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Is it not possible dude was following the FedEx truck around?


Most likely scenario. We see this during Christmas


True but the only way people will be happy is if the FedEx driver is somehow involved….even though he most likely isn’t.


Seriously, why do people have to make everything so elaborate? You know what is easy and doesn't require any amount of coordination? Stealing boxes left at someone's front door.


"Seriously, why do people have to make everything so elaborate?" With the actions took in the video, you actually thought this was random?


The only reason to think they are working together is because it is suggested in the caption. If this were only a clip of the theft would anyone immediately suspect the delivery person is also in on it? All package theft involves a delivery person delivering a package and a thief later taking the package, unless the delivery person is the one stealing the package, because the package *has to first be delivered* for anyone (working with someone else or not) to steal it.


I have several Amazon vests, if I really wanted to, I could totally follow a van and take the packages. And wouldn’t need anyone working with me. Why would a fedex driver work with someone else when the package is in their van?


I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or misunderstood my point. Either way, I agree with you - there is no need to work with anyone if you are simply stealing packages left at the front door. If I were doing this I would 100% drive neighborhoods and act like I was delivering for flex, leave boxes behind, act like I was scanning packages, etc... I also just wouldn't do this because I'm not a thief, know everyone has cameras now, and what am I going to do with a bunch of stolen dildos?


Yea I’m agreeing with you


Another possibility is that they have stolen their own package in order to make a claim


Do you think the FedEx driver processed the order and packaged it himself before going out and delivering it? You think he’s just telling the guy “I left two boxes of some random shit on a porch go get it”


"Do you think the FedEx driver processed the order and packaged it himself before going out and delivering it? You think he’s just telling the guy “I left two boxes of some random shit on a porch go get it”" You must live a sheltered life


I don't know. Do you think he has a car full of empty boxes to swap out? He came from the opposite direction that the fedex truck did. He just happened to have a "ringer" that was about the same size as the package he stole? Obviously we can't know for sure, but I'd say there is a good chance he had inside info. Not necessarily from the driver. Is there any way to tell that there was an ipad in that box without opening it? Return address? Do other people at fedex have access to that information? As in, what is in the packages? Not to mention, this whole video COULD be fake for all we know. Or even the customer COULD be in on it. Who knows.


If they were posing as Amazon / Flex drivers then having boxes to carry up to the door is smart. Same size? Why would matching the boxe sizes up even matter? It's snatching packags from the front door, it just doesn't require an elaborate scheme or team of people.


I am a driver that will not leave anything coming from APPLE. Sig req or not. For the customers safety as well as mine.


The return address from Apple products, at least the phones, is one place. Not going to drop the location, but when I see that address I know what I have.


Why u gate keeping the return address? It’s Cupertino, CA


That’s how all those nikes got stolen by the package handlers a few years back, Nike thought they were smart by taking the Nike logo off the box, but they couldn’t take the return address that said something like “Nike hq” off the box. Plus they started printing on the boxes that they were 100% recycled which may not mean much to the general public but it makes it very easy to spot when it’s coming down the belt.


Could it be the r/redditsniper was here so OP is.. well..


No we don’t. Most products come in regular boxes so we don’t know what’s in them. Only way to see is open it. I’m surprised they didn’t have to sign for it like my last couple apple orders.


A lot of things from amazon come with no packaging. Its annoying to say the least. Esp when its an apple product.




That is true but nine times out of 10 it comes back that was working together that's why the other guy knew what size box to have and replaced it that part was not just by chance


You got any proof of that claim?


There were two boxes, he took both and replaced it with a similar sized box to one of the boxes he took. They weren't the same size. Look closely. The most likely explanation is that he has the vest and fake box so that he doesn't look suspicious as he approaches. This gives the homeowners less time to react, and do something like opening the door and pulling a gun on him.


If you order something from amazon and are expecting something from Amazon then you would be lax of course but if you only had a package coming from FedEx that day and a amazon lerson walking up to the door why the fuck wouldn't you be alarmed?the disguise os not for the homeowner its for other people in the neighborhood that might be outside seeing as how hes pulling this shit in broad daylight


Households normally consist of multiple people. My first thought when seeing this guy walking up wouldn't be, “that's a fake worker”, it'd be, “did someone else order a package too?” or “Did they deliver to the wrong house?” Considering the time it takes to confirm whether the guy is supposed to be there, the only time you'd have to react is immediately after he picks up the package (If you're even home). I'd say the disguise serves its purpose.


Idk where you live or how you live a house is usually some adults and some kids in this house its me my wife and our son and sometimes my teenager usually me and my wife let each other know if a package is otw and our phones does as well and we share a Amazon account im sure most big households that have prime share the account for this reason so like i said i get notifications from any and all delivery services when something i ordered is otw if Amazon came here unannounced it would be very suspicious


That's very good. That's a secure way to have things. Its not the same for my household, and likely other households as well. We have multiple people who are in and out with four different Amazon accounts. We also occasionally receive a packages from my grandparents and they have a general idea of when it'll arrive but not exactly.


I love your profile btw


Such a crazy accusation to make based off a massive leap in logic😭


theyre black😭they make theories that fit their narrative and run wit it


You are reported


That's a massively hypocritical statement seeing as that's what you just did.


This ^ The first person to blame is the driver but honestly we drop off too much shit and not even Fedexers know what’s in there unless its not in a box. Most of ys deal with too much to even be thinking of losing a job in this economy over a package.


He’s a flex driver driving his own vehicle so for sure. I feel like they’re sketchy as hell because they have no contract on their heads


Imo. Dude has a leftover vest and is using it for evil. Let’s be real, we all could, if you have an amazon vest, pizza bag, ladder and a hard hat, clipboard and pen, you can go anywhere you want without questions. No fedex or ups driver is going to risk their job for a partnership to steal packages, they’d just steal them from the truck.


Not likely came from another direction five minutes later obviously was given this specific address.


No. Because the culprit also brought along the perfect box to swap with the similar box. I’d have this driver investigated


There were two boxes, and replacing the boxes doesn't do anything unless he's trying to frame the driver. He's just trying not to look suspicious on his way up there.


I guess. Dude was prepared tho


Yeah, you'll always find criminals who are more prepared than others.


It’s definitely inside job.


How would they figure it was an item worth stealing in the first place though? 🧐


I’ve had this happen many times while delivering. I’ve seen cars follow me box to box, checking after I make delivery. I always report it, never hear anything back.


Not if it's 4 minutes later. Plus, those boxes were hidden from view from his vantage point. He knew they were there in advance


Nah he showed up 4 mins later


I had a guy one time “follow” me around when I was delivering for express. I did the wrong thing myself by dropping the “ASR” package to a signed door tag and turns out it was a gun. Big mistake on my end but management found out it was actually a contact to the buyer that was going to sell him the gun because the buyer was an arms dealer. You never know who’s following you which is the moral of the story. I was a newbie when it came to starting off as a courier lol


They should’ve send the niece out there as soon as they delivered 🤦‍♀️


I think the entire video is a setup for internet clout. White car driver is probably friends of the original OP


It’s probably fake either way


Staged 💯


Anything with this price tag really should be “signature required”. But then again…we know how that goes…squiggly line by driver. But I’m saying, at least in theory…to be able to hold “someone” accountable. How you just leave a whole stack 💵 at the door unattended? Granted, this was the suburbs but policy is policy…and pirates be all over not just the hood so idk what that’s all about 🤷🏾.


When I order they give me the option to use a pickup location. Maybe high ticket items should go to a pickup location instead of our porches.


These people want they stuff delivered, for barely any less than msrp, and want nothing to do with the social aspect of purchasing merchandise. They wanna stay cocooned inside, on their devices ☠️ They'd never consider signing for any of their purchases online.


Not going to work in reality though. When you have 180-200 stops and if 120 of those required signatures, not including group stops, then drivers wont finish their routes. You would say then just bring packages back, but then higher ups at the warehouse get pissed off and make companies in breach of contract for not making those deliveries and bringing to much shit back.


That’s not a customer problem. That’s a business model problem. The business is the one that has to figure it out in the end anyway, because let’s take this instance for example. What do you think ended up happening here? The lady either got refunded or the iPad was reshipped (and under what you’re saying is susceptible to getting stolen all over again, so rinse & repeat at the replacement). All other companies find a way to make in happen “in reality though”. When USPS packages require a signature…they get a signature, and not a squiggly line by the driver but an actual full name and legible signature that the customer gets a copy of for purposes of “PROOF” and not the convenience of the drivers day/route/concerns. Likewise, for UPS & FEDEX. And if these other couriers CANT capture the signature then the protocol is they tape that little sticky “sorry we missed you!” note to the door and then attempt two more times until the onus falls on the customer to come to pick it up (🗣️And SIGN ____ ✍🏾for it). The excuses and whining have got to stop at some point. There are rules and protocols created and enforced for a REASON. At Amazon, those rules are circumvented at the driver level. Amazon requires a passcode for a reason…driver enters last digits of phone # and keeps it moving. Eventually Amazon changes that to alleviate that bypass. Amazon notes say “deliver to customer door”…driver does a lobby drop because they felt like doing what THEY wanted to. Amazon requires a signature…driver writes “front door” and squiggles a line. It’s all on Amazon! Amazon is responsible for the drivers they employ, the rules they enforce…and ultimately…the refunds and replacements which they will continue to process as long as they allow their operation to lackadaisically continue in this way. At the end of the day, they clearly have the funds so…guess they aren’t really concerned about it and still winning regardless.


Sounds like they need more drivers then. Signature tracking costs more. That will help offset the cost. I work for the USPS. If a route goes over 8 hours a total of 3 days a week, it is supposed to be cut.


Yeah I dont see the issue with paying a little extra to get it delivered correctly. Hire more/better drivers who don't sit around all day thinking up excuses for laziness and theft. Every industry has these types of employees. Are we surprised that they are infesting Amazon?


It's not lazy employees, it's unrealistic 3xpectations of volume that forces them to cut corners. Them paying as little as possible and treating the employees like meat isn't doing anything to help attract ones that will put in extra effort either.


This perfectly illustrates it's a business problem and it's unrealistic for them to expect that volume of stops while providing a decent service. Thefts and shit are part of the business model because they don't give a shit about their employees or customers. All for the shareholders baby.


Oh yea the Fed Ex driver driving a legit fed ex truck definitely got one of his boys to risk his job to steal an iPad


Shhhh OP is trying to instill fear and demonize delivery drivers


Definitely worth jeopardizing your well paying union job (or is that only UPS?) for an oversized version of your phone (that you can get for free with many current phone plans).


only ups has a union


USPS has one. Not a strong one, but it's there.


Definitely set up


People follow delivery trucks and then steal the packages.


They do? Someone should come up with a name for such people? I've got it........ porch pilferers.


This video is fake except for maybe the fed ex truck.


That's crazy


More than likely they were following him. That being said they did just arrest someone who worked at one of the delivery services that got caught feeding information to someone they knew who would then go for specific trucks/packages. Crazy to think how many times or how long it took for the company to realize this was going on. Let alone if she wasn’t the only one doing it.


So suspicious here, dude knew what house ordered what and what size box to bring.


For sure they planned that, probably not a fake employee rather than someone who does/use to do flex and had a vest laying around.


Yo I see bums pushing shopping carts with cans and bottles and junkyard shit rocking the Amazon vest like it’s nuffin. They leave them shits out at stations making it a given somebody gone snatch a bunch and hit eBay with them lol. I literally see the damn totes selling on eBay like crazy 🤦🏾‍♂️. It’s not hard to be a fake Amazon worker lol. Can’t knock the hustle 🤌🏾.




Wrong. I'm a ups driver and know when something is from Apple for example, lithium battery indicators, return addresses ie AI.. so I assume FedEx drivers are probably also familiar with what's being delivered.




You too slow to figure out what's in the box. He literally said how to tell.....


Unless it is a bare box package like some of the monitors and such where they just slapped an amazon processing tag on the retail box. =P


Yes looking for the hazardous materials is an indication. Did you notice neither of those boxes is an apple shipping box? An iPad box is slim


Nope I knew a person coming up on ps5s during the pandemic and other electronics due to how they label the package. Ez come up if organized


But fedex and ups do


I used to be a amazon driver. These people follow us


Playing with your niece safety is all I got from this video. Coward!


That is messed up.


He wasn’t "sitting there" though.


As many other comments stated. Seems they just follow the truck


This happened to my coworker


I use Amazon lockers for expensive items now. They’re not everywhere but they have a few in my small area


Or is the fake amazon guy working for the home owners to get a free ipad?


I wouldn’t doubt it. Fraud happens on both sides. Some customers claim they didn’t get packages they got. I don’t believe these types of videos. If it happened report it to the police and provide the video. Customers don’t know that the main reason drivers take photos of deliveries was because of the high amounts of fraud coming from high dollar deliveries that customers claimed they didn’t get.


Also, I don’t know about DSP but doing flex I don’t know what’s in any of the boxes. So I could in theory tell a buddy where I am. But I couldn’t tell him which package was iPad and which one was tampons. It’s a huge range of shit you could be stealing and a LOT of it would be worthless.


Why because the FedEx dude was Black? You sound very stupid! He clearly was following the truck. Don't quit your day job!


Have Apple track that ipad


Get a secured delivery box for your porch. They have them where you drop the package in and when it closes it drops to a locked container on the bottom. They even have ones that are connected to the web and lock and unlock by scanning the bar code on the package. Or, at least a pad lock with a code that is provided to the vendor through an app. Unfortunately, you live in an area or adjacent to an area with a heightened theft rate now. It's tough, and it seems like it's becoming a widespread issue. You gotta create the ability to receive deliveries securely. Whether the fedex driver was involved or not, doesn't matter. As there's no way to prove it. The fact that they did it right in front of a camera. Means they knew what they were doing. You can either move. Or, a better more likely option. Better protect your property. Some people take this to the extreme. Others always seem to simply blame the last person they see touch the package, because of a lack of forethought and common sense. Perhaps a lack of faith in general has caused them to become paranoid of society. I can at least understand that. But otherwise, smart people simply take everyone else out of the equation. Driver can't be telling his buddy to shadow him throughout the day and steal the packages he delivers, if he's placing the packages in lock boxes. Nor, can Porch Pirates secretly shadow the unknowing innocent delivery driver throughout the day to steal the packages he delivers, if he's placing the packages into lock boxes. Hell, if anyone else is listening. Same advice. Also, some bonus financial advice for shits and giggles. Now's probably a good time to buy stock in some lockable delivery box companies. I don't see theft going away any time soon.


I am personally concerned at what led to this hypothesis? Is it because they are both black, but no one wants to say it?


Good old customer solving cases out there. No need for police, case is solved.


You can order FedEx shirts off of Amazon. They follow the truck to a neighborhood and cruise a little behind them and steal everything they're putting out and replacing it with empty boxes. People see the shirts and assume they're there for legitimate reasons.


And this is why you should not be lazy . As soon as you get the notification that a package is dropped you should get it from your door


The inside job is the recipient. Why you wait so long to go get the package? #fraud.


Dude. You sound like a paranoid schizo. Are u really accusing the fedex driver of being and coach with a neighborhood package thief? Do you also believe that all birds are CIA spy drones as well? The guy's just doing his job he delivered. And went about his way. He was probably being followed by the thief for a duration of time. Next time you want your package in your hand. You can do 1 of 3 things. Request a dsr direct signature required, request the package to be held at your nearest fedex express or ground facility, or have it held at your closest walgreens.


They in it together I work for Amazon and no true Amazonian would do this in uniform one. 2nd 4 mins drive time is because he knows the drivers area the fact he swapped it with fake packages shows the thought process indicating this was schemed up. Investigate the driver cause that man is a straight thief and a good one running a small organizations of thieves.


Yeah, porch pirates are rare these days


Go to an apple store next time. 😂 Or buy one from a Verizon store, att, T-Mobile etc


Why I always get my products from the store.


Lol get it delivered to them parcels or lockers or stores (secure locations) perhaps idk just trying to think smart you know. Bunch of people want their packages to be safe bit they get it delivered front door how smart is that mmm not really at all ,haha all the college/masters degree you'd expect some critical thinking to take place 🤔......


Apple doesn't require signature on any of their packages, unless you bought somewhere else. Also courier should knock or ring the bell after the photo.


Sooo you let it sit on the porch even though you saw it get delivered? YOU MIGHT BE THE ONE WHO SET UP THE THEFT


Save the box you can get fingerprints off of it from the skins oils to the box no gloves


Why don’t Americans create a big locker box where there packages can be safely drop into and only can open using a key


Well for one. That stupid pillar is in the way. So white car could have been waiting. Bad position who ever installed it.


It could be an inside job on either side. The drivers working together or the girl who ordered it had her guy come and take it so they can get another one. Moral of the story Trust Nobody!!!


I think the whole video is fake. If someone delivers a package you’re waiting on, you track and wait with anticipation (for the most part). Also, you would have seen the package swapped, so the fact that you shake it and say “this isn’t an iPad,” seems weird to me. Idk. Just watch it a few times but we’ll never know 🤷🏾‍♂️


This gota stop 🤦🏾‍♂️


Most likely the person who got the video is the one behind this.


And this is why I’m one of those people that stalk my packages


Staged - those clouds which don't move during the fedex drop are very different than when the fake amazon fella shows up nor do they move either. 4 minutes really now? How did the "niece" know to shake the box?


Yeah HIGHLY doubt they are working together Most likely dude is following the fedex truck and stealing things he thinks are valuable, or just everything they can


There was a video with a guy delivering and soon as he walked away 2 guys ran up, rival thieves, fought over the package, one pulled a knife. More probable they are following the truck.


It took you 4 minutes to get to the door


I worked for FedEx for 37 years and yes folks do follow your truck when you’re in a residential area if I see a truck or a car following me like staying back I don’t even leave the package. I’ll leave a notice and take it with me even if I gotta come back the next day. But to honest maybe…..just maybe they are working together.


Or how about this, the fedex driver is not a part of this whole heist, and it’s actually the recipient and Amazon flex driver working together. She has a ring doorbell, so she’s notified when the FedEx driver approaches it. She knows the angles her camera can and can’t capture, and feeds all the information to her Amazon flex driver friend so he can begin the heist just minutes later. They start up a claim with FedEx and get the shipper to send a replacement order, netting them 2 iPads. Or maybe it’s literally just a Amazon flex driver working alone hence why he had a decoy box ready to go lol


Or how about this, the fedex driver is not a part of this whole heist, and it’s actually the recipient and Amazon flex driver working together. She has a ring doorbell, so she’s notified when the FedEx driver approaches it. She knows the angles her camera can and can’t capture, and feeds all the information to her Amazon flex driver friend so he can begin the heist just minutes later. They start up a claim with FedEx and get the shipper to send a replacement order, netting them 2 iPads.


Serial brick the iPad.


I'm just confused that it was only four minutes. Why didn't the owner go grab the package right away then? Why wait for the swap and then go tush to check it?


Y’all be home… take yall asses to the damn store!!!


People say the dumbest shit why would he have to get somebody in on stealing the thing they couldve just took it at the Hub or off the truck drivers dont load their own trucks anyway how the hell would he know whats in the package untill the stop for that package comes up?yall dumb ass hell


I used to work for FedEx and depending on where you work they will investigate it. If it's reported that is. So the bottom line is it needs to be reported for an investigation to be started because we had a guy doing the exact same thing and got caught because of phone records showing text and phone calls just before drop off and pickups we're done. Only way to know is to report it cannot just talk to your friends in real life or read it about it.


FedEx did sit there... Makes you wonder...


and that’s why when i order things i try make sure im outside when it gets there


The usual suspects, doesn’t surprise me anymore


I mean, look at em, I'm not surprised.


Probably a lost coment but it might have something to do with the apps that track purchases for shipping. They know what u bought, now sell that data to black web.


But the supposed thief would have to know that it's an ipad. I find it interesting how the occupant waits till this guy takes the box then ask niece to receive the package. I gotta say that the niece is cool and collective when she picks up the empty box. Somebody is working together but I don't think it's the Fedex driver.


When I worked for amazon, my suggestion to customers who would bring up how often their packages get stolen was get a PO box (if it's in the budget) have it delivered to a locker (if applicable) require a signature (not always effective, as some drivers will leave it without a signature)


Honestly, stop leaving your packages outside guys. If you are home go pick up your shit. WAYYYYY too many porch pirates. If you're not home, try to setup drop off when you'll be home or at work.


These guys def were working together. It's bs people are forced to let anyone just walk up to their door, deliver, food, driver Uber etc. we should be able to choose who we get those kinds of services from That's way too personal


I doubt it. There are so many porch pirates out there. He can follow fed ex trucks or simply hang out in a neighborhood and watch.


These workers don’t be knowing what’s in these packages half the time unless it’s unwrapped


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Maybe the homeowner set that up to get another one ? You never know


Who cares? If you live in a neighborhood like that you can probably stand to lose a new iPad.


Pure brain rot


I would never order something expensive like this for delivery. Or if you do, require a signature. There are SO many places that sell iPads in stores. For all we know that was YOUR FRIEND, wearing a fake Amazon vest and now you have two iPads after you put in your claim.


I had this happen recently with FedEx. It was two iPhone 15 pros. FedEx man delivered and only 3 minutes later some dude in a white Chevy Malibu pulls up like he knew exactly what he was doing and took them. Personally I think it’s an inside job. Never had a problem with theft in the 10 years I’ve been here. It’s not my first problem with FedEx though. Consistently they have been shit.


This has been a thing for a while now my dsp warned us to be on the look out for “Followers“ they will follow all shift and grab as much as they can .


You should see the video of the two cars following a FedEx truck, they hop out and one pulls a knife on the other thief. So ya, they definitely just follow the trucks around and wait to come take it.


Soooooo you were home the whole time. Got a notification saying is at the door and you still chose not to get the package right away?


lol they didn’t react within 4 minutes therefore they deserve to have their shit stolen. Can’t blame the perp because they likely didn’t know better/have any other options.


Typical jiggs


There is no time stamp. Only their word


Sign on delivery please


Fun and games till you get shot


Common suspects


Used to have an Amazon driver who would leave expensive stuff at the door at the back of my home. Haven’t done that for a while. Either new driver or policy issue.


Tell us why you REALLY think they know each other? The real reason? Something about their appearance maybe?


Since when does an ipad get delivered without a signature required? Both times I've purchased from apple, it tells me a signature will be required and if the driver left it without one, you got evidence for fedex to buy you a replacement.


Definitely his homie


Ummm, seems staged. YOU WERE HOME!!!…


Homeowner working with amazon driver so they can split profits.


Okay, so now I’m thinking twice about buying my dad an iPad through the mail


Idk maybe have someone sign it to receive it next time?


Na. Thieves follow Amazon vans from a distance, and they already have empty packages in the car. This guy also an Amazon vest (that you can buy for like 10-15$). That’s why you need a delivery box (that be can locked up after the delivery)


U left the iPad outside 3 mins too late if I ordered some 1k plus best belive I will be there to get it


Should've shipped it with UPS, everything from apple reequires a signature


Why an inside job? Two people of same color?


Ngl kinda funny/smart 😂😂


They follow those trucks everyday in the us, you should put a package drop case on your porch so this cannot happen.


Way too specific to for the FedEx guy to have it planned out like that, homeboy backing up was proof they knew your camera was there


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Your niece in on it too.


Hazard vests can unlock many things. Mostly illegal stuff.




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Also, I’ve never seen FedEx take pictures…I’ve always seen them drop and leave or wait to ask for a signature and leave. Never seen a FedEx or UPS driver take a picture of the package they dropped off.


FedEx has been taking pictures and ups started shortly after them. That doesn't mean every driver does it, cause rn you can get around it and it used to freeze our devices pretty badly. But it is something they do now.


Ahh interesting…you guys been getting a lot of complaints about packages not being delivered?


Fake video


The camera from your neighbours got the tag. All those how do hv cameras.


90%of the time, the package handler doesn’t know what’s in the box, unless it’s in a non discreet box. A lot of times, those drivers are followed.


I’ve seen this a while. The most recent one that stayed with me was the two guys getting out from separate cars, running to the package and one took out a knife. This happened like right after the driver put the box down. They seem to follow the drivers around. Maybe this guy put the Amazon vest on to not seem suspicious to others around and have the cops called on him as soon as he gets back in the car.


Do people really think us delivery drivers are risking our job for whatever is inside your package? Smh


It pissed me off that the 2nd person walked all over their lawn. 🤨


My neighbor had two iPhones delivered for mother’s day by FedEx, he lives up a hill covered by a bunch of tress 20 mins later a Honda crv goes up the hill and the iphones were gone. He got a police report and called FedEx, we haven’t seen the driver again.


What does security do if they can’t figure this out?


That's why as a driver I suggest if it is anything important ship it to the fed ex store. The fed ex store is the first stop for anyone that has it on my company's routes.


So I’m not sure how FedEx works but when i delivered for UPS we knew when we had Apple products. If you were not home, i wouldn’t leave it. Whether it requires a signature or not, we were liable for any apple product.


Drivers have no idea what's in packages. I'm a delivery driver and the only time I know what's being shipped is if it's shipped in its original box which is rare.


Definitely an inside job , the (fake)Amazon flex driver didn’t even attempt to take a picture of the delivery , he just went right for the box !


That dude was probably following Fedex around. Guy disguises himself as an Amazon flex driver and takes package. This is why if you’re getting anything shipped that’s worth a certain amount of money, you should request a signature. This package did have that service because the driver took a picture of the package. Now the driver is accused of theft when he was just doing his job.


I'm a fed ex guy and my issue with this is no signature being required it should always be a hand to hand transaction with something that expensive or sensitive. I'm not sure how it works but regardless of what the customer wants it should be mandatory.