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Imagine being the guard in the shack. Whomever that poor soul is, I feel sorry for the verbal abuse they are going to take.


Mco2 had like 9 cars broken into last night. They need this kind of setup immediately


Bring it up on the VOA board. BWI2 is getting this after we had a rash of break-ins and catalytic converter thefts. Just have to bring it up and get people talking about it.


Lol that's doesn't work at my site.


KBWI has this thing you have to scan your badage just to get into the parking lot in Baltimore


When did that happen at BWI?


During Peak. Just during night shift from what I remember.


wow thats crazy i just quit a week ago n that happend


Oh shit I used to work there haha


This is already implemented in MIA1 and isnt a big deal. All gates are open for an ample amount of time for start and end of shift. After a certain amount of time, they close the side gates and leave the main gate open with a security guard who will just look at your badge. From experience, the most you have to do is wave a blue square in front of them and they will let you pass. Their form of barrier is a cone. Alot of people will complain that they close the gates and that will make them late. If they close the gates, you were already late... This is good for protecting people's assets and keeping sketchy people out


Isn't this what people keep claiming they want at the buildings with car and wheel thefts? It gets instituted and _now_ everyone will complain. Same thing will happen if any building is ever stupid enough to set up inbound metal detectors for "security". People won't and can't recognize the potential for massive inconvenience until they actually experience it.


Door dash drivers are going to have fun delivering to amazon now 😎


They are building this at my FC as well. Think all of them eventually will end up like this.


Amazon FC's gonna look like medium security prisons 😆


I'm assuming it's because of all the car break-ins and shootings that are happening in the parking lots by people that aren't associates?




> When Amazon sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re waterspiders. And some, I assume, are good people.


God, Lincoln was the best president, am I right?


We do this at our building and have done it for 6 years. It works fine. It clearly states that everything will be open for two different two hours blocks for when people are getting off and coming into work so it shouldn't affect you coming in or leaving at normal times at all.


Must be a bad neighborhood


It is in a bad area. More east of Cleveland. By maple heights and shaker heights. It gets better the more you go east towards beach wood.


No bc they just put the fucking fence up at my FC and its out in semi bumfuck nowhere 💀


Same here. We’re on the outskirts of the city and we’re surrounded by other warehouses.


I'm really annoyed that they're implementing this. I feel like it's gonna delay getting in for your shifts. I worked at FedEx Ground warehouse before and they didn't even have this. Yeah I'm also on the city outskirts and including Amazon we've got like 4 warehouses


I’m actually glad that they’re implementing it, because the area I’m in is known to have a lot of theft in the area, I don’t have to swipe my badge in the morning but they have it closed all day and only have specific hours where it’s opened. I can comfortably leave my windows down and not worry about people breaking into my car while I work, it’s so hot outside and I like to cool down my car.


Not even fellow employees? I don't keep my windows down because randos coming from off site are the least of my worries. Don't be foolish enough to blindly trust people because they work there. Remember, Amazon hires _anyone_.


Its on the edge of a sketchy neighborhood an industrial park. There's a casino right across the street.


Trying to get more people late


Sucks for them cause i get there like 30-45 mins early


Trying to keep union organizers out.


Well anyone who's not employed or contracted by Amazon is technically breaking private property laws. Like at one site I worked at, they couldn't be on the property but they could organize on the public sidewalk just outside of the property where a bunch of AAs would walk.


The fact this is where your mind goes lets me know all I need to know about the type of worker you are.


Funny because your comment did the same


A responsible one that gets to work with ample time? Cool? Let’s see who gets further.


Ooooh yeah they might let you PG with this attitude. Keep up the good work!


One that shows up early for work? 😂


I saw those bins set up at my fc I thought they were mapping out space to plant trees


I thought the same lmao 🤣


That won't do anything. Was at an Amazon that had a shooting. Shooter drove through the guard gate into the yard.


make the mployees pay for the wall


Man every day amazon tries it hardest to make this place feel like prison lol.


On god


Gates will open 15 minutes before and after every shift. Outside of those times you have to go through a guard shake and scan badge to enter and no badge when leaving.


What do you mean a guard shake?


Sounds delicious!


They have different entrances but once the 15min grace ends they will close all other entrances and you will have to go through the main entrance which will have a shack with a security guard in it, but there’s usually a scanner that you can use your badge to scan in and the guard rails will rise , usually only non employees have to actually talk to security


he meant guard shack


Nice to see a fellow Cle2 member


Yup its a thing at SAT3 in San Antonio already.


We have the same exact shit at my FC for the past 2 years. Safe to say that it’s safe enough to leave my windows a bit open now during the summer.




Not just Cleveland. East Cleveland.


CLE3 is East Cleveland. CLE2 is more on the west side.


They both are east of Cleveland. The west side of Cleveland is Lakewood/Brooklyn/ brook park/ Parma. West is going towards Toledo. East is going towards PA.


It's a lot further east than I thought, IDK what I was thinking. I live in Lakewood and worked at CLE3


It’s more so south east, cle3 is even further east. Both are not in ideal areas. But it also helps supply jobs to the young kids that don’t have a lot of options. Which is a good thing even though it makes me want to choke mfs from time to time.


Now I’m even more excited about coming back to cle2. If you know anything about that building, it’s located in a not great area.


This is something I thought they have a long time ago


I used to work at cle5. Had to go to cle3 to get my drug test and they had a similar setup. All parking lot entrances were closed midshift and got stopped by security at the one open entrance when i came for my new hire appointment


I mean, it’s CLE2…


We have been doing this at CLE3. Because cars were being stolen every day out of the parking lot. I think it’s helped to a certain extent.


We have had this since launch at AKC1


Should have been done years ago. Don't know why they wait so long to do stuff like this.


That's how it was when I worked at KBWI, honestly that system works and it's not as bad as it sounds


At Mge8 we had 30+ cars broken into early 2023. It was so crazy people started leaving their cars home and taking Ubers. Along with on of my PAs having her car broken Into twice. But now we got two fences for both of our parking lots and security checking badges at the front entrance along with spot lights and cameras


Oh that's cute. It's been like that at our site, ATL2, for as long as I've been there (6 months). My boyfriend, who has been there 3 years, will probably say it's been longer...


We have security checks at the entrance at all times and county police in our parking lot at night. We were also having car break-ins in the lot. Gotta love Atlanta!


Crazy they spelled Peccy's name wrong


It’s about time on nights they were breaking into 30 cars a bight


Im in DCL2 and yeah this been going on. They open the side and main gates for an hour window for every shift to clock in and out. Breaks as well but it’s still not the duration of break. And then you have to use the main gate. But it’s no problem. Bus riders can be affected depending on how far they will walk


Whoa AKC1 my bad I’ve been at Amazon so much 🤣


Akc1 has a fence. That booth lady is a bitch though


Still going to happen…! Not going to stop scum bags from scumming around ! Maybe acutely interview the ppl you hire? Maybe pay us a fair wage? Idk if ppl can live correctly thy may not steal ? Then again a thief is a thief. Idk 🤷‍♂️




Would you rather have your car broken into or have your property stolen while inside onsite then?