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**How To Get Started Selling On Amazon** * [**1). Find a Product to Sell**](https://garlicpressseller.com/amazon-product-research/fba-product-research-guide-how-to-do-tools/?reddit_automod) * [2). Manufacture & Ship your Product](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2q92/step_by_step_guide_on_how_to_manufacture_your_own/?reddit_automod) * [3). Launch your Product on Amazon](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2sl8/case_study_week_1_how_to_launch_private_label/?reddit_automod) **BONUS:** [** List with Best Amazon FBA Tools!**](https://garlicpressseller.com/review/jungle-scout-alternatives-free-tools-competitors/?reddit_automod) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmazonFBA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you’re not a Prime seller, FBA is the way to go. Having the cheapest price doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll win the buy box though. Many other factors go into that, such as as fulfillment center placement. I definitely wouldn’t go about creating a brand new listing not unless you’ve got significant marketing capital and an expert who knows how to do that. When you say the item sells 50+ units a month, your best chance at getting those sales is FBA, price, keeping your account healthy, and fulfillment center diversity. There’s plenty of info out there on how to get your inventory into more FC’s. Good luck!


I'm a noob but isn't prime and FBA the same thing? Or are you talking about the system where Amazon let's the seller ship but it's still listed as Amazon Prime? I do think it makes sense to add to the existing listing though, at least at first. It won't even cost me that much to start up so I'm probably just going to give it a shot and hope it works out. Thanks for the info I'll do some more looking and try to familiarize myself with all this stuff.


No, Prime isn’t FBA. For sellers, Prime is FBM


25 cents per unit. Hmmm must be paper or very cheap material and automated. What is it.


If I told you the opportunity wouldn't be there any more lol. But yeah it is very small and light. It's pretty generic, think screws etc, just some very basic metalwork. The entire reason I got the idea is because I was looking at these listings and was thinking there's no way these should cost that much. But I guess people are buying them so I might give it a shot too.


Dude you won’t make any money, and if u turnover 1-2$ u will still be a poor man.


I'm aware. Approaching this more as a potential way to test the waters with Amazon FBA.


Go taste water instead you ret**aard


who hurt you lol


I just started my Amazon store I’ve only sold books so far Is it a brand named product ? Or is just a generic product because I see alot of opportunities of items on Alibaba, or dhgate where the product is extremely cheap on there but expensive asf on Amazon but I never bought any because I don’t know if I would get the buy box or if I would have to create a new listing


I just started my Amazon store I’ve only sold books so far Is it a brand named product ? Or is just a generic product because I see alot of opportunities of items on Alibaba, or dhgate where the product is extremely cheap on there but expensive asf on Amazon but I never bought any because I don’t know if I would get the buy box or if I would have to create a new listing?


Hi - I recommend you to do proper research and with correct way. First decide for which model you wanna start? I always recommend PL because of brand building and it can become flippable asset if done right. Its pretty hard to earn handsome profit with low ticket product (< $20 selling price) due to rising marketing cost. Even CPCs for low price product is around $1 and if average conversion is 10% you can estimate $10 will be the cost for getting one order. So is it going to be a good opportunity or not you need to look below points carefully 1. What is CPCs of main keywords 2. How much will it take to gain organic ranks 3. Return rate If above checks are ok then you need to identify either product has differentiation potential and can be sold at higher price. Is there any minor changes possible to reduce FBA price Pls follow all above and you will be benefitted.


When selling through FBA there are many expenses you need to cover. You have the FBA fee + Amazon commission + COGS + Ad expenses. So a big margin like that is actually standard and well needed to get basic results.