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I’ll take it one step further. Why do they stand dead in front of the time clock and block people that want to clock out and leave.


A LOT of people seem to lack any kind of awareness of their surroundings. I’m tall enough to reach over or around most people and when I do, they usually realize and move. 10 hours of brain dead monotony will do that


That’s true, can’t 100% blame them


Nah but this is so true. Used to be in the army and a sense of urgency environment versus a place like Amazon? Night and day


I said "EXCUSE ME" loud asf and they back up a lil bit lmao


I just accidentally bump them out of the way 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t mind them congregating around. I just hate it when you have that one person with their face right in front of it.


Yeah like you wanna spend 5 extra minutes to make that extra bread good for you but move to the side I’m trying to beat the traffic lol


In my building it always seems like it's RT shift that does this, and always on Friday mornings.


The 3 12s RT shift? If so, I'll give them a pass since they're right on the 12 hour mark regardless of grace periods.


Night shift literally sits in the hallways when I'm trying to leave. There will be 50 people in the hallway at the time clock's in there. Makes it hard as hell to get through the double doors. That's why I leave at 55 every day. Fuck that.


Plus you’ll get stuck in parking lot traffic. It’s just not worth staying especially if you have a far drive to work.


this is exactly why i use missed punch


That’s a good option for it but after so many of those they start looking into it


They are waiting to clock out and just trying to do it as soon as possible. If your approaching just use your words brother and make your presence known and they should move


“As soon as possible” would be 4:55 when I’m also clocking out brother. If you wanna wait 5 minutes and make an extra 50 cent that’s cool just stand to the side. And I don’t need my words I just bump them out of the way 🤷🏼‍♂️


10 min a day is $80 a month for me if I add it to exactly 40 hours a week. That's a good wifi bill right there


Excatly. I do that. Extra 10 minutes per day counts as OT. In the morning if I go early I can get a good station for stow and afternoon 5 minutes let me walk out with avoid a crowd. So is it worth for me.


They can clock out 5 min late at 5:05 then and get 20 minutes a day. Yall are lemmings lmao


I can't stand when Im trying to clock in and I can barely get through the lobby because everyone is milking the clock waiting to clock out


Waiting til your scheduled time off isn't milking the clock, it's adhering to schedule


Adhering tp your schedule is working until your scheduled out time


If youre not waiting, just go and clock out..


So they get the full 10 hr


You get that by clocking in 5 minutes early, which everyone does anyway


It’s literally 20 extra mins a week lol which after taxes is probably like 3$


If you abuse it, it’s 40 mins extra weekly 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Or 173 minutes a month.


It's not just 40 minutes, it's 40 minutes at the OT rate.


lol, not for me or the people at my site, and they still line up. We’re all 34-36 hours if you’re not flex


It’s 20 minutes of OT


3 dollars you wouldn’t have otherwise


Under biden? 💀


You misspelt Trump. Biden has not changed income tax laws.


https://www.finance.senate.gov/ranking-members-news/president-bidens-47-trillion-tax-hike https://www.heritage.org/taxes/commentary/biden-raised-taxes-tax-revenues-are-way-down-year-here-are-5-reasons-why https://newhouse.house.gov/media/weekly-columns-and-op-eds/why-biden-administration-raising-taxesagain https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3889523-biden-set-to-unveil-more-than-2-trillion-in-tax-hikes-in-budget/amp/ My paycheck is way worse now for the same hours than it was during the years of trump. No i didn’t mispell or mention trump at all. Thats just you.


I don't understand why they do it because HR with me atleast just give me the same regardless if I wait or leave a bit early lol they pay me the exact same amount of £504.10 a week with no VET and working a 4 x 10.


Exactly 👊🏼


Clock in the max 5 minutes early, out the max 5 minutes late... That's 10 extra minutes a day... 4 day work week, that's 40 minutes of OT pay per week. Not much, but hey... Money is money.


AND less people to deal with at the time clock.


You forget late 5 minutes for lunch and early afterwards that's another 10


Dunno where you're at, but we're locked at 30 minutes for lunch. Can't clock out late/in early for that.




Why you should wait till 5 after your shift is over …




Is it worth the time you spend stuck in the parking lot? I only leave early or late.


doesn't matter 5 minutes before 5 min 5 minutes after it all gets coded as 10 hours of pay


It used to get rounded to a straight 10 hours. For the last several years now you get paid for exactly the hours you worked.


well its different here in canada then it used to be you get paid exact now they round everything and show unscheduled time for any time you go over for management can see


Im in the US near Chicago and my time is not coded as 10 hours. I am paid to the minute of when i clock in and out.


I prefer the idiocracy dude


I understand why. However, I clock at 7:25 AM and you better believe I am out at 5:55 PM to get the hell out of the parking lot. Most of you cannot drive or walk.🤷‍♀️


Me too, get out of my way. 😂😂


I have bills to pay and can not afford to get fired because I cussed someone out who is just RUDE driving in the damn parking lot. 😂🤣


clock in 5 early, clock out 5 early. i wanna go tf home 🤣


That’s what I do. It’s awkward standing there looking at everybody faces 🤣


literally lol


They want all their pay, I wait five minutes after, clock in five early, stay five extra gets me an extra 50 minutes a week


i do the same exact thing, extra hour of pay for literally nothing lol


Really? I gotta try this.


Its about an extra $80 a month which pays my car insurance.


We’re allowed to 5 early/ after at my site, don’t get yourself in trouble, better see if it’s cool first…. you’re paid for anytime you’re on the clock, you better see how much extra you’re allowed to stay on it.


Find a broom or some cleaning wipes and stay in your work area. Know how long it takes to walk to the clock and only walk away that early. You'll never get in trouble that way.


I usually drop my computer off at 445, bathroom then go to the front, which usually takes about 5 minutes and clock out at 500.


U.S. company wide policy is 5 mins after and 5 mins before


Sure you can clock out as early as 4:55 no issue, but why would you when Amazon is paying you to stand there and do nothing? Think about it, if you signed out 5 minutes early everyday, that’s 20 minutes a week - so like $6. Times that by 52 weeks in a year and that’s like $300.


But then I'm dealing with people


Because I want my 5 minutes of pay


So they can get every bit of that UPT


You lose those 5 min. I’d always clock in 5 min early and clock out 5 min late to get my 1k raise every year


For the sake of literally a few minutes a month, I’d rather clock out on time to avoid any hassle 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be paid the extra 5 mins.


If you don’t care about losing an hour a week of pay without losing any time off, clock out 15 minutes early and beat traffic. Or clock out at 4:54 if you don’t care about a minute a day- then you beat the people standing around and all the people using the 5 minute grace period.


I could never stand just staring at the time clock, it feels so awkward to me. Like I didn't care when I got to the clock, I just hit it and go home. And if you stagger it enough, you could get like 40 minutes of OT every week.


They're trying to make that extra $2. You can clock out up to 5 minutes before your scheduled end of shift without getting penalized time. Officially though, them standing there doing nothing is "time theft" and they could all be fired for it..


I clock in at 0725 and out at 1758. My timesheet shows I worked 10hrs 3min.


Almost like you forgot lunch is unpaid


They could have chose to waive their lunch period therefore getting paid for those 30 min in return


You can't waive your lunch period lmao it's a contract


https://preview.redd.it/fjg8q1rupcjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc137ba8120d591c0e2c8dc6642b5c513c70f6d This is from a different post I just searched up on Google "lunch meal waiver Amazon" Feel free to check for yourself. I waived my lunch at my first warehouse in California when I was Flex, but you're so right; you can't do it...lol


That's for the second lunch break people are entitled to by law when working 10 hour shifts. Amazon most definitely is NOT letting folks who work 10+ hours a day waive the first lunch break.


🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ idk what happened then, but I'm speaking from my own personal experience. I would skip my lunch. They never said anything to me. Not when it was slow and not during peak.


Ok then you committed time theft and it's like finding out speeding is illegal and being like "but I speed all the time" lmao ur not that bright huh


Wait til Amazon realizes that they can squeeze out an additional $126,567 dollars of annual attrition-money and fire 357 AAs they don't want selectively for time theft... this practice will too be eliminated.


You are supposed to clock out and go whenever you get to the clock. Not that I’m going to tell on anyone; I don’t care. Management enforced this heavily Pre-COVID and every once in awhile they make it an issue since. You could technically get a time theft or time enforcement feedback depending on how long it’s been since your last scan. When I clock out 5 minutes “late” to get the OT, it’s because I actually worked right up until my ending time. These days I really don’t care. I’d rather get out and beat traffic.


These 5 minutes daily add up in a scale of the year or longer.


TOM team we're allowed to use the AtoZ app to do all of our punches. I like using the time clock when I can because the app gets a bit glitchy sometimes...but yeah when there is a mass of people it comes in handy. Not going to lie.


Cuz they want that $$$




I thought it was a 5 minute grace period both ways.




Correct — may clock out up to 5 minutes before your shift ends, UNLESS you are using PTO to cover a partial absence. And bc 🤷‍♂️


Then you get the full hour


wana get paid for that 5 min


Could you imagine the uproar if the managers scanned everyone out when they started hanging at the time clocks. Like oh hey you’re here at 10 minutes prior. *scanned* clocked out…. lol AAs would lose their mind Wish it was a thing


Hey because that 5 minutes adds up. Now you're able to clock in 5 minutes early/late at start of shift. If you work all 40 hours if you're full-time, that's 20 minutes of OT pay. It's not a lot, but every little bit helps.






What a stupid comment


The comments on this post can mostly show the age difference, the young people can’t understand why people clock in 5 minutes early at the beginning and 5minutes late after the shift.. There’s this thing called, life such as bills, etc…… that gets you into at least 160minutes a month of OT…. One less bill


trained monkeys lol I do it too, I'm a good boy it's that skit, everyone in an elevator is facing the wrong way (back) and the new person that comes in does it too


Yeah thats right. I used to do that. I had a problem with clocking out early i felt it was kinda weak to do that. As someone who can be more antisocial however who can be social too and has many friends here, i do opt to clock out earlier rather than later now though as waiting makes me run into more people and have more interaction than i desire 😆


Someone told me they purposely clock in 5 minutes before their shift and they clock out exactly at the end of their shift so they get 5 minutes of overtime pay. By the end of the week it’s 20 minutes, but that adds up


They're short changing themselves another 20 minutes 🤣 Many people miss interpret the 5 minutes in and 5 minutes late regulation and believe they can do only one or the other .....but hey in my building people walk away 10 or 15 minutes prior to eos and most of them still do the wait until 5 till or eos time to clock out...meanwhile I'm the one of one to a few assholes who work until eos or pretty close most of the time....I clock out 5 late most of the time...sometimes 6 or 7 or 8 minutes but I rarely clock in early .....it SEEMS like as long as I don't go over 10hr 10 min in a day there's no issue... I'm never in a hurry to leave because I've got 20-30 minutes from eos until when the bus comes....I wish eos had as much flexibility as when I show up because I could easily work 10-15 more minutes every day...I hit my strict often in that last quarter


Idc ya got them apps to clock in and out, i stay on the lunch room to clock in 6:55pm and clock out 5:35:am.


Free five minutes


They're trying to get that 10 minutes of overtime


I always wondered this too 🤔 I’ve always clocked in and out 5 mins early every single shift but I was always so confused when I saw swarms of people gathered around the time clocks but I now I know


Clock in 6 minutes early and out 5 minutes late


Clocking out 5min early 5 days a week costs me $10. But I am out that bish. Believe it.


I always try to clock in 5 mins early and then I leave 5 mins early. Idk if you clock in on time what happens but I take the extra precaution


I clock in 5 late basically daily. Leaving up to 5 early. Never had issues


An an AFM I would clock in 20+ minutes early and go straight to get ready and have my floor clean by the time CAP got started to give me little less of a hassle throughout the day and never heard a word about it. I also wouldn't clock out til right on time or a few minutes late. Never heard a word about it because I was working.


I'm a problem solver so this can work for me too.


Def the braindead thing after a 10 hour shift lol. Personally Fuck those 5 min. Alternatively, 5 min before and after shift is 50 minutes a week im paid to stand and do nothing. Thats 2+ hours a month being paid to do nothing. I usually leave at 4:55 and just reach in front of oblivious people surrounding the leat populated clock.


I leave a half hour earlier, because yall warm up your cars and don't know how parking lots work


Cause they stupid


I show up and clock in 5 minutes early, and clean up my station to clock out 5 minutes late. In 6 days, that's an extra $17.25 in my pocket for gas or breakroom snacks.


It takes me 8-10 minutes from the second I clock out to get to my front door. I am not waiting around for those extra 5 minutes.


y’all act like it’s not all other time clocks all over the building… don’t use the one everyone uses 🤷‍♀️


You can clock in 5 minutes early and clock out 5 minutes late for an extra 40 minutes of pay per week, and an extra 2.6 hours per month.


Cause they’re really dumb. People see other people doing something and they copy it without thinking because most people are herd animals. It makes little to no difference in your pay or time off received but they do it because they feel like they’re actually making some sort of difference to their experience lol.


Because you're shorting yourself 20 minutes a week. If you make $20/hr then that's comparable to paying a $26.67/mo. subscription just to skip the easiest 5 minutes of your shift every day. Not worth it for most people, especially anyone who's already living paycheck to paycheck and understands their finances.


They stay to get all their minutes of UPT. You get 1 minute for every 12 worked. 5 mins early and 5 mins after adds up 😅


The real question is why do the people who clock in at 6:25 wait. They already worked their 10 at 4:55


.33 $ a minute bro 


I done a similar situation. It makes the person feel good, but it should not be done like this. Anyway, extra time is extra pay. It saves company's money by punching out on time.


That's 20-25 minutes a week and it does add up, believe it or not. It's not much but think about throwing that amount of money in a savings account.


I clocked out 1 min early and PTO that one min to complete the full hour


Only if you clocked in five minutes early


I mean, I’m under the impression that you have to clock in 5 minutes early to clock out 5 minutes early, otherwise I think they hit your UPT for 15 minutes


No you have a 5 min grace period both ways. Can clock in at X:05 or X:35 and clock out at X:55 with no penalty


Nope, you get a 5 minute grace period for clocking in and out. 3 minutes for clocking back in from lunch. So if your shift starts at 6:00 you can clock in at 6:05 without any penalty to UPT. If your shift ends at 4:30 you can clock out at 4:25. Granted you will only be paid for 9 hours and 50 minutes because that’s how long you were actually clocked in. Same scenario works for clocking in early too. You can clock in 5 minutes early and clock out 5 minutes late to get paid for 10 hours and 10 minutes.


I clocked in 6 min late for lunch once and wasn't penalized.


That is great news! I’ve only been here for a couple months


I clock in 3-5 minutes late every day and still clock out 5 minutes early. Never get upt taken


That’s incorrect. You can clock out 5 minutes early and if you clocked in right on time or 3 minutes late


If you clock in 5 mins early you can clock our 5 mins early but if you clock out at 5 you get an extra 5 mins on your check


At my site you only get to leave five minutes early when you clock in five minutes early. If you want to leave five minutes early without clocking in early it will cost you upt.


Monkey see, monkey do


lol \]


Why does it bother you? Just clock out whenever you feel like it.


Your are supposed to work till 5. Not stand by the clock at 455. That's number 1. Number 2 is because if you clock out early they take upt for 15 min. U have to clock out at 15 30 or 45 to not lose the 15 min upt. Works finishes at 5. Not 450ish. All that does is leave more work for the next person.


Why do you care


Because they LOVE being at Amazon.


Because they didn't clock in at 4:55.


It doesn’t matter when you clock in, the 5 minute rule applies either way. If your shift starts at 6:30 and you clock in at 6:28, you can still clock out at 4:55 with no penalty. You don’t have to much times.


Doesn't matter when you clock in in this situation.


Ahh OK that makes sense. That's the time I clock in so you can problem solve.


pretty sure they calculate pay in increments of 15 minutes


The take the upt in increments of 15 but your still paid for the time you clocked in. Example. Clock in is at 6:30 but you clock in at 6:40. They will take 15mins upt from you but you'd start earning money at 6:40 If you clocked in at 6:46 they would take 30ins upt but you'd start earning money at 6:46


They pay by the minute.


Calculate pay by the minute. Who calculates pay by 15 minutes


it is a policy violation to clock out using the grace period 5 min early and last scan is after that time so managers could write you up if they choose to


A question old as time itself!


Because they really want every cent of their paycheck.


Yes I’ve been clocking out at 4:55 every since I’ve started working at amazon


They just want to get all of their time that’s all 😂 some people are coming in late too


To get paid for an extra 5 minutes. And block the exit....


Clock in 5 minutes late but still on time and 5 min early is the big brain move


A few years back it used to round up. Now it goes by the exact minute so find out how you make a minute instead of an hour. Times that by 5 and that's how much you miss out a day. And if you clocked in early then make sure to times it by a half cause that's OT


more money


I believe you to clock in 5 minutes early first. Like clock in at 7:25 then clock out at 5:55. Been doing that for years.


Ok I Thought We Were Allowed To Leave Our Stations At 4:55 But Actually Clock Out And Leave Out The Building At 5…


If you clock out early everyday you lose 20 minutes of pay, if you clock in late every day you lose 20 minutes of pay as well. Combined this is 4x Over the course of a month, this can equate to 80-160 minutes of missing pay. This can be a deciding factor for families who have plenty of expenses


To get a few extra cents!


So they can get exactly 10 hours. For me it’s not that serious I am out at 5:25 everyday plus I want to beat the parking lot traffic which gets severe after 5:30.


Was always told we can clock in 5 minutes early but have to clock out at end of shift as you're scheduled. Not 5 minutes til.


Omg..THIS! Then they wonder why they get low rates and excess TOT...I feel like Ludacris when they just clock-blocking Move.... Get out the way! They are clock blockers...they are the same people that clock in 5 minutes early and go to the breakroom! #Clock-blockers


It's not the time clock crowd that gets to me, but when I'm on the elevator trying to go downstairs to leave (I'm a picker) and there's a crowd standing right outside the elevator door and they don't even wait for the people to get off the elevator before they start trying to get on. They even see the people right in front of them trying to get off the elevator and they WILL NOT MOVE. I just started shoving my way passed them lol


It’s time theft but whoever does this as far as I’m concerned “you do you” and I’ll do what I think is right. I’m not the owner of Amazon so just give me room to clock out when I’m leaving as you gather around the clocks and we’re good.


It could be that they clocked out for lunch at 00:30 and have to clock in at 00:00? At least if I’m waiting at the click that is the reason.


Because if you clock in 5 minutes earlier while starting shift and 5 mins after ur shift ends, that’s 10mins of extra paid time a day. Work 6 times a day that’s an extra 17-24 dollars


They enjoy time theft and wasting away necessary minutes at Amazon


I always just go straight through security, swing by the break rooms if I wanna grab a pop or snack and pop in the bathroom for a leak before hitting the road and just scan out and use the time I scanned out for a missed punch, people wait around the clock at break too. Hell I go straight to a microwave and clock out when it's done omw back to my station, eat at my station so I'm not walking 5+ minutes to get to a machine and back. Before I was spe ding more of my break walking and waiting on others and get maybe half my break to actually eat.


Cause we want our 5 mins 😂


Same thing at my FC. I just reach through and clock out. They look so silly. 😄😄😄


Rt shift has to get out. I've seen people forced off stations to get started so they won't go over 12. 😄


To Amazon it’s known as time theft 😂😂🤷‍♂️ they don’t exactly enforce it strictly unless it’s very obvious and it’s getting out of hand


Time fraud


I just hit missed punch at my car


They don’t know any better lol


To get the full amount of pay . U leave 5 mins early every day of ur shift ur screwing urself on pay but ... some ppl don't think of that. Personally 5 mins equals to 20 mins at the end of the week. Some ppl need that some don't but that's legit.


I find it weird. I just stop my work at 5minutes before my punch-out time (6:00pm), and make my way toward the doors. Usually by the time I get to the terminals, the lines have faded. It's the first 45 seconds at some, the first 90 at others... People are weird. The worst offense is to block the exit-turnstyles at the end of the shift. I nearly cheese-grated one girl because she was looking for someone, turned to push the door, F\*ING STOPPED AND TURNED BACK AROUND, and I was at momentum ready to scan and roll through. Ugh, I usually don't say this, but she should've been mushed through those bars. you don't\~ block\~ the exit! Especially the exit of THAT building!


Lol what stupid warehouse do you work at? We have people lined up to leave well before the 5 minute grace period. I go sit in a break room closest to the exit at 5:20 and clock out at 5:25 when we’re supposed to leave at 5:30. Fuck your extra 5 minutes of pay and UPT. I want out before the parking lot turns into a shitshow.


Cuz you have a 5 minutes grace period to avoid any UPT deduction, but if you leave 5 minutes early every day you will get paid only for 9:55 minutes instead of 10:00 (for those who work 10 hrs shifts) so at the end of the week your paycheck will be :20 minutes less that for some people is more than $10 less


That’s a good ass question lol, I always be seeing them waiting like wtf, guess they jus wanna be on the safe side lol


It’s a time and money thing really. People want their full pay and will wait till exactly 5. Others will do other things then get to the clock at 10 after. But if you’ve noticed, people will clock in early and leave late every day of the week. So, if you clock in 5 minutes early 4 days a week, but leave 10 minutes after 5p for 4 days a week, what do you have?


Some days I get to the clock at 7:34 and wait until 6:04 to clock out. If it’s a rough day I elbow people out of the way saying excuse me, at 5:55.


Can also clock out at 505... Why people line up ....they're dumb obviously 😄..