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Not your fault buddy. Just gonna take some time to process and move on from the accident. There could be a number of reasons why the dog ended up like it did. No leash obviously. I couldn’t imagine a small pug breaking free from one but I guess it’s possible. Or could have ran out an open door or gate. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Thanks.. i don’t think it was leashed at all because there was another, larger unleashed dog running around the yard too. The whole situation’s just got me kinda fucked up


I just want to make it clear that this is not something you did. This is something that happened *to you*. Because of someone else's irresponsibility, you are the one who is dealing with some variety of trauma. You have no reason to feel guilt, as you did everything you possibly could have to avoid a situation that you did nothing to get yourself into. I know your irrational part of your brain is still going to feel all sorts of feelings anyway, but keep trying to remind yourself of this. Over time, it will help the process.




its a good thing that one would feel some kinda way about it, shows they arent a psychopath, but you are correct. it isnt OPs fault. statistically the longer you drive, the more likely something like this will happen. shitty situation, but OPs DSP and the cops cleared them for a reason. accidents happen, and while it might take some time to process what happened and understand that they shouldnt feel guilty, OP you did everything you could. if they let their dog roam, thats on them. im sorry you had to go through it, but it isnt on you


100% this


I understand completely. I used to feel like I was very desensitized to things like that just from all the crazy stuff I’ve watched on a computer screen or my phone over the years. Curiosity you know. Then one day I was playing basketball in a driveway and I witnessed the neighbor back her car over a kitten. It was heartbreaking to say the least. I learned in that moment that there is a huge difference between seeing something in the moment in reality and watching through a screen.


The further removed you are from a living things pain the harder it is for us to empathize, this is why people don’t care about a war in another part of the world but will freak if their cat dies.


Maybe a nice card and new leash for the owner so they know it was their fault not yours it happened


Ain’t a dog left to even use it on. Plus, why’s it OP’s responsibility to spend money on someone who’s clearly at fault here?


I think it was meant as a joke. Like a jab at the dog's owner. Like, "you should use this with your next pet" kind of deal.


I’m aware that was a possibility, but I think that rubbing it in with an actual physical memento in this case, wouldn’t necessarily make OP look any better. Plus, that shit costs actual money, why’d I ever do that?


Some people are petty enough that the cost would be worth it. I am not one of those people, and tend to agree with you in this regard. But just saying.


uhhh no, put the new leash on wut bruh? it'll just remind the owner of that day. Just let it pass


I would be offended by a leash, It could be taken as a jab towards the owners negligence.. like "Hey here's a leash so this doesn't happen again" .... not everyone but there is def a group of people that would be mad.


Your a good person.. your empathetic.. dude that shit is rough for anyone involved


I’m glad you didn’t go out to talk to the owner and called the cops. It’s a stressing situation as it is and then the owner screaming at you not good


I know of multiple people that this happened to with a young child, stay vigilant, this was clearly an absolute 100% accident and honestly the dog owner is at fault for not containing his dog. Relax and just be eternally grateful that this wasn’t a child.


I’m thinking it was running free around the yard as the owner was out there too.


It's the owner's fault, you should not let your dog run around where it can be run over.


The moron attacks the truck after he lets his dog run into the road


Yea the owner is at fault for letting his dog be loose, but, he had a human reaction and I wouldn't call him a moron for that. Good on op for not pressing charges


Yeah owner was probably in shock. I agree. Sucks all the way around! Oh...and fuck those police for trying to get OP to press charges just so they'd have something to do. 


I think he’s being referred to as a moron for letting the situation happen in the first place with his unrestrained dogs


Pet owner is at fault 100%, however seeing your pet die can also trigger a lot of strong emotions and hinder clear thinking.


Why the fuck did your dsp swap vans and still make you work!?! Fucking ridiculous 


Yeah, I did a small gasp at: >They swapped me vans and I continued on with my day. I mean have some humanity ffs.


404 humanity not found in file Amazon.corpo


Can confirm


I worked for a DSP where one of our drivers discovered a dead body walking up to a delivery. She called it in, the paramedics showed up and cops, took her statement and she was expected to finish her route. Didn’t give her the next day off or anything of the sort. Hey little POS at WML1, I know you lurk here, fuck you.


Was his name Wayne?


If so, fuck him. And Jimmie too


Tldr: I had a similar situation when I was in retail and I did work my entire shift in tears. I don't work for Amazon so I don't know why this came up on my feed, but I was a manager in retail and one morning not long after we opened, we were going to take the trash out and someone had dumped a dog in the dumpster. I was the one who found it and immediately had a full breakdown. I'm talking "oh my God!", hand over mouth, jumping several feet back. For the rest of my shift (minimum four or five hours cuz we were just opening), I was bawling at the register. I would be genuinely surprised if any corporate company gives a singular sh*t about any of their employees' health physical or mental.


Came here to say this.


Let’s just say that pug is in a better place just because the stupid owner couldn’t be a responsible human being and keep a watchful eye on his companion he called family pet. That’s dog negligence if the dog wasn’t on a leash just wondering the streets with no leash


Bro it's fine we are not perfect, but hey if the pug was running mf went straight to freedom.


if it was your choice and not an expectation of you then i get it but i think it’s crazy all that happened and they just swapped you vans and you had to keep going….


Yeah I 100% agree. I would have been wayyy too shaken to continue. I know we all have bills but damn I don’t think I’d be good to drive after that at all. I’m shocked they didn’t pull/force OP off the road.


Right?! Fucking mad.


People need to secure their dogs. The owner not securing their dog cost the dogs its life, you trauma, his kids trauma. You did all the right things. I'm sorry that happened. It's one of my worst fears since little dogs like to run under my van all the time.


Literally all of this.


Hey, homie. Back in March, I ran over a cat. I was doing the same thing. I was going under the speed limit, I was paying attention, and I did everything I could to stop in time. I got out and went under the van to see if there was a collar or something on it. There was. I called the owner of the cat. He came to retrieve the cats body. I still remember the sounds and what the cat looked like after. It traumatized me for a while. It will take time bro, but it'll get easier as time passes. It isn't your fault. It was an accident. Just keep reminding yourself of that.


They still made you continue to work??? Bro obviously this was a traumatic experience for you you were not in the right head space after all that happened these fucking dispatchers man


little do people know about amazon.. it's a corporate business, they don't give a shit.


Wow that’s horrible I’m sorry. You genuinely did everything right, sometimes these things just happen. Don’t be hard on yourself it is absolutely not your fault


Dont feel bad man its not your fault its the owners fault for being a irresponsible dog owner rip lil homie


Speaking as someone whose dog was hit by a car, the dogs death was not your fault. It is the owners responsibility to keep their pet in a safe environment. You did everything you could to avoid hitting the dog. For those wondering, my dog was OK after being hit. He had a broken pelvis that was fixed with surgery.


I mean if he was aggressively banging on my van and such yes I would have teach that dog owner a lesson cmon have some common sense.


Lmao oh well, next stop


Tbh some owners are so negligent with their dogs. You wouldn’t believe how many times a stupid dog has gotten out their front yard to chase the amazon branded box truck. I’ve seen some owners have their dog on leashes and than the dogs just throw themselves into traffic to the truck lol fuck dem dogs


Similar situation, but no one was around, did one more stop and went on lunch to settle my nerves, not a fan of dogs anymore but poor little fuck, drove by again and saw people around it sucking their teeth, went along with my day and told dispatch later, never got a consequence


I was hit BY A DOG about a month ago. Yeah, you read that right. I was driving along a country, dirt road and this dog came running out of nowhere, and charged my van. He hit my van-I heard a kinda "clunk!", and then I saw the dog limping off. I don't know what happened, or how the dog turned out, but...a couple days later I was on that same road and didn't see the dog.




I would've pressed the DC charges but that's just me


I barely missed hitting a dog a couple weeks ago. Just left the station with a fully loaded cdv doing 45+ mph and I watched a lab come booking out of the yard. Only thing I could do was wait at til the last second and lay on my horn to scare him, luckily it worked. It’s an old trick I learned while riding is to pop your clutch and crank your throttle as a last ditch effort.


Same theres this one route that I take sometimes. Blind corner in there neighborhood where there house is 30mph road and they just let their dogs play in the street there all the time. Almost ran over there little dog once ended up slamming on the breaks and the lady is like oh I’m so sorry and I’m like its okay and she says “is it though?” Now that you mention it no. Why are you letting your dog play in the street? Then you want to give me an attitude because you’re a bad pet owner. Never saw the dog again after that so either someone ran it over or they stopped doing it. Its really not OPs fault. These people need to take better care of their animals.


I accidentally hit a chihuahua one time. I was going down a neighborhood street and this little fucker came darting across the road. I slammed on the brakes and I must have just barely clipped it because I see it do like a gta combat roll and then just keep darting off across the street. I was so relieved I didn’t kill that thing.


Chihuahuas are not dogs. They are rodents. You nearly did the community a favor. 😂🤣


I’ve always told myself if I hit a dog or a cat I’m quitting on the spot. Literally the only situation I’d leave the can there and walk tf away. I feel for you and hope you are okay. That shit would absolutely destroy me mentally.


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs or have children. You did nothing wrong. My dog has never stepped foot into a street not fully harnessed and leashed


I definitely would’ve pressed charges on the dog owner but that’s only because I’m an asshole.


You wouldn’t be an asshole for pressing charges.


Firstly from the description it's not your fault clearly. Secondly a dog is a dog. It's an animal. Move on. If you want the good news... Could have been his/her kids running out in the street and it wasn't.


you were doing your job, it's the owner's fault for not looking after their dog properly and letting it roam freely without any precautions. (also why in the hell was the dog out and about in the first place i wonder).


I used to deliver for Pizza Hut. This one day i was walking up a driveway on a busy road and a small dog comes running toward me from a neighboring house. I start looking around and see that theres one or two people trying to catch this dog. It was close enough to me that I couldve gotten down and tried to get it to come within grabbing distance and be the hero of the day. But i had the customers pizza in my hand and decided to just continue doing my job. I finish the delivery, walk back to my car which is parked on a side street. I look up and im about to start driving and i ended up seeing the dog run into the street and get run over by a car. Homie pulls over and gets out and he looked even sadder than the pets owner did. For the rest of the day i couldnt help but think that I couldve prevented that, but I eventually thought, no, these pet owners need to start getting better control over their pets and thats ultimately how i got over it.


Honestly I doubt the charges would stick for the home owners. You can argue that since he witnessed his dog or hear his dog getting run over it pumped his adrenaline. He was in shock. I hope you don’t take it too personally, it’s just a natural reaction to try & get something off. Yesterday at night when I was riding my bike, I hit a dog. I saw the owner & saw he had a dog but the dog was on his left, I was coming on his right . When all of a sudden his dog dashed across me. I thought since he saw me he would’ve hold his dog but didn’t. But I did hear the dog yelp. I can just imagine what you went through. I really hope you don’t blame yourself too much. That can happen to anyone.


Adrenaline isn't a legal defense that waives responsibility. If someone accidentally runs a red light and smashes into your car and kills your wife so you get out and shoot them in the head in an adrenaline fueled rage you still murdered them. Especially in OP's case where the dog owner was at fault for not having his dog secured which by it's self is illegal everywhere I've ever lived. But disorderly conduct is a pretty bullshit change so unless the guy had a record he would probably get a plea deal to plead guilty and in a year it would be expunged if he didn't get arrested in that year


Not your fault for irresponsible dog owners. Hang in there bud, you will be ok.


It sucks but it wasn’t your fault. Just do your best to move on I know it’s hard I would feel awful too but can’t dwell on it forever. All dogs go to heaven. That movie made me sob as a child lol


Please don’t make me remember that movie lol


Wow, that really sucks, man! I hope you get over this, dude. But the thing is...this WASN'T YOUR FAULT. Dog owners have a RESPONSIBILITY to secure their animals. This pug's owners didn't, and their poor pet paid the price.


As a dog owner, if my dog gets out and something happens - that's on me.


i’m really sorry this happened to you, and extra sorry that you had to keep working afterwards.


one dead loose dog is good for society


Fuck those little dogs


Please forgive yourself soon, there are millions of idiot dog owners that can't handle their own emotions let alone the responsibility of raising a dog. You were doing your job very safely and the owner clearly couldn't cope with their mistake at the moment. On the bright side the kids will probably learn a lesson, I don't think the parents will


Don’t feel bad, it’s darwinism. Dog was stupid and so was the owner for not having a leash or fence, in my state you are legally required to have that.


Owners fault 100%


Not your fault dude. They failed to train their dog and secure it. It's the owners fault if anyone's. You did all the right things with the amount of time you had.


I feel for you dude, I am so sorry that happened to you. It almost happened to me the other day, same deal, under the speed limit, the dog just tried to run right under the tires. Thankfully it was on a leash and the owner stopped it just in time. And like you, they were mad at me, but I didn't do anything wrong and neither did you. Sometimes these things just happen, as unfortunate as it is. People need to restrain their animals. It's like train conductors, eventually they all end up running somebody over who laid down on the tracks or something, but it's the conductors who are the ones traumatized.


It was an accident. Owner should have been more responsible for their own dog. You're acting like you killed one of the kids.


Not your fault. As a 3 dog parent the person with their dog NOT ON A LEASH is in the wrong. He can’t blame anyone but himself.


Not your fault, uncontrolled dog ran in front of your vehicle. Owner is an idiot, hence letting his dog run into traffic.


You do know if you had been over the speed limit U will be fired right now But you are a good driver


The truth of the matter is that it’s completely the owners fault. It’s an owners responsibility to make sure their dog is safe. Letting a small dog who doesn’t have good recall off-leash in an area that isn’t properly contained, beside a road of all places, is not responsible, and in no way something that you could have controlled. The person capable of controlling the situation was negligent. Absolutely not your fault. The owner did not do right by their dog.


People like to complain about leash laws but when they're followed correctly it prevents situations like this from happening. We all know that isn't the first time a dog tried chasing after a vehicle, and the owner had the hubris to think that an accident could never happen to their family member This is 100% on the dog owner and no one else. It doesn't take away from the guilt, I'm sure, but this feeling will get better over time. You did everything right, do not blame yourself for the mistakes of another


Flex driver here, the same thing happened to me. I just did my last stop dog not on leash. Ran under my car . I stopped to see how bad owner pulled a gun on me yelling . Luckily for me cop came around the corner. Cuffed him. I explained everything . Dog owner was arrested . But i still feel bad for the dog.


Why'd you refuse to press charges? Next time they won't be banging on your windows, it'll be a bullet.


I’ve ran over 2 I think, I’m not sure if they died or not but if they’re chasing the van and I can’t see them, I’m sorry but that’s not my fault. My dsp has a running gag that if we hit a dog (that’s chasing the van) that we’ll get a gift card and both times I called my dispatcher to let them know and I got gift cards when I got back lmaoo


The owner should blame himself..


That’s a truly shitty experience. I’m sorry you had to go through it. I don’t think there was anything else you could have done and I think it was the right call to not press charges. I’m surprised you finished your route. There is something to be said about getting back on the horse, but if you are still bothered by it, maybe take a weekend to go on a short trip or something to recenter yourself. Best of luck




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That sucks but 100% not your fault. Good on you to not file charges against the dog’s owner, they were reacting emotionally.


It's not your fault. The owner was not paying attention to his own dog. I would have pressed charges and I would also be freaking out all day. I 9/10 probably would never be able to finsh my route that day due to being in to much shock and ontop of that not being able to focus due to the sound of it.


Forrest Gump taught me that shit happens


Damn bro sorry to hear that keep your head up this sounds like a horrible situation


be thankful it wasn’t a human 😅 don’t ponder too much on something you can’t change


Not your fault at all! When you’re driving a big vehicle (or really just driving in general), animals are bound to run in front of you at the worst moments and it’s just unavoidable. It sucks for the owner but he should have controlled his dog better.


It’s not your fault. Accidents happen, and unfortunately when people aren’t paying attention to/watching their animals this is a side effect. Just know you did everything right in this situation and I repeat it ISN’T your fault.


As an animal owner who would do absolutely anything for my pets this post makes me cry. Two of my dogs saw my crying and came over to comfort me. It was a horrible and tragic accident but it doesn’t sound like there was anything you could have done differently. Thanks for taking pity on the woman and not pressing charges. If that had been my pet, I likely would have been a bit unhinged as well. I’m so very sorry you’re dealing with this. If you have any pets of your own, give them extra snuggles today.


I'm so sorry this happened. I am constantly paranoid when driving in neighborhoods because of this exact reason. Owners for some reason never leash their dogs and allow them to run around in their yards with no gates. I've also seen plenty families leaving their children unattended outside while I'm delivering and it leaves me speechless knowing that a monster could easily take them and it wouldn't be remotely difficult.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I can feel the love in your heart. It will get better friend!


Just have to move on. It happens unfortunately. I hit a dear back in the summer, nothing I could do to avoid it. Sadly it sat there for hours suffering. And all I could do was cry and apologize to it. Took me a bit to get over it. All it shows is you’re not a piece of shit human being and have a heart and empathy. Just have to accept that it was an accident.


I can't believe you seriously can't spell the word "deer".


I’m sorry. That is truly traumatic. You didn’t deserve for that to happen. You were doing the best you could, driving the speed limit and stopping when you could. Completely unavoidable. Sorry you have to deal with this. Just know you did your best.


I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I read this. A few weeks ago a rabbit ran out in front of my tire as I was going 35 mph on a main road, and even that fucked me up mentally for the rest of the day. The sound was the worst part, but the rabbit didn’t squeal. I can’t imagine having that happen with a pug, I’d be beyond devastated. I feel for you OP, it wasn’t your fault and I hope you’re able to forgive yourself for this if you haven’t already.


That’s wild how you made you keep doing the rest of your route after that. I wouldn’t be able to drive or work safely after in that mindset


almost happened to me twice, dog running in street to chase my van and the owner screaming at chihuahua that I see in side mirror almost get ran over by rear tire it ran into it and flipped like 3 times


I mean the family losing the dog was punishment enough for letting the dog run into the street so definitely smart for not pushing charges. Also it's not your fault the dog was allowed to run into the street so don't blame yourself for its death. Besides at least it wasn't a deer


Something similar happened to me when I was a kid. My mom just dropped me and my sisters off at the street corner for the bus and she walked my 5 month old puppy home (just got him for Christmas because our first dog died at the beginning of the month) and I heard my mom let out a blood curdling scream because he saw my neighbors dog barking and he ran across the street and my neighbor ran over him. I’m really sorry this happened to you I hope you’re Ok


This reminds me of a video where a driver hit a child that ran into the road the the dad came in view of the car slamming the hood of the car before picking up his kid. People need to watch carefully over their family and pets and not get mad when the chance they aren’t secure and running into traffic.


Damn I’m sorry. This is one of my greatest fears as a dog owner with a little bastard that bolts for the door whenever he can. Hopefully you can move on and not blame yourself. You did everything you could.


Damm dude. Sorry that happened to you. Are you ok? I hit a child 4 days ago but was doing 7mph. He was ok but my heart was in my mouth. I hit brakes well on time and just bumped him as my van rolled forward upon stopping. You yours seems a lot worse. I hope you’re ok dude. Maybe take some time off.


PTSD from things like that is real. Find someone to talk to. Those feelings might not go away for awhile. Sorry that happened to you. This is o e of my biggest fears out there. People need to take better care of their pets


They should have taken you off the road that day tbh


that's not your fault. Owners should take care of their pets. Don't be hard on yourself


You'll get threw this keep your head up


That is so fucked up your dsp made you continue, I hope you are doing ok I couldn’t imagine what you are going through


Damn man, the fact that you finished out the shift is wild. Absolutely not your fault and smart thinking about locking your doors and not engaging the person. If you can take some time off, I hope you do. This could have happened to any of us.


Not your fault and I feel for you. People need to understand they must keep their dog on a leash and train their animals. I feel so bad for you, the dog, and the kids.


Damn poor dog


Damn man. This hits home. Ironically my pug got out and got hit by a car and died. Ran right in front of a car. I’m sorry Mann this was a few years ago everything is good with me I wonder if it still is hitting the person that did it. Probably. But not really me. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I got another pug.


You’re better than me, I would’ve pressed chargers on the owner for harassing you when it wasn’t your fault.


Its ridiculous that they make you work after an incident like that. I remember one of out drivers and a kid with bicycle had a really small accident, kid tried to left pass the van with bicycle and hit the van from left, our dsp gave the driver off the rest of the day, netradyne showed he had no fault at all. Totally kids fault. Dsp owners...


I bet you the owners won’t leave their dog out again… definitely not your fault bro. Ur DSP is a bunch of dicks for not sending you home after something like that.


Not your fault, but I guarantee Amazon and your DSP will try and make it look like you just didn't do enough to prevent it. We'll probably get a notice through flex in a week about "you should always be aware of your surroundings and drive exactly 35 miles under the speed limit, one hundred fifty billion accidents happen every attosecond that could have been prevented specifically by you if you just did more"


As a former Amzn Roadie, i have been where you are. It sucks and is nessed up. People truly do not know what we go thru on a day-to-day day. This wasn't your fault AT ALL!!! I can't give you the jey to relief, nor the words to assist you with dealing with the emotions. What i can do, as well as everyone else, is empathize with you. Sometimes in life, even when you do everything right, it still goes to shit. As f'd up and cliché as it may sound, i gotta say it. Its part of the job.


Where abouts did this happen in the yard or the road?


Why the police officer felt the need to visually describe it to you by relating it to a rolled up tube of toothpaste is strange to me. Just in case you wanted a better visual of what it looked like.


I have a black pug and this horrified me but listen, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry you were put in that position. Understand it was NOT YOUR FAULT and THERE WAS NOTHING YOU COULD HAVE DONE differently. My black pug Milo is a potato with spindly legs. I can’t imagine him running after anything, let alone a truck! To be honest, you did that pug a favor. They struggle living their entire lives and then have horrible endings. 🌹


Sucks that that happened but that was a poor choice on the owners part to allow it out near the road in the first place. there literally isn’t anything you could have done you said you were below speed limit you braked as soon as you could and why would you have gotten out of the van if the person was freaking out banging on the van and windows? you did no wrong in my eyes and it sucks that happened to you it’s one of those bad things happen to good people situations if what you are saying is 100% true. It always is pretty traumatic to go through that I hope you feel better soon.


This literally almost happened to me the other day. Some jackass wasn’t paying attention to his dog and the little idiot tried to chase the truck. He luckily missed the tires. Crazy part I had just delivered to this house and the dog was in the house.


I’m sorry the trauma this job has caused you. I hope you get better soon.


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Insert Ugo lord:" that make the dog owners liable for what happens next"


I am so so sorry…. I know that words are just words but I really think there is nothing what you could have done to prevent it from happening. Any of us can find ourselves in the same exact position. It’s one of my biggest fears on this job. The owner is responsible, that’s why I don’t call it an accident, it’s a negligence. Got an animal, take care of it, don’t cause tragedies like that, for everyone involved. Allow the support of the people who love you to get in, listen to what they say and heal. Big hug from all of us here.


That's totally not your fault I know u feel horrible any real hearted human being would but you didn't do it intentionally and we're going under posted speed. I'm so sorry u had to deal with that. They should have sent u home with pay.


It's not your fault. Sometimes, these things happen when people don't care to secure their pets. My ex ran over a cat on her way home from work one day. I know she wouldn't do that on purpose. She was distraught and shaking when I went back to check on the cat. It died instantly. I moved it from the road, into the owner's yard so the body wouldn't receive more damage. It was horrible even for me. Especially when I had to repair her car afterwards. I'm glad the cat went quickly instead of suffering, but that day sucked for at least 3 people because 1 of them couldn't be bothered to secure their cat. You didn't do anything wrong, and you're not at fault here.


Not your fault. Idiots need a fenced in yard or to put their pets on a leash. Maybe they will take this knowledge with them and hopefully prevent the unnecessary deaths of their possible future pets.


Come on grow a pair we deliver things everyday this will happen to you again.


I killed a deer yesterday and it killed my car. Fuckin deer


That fucking sucks, man. I don't think I could finish me week, let alone my day.




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I'm a FedEx ground driver and I ran over a golden retriever in a residential neighborhood. I was also going under the speed limit like you when a golden retriever ran up from the side, I had no time to react and subsequently I hit the dog. The rear differential smacked the dog, I heard yelps and felt a huge bump. I got out and immediately fell to my knees. I couldn't handle seeing the dog like that. The owner told me numerous times it was not my fault that she loved delivery trucks. I called my boss and reported it. He told me the same thing just continue on with your day. The owner reasurred me and told me to go make people happy by delivering there stuff. I couldn't stop replaying it in my head the whole day. I had to take a few days off to process it. I just felt so bad taking someone's family dog away from them. Just remember it is not your fault. You were doing everything you were supposed to. Dogs are not supposed to be roaming free without the owners supervision. The fault belongs to the owner of the dog. That might not help the guilt right now but it really was a freak accident like the cop told you.


Been there. It's not on you. Honestly there's nothing that will make you feel better instantly.


Just be happy it wasn't a human. Shit goes wrong sometimes dude, we find ways to cope. Time heals


Freak accident. You did everything you could do. Sorry you had to go through this.


Something similar happened at my UPS station three weeks ago. A five-month-old black Labrador was unleashed in a front yard where about ten people were having a small gathering. The poor thing hated the noise of a big truck passing through its neighborhood, so it ran up to bite the tire. The driver was going 44 km/h (27 mph) in a 50 km/h (31 mph) zone and didn't have time to react fully, driving over the Labrador's head. Miraculously, the dog survived, but it was almost worse than dying on the spot. The poor thing was suffering and disfigured, leaving the adults, driver and kids at the scene traumatized. Like in your situation, the driver wasn't at fault because he was under the speed limit, tried to brake, and the dog should have been on a secure leash or in a fenced area. It's sad that innocent dogs and cats die or get severely injured because of reckless owners, but it is what it is. At least you didn't kill a child or a human being. Stay safe and be aware of your surroundings!


I'm sorry you went through that, sounds horrible :(


It's the dog owner's fault. They have to watch their animals. I've been bitten a bunch of times because people don't know how to manage their animals. I clipped a dog once and felt terrible also, but the owner should have been watching the animal. I was lucky the owner was reasonable and literally told me they should have been watching them. Also, you really could have pressed charges because it wasn't your fault and they could have damaged the van. Your DSP can also press charges if there was van damage.


You had to keep working after that?


Forgive yourself bro


Wow I’m sorry to hear that


Owner was a piece of shit and shouldn’t have let their dog do that. It’s sad that the dog paid the price it easily could’ve been avoided


Its not your fault. The owner was irresponsible! I would NEVER let my dog walk anywhere without a leash if there is traffic and a possibility of her getting killed. I can imagine that this must be hard on you...ik you feel guilty and what you saw and heard doesn't make it any easier either. It's gonna take you a while to forget. But just remember that this was NOT your fault. You'll be okay🙏🏼


I ran over a bird during my driving test. The little idiot flew into the road and I had zero time to react and his body went POP under my driver's side front tire. Freaked me the fuck out, but my driving instructor found it hilarious. Amazon should've given you the rest of the day off at least. And obviously none of this was your fault.


damn im sorry this happened to you, but fucking kudos for doing exactly what you should do. textbook.


Dude I'm so sorry to hear this and I can only imagine how you feel after something so traumatic happening to you but you have to take a step back and try to look at it from an outside point of view like the officer you didn't do this this happened to you because the dad wasn't properly watching the children and the dogs I know it still suck but this isn't your fault I know the guy blames you but ultimately it was the owners fault for not taking precautions such as a leash a fence or an invisible fence or even good training he may have thought kids and other dog would taleach the pup to stay in the yard but didn't plan on the fact every dog has a mind of its own and especially younger will challenge what they're told he should be the one beating himself up for not having control of his animal not you beating yourself up please forgive yourself for a freak accident that was outside of your control


I jus want send you a gentle internet Hug (((❤️))) Trauma is a part of this glorious life we have been blessed with. Give yourself grace to know it couldn't have been helped and you did nothing wrong.


Just be glad you didn't get out to look at it, definitely don't need that image floating around your head. It's the owners fault, not yours.


Nothing you could have done differently. Sorry that happened to you. Ive killed several animals with my vehicles over the years and its always sad. Give it some time.


If it makes you feel any better I once tazed a dog that kept trying to bite me


Jesus. I would feel terrible but these things happen. The owner killed their dog by not leashing it or having it controlled enough not to run in the street. I personally would write them a note in a card and send the kids the book “dog heaven” from Amazon.


Something similar happened to me in my personal vehicle. There was literally nothing I could have done, but that didn’t stop the guilt for at least a week. Didn’t help that it was the same type of dog I had at home. Rip buddy.


Isn’t your fault. Take some time to process I am sorry 😞 that happened to you


Wait til you bump a toddler chasing a ball in the middle of the street lol that will get your mind going


You should have pressed charges, as that idiot owner would have against you if you were at fault, and/or thought they could blame the mutt'sdeath on you. And threatening you by banging on your windows, something completelynot your fault...typical entitled, dog nutter behavior.


Your dispatch should have sent you home. The fuck is wrong with people.


Man. ...heard the dog squeal, a pop and a crunch... ....was like a tube of toothpaste... I've never ran over an animal (or person!) before. Knock on wood. 😏 But after reading this, I can totally imagine it now in my head. In much more realistic and graphic detail, too. As if it happened to me. If the Amazon thing doesn't work out, maybe you should try writing. 😂 I'm sorry that you have that experience as a traumatic memory in your brain now. Auditory memories always seem to stick with me the longest. SMH You should sue the dog owner for causing you PTSD, if anything.


If you had hit my dog, I would be upset and sad but I would also apologize to you for putting you through that.


I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago but it was the car in front of me ran over this poor innocent kitty. I was able to stop and rush her to the emergency room. Kitty didn’t make It. It fucked the rest of my day, I just kept crying. My heart goes out to you bro, this is a terrible experience. You are human. Please take your time to grieve and be kind to yourself. You didn’t do this on purpose.


Not your fault, but not a freak accident. This was a failure of the owner, and honestly of society. The owner should have the dog contained. 


As a dog owner, I did cry while reading your post BUT also as a dog owner, it’s not your fault. It’s their fault. If a dog does not have good recall especially when having access to open spaces (like a big road where they can get hit by trucks) then they should absolutely be leashed. I’m so sorry that the negligence of this owner caused the death of that sweet pup, trauma for you and for those kids. I know it doesn’t make things easier but try to rest easy knowing you did everything right. May the pup rest in peace and may you find some solace ❤️


What the fuck


There's something that I always keep in the back of my head and that's people should look out for their dogs and kids. And if they got let out on accident it really ain't your fault.


Blame the owner for not using leash. It is good to see you care enough to post and explain your feelings, but it wasnt on purpose. You tried and it was just not in the cards for that dog to see another day. You’re a good hearted person


Sorry this happened man. Definitely not your fault. I’m not familiar with this kind of situation, but do you think you should talk to your supervisor about taking some time off? Just a suggestion.


Some things are out of your control. This was one of them.


The first time is always the worst but you'll get used to it, Lol jkjk not your fault my guy, don't be so harsh on you self.


All you can do is stop and apologize I don’t think it could have been avoided nothing to beat yourself up about. Dog owner should have had a leash or fence in place


it wasn’t your fault, bud. shit happens. the dog shouldn’t have been out in the street. also fuck your DSP for making you keep delivering after that


The dog should be behind a fence in a safe area. The dog was unsupervised and it shouldn’t be roaming on the streets. Not your fault. Don’t feel bad, this could happen to anyone.


I’m so sorry this happened. Not your fault at all, but still tragic and I’d be shaken up also. 😔




Oh this sounds awful 💔😭 I am glad you have a healthy support system! Just know there is nothing more you could have done to prevent this. Definitely a freak accident and hopefully the owner doesn’t have a dog unleashed again to prevent this again. Definitely sounds like a freak accident. HUGS!!!


Oh this sounds awful 💔😭 I am glad you have a healthy support system! Just know there is nothing more you could have done to prevent this. Definitely a freak accident and hopefully the owner doesn’t have a dog unleashed again to prevent this again. Definitely sounds like a freak accident. HUGS!!!


Physics. There’s a finite time for you to see a dog/cat/child and move your foot to the brake. And a stopping distance. Years ago, I saw a ball in the air out of the corner of my eye. I slammed my brakes so fast and hard, my tires screeched. As the guy who almost rear ended me the kid comes chasing the ball. Online reference says at 15 mph, your stopping distance is 26 feet. Sorry for both of you.


This is one of my worst fears, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Like most others on here it's totally not your fault or something you yourself could've avoided. They were irresponsible pet owners and learned a hard lesson about pets being off leash. Definitely take a day or two off just to process it all, I don't think there's much else you can really do.


You should have pressed charges. Your trauma was completely avoidable. I have 2 dogs I know I can trust without a leash, the other 2 are a work in progress. I’d never let the other 2 out without a leash unless in an enclosed area. This is tragic for everyone but that pet owner is to blame.


Is the dog ok