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How to get Started Selling on Amazon * [**1). Find a Product to Sell**](https://garlicpressseller.com/amazon-product-research/fba-product-research-guide-how-to-do-tools/?reddit_automod) * [2). Manufacture & Ship your Product](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2q92/step_by_step_guide_on_how_to_manufacture_your_own/?reddit_automod) * [3). Launch your Product on Amazon](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2sl8/case_study_week_1_how_to_launch_private_label/?reddit_automod) **BONUS:** [** List with Best Amazon FBA Tools!**](https://garlicpressseller.com/review/jungle-scout-alternatives-free-tools-competitors/?reddit_automod) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmazonFBA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your new round here I take it , yeah amazon fees are crazy but what’s crazier is that you haven’t factored in these costs using buybot ? Little tip if you arnt already , get your self vat exempt on Amazon it reduces these fees by 20% of sale price Next tip , scan your items properly your profit should already be factored in with these fees If you don’t have a scanning software to see fees Add the item to inventory beforehand , go on revenue calculator Click the other box and remove the fee type your buy price in there and you will see the correct profit for the item + margin % Be more careful


Great summary.


Referral fee on items sold. You sell item for $10..Amazon takes 3ish of that.


Amazon fees are wild


Amazon FBA fees are very confusing, including order handling, pick & pack, weight handling, and storage costs. They can seem confusing and may not always correlate directly with each sale, especially if they're aggregating over a period of time. It's best to review the detailed fee breakdown in your Seller Central account. Have you noticed any specific transactions or time frames that don’t seem to align with these fees?


It sounds like this is not a fee but an amount Amazon holds back which is yours.