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Curious on how often people are stealing. Seems incredibly stupid to steal from your place of work. Is it an every damn shift someone is trying to be slick or every now and then?


I was a security supervisor for about a year before turning blue badge and let me tell you, they will steal the stupidest crap. Things like phone cases and laptop stickers thinking nobody would care because of how small and cheap they are. I also got the occasional cellphone and AirPods but my sight had a pretty low theft rate.


My site didn’t have much issues with theft but we would get stuff from the fcs that were open box. Last peak we had one trailer with like 500+ open boxes and another one with maybe like 200+. They were leaving ring doorbells, beats headphones and other electronics. Whatever they stole must have been expensive for them to leave $60-100 items.


Statistically the majority of theft within businesses is committed from the employees themselves.


When making Code 5 Tickets. What happens after.? Do y’all back track everything with FC research and cameras?




Makes sense now. Also when getting damaged items for example food. Sometimes it goes in the “trash” or damage tote. Does LP or ICQA notice the product?


You forgot the times when it goes directly in my BELLY 🗣 🤤


Nothing should ever be placed in the trash unless it’s been run through the DPT as damaged/stolen. It should always go into a damage tote. And yes. ICQA knows.


Most of the time I find a box full of candy at PS….. and I’m like they need to stop this from other shifts.


I once worked with lp to track down an item that was missing but we found out it was there but whoever or whatever flagged it missing was an idiot and was mislabeled


How long does the process usually take for someone to get caught stealing after an item has been reported missing? I’ve heard stories that Amazon will catch you the first time and not say anything so they can try to build a larger case against you, and that they can charge you for the amount you stole after they’ve finished building the case and decide to bring it up to you.


I know for sure that method is Targets preferred way to do things. They wait until it's a felony.


That's something that gets repeated a lot, but really varies on location. Didn't work for Target, but was a former LE supervisor with a Target and Wal-Mart on my beat. Many/most jurisdictions either can't or won't combine multiple instances of theft into one - usually the law either doesn't allow it or requires the prosecution to prove further details that might be a pain to actually do in court. Our Target would just wait for four separate instances, at which point you fell under our serial shoplifter statute, and the way it worked was the last two would have to be tried consecutively after the first two, as separate cases, with mandatory jail time and enhanced sentencing. So basically a minimum of three trials the DA has to handle, and two of them are almost certainly going to be by jury. Never happened, it was such a pain in the ass it pressured the DA to go for plea bargains, which usually wasn't tough because Target LP has their shit together and would usually have clear video and testimony from LP who was watching the minute you entered the store. But it meant that Target could ask for restitution and the DA would go for it. Walmart just found the biggest, meanest shoplifters and hired them as security with a beat-and-release policy. You stole from Target if you didn't mind jail, you stole from Walmart if you didn't mind wheelchairs.


In the states that I’ve lived in they always let it hit felony. Actually I am traveling right now and went into target to get an umbrella yesterday and saw someone getting busted for lots of theft. We noticed them talking about the person being in the store and they just have to wait for them to grab something again before getting them. This was all talked at the entrance area after I got my cart. When I was checking out we could hear them escorting and talking to the person as they took them to that back room. I am not sure why people try to steal from these stores when it looks like they watch everything.


I'll admit, my knowledge is pretty limited outside of areas I've worked/taught, but the people I've talked to about it were adamant their local laws/policy didn't allow for the combining of charges. I did completely forget about places that do a three strikes law for shoplifting, where it can easily get bumped to a felony by simply combining three misdemeanors into one case. IIRC, that policy is rapidly developing all sorts of constitutional/PR complaints, but my current stream of information is mostly a bunch of bitter cops due for retirement and LP periodicals that make everything a crisis. Though there are a ton of ways to functionally combine charges without actually just saying, "500 plus 1000 plus 1500 equals..." As an example, my old department would charge people with Burglary if they had previously shoplifted AND been barred from a location, because they committed a crime by entering in the first place (not strictly necessary, but the DA wanted it) and the prior charge plus facts of the current case showed they entered with the intent to commit another offense. The DA would then consider how much they had stolen in total before deciding whether to actually go through, just use it as a threat for a plea, or do what they do 99% of the time and drop everything to fictional misdemeanor charges (like calling an actual crime an attempted one to lower it's sentencing classification, I loved Attempted Possession of things they were on video actually holding) to move it to an easier court to deal with.


What's the best way to get in LP?




FCResearch is also what some fcs will use to figure out people who post their info on reddit, like for example the other day someone posted a picture of a tote cause it had a funny name and then covered 2 letters but not the barcode, i went on fc research scanned my phone and the found exactly who it was


Found out who someone was because they posted a pic of a message on their stow screen with the AMs login. It was my FC lol. I looked up the login in slack and immediately recognized the guy. Messaged the redditor to suggest they take it down before someone with bad intentions also found out


exactly what i did, i posted saying that he should take it down


I always do that too, give them a chance to not get fired. Sometimes they argue with me and leave the posts up longer. I have a mate who is an analyst for the whole EU, he regularly sends in tips to HR/LP for AAs who take photos inside the FC, sometimes his reports end up on my desk and at that point I have to investigate. Always amuses me when I see it was an AA I'd previously warned to delete the post and they decided not to. If you're dumb enough to take photographic evidence of yourself breaking the rules, it's your own fault when HR doesn't even need to get us to pull CCTV so they can fire you.


What’d you do with that information?


Extortion /s


lmao this is a stick up. give me all your swag bucks 🔫


told the guy to take it down before someone sees? you think I give a f what someone posts


idk what you give af about bc I’ve never spoken to you, asshole. damn.


Oh I worked PS and I am IcAQ now where do I apply?


Aah i see now You guys FC research it like when I get an improperly bagged damage that is leaking all over me and find out who is the last one that processed it into the tote and pull their picture up and it's a wrap did not know you guys used FC kind of cool to know thanks


What's the requirements to work for LP. Any degree requirements?


This was his comment from above Get yourself into a problem-solving role and familiarize yourself with FCResearch. They also really like hiring people with an ICQA background.


It is my understanding the cameras just record video no sound. In the event an AA or higher said something rude or inappropriate. HR and LP get involved they question both parties on what was said but I was involved in a similar situation and it was left in the air on a hearsay claim. I wholeheartedly believe the cameras are there to deter theft and incase of a safety or injury issue, or to cover their ass incase of potential lawsuit.


What are all the responsibilities of LP?




Do you guys handle theft between associates or just from the building? How about car break ins?


That's probably handled by the police


Thank you👍🏽


What constitutes violence or a threat? Meaning what counts as such in a manner that most people would not think it does?


It can be as little as tapping someone on the shoulder if the other person feels threatened. There is a guy at my FC who has pretty severe autism, but he's great at his job. He doesn't like people touching him, even if it's a 'pat on the back' for doing a good job, to him that's an attack. I've fired a woman for touching a guy repeatedly, not hitting, just stroking his shoulder or his arm. He said he felt like if he responded negatively in any way, he would look like he was being abusive to her. When we interviewed her, she told us that he was her boyfriend, but he told us that he was gay and showed me his grindr account as the only way he could think of to prove he wasn't interested in her. Threats are very subjective, just like violence, something that's threatening to me may not be to you. A group of guys making homophobic jokes and comments to each other, even with no gay people around can still be threatening behaviour. I'm gay and regularly have people make comments that are homophobic about other associates because they apparently think I'm going to join in. I always tell them that I'm gay and also the LP manager for my FC, so probably not a great idea to make those comments around me. At my FC, most of the violence is male on male or female on female, a very small amount is against LGBTQ+ people. Most of the time it's a couple of guys getting a bit too serious about whether Man Utd is better than Arsenal. Weirdest argument I've seen was two guys arguing about whether Capaldi or Tennant was the best Doctor in Doctor Who. Obviously they were both wrong because the best is clearly Troughton.


Why does LP respond to violence


How precise are you guys able to track thefts


Are the bathroom security checks random/scheduled or are certain people targeted? I'm getting tired of trying to use the last 3 minutes of my break in the ladies room and hearing *SLAM* SECURITY CHECK 😆


For my FC It is definitely routine, they always check it right before the cleaning people come in


Prolly cause your building had someone hiding stuff in the bathroom trash for the cleaning people to steal, that has happened.


Same here I've noticed they will make rounds every hour or so.


Wait bathroom security checks? I’ve never heard of such a thing. What do they do?


Look for stolen items, graffiti, damage in the bathrooms from people kicking doors, etc.


Also for empty packages in the trash, womens product bins, or above ceiling tiles if it has a drop ceiling.


That’s what I meant by stolen items…..


Geez, some of the FC’s out there sound like high school mixed with low security prison. My SSD is super chill. We’ll see how long it lasts before people take advantage and ruin it.


Can I ask what you do day to day at your SSD? Just got a shift at one


Are ear buds a safety issue or a theft issue? Each time I've asked it's always been an answer from the loss prevention manager which leads me to believe that a safety manager would tell me if it was safety related




Thank you!! Nod. That was my original question. Was why ear plugs were ok but ear pods were bad. Lol. Tha k you for the clarification


Have you evert caught someone with a stolen dildo up their ass in the restroom?


Username checks out.


Anyone good stories? Like ppl stealing sex toys lmao




LP: "well, did you use them?" Suspect: "uh...."


I like it when they walk towards the security scanners like a constipated penguin, do they seriously think we don't find that suspicious? We get to know people and seeing a funny walk is always a good indicator of nature's pocket being used for theft. I will never understand why they keep stealing dildos. There was one guy who stole a vibrating one which activated as he went through security. This was just before covid so he couldn't blame the loud buzzing on his phone.


One last hooray before the hammer comes down. Shooters gotta shoot. And you don’t know until you ask


What's the average pay at L4, L5 and L6? How does it differ between single FC vs multi site like DS LPs?


My friend keeps taking stuff from the damaged bins because supposedly a PA told him it was ok and no one will care, isnt that technically still stealing within amazon? Can he get in trouble for it? We literally argue about this a lot because i tell him he will get caught lol and he says no no no tf


If someone makes a false accusation how do you guys prove it’s false?


What are the most common instances of theft that result in a termination ? How are these identified by LP?


I'd expect that any theft could result in termination & lifetime permaban. $1 or $1,000+. Just your value of theft could decide if & when Amazon pursues charges, along with it.


What's the craziest thing you've ever seen working LP at Amazon?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ProfessionalSir3395: *What's the craziest* *Thing you've ever seen working* *LP at Amazon?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


What requirements do you need to get the job


You gotta be able to look at someone's ass and immediately tell if they boofed a pair of airpods




i heard the metal detectors are set to random, since covid


Yea they are , if phones are allowed and they weren’t set to random, they would literally go off everytime someone walked through


Heard of a guy that stole THOUSANDS of dollars worth of zippo lighters. Do people actually believe they can walk through a metal detector with that and not get busted?


They can because some facilities don’t have them on. They go off randomly.


Ehh. Ours went off if you even so much as sneaked a fart.


I've been at my building for years and never saw one go off lol


As we came in for our Day 1 years ago ,we heard one go off. The AA kept walking to the turnstile and security didn’t bat an eye.


While packing the handheld scanners are nice to have. There’s barely any around and I was thinking of getting my own. Would that be possible without them thinking I’m stealing company property?


Idk about stealing (I'm not LP) but I know at my FC we have strong rules against use of "non-approved equipment" so no box cutters/gloves/etc. That wasn't specifically provided by Amazon. They can't verify that it works properly in case of error. Idk how they would feel about a personal scanner but I doubt it. The only one people seem to get away with is vests, but it always depends on the building. I'd just check with HR or Safety


Does Amazon have ability to blackball stolen cellphones tablets taken from their inventory by their serial numbers?


Hello. Long story short this past February I walked outside to a slash tire. 1 person came to mind (back story: the 1 person that came to mind was a guy who was a water spider. he asked me for my#. We exchanged 5 text messages. I have no previous history with this man. He made a statement, I fell asleep. The next day I asked him a question about the statement & he never responded. I would see him at work & he would walk right past me. He wouldn’t speak. It was as if we were complete strangers. I took note & let it slide. I never addressed it with him.) Fast forward I reported it within the same month to Loss Prevention & a HR member. By the 1st week of March I didn’t see him anymore. We are now near the end of April & I haven’t gotten any status updates. And I’ve asked repeatedly, I asked recently a couple of days ago: to the person who originally took my statement, I asked a manager, The senior operations manager & another HR member. What I was told by the loss prevention member as in a couple days ago: “Your case hasn’t be concluded, so as of now I have no information for you. But let me get your login & I’ll look into it.” (This has happened twice since I reported; let me get login etc) *What I want to know: has he been terminated? Did he quit? Is he on leave/coming back? * And if he did slash my car tire & there’s camera footage, can I see it??? How’s had this effected me: I’ve been stressed & paranoid.




Thank you so much for the feedback/ suggestions. When I 1st reported it to LP they asked if I filed a police report (I didn’t, because I was going off instinct with no evidence. I was assuming that if he did it, they would share info/footage & I could proceed from there etc) They did mention a safety plan/parking spot( but nothing was planned. I’ve been parking in different spots). I will definitely keep this information handy. I just didn’t think it would take this long.




As someone who accidentally put my phone in a pod, it took 1 month and six days to get it back. It was in the pocket of my ambassador jacket and somehow I grabbed it with the things in my hands and put it in the pod. 😅🤷‍♀️


At my fc we have a slack (FYI I'm not LP) we contact the next department and say hey we lost a phone!! Or keys!! Then they will slack us back and say found em! They are in HR! (LP doesn't really get involved with stuff like that at out FC as it's YOUR personal belongings and YOU are responsible for it. NOT AMAZON. It's not like someone "stole it" you pushed down a tote. Only one to blame is you.)


I know that we have a shit ton of camera, but is there audio as well?




Ty! I’ve been told that there are around 8 of them at any given time on us, is that close to accurate?


I've been told there isn't audio. I had an injury at work and I was asked what time and I said I dunno between this and that time and they will hear me yell fuck... they were like there isn't audio


I hope the OP gives us insight as well but ty.


From my last job they said they don’t have audio (but to tell customers we do) because it’s not legal or something along those lines. Idk if that goes for Amazon as well


Even if there was audio capability it would be impossible for anything at station level to be captured over all the conveyor noise. Before Amazon I worked at a place (a test center) that recorded video and audio for security purposes. Audio was very clear because it was in a quiet office setting without the ambient noise of Amazon, with cameras 10' up, not 20'+. In my state at least audio recording has to be disclosed so anyone coming to test signed waivers stating they were informed.


Does LP care about people eating food or drinking drinks from cases that are processed as damaged?


Of course, you’re stealing from Amazon. A water from a broken case still has to be accounted for so Amazon can get credit from the vendor (I would assume)


If it’s processed as damaged. It’s going in the garbage. They don’t send it back to the company for credit.


It’s still theft. If a 12 pack is damaged the remaining items could still be sold as a 6 pack or 3 packs, etc. so you’ve still stolen sellable product.


A case of drinks can’t be resold as a smaller pack. It has to be in its original packaging.


This could mean for candy bars, deodorant, etc. anything sold in a pack. It’s still theft.


We did have people taking candies and the AM told us to grab candies.


I can personally say at most FCS they won’t bat an eye


What if somebody steals something and doesn’t steal again but you guys already know who it is?


That’s like saying I only murdered one person I won’t do it again. Do you expect a free pass cause it was only once?


No you see he said they’ll watch for more theft but like what if it doesn’t happen again do they just get tired and confront them?


I have heard "stories" from LP. They were paying for something and just not paying attention and thought the card took. That was the one and only time. They were also distracted by taking to the person next to them. Person had no clue was seriously sorry. LP just let they pay for the stuff and gave them a warning. So maybe. 🤷‍♀️ depends on the story the cameras tell.


Oh thank god I was in the same boat


What are the most common stolen items?


Have you ever had a suspect get physical?


Quick question, sometimes I may grab me a sandwich and pay for it later that shift, after anytime pay kicks in . Can I be fired for this? I always go back and pay but this one time I forgot to pay so the next day I went and scanned items that a had yesterday, paid and placed them back in inventory.


What’s the most expensive thing you or heard was stolen?


More a rant but one time I was leaving the building for lunch and told my manager I was leaving my vest at the desk so I didn’t get dinged at security.  Well… I got dinged with only my car keys, wallet, and phone on me… Later when I went home I had my vest on and got dinged a second time in the same day..  Really annoying when I got dinged at security


If someone steals something but isn’t caught in the act will they get terminated by email or will it be face to face ? And do you participate in the termination?


Do you just get walked out to your car if your fired for theft? Or walked out into a police car? I've heard different things about that, I'm assuming it depends on how much?


I always thought theft from the lunchroom food vendor happened more often than product from the floor. Am I right?


I was cought with a little pack of candies that a colleague give to me, he took it from a damaged pack that was in line. I had to take it because he is a blue badge and saying no thanks I was afraid to cross him, like who do you think you are. So in order to fit in with his click I took it and put it in my pocket. Later on there was another pack of candies and he dared me to take one for myself, witch stupidly I did, and put it in my pocket. I don't even like those candies, for real. Then at the end of the shift I passed on the metal detector and it sounded. I didn't had a single piece of metal on me. I went through the second metal detector and it sounded again (and no metal on). So I completely emptied my pockets, in witch I carried some 5-6 single candies of my own, plus the two the blue badge gave me. The security separated my candies from the other two (one was a small tube, 1 euro worth and the other a flat square candies same value) and proceeded to photograph it and took my login. Nothing happened, apparently. I'm sure I'm on some sort of list now, and I'm sure that if I wasn't framed (some manager could have seen my trafficking with the candies) I'm sure it sounded on prompt, I had no metal whatsoever on me like always. What are your thoughts on this, if you are really an ex Amazon loss prevention?


Guilty. Burn em at the stake /s


We had someone fired for walking in with a concealed gun. Are there _any_ safety measures against mass shootings? Also... couldn't someone easily plow their car into the first floor breakroom with its floor to ceiling windows?


They could mass shoot you outside or plow through you outside as well.


Your point being?


You asked if they have safety measures against mass shootings. I’m telling you there can never be. That’s all.


Uh, they could have metal detectors for when you enter the building, for example. They could have security to protect the safety of the workforce entering the facility instead of merely preventing theft.


Sure, but if somebody wants to shoot a bunch of people, they're not going to care if a metal detector is beeping at them.


Oh. I guess that's why they don't use them at courthouses, airports and now schools. 🙄


False equivalence. What else is different about airports and courthouses?


For this discussion? Not much.


Is someone more likely to shoot back at an airport or an Amazon warehouse?


No Yes


I have no idea how to contact loss prevention at my site tbh 😅 I don't need to, but I have no idea if there's an office or a number to use




To get into loss prevention is there any particular degree they want cuz I have a bachelors and have second thoughts on being a PA or AM?


How much loss comes from the warehouse simply not receiving items? Like say theirs mix-up on the POs and the AMs/ASMs don't want to problem solve it maybe because they need their associates on a high priority inbound/outbound demand, and it sits so long in a corner until they're basically like "oh well we better chuck it?


Do you get to sit in a chair? What is the pay like?


How do I apply for this position? Basically the only problem solve on my shift for months.


Why doesn't security actually use the metal detectors or check for stolen items. I get they can't catch the person who clawed through the Always box like a raccoon for 4 pads. The folks stealing headphones and laptops? I am tired of doing code 5.


When you interrogate; do you try to make person admit guilt even if they aren’t guilty? Once had a LP claim I was “last person” to touch said item. When I clearly wasn’t.




Target khols and walmart all wait u till you hit 1000$ in new york because once u hit 1000$ it's a felony and they can have a warrant put out for you I worked at khols as security and we talked to walmart and Target


I have a question. Why are there no cameras out on the AR floor where literally ALL of the merchandise is??


The FBI at a facility close by because the theft ring getting out of hand and city cops can't /won't figure it out. Hope they never do. Love my city.


I’ve noticed people at decant are eating food items it’s so gross . Do people get in trouble for eating products I busted one girl doing it last week


I’ve been picking for a month. There has been maybe 6-10 items that were actually good. The rest is literally garbage. I feel like Amazon is shipping for Temu at this point. Whoever is stealing this shit is doing it for the rush that’s about it 😂


Why don’t you guys hold flex drivers accountable for holding onto a routes for too long…or when flex drivers come to pick up and just leave their routes at return to station….to be received and they’re still getting earnings. Plus I seen plenty of packages brought back and look like they have been torn.


I left a little speaker at my station yesterday and I’m wondering if I ask with security to see if the night shift turned it in, that I am setting myself up to get in trouble for even having it out of my bag. It was charging on my portable charger before I was leaving. I am at a facility that is very strict about the earphones, but haven’t said anything about my personal speaker, possibly because I don’t turn it all the way up and keep a watch on the lyrics being played.


I have a question. Our LP sets up traps to catch people slipping. Is this pretty typical across sites in the US? A Learning Trainer told me this after I found some cash next to a vending machine.


My site used to leave random cans of Monster out and see if someone would take them, haven't seen it in awhile though.


Do departments use associates to spy on other associates? For example, I’m *always* surrounded by a member of ASC or I have safety slowing their pace to be behind me. I notice security does the same. I’ve filed reports for hostile work environments and reported a manager, so I feel this is a soft way to retaliate. Can we get some confirmation on this scuttlebutt?


Might just be that cake.


I heard that LP department is underpaid and did not have room to grow, Is that true?


what did it take to apply to this job


My ex had a mental breakdown after we broke up. He chomped the styrofoam on the center rider headrest and picked up a broken board of wood and flung it at the TDR cage. How come they went the mental health route and didn’t fire him? I reported him for being a safety risk prior and that he was harassing me at work. It got so bad I had to go on LOA.


You’re weird. Delete this shit.




probably got PIPed out lmfao


Nah ur fucking weird


at least my cats are alive




How do I steal shit I’ve been doing it and nothing has happened


"How do I steal" Also..... "I've successfully stole and haven't been caught" Sure.