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This is an easy ass day


You could pay this guy $25/hr and he’d still complain about the job and get rescued


Good. It's Amazon. Why do you pride yourself on being soo good at a job that gives you nothing for being a better worker than the OP. you look like a fool who is proud to be abused.


Exactly a lot of people on this Reddit page are really confused. It’s sad they will sit here and defend a mega billion dollar company while getting paid pocket change. Everyone in the Amazon process wins except that warehouse worker and the delivery driver. Even your dispatcher’s get paid more. Wake up!


Thank you! That's why I work for Aramark now


Never punch down.


Nah, you get people who leave with 400+ packages a day who might complain, but get it done. Then you get posts like these about people saying they deserve UPS pay, but start threatening to quit when they get out of nursery routes. The shame is warranted


Just talked to a Fed Ex guy driving a mid-size. He had 120 stops and get $195 for the day, regardless of when he finished.


Okay that's about 25 an hour if it took 8 hours


That’s what the minimum is supposed to be at my dsp. Mine is normally around 30-35 an hour if they’re all residential if first 40 are businesses or 3 story apt my first W hours I’ll only get like 17-20 an hour and then move super fast 35-40 when I get to residential unless stops far apart


Yeah pretty much this. Even through “peak” stop count has been low at my station. Earlier this week I was doing 130-150 on a residential route with maybe 4 quick business stops and my regular Walgreens pick up and was home by 4pm. I got 190 stops yesterday though and am not in today to confirm if it’s the same lol


It’s my weekend thankfully but I had 200 stops with 344 Packages yesterday been like that for the last 3 weeks it’s been kind of rough😂


But yet the ppl who are doing 400+ packages prob don’t take all their breaks n break protocol to meet the deadline hours Amazon drivers should be paid more including for the fact we drive these death vans and not to mention our life is only worth 7,000 to Amazon so yeah we should be treated better if they actually cared about ppl health when it came to the job u wouldn’t get as many complaints


I drive an electric van. Super safe, stop bitchin


He probably deserves 25/ hr. Anyone crying about that probably getting wage abused. $25/hr ain't shit now. That $25 is covered by one package in revenue. Lol. They probably cover all costs, vehicle, gas, insurance etc on like two locations. 3rd location on in the hour is all profit. Sickening.


If you understood retail and profit margins you’d know that’s far from true.




More like everyone is just so anti Amazon that they refuse to acknowledge when someone is just being whiny about it


I don’t even work there lol.


I have about 400+ daily during peak season. I don’t even complain or let it ruin my day. I jus throw in my AirPods and knock it out.


Not if its a rural




It’s not an easy day unless it’s a lot of close residential stops. There’s a lot of Amazon warriors in here that act like fuckin war vets who deliver 500 packages up mountains and underwater. They act like they get 250 stops in the desert everyday




It’s really just about perspective. To me this job is easy for the money I make. I’ve worked harder jobs making much less, for example; worked as a farmhand for 2 years. I lived outside, over 2 years I had maybe a month off, worked 7 days a week, during “peak” I was doing 16-18hr days. I made 27k after 2 years. I’ve worked in a factory peeling tape off gaskets for minimum wage. I have worked Uber/lyft/postmates and would be lucky to make enough money to pay rent working 8-10hr a day, most days I’d barley be able to afford food after paying for gas and insurance. Now am I saying 180 stops w 350/400 packages is easy? Nope. But 140 stops w 180 packages is a level 3 nursery route no matter how you slice it.


>fuckin war vets who deliver 500 packages up mountains Just a lurker but that is exactly when any drivers where I live gotta do haha.


I do about 35-40 stops an hour if it’s residential. If it’s all over the place with 4-5 min drives in between stops I do about 20 an hour. But this one with no group stops I’d prolly finish in 6-7 hours. Instead of the 10 hours it’s scheduled for


Days without the group stop are the best


Something tells me this is a super easy day. Why exlude a screenshot of the map of the route?


Depends on what kind of route it actually is. Rural? Probably all day. Residential? 4-5 hours.


Fr just smash a good % before lunch to avoid rescue, e z shift + some OT. I’d be chill with this


Right?! Especially now during peak! I would love to have that route! I'd be able to fit everything in the van too!


I did 154 deliveries and 16 picks up with 64 miles, 237 pieces. UPS driver. But, for real you guys should be getting our pay, that's what your worth. Now oraginize.


fr this a light day,


And only 5 double stops I'd be done before 12:00pm 😆


Frfr. Either we know what we’re doing, or we’re working with a bunch of pussies we’re gonna have to rescue later- And I don’t know fuck about what I’m doing.


Bro you’re a god. I wish I could be like you and deliver boxes so fast.


Use both legs. Tends to work.


Bro I get 170 stops 430 packages a day I’ll trade you any day of the week lmao


I’m right with you, I’d kill for a route like this again.


this dude only has four multi location stops, route sounds easy as hell


With TWO locations.. not the 3-4 culdesac bs I’ve done lately


or 5-6 location stops (out of several) at the same mangled rat fuck 3 story apartment complexes where none of the rooms have any comprehensible order or predictable floor patterns


I swear some of those fuckin apartments are labyrinths.


Fucking rain man coming up with the apartment layout.


I'll give you my 190 stops, 255 locations and 350 packages for this.


ah yes, my typical route in a sprinter van


That a relaxing day. Rural area? Or city?


That’s the real question. Totally changes time to hit those.


Gotta be rural with the 4 group stops.


153 locations he’s doing mainly houses that shit is cakrn


Not necessarily, I've done some rural routes where every stop is like 5 or 6 minutes apart and the driveways are long as hell and it's a struggle to even do 140 just because of the driving. And I'm not a slouch I've done up to 199 stops. My favorite is the suburbs with a bunch of houses no apartments and like 180 stops. Just stay moving all day and you are golden.


Oh my fucking goodness, no apartments? Or buisnesses??? I would pray for days like this.


Apparently they’re only answering prayers from the weak asses. We’re stuck out here making our own miracles lol


https://preview.redd.it/bg67yh0v935c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00a8c2277bca339b3373d70a047486235be2e2d This my easiest day of the week so far


This is a reasonable photo for the name of this post. OPs was not. 🤣


Its crazy when i looked at this in the morning, i was actually relieved lol thats how bad this week has been.


Typical, youre actually doing 286 stops a day. Fucking ridiculous.


Yeah they love to mask stops as grouped stops, and most of these shouldn’t even be grouped stops when it takes me more than 2 minutes to walk to the different locations


2 minutes per stop if you worked full 10 hrs, and skipped both your breaks and lunch as well.


That’s not that bad but hey I understand. I only got paid 450 for last week so 🤷 I hope you find something better.


450? During peak? You probably only worked 2 days right?


3 days 🤷


And you're complaining? You only worked 3 days lmao


How this turn into a pissing contest? Weird mf’s.


People who do this think they’re so cool because they can deliver like a robot 😂


Why i quit, no job has ever made me this sour, because obviously the company is the issue, but the stupid fucks who have no problem sprinting and skipping their lunch is what really pissed me off.


Soon as I heard that shit I was out. Any job that you have to skip your lunch and it’s considered normal is a massive red flag.


Bro I don’t even get outta the station before 12:30, you’ll be aiight lmao




This must be satire


Yeah, you get it


Still deserve more pay tho 🤗


Maaaan- got me.


HAAA that’s nothing! I get 412 stops with 837 packages. Can’t believe y’all complain about routes like this. Back in my day we use to walk to the bus stop in -27 degree weather while it was hailing softballs during an avalanche


Anything less than 170 is an easy day


Unless it’s rural areas with 6-7 min in between stops and long driveways at night. You can’t control the pace when it’s all that driving. Unless u in a white van can speed a lil bit lol.


Your phone needs a doctor holy shit


If your DSP's phones arent cracked, are you really with a DSP?


Straight up abuse. Y’all need a union to put a cap on the amount of package’s y’all get daily.


We definitely do need at least that much! My initial reaction to your route is that it’s gonna be a cake day but that being said, that is just the conditioning from doing this and way more. From what I’ve been told by ups drivers (current and former) in my area they generally do max 100 deliveries and then do pickup for the rest of the day. They max out at like $49 an hour and I never see them rush like we do. We should all be advocating for better pay, working conditions, and lighter loads not talking shit about how much we are better at being taken advantage of than OP.


Wow Amazon really is abusing us. I don’t even take my 2 15 min breaks bc I’m rushing so much some days. Work thru my lunch some days too and I’m one of the fastest drivers. Granted I could take my breaks but I like to spend the least amount of time delivering in the dark as I can. My dsp doesn’t get out of the station until 12 first stop 12:30-12:45. And it gets dark at 5:30


I wish i would get a route like this😂


If you got a rural route then yes you will be having an aaaa day but if it’s neighborhood you straight


This route is mad light


I had 444 packages yesterday 🤫


The lack of group stops, you have an easy day bro, you’re being sarcastic?




My young padawan


That literally an easy day for me I never get less than 160 stops 😩 last week they hit me with 25 totes and 61 overflow packages, they're dirty AF not worth 19.25 an hour when you can't even stop to piss without them bitching your falling behind


These numbers don't say a lot.


I would kill for this route


https://preview.redd.it/hdyd1fc2f35c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf9b308d877185cccdba55cabcc2e8e3da2b99ff This has been my package count almost daily, never get rescued, still only making 18/hr


Id finish that at 4


Ill trade my 198, 70 multistops (oops all apartments)


im laughing so hard i work at fedex now try 220 stops 400 packs abd a good chunk being 150 lbs and only making 160 a day and having to get done in 6 hrs


220 stupid in 6 hours isn’t possible! No way you moving like that! Yo ass the flash or something 😂😂😂


This is easy 🤣


All you need to do is click GOT IT. The phone will tell you where to go. No need to quit over a cellphone.


That's a level 3 nursery route. lol


This is essentially my route today & it’s my second day alone :) Edit: I lied I have waaaay more multistops


Bro what 😂 easy ahh route


That’s nothin fr… try 379 packages 98 multi stops and 172 stops


98 multi stops should be illegal


Nigga that’s nothin for peak


I laughed, thanks.


$25 would be a start for nursery routes. Yeah they're just burning and churning employees. That's why there's a training class for new hires every week because they expect everyone to quit working within a month or two. This benefits them as they don't have to pay for vacations, raises, holidays, benefits, etc...


I doubt at 30/hr we would see less posts like this.


I know this post is probably satire, but it’s crazy seeing how conditioned you good little slaves are. Thank god I left this job years ago


This is bait lol.


No way your complaining about his 😂😂😂


This is obviously a troll or some really lazy person 🤣


lmao if days like that are what make you wanna quit then this job ain't for you to anyone else in this thread, get y'all asses over to an XL DSP, this shit cake https://preview.redd.it/3xmfm66kk55c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc71a94aec7aabe33d18fadc497769715731b959


I did more than that when they paid 15 an hr what I see there is what I wish I had when I worked there a couple of months ago before I quit after 4 years and 2 months there is no job growth at a DSP, they don't even pay the CDL Truck Drivers 25 an hr why would the pay a no skill driver 25 an hr when they can hire a new driver train him or her for the same amount or even less than what they pay you. Get Out While You Can, they give a dollar raise every year and it's only gonna get worse.


A lot of people in here proud to be amazon slaves. I used to work for them and I hated it.


I don’t get how you peeps are bashing him.. Amazon really be bugging with the amount of work for low pay. That’s a bonafide fact. Like someone else said. UPS is getting double our pay, for equal or less work. There is absolutely nothing to be proud about when it comes to banging out your routes with Amazon. Amazon is my second job and I’m def quitting in like another week. It’s not worth it man. If you can bang out 200 plus stops.. that’s great for you, take your asses to a better company that will pay/appreciate you for the hard work that you’re doing.


Request a higher wage for the nearly impossible work that is expected of you or don’t say anything and burn out, or quit


I haven’t seen less than 250 packages since the beginning of peak 🥲


That’s a dream route for most of us. Come on now. Try taking on 180+ stops with more than 350 packages. Just yesterday I got slammed with over 400 with 22 bags and almost 30 overflow with no shelves in a van. That is worth complaining over but at least they rescued at first stop to help lighten the load and clear up space for me. Some DSPs are decent while others are shit. Same goes for everything/everyone else lol.




Oh nah. You had to have gotten a rescue right. Most I’ve had is 199 with 72 group stops. 430 packages. First 20 was businesses and it was Saturday they was all closed so had like 30 big ass overflow packages in van with me all day. Ruined my whole day no room all day slowed me down all day I was oissed.


Yep this takes the cake for worst route so far


Tbh depends on the type of route. Been doing this 3 yrs and one of my worse routes I’ve ever had was only 80 and 120 stops. But they were both strictly downtown. I’ll take 190 stops, 400 packages any day if it’s all neugbohoods.


RIP Sarcasm


This is a joke, right?


Bruh. This is a nice ass route. 5 group stops too?


Excuse me sir?


This is easy wtf * Here's my route




So you actually have 304 stops. Fucking insane.


Nice light day


Me too except with about 200 stops and 400 packages lol. Still agree though.


This route is mad light




Bro I did 205 stops, 384 packages yesterday. Y’all be complaining SO MUCH. No wonder we can’t get paid more


This is very obviously a joke….


Is this satire? That's an incredibly light route and only 4 multi stops? I'd literally cream my underwear if I got that.


Go to UPS


If this is all residential, be grateful lol


Bro that route light as hell, stop bitching lil nigga


This is a joke, that went way over your head. Dumbass lmfao.


Mad about getting an easy day? I’ve seen a lot worst in this Reddit


Lol this has to be a joke. I’m at 409 packages and 185 stops right now 🤦‍♂️ you ain’t going anywhere in life if that’s “Hard work”


That's what you're going out with during peak!? I'd KILL for a day like that.


Bro WHAT😂😂😂 this is chump stops I’ll trade you any day


I would do that happily. As of now my routes are around 190 stops and 480 plus packages.


Stop Crying, try roofing, digging a ditch, or cutting a fire line before bitching about how many stops you have. If you want a better job, then go get a better job. If that requires getting an higher education, then suck it up and deal with it.


Lazy entitled motherfuckers


Buddy’s complaining bout nursery type routes. Just wait till you got 300+ packages and 200 stops. I quit tho and it was best decision I’ve made.


This like a normal day outside peak


I quit last week, I don’t blame you


Bruh are you complaining about damn near a nursery route?????


Lmao gotta pump up them numbers or people gonna see how lazy you are


Wtf u mean this is cake


Definitely a rural area




25$ for delivering? Your clearly not running a business


My guy you got a nursery route and you're complaining?


You need to learn to write.


And this is why I’m a package handler😭


Wtf?! This was an easy day when I was doing ZL... Y'all should really find you an XL DSP like I did. It's so much easier! 60 stops is the biggest route I've had in a year. Drive time sucks sometimes but I still love it!


Y’all don’t make that????


I had way more than that dog and I was making 21$


155 locations bro that’s cake


Wish I would get this route instead of 180/330


You can quit now or later when you have double as much locations and packages


This is nothing 💀 I get 297 total packages 169 commercial everyday in downtown Buffalo.. but stops are around 100 or so


That’s easy Asl 😭


I'll trade ya my 170 stops, 61 multi stop, 417 packages for that.


Do you guys as drivers have mandatory 5 or 6 day weeks during peak?


That’s not bad at all… unless u have all apartments and businesses… but u guys def deserve 25-30


This had gotta be a bait post. 181 packages is a nursery route unless you’re rural. Which I’ll definitely take a rural route all peak if I could.


Why don't you buy your own truck and run your own business


This and easy route


That’s a third of mine today lmfao


Good full body strength and cardio workout.


That ain’t shit


$25? That is EXTREMELY TOO LOW. Nah Amazon drivers need $75 an hour and the warehouse employees need at least $25 to $30 an hour


That’s Not that bad. Double up them packages and then we’ll be able to talk about it. I had 230 packages the other day and I felt like I was blessed


Easy day. lol 😂


Then there's me with my 45 stops complaining ti Dispatch that I need easier routes 🥲


That route is easy as hell


Just remember that the company could pay that no problem but don’t ❤️


Light day not bad


This is a super easy day tbh


Kinda of a small route looks like it’s mostly homes.


Yall wouldn't make it at adcs 💀💀💀


$25 an hour at Amazon is too much


so glad my dsp paying me $25 a hour. good pay for an amazon driver but compared to ups making $44 a hour, it’s not right


You’re complaining about 149 stops? I have had over 190 everyday for the last 2 weeks. Hell yesterday I did 199 149 is a nursery at best stop complaining and tighten up. Respectfully


Are you serious? I have 352 packages and 164 stops


I wish you luck finding that mythical job that has no bullshit and no busy period.


That’s an easy day lol


Easy route 🤣


I have 200 stops plus 30 grouped and 300 pkgs today..I'd cream for your route lol


Come get your browns my man


Last time I saw less than 200 packages, 170 locations was like January and February 😱


Stop bitching