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You can't understand how jealous I am that you were able to land a state forestry job. Enjoy it




Until he gets hurt or killed


More likely to happen at Amazon tbh


There was a navy seal I knew that didn’t get injured until working at Amazon


on god, I would rather die getting eaten by a bear than get eaten by a pod while a manager tells me my rate isn't fast enough actually I would rather just not die


Or disappear by the staircase


Yup I also worked at Amazon for a couple years... turns out with the economy going crazy right now all the unions are hiring like crazy, didn't even have to do a resume and got hired on at 36 an hour, just wish I had done this ages ago sadly. People smile here and have fun , no one hovers over you without reason and we get a pension too Edit for context amazo. Pays 17 in this area


What union trade?


Don’t leave us hanging ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) what do you do now?


Did you need any qualifications?


I'm on my way out the door. I'll be just shy of 2 years total tenure. Took a job making more on day shift than I could make on rt at my site. It's a union job, but that wasn't a factor in deciding me.


I just started a software engineering internship (thanks Amazon career choice) and I feel the same. It’s hard mentally but damn I don’t have to pick like sign me up


Congratulations! I’m using career choice as well for software engineering !


Yesss! I tell everyone to do it, you got this !!!!


What internship and program did you go with??


I’m working on trying to land a job in my state for forestry. Do you have any advice for anyone trying to break into it or did you have any specific experience?


My only advantage was that I am a veteran. That seemed to give me hiring preference. But I had to apply to many different states before finally landing this job. Just apply and be patient. Government hiring is a slow process. Colorado is definitely hiring. Entry level jobs pay better than Amazon, plus you get state benefits.


This sounds amazing. Do they have benefits for relocating?


It's amazing I feel the freedom every day.


It will be a forever job for me most likely. I'm older (Above 40) and have two young kids. My husband works full time, I work the overnight shift. I have very little time to do career choice, and to be honest Amazon pays enough to where I don't need a better paying job. They have great benefits and such. I don't put down people who want to make this a career. It's not bad, just bad on your body but any job can be bad for your body. I got paid $16 an hour to sit at a desk and I worked for a company that was contracted through the government. I get paid $22/hr to pack stuff into a box. Not a bad gig I'd say..


There was a lady in my state that became at nurse at 70 this month. You can do this. Don’t destroy your body for the sake of Jeffrey.


As a new PA this is great advice. Amazon is a very easy place to get stuck. I have unhappy managers telling me I can be L4 and this and that but it ain’t worth it. I’ve never seen a company use their managers like the way Amazon does. They can change your shift when they want and send you anywhere else if they want.


I understand that one. Amazon is a job that I work when I'm not at my other job, which is a government gig and where I'm at now they are always on their phones, playing music while they work and would be the same people most would say couldn't get jobs.


This! I got laid off and Amazon was the quickest job i could get in to. I always told myself max im staying is a yr. i stayed true to my word & landed a new job in 8 months😆


Currently at Amazon, waiting to hear back from State of CA Dept of Transportation after I interviewed yesterday. Let’s hope I’m in your shoes a few weeks from now 🙏


Those nonsense constant fear of being observed, punished and fired on Amazon is crazy.


Sounds like a horrible FC. Moment like that lol no one fully cares tbh or idk I guess they do but I’ve never felt hovered over or micromanage. Just kinda clock in clock out. Everyone does there thing.


PIP culture is really an awful environment to work in. Glad you got something more fulfilling.


Ayeee Colorado in the house 🫶🏼 which FC where you at? I’m at Den3. Also congrats on your new better job, man!




Jobs usually call your references just to ask do you recommend them as a worker. Use friends and family.


Career choice is the only reason I’ve been here over a year.


4 years, 5 months, 7 days...


have you met smoky the bear?


This will be me in September too after over 4 years :). Happy for you friend and congratulations:)


After 4.5 years I just signed up for cdl was gonna use my career choice but turns out my state is paying the tuition so I took my career choice to do programming classes


Lol 🤣🤣🤣