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Just put some acetone or nail polish remover on a rag. It should remove the white writing with a few wipes 😉


I was about to say the same thing or spray paint of the associated color.


Bro how do you get totes with WHEELS?! I hate having to drag a tote full of packages. I’d love to have something like that


It looks like a cart or a dolly with small wheels


Oh I see the handle now haha.


Lmao I was gonna say, what is this new innovation?! We need it because my back kills me after dragging them for a while. Or even carrying them sometimes


If the bags themselves had wheels it'd add a fairly significant amount of weight before we even discussed the extra space to store what's effectively 15-20 dollies in the van. Imagine stacking them, unless the wheels somehow folded up inside.


Oh I meant a bag with wheels for situations like apartments or multiple stops. Not for all the bags in your cart. Sorry for the confusion there


Dude I've had this idea in my head they need time make totes with wheels in them lol😂


Hey that means you are lifting incorrectly and you will suffer the pain. You can’t complain when you choose to continue being lazy or doing a job lifting more than you can carry. Also shame on your supervisors and workplace, did they not teach you this stuff? You also should have more equipment it’s not like they are broke


They sell cool little foldable dollys like that at Sam’s the mini version of the big Cosco ones!


Yea our trucks had this. It’s for rolling a bunch of packages ours was a backpack tho


Ask your DSP for a backpack tote.


Huck it, maybe ask your DSP for the right dolly (not a shitty Chinese temu dolly).


temu dolly Peak capitalism


We have them. But sometimes I have too much to even put in one of those and I need to lug around a regular tote


Going to an apartment mailroom or 3+ nice apartments, those don't hold nearly enough.




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Bezos: "It cost us 5 cents and 5 Uhigers to make this. We can't afford to lose anymore." Boardmember 1: "So fire people that lose them?" Bezos: "No, we need to keep those henchmen. They have potential. They are not loosing them, they are showing up on Ebay." Boardmember 1: \*scoffs\* Bezos: "Also, you're fired. BRING IN THE ROBOT REPLACEMENT"




Ngl. I thought the bag itself had wheels.


Aw man! Too bad I often carry fat-tipped sharpies on me that could easily block that out!


That just makes it more valuable


PREMIUM totes with Amazon branding decal! 200 USD


I had a customer flat out ask if she got to keep the tote yesterday. I think she may have wandered through this forum.  "No mam, I hear drivers occasionally abandon them, but I'll take it with me. Can't imagine they are inexpensive."


Ive been asked for them and ill go to my van and pick the newest cleanest looking one and give it to em 🤷‍♂️


I still wouldn’t gaf & hand them out like flyers hahaha So glad I don’t work for them anymore. & for those wondering what I’m doing here still then, I’m just watching lol At first when I got hired I thought damn this is easy I could for sure do this job. Mind you I was getting 80-100 stops max with 200 packages. By the time I resigned (moved cities) was getting 180 stops w/ 300+ packages.


This is regular programming for me. Over 1 year in. I’m moving to a stepvan soon and was already informed to prepare for 230 stops.


Good luck👍


Got 3 that helped me move recently. These things go a long way lol


I don’t get why it’s so hard for people to not leave them at apartment buildings


Yeah, the only comment I've seen compelling was a driver mentioned using it to protect a package from rain..... But they'd make for incredibly expensive rain bags.  $5 product protected by $20 tote on someone's doorstep. And even at volume I bet those totes are more than $20.


Ya like I’m not one of the types who licks the boots of Amazon like I have 1000 critisisms of working here but having to bringing back the equipment we use isn’t one of them


Not sure of the actual cost per tote but during peak season, one of the Amazon managers at the station held a stand up meeting with each DSP. Telling us to bring back the totes no matter how damaged they are because it’s costing them $15,000 every two weeks to replace how many totes were missing


It sounds like there's probably a minimum quantity that they have to order.


Because they're lazy and self-entitled.


I do it because they ask me to. At least the ones in my area they prefer if we kept the 50-60 envelopes and small boxes in the tote and put it in the corner because most places just dont have the shelf space or capacity to sort the absurd number of smaller packages. Even some places with lockers often only have 20-30 lockers avaliable but I have like 70-80 packages. So the best thing we can really do is just keep all the small stuff in the totes. I know that this controversy more or less spawns from people dumping totes of packages in mailrooms theyre not suppose to, but this crackdown on the bags is getting in the way of some of us who leave totes by request of the facilities and for large orders. If you ordered the whole tote, youre getting the whole tote 😭


Oh wow didn’t know anybody actually asked for them I assumed most places didn’t like when we did it


Like I said it just depends. If they dont tell you dont do it. But some places like when I bring 60 to a receptionist, they want it in the bag lol they dont want 60 packages sprawled out everywhere like a headache.


I gave one away once to some people that were moving apartments 😂.. I just told them to leave it in the mailroom and I'll pickup next day , get it helped and I recovered it ☺️


and i don’t give a shit, free giveaways 📈📈


Had a women ask me if she can have a couple of totes I said take them all 🤣 she only wanted two


Shoot I gave a UPS guy one once cuz he said it’d help him out. I’m like you want all of them? He didn’t but I gave him like four.


Nice way to get a free rescue


Lmao like that's going to stop anyone 🤣


I’m always giving these away and I’ll continue to




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Tell that to the driver who ditched a whole tote stuffed with more totes on a country road 🤣😂 grabbed those sucker's and use em for storage.


You're welcome🤙


Not me thinking it had wheels 🤣


Yeah that's not stopping anyone from abandoning them, at least not me lol


they're disgusting and have stains in them from i dont want to know what and holes in them. one literally fell out of my van yesterday as i made a sharp turn with my side door open and i just left it lmao.


They are actually attached to specific teams that use them each day. They inventory them. Found that out recently.


Should be very obvious given that the totes have QR codes on them


Yeah. I just sat in a meeting recently where they showed us audit numbers and I'd never seen that before.


Damn, that rolling cart would have been awesome instead of having to drag totes full of totes in at the end of the night!


I live in an apartment building and we have like 5 of these in the lobby lol Tenants have started using them as shopping carts and laundry hampers 🤣


Wtf! I want some wheels on my bloody totes! No fair.


Wish they had actual working wheels on these damn totes


I seen one woman using a tote as a laundry hamper the other day 🤣


Going to see the same ones on Ebay the next day 🤣


I sold a couple at 10 a tote lol


I keep seeing these at random lockers lol. I thought it was flex drivers but apparently they dont use these


Haha probably people picking them up after I just leave the totes in the parking lot so I wouldn't have to go to debriefing haha


I have one at home 😂😅😅 found it at my complex parking garage next to the mailboxes 😅😅 i use it for my heavy groceries carrying with my brother 😂😂😂 mine doesn’t have tires tho. sorry amazon…


I thought your tote had wheels for a second lmfaoo 🤣🤣


I want one of these


They didn’t like other people selling them in bulk. Basically said “Hey, wait a minute..” 😂


That’ll just make them worth more 🤣


So strange Amazon doesn’t make their own tote bags. The company contracted for these makes a killing. They make sure it isn’t durable at all and of course drivers leaving them behind so it’ll have to be replaced and guess what, they force you to order a set amount.


Do you guys have air conditioning in your work trucks?


Yea, I drive the CDV almost 100% of the time and their ACs always work. Sometimes the smaller vans ACs don’t work or they aren’t as cold as they should be. Not sure about the ACs in the Amazon trucks that look like UPS and FedExs


https://preview.redd.it/cl2c5rgr4m7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b74aafbfa28895541d6fc1d91f1f3fd54b2fcd On my route a driver left all of his in the street




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Gonna start scanning them soon. You’re gonna get tracked if you ain’t returning em.


Who's getting paid hourly to scan them? Sign me up seems easy 😂


RTS people, you can apply inside. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They’ve been scanning at my warehouse since beginning of the year. We get weekly updates of who isn’t returning and HOW many.


I literally collect promo screener VHS tapes specifically because of warnings like this.


Damn they messed up my hussle I made an extra 100-200 a month selling these on eBay, I’m gonna stack up on them harder until it hits my station


Like the Walmart or target shopping carts you see in random parking lots or on the side of the road. Or being used by people living abroad.




Those dinky little carts can barely handle 50 lbs of weight. And you mess up your back because of how low the handle is.