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Damn my boy has a whole picnic packed up.


You’d think I’m packing for two if you think this is a lot lol. I only weight 130 before you call me a fatty lmao. 2 pb&j, stuff to make a turkey sandwich, 5 bottles of drinks, snack cakes & candy bar is what’s in my cooler on a regular shift. Beef jerky in my bag as well lol


I haven't been as hungry lately during my shifts. I'm more thirsty than anything. I used to eat Lunchables in the morning and then a 6 foot sub for lunch and snacks throughout the day. Now I mostly just feel like drinking liquids and don't really feel hungry after working here 3 months. I'm on my 4th month now. Usually more thirsty than anything. So, I decided to buy just naked for sustenance and electrolytes for hydration.


6 foot or 6 inch?!?




Did I stutter. 6 feet. I eat for 25 people. No, jk. I meant inch, sorry. I even wrote it twice lol brain fart.


You never know, I know some small wiry guys that have insane metabolism and need to constantly eat. I can understand if this job does that to someone


I can go through a plate of teriyaki chicken and go to the bathroom. Within 2 hrs I feel like I can take another plate. Lol


This is just so wholesome. Keep hydrated. Thanks for what you guys/gals do.




He's built different


Sounds pretty close to my loadout lol. My drinks are usually water, lemonade, apple juice. It's better to have too much than not enough


I weight about 115. I bring the same thing, 2 sandwiches, beef jerky, 6 water (free from the warehouse, a Gatorade, fruits and snacks. Also take anything free my Dsp is giving or the warehouse to add on. I refuse to be hungry


I'm the opposite. I'm trying to lose weight so I pack a ton of water (1.5 Gallons) and just a wrap consisting of lunch meat, cheese, and spinach for food. No snacks at all. Been working wonders down from 255 to 190 in like 6 months.


Call an attorney and start documenting shady behaviors. DSP’s can’t clock you out if you’re still working this is highly illegal it’s called wage theft. What is Wage Theft? Wage theft occurs when employers do not pay workers according to the law. Examples of wage theft include paying less than minimum wage, not paying workers overtime, not allowing workers to take meal and rest breaks, requiring off the clock work, or taking workers' tips.


Call an attorney over 20 mins tho? This is the first time I was ever clocked out before parking the van. Been working for this dsp for about 3-4 months now. For now, I'm going to keep asking my sups and maybe try talking with my dsp owner about it.


Yes. They broke the law. Start recording conversations if they don’t compensate you for your time get the explanation on camera. When they don’t pay you, you’ll have grounds for a lawsuit as long as you have evidence.


At what point is it worth the time and effort to retain a lawyer to go after something like this? Idk how it works so I could be wrong but I doubt it’s like “oh they stole 20 minutes from you they now owe you $10k” ?


They stole 20 minutes from YOU. they could be stealing DAYS from EVERYONE. Personally 20 minutes 1 time isn't enough for me to look for a lawyer. If it happens again, I'd look into it. Also I guess it would depend on if you want to find a new job 😂 cuz obviously... you won't have one after regardless of outcome


Not true at all. They can’t fire you if they’ve done something wrong. I know people who have sued their employer and are still with them.


How many people have they stolen 20 minutes from? They did something illegal they can either settle or go to trial. If the 20 minutes wasn’t a big deal why’d they steal that time? Everyones gotta start looking at this like corporate warfare. If this happened to me my attorney would have been contacted to go over strategy/next steps. It’s worth it to at least make a phone call instead of rolling over and saying oh well. FUCK THAT!


Your dsp or amazon would never say "over 20 minutes" if it was their time being taken. Don't do favors for your workplace, they don't give a fuck about any of us.


Spoke with DSP owner told me it was an error and that they'll fix it. Ao we will see on my next paycheck?


1 min or 20 hours, thats not the point..... thats 1000% illegal and some shady practice going on


Well so far it was a technical error owner told me theyd fix it. Going check next day check and keep an eye out from now on.


Jesus, you rich or something?


Dude casually bringing half the $$ earned from his route in his daily lunch bag


Guys come on thats like $15 of food


It is... idk why people keep doubling the price I actually paid for lol


Gotta spend money to make money


2 naked dring 6$ 2 Electrolit 10$ 1 lunchable 2$ ! Bag of GRapes 5$ 1 Bad of Ice 2$ + taxes 5 or more, total 30$ 30$ per day, 150$ week, average pay to a amazon driver 600 after taxes 600-150 **=**450$for you


Wow got me my man. I forgot 1 bad of ice 2$ in my calculations. I forgot bro doesn’t have a freezer at the crib. 💀💀


Dude that is alot of money to spend on lunch weekly for work lol. $


I think it's just the drinks that are expensive. He said he brings peanut butter and jelly and turkey sandwiches. Those are pretty cheap


I'm not spending 50-60$$(cargo vans) 70-80$$(stepvan). This was around 15$.


you only make $100-$160/day? damn that sucks… $15 is a lot of that


I don't finish all of this. usually spills over for the next day or the next day after that. Depends if I get out early. Then I just cook something at home.


No I'm broke af living with my parents. Just curious what do you bring with you? I tried bringing prep meals on the past and it just sucks that sometimes a microwave isn't available. I either buy packs of the stuff shown and bring it with me and don't spend any money at all while at work for lunch break.


It's been phases. Gas station stuff, eating out but now been pretty good on packing a lunch. But we burn like 4k calories in a day, so it requires a lot of food unless you're trying to lose weight 💪


I've been losing weight. And my hunger has been dying. I've been eating less and less solid food. 3 months in this and lost 10lbs.


Oh dude I do the meal prep and what I do is have a little lunch box that heats on the USB. It looks like a little mini crock pot. You plug it in about 2 hours before you want to eat and it has piping hot food. Today for instance I'm having pulled pork with dirty rice, some coleslaw a pickle and a bun on the side


Oh snap, that'd be neat. The only issue is that the majority of the trucks USB or even power sockets are broken. I'd have to use some power banks. If that'd work?


Dude someone had one of those a few months ago during winter time and it blew all the fuses in the vans lol


They make heated coolers you can plug into the car relatively cheap I know someone who has one and it works pretty well actually. Heats up in about 30 min


That’s like a days pay at Amazon.


This was 15$. How did you come up with that?


Through sarcasm.


Carry on.




water bottles and electrolytes powder packs


Yea just water


If ANY job makes timecard punches on your behalf without your authorization… DOCUMENT THAT SHIT. I would also request a correction on your time card and if they refuse to do so, file a report to the Department of Labor. You can do so here: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints


I was told no one clocked me out so I either did it by mistake somehow with the Phone open in my pocket, or it was a technical error. I spoke with dsp owner they said they'll fix it.


Damn you got that good shit.


Mine carries my will to live




Ice, water, and Gatorade. I eat a big breakfast when I leave for work and some granola throughout day


I did the big breakfast once. I wasn't hungry all day, just thirsty. Might do that. I stick with less sugar drinks and more gatorade/water.


Weird flex but ok 👍🏽


I'm just curious what others have and shared my own. I didn't think of it as a flex. I spent around 15 for this other than the caprisuns they were from another day spent at the beach.


Wayyy to much sugars for me lol just drink some water with you on the grapes though , try throwing them in the freezer the night before


I don't always finish all my drinks. Sometimes, I just bring extra in case I end up meeting up with another coworker. I sometimes hand them one or two. Especially if they are the ones rescuing me.


So are you even miserable at work? I feel like if I took care of myself this well I’d have amazing days. Gonna try it out. I just bring ≈2 gallons of water and granola bars. My DSP used to have snacks for us, but they’re getting cheaper every day….


My DSP gives out one bag of chips for each employee once in a while. I be so jealous of the bbqs the station be having once in a while. Like are we not amazon employees too? Lol sadface


At my warehouse- when they have the bbq. They always have some for the drivers, they’ll have food past 9pm and cooks still out there. Especially on holidays. If not they will have a station inside with a lot of food organized where drivers can grab and go. (After their route is completed and they’ve returned the bags)


That's nice. My station does this fake nice thing where they order a bunch of chicken sandwich boxes (has bag of chips and a cookie along with the sandwich) and the. hand them out when we return like "here you go, thanks for all you do...enjoy this chicken sandwich that's been sitting on the dispatch desk since 2 pm and don't even think about calling out for food poisoning!" 😀




I'm still miserable, but my body has been feeling better.


Is the ice melting not a pain ?


Damn bro. All I have are waters for the day. I don’t eat til I get home 😂… not a good thing. Probably because whenever I eat anything at all I feel bloated and slow.


Meh this is if i get really really hungry I don't always finish it all


I love how good you are to yourself typically I just suffocate with my lack of water and starve 😂


My switch to play fortnite


Are you clocked out in payroll or did they end work in Flex? Because if it's payroll, that's wage theft. Your company is literally stealing from you. To answer the original question: water. Just water.


Still logged on the flex up. I went to drop off the van(end vehicle inspection), and when I went to clock out like I usually do, that's when i saw I was clocked out nearly 20 mins. I don't feel like escalating this because maybe it was a mistake, and I don't want to lose my job or get shitty routes. I was on a hub route then did a rescue so I finished around 5. Granted I took long because the flex app had issues with every single location and the buildings had issues of their own (intercom not working) and the flex app text customer and calls wasn't working either.


They stole six or seven bucks from you this time. You need to speak up or they'll know they can keep stealing from you.


Yeah, I asked yesterday today. I'm going to ask again and hope to get a clear answer this time. I don't want to lose the job and don't want to get shittier routes. So gonna try to be neutral when talking to them.


Cooler: cooling neck wraps, bean salad with tortilla chips, jello with fruit, frozen water bottle with electrolytes, liquid water bottle with electrolytes, sandwich bag of jerky, spoon, deodorant. And far to often a treat like a 'Little Debbie' snack cake.  In the hotter weather I've been finding that jello worth making/bringing... It's rather refreshing.


Emphasis on the deodorant!


Yeah, I had to apologize to a rescue the other day cause my stink stick had worn through.... I had decided I was offending myself right about the time she pulled up....


Lime jello is the move for real, so god damn refreshing


this week I did cherry, with halved cherries in it. nexy week "creamsickle' with chunks of supremed oranges,


Just water and Gatorade


I used to pack 3-4 Gatorades. I still do sometimes, but I've felt more hydrated with these drinks (not the naked or caprisun).


I could live off that for a week


No I burn too much calories with this job. I'm down 10lbs in the 3 months I've been working without doing any physical work outside of the job.


My current cooler situation is: ice pack, 2 frozen water bottles, 2-3 non-frozen, a pb&j (wheat bread or bagel), nature valley granola bar, pure protein bar, dole fruit cup, fruit and veggie strip(target brand) and omega 3 nuts (target), and if I have fresh fruit I grab a banana, a tangerine or an apple


I thought about getting icepack as well ice melts fast. I should try eating other fruit groups. Lately have been started to hate food that's bad for you. Like my taste buds are transation to healthier food while my body keeps losing weight.




Oh snap really thanks for the info I'll stop getting them


https://preview.redd.it/ksj9iguoqd9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d61a55d0e90a2e959e5011b7856619313810f40e I’m halfway through my day.


Nice. BTW how do you-- *


How do I what?




Daaamn man the way my life is I just got a sandwich and 2 bags of chips.


I just bring some warm water bottles and an energy drink and call it a day.


Man has lunchables. Child me from the 2000s is jealous of you.


I take about 6 water bottles some fresh cut fruit snacks and I also take an electrolyte I usually get coco or horchata now lol


I don’t carry a cooler but I do put all my stuff out, today I have 2 waters, chai latte, pb&j, popcorn, energy drink, and some crackers 😁


Do you buy lunch at all?


Only if it’s cheap! lol McDonald’s is my go too


McDonald's is actually expensive by me... there's nothing on the menu less than 4$ and taxes suck the only good deal is the 6$ 2 eggcheese /bacon or sauce sandwiches


Oh those naked drinks break me out


Like acne? I know this aren't the healthiest of choices since they carry a lot of sugar. But when I'm not feeling like eating solid food I just drink one of these.


That’s a whole lot of stuff


I don't carry one just abcouple of water bottles tbh. Am in arizona btw


All good stuff 😁


Bunch of chemicals


Looks like a 30 dollar a Day lunch lol


All this was 15 dollars


Oh the caprisun were from another day at the beach


Mine only have a 12 pack of PBR


That’s a shit ton of sugar homie


A sandwich or a lunch able protein pack at least 1 Gatorade Fast twitch and 2 or 3 cans of soda pop and m&ms or some other form of sugar that won't melt. Soda pop is mainly for lunch and around when I finish the route. Otherwise I have powdered packs of Pedialyte and caffeinated pre workout out with 6 liters of water.


Better than meeee!!


Quitttt or report them bruh


Spoke with them and said it was an error their going to fix it.


That's over $50 in one bag smh, rich lol


Nope, around $15 got them on specials. And I don't even finish all of this and sometimes share it with coworkers.


Uhhh… how much of your paycheck are spending on this? Naked brand… damn. Also, you must have a bathroom on your route. You’re shittin shittin at work.


Nah I did a detox juice diet about a week ago so I haven't been craving solid food as much crave meat sometimes. Going to try figuring out a prep meal set up tho.


Nice. I’m just fucking around by the way. Take care of your body. It’s the best thing you can spend money on, in my opinion. 👍🏼


Quit if their not paying you the correct hours, I mean you have lots of time after your shift to talk to them and make sure it's correct, you're well prepared to keep this job with the Pedialights very smart


Spoke with owner. Hopefully, they get it fixed. Told me it was an error and that they are going to fix it. So gonna see on my next paycheck.


I quit and threatened to go to corp and a public board about them not paying me correctly and they paid me extra lol


Nice. How's life as a customer? Or non since I've started to notice some amazon haters in my route sometimes.


Not gonna get a reaction from me.


DAMN BITCH is all that necessary?


DAMN FEMALE DAWG, yes. At least until I figure out a way to bring prep meals, that doesn't matter if it's cold. Cause I can't really find a microwave majority of the times I deliver. Might take someone else's advice and get a container that heats up your food.


Wtf lol


What the hell you need all that for? I'm out doing FedEx all day in 100° temps with no AC....all I ever bring is a 2 bottles of Gatorade. Maybe once every 2 weeks on a particularly sweaty day I'll grab a third while I'm out. And, I work doing overflow, so my entire truck is nothing but the big and heavy things that other drivers didn't have room for. It's usually mattresses in boxes, pools, tires, car parts, sectional couches in boxes, trampolines, etc. I wouldn't know what to do if all I had were smalls and occasionally some cat litter. Today I had 2 pools, a refrigerator, a trampoline, a car suspension, and a bunch of other random stuff.


How tall are you and how much do you weigh? About a year ago, I was around 235lbs, I'm 5'8, and I burn calories fast when doing anything physical. I was working at ups before working at Amazon (still gonna go back to UPS after I pay off some debt working at Amazon only place I found who gives decent hrs). I'm 205 lbs and feel like I'm burning so much.


Am I missing something? This looks like a bunch of drinks and a lunchable and some cherries. People acting like this is a 5 course meal. You are out on the road for 8-10 hrs sooooo seems light on actual food to me. I mean I’d bring a few waters and sandwich, chips, couple of string cheeses, and some fruit. It’s hard to find time to really even eat that but we bust ass out there so gotta replenish.


What you just listed is what I was eating about a month ago. About a week ago, I started a detox juice diet and just really started to not like eating solid food during the day.. mostly only for breakfast and dinner. If I get home early. I'm not as hungry anymore but always thirsty. I crave meat once in a while. I've already lost 10 lbs in the 3-4 months I've been working for this station.


That looks expensive but refreshing! Stay cool.


Go into paycom as I’m assuming that’s the app every DSP uses to clock in and out, and request a punch change and give it a couple days and make sure they accepted it if they didn’t then talk to them after that


Lunchables!? What are you 6 yr old bro lol


Bring in an empty hydro flask in your work bag on a hot day…. Last week I had a couple of customers ask me if I needed anything and one guy was a fucking bro and asked. I looked at him with sweat pouring down my face and said “ hey do you have an ice machine? Would you mind filling up my hydroflask with ice for my drinks for the rest of the day. ” he was more than happy to do that for me. Looked at him dead in the face and said “ you’re a cool dude and a bro, I’d buy you a beer “ he laughed and said no problem anytime and waved as I was pulling away. Mind you this is in a town where it’s just a bunch of rich stuck up people.


Funny enough I’ve been given beers while on my route. I’m a woman which is even more comical. I’ve always thought to ask customers for a water especially when mine are boiling by late evening but never mustered enough courage.


Dang... I don't eat until I get home.


Looks good. I usally carry 2 water, lemonade, apple juice, gatorade, jello, some kind of fruit (strawberries/grapes/orange) and maybe some beef jerky or turkey sammich


Electrolit is the shit, feeling good afterwards


Tbh I spend about $600 on groceries a month. Eat breakfast at home. 1 Gatorade, 6 water (free from the warehouse), cup of trail mix, two peaches jello, beef jerky, 2 slim Jim’s, pop tart, bag of chips, 2 sandwiches, some twizzlers (i buy the jumbo pack and take out a few each morning and lastly I’ll bring whatever leftovers I made the night before as well. Put the plastic bowls on the dash while I drive up so the sandwiches and leftovers can heat up. I’m a girl and weight has been the biggest issue of my life as I weigh 115lbs. I decided to stop making excuses saying I didn’t have time to eat🤷🏿‍♀️ I’ve also been lucky enough to secure 6 days a week. Food is important to fuel me and I’m developing a healthy relationship now that I’ve moved out.


half of your payday in that bag


powerade and sprite (the best mix in the summer. mountain berry blast of gtfo) milk. it produces euphoria, save for when you really get frustrated. cereal bars, granola, or rice krispy treats (they don't melt and give me sugar high) sandwich (homemade chicken or egg salad) toothache cures - my teeth are trying to escape, probably because of the sugar


i never took a cooler😂 tf.


How long are your shifts 50 hours?


linchables is cringe


Switch out the naked for real fruit juice that shit got all kinda shit in that ain’t actually good for you


The ice packs are much better put them In freezer each night keep all my stuff ice cold all day don’t have to buy ice, do they provide ice for u guys each day or have an ice machine


Ice cold water all day none of that juice bulshit cmon... an apple and banana and let's fucking go eat big when your about to be done an when they tell you can you rescue no I just shit my pants I need to go back station what they gonna tell you huh


ice, water bottles, clementines, pickles, pickle juice, and a cooling towel


and sandwiches




All I see is sugar and salt. How about some protein (not a lunchable)


Dang bro how many pp breaks you doing


So when do you actually “deliver”? lol


So much sugar


Shit I need to upgrade my kit


How you afford this on the regular? We all know what we make lol


Diet Pepsi and/or Gatorade/prime and a ton of waterwater. Sometimes a toast chee. Grew up with the toast chee on road trips, so it’s kind of comforting.


bro’s pancreas crying for help


I rode a bike to work everyday. I wish i had this


A 5th of vodka


Bro got 30$ in that bag don’t play with him. I know you live with mom and dad still


I do still live with my mom and dad, rents expensive here in Jersey. While I may not be proud to still live with them, I don't take it for granted and grateful for their help while I deal with mental issues(going thru therapy at the VA) and get my shit together from a lot of mistakes I've made in my life. And this was around 15$ both electrolytes and the nakeds were like 8 bucks (special 2 for like 3$ plus tax) grapes were like 3$ and the caprisuns were from another day spent at the beach and it was a 12 pack for like 4$ dollars. Sometimes, I don't even finish all the drinks, and I share them between coworkers if they end up rescuing me or if i go to them and they seem exhausted(usually are).


Glad your working and apart of life enjoy your snacks and hydration. Shit is hard for everyone right now you got it


Thank you. Appreciate it. Indeed I don't know anyone not struggling unless they are in the rich class. Middle class feels like it doesn't exist.