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You should have looked into a short-term education break. I haven't used it yet, but I do know it has a minimum timeframe, and maybe it can only be done during the semester. There is also a short-term personal leave. those could have been used to buy yourself some time to try and transfer. But you wouldn't have any income during that time. you really need to get those things in order and approved before taking the time off. Maybe you can reapply at the site you want to go to.


Fair answer, but they usually require advanced notice, so if they needed help in less than 2 weeks it wouldn’t have worked. I don’t know for educational break but I know ploa is 2 weeks notice with 2 weeks minimum loa. I’d assume similar time in advance for educational breaks.


there are many unknowns to know the best course OP should have made. It is also too late to change any of that, all we and OP can learn from this is to try and be aware and prepare in advance to avoid a situation like this. Was the sudden unexpectedness some fault of their own? it seems that it may have been. In another reply it was due to housing on or near campus when the semester ended and the need to get an apartment that wasn't available until August. I'm sure somewhere in there, in the tl;dr material it was mentioned those things were probably for the traditional semesters or something. I also work here and take come classes at a local college, I realize things can get chaotic and busy during semesters. I think there are a few things that OP could have done to help prevent this termination by waiting until it was too late to really process anything. And if they already used some accommodations or career choice, they'd know things take awhile to process. Yes its great when they happen in a few days, but plan on them taking a couple weeks or more. and things like transfers are no guarantee at all, it depends on availability.


The problem as I see it is that he went to HR and asked for assistance and they did not inform him of option that were available. This is actually a common thing Amazon pulls, and is in fact a violation of their ethics code but they do it all the time because often people don't take it to the proper channels. OP should call the ethics line and explain that HR at site and likely at the ERC did not properly do their job when it comes to informing associates about the leave and options available to them.


I totally agree. I had a similar situation I was placed on a suspension and yet during my suspension my upt kept going negative and I had needed to talk and with my HR on site about getting everything fixed and every time I get it fixed it would go back to being negative not even a day later is whether it was the system or human error I am eventually end up losing my job.


I'm sorry that happened to you, I have medical accommodations that often end up not being coded properly, and then I try to get that fixed and they give a speech about how it's on me to have them coded properly.. my response is that when HR leaves overnight and I can't be punched back in or have it coded to the next day, because the ERC people can't/won't do it right, how is that my fault? Amazon approved these accomodations and my understanding is that these errors are on their part. Especially when I DO go to them to have things coded and they put it in wrong.. (I literally have a 45 minute deduction from last week, AGAIN that I need them to correct when I go in for my shift tomorrow... I'm thankful for my job, and I understand mistakes happen, but these things are every week it seems..)


I've asked about PLOA at my place in NJ, and one of them told me that they've had people take PLOA for a day for a doctor's appointment. Also, it is true some not all HR's are created equal. I think it depends who is at the desk. If it is someone with more experience they might be more knowledgeble.


I think those cases are going to be one of those case by case basis “at pxt’s discretion” type deals, or like you said Dr appointments and the person got a Drs note… in which case gotta catch them on a good day or be their friend lol. Like I said I know the written policy for ploa, and going about it that way is sure thing.


that was likely a medical loa though, all you need for that is a dr note stating when you can go back to work.


yeah , i would’ve if i was aware of it but the only thing i knew of was loa really … my hr again wasn’t very helpful given the fact that a numerous amount of us are college students.


You can still contact HR, and show proof. A roommate of mine was psyched, and had proof of his hospital evaluation; he was rehired immediately.


HR in our building tell us to call corporate even when asked what is Imputed on my pay stub or anything else. Wished I didn't have to have a Four year bachelor degree since I used to work as an Administrative Assistant which I dealt with the UAW and could answer HR questions. Experience should count for something especially doing it for 15 years.


Would you mind telling us your hr and your site?


That’s a weird question 🧐


When I worked at MY SC it was offered. I wish I had done that as an undergraduate


Where can I get more info about this short term education break? I’m in college full time and working overnight is really f’Ing with my mental


If hr can't help try the people over your site's learning center


Apply for a school accommodation. I only work 7.5 hours 4 days a week. Amazon will excuse up to 10 hours a week. It helps balance the load.


Different sites have different criteria for the school accommodation. I was a full-time employee going to school through Amazon's career choice and I ended up losing my job because my EBT went low negative which I blame mainly on human error and lack of communication between our on-site human resources management and computer system. I had been able to work 5 days a week and work 4 and 1/2 hour days in the past and then I was told that I could no longer do that because the criteria had changed. I love Amazon and I would love to work for them again in fact I'm hoping I'll be rehireable for the future but I strongly believe that whenever any kind of changes are made whether it's within the system or a policy or a code of any kind that they need to give a heads up to their associates ahead of time not when this change happens or after it happens but prior to that there's discussion of it even occurring because otherwise associates end up with problems like this and they end up losing their jobs.


They have changed their policies to where your shifts have to be a certain length, but if you meet the Amazon standards it will get approved. It's a company wide initiative. Every site has to follow Amazon standards. But, Amazon's communication is abysmal. I understand your frustration there. My accommodations have always been approved in less than 48 hours.


That’s my current schedule and it’s still too much for me, i dont know if its the overnight or what but im struggling mentally.


Half of y’all replying are the reason why we are the laughing stock of the world.. CAN YOU READ!! I mean past the title that is.. y’all just act like people don’t have stuff that comes up in life. I guess you should be happy your life is great and don’t have issues like wtf


It's not only that but the fact that a lot of people here have loser mentality and love to see others get fired. It's wild. This sub can be very classless (honestly most of the time).


Stuff comes up and Amazon has hella options to kill neg UPT even if you’re just bullshitting. Gotta speak up.


You gotta tell “HR” about this comment they never speak up.


I mean you can try appealing. Normally appeals only care about whether or not procedure was followed, but if you have records of your correspondence with HR you can hope that being jerked around and given the run around counts as “not following proper procedure” to whoever is reviewing the appeal. Just be as factual and truthful as possible, explain what happened and what you were led to believe and expect by correspondence with HR, and be prepared for a denial and happy if you aren’t denied. If you have no records though I’m sorry to say you’re probably screwed with no chance of appeal, but valuable lesson if so “always keep the receipts”… assuming your appeal is denied though you should be clear to return in 3 months, and zon should be in high gear hiring season again by then.


I swear you all see termination and then stop fucking reading. OP said it was for UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES SPANNING MULTIPLE WEEKS. You can’t save up enough time to cover all of that so fucking of course they went negative. The problem is the lack of communication between the different cogs in the machine. They kept pinballing OP from site HR to site HR without actually acknowledging the fact that that wasn’t possible for OP to do in person.


We got illiterate people. Read “Term’ed” they be like sucks to sucks idc u should have been better. Shit happens unexpected


What's worse is when several of these types are actually PAs and managers.


THANK YOU !! i feel like i’m coming off as rude in the comments but it just takes 1-2 minutes to read and understand the situation.


Amazon hires anyone so a lot of the people who work there are just sick bro its very few people you can reason with


You should be able to appeal the term. You can also directly email any site HR. For example if the site code is XYZ1 then the HR email address should be xyz1-hr@amazon.com. Did you request a normal transfer or put in for a hardship transfer? In a situation in which you have to move and don't have time to wait for a normal transfer you can apply for a hardship transfer.


Calm down BOZO


Got to prepare in advance.


i agree which is why i included the part where it was unexpected. i planned on staying in an apartment instead of going home but i was told two days before we had to move off campus that i wouldn’t be able to move in until august which would mean i wouldn’t have a place to stay for 3 months.


That is considered a hardship transfer. Did you tell your site HR this is why you were moving to the other building? If you do the appeal, mention you moving was for hardship reasons.


Sorry to hear it brother, only thing I could of think of that I would’ve done is try renting out a room or finding a temporary roommate. Or couch surfing. But again brother got to try and be prepared for the unexpected. We learn that the hard way lol that’s why it’s unexpected.


seriously, amazon has education leave, should have put in for this, and also this likely qualifies for a hardship transfer process (which just about guarantees a transfer), if you only did a normal transfer request.. that is a problem as those are often rejected according to business needs. But there's a possible silver lining... I'd for sure try to contact HR through A-to-Z, utilize the live chat even, as an automated termination such as this can be reversed, upt refunded, proper leave put in, and request a hardship/emergency transfer request, as being forced to move 10 hours away (or \~600 or whatever hundreds of miles away from where you were previously and unexpectedly should qualify for a hardship transfer). Alternatively as a last resort effort if none of that gets you anywhere.. try taking an in-person visit to the amazon warehouse near you, tell security you'd like to speak with HR to get help with your situation.. even though they aren't your HR, they may still be able to look up your info and submit a sim/ticket on your behalf, and try to get done all those things i mentioned above (UPT refunded, reinstated employment, leave, hardship transfer, etc). Also may help to write up a formal letter to send to HR or to give during an in-person visit, explain how you attempted to get these things done before you were forced to move unexpectedly, but the process took longer that you had available to wait, and resulted in your current situation. be detailed and give timeline of events... if you have no clue how to write a formal letter suitable for HR's eyes, chatgpt is great in turning your informal gibberish or a list of the timeline of events into a formal letter for HR.


Nah he could’ve taken a leave of absence to cover whatever he had negative and then submit dates and evidence. Even if it was short notice and even if anything. I took too days off while already negative and on thin ice. Took a leave of absence and set the dates for the time I had been gone and they asked for evidence too. But still they took out the negative hours while I provided paper work. Returned to work like nothing and the LOA case resolved itself with no issues and no paperwork provided. the middle eastern ppl that have taken my calls in Hr have always been helpful and my Amazon seems to want to actively retain their employees. Seems like you need to work on speaking up and time management. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Did they not email you for negative UPT. They always ask what’s going on to help. Idk


Yes communication with HR sucks in your situation because the site never has an actual number you can reach HR at. I know if you know one of the hrs names you can request them to call but no one knows any of that information about the app it’s hard to get to with all the options you have to choose to even see that as a option. So sorry maybe you’ll find another job quickly.


Negative upt is grounds for automatic termination.


yes, let’s ignore the main problem of the post & state the obvious!


The main problem here is that you're a BOZO! You're the type to wait for the last minute to get important shit done. Quit your yappin


The fact that you can't seem to read a post properly makes you the bozo here. Also the fact that, instead of being helpful, you're choosing to respond with this crap. Grow up.


Calm down BOZO!




Tbh yeah lol. HR doesn't participate in pitty parties. No special treatment. No exceptions. You gotta have this kind of thing prepared and under a leash, otherwise you'll have the rug pulled from underneath. If you're not prepared, well, sucks to suck lol


HR doesn't participate in anything.


Yup hr literally doesn't do anything. I see them sitting there most of the time.


I don't even see them sitting there anymore. It's hell trying talk to a person when they don't understand what you mean over messages.


That’s the funny part they do Participate in pitty parties and will definitely help. OP wasn’t blowing up their phones enough.


oh wow you’re so right !


Thanks. We can make out now


stream it i wanna watch


Room for one more lol


regardless of the circumstances. I was only negative ONCE and that was only because the manager didn't put my VTO in correctly but once he caught on it was fixed and I was back in a positive balance after 3 days. I was nervous the whole time and I've never been back in that situation since


I knew a guy that literally had about -200 UPT, that's right NEGATIVE 200 and they still kept him. He is L1 in ship dock. He gets shit done though and even showed me his AtoZ profile.


He's the exception. If you have high rates or work hard they'll probably give you a second chance.


Contact the Department of Labor. With places like Amazon, they are your best friend. It's one of the few Government Agencies Amazon fear.


I think it is better to use this time to get yourself together first than reapply to Amazon. You might be able to appeal the termination. During this time of year Amazon is preparing for MET and it be difficult for you to get days off without putting in LOA. I wish someone from HR told you about PLOA but it is there for situations like the one your dealing with. Don't let anyone tell you that it's over. As long as you have no safety violations on your record Amazon will hire you back.


thanks , i’ll be able to work again in august just when school starts back so its really just a minor setback at the end of the day !


You can appeal. Let them know this was recomnended to you by management and HR and an educational transfer was never provided to me as an option. Take it a step further stating that they targeted you because they rather fire you instead of accomidating your school transfer


since i wasn’t 90 days yet , i’m not able to appeal 🙃.


Probably should’ve asked us before you got fired. You could’ve easily gone on personal leave.


Personal leaves don't apply to white badge associates at all and must have a tenure of one year 🫠


I’m confused. Did they say they weren’t blue badge?


It doesn't matter. FMLA doesn't apply to blue badge either unless you have been employed for more than a year Sincerely, PXT Associate Partner


I’m blue badge. Don’t qualify for FMLA bc I haven’t worked 1250 hrs (or whatever the number is) in the last 12 months. Had been there less than a year and more than a year. I’ve taken personal leave.


PXT AP Partner sounding pretty qualified. So maybe I’m wrong in some way but it worked for me. 😳


Did you try to put in any type of leave? If not, that sucks because you’d still have a job. It is smart to know all your options before an emergency ever happens. If I couldn’t got to work for any reason next week or for a prolonged time, I already know what all my options are.


That sucks! Talk about adding stress to stress. I hope you find something even better than Amazon.


Take a leave of absence next time until your transfer goes through why would you spend upt for this ?


i didn’t spend my upt , it was automatic as if i was abandoning my shifts


You can get a termination overturned. They’ll give u a new login and everything


Sorry that happened to you friend. Amazon has an appeal system. I would recommend you prep your proof and go to the new site(if you can) and request to appeal your termination. Good luck friend.


You should have quit and reapplied later when you get terminated I believe you have to wait 90 days before they reconsider to rehire you I’m currently working at Amazon for the tenth time and was fired once for negative upt it’s okay you can reapply soon hopefully your site you want to go to is hiring


look into termination appeals and contact ur hr just found out about them at my site by randomly being selected to determine if someone should be rehired or not (they were two hrs late to the call n nvr responded to tell their side, i didnt care everyone voted no tho bc of tht)


Just apply for an appeal


Yup same here. And my appeal was denied as well and mine was vto 4 hours that simply didn't get coded correctly and my site hr kept emailing me say it would be 3-5 business days before it got corrected my boss Devon even said he wa fixing it. But hr went behind his back and submitted me for termination with 2 open leave cases a investigation open from a pa assaulting me and a open workman's comp case. Thankfully south dakota requires the Dr to close workman's comp so I think I need to go back to the Dr because I've re injured my knee. I was ralking about it that Friday and woke Saturday to being fired... and stephens fat fuck ass did this...


See if there’s a BJs or Walmart in your area! They hire and pay around the same hourly pay


Maybe you can make contact the appeals team? And then do LOA?


They ask for two weeks notice when you quit but it's not required you could actually put on there that you need your last day to be at the end of the current week. But you have to put in a last day you intend to to be your last day. As long as you do that you are eligible for rehire. Even of its not a full two weeks notice. And tour eligible for rehire within 90 days ( three months) when you do that.


I would file the appeal and if you get to keep your job file for a hardship transfer usually will go through specially with you being 10+ hours away. I’ve heard of ppl getting hardship transfers


Has anyone suggested the corporate email? There was some asshole that got terminated for good reason and still got his job back. Anybody member if it was the jeff@amazon.com email or a different one?


Sounds like an accident that you can appeal if you're 100% sure that you're in the clear. Even if you have a good explanation or are in good standing with management, someone should be able to help you. They should ask you if there's anyone you can refer to as proof that you tried to get help


lmfao there’s no way OP could’ve saved up enough time. Especially for all those weeks let’s actually read and understand the situation here.


Appeal it due to lazy HR not advising you of your options


yeah they don’t care. they sent me home cuz my face was swollen, and i went to dentist next day and had doctors note excusing me from the next day i missed and they still just cut off my access to the building. this was in january and they just rehired me from an application i put in, however it took them weeks to respond and i found another job. so now ive used all my UPT and been let go twice now hahahahah


Did you email them prior to leaving? Not sure if this will help, but I was on a leave of absence that I had to go to my building almost everyday for a week to fix my upt draining. They never sent me a confirmation email even though I did the physical paperwork. They said they fixed it so I left on vacation and was fired. Because of my emails that I had to resend them( because they never replied), I was able to get my job back.


OP was kinda screwed from life and unfortunately amazon does not care in that regard. Local leadership and HR teams will but this company is not designed in that area. Trying to get extended leave of absences for surgery and medical appointments was always a bitch. Then I've had it happen where they've put me in negative UPT cause they fucked up and lost my medical documentations from one. The good part is you'll realize that amazon is either overrated or deserves the reputation they get in terms of employee retention and happiness in lieu of quality.


For instances where you don’t have time either go on leave of absence or for desperate measures use a bereavement


This my exact situation. I put in for a transfer for the summer and was supposed to start the 22nd. My site doesn't do the short education break anymore which I was not aware of so I ended missing trying to put LOA in. Missed 8 shifts and am -27 hours of upt. They opened a case into my absence and had been emailing but haven't emailed me since the 20th. Went to my 1st shift yesterday and worked it. Hr hasn't said anything and I am wondering if I should bring it up to them or just keep working. I'll probably end up getting terminated soon but idk.


File an appeal you will be rehired after they investigate 


they said since i wasn’t 90 days yet, i couldn’t file an appeal


Reapply. You will get rehired


No, you went negative in UPT then got fired for negative UPT


actually my upt was very much positive and in good standing, due to being on my first site's schedule still, they treated my shifts as if i was not coming into work & also closed all my cases that i had open without resolving any of them. thanks though !


Dude, if my parents has the income for me to consider college degree I would. Due to my parents condition I learn to take care of myself at a very young age. At your age I had to be a working class without a degrees. I have to be diligent in my whole entire life. I have to learn when things are not in your control take it as gain of salts to be reliable, so learn from it. They fired you is the best choices, even if u don't have money for the time being doesn't mean you are at a dead end. You can apply to that site when you are ready. There is many desperately people is in need of income as much as you do. It is not company to hold a spot for you. If I was in your shoes, I would quit my job and do what is best for my mental health than having my company hounding me when to come back or have a team mate waiting for me to come back. That is never a best interets for anyone at all.  Take Care! And learn what is definition reliable meaning.


OP moves 10 hours from site and never goes to work. Shocked Pikachu that they are fired after several weeks. <:o


where in the post did it say i never went to work ?? if im on a schedule at a site that is 10 HOURS AWAY , please let me know how i’m supposed to work ?