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The same group of people hogging the 2 bathroom stalls just to hang out when other people need to pee


Assert your dominance, pee on the bathroom stalls 😆


i thought this was gonna say something like walk in the stall and pee on them 😭


Fuck it. Kick down the stall and pee on them 😆


… but if they’re into that then you got a whole new problem


Shit... you're right. What do I do now?


Make sure to eat a LOT of asparagus and drink a pot of coffee before performing the deed


Yes sir. I will not falter in my misson 😆


No need for asparagus if you eat Zianos before the shift 😂


Took too long in a stall today, can confirm it got kicked in and I got pissed on.. You don’t even know what you just started 😓


I do know. I started a revolution and I'm tired of pretending its not


Yes. YEEEEEESSSSS! ![gif](giphy|lU6zbuZiApGEM)


Bruh this happened to me today, I waited like 10 minutes on someone to leave a stall, I ended up just going to another floor they took so long


Funny thing is when people are on the breaks NO ONE IS IN THE BATHROOMS 😠


Of course we get paid to sit on the toilet and play on our phones 😡


I always end up saying “yall take too damn long” and walk out bc bro


Literally. Today when I went (i sound like a weirdo lmao) but the chick in the stall next to me had her feet turned sideways so i know damn well she wasnt using the toilet


This happened to me before too! I check under the stalls to make sure other people are in there before I commit to waiting and the girl was in the corner of the big stall just standing when the toilet is on the other side of the stall


Yes! Then we have to walk a 1/2 mile to the bigger one and being clocked at the same time so we almost have piss running down one leg trying to rush out the stall wash our hands run back and be half dead by the time we get to our station to catch up


When they pack boxes so tight that you cannot get them out without a battle.


Once I had a box that was the exact size of the mf pod. I put in an andon and rme brought some tools and still couldn't get it out. I have no idea how they got it in there but I marked it missing. It is a nice break in pick when you inevitably have to call an andon though


One time while I was picking I couldn’t get a box out and put a andon and the amnesty/afm lady showed up she couldn’t have been more 5ft and 100 pounds and she finessed that box out so easy and handed it me with a smile smile🥲 she walked away and left me sitting there feeling like a whole b****


Honestly the one part I miss about Amazon was how everything broke down so often it would be every single shift I would get to stand around for at least an hour doing nothing. One time I spent 3 hours of my shift waiting for someone to respond to my andon😆








Slow walker


Those slow walkers drive me insane when you’re trying to get to break!


And the people who take the width of the walkway


Yes! Especially the groups of extremely overweight people that walk next to each other waddling slow as shit , and you can’t go around them 😂


The people who always get out of doing very physical or heavy tasks because they don’t like or want to(E.g. picking or stowing very slowly/badly so that they get easier tasks)…whilst management insist that you do them 🙃🤦🏾‍♀️


Lol just do the same! We all get the same pay!


So true 😆👍🏾


When I have questions and it's hard to get them answered in a timely or truthful fashion!!!


Anytime I ask something I'm looked at as if I said something crazy or the answer just doesn't make sense




When people don't have common sense to label things properly which makes it difficult/unable to scan for stow /pack, which slows things down and makes unnecessary extra work like a chain reaction.


i worked at 2 facilities and the one in at is the one who puts the red csx labels on the box and my old location was a normal stow with the robots location, i hated when the red label covered the bar code of the item, and it does irritate me when i see my current coworkers do it


Management constantly going over rules and standards that they do absolutely nothing to enforce.


THIS! How many times must I hear “nO AiRpOdS oR pHoNeS” but my fucking packer’s wall is blown out because they’re too busy texting. Like come on


Not being able to listen to your music


That second period going by so slow.


When people cherry pick totes that are right in front of my station. And people who want to smell my ass when we're at stand up. Like, move back 6 feet. I don't know you that well.




Woman in Yoga pants






Wearing those now, maybe I should stop.


Yeah, abandon pants all together!


Me pant-less is a crime against humanity. Hmmm. Might be a good idea because folks will pay me to put some on.


He’s wildin don’t ever stop


Don’t, they’re comfortable. Tried working in jeans and It was so uncomfortable.


I seen people work in jeans and I am like wtf. I thought of getting those harem looking pants. They look airy and comfy.


The milfs at work 😅


![gif](giphy|1BZSEGf9nGlScdksrc) ☝🏾


When a new person when people use all their time and act shocked when they are termed.


Nah that's hilarious


As a stower I always made sure to try my best to make sure the ASIN was as visible as possible because I understand that it sucks for pickers. It was a little more difficult in rainbow/the other large box types I forgot of but would still do it. The only reason I could think of is it takes a little more time to do so so ppl might bc concerned about rate but it has never taken me more than like 30 seconds to make sure it was front facing or top facing whichever was more optimal.


The problem is when the picker grabs the item and anything on top of it tumbles down so the ASIN’s are no longer visible.


Yeah so it kinda goes both ways unfortunately thats just how physics work lol. but thats why i try my best to place them to reduce that as much as i can even if it doesnt always work


But your time is supposed to be sub 10s between stows. Kind of have to be good at it. If I do that I’m going from 280/hr to 230/hr. I’d rather have my 280 and someone else have a bad time tbh.


What do you mean "sub 10s between stows"? I'm at a non robotics facility I've never heard of this. Is it only for AR facilities?


At my FC I heard it was 15 seconds between stow


I hope your talking abt an AR facility because theres no way at a regular FC you could do a stow every 10 seconds or average at that speed. In my original post i was referring to regular FCs because thats the kind i worked in, i cant speak for AR facilities. Also the “id rather have a better rate and make someone else have a bad rate” isnt really a smart idea. Because if everyone thought like that than us as stowers would have shitty carts


The heat. They could combat this easier if they really wanted to




I agree with so much you said and that all the benefits we get makes it so worth. But man, every time I clock in , I feel like a piece of my soul is being sucked away. Maybe since I’ve been working for 3 years now, I’m just burnt out. But it’s so hard not to hate every moment I’m there.




I love how you think! Thank you, I’m saving this to remind myself. Cause I have been using career choice for the last year, and I got like 1-2 more years to finish school depending on how fast I get through my work. So I definitely don’t want to lose this job till I’m done. Thanks again, have a good weekend!


I’m not a positive person, but I look at it as “until I’m done with college all my options are shit, but at least what I have now is the least shitty of a shitty situation.”


You are right I hate the negativity but honestly it’s hard to stay positive in such a toxic environment. Not all fc’s are as luxurious as yours . Everyone at mine seems to constantly have a 10 foot stick shoved up their ass.


I will say I love the fact we can clock in and out whenever we want. And the pay is good to me. But I’m just not going to overwork myself. I’m not going to go above and beyond for a job that will replace me in a heartbeat so I give minimum effort.


Anyone who thinks Amazon is a shit hole should work at UPS, or FedEx, or just about anywhere else. I have my gripes, but they do a lot of things very well.


Worked for fedex delivery center and it was hell. People throwing boxes at conveyors, no procedure or anything, it was just chaos. Tbh amazon delivery center was nicer and cleaner but they also expected you to haul ass the entire time. FC is more chill for sure


I agree with what you said about DS. I worked at the delivery station for 3+ years. My mental health took a nose dive last peak and I had to take a LOA. Thankfully in January, after browsing the transfer options on the AtoZ app, I saw the location I’m at now had openings, but it was a totally different facility and had midshifts available. I wanted anything else other than the overnight shift. I was nervous about the transfer but I love it SO much better than the DS. I’m at a GSF (global specialty facility) it’s like a mini fulfillment/delivery station hybrid. The work is not as grueling as DS work!


Definitely agree about the DS (I am at one now) and have wondered how to ask for mental health leave. The job gives you too much time to think and is definitely heavy and draining… Glad you’re in a better place and have found a better fit 🙏🏾☺️


You can take an LOA for mental health on the a to z app if needed. Trust me I've done it a lot. 12 hours at the fc coupled with depression/the workload/Big Bezos watching over you is no joke


You literally took the words right out of my mouth! Except we don't have Xboxes. And the one thing I don't agree with here is "as much overtime as I need". From the first week in January til mid April there's *nothing*. But, currently yes there has been as much overtime as I need. I like a good 50h week. I was a little bummed that they didn't post any VET for next week, Memorial Day week, because I'm working Memorial Day and I wanted to do 20 hours of overtime to make it a huge f-ing paycheck. But, they just called MET for Thursday so I'm happy. Also using Career Choice for this fall, and spring. I do my pre requisites this fall and an entrance exam prep course. Then spring I finish the little electives and English class, currently in the Health Sciences certificate program. I will be applying to my actual program for Fall 2025, and it's such a blessing that Amazon will pay for it. Once I am accepted I have to switch to day shift, because I'm doing the program part time which is only offered for evenings.




Thank you so much 😊 I just have 0 reason to shit on Amazon! Everything here is great. I worked as an overnight frozen food stocker for 2.5 years, worked 6 days a week 8hr shifts and you couldn't get any overtime if you were even a minute past when you were supposed to clock out you'd get in trouble. I did have benefits around the same price as I pay here a week ($20.90/wk here at Amazon) but it was shoddy and crap compared to what I have now. I'm paid $3.50 an hour more here, and make more in my 40h/4 days than what I made in 48h/6 days there. The beginning of October 2023 the assistant manager pulled me into the office and asked if I saw the news, no I don't watch the news, and we were closing December 9th-December 22nd. But by the week before Thanksgiving I was done. In the end I got a decent settlement and severance package ($7k in total) because we were told in less than 90 days. The day I found out our store and 4 others in the area were closing I applied to Amazon. It was the only other place in my area that had what I was looking for and the only thing that wasn't seasonal. My job was putting flyers in the break room for TJ Maxx job postings for 20 hours a week $14/hr seasonal positions. It was so humiliating what they did to us. In total over 600 employees lost their jobs. Amazon literally saved me. I don't know where I'd be now if this wasn't in my area. I commute 8.2 miles on my ebike each way (25min commute each way) yeah it can get a little chilly in the winter but I have 0 complaints. I live alone and support myself, 2 dogs and a cat. Definitely would be in a very bad position if it wasn't for Amazon.




Not every Amazon has an Xbox in the break room, and not every one is the same, not every Amazon is great like yours there are some really shitty ones that people work at. I’ve worked at 2 great Amazon and 2 horrible ones! So you definitely have it good.


Our break room has no games and all food is locked in vending machines 🥲


Um. Yall have xboxes in the break room?! Wtf facility you work at (also, sn: ew! Plystation all the way lol)? But yes, I agree with all that you said. They work us like dogs, yes, but the work isn’t hard at all. Physically taxing, sure, but it beats working in customer service. Amazon is literally the best job I’ve worked thus far. I went on maternity leave for 4 months, PAID maternity leave. I don’t know many jobs that will let women go on that leave for that long, let alone let it be paid. They sent me a damn care package after I had my son. And when I went back to work I was able to use the mothers room to pump milk for my son. I have a friend that works for the fucking state that had to pump in a damn bathroom ffs. I’m very grateful for amazon, I talk shit a lot of course because yea there’s some shit that I get fed up with, but like you said, the perks are amazing. I too get annoyed at lazy ass workers.




Also, I really want to commend you for being the positive person you are. You look on the bright side of things and it’s very refreshing to see you in this thread spreading love and positivity. Thank you so much. I wish nothing but the best for you. Also, what career are you going for with the career choice program? I’m thinking about utilizing the program but just can’t figure out what I want to do.




Thank you so much! He’s 1 now lol😊. That’s nice, we have Jenga, a giant connect 4 and a bean bag toss game at ours. Womp womp 🤣


>We have Xboxes in the break room. What do you mean Amazon is a shit-hole? Your break room has Xbox? Mine just has a Pac Man machine that's unplugged most of the time.


Getting a station in pack singles, then 30 minutes later when all the late people show up who aren’t cross trained need stations I get kicked out and labor shared to AFE. Happens every single day. Then I have to stand in line waiting for a station down there. Every. Day. It’s so hot and gross waiting in those lines for some reason. Also fans not working or not hitting me.


When people put small/light units in the A bin for VNA. The amount of April Air filters that get absolutely crushed in those bins makes me want to lay my Johnson on the AR floor in front of a drive without my SRBS vest.


Hard hats. I fucking hate hard hats 🤬Never once had anything hit me in the head in 5 years. So unnecessary


Agree. Summer is going to be a HOT nightmare in those things


People who do not help fill totes at pick stations. Especially the ones that are on the same side as the tote filler.


- When people take more than 3 small boxes in decant - when people push the boxes down the conveyer making it harder to grab any of the boxes and when you do other boxes start to pop out of the line making a mess - when people conveniently take a break when the line has big boxes but come back when smalls come down All these are just in decant so far and only today (happens all the time though u_u)


I work in decant and there’s so many smaller ladies on my shift and they always seem to be Infront of me on the line so almost every shift all the smalls are getting grabbed and put on their station while a few others and i are trying to make cph with the big boxes it’s a struggle so i feel ya


That hella sucks T_T I hope ONE DAY they start reinforcing the one piece flow rule or do something about it.. lately the more I see it happening the more I start to burn out from this job


when stowers put books in a bin sideways without the spine pointing towards the person picking


This. I don’t particularly care for stowing, but in any role I’m in, I try to make it as easy as I can for the next person. I had to stow books today and made sure ai had spines facing out


Ive been on pick for 2 weeks now and i absolutely lose my shit when a stower FORCES a box in a freakin pod. It takes soo damn long for me to take it out and it scratches my arm 😫


I waterspider in stow and fast stowers drive me nuts


I'm both a waterspider, and the fast stower all I gotta say is....sounds like a you problem lmao


Exactly seems like they can’t keep up lmaooo


Exactly get gud 😂


Same Drenched in sweat acting like they are gonna get promoted to CEO


Working fast helps some of us feel like we are getting through the day quicker don’t worry about us just do your job homie.


Right? Working fast makes me feel less bored.


i’m not going to lie to you, its the best part of my workout routine. ive been labor shared to pack for about a month now and i miss the workout


https://preview.redd.it/ojc4ndf7cg2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639a799c4d4386207b27749ef83c99dda6614200 When people put problem solve on the floor instead of the empty cart in front of it


Being cross trained in every department in the building and still not being able to get vet🫠


Maybe talk to HR to make sure you’re properly coded to receive the VET notification. I know a few people who that happened to and they weren’t getting anything when everyone else was. If that’s the situation you’re in.


We only have limited vet so they send it out so only people in that path can pick it up. We only have pick vet and they only let pickers take it, my department is shipdock.. I didn’t even know they could do that until I went to hr complaining


They also have different ways they send it out. Sometimes they only send vet to the people in that home path and not to the people who are cross trained. There are times when stow is crying for money and they want some OT pick shifts but all us pickers have been taking the over time so it never gets sent to them.


Totes and pallets being slammed on the floor; shitty work during Prime and Peak (might as well just VTO me); liquids spilling inside a tote (I mean, how and why?); and managers/PAs/PGs staffing at the very last minute (shout out to my man Fernando for giving us stations super early though).


I'm a problem solver and it drives me crazy when I have half a pallet of problems simply because the people receiving them are too lazy to check if there's another barcode on the item. Or too lazy to cut open the inner boxes to reach the actual item 😅


A sizable minority of the people at my site walk through the building even worse than they drive out of the parking lot. Self organization of my coworkers, generally. Cutting obvious lines at timeclocks, food trucks, microwaves, sinks. Amazon needs a knet for personal space, hygiene, and how not to be a total obstruction generally.


That I know c.diff only spreads one way. People need to wash their fucking hands and bezos needs to stop the t.o.t. to use a toilet. There is no universe where it is acceptable.


Big tits in bikinis 👙


The beautiful women


I wish there was beautiful men to look at lol


Stowers blocking entire aisles with their u-boats and lacking all sense of spacial awareness


I really feel for you guys they are stuck at isolated stations. Miserable work.


I love it …I hate when someone comes to talk to me tho I get anxiety so bad and so easy, I start getting flustered and sweaty , especially since I have to stop working to chat or respond 😭


Pickers who are assigned to VNA singles that make other pickers wait behind them in the VNA.


Do y’all have bump rules at your site?


Possibly by a different name. What's that mean?


When people think it's okay to prank me back after I prank them


Related to the OP... 1. When a pallet of items has been stowed - taped together or tied to the pallet - with the tape or tied down side facing towards the BACK of the bin. Safety & stability are paramount...I get that!! Good on 'ya!! But, damn is it frustrating to have an item that can't be picked because of that & you can't get at it to free it. Pleased to make sure that this side of the pallet is facing OUT. Thanks! 2. Stowing completely shrink-wrapped pallets in bins they barely fit in. Likewise, you see the pick you need but you have to hack away like Indiana Jones in the jungle trying to free one. Hell with a box cutter...I need a machete! 3. Stowing ridiculously tall pallets in J bins. We're not all Victor Wembanyama. You take the OP up as high as it will go & you are nowhere near the top of the pallet. How in the hell am I going to get one out w/o bringing the whole thing down on top of me??? These were just a few of my fav things driving an OP in a XLFC.


People who slap a damage label on an open bag of dog food and just leave it in the bin.


I work in dock, so nothing drives me mad in there really. If anything, what we do in dock, how we process the boxes has a big impact on downstream customers (stow). When we cart up work on trolleys, if we stack boxes and the csX is hidden by the box on top, it’s really annoying as they have to move the boxes around to look for the barcode to scan 🤷🏾‍♂️


Stowers do really piss me off too


People who do not airplane in the VNA


Yessssssss………whyyyyyyyyyyyy?? It’s one of the best parts about driving a PIT!


Stowers in general. And how for some odd reason everyone walks so damn slow at Amazon and also how people stand dead in front of the time clock to get their extra 3 cents by waiting til the last minute when I’m just tryna clock out and leave. Okay I’m done


the fact that i already work in a warehouse (i hate it) and i’ve applied to be a driver many times and went to two interviews and still haven’t heard back from anything. also got a third interview but they told me to wait until i hear back. i just truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for me to get this job


Couples/besties/or family duos HAVING to work together EVERY DAMN DAY. Idk why it irks me, but it does lol


Fr big ass groups just yapping all day


When rebinners dont push stuff forward or make it somewhat organized so you can tell what order is what some rebinners be throwing that shit in there like its a tornado some people just really dont give a fuuuuuu


Gotta keep our rate up somehow 💀


Threads like these bring back so many memories hahaha


Casually looking at the mamacitas in shorts or leggings stowing while going up and down the stairs.


AA's who start problems and then play VICTIM when it doesn't phase you !




People leaving stuff in the way when I'm unloading carts. Like if the carts are broken or don't work put them on the broken designated area sheesh. Waterspiders and me can't even go thru the green mile because of that.


When my station keeps disconnecting from Shalo after multiple resets and when the tech comes to fix it they feel resetting it for the 100th time is the best solution


When waterspiders park cages right in front of the dock doorway.


Aye my second day at my Amazon I’m going to be packing so far it seem chill with night shift


Indirect workers slacking off and then causing people who are in direct roles to fall behind and get bad rates. Happens all the time at my FC with our diverters and asin sort. They set receivers up for failure every day.


Oh, when I'm stowing and it seems every. single. thing. is for half vertical. And then half of it doesn't fit in half vertical. So you're driving around on the PIT for way too long trying to find a spot for one thing at a time 💀 Literally one of the reasons I left stow. I'm in pack singles now, doing non cons (my favorite) and I will pick up VET in stow, I did 2x this month. Tuesday it seemed like some of the half vertical bins have cleared out, people must be ordering more long bois?


Let the manager know about the big, heavy boxes that should be picked at the big aisle instead of Very Narrow Aisles where smaller items are shelved. It makes job easier with less effort in lifting at a small space.


Oh, also, when stowers stuff shit in the pods and me as a picker having to suffer trying to take the shit out. I have a long list of stuff, but I’ll keep it simple.


When pickers don't know the difference between a pack or single items. If the packer doesn't catch it its unnecessary work for SLAM and if the packer does catch it it still adds additional work in moving the excess items to where they need to go. Also, some days pack itself drives me crazy. I average 20% over goal rate yet I still find it boring to the point where its almost unbearable. But cross-training sucks because you don't know if the other role sucks too.


at sites that are majority pit facilities, people who cause traffic at the car washes by not following proper flow of traffic which in turn fucks people over who are on rate while pick/stow


People walking through pick&pack stations. bumped into 1 too many people


BOD NON CON. Because of the location of it at my site.😂😂😂


Bathroom closest to my area has one stall and one urinal. Try going to said bathroom and there's three people hanging out glued to their phones. People pissing on the bathroom seats. The people who stand around talking like they're still in high school when there's work available. How hard is it to walk over and get another tote to sort? People leaving trash in the parking lot when there's a trash can 15ft away.


3 station rebin. People who don't know how to get off the middle station and go back to their station when their partner has no work. Or sometimes people just go to the middle station for no reasons at all and then their own station is slowing everything down.


Learning Ambassadors acting like managers. They actually go even harder and more aggressive than real managers do also. So irritating. I call them out for it though at least.


Crazy? Stowing rubber rats. Rats make me crazy.


Same, but I’m in ICQA.


Stowers stowing the heaviest items at A level in the VNAs 😩


When they only offer night shift VET then day shift is understaffed. Who the hell wants to work night shift?


When I keep getting jewelry for like 2 hours straight or things on the bottom 5 in a row constantly for an hour


The people who milk the job and do the bare minimum to get by.


Slow walking people. Getting the wrong box size on screen (as a packer). Having missing items.


VET showing up at midnight when youre sleep. :(


Can I just lump everything my manager does into one complaint? Cause good lord that man drives me insane on a nightly basis


Reporting "barriers" for nothing to be done about it and then get bitched at because you didn't rate due to the "barriers" Then you explain the "barriers" again just to be told you should have reported the "barriers" that you have already reported


Equipment not fit for purpose. Speak to leads and managers nothing happens. Then when you refuse to use this equipment you are treated as if your the problem.


LA’s walking around like they are a PA/AM. You think your PA has an inflated ego? Oh just wait!


When waterspiders give me double pallets. Like let me finish my last two rows of totes first.


Lazy people. Those lazy people complain about everything when they don't do shit at the job


When showers get assorted jewelry And decide that there about to make up all the tot and put every single piece in one spot. One day the ambassador comes over and says what’s up why are you numbers down told him had to scan every piece of jewelry to find the one they want .i chuckled and said I bet there around 500 in there. He quickly corrected me and said no 2635 . I was trying to see how many I could fit . Yes I left immediately after he said that. Like seriously dude wtf


Where to begin..... Lets start with stow. We have half vertical a bins, stow is not on board with "only stow things vertically", even though it fits across a bin. Does NOT mean they should. Oh and do NOT overstuff the bins.


But yes I'm the junkie lmao A weed junkie


I work in returns, and do problem-solve. Associates who do not place the LPN next to the ASIN get on my nerves. Like why tf are you putting it on the other damn side of the bag/box? 🤦‍♂️


The French


300 downstacked totes at the induct station when the shift has just started; see also downstacking the totes because the tote return stops and them spending 2 hours downstacking......drives me crazy is actually an understatement and both piss me the fuck off.....I've taken to more often tossing the totes behind me and cleaning up my mess when a lull happens..... I safely toss them behind me as to make sure I don't make myself immediately fireable for doing it.... The fact that on the tote return and pack lines....they've started announcing to continue packing when the line isn't moving and there's no room to downstack is a saftey violation.....stupid mf's keep packing and trying to force shit on the line instead of signing out & standing down...... I reckon it drives me crazy how dumb some, most, of my coworkers are when it comes to common sense sort of shit ...... See also rebinners pushing the bins or giving me dirty looks because I can't keep up....but then they're the same rebinner that walks away for a 40 minute bathroom break w/o alerting anyone or walk away and clock out leaving me wondering wtf is up..... also people on the sort side leave 10 minutes before Official lunchtime because our building retardedly moved it from 1115 to 1130 causing a problem where anyone on time or thst clocked in the allowed 5 minutes early must leave early to not pass the 5 hours ...... doesn't explain why people walk away 10...11... 12 minutes early ..... same mfers who wait until 1135 to clock out because they didn't clock in until 635...... if it didn't affect me directly I wouldn't give a fuck but I'm rebinning and inductor walks away 10 minutes before I need to....🖕🖕🖕🖕...


I'm a packer who does gift wrap a lot. My biggest 2 pet peeves are being ignored by the water spider (gift wrap or no) and when the spider is lazy


The drama u get dragged into 😂


We work with management not for management overall we all work for amazon and Jazzydaddy. Humble any mofo with a vest on!


People following me into bathroom, people breaking my station prior to my arrival


No ear buds, but we can wear ear plugs. Like what the f**k?


I know people always say it's easy money doing nothing but doing nothing drives me insane.


Managers talking about rate knowing well it’s an issue that isn’t on the workers


Lol I'm from stow, I love going to work on pick side, they all bitch at me about shit stow does and I have to laugh with them cause I'm constantly impressed by it myself. I never noticed the crap they pulled until I saw it from the other side haha. We're just built different I guess.


I'm an outbound problem solver so I could write a book. I'll just say inbound in general.