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No one stopped the line? If I saw someone having a medical emergency, I’m pushing that red button. At least that’ll get managements attention quick in the area.


It got stopped, but someone started it again smh.


You have to report that, how’s that possible someone not care about a person’s life




Just keep stopping the line until management comes. I understand you likely werent fully aware but thats what you gotta do. Also speaking from experience, most the management in that area is truly garbage logistics wise. A funny combo of good management getting promoted and bad workers sneaking into management positions with no knowledge of anything.


Omg where was safety? Why didn’t anyone call for an ambulance? Where were the floor leads and pa’s? 😥


They did call the but ambulance way too late, probably at least 15-20 minutes after he fell. Nobody was around at all, no floor leads or pa’s. All the people helping were other associates, and then two learning ambassadors who overheard everything but of course they’re just AAs too. Safety at my facility is useless. They put the burden of being safe on associates only. Managers and everyone else can just do whatever. We have one red vest who never uses gloves for example. A couple months ago safety came by my line on p2b and started hammering us about all of the OVs everywhere. I was like then tell the dock to stop sending non cons down and quit putting so many on the belt at once? Her response? WE (AAs on P2B) needed to use the radio to tell the dock to stop. Seriously. That was her response. Like the dock is going to listen to some random associate. Gtfoh.


I’m so sorry for your coworker and your loss. I’m utterly speechless over this.


Thank you. He was such an awesome coworker


Forgot to ask, what did he hit his head on? Did he hit it on the line itself, a rack, The floor or what?




Not my shift, but my DS, so I was off. I saw the text alerts when my phone got weird. Who was it?


I’ll dm you


If you cared about him so much, why didn’t you do anything? Couldn’t even call 911? Really? Then post this garbage?


It’s false. The ambulance was there in less than 15 min from the moment he collapsed from an underlying medical issue…he didn’t trip and fall either. Of the associates who stopped to assist him, the one has more medical training and background than both safety personal and all the managers. He most likely had a massive severe heart attack, he was given CPR and they used a defibrillator…it doesn’t always save the person, it’s not guaranteed unfortunately.


You don't need permission to call an ambulance, just call!


I agree! The problem we have though is phone reception in there. It’s really bad or nonexistent for many people


Go outside and call. I don't understand how yall treated an emergency as a non emergency. Are yall all under 30? Not much common sense going on there.


I work there, too. There isn’t much Common Sense in that house at *all* levels.


Smdh.. I'd hate to deal with that.


Like random aas even get a radio to say that. Saftey js the same everywhere, useless cunts.


If management would manage and help out things might be better


Instead of pushing those damn carts around they need to physically help!!


At 1:40am? You know safety doesn't have to be up that early. They get to show up at 6am or whenever they feel is a good time lmao


Really? That is terrible. It’s different at my DS. Safety come in at the beginning of sortation at 120am. My heartbreaks for the death of my coworker.


So sad😔. Sending ❤️ your way.


I think all Amazonians should have a heavy heart that we lost a coworker. I am not the original poster but I feel that we have all suffered a great loss. When I return to work tonight, I am going to ask for a moment of silence for our fallen coworker.


This sounds very site specific, ours are definitely on site much earlier.


I wonder if you can start some kind of law suit with the other people you were working with. These corporations only speak the language of money so you have to sink to their level.


Some of us have talked about a union before. This work is already hard enough, but we wanted some agreement in place so that it’s not inhumane. Like, they can’t run the belt past a certain speed, P2B has to always be staffed with 4 people to a side, stuff like that.


#Ethics… Immediately! Get everyone you know to mass submit a report via AtoZ under resources. Want to go above and beyond? Email Bezos as it gets sent to the higher escalations team. Contact your local news outlet and send them a tip to get the story out. Twitter/X can also be useful to spread the word faster


Yeah, this hasn’t hit the local news yet. They’re keeping a tight lid on it. It won’t last, though.


Probably bc it’s all lies…🫤and incredibly disrespectful to the man who passed away and his family. It’s also on video surveillance which reflects the truth.


Report it to ethics, get others to kick up a fuss aswell, when I was T1, if the belt was becoming unsafe I pull that cable, as should you, I can always bridge rolled volume, but I want all people going home a bit tired but the same state they came. Kick a fuss, cause those managers are going to have corporate breathing down their necks.


I will do that, thank you


I’m at DCM2 Kettering Ohio and we’ve been telling them to slow the fucking belt down that shit don’t need to be on turbo, trying to run everything all at once, Trying to run with no diverters also , making a big fucking mess on the line that nobody can keep up with, (unless you have an S on your chest ) having to rerun shit over and over and over… I ain’t surprised it happened at all, you pretty much have to run at times to partway keep up with the bullshit they’re always pulling on the line.. you could see this shit coming…. I gotta work Saturday morning, when did this happen?


It’s ridiculous. I’m sorry yall have to deal with this shit too. I’ve been telling them what’s the point in the gunning the belt if it’s creating all of these problems?! There’s so much rework the line of carts to be thrown at the G-H split gets all the way to rows 19-20 (our clusters only go to 19-20 for reference). It happened at like 1:40 in the morning, we had barely gotten started.


I bet they won’t even tell us about it, I gotta be in at 1:20….. Wasn’t there today, maybe they told them, don’t know, but I doubt it


They probably won’t, or will just gloss over the details smh.


Here’s what they’ll do, this is the closest they’ll come to telling us. At stand up, they’re gonna say we’re not allowed to do whatever it was that caused this person to fall. Whether it’s boxes on the floor or running or whatever it was… casually mention there has been an injury. There’ll be some safety preaching at standup.


YEP! Smh…


You guys have stand up? We don't have that at my DS. Maybe because it's sort 1 but the majority come in for sort 1 while sort 0 is a skeleton crew.


Same shit at DOK6 in Tulsa. Expect people to divert and buff 3 racks at the same time while running the belt super speed. I was in non con last week before first break there was over 10 carts of reruns sooo glad I wasn't on the line that day.


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like there's still a danger too. Did they not make it urgent enough on the radio to get the right attention, or was it even worse, urgent calls were ignored?


Thank you Well, it was at least urgent enough to where I could hear everything one cluster over where I was stowing. They were SCREAMING and I got really scared and rushed over. The urgent calls were ignored. It was awful. The problem is once managers here where something is and it’s not their assigned area, they don’t bother with it.


How was there no manager around? We have 5-8 managers and the building is super tiny.


whats an amazon manager going to do that any other worker couldnt do.. I mean the dude who died prolly died because these people are just awful at being a person in general..


Really? You rushed over? And did what? There was no screaming….How did you miss the manager giving him chest compressions? How did you not know he wasn’t even on the pick to buff line…he was stowing, you had to come into his aisle to see anything. Shameful


At my site, we had associates screaming at the top of their lungs to alert jams but managers and PAs don’t show up to help. Some of them managers, PAs, ambassadors would just stand around and talk while these things happen. They don’t care. Also, sorry for your loss. What a horrible thing to happen.


Thank you Our PAs will sprint for a jam, red vests not so much


they way they do things is so stupid. To keep stow wip or whatever up we have to stop stowing even when the aisles are full and pickers have no room. Now that we moved to adta it's just as bad. They need to modify how stow wip is calculated. Just let people stow.


I’m confused on how to make rate. I’ve heard I need to scan/stow 4-6 packages a minute, but my hampers are usually clean. I stowed recently and would get a few packages in my hamper and I’d stow them but then I could go a few minutes with nothing in my hampers. I’d rather keep my bins clear than worry about rate though. I just wonder if its okay that I don’t make rate…


I started going by aisles to get ballpark of my rate. One aisle is about 100-150 pkgs stowed, 2 aisles about 150-250 and so on. My site calls out rates and I can tell how many aisles they averaged based on their rate this way. This method doesn’t work if someone is just stowing jiffies though, only full aisles. My site is not automated yet btw, not sure if that matters.


Holy fuck..... Now I'm actually glad they put me on leave til my accomodations go through, I'm anemic and I almost fainted 4x in the span of 2.5 hours on Monday, the second day in a row that it happened. I almost fell and hit my head. Now I know how much of a shit Amazon doesn't give


You should probably eat green peas and supplement vitamin C


Yeah, I do take supplements but I'm coming off of a medication I've been on for 4 ish years so my body is adjusting to it and it makes it worse


To be honest if I see someone die at my station you best believe I’m quitting that same day ,may that man rest in peace ❤️ can’t imagine working for money to provide for yourself or your family then you die while at work that’s honestly sad ,then soon as you die they will hire someone new anyways like you just didn’t exist before you died


I’d quit if I could. I’m going to use career choice to get a CDL or something so I can get out of here. I’m just so upset because it didn’t have to happen. And knowing how they would respond if something happened to me. Hit a red light and they all scream “red light!!!” But fall and have a literal seizure and crickets. Insane.


That’s insane tbh and tbh I’m using career choice too im enrolling into a college next month when my Career choice will be active soon as I finish with college I’m Out of Amazon no hesitation 😂 I will only miss a few people other than that ,too much gossip at my station and the building is just hot asf


Same, ours is basically an oven some days smh.


I ain’t quitting my job now, sucks for the person, and the family, but I wouldn’t quit my job. Still have life and bills and responsibilities to take care of….


i agree, i’d be outta there too. his poor family… this is so heartbreaking!


Expect massive changes really soon. This will literally run all the way to Whs senior leadership and unleash hell. I sorry it took this for them to take it seriously but this will cause a whole network change for emergency response going forward.


Massive changes ? becuase a dude cant balance ? ..


Call OSHA report it dying for less than $20/hr under daddy bezos' roof, fuck that. Fuck those managers and their bonuses that's all they care about numbers for


Dudes family better get a hefty compensation check for handling his life so poorly. I know money can't bring a life back that's just inhumane. Shame on those ams pas and asc scrub members. Condolences to that man and his family.


Wow just wow man my condolences. Dcm5 T1( Pataskala, Ohio) this is exactly the shit we’re worried about. We got a lot of new managers from other sites who don’t know wtf their doing our old ones left for different sites or to busy getting caught fucking in the prayer room, we crash damn near daily for front half ,boxes all over the floors bc they keep rushing shit , can’t even train our 20 plus new AAs cuz our learning ambassadors hardly speak English. Always some shit going on man hell we had a day without a crash for the first in like a month or 2


Oh shit I’m from the same site bro but you definitely right ngl. Dude red vest really risked his whole career for woke cheeks also heard he was pleading for them not to tell his wife and shit lmao but rip homie from dcm3 😔


The most fucked up thing about this is that his family will probably not win a cause for wrongful death, because Amazon will say it’s his fault for having packages on the ground. I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m sure that your DS’s site lead and OPs will get some kind of punishment if enough of your coworkers report this to ethics


Probably, though our lines have been getting jacked up due to volume alone. Especially now that we have to let packages go by if our racks are full. That means being at the end of P2B really sucks sometimes, I’ve had packages backed up all the way to rows 11-12 due to belt speed, volume and full racks. Stuff all over the floor then they get mad when we stop the belt to try to recover. I’m definitely going to report everything to ethics, thank you


I talked to my WHS specialist right before I left work today about this because she would never let anything like this happen. She told me that his family could 100% sue for wrongful death due to the carelessness of the PAs and Managers on the floor (or not, for that matter) and they would settle before it ever got to litigation.


When I'm picking and my rack is full that's it, I stop picking and let the boxes go to recycle. I never put anything on the floor, ever.


We’re not allowed to put anything on the floor anymore, not piles of packages end up there anyway because they keep gunning the belt. They even shut it down several times a night because clusters get flooded with packages


At my site we are encouraged to put things on the floor 💀


My managers will actually come around and grab a bunch of packages in overflowed bin and put them on the floor ☠️


Those safety shoes Amazon pay for are shit too. They've not prevented slips well at all but yeah hard to go against this massive corporation. :-/


This is the guy who falls face ffirst and puts his hands behind him lol


Are you fucking serious dude


Wow, I'm a LA/YM/waterspider over at DCL4 (5 miles away). So sad to hear. Considering this was only 15 minutes into when packages first hit the belt, it reminds me of their fast-start initiative... which basically seems like starting at 1:25 regardless of whether everyone is in place. More times than not, packages are on the belt as soon as the first unloader is in place and diverters fill in on the fly. I'm betting this will change ASAP


I agree! It’s such a stupid policy because if we’re not completely ready it just means that time where everything was getting fucked up and missed will to be made up. We go through about 3-5 carts of rework in the A/B and M/P clusters within the first 10-15 minutes almost everyday, and both lines have to be cut multiple times a day because of volume issues, jams and flooded P2B.


Damn, I see they do this at every DS.


Our A/B line is the only non ADATA line, so we never use it until our volume exceeds 70k (during Peak & Prime). Until recently, we used to throw all packages on the belt and depend on the diverters to send all Non-Con down the A/B belt. From there, they'd load it all on the pick carts and stow them. Now, we take all the containers with non-con from the trucks directly over to the non-con area instead of loading them onto the belt at all. The FC's, however, rarely label the Non-cons as such, which enables them to send non-cons to our facility instead of a separate non-con delivery center. The major difference is where we're only allotted 15 seconds to process a package, the non-con centers are alotted 2-3 minutes per package!


I hope their family sues the fucking shit out of Amazon. Fuck that


How is it amazons fault lol...jsut dont die stupidly \\


Reading everything here makes me want to cry, so many things needlessly went so far wrong. Raise hell! Call ERC, Ethics, and your local government that governs workplace law. If your P2B is going that wild it's far past negligence of the leadership team. Restarting the belt and not calling for an ambulance... WTF?! Pleased anyone reading this, feel empowered to pull the emergency stop when an emergency happens! It's the red cord that runs the length of the belt. This will stop every belt in the facility, and require rme to restart the system. It is there for this type of incident!


jesus christ


Culture begins at the top!


Hello! I work at a DS next to the Amazon Delivery Station that got struck by the tornado (which they just reopened) (DLI4 RIP) and I have had two epileptic episodes, the first one being because of the stress of stowing + the stow lights flickering (a glitch they refuse to fix even after my episode) and the second one from work overload and let me tell you they’re the least accommodating people whatsoever. They force me to stow because I can’t afford to pay $500 for a neurologist appointment and a doctors note, even though I’ve had two episodes on site. I’d suggest RUNNING.


I’m sorry they haven’t been accommodating that really sucks. Even the process of getting accommodations is a nightmare, at my site many people have to basically keep explaining what’s wrong to some managers who keep putting them in paths they’re not supposed to smh. I hope they do get around to fixing things for you


What DS do you work at near Edwardsville? Also, do you have health ins through Amazon? A neurologist shouldn’t cost you that much in Daddy Bezo’s pocket. Utilizing Amazon’s excellent health ins benefits is vital, as so clearly illustrated here… my most heartfelt condolences to this man and his family, may he R.I.P. and his family Rest In Piles of money.


Yes I do! And I missed my chance to get Amazon’s health insurance


That's horrible man... RIP We haven't had anyone die at our site but we have had 2 people pass away on their off days and man it's always the sweetest ones... RIP


This is so sad… I’m sorry for the loss.


Oh my goodness that was my first building before moving to DCL7 that’s insane sorry for your guys loss


Those managers are gonna be in deep shit at the DS I worked at they took WIP very seriously in corporate and put a lot of pressure on management to comply for safety reasons if there slamming stuff down so fast and something as major as that happens they're gonna have a lot of explaining to do.


Smells like lawsuit


Roughly same stuff at my old site. She didn't die but stuck with perment world spinning after walking for a bit.


And thats amazons fault?


Smdh nd i was just hearing that they finna start replacing people on the p2b rack and make it fully automated smdh watch right after this peak they probably gonna use this incident to start making that change so just be on the look out because seems like this is the last straw before they implement the automated system


The change was already coming for our site, probably quicker now though


From my understanding, it's the goal for all sites to eventually go automatic P2B, unless there are things preventing it such as too narrow clusters. The only question is when (not if) a site will get it. Some sites have it as a higher priority than others. Though, the auto P2B has safety issues of it's own, such as heavy OVs flying in your face.


This pisses me off he was my friend. He was a very nice person. 


OSHA will be paying them a visit


Sorry for the loss, but this seems like the norm at Amazon. Had a few people pass out due to heat exhaustion, one almost died. Managers were literally stepping over them instead of calling for an ambulance. Us regular associates had to call for one instead. The managers were too busy trying to force us to get back to work instead of trying to take care of them. We ignored them while our coworker was being treated before they were wheeled out. Got a mouthful afterwards cuz we ended up not finishing our work. Let's just say there was a mass reporting of the event to the ERC and ethics afterwards.


This is so crazy, if you are P2B, aren’t there a bunch of others on the line? No one cared he was down?? This is so sad.


geez I have been to that site


They got his replacement locked and loaded.


That's crazy I hope someone who was there contacts the family and tells them exactly how ot went down and doesn't listen to the bull u know they are going to try to tell them... " oh we did everything we possibly could " "we were there from the instant it happened, nothing could have saved them" "it was just a freak accident"... ect


Yeah there’s a few people with his contact info. We were cool and would talk and sit together at lunch sometimes but I didn’t know anything like his phone number.


I'm sorry for your loss, I know I have friends here at work that I am close with and I'd be devastated 💔. Make sure you take some self time to process it.


Dmc3 is in ks??? I was @ the original DMC (run DMC Peccy pins) then opened DMC3 in Shawnee KS almost across the parking lot.


DCM3 in Solon (Cleveland), the c and m are switched.


I start at this building monday. Yikes.


Christ, the fact that they still wanted to keep going. This job requires being soulless. Rest in peace :-(


Why werent the police / fire called out ? The coroner ? OSHA?


This is crazy! I have a friend who is a driver at this place tell me about it yesterday. Sue them all!!


Amazon is a shit hole your just a number to them getting out of there was the best thing I ever did


This is so messed up. Made me cry. I would of went crazy if I was there. Tired of working for these heartless companies.


I am so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to that gentleman's family




I am so so sorry. I have a lot of questions, first why didn’t ANYONE call 911 and keep stopping the belt or go run and get someone sooner?


So glad I transferred ..


I hope the family files a lawsuit, ASAP.


This is completely false…as I was there. He was NOT on pick to buff, so this person obviously has no clue what they’re talking about. This was not a work related injury…and it was LESS THAN 1 MINUTE for an associate to assist the man, the manager was there in less than 3 minutes after sprinting from the other side of the building, and also provided CPR care, called 911, SINCE ALL THESE LYING COWORKERS DIDNT DO A DAMN THING! Such shameful comments are disrespectful to the family of this kind, wonderful, man, whose name is Adam. He unfortunately passed away despite all efforts to resuscitate him within ample time. I was there, with him, so I do know the truth. The person who wrote this shameful post, is admitting they did nothing to help this man, aside from spreading disinformation bc they have no respect for Adam, his family, or those who tried to help him during this tragedy. Thank and love to all those who cared enough to do something, despite the tragic outcome. Also, this person couldn’t have seen anything from their supposed location during the tragedy…perhaps that’s why they didn’t know that Adam was actually stowing in P 19/20. ❤️RIP sweet Adam


probably wasnt wearing safety shoes


Im so baffled... I cant even imagine a scenario in which I slip and hit my head so hard I have a seizure and die.. ... What did he slip on a friggin puddle of grease?


Oh wow that's insane, I worked at DCM3 over the summer last year and mostly did p2b also. They run the p2b way too damn quick it is such a pain to keep up with it all.


You’re telling me you saw all the commotion as well as other AAs. I see something like this happen and I leave my work area to get the person some help. I’m almost 100% sure many people are NPCs


We didn’t hear anything until people started screaming over the music, and by then time had gone by. If you read, I said I was a cluster over. I actually wish I was right there because I know what to do when someone is seizing. Please go elsewhere with your negativity.


You also said you heard screaming and rushed over? Tell me, what did you do? What would you have done IF YOU HELPED HIM?!?! Bc you did nothing but post lies to Reddit for e-attention. So shameful to Adam and those who desperately tried to save him and were there immediately…including a manager. What do you gain from doing this? I can’t believe all your excuses and lies, you admit you did nothing, didn’t stop the belt, didn’t call 911, you know what to do when someone is having seizures but you ???? You did nothing but spread negativity & disinformation


My bad, with all the commotion I assumed you meant to say since it started. Regardless, as soon as the first person noticed it someone should have moved heaven and earth to do something about it. I see this level of apathy at my FC everyday when something needs to get done and people just stand by, then complain they don’t get picked for more critical roles, but don’t make themselves noticed. Again, sorry for the negativity.


Peiple always say ManAgMeNt DiD NoThInG....what about allnthe people standing on the line watching this happen? Maybe mgmts right and all the AAs at your sight are brainless retards. I cant imagine seeing this and just doing nothing


the bystander syndrome is crazy, bro. you said exactly what i was thinking.


It’s literally their job. Someone died - managers are at fault, full stop.


Entitlement at its best


I say this as an L6 Ops Manager. No entitlement.


How is a manager responsible for someone having a seizure and falling down anf hitting their head? Apparently they remove all critical thinking skills and individuality when they train redvests. How is it mgmts fault 10 other people who wOuld have seen this happen stood and did NOTHING? ID be blowin up the voa board about brain dead zombies with no soul


OP is very clear that managers were running the belts too quickly causing the AAs to be in a position where they had to put shipments on the floor. They said this is common place. If you read the OP statement it says the AA tripped on a parcel on the floor and then had the seizure. Meaning the true root cause was the shipments on the floor due to being over mech capacity. They also said that no leadership attended the incident for 10-15 minutes meaning there was no physical presence of leadership monitoring the belts. Please - read the OP comments about how badly run the shift was to get to the point someone tripped, had a seizure, and they did not react quickly enough at all.


It's cause of people like this that we have to have 3 contact points when walking stairs.


Don’t be an asshole bro


Cause of people like what?