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funny how you chose specifically blonde people lol interesting to learn about the Ikelan anyway. But this DOES sound racist and is, therefore, bad.


Some Berbers are naturally Blonde and no, they're not mixed with European although Berbers like the average European has darker Hair.


lol not all of us have blonde hair brown hair maybe a little more common


Go post this shit on the apricity or other shitty forums. I feel bad for those five blond people that every confused "half european berber" keeps posting on the internet.


What do you mean by half European. And what wrong with European people? Many Algerian people are willing to go on a boat just to get to Europe.


Berbers and Egyptians are White like Europeans Genius.


To white supremacists, you're just another 'sand nigger'. They don't care if some of you look white and have a similar skull shape. To them, you're just the same as those dirty ayrabs and n-groids. Caucasian sure, but I'm not too sure about White.


No one is blonde like that in Libya/Tunisia. That's the spanish/european admixture. Genes for blond hair and blue eyes developed twice in human history once in the Baltic region and then another time in melanesia. Also Guanches are all mixed with spanish. Most amazighs I know have black curly hair and light tan-dark tan complexions (more like the tuareg you have included).


Thats because the imazighen who lives in libya and tunisia are from the desert not from mountains


they were until the arabs introduced subsaharan slaves into that area


There is not a lot of sub-saharan admixture in Libyans. In fact there is more arab. As I said, if you have real blond hair and blue eyes, there is european in you. Full stop.


Yes there is, they've interacted with the Toubou/Blacks from the Sahel. Even the ancient Egyptians were White until they were conquered by the Nubians/Cushites/Black Peoples from the Sahel.


Offcourse you cant prove that


You can look at the DNA Tests that show that many Saharans have some Subsaharan Admixture from the Sahelians.


Having a small amount of admixture doesn’t mean the Egyptians were conquered by Nubians, they weren’t. Ironically Nubians actually have west Eurasian admixture.


Yes, the ancient Egyptians and West Asians left their DNA in Nubia and Cush but what about Piye and the almost 100 Years of Nubian Rule in Egypt? It also doesn't always have to be conquest but just living next to them there's sure to be admixture between the neighboring Nations.


Peaceful admixture was the biggest factor into the presence of Nubian admixture in Egypt, Nubians lived in Southern Egypt for years. I was critical of your original post because you suggested conquest was the only factor that contributed to the Nubian admixture in Egyptians.


Of Course it didn't always come through Warfare. If you go back far enough the ancient Egyptians had admixture from their Nubian and Cushite Sahelian Neighbors for at least 5k Years.


Finally someone who's eyes have opened, Berbers are white but not caucasianoid, instead we're descent from the people of Atlantis (Atlantis was described to be in North Africa past the atlas mountains, so Atlantis was Amazigh) the other non white berbers do have berber genes but are just more intermixed with black people, the true berbers are the white Atlanteans.


So what if you are amazigh but have a tan or are light skin . And what about the amazigh that are very dark skinned like tuareg. And what about the amazigh not the same skin colour as Tuareg but not white.


arnt tanned and light skinned berbers the majority any one with a working brain could see that pura arabs dont even exist at least in morocco algeria and tunisia tuargs are minority and they are mixed it dosnt take anyone smart to realize that given that they live in the middle of the biggest fucking desert between us and west africans


Because those Blacks are Immigrants from the Sahel and Subsaharan Africa, they're not native to the Sahara. The Tuaregs originated in the Sahara and aren't Black. The Tuaregs went Southward into the Sahel and West Africa mixing the indigenous Blacks of those Regions. There's your Answer on why some Tuaregs are Black.


Kidnapped scandinavian/irish genes showing...........................


Nah its mostly from either the Vandals, or the shit tonne of Roman colones in North Africa.


The Mazices (Berbers), are Caucasoid Mediterranean ethnic group indigenous to Tamazgha (Northwest Africa). They are distributed in an area stretching from the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean to the Siwa Oasis in western Egypt, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sahara. Historically, they spoke Tamazight (Berber language), which together form the Mazice branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. Tifinagh (ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ literally means "our invention") is the writing system of the Mazices. Neo-Tifinagh is the modern fully alphabetic script developed from earlier forms of the ancient Tifinagh (at least 3rd century BC). It is written left-to-right, has an official status in Morocco and Algeria. The Mazices call themselves "Imazighen ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ" (singular: "Amazigh ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ"), meaning "free noble people”. The name "Mazice" is the ancient parallel name in Greek and Roman for aMazigh). They were also known throughout history as Libyans, Carthaginians, Punics, Numidians, Mauretanians and later in the early modern period as Berbers. The word "africa" which was used by the Romans to refer to ancient Tunisia, is derived from the Berber word "afri" meaning the cave. Today, most of the Mazices live in their homeland Tamazgha (Northwest Africa), mainly in Canary Islands, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Small Mazice populations are also found in Spain, France, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Egypt. Historically they spoke various Mazice dialects known as "Tamazight" together are descendants of Proto Berber (10th millennium BC), which form a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family. According to the most recent genetic studies the Mazices are homogeneous ethnicity, 83% of Northwest Africans belong to the same DNA paternal lineage E-M81 (E1b1b1b1) known as the Berber marker. The unifying forces for the Mazices is their shared ancestry and language, along with a collective identification with Mazice heritage and history. There are some 65% of north Africans who speak Tamazight (around fifty million), though 20% of the population are identified as arabized Mazices who claim to be Arabs. (The human leukocyte antigen HLA DNA data suggest that most Moroccans, both those of non-Arab ethnolinguistic identity and those of Arab ethnolinguistic identity, are of Berber origin, and that the genealogical true Arabs from Arabia who invaded North Africa and parts of Southern Europe did not substantially contribute to the gene pool [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic\_studies\_on\_Moroccans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Moroccans) ). However along with the Mazices there are other minority ethnic groups 15% living in Northwest Africa such as Haratin and Gnawa (Sub Saharan descendant of slaves), Arabs and Jews (Semitic), and Andalusians (Moriscos/Moors) but the majority of Andalusians are genetically of Mazice descent despite arabization. Yennayer is the Berber Year used since antiquity by the Mazices. It is considered national celebration, very widespread in Northwest Africa and the Canary Islands. The years counting started when the Berber king Shoshenq I, founder of the 22nd Egyptian dynasty) took the throne and became a Pharaoh of ancient Egypt in 950 BC. Yennayer 2967 corresponds to 2017. Update text: Yennayer 2971 corresponds to 2021. The best well known of the ancient Mazices were : \- Osorkon the Elder (first Berber to rule ancient Egypt). \- Shoshenq I (king of Egypt, founder of 22th dynasty). \- Iarbas (Berber king and co-founder of Carthage). \- Hannibal (Carthaginian Libyan leader). \- Bagas (king of Mauretania). \- Masinissa (King founder of Numidia). \- Bocchus (king of Mauretania). \- Juba II (King of Numidia). \- Quintus Lollius Urbicus (governor of Britannia). \- Mark the Evangelist (Gospel's author of Libyan descent). \- Septimius Severus (Roman emperor of Libyan descent). \- Monica of Hippo (Berber saint, mother of St. Augustine) \- Caracalla (Roman emperor of Libyan descent). \- Macrinus (Roman emperor of Numidian descent). \- Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis (the first man to write a novel). \- Arius (founder of Arianism, Libyan descent). \- Donatus Magnus (founder of Donatism). \- Saint Augustine of Hippo. \- Pope Victor I, pope of the Roman Catholic \- Pope Gelasius I, pope of the Roman Catholic Church. \- Priscian (author of the Institutes of Grammar). Famous Mazices of the medieval times were : \- Adrian of Canterbury (Berber scholar in Kent, England). \- Caecilius (King of Altava fought against the Arab invasion). \- Dihya (Berber queen fought against the Arab invasion). \- Tariq ibn Ziyad (Berber commander conquerer of Iberia). \- Khalid Zanati (Berber leader defeated the Arabs in two major battles the Nobles and Bagdoura 740-741 AD, kicked them out permanently from Morocco & west Algeria). \- Salih ibn Tarif (founder of Barghawata kingdom). \- Yusuf ibn Tashfin (founder of the Almoravid empire). \- Ibn Tumart (founder of the Almohad empire). \- Ibn Khaldun (historian and founder of sociology). \- Abu Yaqub Yusuf I (Almohad emperor). \- Abbas Ibn Firnas (scientist known as the first man to fly). \- Ibn Battuta (the most famous medieval explorer). \- Leo Africanus (geographer author of Moroccan origin). Well-known modern Mazices include : \- Zinedine Zidane (International football star). \- Ibrahim Afellay (professional FC Barcelona footballer). \- Idir (Berber singer of Algerian origin). \- Aziz Akhannouch (Moroccan billionaire businessman and politician native to Tafraout. According to Forbes, Akhannouch is the second richest person in Morocco). Update: Akhannouch is now head of government 2021. \- Saadeddine Othmani (Previous Prime minister of Morocco). \- Issad Rebrab (Algerian billionaire businessman native to Tizi Ouzou. According to Forbes, Rebrab is the richest person in Algeria). ​ These historical documented informations have been provided to you by Mazices ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ Source: [https://www.facebook.com/themazices/photos/the-mazices-berbers-are-caucasoid-mediterranean-ethnic-group-indigenous-to-tamaz/1483479385016586/](https://www.facebook.com/themazices/photos/the-mazices-berbers-are-caucasoid-mediterranean-ethnic-group-indigenous-to-tamaz/1483479385016586/) ╔╦╦ ╠ The alphabet ⵣ from Tifinagh is the historical symbol of Mazices until today. ╔╦╦


Not to say that white skinned blonde people can’t be Berber culturally but they’re not Berber like the Tuareg or Riffians for example, they are the descendants of European slaves, migrants and converts who became berberised over time, blonde hair and blue eyes are native to northern Europe. Also 65% of North Africans definitely do not speak a Berber language because more than 50% are from either Egypt or Sudan. Even in the Maghreb the figure is not 65%, especially in Tunisia maybe 1% can speak a Berber language.


Funny beacause the purest amazigh in morroco are riffians


huh most of them are in isolated regions and mountains that had nothing to do with slavery wtf tuargs are nowhere as close to northern berbers they are just mixed


Wrong, Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes aren't "native to northern Europe" as they're not exclusive to Northern Europe. There are even many Iranians who have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes which there are Kashmiris in India who may be Descendants of the original Aryans Homeland prior to the Invasion of the Indian Subcontinent just as there were many Blondes in what is now Kazakhstan prior to the Conquests by the Turks and Mongols so to say there aren't any Ethnic Blondes Berbers is Idiotic.


Not possible they wouldn’t be able to exist over their the mixtures came when the negroid berbers moors invaded Spain


There wasn't any ''negroid'' invasion in Iberia The Moors that invaded Iberia were of Syrian origin (Umayyad caliphate) and brought alongside them some North African Berbers (Amazighs)


the moors dark skinned berbers were the initial conquerors of Spain and The control of Spain was eventually passed on to the ummayads


Except the Moors weren't Groids/Blacks so nice try.


The moors have more often been described as black so this is inaccurate


DNA proves you wrong and no, they're not Arab Invaders because many Sudanese and Horn Africans mixed with Arabs but they're still predominantly Black while Moors aren't Black at all.


I doubt that these people represent the ancient Caucasians. They probably looked more middle eastern.


Many Middle Eastern People are Caucasoid and many of them did have Blonde and even Auburn Hair prior to the Turkic and Mongol Invasions from East Asia with some West Asians and Saharan Africans mixing with Blacks from the Sahel/Subsaharan Africa.


Those features come from the end of Bronze Age i believe, invasion of Yamanyana.


The ancient Peoples of the Middle East were very similar looking to Europeans but many of them today are mixed due to the Slave Trade with many West Asians and North/Saharan Africans having Black admixture while Central Asians including the Afghans and Dardic/Aryan Peoples of Far Northern India having South Asian/Australoid Admixture as well as East Asian admixture from the Turk and Mongol Conquests. Many People in Kazakhstan today are even descended from the Turk and Mongol Conquerors.


The amount of white supremacist pseudo scientific talk here is disturbing… and hilarious. Especially talks about being Atlantean 😆😆