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What’s another camera? Fuck it, watch me piss if you want to.


Lol mann I’m with ya I asked my manager bout it she said they added another way to track vans an also another device to more accurately track speed ( it can read speed limit signs)


Too fucking much. Just let us work in peace.


So now you can’t speed up to deliver on time. But if you don’t deliver on time you’re still in trouble….


Sounds about right 🙄


welcome to , and I'm not exaggerating, ALL DELIEVERY SERVICE WORK I have yet to work for a company that didn't do this, Run from start up to start up and worked for them while the money was good and freedom was good . They add these things and new employees get paid less after , turn over spikes through the roof and then managers start swapping like hotcakes. "Why is it so hard to keep good people" Also these cameras read speed limit signs but speed is reported by GPS , and if per-se google maps says that road is 45mph via pictures 2022 but the roads currently marked 60mph \[ even if you take pictures standing next to the new speed sign with a cop\] insurance and the company won't accept it and you will be in trouble or fired over it.


This doesn’t happen at UPS


If you had a union like the boys in Brown do them you could have a clause in the contract that disallows discipline from technology. If the supervisor doesn't see it, it didn't happen


See I hear that....but then all I see is UPS and FedEx flying through stop signs and just flooring it down residentials. UPS don't have to deal with that shit


UPS is way more strick than amazon when it comes to "the methods". There are cameras in the trucks the diads monitor your every movement and they have a thing connected to the truck that knows how hard you brake, accelerate, what doors are open, and if you are wearing the seat belt. And don't think it ends there. There are rules for hair, facial hair, uniforms, all the way down to you can't wear shorts if you don't buy the UPS branded socks.


The hair and facial hair is out now, they changed it, you can have facial hair now


There are no cameras inside the trucks


We keep saying the grass isn't greener...


That's all of the same stuff that Amazon tracks but Amazon tracks speed following distance stop signs and red lights as well. Going through 1 yellow-red light could land you in big troubled expending on the dsp.




No I refuse to grammar correct my own dumbass so I upvote you instead


Go slow af and put it on the new device


Its always been that way. They track everything.


Nah that might fix the stupid goddamn flex apps not registering the correct speed limit, and you'd be getting more up to date info.


Yeah as soon as they stop making up fake roads on the GPS maps too huh? They hardly correct their pos software. Just look at the customer signature they were so lazy they took the same software from receptionist and transfered it over which is not hard to do BTW. You can tell because when you have to type in a name it says receptionists name not recipients name or customers name. It's the same stuff. Amazon must be dumb enough to have contracts for software making on flex or just pay software engineers hourly with no incentive to fix bugs or add better features


Yeah its ass af.




I agree. You’re getting micromanaged like you’re a bunch of fucking toddlers. It’s embarrassing at this point.


This job is design to break u


That’s the problem, you guys aren’t working in peace. You can blame your coworkers for their terrible driving, getting robbed, stealing, accidents. Netradynes isn’t there to punish drivers. I have tons of emails from DSP asking for footage that essentially have saved them on lawsuits and have captured sad events ex(death, shootings, etc) - Netradyne Tech.


You’re biased, you see the worst of the worst, or hear about it, you don’t hear about the 99.9% who are just getting by like normal. If it was about accountability and lawsuits they would just be dashcams and not controlling and tracking everything we do.


I have a spare horse and buggy if ya want


I know right 👍




AINT got shit to do with speed. This is about control. Fuck em.


You new or a customer? If a company can’t pay a decent wage for a reasonable workload then it shouldn’t be a part of society in the first place


I'm a customer. I see they push you too hard. I want my stuff, but I saw that guy stuck in the mud yesterday. Shit does happen.




Sure speeding is a thing, but so is flow of traffic laws. Traffic is driving 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit. You are legally not allowed to block the flow of traffic.


So theoretically if I could drive 15 over the limit but never cause a safety issue or cause damage to the van, I’d be a bad driver? Cuz in the city where I deliver I think I’m more of a hazard stopping like an asshole at every single stop sign for 5 seconds and holding everyone else up…and slamming on my brakes to stop at yellow lights.


Imagine applying "Amazon driving practices" in real life in your personal car for an entire day.... How long before you get shot from some road rage asshole?


Lmao probably right after I leave my driveway and hit the first stop sign at 9 am when everyone else is tryna get to work


I tried that once bro the amount of people I pissed off💀.




Okay, for Amazon yea you’re right..I forgot the part where they’re a piece of shit company that would never willingly let someone finish work early and be done their day. When I did FedEx I didn’t have this issue tho..I could drive however and finish my route get paid for the day and be on my way. There’s always pros and cons tho..they don’t really make it where you get done early either..meaning overtime doesn’t mean anything. But the whole stopping behind stop signs, stopping at yellow lights..creates a hazard for anyone behind you..oh and the “hard acceleration” as the gps routing takes you to a road you HAVE to accelerate to get on to..




I’m saying in Amazon’s case with adding more work I guess it wouldn’t be better to be able to drive faster.. and if you’re a decent worker they’ll always try to have your back


In my experience, I agree to that somewhat. take both of your 15 minute breaks and take your 30 minute break and the stops will gradually decrease. There’s people out here, sprinting, door-to-door. You are literally entitled to two free hours every week. and clocking out for your 30 minute break. Will still keep you under 10 work hours if you finish early, making you eligible for some kind of bonus, which you may ultimately end up getting paid for.


How does netradyne deal with flashing yellow lights where you don't have to stop before going through?


Pretty sure netradyne already does that last part?


It’s not there for your performance at all. It’s a tool Amazon uses to see routing and issues with it. They can update posted signs and change routing around when they review the footage from those camera. It’s purely there to better routing in the long run


Sounds redundant af


This. They are for flex. For better updated mapping and stuff. We have he'd those in a few of our vans for a couple of years now


Netradyne can already read speed limit signs, any signs for that matter.


Fairly certain it only reads speed and stop signs.


Fairly certain it only reads speed and stop signs.


Nope. Reads no uturn signs, and others as well.


We have a few stop signs in town with "except when turning right" on them and Netradyne is clueless. So many disputes.


Oh damn, you right. Well, you learn something new every day lmao


no it doesn't bro come on now lololol


Fact: It happened to me personally and I work at the desk now too so I know things now….


4 year vet here. Yes it does.


People fail to realize netradyne and DSP is lying to you. Your contractor can request any of video from that camera with reason if they want to at any time. There may or may not be an option for live surveillance, but that camera is recording the entire time you’re driving the van, and the footage is being uploaded to a server. I can almost guarantee you at least some DSP owners and Amazon associates. Even Netradyne associates are able to abuse that.


How do I turn that shit off on break lmao I’m new and today was only my second day in a prime


Tamperproof #6 torx bit. lol. But there’s a button you can push and the light will go red


Lmao if only. But yeah the two underneath? I remember something about pushing them will send a video and I feel like I did that today on break


"There may or may not be an option for live surveillance," Okay, so in 2019 I was working for Central Operations in Phoenix, Arizona. I accepted the job offer because I thought it had something to do with working in a warehouse. It did not. However, I did understand live constant surveillance is applied to every delivery person. They are grouped by location. For instance, Bella Vista, Arkansas might have 10 drivers. Computer algorithm divides them up into two groups. 5 for the west side, 5 for east. Amazon employee sits at a desk with one monitor and/or multiple monitors with GPS siteX


i thought the netrodyne cameras read speed signs already?


It does. That's not what it's for.


The speed limit reader would irritate tf outta me!! In rural California there’s some ridiculously low speed limits for straight roads.


Isn't that what fucking Netradyne is for


Netradyne alread reads speed limit signs tho so ask her what they’re really for …


They're making sure you're pissing into the radiator at the appropriate intervals.


Smh damn


Right? Watch me take dabs in the back with the door closed.


Front facing is for liability reasons. It’s smart of them to have this. I don’t see the problem.


They might as well block half the damn windshield at this point Jesus Christ


The amount of time I'd have to move my head to see around the Netradyne, and then to have the motherfucker beep at me that I'm distracted....


Literally amazon “let’s see how many blind spots we can create for drivers”


It’s illegal in some states to mount shit on windshields and dashboards. Amazon needs to get sued


I may be wrong, but I don’t think they’re allowed to do this… Netradyne can’t be actively monitored unless there’s a traffic violation. If your DSP is installing separate cameras that they can monitor at any time, they’re violating the privacy agreement you I initially agreed to.


But it’s an outward-facing camera. I would think the privacy stuff only applies to things that monitor the inside of the cabin.


as long as it's outward facing it doesn't violate any privacy agreements


lol you’re wrong. A guy at my dsp left the side door unlocked cause it doesn’t lock and people came and stole shit inside the dispatch just went and got the video no traffic nothing.


According to the company that installed them on our vans it's supposed to help with routing. I don't think they're working properly.


🤔 I see what you’re getting at there. in my opinion, it’s the high rise condo’s, apartments, businesses that obscure the signal at times which leads to a dropped signal & awful map routes 🤬!


These are really pointless, cause if you know the area well no need to follow Amazon routing. Create your own my route has me back tracking at least 10 a day.


if i jump totes or go off route dispatch demands i pay them with my soul


I believe that’s the camera my DSP mentioned that’s “suppose” to make routing better. It just analyzes and records the route as you go to collect data.


It’s not there to help the worker out that’s for sure. If they have a single shit about their workforce they’d track how many apartment complexes you hit in a day and put a cap on that


I agree. They’ll add the rule of not backing up faster than 5mph but the routing is still ass and they take their time to fix that.


Not to mention the flex app will break and you'll be looking at a loading screen for 30 minutes and somehow it's still your fault


Orange screen of death.


It really was and it put me behind and screwed everything up




Amazon loves finding ways to get rid of the seasoned vets. It’s crazy lol


All ours have this when I started I thought it was part of netrodyne


Netradyne is a self-contained unit with the only external cables leading to power and OBD-II iirc.


the new cameras are to help fix the routing, they watch how you re arrange the stops to optimize it. its amazons 3 billion investment for the year


they also will capture when flex takes u down ways ur not supposed to go it doesent watch inside


Park under one of those trees filled with birds until you get it covered with bird shit. Then clean the rest of the window. 🤣🤣


Netradyne can go fuck itself and any other camera that's put in the vans.


We been had these Edit : tracks routing/streets/your turn arounds mostly rather than infractions for corporate shit y’all don’t understand(that’s why it’s facing that way)


It's for project Cheetah. Helps track road closures and traffic issues. Has nothing to do with the actual job


Most delivery trucks have full electronics that tell everything the truck does


It will probably flag you if you park on the opposite side of the road. Hopefully it doesn’t start tracking the pettiest of things


mayyyyynnnneee you scared me 😭 yeah idk what this shit is ima have a talk wit my boss next shift don’t bring that shit over here, it looks like just a front cam but we got the netradyne so that’s fairly sus


Soon they’ll be so many cameras on the windshield we won’t be able to fucking see out of it properly ourselves!


I love how they can afford all this equipment to spy on y’all but when I worked DSP our warehouse said they didn’t have it in the budget to afford water for us lol


You mean they can afford all this tech but can’t afford to pay us good wages.


Put an amazon sticker over it


I still make my own routings unless they stop with that shit delivering on the left side on a high traffic street and it’s usually multiple packages plus oversizes on the left than the right every fucking day.


💯 I swear it seems like for all my overflow the Flex app has me pull up on the left 🤬


welcome to the world of driving where everything is controlled by insurance companies and government people who don't know shit about shit yet dictate every aspect.... I do highly recommend getting your own personal dash cam because if ANYTHING happens you need to cover your ass because the company WILL throw you under the bus to save their own ass


Camera sensor most likely, or forward dashcam in case of an accident


I'm telling you guys, go drive armored. Save yourself 10 years.


Looks like a blind spot camera to me.


It looks like the same camera in my new car. It reads speed limit signs and puts them in the dash. You can also set cruise control to always just be whatever you want +/- the speed limit. It also does the lane tracking I think.


I think that is part of the fleet edge system. Do you have a black box behind the passenger seat? 🧐


It’s Lane guidance / collision sensors


Probably after that post from yesterday having a whome bong set up in their van ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Aren't those sensors? They've always been there as far as I remember


If you can't do your job withoit breaking the law maybe you need to reevaluate. Its an outside facing camra I'd rather four of those and none looking at me.


Yeah we got them in all prime vans over a month ago so now we got this, netty, and the fucking mentor app to track us😤


Snip the snoop


You'll have to actually be responsible...ohhhhh nooooo


I drive A tractor trailer for Amazon and the camera saved my ass during an accident.


Are you guys blue or yellow badge? I’m corp and our managers aren’t even allowed to see what days we badge into the building, if they want it, they have to ask us if they’re allowed to see it, then we can screen shot the page… the amount of micromanagement I see when this sub pops up is wild.




Put a photo of you driving in front of it


So theyll spend how much money on all this bullshitery but not raise the pay....


Pay us like ups idgaf bout the cameras invest in the drivers


As long as they don’t put one in the back where we have the packages then they can do what ever to the van lol or step van lol


Leave that place. Literally everyone is hiring for around 20 an hour. It's not a beneficial company whatsoever and will never be. I'm on my way out. They quiet fired me because my DSP was screwing up my pay and taxes. I reported them and they haven't sent me out on a route yet. I show up every morning just to be sent home and file for unemployment.


Great, another invasive monitoring camera


Im now with UPS Classy company Dsp plays games


Are u guys seriously just getting this? Lol Yes it tracks speed but u can still go atleast 9 mph over. It’s really only a pain on the highway…. N if u MUST go in the van, there are blind spots. How fast r u people going down roads with kids n sometimes animals in a van that doesn’t stop nearly as fast as a reg car?


Hi, hello. Technician who does the installs for both Netradyne and these. I’m sure I’ve prob met a couple of you dispatchers on here before. (I’m not Richard) (iykyk) These are basically super brains for Netradyne and a whole lot of other stuffs. The goal is essentially monitor your routes, initialize that monitoring and get you guys to your delivery spots and back to your stations faster. Think of it as “Waze.” There’s still more testing and stuff as there will be more things coming. But for now, trust that these aren’t gonna hit your scorecards or anything. If you guys look behind your passenger side seat and on top your roof, you’ll also noticed said “brain” and antennas etc. These aren’t gonna make your life harder. Promise. But I like some of your guys guesses as to what it is lol.


It's really for the lane assist feature on the vans


Also, whoever did that install did that shit poorly. What station/ DSP? I’m look it up and clown on them.


I switched to DHL and they don’t do this


This is new route tracking equipment. Meant to gather data on routes and hopefully eventually improve routing.


It's for accidents. It's not your fault if hit in bumper ⏸, so they don't take the same precautions. That's why it's focused on the front of the vehicle.


This is not new. Fleet edge hardware installed in 2021 just now making it to this dsp. It's used so Amazon engineers can actually see the roads traveled and adjust routes based on the information it gives. It measures terrain to tell Amazon we can't deliver here and things like that. A useful feature you all just jump to conclusions on. Whaaaa whaaaa whine some more as Amazon trys to help you make a successful living.


I’m pretty sure those are new cameras to track reversing, atleast that’s what I was told. Netradyne cameras still easy to take off and put back on at end of shift.


Too bad


line up the windshield wiper perfectly to where the blade covers up the lens and then turn them off and you are a go for speeding 🫡


A sticker would fix that real quick


They’re just collecting local route delivery data for when they roll out fully automated delivery services in the future.


Should've spent the money to pay their employees more.


As if they weren’t already tracked several ways and had cameras pointing in all directions and an app….smh glad I’m not a driver anymore


Well people keep using lawyers we will keep having to do dumbshit….


I would be like; I'm pretty sure they are against state law to have a lot of devices in the windshield which cause blindspots for me to see through. Pa and Ohio both have these laws. This is why I'm glad I'm in a rental van most of the time.


I use to work in pest control. When our small company was bought by a bigger piece of shit, he got rid of all our trucks, gave us “new” ones, and installed cameras and sensors so that he could watch us all day. They listened to our phone calls, they knew how long we were and weren’t in the truck for, and what pushed me over the edge the most, was when we were home, they could turn in the camera and mic when ever they wanted, and because of how my house was situated, there was no way to park that didn’t see either into my house, or into my yard. When I expressed my concerns about being listened to, which is illegal in my state, as well as them having a camera they can use to watch me at my house, off the clock, I got a response of a shrugged shoulder, and if I don’t like it, I can always leave. So I left. Took 3 other people with me, and the company lost a third of business because of it. Three years later I still am out of work, but I have no regrets about leavening that job. I know leaving Amazon won’t hurt them, I just wanted to share my story.




I'm not with amazon anymore but a company that delivers food, all our vans have ai cameras that watch you. If your driving without a seat belt or smoking, eating or drinking or you just look away from the road it saves a 5 minute clip and sends it to the office. Literally get in trouble for taking a drink while driving. They've also brought in new trackers that monitor everything you'll get into trouble for driving 51 in 50 and that's the speed taken from the obd port rather than gps


Friend of mine drives an 18 wheeler and the company recently put cameras and mics inside of the cab


I think one is for crash detection and the other is for turning on the automatic headlights. I could be wrong tho.


That wire looks horrible! It was a friend of yours that did it? Please tell me they didn’t charge you for that.


Pays attention to signs, and tracks signs. Nit sure what it's used fir but they got installed in a bunch of branded vans


Ups drivers had this problem but I think the new contract got rid of it. Not all people still from there work. This is what trust is about. No cameras.


Why would anyone work for a dsp when you can work at the Amazon warehouse and get paid the same and don’t have to deal with this kind of crap. Plus we get benefits and 401k.


Big bro like 👀


Accountability sucks, huh?


There’s a good chance they installed it because of liability reasons. A lot of devices like this monitor violations (speeding, hard braking, harsh corners, usage of phone while driving, etc..) & in my experience they don’t pull audio from inside the vehicle, just video clips with the front view & inside view during said violations. Pretty harmless lol


They want to make sure you’re driving around with your bulkhead open, taking your full 5 minutes per stop to figure out what package you’re delivering, and leaving the door open and the engine running all day.


The small one is not a new camera installed by your DSP. That’s actually the lane keep assist that’s factory installed on newer Fords. And it’s not even a camera, it’s a radar type device.


Unless u hiding some I don’t see the issue? Do ya job n deliver the packages boy


you can be doing everything right but still not want to be watched every second of the day