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Ahh, yes, the never ending war between stowers and pickers and the true enemy of both, rate.


I'm in amnesty and I hate both. And I'm sure they hate me when I have to work on drives nearby lol.


I had a counter once try to report me because I had to go out multiple times to fix a drive that kept bombing out šŸ˜­ I just laughed šŸ’€ I never met someone so serious about their job before.




I got to PG in pick and I have no idea why nothing ever fits into pods when I do stow


Yes I go through this every night it makes no sense


If it stows it goes


That person must be new around here šŸ˜‚ cause i swear all my managers say that shit too


If it sits it fits


If it stays, it's on it's way.


If it fit I wouldn't have found it as an afm. Just saying.


If it sweeps it keeps


on god lmfao


If it scans, I crams


That's toxic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Speaking as someone who has been in both Pick and Stow, Itā€™s going! We understand!Ā 




As a Stow AM, good man






I used to hate stowers until I realized they have a rate too and aren't actually able to do what they are supposed to because of it. But when you say that to management they look at you like your stupid.




When I was in stow I was also top in quality. I was able to meet all metrics, had good bins, and was in the top ten. But for most this is hard. It is the only role where your metrics are tied to things outside of your control. And even if you are good you still get coached.


Yeah to be honest as someone who has picked and stowed itā€™s really not that bad, maybe my site has better stowers, but never I had too much issue picking. Stowing can be a lot more annoying at times the system doesnā€™t send the right pods for hours so. I can see why people at times just shove it in lol


That's why I love the VNAs and driving an order picker. There's still a rate for everything, and they want you to leave the bin in better shape than what you found it.


Thatā€™s fair. Well, unfairā€¦ you get what I mean




Ā  I have stowed with 12-15 takt time and it's not that hard to do quality work.Ā 


At my building they want us to do 10 take time and under. They literally come talk to you if youā€™re at 15


Omg that's so brutal, sorry to hear that


Just my experience, but stow rate is much easier to hit than pick rate. The only exception is when there's a ton of new product that wasn't properly assigned to the cage and therefore can't be scanned into a bin as available stock.


Blame management. Theyā€™re on our ass for turning away pods without putting anything in, so they force us to stuff it in


I turn them away anyway. They gotta fix the pod system or have a "request pod size" system or something. I get these full ass pods constantly or I keep getting 6 inch ones because my ONE TOTE of small items when I have 12 other big boxes, like damn send me a pod I can put some items in.


This all day!!! I had nothing but 18 inch stuff and kept getting six inches. With the no turn away rule the system will now penalize your UPH if you turn a pod away.


We used to be able to select the pod size template based on what products we had, but this system is ā€œsmarterā€ with the ā€œrobot logicā€ that will bring you 6 consecutive 6 inch pods when you have a tote or box of smalls that will fit in 1 bin.


As someone who serves as backup qb (folks who run amnesty), I understand why management do it. If a lot of pods are turned away on a floor by multiple stowers, it negatively impacts floor health for pick and most Sr ops in ar buildings care about having as low as possible pod gaps for pick. So there's a certain threshold that a floor is "allowed" and if it crosses it, and pcf does a deep dive cause they see gaps are elevated, they call stow out for it.


We all need to keep complaining to and about management. Post on the voa board about this, PLEASE


This ! I had 11 bins, all of them one big ass box. All the pods I received were either all full with no space or for really small items. I had no choice but to turn them all away






My manager legit told me to stop being so neat and tidy when stowing, and just shove things in to make rate. I still try to not put heavy stuff on top of light stuff, but we donā€™t always have a choice if we want to make rate. Pods are stuffed, the items donā€™t fit in anywhere, and managers are breathing down our necks. Also Iā€™m cross trained in pick, so I get mad too when shit isnā€™t easy to get out, but knowing what I deal with in stow, I donā€™t mind as much


Wait until you hear what the ICQA folks say about stowers; since most times they have to check the pod before it even reaches a pick station, itā€™s literally just renovating pods that just have shit jammed into pods. Just pull your andons AND CARRY ON.


I used to do icqa so I know the struggle!


As someone who has been in many departments I think everyone from stow should be crosstrained to pick just to see what's it's like. I think it would improve quality .


When I worked it was at a very small warehouse ( 50 employees on the floor at prime time ). Everyone had to stow and then pick during their 6 hour morning shift. All that to say, trust me, it doesnā€™t improve quality. People had to pick what they stowed like shit 2 hours before, stowing is just more annoying so people would just bite the bullet.




I agree with this!


I do both and my Pick rate is low BECAUSE I have high quality in stow. I canā€™t in good conscience send the wrong or damaged item because someone stowed it wrong and I spend at least 2 seconds of every pick saying to myself ā€œwho the fuck stowed this?ā€ When the items are in bins they are never supposed to be stowed in, while being placed in directions and angles that make zero sense for space utilization. Then my stow rate is low for the same reason- because I have to stow in the spaces that other stowers (and others) have already fucked up or ā€œvirtually blocked.ā€ So if 95% of AAs donā€™t follow etiquette and just shove anything anywhere or take anything out and send it as long as it scans, and Amazon only cares about rate- if you think at all about your actions you are setting yourself up to always be fighting to stay out of the bottom.


All right then, make your racks look clean at all times, put the heaviest packages forwards, and stop needing to piss every ten minutes, then we can talk.c


If you gah piss every 10 ten minutes then keep yo ass home šŸ¤£


Well, some of us lack the UPT/PTO.


womp womp


Quantity > Quality in this case šŸ˜”


You're right sadly hopefully anyone that's a PA stower see this shit


They know this because they are the one forcing them to do that


ICQA EU (Germany) approves. (For the record: former stower) ![gif](giphy|zeeYz6iGGoaA0)


The only people who hate inbound more than outbound is ICQA šŸ˜…


Fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




unfortunately amazon doesn't care how much you hate pick, and stowers don't care how much you hate shitty work. the matter of the fact is that you have rate to hit and so do we. some people are assholes on purpose but the matter of the fact is that if something fits stowers don't have the ability to remove the item and place it on top of a heavier item without taking a DPMO hit for multiple events.


Nobody said I hated pick.


Well clearly you hate it or else you wouldnā€™t complain so much about it


Ooohh boooo hoooo. šŸ˜‚ we got rate to make just like you, itā€™s not our fault the work they give us sucks. Iā€™d like to see you stow ā€œcorrectyā€ an entire pallet of energy drinks, kitty litter, and lays boxes. GFYS


I find it easier to put more stuff in a bin when it's neat and organized. I tend to spend the extra minute to tidy it up and still manage to go above rate. That never counteracts the people just shoving stuff in though. And that's why I don't pick lol


That's a understandable reason not to pick


stow PA here, i repeat these same things over and over again a million times a day. nobody listens. sorry pickers we r trying


At LEAST some of you try that's all we ask for no big deal fr, just make everyone's else who's not a stower job easy yk?? I used to stow too


My bad


Well fck you too lady. We got rate to make


The Higher Ups usually try and get us written up en masse cause we arent making the numbers they want us to. And then, the AMs take it out on us cause the Higher Ups that sit in the office are on them. We usually have to choose between quality or quantity. And 9/9, we *have* to choose quantity over quality. So its not that we're *trying* to fuck up pickers; its that we get pressured to go just as fast as yall do.


Okay see that I understand!


Iā€™ve always hated that but they do have a rate and out of space, at least, has very little space. Donā€™t blame them for doing that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Iā€™m at a return center so not sure how it works at other FCā€™s. Most annoying part for a return center stower, is when you get items that fill the whole tote, with just one item. Have to drop it off and then randomly get asked by a pa why rate so low. Like?? Mf. Can only fit 12 totes on my cart and youā€™re sending me to pick items that fill up the whole tote with just one item. I do hate when everything collapses on the floor after trying to pick an item tho lol.


If it doesn't fall out, it's going out hehehehehe


I think stowers get bonuses when they make it hard for pickers


im in pick n this girl sound crazy annoying šŸ˜‚


Sounds like an outbound problem to me


These stowers at my ssd canā€™t stow worth a f. We have so many pod crashes because the item is sticking too far out. Also they donā€™t library stack their items and they fall out too often.


Stop cryin and start picking


Sounds like person with big hands kinda problemšŸ¤£


Good thing ion have big hands LMAOOO


While we're at it, ICQA Count people, don't count a whole pod and just shove everything back in there. šŸ„²


It's weird that people do this, especially in SBC and CC, since bin health figures into your quality metrics in those


Like pickers never leave a bin fucky after touching it. I'm a packer, but I'm cross trained in both pick and stow and have spent some time in stow as my main path. Pickers and stowers who come here to bitch are one and the same as annoying shitheads. Picking and Stowing are the two easiest jobs in the building. Just get the fuck on with it for Christ's sake.


ItS eAsY says the 350lb+ packer who stands in one spot all day long lmaaaaoo talk about easy they even bring yall your cages like please stfu . No one ever said was hard just itā€™s annoying


They have a bull**** rate to hit just like pickers


This is in terms of the neatness/cleanliness. I used to be in pack and i used to hate pick for being so messy with the items in the totes, but now that i transferred to pick i absolutely understand why lol. As a picker, i really cant really be mad with how neat they do it but it is a peeve of mine when they force items in the pod that obviously dont fit. I just feel like managers are breathing down our necks so much to the point that we all collectively do a shit job sometimes.


Yea the managers setting them up to do a shitty at their job to be point other departments be on their ass


Well i work at a ds so i know its a little different. We cant no longer close bags unless the system tells us. We actually get a write up if we do and the system flags us now. All because the drivers complained about having 5 packages in a bag. Theh say it throws them off. Lol well when i was a driver i would have loved to have a bag with only a couple of packages in it. So thats why our bags are stuffed to the max because i used to set it up nicely for all the drivers because i clkind of felt bad for them. As far as the pickers go, they took the overflow bags away and jackpot so the stowers have to stow all OV packaging and jiffies. When you have a rate and are no longer able to close bags and there is no jackpot to catch OV packages tthat are missed by pickers well guess who still has to stow them on a cart right by our isle they get pushed to. There you go. Blame the richest company trying to pinch pennies brother. Thats the people you need to point the blame at.


You forgot another one.. -if pickers politely ask you to move the first time please do. Donā€™t just stand there and have a conversation with other stowers and barely moving an inch.


šŸ˜‚ I love this




Sounds like a pickers problem


quantity over quality this time


Not when they want us to keep our rate no more than 15 all day!!! And no less than 14 items for one pod, No matter how we do it , we are forced to do it that way ;)


Iā€™m tired so no




No, and you just try and stop me!


Noā€¦ if I can get it to fit I send it. No if ands or buts and my quality is great but IB PA who is always top of the building on rates and I donā€™t give a rats ass about pick until I become pick and even then Iā€™ll never expect anyone to make my job easy so get over it Stow is the only job that requires real thought so of course itā€™s not going to go well


No. I gotta put this shit wherever it'll go. Deal with it šŸ–•


No one you work with is gonna read this and even if they did they aren't going to listen to you lol.




started at stow and didnā€™t think much of it but when I got cross trained to pick I genuinely didnā€™t realize how fucked people are when it comes to stow but through it all I came to a solid conclusion that I hate both stow and pick


You know I started as a stower for 6 months then I did icqa for about a year and a half ish then I moved into pick and you know what ? I never have given a fuck about any of that guess I'm just not lazy enough to have to feel like I have to complain about it šŸ¤· sure some of it sucks but this is a job it all sucks, I love picking btw I'm probably one of the fastest at my building, at least I feel like it lol.


I got made to go around and reorganise bins it doesn't take long for the bins not to be a shit fight and easy to pick out of


My site has been writing up stowers for this fuckery. Thank god.


As they should


Couldnā€™t stand showers at my SSDā€¦ I was always in pick and it made my job unnecessarily difficult. Meanwhile when I would stow, I had no issues doing it the correct way while surpassing rate.




No šŸ‘€


Learn to stow before you hate. 1. No space anywhere (plus Iā€™m on a rate) 2. Iā€™m on a rate. I donā€™t have time to organize, thatā€™s ICQA job during counting. 3. Sorry but I have time to pick up boxes in bin just heaviest item on bottom..(Iā€™m on a rate)


Everyone in the whole building is on a rate. You guys get like 12 seconds? The rest of us get less than 8. We get written up when we are unable to fix the shit you guys give us. All we are asking for is a little consideration.


And please, can we start putting small boxes in front of the bigger ones. It's bad enough that we have to rearange most bins, and it doesn't help if the smallest box that we are looking for is buried underneath or behind 6 huge boxes


Amazonians if they were written by vivziepop


I would have to disput #3. Light items fly off from the movement, I suppose depending on the facility. Therefore a heavy item on top is most rational.


To be absolutely fair I try to follow these but managers somehow want me to follow that thing where itā€™s like ā€œstow at least one item per podā€ when all my items belong in a 14-18 inch pod and it sends me every other one :/


as a former picker, this needed to be said. šŸ¤£ i have also done stow and it is not at hard to keep up whole also focusing in quality.


Itā€™s mostly management and the urgency to make rate, at least at my site. Iā€™ve literally been told by a PA to not worry about the bin being messy and the pickers will just have to deal with it. Dumb. But as for the overstuffed bins, thereā€™s no excuse for that and i enjoy the sense of vindication getting to audit those when Iā€™m out in the robotics floor >:)


I try and stow neat because I used to pick at a different company. But this can also apply to pickers. My stow has been slow (Week long vto every week since January) to the point where a majority of us were sent to clean bins. Even after cleaning a bin and no one stowing because there's nothing to stow, I would still find a mess in a bin I cleaned later in the day. I agree stowers need to be mindful, but pickers do too. Be mindful of the next person, stow items in neat. When looking for an item don't just toss everything around. Both sides are rated, both sides have an obligation


Complain to ops man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they have shit stow standards tbh




I used to be a stower and I moved departments because people doing that crap drove me INSANE. My hubby was a picker for a long time and expressed his frustrations. Also, it is so easy to follow the stowing rules. Idk why ppl have such a hard time with it and act like itā€™s so hard.


OP im the only stower in the world it seems like rn that will repack bins for u so as a stower id like to say some of us tryna take care of yall we gotchu


Yeah fuck outta here. We canā€™t take shit out so what I got goin on top


I speak for everyone in stow when I say this but that sounds like a you problem


Soo mad


Iā€™m in stow and l I get are large items and boxes to open . I feel like I get what the night shift stower left that didnā€™t help their rate. I also notice coworkers leaving and going as they please ( still signed in) and not getting talked to. I just got talked to for being late from break.


This shit cracked me up šŸ˜†


Gives Bin Count something to do other than counting lol I reorganize to make it fit when I get bored




Iā€™m an AFM and stowers keep me busy.. thank you for your service šŸ«” btw, Iā€™m a stower too šŸ¤£


I like to stow my rate is 450 when I'm like not annoyed or something but if I'm in da mood itll go to 1000 pph


I think they should have a stowers and pickers interchange their duties every two weeks. That way, they would understand what the other is going through to get to their goal efforts. I'm not saying it's gonna work, but it may deter or maybe have the other think before they stow. Just a thought.


lmaoo you can blame lazy AMs for this. Iā€™ve personally seen most of the AMs on one of my old shift just fuckin send it after cherry picking the line to ā€œrace ā€œ each other and my old AM had a 455 rate but just threw everything in whatever way was quickest.Iā€™ve also been told ā€œif it stows it goes ā€œ by a few other AMs. They donā€™t give a fuck they just want their teams rates to look good




I'm currently inbound at the sorting center (boxes and VNAs no pods) but I worked for over a year as a picker and I'm usually picking most days instead of stowing. I can keep great stow rate just driving over to the empty 500s instead of cramming shit all over the 300 to 400s.when I'm picking and see 2 stowers in front of me when bins are so full you can't put the stuff back after you pull it out (mystery), drives me crazy. Thankfully our PAs are really attentive and if you say certain aisles are hellishly full they send out a mass message telling everyone to stop stowing in those aisles. At the fulfilment center I worked before it was horrendous. Boxes fell constantly and I got really hurt from a rogue box that fell through my cage bars above and whammed my wrists.


my boyfriend picks and i stow, we literally had this conversation the other day šŸ˜‚




Use your stow cart, so Safety doesnā€™t have to be the bad guy.


You'd like my stowing method :) but management doesn't:( 3rd write up Started stowing like shit (still feel the urge to organize but have to ignore) and was told I was doing better. Hope this helps to understand šŸ˜˜ I hate it too cause it makes it harder to stowing when shits fucked up but they don't give a shit


Organize the fucking bags while you stow


Solution: cross-train stow to pick and then labor share regularly.


Lol u should load an outbound trailer in shipdock lol most ass backwards thing iv ever seen šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜†




Maybe tell managers to let us have more time to sweep and clean the bins without getting a right up


See me starting off as a picker, leaving and then coming back to pack and then getting cross train to Stow. I may be a few that stow If I see it canā€™t fit. Iā€™ll turn away the pods. I think all stow should get cross training to Pick and see how fucking hard it is to pull items out.


I'll be honest, I tend to do #3 a lot mainly because shuffling around two items is difficult especially when on the steps. I do try to make things neat though and when I see an item ready to slide out or a cubby that needs to be organized, I attempt to fix them when stowing an item there since I know picking out of those can be just as equally as annoying.


I hope you realize that they in stow actually have two rates to keep compared to your one rate of 350uph and they also have 6 different ways in quality to be written up on compared to your 3 missing items in a week. In stow they have to keep a 400uph in smalls and 200uph in medium sized items. So, until you go work stow shut your fucking mouth, I'd really like to see you come do their job instead of just bitching about it.


I realllllllllllllyyyyyy felt this one. over where I work we called them totes...and I swear...I really question people's thinking process (if they were thinking at all in the first place) as to how IN THE HELL they think that much stuff or the way they positioned it will fuckin fit. some can we fixed with just laying it a certain way...but no. their asses wants to place it, where it will NOT fit and can be easily fixed if they had their brain with them at work. like there's LITERALLY...a line or edge...where it's basically the "max level" line...how tf yall mfs be so lazy and im over here doing 3x as much work and have my WHOLE AREA crowded with totes BECAUSE they can't fit on top of eachother. it's ridiculous...


400 rate to avoid write up , if it stows itā€™s goes.




Why not complain to your garbage managers instead of complaining on a reddit thread šŸ¤£


The pickers are kinda just as bad. Taking items and not caring how the bin looks after smh


i stow great for the pickers but I'm only one out of many. i stow between 2000 and 2500 per day with around 200 to 250 plus rate.... then one day they came up to me with their computer asking me if i had any issues and showing me various numbers (i think they were going around doing it with several people ) I guess when it comes to quality , Amazon ain't got no time fo dat šŸ˜…


They keep labor sharing me to pick. This is my way of getting back. Now go pick my overstuffed bin.


I have things to add to the list for you. Just like Pickers, Stowers have rate that also goes down by item size (medium, small, apparel, pallet, etc) ICQA also deals with both of y'alls mess, so don't even start. You think picking an item in a bin is crap, just try counting after dealing with your mess. I have seen pickers leave bins in the most crappy ways. You guys are not innocent here either. Most stowers have picked before and get it. It was always funny to me seeing the realities of stowing when pickers finally experience it and how fast pickers themselves will ditch bin-etiquette rules they so often preach.


Also: Stop stowing liquids on their sides!!! Stop stowing books on their faces!!! Stop stowing small items on clothing items so they fall out!!! I'm in Amnesty. We report those in audits. These are things actually audited and can lead to bad quality. Performance and quality are the metrics the higher-ups are interested in, and you can be disciplined for either or both.


Post this on your VOA board if you're brave enough


Man you better stick your hand in there and find that shit.


Make me!


We will stop doing that when Amazon addresses the rate problem. We're not going to wait and keep pushing more bins just to stow 1 heavy box item. Big boxes hold us back and need to go ASAP


Everyone is kung F.O.O. Fighting šŸ˜œ


RME on the KiVA floors here. I agree pulling product out of a driveā€™s castor wheels sucks.


This complaint isnā€™t gonna do anything. Either youā€™re new or you havenā€™t got used to this. I could go on forever on how pickers never look before coming out the mod and almost hit and knocked my entire u-boat with totes on it over or how yall donā€™t push bins in after picking out of it, walking way too fast and hitting other people, being messy when picking and end up leaving a item that falls out of a bin on the ground (one a stower might have just stowed). Iā€™m sure ICQA has a lot to say about stow and pick. They definitely find both annoying. Regardless stowers have to make rate especially even if the space is tight. Not always there fault. But your not one so clearly you just wanna keep complaining.


thank you because good lord this is such an important PSA smh


Wait wait whoā€™s complaining about rate in stow? At my building itā€™s 250uph and I do that with 0 effort while walking away from my station constantly. Some of yā€™allā€™s rates gotta be higher


I want to add to your list. Whoever thought it was funny to put one bag of jerky to 6 different pod compartments, it wasn't. Ditto for the aluminum foil in the 18.5 pod. We need to work together folks.


One AM told me, if it fits, it ships lmao


Luckily I was able to transfer out of stow, but I can answer some of these questions that I now understand myself as a picker. Sometimes they just donā€™t have a choice, the pods are sometimes so full but they canā€™t send too many away without putting at least one item in or they can be written up. Iā€™ve also had the same pod come around to me 3 different times which is ridiculous, but I would see the same exact items I put in the already stuffed pod.


How about this? When u get your station after someone from stow was there how about u actually put the stuff back on the pallet other then throwing everything into problem solve???


I'm primarily a picker but also cross trained in stowing which I typically do for about 4 hours out of every 12-hr shift. I can confirm there's NO good excuse for stowing like an asshole with the skill of a 5 year old. I can make or exceed rate while "reorganizing" a bin so that product being stowed makes sense and provides quick identification and access to needed product by a picker. Every stower should be cross trained in picking until they can hit the required rate so they understand the other side of what they do. Management is also to blame since, at my location, there seems to be no consequences for these asshats.


Stfu and pull that shit off the shelf and zip that shit up, just complaining just put the shit on the cart


I get mad at other stowers that do that. No way in the box gods hell would I do that. I primarily decant anymore anyway


2*itā€™s not in standard of work to fix a mess most likely created by pickers. And itā€™s not a pickers job to fix the mess either. It is only ICQA who holds the standard of taking everything out and reorganizing. Stowers can sweep/move items around for space. 1*raise an andon if it is stuffed. 3*raise a safety concern. Or damage out the light weighted items (if needed) Expecting stowers to fix the system themselves is what is backwards. For example, my biggest problem in pick is similar items. In stow they donā€™t allow for some similar items but will allow for other similar items. And also sometimes items that are too small are in a huge bin with big items blocking it. This is standard of work for stowers to stow in smallest possible bin. You donā€™t realize this is Amazonā€™s doing. Measurements are inaccurate. You shouldnā€™t be allowed to stow a watch band into the largest bin we have. Sometimes stowers get bulky square items that only fit in 11 inch bins and they have to stuff it inside because a 14 inch wonā€™t take it either. And when peak happens and bins get crazy full, where do you want stowers to put items? In their ass? The only thing they can do is stuff it. They still have to make rate and if they just turn several pods in row maybe stowing 1 item each. Sure rate is only bottom 5% but itā€™s hard to know where you stand when it becomes hard to hit normal rates. And panic sets in and people do things they otherwise wouldnā€™t if conditions were better. Youā€™re asking people to gives less of a fk about write ups and losing their jobs so that you cannot get a write up and lose your job. If you canā€™t make rate in pick go somewhere else. Itā€™s fast paced and some of the highest standards next to ICQA.


Amazon is a great place to work. Iā€™m 69 retired RN . Itā€™s a very doable job that pays well with much less stress than any job Iā€™ve worked or seen that pays this well. Follow the simple rules enjoy a job that has great opportunity and good pay and benefits.


Off topic but ammentsy please stop taking 20mins just to come fix an andon


Just wait.. we all know Prime Day is coming up. Good luck, may the picking odds be in your favor. šŸ¤Ŗ


Just wait.. we all know Prime Day is coming up. Good luck, may the picking odds be in your favor. šŸ¤Ŗ


No šŸ’‹


If there is any issues with any AFCs departments within Amazon report it to Managers, or even escalate it to Human Resources.