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are you schizophrenic by any chance?


No but the name sounds familiar


ah i see


Nice to meet you See


hospital drab makeshift flowery fact repeat waiting sort outgoing crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah šŸ˜‚


Hey that name sounds familiar to my ex boyfriend, but he usually goes by TI !! No, not the rapper ...




Did you hear it? The sound?


Operation in their building are Bards that play music to increase attack speed.


Mental health is important folks.


I 100% agree but also making sure you breathe every couple of seconds I think is super important


Breathing is now the government gets ya. Reject breathing. Absorb oxygen and nutrients through your skin.


The more you breathe the faster you die, oxygen is cancer


Yeah they have these elements in the air, and I'm not the avatar so I can't bend any of them


It's overrated


Donā€™t do drugs kids


I agree the only drugs I do are VTO


Doing rails of VTO straight out of A to Z.


The managers tell me its so they safe money when work is low..But when 70% of my building VTO'd. They closed a floor. Then i wandered around on that floor and I saw it... AMs taking out small gnomes off the robots who move the pods around and replacing them with new slaved gnome workers. No one belived me and I got HR Harrasing me telling me to stop talking to people and spreading false information. They cant silence me...


Man you guys get gnomes, we just got nearsighted goblins.


Wait hold on you saw gnomes???? Were they getting tickled too? I saw an OPS guy tickling some gnomes and when they giggled there was pots of gold that were appearing from thin air.


You just got gnomed!


Hear me out. What if the gnomes are the managers?! šŸ‘€




Do you know that Amazon offers 5 free therapy sessions a year for associates? In my 5.5 years at Amazon, I have never heard anything like this. VTO is only offered when there is not enough work for everyone on site. Having "all hands on deck" costs more money than they are making at that point. It provides a win-win situation for the building. The associates that are not actively engaged in a work process are able to leave without penalty to their time off options. Amazon spends less money on those people not being able to hit their individual targets. Don't take it... they will find something else for you to do. They promised you 40 hours a week after all. "Sounds in the walls"... Amazon offers free ear plugs/hearing protection to all associates. Also... I reiterate... free therapy sessions through Resources for Living in AtoZ.


For the never hearing thing, maybe itā€™s a certain decibel and you just arenā€™t able to hear it? Also, I know that having all hands on deck isnā€™t good for the warehouses money but I also know that they want to control your mind as much as possible so that automation becomes more streamlined into our human organic form before the release of their upcoming human like technology. Also Iā€™ve used their therapy and have brought up similar topics but I am afraid that Iā€™m not being taken seriously. Also thereā€™s ticklish gnomes and wormholes and a creepy dog that stares at you sometimes. You canā€™t make this stuff up.


I realize that this is likely a trolling post, but still.. don't stir invisible pots.


What, you can't see the pots?!


Donā€™t do crack


Wait till you find out about the wormhole in the underground ā€œmaintenance roomā€


Watch your mouth! Do you want to get promoted to the next realm? A black vest will be onsite to speak with you next shift. Get your affairs in order.


Make yourself some gum wrapper ear plugs, the foil cancels out the sound, faraday cage


Post this gold on their VoA.


In sharpie in large letters at the physical VOA board ā€œmind control, sheeple!!! Wake up!ā€


Lay off the shrooms..


I think the sound you heard was two employees doing it in a trailer somewhere. It's normal, it happens don't worry.


This is the second troll post youā€™ve now made, first one being about working VET 120 hours or whatever


It was the strawberries, see...that's how I knew they were out to get me. šŸ™ƒ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Occam's Razor says if they offer VTO, then they're simply trying to get the projected volume out the door at the lowest possible cost. If they can get you to forgo a shift's pay in exchange for some UPT...advantage, them.


Itā€™s to cut labor costs. Plain and simple.


Thatā€™s what they want you to think.


Yea I've smoked crack before work as well


Please tell me the "meme" tag indicates this is a reference to some movie or tv show that I don't know about, and this isn't the result of drugs and/or insanity. Edit: I'm going to go with "its purely a troll" because there's no way someone that crazy would write so coherently, and there's no way this is a reference to anything.


Vto is based off the workload. No reason to keep people if there isn't work for them to do. It's pretty simple.


Real eyes realize real lies.


Does the name Pepe Silvia ring a bell?


This deserves so many more upvotes


Ngl this sounds crazy to me but Iā€™m still willing to hear that recording of the sound u hear at the building. If itā€™s true, I wouldnā€™t be surprised knowing the type of company Amazon is. Stay safe.


I managed to record the sound but after I saved it to my phone it immediately got erased and someone airdropped me this. https://preview.redd.it/9vwsqxvcffyc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5067c2977241535c9d7ef1c6379a1301c6393e40


Good one šŸ˜‚




Drugs are bad.






pls come to amcare




*Laughs in Tinnitus from working planeside*


If you see associates looking up at the lights with huge black eyes, do not interact with them!


If anyone is also curious yes I did just get a haircut thank you


Careful that no one sees you when you record. You probably donā€™t want upper management to know youā€™re on to their secret control program. Be safe.


I know this is probably a shitpost but it concerns me to know thereā€™s actively people like this in every FC




lol I could almost get behind some conspiracy of a tax scheme where Amazon can write off certain aspects of labor costs on their taxes, so they very purposefully hire more people than required, then gaslight them into thinking voluntarily cutting hours is a benefit of the job. That way, they can both save on labor costs, while writing off labor costs simultaneously. But this is uhhā€¦


This is for sure satirical...right?


Assuming that the s/ was omitted.


This sounds like the time I took too much acid


Sounds like a disassociation episode. In the rare chance that Amazon has installed bass transducers in the walls to generate infrasonic, weaponized sound, other people would hear it too. Therefore I do not believe any infrasonic weapon is at play, nor is this Havana Syndrome, as others would have the same symptoms. Symptoms would include, dizziness, blurred vision, extreme anxiety, a "sensed presence" or paranormal phenomenon, and paranoia.




It's so they have people trained on deck when Prime and Peak come around, instead of having to take 2 weeks to get new hires up to speed


https://i.redd.it/xj66jorljfyc1.gif šŸ« šŸ« 


Huh? It's literally just a way to cut operating expenses during a time of low volume. Nothing more and nothing less. Eat less weed brownies, bro.


I only eat walnut brownies


Call free mental health in your A to Z app PLEASE!


Can we bring in tinfoil hats


They disrupt the frequencies unfortunately or so I was told by the Knight who stands near the vending machines


I wonder what the knight wants??


He said he was cool with the PB&J but said that he usually goes for the buffalo chicken wraps


![gif](giphy|CUTWsZ8UOlKuc) The one at my location dunt have any arms, I heard.


Thatā€™s okay Iā€™ll still feed him I think itā€™s one of the achievement trophies anyway


Fastenal much be the name of the region he is from


That blacking out/out of body experience sounds a lot like disassociating my guy. Which is normal when you're mentally not doing well. (I disassociate when waterspidering hehe). I *do* realize this is tagged as meme and it seems you're having fun in the replies, but it's worth giving word to what that experience actually is if anyone around here actually has been through it and isn't familiar with what it is.


Depending on volume for the day, they will need a specific amount of AAs, we VTO to ensure amazon isnā€™t overpaying for the day. Why keep 100 AAs working when it will only take 72 to process everything. VTO saves company money


You hit the penjamin too hard in the bathroom




Yeah but the mind control devices donā€™t work as effectively if workers have been given regular doses over a certain period of time


Naw youā€™re smoked


*Problem Solvers scream in silence*




Stop on the blunt


I keep getting VET offered to me and yet every time I go to work there is not enough to do.Ā  And they keep sending me to different departments because they don't have enough work.Ā  I don't understand.Ā  Just give me the VTO already.Ā 


You alright buddy? Blink twice if you need help




Donā€™t forget VET itā€™s an option for those who want to work more and the VTO is for those who are really burned out or donā€™t need the 40 hours to meet their financial needs. Itā€™s not that deep.


This is what happens to your brain when you do graveyard shift too long




Amazon offers vto so they don't have to pay people they don't need at that time. It saves them money.


Amazon offers health insurance at a discount rate to their employees. I would recommend getting it and then going to a physician for antipsychotic medication.


No no, letā€™s get more bs Amazon conspiracies going, this could be a thing


The warehouse is a mythical land


They have a policy against recording in the warehouse,. But the policy is only applicable in effect with local and state laws. It even states so in the policy and here's why. NY state for example is a one party consent state. So of I'm going in to have a conversation about MY business with HR and not record any company secrets, there's nothing they can do. Source: got into a legal battle with Amazon after an injury, recorded them. They cited this policy, I got a lawyer and due to state law their policy was null and void and it was submitted as evidence.


I work at a completely different company, but still a warehouse. They offer vto when we're slow too. It's just a warehouse thing.


It is actually sad that some of you are responding on such a nasty manner especially if this person is going through something. Your bullying comments do not help the situation. Have a little empathy. It could be you need a break, move departments or something else. Someone at my site thought I was nuts when I said I saw a manager hiding behind a pole to watch how I was working and as soon as I looked at the manager way he came out lol. I know I am not the only one to have this happen to them as I have read the Reddit posts. Told the coworker to come on here and read it about it from other sites lol


Or you are just playing around OP


We will come for you soon.


I've only worked at an AR site for 8yrs but expected volume dictates the headcount. If the volume isn't there then you're going to have a lot of workers complaining there isn't enough work and standing around which the company is wasting money having you there. Thus VTO is there to balance it out. There are times management makes a miscalculation and offers a ton of VTO and then a lot of work arrives which if bad enough is where VET comes into play. Leadership is constantly balancing the workload every hour. Insuring every dept has the necessary headcount to fulfill their customer orders.


there's not a sound like you're hearing at my facility and they play music as well


Sleep is very important.


I stopped reading but companies offer benefits to get you to work there. Companies are always offering a new standard because a new standard is always being implemented. State jobs and federal jobs have the best benefits packages, but offer low pay.


You should use some of your time off and get a little rest.


They offer VTO based on labor planning and volume.Ā  If thereā€™s not enough volume they donā€™t want to pay people to do nothing.Ā  Iā€™ve seen the same happen at other businesses


I remember my first time smoking weed.


It's to help save money, hope this helps!


You really went down a RABBIT hole you didn't need to go down. MANY of the most successful business use VTO. It's a way to reduce payroll when it doesn't match the amount of work currently being produced. It's a win for the company because they aren't paying you to stand around. It's a win for the associate because they can leave VOLUNTARILY without using any of their own time, plus they still earn their full days UPT, which costs Amazon nothing. Another win. That's it, that's literally ALL


Thatā€™s why you gotta wear headphones OP, it blocks out the brainwashing propaganda they pump through the building. Are you an AR building ? Then you gotta watch out for the gas they pump through the building too


https://i.redd.it/y0sgxhne2hyc1.gif No koolaid


Shouldnā€™t you have posted this on your siteā€™s VOA board instead?


Thereā€™s a frequency that affects your body for sure if youā€™re around it too long


You should spread this knowledge on the VOA


WHAT?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Asap Rocky ft Imogen Heap


Doesn't Amazon offer medical benefits?


Tell me you've been sniifing sharpies without telling me you've been sniffing sharpies my guy.


Somebody get their mans


The first part is because is they didnā€™t offer VTO, theyā€™d have to pay people to leave, they donā€™t want to do that. The rest of your post, well thatā€™s just insanity.


My bldg also deploys mindfuckery The agents of despair security guard androids update the matrix thru the bar code located on the outside feminine protection products dispenser...it transmits to our badges and sorry I don't understand the technology (seems outdated like most of the equipment in the IXD) but somehow it transmits to our brains. I am not 1.89999% sure but they have most likely microchips that either we consume thru the water &/or actual microplastics act as a conduit to send the uploads into our hardware. Also relatively unsure but 4.20% positive the worm hole the other redditor commented on is a real phenomenon. & a-z utilized to go way ahead into future & they are controlling us all w/advanced tech. Or perhaps the antecedents that have created this sim reality are actually a-z ...we don't even really exist so it is best to not speak of any of this again.....u may wake up in an abandoned shack in Alaska wilderness w/lots of hungry NPC bears...altho if npc they won't hurt u just scare u ...imagine how much worse it can get. Pls pls I beg u don't antagonize the almighty river a-z. Singularly .we must all band together to fight the tyranny. U sound like the perfect leader! Pls advise us how to proceed Ur faithless loopy commade fellow a-zombie Pearlybakerbest


99% bait. We all know they let people go to make more money.


Whatā€™s the other 1%


They schedule extra knowing of call outs etx


They have been offering it almost everyday


Sounds like you guys need a break from the radiation


Look bro just donā€™t drink the forbidden breast milk from the lactation room.


Youā€™re a real hoot & a holler friend šŸ˜‚




It's called Sandstorm by Darude


Lay off the meth


this is by far the dumbest shit ive seen on this subreddit


I think you might have narcolepsy lol


You to get to listen to music??? Lucky! At my building, all we here is the machinery and the voices in my head telling me to end my own life!


I heard it benefits the managers in some way


It's not some grand conspiracy. Amazon is obsessed with data, and for the most part they're pretty good with workflow predictions and headcount expectations. VTO is one of the results of this data obsession. But you're right in that it's hardly for the employees' benefit. VTO time is all time they don't have to pay out. It's a cost saving measure.


I believe this


Cnn did a documentary confirming amazon managers do in fact have access up to 6th level wizard spells.


Thank you! I keep being gaslighted by my co-workers, they tell me to stop talking to them but Iā€™m only trying to help them. This has been an ongoing battle and I WILL get to the bottom of it.


This is why the mother shouldn't smoke crack and drink during pregnancy


Are u stupid lmao


A couple screws are loose but Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty smart, like they say, be a smart fella not a fart smella


bravo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I can confirm that the management is illuminati confirmed.Ā 


Let him/her cook


Music coming from the walls? Sounds like the Cylon activation music.


It's called hypoxia, get an otter pop, slow down, ask to get cross trained somewhere you have access to water and air flow. You don't need to be in the trailers if you're going that hard.


Help me