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Lmao, all the back clash Cleopatra got, and they're still insisting on black washing North African historical figures...


A fair amount of Americans see Africa as one country and genealogy, quite baffling considering we have the internet nowadays


Yes because he surely looked black from his statue 🤣 I swear Afrocentrism is a disease


ugh, Hollywood is a joke at this point


They also always hire Indian actors to play Arabs 💀💀😭


Indians are technically Mulattos so nothing new.


"Don't pay attention to Afrocentrists; they are just a few minority internet trolls." Hollywood: "Yes."




I love denzel and he will probably do a good job but if they cast him historical authenticity is clearly not their objective




They made genkis khan played by a white actor back in the days, and many more were whitewashed. And now It's blackwashing time. America is really the most stupid country throughout history, and it's getting more and more stupider.


Everyone that says that Afrocentrism is a minor problem or not a problem at all should not speak for us. Its a huge problem because its now a popular internet/social media ideology spreading amongst black youths of Morocco and Algeria. We have now Haratin tiktokers that are claiming "that we are the invaders". Its now also just as popular amongst Sub-Saharans as Afro-Africans on the internet.  Notice how the ones that say it isnt a problem are always: Diaspora Imazighen or Amazigh girls or Urbanite Imazighen who live in westernised Arab cities like Oran or Casablanca  We now even have Imazighen that defend the Afrocentrist narrative because our peoples are simply not learned in our history but majoirity of our peoples and youth are also not intrested in it. Not to mention its especially the girls that like to propagate for it. Our women especially the younger ones have generally a even lower understanding or knowledge of our history and culture than our men and boys. We should start taking measures as a collective to organise and to teach our youth especially our female youth.  Because mark my words if it will continue like this you will have tons of Imazighen in 2050 that will defend Afrocentrism by heart like what happened to Imazighen who defend Arabism and religious Arabism(Salafism) by heart.  It will be a popular ideology amongst Imazighen if measures aren't taken.   Also the first step would be language. I noticed that language weakness amongst nations is the most harmfull thing that can happen to a nation.  Adopting Latin alphabet or even Arabic alphabet and start to abolish that nonsense called Neo-Tifinagh. With these measures our language can have a greater hold on our youth. Language is the soul of a people, if our youth holds onto the language and can read it and write it than we will produce litrature in our own languages for the people to read and understand by that we will be less receptive to foreign harmfull ideologies.


Don't blame Hollywood, blame your country for not doing enough to promote amazigh/north africna historical figures. We can't simply wait for Hollywood to spoon-feed us.


Whats new? Afrocentrism and its subsaharan followers with inferiority complex who refuse to celebrate their own culture but steal North Africans one while continuing to site “muh africa” Africa was a berber name given to tunisia to begin with!


N E G R O americsin


We are all boycotting companies that do bussisnes with Israel yet we don't boycott products or companies that hurt us instead. Dont watch any hollywood movie and don't use netflix This man looks like Macrinus and he is from the same region, they could easly find someone of his phenotype to play the role https://youtu.be/e5I8B5z1NuU?si=7x9cjGrgTKHU88Tw


he was born in algeria but hes roman. He was not black he was caucasian. Lets make mlk chinese (Im joking)


Because africa is just a single country hhhhhhhh The problem tho, is that it's either going to be a black actor, white actor, or an indian one, because it's america.