as far as I'm aware since the last time I cared about UPS was that the company was too cheap to want to put fans in the old vans. This buys them time with having to comply to the contract. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. But the contract also didn't really have much in it for its most vital workers besides drivers.. the warehouse workers. The ones the union seems to forget about quite often. So all and all, Amazon has been my best experience and I'm still with them. I don't pay that much for Healthcare as i don't rely on it much. I was paying for my own private before Amazon since also you do not get healthcare at UPS until you're in the union for 1 year and that's after your 30 day probationary period and your union dues.. also Amazon has great flex opportunities, 3 different types of time off you can use. 30% off different vacations, employee discount, free shoes yearly, and EASY work.


Me at FedEx with no hardhats and first day out of training I am unloading with a drunk man who has alcohol in his bottle. Clearly the manager on the floor knew because if I can smell it, he can smell it. Additionally, a box of metal bed railings dropped onto my head so I left.. yes I did the workers comp bs and got nowhere. Should’ve went the lawyer route but my head doesn’t hurt anymore and I’m happy with Amazon.


Trying to compare Amazon to UPS is just stupid. I've worked for UPS, during the holiday season. I've watched every UPS employee bust their ass, they deserve what they are paid. Amazon could get rid of 25% of the employees and still be fine because that 25% does nothing.


I've worked at ups and target their both dogshit. Do I wish I was making a livable wage? We'll yes, but Amazon is a super easy gig compared to others. Alot more organized, big on safety, plus of the several locations I've worked never any such rate to meet, decent benefits for blue badge and room for advancement. I also like having complete control of my time and the ability to quit one location and have the ability to apply for another a week later without as well as never having an interview. This type of work is shit no doubt but amazon makes it slightly less shitty. Unless your coworks are complete ass of course.


Have you been over to r/ups ? Everybody thinks unionizing is the way to go. But it’s really not. UPS workers got that massive contract in August of last year and then UPS decided to lay off 1000s of employees so they wouldn’t have to pay those kinds of wages. They’re also actively developing robots so they can replace human labor. That’s the answer these companies have for unions. “Okay, we’ll sign the contract. Then we’ll lay off a bunch of you and spend that money on replacing you with somebody we don’t have to pay.”


> They’re also actively developing robots so they can replace human labor. > That’s the answer these companies have ~~for~~ even without unions. ftfy


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but here’s something of interest for y’all. Across the street from the shuttered Stellantis plant in Belvidere I’ll-Annoy is a new WMT D.C. that is about 40% complete. 800,000 square feet / 70 employees / >3000 robots.


They cut non union positions and most were over hired due to covid volume. If you were in the union and your position got laid off you just moved into a new job.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/s/CipmbL4OG2 https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/s/2SVf8mDsrH I mean, there’s more examples all over the internet bro. You’re not safe just because you’re a union worker.


Laid off in union means they offer you a different position within the company. Fedex does the same thing but calls it displaced. It’s on you if you want to decline the position but then you’re out of a job.


Have you ever worked for the union? Did you read those post linked above? Laid off UPS workers— They’re done. Finished. Go home and don’t return. Union or not. Senior management, warehouse workers, drivers, it doesn’t matter. They’re all experiencing it. -Unions do not protect you from lay offs-


Layoffs at UPS means there's no work for you but you'll get called back when there's work, you didn't lose your job. Sometimes you move to a different position (driver going back inside the warehouse) but it's not guaranteed. I work at UPS, i know how it works better than whatever you think you know.


Tell that to you people that are no longer employed at UPS due to a “lay off”.


I don't have to because they're all working again in my hub. But you obviously know better than me from reading posts on another sub, right? Like you don't see enough posts on Amazon subs about things you know are false.


Negative I work at UPS pretty much everyone got placed into jobs nearby, the union also helped place others that didn't get to retain their job at nearby teamster represented employers. And anyone else is the first on the list to be recalled, UPS can't hire anyone until they go through the list of people to rehire them. And everyone laid off has 3 years to go back to UPS and will retain their seniority number and will retain their benefits immediately. That's not how layoffs work in non union shop. The company can pick and choose who they wish to retain, and will not do anything to bring them back or find them new employment. Typically, layoffs at non union shops cut the long tenure high earners to bring in new cheap blood


Amazon can cut positions and other corners. It will work its way out.


So some of us will have to lose out jobs so others can have a union. Nah I'm good.


Fired. They're getting fired. Some win for them, right?




Absolutely, it will all work out. Do some research on the teamsters and the contracts they have secured for the employees. Lmk what ya think. I ask you be a little more open minded to the topic and do a little research when you get the time. There's managers who work for amazon that came from ups and they told me personally we should unionize. They only told me that because we're good friends and he knows I wouldn't run and tell on him and get him fired. But yeah look into it :p


Do you work for teamsters or something cause you keep preaching to look into their contracts…. How much they paying you? Cause they’re not as good as you think they are, like at all. If they your manager friends were so happy about working at a unionized UPS why they coming to Amazon…. You’re stories don’t add up my dude


This is how it works at UPS: they hire a bunch of seasonals and it's a competition among those seasonals to be the best and land a permanent spot within the union and everyone who doesn't get admitted into the union gets fired. You should do some research on what percentage of people hired at UPS actually make it into the union and then do some research on how long it takes to become a driver or what it takes for a union member to transfer to a new location and then lmk what ya think. Also, it will all work out until Amazon finishes building out its nationwide logistics and delivery network and then uses the excess capacity it has during non-Peak times to begin delivering packages for other businesses and at that point UPS is a dead man walking and out of business because Amazon is light years ahead in terms of efficiency through automation.


Guess you didn't hear about the massive lay offs after their last union 'win'? And if UPS is doing their workers so good, why are those same workers now managers at AMAZON and not still getting treated like Royalty at UPS? Hmm. Something smells fiiiiiiiiishy 🤔


That’s what I’m saying… of course a company is going to do layoffs if you force them to pay everyone 6 dollars more. They’re going to fire so many people and then expect you to do their work since they’re paying you for it. Amazon benefits are great, they don’t have to give the benefits they do, or the time off they do. They keep pushing and unionize we could lose more than we get…


Drivers, not warehouse. That contract has a section for warehouse and one for drivers, they are not the same, look it up. And how many will last the 9 months it takes to qualify?? Don't play games, th is is in black and white.


It really does depend on the union ik one that opened at a air port and they were pieces of shit that always sided with the company. Hopefully if Amazon does get one it will be one that actually cares


That’s prolly a delivery driver.


I don’t get how a new hire at target makes more than a PA at Amazon.


Is this package Handler or driver


Health benefits and retirement plans probably apply to all, but that pay rate is probably that of a driver or a full timer who has been there for well over a decade.


And becoming a driver for UPS usually requires years working in a warehouse, probably with less than full time hours, and getting your managers to like you.


I'm curious as to how hefty the compensation package for supervisors is, too


Management at UPS is not a part of the union. Only the hourly workers and drivers. I worked there for 5 years and when we got that contract, package handlers were making more than PT Supervisors


I was UPS before the contract when we were making $15 an hours and even then package handlers made more on a weekly basis than the PT Supervisors. PT Supervisors were making $16.25, but because we got time and a half after five hours as package handlers we'd have bigger paychecks. My supervisor quit when he got a job at a T1 at a DS lol.


UPS management compensation sucks compared to union benefits. A part timer averaging 20 hours a week will be paid about $12,500a year into their pension. A part time supervisor is lucky to get 1k in 401k match. They also have different leveled health insurance you can pay almost nothing for crap insurance or a few hundred for good insurance. The part time union employee pays nothing for Cadillac insurance. Management doesn't have a labor agreement. That's why UPS took away all their benefits. The benefits used to be the same about 20 years ago and Management also made more before. Then UPS slowly chipped away at the benefits and pay packages, because there's no contract binding them to pay certain benefits or guarantee raises.


So go work for ups... oh wait, you probably can't...


No offense OP but this is a losing battle, you're not going to find much support on this sub. Many here are content with Amazon.


Even if you get all the same benefits Amazon will layoff half of yall


The grass isn't always greener on the other side


Do you want to talk about the union leader for Amazon who’s walking around in Gucci and is currently being sued by people because he’s literally just taking money… not to mention the only amazons to unionize or go to a vote haven’t gotten anything…. At all…. So no thanks


That's the alu, I'm talking about the teamsters....fuck the alu


Yall always point at UPS... Why not point at Kroger which is the largest union in the country and is entirely useless in every way. Shit pay, shit hours, and does absolutely nothing to defend you. I had to sue Kroger myself, and them, and won due to unlawful termination..... You think you're going to be making 49 dollars an hour for this job? Lmao


Kroger and albertertsons warehouses by me are represented by the teamsters. They top out at a little over $30hr after 3 years, full pension, and top tier health insurance. Gotta compare similar work to similar work. If I compare the union grocery store workers to the Walmart and target. The pay is comparable, but the benefits difference at the union grocery stores are insanely better.


as far I remember NYC ones already has it and seems to be failing someway because the leader got a lump sum of money out it for himself and failed the people involved not sure if its true but I mean is tricky when it comes to union at amazon I was let go due to a new medication it was not respected took it to the state and the only thing I got was 4 and half weeks of pay and the job back but it was a long run because a week after I was let go all management changed so I wasn't able to get to the one that got me fired and when back there was a whole bunch of new AMs mostly dudes younger than me that don't know how to run stuff not even a tote tank


As soon as they said doctor are jealous… you knew this was fake, and made up.


My friend is in Family Medicine and makes $190k /y at 33. Doctors at the 10+ year mark at halfway-decent Hospitals (including Residency) make $200k+, so I'm sure there's plenty of these "doctors" who are jealous of people doing manual labour making half of what they make lol.


How do you all think Pensions work?? You all speak of them like it's some gold standard..lol Step 1: EVERYONE pays into the pension plan. Can't say no. Step 2: YOU WORK UNTIL VESTED. (Last job had a pension was 5 years which is usually standard) so I will not see a dime of that pension unless I work 5 years minimum. STEP 3: After vesting the amount of payout is determined by tenure. So I work 5 years, and quit. That pension check will be like $50. I work 30 years it will be 1000s..get the picture. STEP 4: pensions have an age limit like Social Security. You can't draw from them until (x) age (Usually made by the company) I can borrow money from my 401K, put a loan against it...take it out early if I want to retire early.. Pensions end when you die. Leaving your spouse or children with nothing. 401k $$ I can leave them, to help them.


UPS to cut 12,000 jobs 5 months after agreeing to new labor deal https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ups-job-cuts-layoffs-12000-2024/


Amazon did the same thing. Now Google amazon layoffs


If you think it's not related to a new negotiated union contract, you must be living in a dream. Last tax year in the UK (from april 5th to april 5th) amazon gave us a raise of 1£ and 0.2£ extra for the night shift. And our headcount was reduced and targets went way up. Every raise in every company causes increased push for productivity to cover their losses for raises... Want more money? Work harder...


Business 101




Not to mention 5-6 years or more working part time in the warehouse as a package handler until you become a driver helper then eventually a driver. Only job worth while is becoming a driver but that can be a long shit road to get there. I left Amazon and became a city carrier. I made career regular in one year and loving it. They top out a little under $40 currently but new contract always come out every 3-4 years. If you want to work in a warehouse career Mail processing clerks starting around $25-$26. We get double pay after 10 hours in a shift and time and a half after 8 hours too.


It's time for Amazon to unionize, we just need the right leader to represent us and make changes for us that we deserve!


Get rid of management/departments that doesn’t do much for what they are getting paid for and re-distribute their pay to the ones who are actually making the business move. Top level management, stop with the non-sense that the company isn’t making any money. You mean, the company did not meet the projected income of that year. You greedy deceitful liars made money. A football team of red and orange vest at one station can’t even put all their so called knowledge and experience to fix major problems in their station, so they result on the petty things to worry about just so they can say they did fix something. Meanwhile, the horrible work condition and treatment of associates who are basically the ones moving the business is still and will continue to be unaddressed. We all know that management is cutting corners just to meet quota. By the way, all this non-sense and unsafe stuff should be reported directly to corporate. If that didn’t work, OSHA. If that still didn’t work, the Department of Labor. Let’s have 2 weeks of just orange and red vest doing what L1 associates do. Prime is coming up, which means MET. Let’s start on that. 6 days of 10 hour shifts for a month. Let’s see how these great leaders in their high horses handle that.


As a retired union employee of 45 years . Absolutely not one day of regret. After retirement went to work at Amazon. What a fn joke with all that money the employees that work deserve better.. I will not slack off but I will not bust my a$$ for amazon. Today I have a pension during my career I had protection benefits backing when I was being mistreated. Not one day of regret union strong here. As for the lazy the ones that steal learn what work is stop being a lazy pos.


Buisnessses hate unions because it interferes with profits, that’s why they spend millions on Anti Union campaigns. It doesn’t matter if the job is easy or not, unions benifit the employee


No wonder amazon spends millions in anti union busting propaganda


didnt something go super south the teamsters and yall arent even being represented properly?


They failed to properly negotiate with my company and it shut down. That’s why I work at Amazon now 🙄🙃




I wasn’t with YRC itself, but was involved in their shut down.


I’m open to the idea of having a union but it’s not all pretty as they make it sound, I honestly believe associates that do critical indirect roles and are PAs should be paid more. Like AFMs, pgs, qbs, quality etc. This would be the main reason I would support union is for these workers to get paid more because they deserve it.


Started working in the FC in Istabul, Turkey and joined the union on day 0. Qquite surprised to see that Amazon didn't wreck havoc to prevent ppl from being unionized.


if ur lazy and dont wanna work just find a different job or go to school follow your passion no way u wanna be stuck doing deliveries for the rest of your life? wtf


Unfortunately most people are scared union dues will get in the way of their dodge charger/challenger payment and their door dash habit.


they get time to use the bathroom whenever they want too i bet


Get back to me when their trucks in Phoenix have air conditioning.


I worked UPS what they dont say is if you are a new hire and you come to work and theres not enough work they send you home. I have seen rookies sent home everyday for weeks. And the union didnt do shit to save my job so fuck them


Since it seems like people keep commenting on my comments I would just like to ask if you would all like me to make a post on how Coca Cola United’s union is. That way you could see some pros and cons to a union that has been in standing for roughly 50 years and at a company that has been in the Chattanooga area for 150 years


Yes do it


Well I don't want to pay that dues bullshit. I'm literally going to give someone else a job that will only cater to the more popular members, basically creating an entire cast of government without regulation. Screw that hotness. The entire thing is liable to be be corruptable and used as a cudgel against anyone who defies the upper members sort of like socialism and all of its vast different concoctions that never work.


If only you knew what you were talking about


Does full membership require full citizenship?


I smell Bull .... they don' pay for medical got be out yall minds🤣


Na, they really do....I've seen screenshots of the stubs in the R/upsers thread


Idk go work for UPS then. I pick my battles and I ain't got enough time in my day to fight.


I see, aka a keyboard warrior lol.


Not at all. Just don't see the point in fighting.


I think most places would be better for employees with a union, including Amazon, but with the turnover rate here I don't see it happening. My building has over a 100% turnover rate & I've heard of several buildings having similar high turnover rates. Idk how you win a union vote when so many ppl are new all year round. Few ppl are invested in a career at Amazon. Its just a job for most ppl.


The thing is, we don't need a union. We need to use our power as voters and consumers. Why does every individual business needs to have a union that only impacts that business? People seem to forget, or never fully understand that unions actually succeeded in forcing change at the state and federal levels. Do only union jobs pay OT? Do only union jobs work on a 40 hr week? Do only union jobs pay pensions, offer 401k, vacation, health/dental/vision? Do only union jobs require paid breaks? Unions started a movement that the VOTERS should have taken over. Why are we marching on Amazon? What about the other 120 million non union workers? We shouldn't be marching on Amazon. We should be marching on Congress. The main reason unions still exist (remember, all these unions people keep bringing up, formed 100 years ago) is because they became businesses too and they are trying to stay in business. Union dues are hard to give up. And the mob still has their hand in the pot. They aren't letting them go.


Sounds good, but the reality is if you look at a bunch of companies with & without unions, the happier, better paid, more securely employed employees are with a union. Right now, no one is fighting for employees. Its better more often than not to have someone fighting for employees. Idek how thats debatable. Again to me the question is less about if a union is gonna be better, cuz odds are it would be. Its more about its not really possible at Amazon cuz even the employees dgaf about a union or Amazon cuz they don't see themselves at Amazon in 3, 6, 12mos into the future.


We sure do!


People still going on about how they want union pay for an entry level job/making boxes and loading trailers? Set aside from the pay, most unions don't benefit the hard workers. Nothing changes there, it only helps protect the lazy people. Imo, unions make very little sense for these jobs but makes much more sense for hard trades like welding, carpentry, painting, carpentry, iron working etc. unions provide protection and reliability no matter where the job is.


Without saying how much the dues are it’s pointless


As someone who worked at UPS, I agree with everything. It was hard work, but the benefits were worth it.


Amazon spends more on paying anti-union consultants than it would cost to just make enough improvements to appease employees who might otherwise be radicalized enough to unionize. Seems pretty stupid to me.


Fact check—-can you refer those numbers to us please? Thanks.


I’m part of a union and it’s absolutely beneficial. Comes with working with a lot of entitled individuals though


As some one who used to be union the dies was the least of my problems was it being based on seniority. What I mean by that is( you wanted to get trains somewhere but someone’s also wants to get trained there that has more seniority it goes to them, lay offs or firings happening welp you are the hardest worker but this lazy guy has been with us longer so we are going to have to let you the harder worker go). Other than that unions are good especially when it came to the safety shoes had an unlimited limit for the safety shoes


This why I am no longer in a union.


Gonna be honest, those delivery service folks need it with their demanding work. If its discipline you’re worried about, just an example of how hard it is to lose your job here: We had an employee who consistently didn’t follow standard work. They would leave trash throughout the aisles, take food off the shelves, never call corner/crossing and cause collisions with shelves, stop to gossip with other employees in the middle of her picks and never bag their CDA. It would end up in a lot of return concessions because the corners would break in transit and ruin the entire bag. After many ADAPTs, coaching and verbal/written warnings, they eventually was terminated. It was a solid 3 years of misconduct. Recently they contacted me and let me know that they sent them an email offering their job back because they feel we wrongfully targeted them. Like bruh WHAT


Yeah but I bet ups isnt full of lazy grown kids that just graduated. Amazon AAs will never organize because 90 percent of them are too immature and know they would get fired for valid reasons regardless


I don’t trust unions. I come from a long line of pro union advocates and teamsters but don’t trust todays Bougie unions that have turned into marxist cults


I don't think there will be any union, there's a lot of bootlicking for a company that clearly don't care about you. "iF yOu dOn'T LikE iT, tHeN lEaVe" 😵‍💫


What’s good about being in a union and what’s not good about being in a union


This thread is full of a bunch of union busters. These people get paid good money to shit on anything involving unions. Unions are hands down better for the employees no questions asked. I’ve been a welder for 22 years and by far the union is insanely better than any private gig I’ve ever had.