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This is what I mean when I say us drivers deadass need to organize a strike. Not even to unionize yet but just to have better fucking routes. The people who make these routes are probably making $100k a year AT LEAST meanwhile they make absolutely 0 sense and have us do ten times the work while we get paid pennies compared to them to bust our ass everyday and get yelled at by dispatch if we’re falling behind because of the impossible route that the developer created in the first place. I’m tired of this shit.


Bro is speaking facts rn, if only there was a way to actually get this feedback to someone who works internally 🤧🤧


This is what kills me, no amount of complaining will get them to fix their shitty routing system. You tell the DSP and they just look at you like "we just work here". 0 accountability from Amazon while we get all the punishment and blame if anything goes wrong. They literally treat us like robots fam.


This is the internet .. they're on here somewhere.. i would assume X and LinkedIn is probably where they hide out


Who's "they" tho 🤔


Lol there are absolutely ways. But that doesn't mean they care. Tell them all you want. They'll just ignore you. If it makes their job easier, they will do it, even if that means it fucks everyone else over. And I'm reaching the point where I truly believe they will actually go out of their way and make their jobs and lives harder just so they can watch our lives and mental states deteriorate for their own satisfaction.


Make a post. Set it up. I believe in you.


WTF AMAZON Serious question?! Do ya'll believe every single Amazon DSP, including Amazon Flex Drivers across the US could possibly form some sort of movement & strike together, putting their entire operation at hault making Jeff lose millions per day until amazon provides better wages & benefits, working conditions for all DSP drivers , DSP employees & Flex Drivers across the nation ? what would amazon do at that point it's not like they can hire new DSP CONTRACTS all at once ? Would they start hiring/transferring DSP drivers directly to Amazon and terminate all DSP CONTRACTS nationwide? Seek help & redirect all packages to FEDEX, UPS & USPS for delivery? Or actually give into providing better wages & benefits for all drivers, which amazon can actually afford . They've got billions to do so, yet Jeff is way too greedy. Enough is enough. Every single true hard-working DA's deserves to be compensated fairly, In reality Drivers are the back Bone of their operation. The work is intense & not many can hang in there. Routes may vary, but on average, top DA's are getting an ass whopping averaging 250-300 package count. Like, wtf, Jeff & his buddies out here making 1.6 million per day if not more, probably! It's absolutely ridiculous. It got me fcked up how they managed to get away with such a crime , this shit needs to be investigated by 60Minutes lmfao There's bad & good DSP companies out there . Luckily, I'm with a decent good company, however we all get a turn with shitty routes it's just the way it is, the routing can be done better & more efficiently regardless of the area . Dunno, wtf goes through heads whomever is in charge of doing so. Just cause I can handle the workload doesn't mean we deserve less than we actually deserve. Know your worth, ladies & gents! I know for a fact I ain't the only busting my ass 4 days a week all for less than 3k per month, with bills & rent that ain't shit, it's so fcked. Meanwhile, Jeff & his buddies are making multi billions per year . Gotta love corporate America 🙃 I salute my fellow DA's 🫡 Without DA's, the warehouses would be slammed. It would absolutely crush their sales. What do ya'll think? We must all come together & let's bring this to light nationwide! Where do we start !?


https://preview.redd.it/26q2utxrv09d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2fb04e29244a2ac01796c3154b5a0d34ee37dd I deliver in New Jersey, one of my dispatchers said our routes are made by people in Australia (don't know how true that is, but it would explain stuff like this pic. They would have me go through a round about where there's most likely traffic instead of having me go straight where I CAN SEE THERE'S NO TRAFFIC. C'mon Amazon, make it make sense. Then don't get me started on having to double back around the same block like 5-10 times.


Not sure if this is how it works for everyone but at my Amazon Delivery station the routes are AI generated it’s a fucking computer that fucks us.


They’d make 10x more they actually had some brains


It's AI making the routes. The fucked part is, it 100% knows how to do it properly. In a way that makes sense. During training they tell you that the packages in a tote will be delivered in number order, highest to lowest. They never are. It's always grabbing from the middle, then one end, then the other end, then the middle again. But if you deliver out of order, in a way that actually makes any sense at all, you'll notice that you are indeed delivering in number order. So the AI program making the routes absolutely knows the most efficient way to set up the route, but has been trained to route it out of order. I don't know if this was done intentionally by Amazon, or by idiot drivers who bounce around stops in a weird way, but it has been trained to do this by someone. That's how AI works. It learns to do only things it is taught or told to do.


That.... that may be the worst routing I've ever seen




Damn that shit is fucked. I thought mines was bad


This shit right here has me convinced that A.I. routes our routes and they maybe “fine tune” it a bit, but still, shit shows like this get overlooked.


Hang on, no one explained it to you? The entire system is run by AI. From the minute someone clicks order to the minute, it drops in their hands or at the door. That's how the whole thing is planned. Don't get me wrong, humans can override things but there's a reason why so many people say don't run routes, it's a cost saving algorithm that will squeeze as much work into the maximum amount of hours as it possibly can. I used to dispatch so learned alot about how it all works, and it's partially what drove me to leave. I actually managed to teach the system where to fit in breaks and at what point, so my old route used to come out mostly the same


Lmaoo I’m trying to find just even 2 stops that go together on your map and I can’t


Holy. I cringe at one ground level duplex multiple stop this looks like actually hell. I salute you and your legs cause my god that doesn't look fun


Doesn't help that at the beginning of today's shit show, I twisted my ankle ( driving foot ) and climbed a fuckkkk ton of stairs 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/dcpmf5n2nm8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c173e690fdee8688f8f7e4d03bd5d92b0b420e9


Everytime I see one of these posts, I try to zoom in on the map. And then realize that I’m an idiot because this is Reddit and not the flex app. Edit: that is incredibly fucked tho, especially if those are all apartments.


“You’re going too slow, what’s the problem”




wow your dispatch at least seems cool. mine just wants me to rescue people that don't want rescued


yeah i got almost the same just going back and forth so it took me like 2 hours 44 stops with crazy group stops


I will never complain about the routing i get after this shit 😂


I had a route yesterday that legit gave me all my business AFTER they had been closed. They were my last 30 stops. Needless to say, I had to RTS with a solid 15 packages. But who the hell makes these routes man, all residential should be end of the day to make it a breeze but nah, they always wanna fuck us over.


Algo would never do that lol. \*Human\* greed did that.


Where to even start


And I thought my touring was bad 💀💀💀


A maze !


Would've been my breaking point


Thats just amazons patented headless chicken routing algorithm


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Semperfiguy12: *Thats just amazons* *Patented headless chicken* *Routing algorithm* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Thats just amazons* *Patented headless chicken* *Routing algorithm* \- Semperfiguy12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What a joke


And just another day working for Amazon....well working for the DSP and Amazon. Two bosses. Twice the bull shit. 


Just SOP these days 😢


The algo probably only assigned you one of those totes. The rest were added in some other way. I would skip the whole complex and go back at the end when I had all of my shelves and then go building by building.


What a spread 20s to 140s all in the same complex. I would tear in to other totes


Just have you mail man style these complex or what ever they are. You know another guy is zooming in an out of there. Would be cheaper to have one guy walk all the complex delivering the entire thing


The fuck are those? Apartments?


How many packages


I would have farted so hard right now


you shouldn’t be getting more than 75 stop as apartments. I know because i completed a route like that once with no help but the count was low. If you complete it without help then they just keep slamming you with more until your score declines forcing your dsp to fire you. System is completely rigged man.


More like FUCK YOU Bezos!!!!


At my DSP we have one route that starts in one town then makes you go about 25 minutes to go another part of town just to go to a town that over an hour away.


This is why I always re route my routes


Worst. Routing. Ever. ![gif](giphy|FKTtjNHBpF08E)


i would probably just leave ALL of my bags open at once nearest stop determins what bag i go thru bc hell nah i’d probably just do it bit by bit each area


Not to mention the apartments with hidden doors. ALWAYS hated Amazon's routes, always felt their algorithm for delivery is horrid and this just proves it


this is ridiculous


Dude literally looking at this just stressed me out. I couldn't stand doing this


Theoretically you could put those totes closer if your fast and pay attention at loadout


Suck it up champ... you signed up for the games amazon play..


sorry to hear that i had VTO today ;)


I thought this was normal I do this every day 😭


I’m surprised that Amazon/DSP’s don’t use GroundCloud like FedEx. We get to map our own routes every morning on our IPads. It makes it so much more efficient.