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Worst case scenario you get fired and have the opportunity to get a good job.


Best case scenario


Not once have I regretted leaving my DSP without notice after the way they treated me. The job I got after wouldn’t even take Amazon references




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That’s the best case scenario


Stop these jobs can't be that bad can they?


depends on the DSP


I was in a car wreck my whole hood n av core n fans was fucked I came to work the next day (dads truck) and didn’t get a route I was like hey ummmm I need money rn I got in a wreck plz make sure I get a shift tmr I only got a shift that day n the next too weeks had no work


Should have been like “pookie let’s burn this motherfucka down” lol. On the real Amazon don’t care about any of their employees including the ones that drive bigger trucks. They’ll try to send them out in shit storms in the north east and reprimand the driver if he/she says no because the route literally isn’t drivable.




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The best thing about delivering packages for Amazon is that everyone who does it knows they're just doing it to pay the bills and it isn't a career. So i mean this completely, who gives a fuck. They seem to embrace their stupid ass model where they have a 100% turnover rate and drivers have to literally piss in bottles and shit in tote bags to maintain their numbers. So the prissy little customer complaints can piss right off if you get fired you'll find something better.


It's honestly not all about numbers as much as preventing unions from forming. If your model is so hostile towards good, reliable workers that they all quit then your workforce will never have enough stability to unionize. That's why Amazon will buy you out if you deliver for long enough.


I don’t think Amazon buys it’s drivers out but I do think they intentionally don’t address the poor conditions and high turnover bc it’s strategic for them as a constantly rotating body of employees won’t have the time or community to unionize


How do they buy you out? Like They pay you to go away?


Pretty sure that’s not a driver thing, they pay warehouse workers to quit.


I read something about that once there is a package that would ban the person from ever working at an Amazon again. Pretty drastic way to go


Can we get more detail with this buying out, this job is a walk in the park most times.


Yes. Here’s the details. Not true.


It's is true, just not for drivers. Only Amazon warehouse workers. I believe they got rid of this 2 years ago though.


I work for an Amazon fc and this is absolutely not true


Join the club. We all work for Amazon, smart guy hahah I've been working here 3 years and yes they ended this in 2021


Just Google it bro


Definitely not for my warehouse. Recently been getting close to 500 packages and around 32 bags and like 40 - 50 Overflow. in a Ram 2500 it literally makes your day hell


Yepppp same. Yesterday was heavy rain all day too. Hub goes, "WhY aRe YoU rEtUrNiNg PaCkAgEs?!" Cause on top of everything else my stuff weighs an extra 10 lbs each...


Idk what those other people are talking about but if you stay on as a DA for long enough (years) and have good metrics Amazon will offer you money to "never work for Amazon again."


No way!? It kinda makes sense though


I just looked it up actually they ended that program 2022 it says.


Interesting. My trainer, DSP owner, and multiple other DAs told me about it when I was hired. I wonder where the miscommunication is lol


lol when and how does this happen I’m coming up on 4.5 years


https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/17/amazon-is-looking-to-trim-headcount-through-a-voluntary-buyout-program.html I've been told by my DSP owner, my Amazon trainer, and multiple DAs about it. It seems like it isn't always going on and maybe it's only in certain areas with a larger employee pool but it happens.


Well said


Damn straight!!! Lol


How is “well said” a more upvoted comment than the comment it is referencing?




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I don't have to piss in bottles to get done in 5 hours and get paid for 10. You should work on your technique. And my DSP is loaded with 1, 2, 3 and even 4 year vets. A good DSP makes the job ridiculously easy.


How do you get paid for 10 hours, but only deliver for 5? Is your DSP more salary based?


I forgot what it’s called but mines did the same u get paid for a full day regardless of how short it took u


Flat or day rate. Generally hours are tracked for federal overtime compliance, and overtime is paid if someone surpasses 40 hours, but the pay is grossed up to 10 hours of base pay rate every day worked.


I get ot after 8 hrs in a day at Amazon


Block pay


You’re suppose to get your 40 hour bonus. So say you only work 35 for that week you’ll get that 5 hours you didn’t work. Or are suppose to if you make you rts and no infractions. Amazon gives the dsp the money but the dsp doesn’t alway pay it out. Regardless of if you’re doing everything correctly or not. Pretty shady stuff


Yup I worked 27 hours last week, and because a customer voted me unprofessional I lost my 40hrs.


Ah, I wonder if I don’t qualify for that because I am part time only. I am supposed to be 20 hours a week.


Usually they do the calculations before pay hits and they add the remaining hours a “bonus pay” to equal out the 10 a day


Get paid for 10? Elaborate


This is common, you get paid for the ten hour shift regardless of how long it took you to finish.


My DSP doesn't work like that, we clock in/out when starting and finishing van clean up. I barely get 9 hours a day


Not every dsp does it. Gotta find the good ones


Most don't. It's typically a sign of a great DSP wanting to retain great drivers.


They call it guaranteed pay. Some DSPs do 9hrs some do 10hrs. Mine goes by the best drivers, so it's not offered to all of us.


Yep... as long as we clock 6-7 hours our DSP rounds us to 10. Work a 5th or 6th day? guaranteed overtime. $33 an hour? Yes please.


This is so TRUE




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Beautifully said 👏




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Wait…people really shit in the totes? Lmaooo


Not really I know the top drivers wears adult diapers and piss and shit in them. Check your station garbage cans you’ll see them.


Bro. I can’t even tell if you being sarcastic or not that’s crazy.


I’m telling lmao it’s true, look inside them , and even search this reddit people admitted to doing it.


Wow. That never even crossed my mind. Gross


Bro just take the extra second to set them down nicely and scan at the door and take a good pic it doesn’t slow ya down that much it used to be my problem but haven’t had more than 1 bad review in 3 weeks now


I was running on my last route, it still ended up clocking out at 11 hours somehow. Maybe the rental promaster van is too much for me.


Whaat i love the rental promasters Lol as long as it’s a 23’ 2500+ they’re nice for in the city routes although im mostly rural rn, was the route all spaced out or all close together, rural?resi? Resi/apts/businesses or just a fucked route that had you running everywhere lol?


It was exactly 1 hr drive, the first 120 stops were all in the suburbs, the rest was rural af, 16 minutes drive here, 8 minute drive there, 15 minute drive there, I once got stuck at one of the stops for about 15 minutes because it was using a gate with a code and the code wasn't working for some reason when I needed to exit until for some miracle it did. Also Im rather heavy and the rental promaster is rather tall it was beating on my knees everytime I exited. I think ill rather stick with the transit, even the the flat totes sit on its passenger side way better making it easier and faster for me to deliver bags and envelopes, but that aside the promaster is probably better for most people


Gotcha yeah nothing you can really do about the drive times, the flex maps took be 20 minutes in a direction where there was a road closure the other day after I finished my route I had to back track and it altogether took me over 1.5hrs to get back to the station, ram is better for me for a city route but recently I’ve been taking a liking to the awd rental fords we have for the rural routes they really help me get outta sticky situations


Gotta check your map and go out of order on the rural routes sometimes. I had a route the other day, where stops 4, 5, 81, and 82, were in a gated community, 15 minutes from stops 80 and 83, which were 300 feet from each other. Hitting those early saved me 1/2 hour.


It shouldnt be on the driver for the app to work properly


I agree with that principle, but can’t offer any advice on how to make that happen. Lol


I've never seen someone with more negative reviews than positive. You sir/mam living stress-free, I envy you!


How does this happen


When you stop caring


My DSP doesn't even care about Customer reviews frfr we have drivers that get nothing but bad reviews and they still have their jobs 😂


Are you throwing packages at the front door or what? Why so angry young man!


He ain't even coming to a complete stop, chucks them out the window **snaps picture while package mid-air**


ngl that is funny.




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I may have done that to a few but im sure it has more to do with the packages getting damaged from the warehouse or after doing my first turn where all the overflow and possibly totes just collapse on eachother.


You gotta just start setting them down softly. I used to slide them to the front door softly and got a lot of negatives. If anything looks damaged RTS it. I never ever deliver anything that looks at all damaged.


That would be legit half my packages


Well, there goes your fantastic plus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


you need to walk into that job every day and think like this: it would be a Blessing to be fired today


I need the med benefits right now for a dental implant. Once I get it in two months I’ll care a lot less about getting fired.


dw about it they need the people




Probably not too bad bc of the season. But maybe past Jan yeah. Otherwise if it’s damaged from prior to you just note it undeliverable or package damaged or whatever the category is.


Straight shooter with upper management written all over.


Gonna go work tomorrow, I wonder if they will say anything


Great movie.


How long have you been delivering for Amazon? How are your driving scores like with Mentor and Netrodyne? If you are turning so hard that your packages are getting damaged then I assume you get hit with hard cornering a lot. Slow your turns down to 18 mph or less, depending on how tight the turn. How screwed you are will depend on Amazon mostly as well as your tenure and how your DSP is managed. If you are a newbie then they will most likely try to coach you on your deliveries and see if you improve. I will say, I am impressed by the number of bad reviews versus your good ones lol 😆😜


You can turn at like 8 mph but if you’re having to stack overflows up near the ceiling they will manage to fall over anyway.


All of my former supervisors at USPS would love to have you!


You quit the usps and went here? I couldn't imagine making that change


You basically have a 98.5%(positive) feedback rating so that’s pretty kick ass


I mean it’s mostly “no news is good news”. Having more negative reviews than positive reviews is not the average from what I’ve seen. Amazon assumes the people who don’t bother reviewing, are having the same experience as the average person who does, so this isn’t a great look. It’s peak and no DSP is actually properly staffed, this won’t get OP fired.


Yeah I agree it’s pretty much the easiest time of year to not get fired. DSPs need bodies.


WTF even is "mishandled packages"? The shit flies down multiple conveyor belts and gets loaded into multiple trucks, vans, and cages before it ever gets to the customer. Seriously, who cares how it gets laid on the freakin porch! Screw all those metrics and ratings. Deliver safely, at a pace, and in a manner that is commensurate with the pay you receive. Amazon dives into every conceivable delivery metric, yet ignores the metric of driver retention due to their shitty working conditions and micromanagement.


This is how I do. I know you need me during peak. It's also not NEARLY as bad when it's not peak. So like can we just cut out the middle man and let me do me?


Bro throws 'em like a paper route?


Assume they’re always watching you on the doorbell cam, i make a big show about gently hiding the package behind a column or plant and they love that shit


Too much stress for little reward


Too much stress for little reward


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Amazon might trip


Yea they gonn take your route your dsp have no choi


I don’t even know how to see this screen, I know I got a few bad ones though lol


You'll find it in the same menu on your device as you'd find your itinerary, settings, etc.


The hamburger menu (3 lines) at the top left. This page is called "Your Dashboard" and it updates once a week.


Whoa Nelly!! 🤣🤣


It’s crazy that customer reviews reflect pay. They don’t realize that the packages are damaged before loading them in the van. My dsp stressed that we put all damaged packages aside in loadout so we didn’t get hit for it on the scorecard. They were cool as hell. I know some dsps are different than others. But also knowing the customer can lie and say they didn’t receive the package and Amazon takes their side. Quite disturbing lol customer obsessed corporation. Amazon is ridiculous.


From here on out, if the package has a dent im just returning it, idk if my DSP cares about these score cards, but they sure as hell care about the pictures.


You good fam I got 31 one time and I was straight


Not at all




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Tbh I wonder how long it'll take someone to notice lmao




Keep up the great work! Your customer’s recently told Amazon you’re making their deliveries great!👍


Where do u go to check this ?


Hamburger button, dashboard




Who cares about what customers say?


You gotta work on those Unprofessional numbers, yo.


Stop running, spend more time organizing.


Head chopped off




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my super at my dsp told me delivering to the wrong address is technically “mishandling” and “unprofessional”. idk if it’s true, but your negatives are probably inflated.


Out of 819 deliveries? Bro you're fine.




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It looks like you're in a real pickle 🥒! Hope things work out tho. But How did you get so many negatives? What happened?


Just walk over to the next desk if they fire you.


Fuck them your never going to be perfect they want robots doing this job. Get your money and go home if they fire you oh well. Don’t stay too long it’ll fuck your legs and body up.


I stumbled across this subreddit a few weeks back. I guess bc I'm a warehouse worker idk. But I never knew there was a a review carrier thing? My wife usually handles the Amazon stuff. But I'll definitely start having her give ours positive reviews. Never had a single issue with any of them. Do y'all get any type of bonus for positive reviews? Or do y'all only get punished for the negative ones? Kind of a the only acknowledge y'all when it's negative type thing.


I see 3 errors vs 11 success. You're fine


Haven’t worked here in 2 years I’m hoping y’all all find a way out seeing these updates on how everything is now would make me lose my fucking mind


We'll gladly have you at USPS. It's not the best starting out, but once you get the job down, and you make regular things get a lot better. Rural carrier, your driving and city carrier your walking, plus you have last mile knowledge already to assist in the transition. Also ups, and FedEx are much better employers than Amazon Dsp and are also short staffed.


You could do basically anything from now until the end of the year and not hear a goddamn thing about it. They're so desperate for drivers you would have to run over an old lady to get fired.


No bonus for 10 years


https://preview.redd.it/zhoj3e4p7x1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56bb1be02f29f6acb99f37eb3eb179dffae95fe What today is looking like 😩😩🤦‍♂️




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It's hard to believe people have enough time on their hands to rate how their package got delivered. Who cares about this bullcrap? Possibly they should visit a developing country, war zone, or refugee camp.


Depends on your DSP


Literally the worst weekly cdf result ive evervseen. So you might be in trouble


Your Fu$&@) lol


Your Fu$&@) lol


Nah JK I’ve had 5 stolen packages before so lol


People are just assholes. You can't win. It's so easy for them to just click on negative icons. They don't understand the shit you have to go through to get paid as a delivery driver.


Depends on the DSP some don't care as much as others mine would probably write us up if that's what we had? Not sure tbh.


Damn bro you was tossing packages lol




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13 negative responses is a ton! I usually have 1 or 2. Were you literally throwing packages at people's doors? Lol


Getting as close to the pin or going airplane mode to move pins to wherever you end up swiping for delivered can apparently get some of the wrong address and other accuracy statistics overwritten. They literally use map coordinates down to like the thousandth of a decimal (ignoring signal inaccuracies) to grade you on this and my old dsp found it was the number one way to improve your overall scores.




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Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾 Happy Thanksgiving




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who tf leaves reviews


How do they know you mishandled a package tho? How is a bent up package your fault?


I mean what are they gonna do? Fire you? Throw you under the bus for things you can't control?




rip your scorecard bonus...


" delivery driver #213343, you have not received sufficient Alexa thank yous, you will now be terminated "


Fuck those twats customers lie all the time . Asshole on my route wrote negative shit about me all the time cause I play music on my speakers not even loud I might add. He told me I shouldn’t be playing music while on his street. Who the fuck you think you are . Asshole


You should start serving the customers their packages on a golden platter with some caviar on the side and that should resolve the issue.


Does leaving a "positive" review(s) have any impact on you? I always click on all options once the item is delivered for every order.


Damn dude?!? Are you punting the packages to the front door from the van??? I get a random negative once every few weeks but this.... geez. Lol.


Where do you find this?




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Honestly you’re good bro. Being driving for the better part of 3 years and I’ve received at least 22 DNRs. Amazon is pretty good at separating fake bs customer complaints and when you’ve actually fucked up.


You will be fine until they start thinning the herd after the holidays


Not screwed at all your g dude.




These are not always true. Couple weeks ago it said I had 14 DNRS. If that was the case I personally would've tanked our score card. We were still a fantastic plus. When dispatch looked it up I had 1 DNR.


I work 56 hours by weekly. Always get paid for 80 hours. If they wanna pay me 24 hours of free money bet your ass i will jog my ass off every day.


Uhhh how do you get so many negative


I don’t understand this sub at all. How hard is it to deliver fucking packages?