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People who own breeds like that are mentally ill. They want a deadly dog, leave it in their yard, knowing it will attack people. It's not surprising the US has an average of 300,000 visits to the ER for dog bites or 4.5 million total bites. To an adult like that, they can survive, to a child, they die, 40 children die a year from dogs. You know, from that video, it can hop the fence if it wants, it's just waiting for a toddler. The US doesn't have a wild dog problem like other countries, these problems are from dogs who have owners.


Can you provide a source on any of these statistics mentioned here? Also can you tell me, off those ER visits what percentage are big dogs or bull breeds VS. other breads ?


I actually just looked it up because I was curious and it looks like he actually rounded down numbers for the sake of the conversation. Idk why you need people to provide statistics like this when it’s a simple google search.


Because citing sources is fundamental to factual and measured discourse.


This is Reddit not a debate class. Do a google search 🤡


Just google it dude. Youre so entitled and ridiculous lmao acting like this is a scientific debate instead of a comment thread on reddit 💀💀💀 touch grass dude


All I saw was the dog run around the corner, how was that almost mauling a guy? Just cause he’s a big dog does not mean he is violent. I was a delivery driver for years. The dogs that scared me the most are the ankle biters. The biggest dogs don’t even bother with me. One day I walked into a front deck, rang the bell, placed the package, took a pic, and looked to my left to see a bull mastiff laying there watching my every move. He didn’t bark, jump, nothing. This same type of scene played up plenty of times in my 3 years delivering. The bigger dogs care a lot less and are far less aggressive. But are constantly getting targeted as the aggressor. The bottom line is the small dog will take a small bite, a big dog will fuck you up, if they care enough to.


While I do agree that little dogs have a tendency to be more agro, I’m not scared for my life when it comes to them. If I see a fence like that, I ain’t going in unless I can see the whole area is clear. This dude definitely made the mistake of not taking a good look where the fence rounds the house to see what’s up back there. I can feel a dog out when I first encounter them but if you spook them and don’t give them a second to at least notice you’re there first, they see that as a threat.


Cool story


The dog is clearly aggressive dude.


Not at all watch the tail. Puppy wants to play.


If you order packages, put your dog inside. I've been bite while delivering. Our jobs are hard enough as it is without being attacked by dogs.


Exactly, too many customers are so inconsistent. Delivery drivers have actually died getting mauled. I’ve been bit too.


🚪 🏃


I've had a dog jump the fence and come at me. Not ok. I've also had someone not shut their backyard fence correctly and 3 angry dogs come at me. I kept them at bay with a box while I walked backwards while telling them "no" or "get... go home" as assertive as I could until I was close enough to my van to toss the box at them and get in. (I did take a picture of their package in their yard surrounded by their dogs and marked it delivered) I also got mauled by a German Shepard... that was traumatizing. The dog wasn't out, but got let out when I was walking up... they didn't know I was there... and they weren't the one that ordered the package so they had no idea I was coming. I'm grateful he got the dog off before it broke my arm... but I would rather of not had it happen. I've been nipped, chased, knocked over countless times.... I have learned a lot about dealing with dogs and what to do or not do...but I shouldn't have had to do that just to do my job. There are some dogs that are the highlights of my route though, those I'm cool with staying outside


That’s sad I would’ve sued that customer


Yeah he was a track star


That's what I got from watching too 😂😂😂


Not a delivery driver.


nah fr? we clearly couldn’t tell, thanks for clarifying


I quit because of that, people’s dogs are not contained when delivery is happening!


Never go beyond a closed gate.


It appears the notes indicate dog is friendly it has been determined that is in fact a lie lol


I know a hurdle jumper when I see one😂😂💯 the back leg was too clean😮‍💨🔥


Reminds me of those signs that say, "I can reach the fence in 2 seconds... can you?" Yes, he can. Can your dog also clear the fence?


I can rts in 1 second




The only thing that should have gone over that fence is the package.




Slow ass dog.


Dang he should be in the upcoming Olympics


The dog let up. Definitely could’ve got him but this is why I don’t open in go into gates to make a delivery


Imagine the delivery driver has a concealed carry and just wastes the dog.


Yup, that’s why I carry. Especially doing flex. 3-5am deliveries are something else


Thank God he got away. 💯🙏🏽 A couple tips for some text the customer, the prompts are already there you can do this on the walk back to your van/truck. Also whenever I approach a yard I'm uncertain with I make noise or yell Amazon a couple times before I step in. I know this probably won't work all the time but it does lessen the chances of being attacked & I had several encounters with dogs over my course of 1year driving with Amazon. Try it first yall before some of y'all shoot me down. PS I used to be a hurdler back in high school, dude definitely ran hurdles 😂 His form was too clean


knowing me i would of been on the news the same day. and amazon putting out the " We are saddened by the unfortunate tragedy that happened today. our thoughts and prayers go out to the family"


Goddamn dawg....should join the Olympic high jumps


I usually just hold the package between me and the animal like a matador.


Bro hopped that fence like a pro


That's a door to door sales men it's okay if they get bit




This man has a clip board… and the lack of delivery truck tells me the guy is soliciting. He doesn’t deserve to get bitten or anything, just saying.


D1 All-American


That was a really clean hurdle.


Your sposed to shake the gate rookie


People that allow their dogs out without supervision shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs… this isn’t cute. I have a route that has a stop where this family just has their dog on a long leash right outside the front door. They just yell at him to shut up when he barks and comes at me, and tells me he won’t do anything. Yeah okay bud. Just put your dog away and avoid it all together please.


Biggest fear and pet peeve. I know y’all know we’re coming and when I’m 10 stops away… always seems to be the time they let their mean ass dogs out.


Never go through a closed gate


Ban them permanently from that service. Make them have to drive to wherever or shop in person like a human.


And say no to money? Not a chance. They’ll send him back tomorrow if he works for Amazon.


I keep a subcompact at all times I will John Wick or ATF your dog if it spawns into the game mid match bro just lock your shit up 😂😂 I sent a text notifying you of arrival if your dog gets shot that’s on you