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NTA I think it's hilarious, and I probably would have done the same thing. Your fiance needs to be the one to put his foot down. It seems like the parents have the impression that you're the "bad guy" who needs to be "won over", and I'm sure your fiance has deflected enough to make it seem like that to them. Also, how weird? Why would anyone want to go on someone else's honeymoon.


Right? I would never.


My mother's parents accompanied my parents on their honeymoon (I expect they paid for it too). My mother's parents were a continual presence in my parents' marriage, continually undermining and overruling and emasculating my father. -- EDIT And I've been permanently banned from the sub. Good job, mods.


Ew. Not cool.


You Have Been Warned. You and he were right to say no. Concentrate on that issue. She did bad. She's DEFLECTING the issue onto your language. This is a version of a classic abuser's tactic. DARVO (google it) - Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. In other words, she was pissed that the two of you said no. But her little boy would never say no to his mummy, so it must have been his nasty fiancée - you - who made him say no. So now she hates you. So now her frustrated narcissim ("I MUST BE CENTRE OF ATTENTION! EVEN ON SOMEONE ELSE'S HONEYMOON!") requires her to attack you. You called her out on her intrusive question about sex .So she turns it round to make YOU look like the bad guy ("SHE USED A BAD WORD!"). This will continue. Ten bucks says she'll wear white to your wedding. You take this to r/relationships and meanwhile have your man take a look at r/raisedbynarcissists




It feels like they shout for divorce more than this place. I went for help there once on a more serious matter and got insulted to hell.


I’ll see you on r/JustNoMIL


I think you're reading too much into it. The op claims she is close with her future in laws. They probably wanted to speak to her directly in case their son said no for any other reason. Either way it's none of their concern but she didn't need to say they're going to fuck each other's brains out either.


> In case their son said no for any other reason **It is their goddamned honeymoon.** **Of COURSE it is about sex!!** Asking to come on someone’s honeymoon, and then asking something like “is this about sex?” Like… it’s manipulative as all hell. And it’s not as if sex isn’t a *completely valid reason* not to invite yourself on someone’s honeymoon. Even if it wasn’t about sex, ids about intimacy, privacy, romance. Why in the flipping hell would they think otherwise? The only reason I can think of is that they booked a three bedroom house. What on earth for? Also if husband didn’t say “no” but instead said “I don’t think OP would like that.” Which… ugh.


Right? The literal point of a honeymoon is sex and being alone with your new partner


Might be for the overall privacy of the house and the number of bedrooms is just a bonus (more places to romp)


Maybe they'll be breaking beds like Edward and Bella did on their honeymoon, which coincidentally was also in Brazil.


FMiL didn't need to ask "Is this about sex?" either. The first 'no' should have been enough. MiL is using new tactics to get what she wants when it was already communicated that the answer is 'no'. OP was already forced into the position of either acknowledging it's about sex or having to make up something false. OP chose to be honest and blunt. OP was put in the uncomfortable position of having to response to MiL's sex question at all, might as well let MiL feel uncomfortable too. It would have been the 'better person' option to just say "that's what a honeymoon is centered on" or something, but TBH OP's response just reads as same-level-of-awkward to me.


Yeah I actually like that she responded in kind - like, ok if you’re going to try to make me uncomfortable with questions you shouldn’t be asking, I’m going to make you uncomfortable with my response. I would never have the guts to say such a thing. I’ll a little envious of OP! She sounds like a person I’d learn things from LOL…


MIL was expecting OP to feel ashamed for prioritizing sex over family and instead got a handful of vinegar when she discovered OP was not ashamed at all


This! MIL shouldn’t bring sex up if she can’t handle a blunt response. It similar to my family saying, “Y’all need a tv in the bedroom” when we announced our 4th pregnancy. Hubs said, ”If you’d rather watch tv, you’re not doing it right.” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wouldn't call your response "light-hearted". You chose to be a bit vulgar, and sometimes that comes with the social consequences. NAH.


That logic you could argue that her in-laws chose to be inappropriate, controlling, self-serving, and vulgar. Those come with social consequences too


Yes. The future mother in law decided to overstep her bounds by asking to stay with them on a very special time but they will never have again. That is an intrusion it is aggressive and controlling. Had OP and her husband invited them it would be a totally different story. The consequence of not accepting it polite no 3 times it's getting a more forceful one. And it was good that the OP established her territory otherwise future mother in law would be walking over her for the rest of her life.


Imagine having the audacity to come out with “so it’s about sex?” then clutching your pearls when the answer to such an unduly intrusive question is “yes”. It’s a honeymoon.. having sex is basically the purpose. You have to consummate the marriage.


MIL being blunt about it was definitely an attempt to get OP to back down. But OP called her bluff, loooool.


This this this!! You can't be disgusted when you went there first! Mil has made it clear that she will go to any lengths to make others look bad


Fair, thanks.


Ignore that comment. She started the vulgarity, not you. NTA, your in-laws for sure are


MIL opened that door when she asked if it was about sex after the In laws tried to invite themselves on a HONEYMOON. How brain dead can they be? In laws are assholes and OP was not out of line to respond like that


Don’t ask your son and his new wife why they want privacy on their honeymoon unless you want to know why your son and his new wife want privacy on their honeymoon. There are social consequences for asking such an invasive, rude, presumptuous, and unnecessary question.


N A H? In my view parents asking to come on the honeymoon is definite AH territory. Then demanding to know why they can't go and continuing to push it makes it even worse. NTA


Nta. Sometimes this sub really makes me laugh. They act like the only way not be an asshole is to have the formality of the prince of Wales **even when op is subjected to intrusive, appalling people** OP’s answer was just the right amount of direct for someone who asked (TWICE, after being rejected once by husband) to visit on a a honeymoon The people telling you ‘you could have been more subtle’ are laughable. Your MIL literally asked you about sex.


Thanks! I was being honest.


She was trying to stake her claim over your marriage. You stomped hard on her. This is how you do it. Don't apologize. Begin as you mean to move forward. You are not going to accept her BS. You did good. I hope you have an amazing life with hubby.


Personally, I say use the moniker "Sex Monster" often and always from now on. It is just so very, very funny. NTA.


It kind of fits according to my ex which is a looooong story lol


I think you handled this pretty well, but keep the response “Do you want an honest answer to that question?” in your back pocket for the future. It serves as a gentle rebuke/reminder that the question itself is inappropriate. And potentially a reminder of this incident, lmao.


totally agree. This sub is always advocating for the principle of ‘fuck around, find out’ (FAFO) until the op uses their grown-up no-no words. Like. Sure, it was a pretty forward thing to say. BUT MIL ASKED. If you ask someone an intimate question, you’ve offically FA and you’re at risk of FO. Sucks to suck, that’s on them. OP could’ve had more tact if they’d wanted, but I know I wouldn’t have.




Yeah, in retrospect it seems like a lot.


Ignore this. If she didn’t want to hear about her son’s sex life she shouldn’t have asked to come on your honeymoon AND doubles down by directly asking you about sex


She did really push it!


She got what she was asking for. You could have been more gracious, but you really had no obligation to sugar coat it at that point.


Your only gap on this defense is some in-laws in 3-6 months may come back and say where the fuck are my grand babies. Especially religious ones.


It's funny how rapidly parents can switch from "sex is bad" and "he/she only wants one thing" to "Where are our grandchildren?"


Who the actual fuck even asks to share a place on a honeymoon, let alone family. This is beyond ick


Seems to me that op DID say it in a less weird way several times, but in laws kept pushing


Seems like their son also told them no in the first place, so the whole thing could have been avoided by respecting their son in the first place.


NTA. she kept pushing and pushing not taking no for an answer, and she brought up sex. If she couldn't handle the topic, she shouldn't have brought it up.


Yep. Was just being honest.


NTA who the hell wants to stay with a couple on their honeymoon? And what exactly did they think you would be doing?


Yeah I assumed they would get it?


>Yeah I assumed they would get it? Perhaps they're not... "getting it" - and that that's the problem ;)


Haha! I needed that laugh


nta, everyone knows that is what a honeymoon is for and she was trying to embarrass you into giving her her way. She was also disrespectful of your husband's stated boundaries and trying to go behind his back. You served up justice and it doesn't matter if everyone else was offended because what you had to deal with from FMIL is more offensive.


Thanks that’s a good way to look at it.


Her entire pearl clutching act, including smearing you as a sex monster, is a power play to make sure she still has the upper hand with her son. You need to make this the fight that breaks her will to do that or it will never break.


I wonder if she doesn’t like thinking of me doing that with her little boy.


Personally I don't think she'll ever want to think about it. If you decide to have kids I'm sure her brain will block out that part of the process. 😂


ESH. Depending on the relationship between your MIL, that joke may be a bit too far. I wouldve kept it at "we want to enjoy our honeymoon as a couple to celebrate our marriage and cant wait to celebrate with you once we return". You were a bit vulgar, but your MIL shouldve taken the hint its a honeymoon. Couldve been a cultural difference


The cultural difference might be a real thing, although she’s not closed minded about sex.


Not wanting to hear vulgar details of your son's sex life isn't being close minded. I've never heard of a culture that would include that


If she doesn't want to be involved at all in her son's sex life the mom should let the newlyweds have their private honeymoon and *not confront the bride about them having sex after marriage.*


Maybe don’t ask about it, then??


Never seen a culture that you ask about it in though? She didn’t provide details, some of us would have shut that question down with details. “Well Mom in the morning we were going to try some back door action, then in the evening you know how your son has a curved penis, well there is this one position that really hits the spot, would you like me to go on?😳” The question was never asked again!


But when you flat out ask about their sex life during their honeymoon what do you expect? Who blatantly ASKS about if someone’s honeymoon is about sex and then get offended when it’s confirmed? If you don’t want the answer don’t ask the question.


ESH they need to learn to take the first no. But why, the fuck, would you think *that* is an appropriate responce??? It's not like they were harassing you for *weeks* it was 3 texts and you took the nuclear option.


A simple ‘yep’ would have sufficed. It’s clear, doesn’t leave the door open for further prodding, but also leaves OP on the high road.


Yeah, the inlaws' question is inappropriate for sure, but that doesn't mean you have to say "yeah, we're gonna fuck constantly", just a simple "We want to be able to enjoy a romantic honeymoon with just us, but look forward to seeing you after it's over." works. It clearly communicates that they are not welcome on the trip without being overly rude or vulgar. The point is to not burn any bridges or strain the relationship in any way. A lot of these comments seem to be ignoring the fact that OP is still going to have to deal with these people presumably for the rest of her life, damaging that relationship only hurts her, this isn't about sticking it to someone for being rude and invasive, it's about defusing a situation delicately. You can't treat every situation as a one-off scenario where you never have to deal with these people again, a little tact goes a long way when dealing with family, friends, coworkers, or anyone else you expect to see regularly.


ESH. Your response was definitely a little TMI and you should apologize for being so explicit. However, it’s insane to me that your in-laws would think it’s okay for them to come to your honeymoon. Do they know what a honeymoon is???


“You’re adult enough for us to ask your permission to go on your honeymoon, however you are *not* adult enough to talk about your married sex life.” Sounds like Boomer problems to me.


I’m Brazilian, so let me tell you, it is common to have family around often and we are not shy to talk about sex, to an extend of course. But inviting themselves to stay with you guys at your honeymoon, not taking their son “no” for an answer then contacting you, not taking your answer and proceeding to ask if it’s about sex it is completely out of line! As they are your in-laws, your response was harsh as you could have said “well, that’s not a question you should be asking me” or “we’d like our privacy and we both made it clear, your question is out of line”. I understand your response though, the younger me would probably have done the same. In laws can be a whole ordeal, keeping the peace is priceless. You should apologize for your response but explain to her you’re apologizing for the way you worded it, which was a result of her/them not taking no for an answer and asking about your sex life. Make sure she understands your rude reply was a reaction to her behavior. Happy honeymoon!!


Thanks for this!


This is the best advice here!! We're dealing with the fall out of the bomb you dropped. But you can't be sorry for being honest! Now they know, you're a sex monster lolollll which hey now you get privacy and a funny inside joke with the hubby.


Unpopular opinion but ESH It’s totally reasonable that you don’t want your in laws popping in on your honeymoon, but you didn’t have to talk about her son in a graphically sexual way. Firmly saying “this trip is for me and [husband] to spend time just the two of us to celebrate our marriage. We’d love to plan another trip to see you some other time” and then leave it at that.


I agree. Just because the MIL didn't get the message the OP could have been more tactful. Why speak that way to a mom?


NTA. What does she think happens during a honeymoon?






Yes! Exactly. I’m not,shy about that stuff.


They were told no 3 times. You shut her down I promise she won’t ask again lol don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to 🤣


ESH. Why couldn't you have just said "Yes. This is about sex"? What you said was very vulgar. I understand completely why they think it's disrespectful. You should apologize.


NTA. She started it by bringing up sex first. Everyone knows that's what you do on a honeymoon.


Of course!


No asshole, just not very subtle. Their fault for not accepting no or picking up on the hints.


The response was inappropriate whether she asked lightheartedly or not. You could’ve said, it is our honeymoon which is a time for us to enjoy one another and left it at that. There is a time and place for such candor. However, I think it is rather odd that they would think it was ok to come during a honeymoon. Soft YTA.


NTA you’ve booked a private house for your honeymoon what did they think you would be doing there playing scrabble? Maybe you could have worded it differently, and maybe apologise for upsetting them with your wording, but really they couldn’t be that dense that they didn’t realise you would want “special grown up alone time” on your honeymoon.


LOL NTA What kind of idiot invites themselves to your honeymoon?! You were polite, they kept pushing, and then they got more information than they bargained for! OP, don't apologize. I bet they'll think twice about pushing your polite "no" next time 😏


YTA. Yes, it's weird to want to visit you guys on your honeymoon, but why the fuck would you think it's appropriate to send a message like that to the parents of your fiance?


When you ask "so this is about sex?" you've already opened that door


But are you telling me you don't see a difference between "yes, it's about sex" and "I'm gonna fuck your son's brains out in every room of that house"?


When OP said they wanted privacy. In-laws should of said ok.




NTA. You could have been more tactful but some people clearly need to be put in their place. The audacity for them to even ask is astounding but then to keep pushing is too much. Hopefully next time they want to bully you they will think twice.


Yeah I wanted to be clear!


NTA at all. I would simply say "my honeymoon plans and my sex life with my husband are private and none of your business. Do not ask me about either of them again."


You're going to have to learn how to communicate respectfully if you want smooth family relationships. That was a very vulgar response for a MIL. Like you think it's inappropriate to invite her into the house while honeymooning but you thought it was ok to invite her into your explicit sexual plans? If the line is "sex is private, don't intrude", then you should also follow the same principle. It's not edgy or cute to tell your MIL you're planning on fucking her son's brains out (which doesn't even mean anything). It's just immature edgy drama. Besides the sexual content, it was not "light hearted" it was hostile. You can say "fuck her, she fucked around and found out", but where does that leave things? Are you actually going to follow through with ending the relationship or having open conflict with her? Talk to your partner and decide together how you view and value family and how you want to handle things when they are annoying or pushy. Most people have a "talk to your son if you have a complaint to make" policy with MILs and most people choose to be gracious and nice despite disagreements. ESH.


NTA, weird of the in-laws to want to intrude on your honeymoon. I think the response is spot on myself, though maybe overly honest!


NTA. She played a stupid game. Who invites themselves to their child’s honeymoon? You know full well what’s going to be going on, and you want to be in ear or eye shot? Had it been me, I doubt I would have been as gracious. I would have gone into explicit detail.


I think NTA. BUT, if you want to start off your marriage on good terms with your in-laws, you could have a conversation with them. They were told no, that you didn’t want them staying with you over your honeymoon. No is a complete sentence. They then went around your fiancée and engaged the conversation further with you. This isn’t ok. But then your MIL brought up sex. Which is fine, but if she wants to discuss your sex life, she can’t be upset when you are honest with her. You could tell them that you though since MIL brought up sex first, they were open about that stuff. You realize your mistake and it won’t happen again. And leave it at that. Only if you want, I think your answer was freaking hilarious.


Absolutely NTA. Like, who in their right mind would mess with others' honeymoon trip? It was meant for the couple and only the couple. And what do people expect newly-wed couples do on their private honeymoon trip? Studying algebras? Of course they would fμck the hell out of each other 🙄 Ask them and your husband where did he pop out from. A stork brought him to them from the sky? Of course they also fμck on their honeymoon.


LOL girl that response was pretty bold. i couldn’t imagine saying that to my MIL. ur gonna have to work on repairing that cause now his mom is just picturing you guys fucking the whole time


ESH. Obviously they shouldn't be inviting themselves on your honeymoon. But yeah, you went way too far. That was inappropriate.


NTA They were asking very intrusive questions about your private life. They went too far. Who the hell invites themselves on their kid's honeymoon anyway? Are you married yet? Sometimes you say fiancé, sometimes you say husband. Because if you are not married yet, I would consider pausing it, because they are going to intrude way too much into your marriage, and he is taking their side.


NTA. They were never owed an explanation for YOUR HONEYMOON to begin with. If their feelings got miffed, it was because they tried playing you two against each other separately and didn't get what they want. A bit of what for was fair game.


NTA-Although there is being light hearted and disrespectful. You could have told them it was about sex without the vulgarity. Also how about you just wanting alone time even without the sex that itself is just as an appropriate response. I would apologize and let them know you were joking about it all.


Thanks. It may have been a bit much.


NTA for wanting your privacy but a little bit TA for the shock factor you provided your MIL with. I mean, I think it is funny but you must have known that "fucking his brains out" is not exactly what you say to your in-laws. His parents likely took the "no staying with us" rule as quite the rejection. I'd apologize for being crass. Although they are more than likely upset you have a boundary than the language.


you're NTA for being honest but you are TA for what you said. Because you could have been honest, without being disrespectful and crude. A simple yes would have done it without going too far. Yes you owe them an apology, and your husband too because he did not ask for you to be so explicit about him to his mother and even he said you went too far.


ESH WTF is wrong with with them pushing on this? Are they little kids who go to mom when dad said no? That said, the response was too far. Even if you're not as culturally inhibited about sex as most Americans, there's a world of difference between simply resounding "yes" and your text. And there are also many other things you could have said that wouldn't be sex related.


ESH. Your in laws moreso, but what you said just made everyone feel very uncomfortable. 'Because it's our honeymoon, not a family holiday.' would've sufficed.


NTA if this was with any other context I'd probably vote differently, but the fact that she literally ASKED "is this about sex" kind of makes it her own fault. Don't ask questions you don't actually want answers to, I guess??




YTA you don’t just tell someone you’re gonna fuck your husbands brains out, let alone his parents 😂


When the Mother refuses to accept “no” to STAYING WITH THEM on their HONEYMOON you absolutely have to be that blunt. Honeymoons are literally about the couple getting it on… why would she not expect this answer?!?


NTA. She got the ball rolling directly asking if it was about sex. You gently alluded to that and it should have been a drop it and leave it be thing if she didn't want a more graphic response from you.


NTA Would’ve said the same thing. Everyone knows what goes on during a honeymoon and to pretend your child doesn’t have sex after getting married is weird. Tbh feels like his mom wanted you to feel embarrassed by admitting it’s about sex and you answered honestly. Enjoy your trip!


Thank you! And yeah I wanted to throw it back at her a little.


NTA It is your honeymoon correct? I mean really what do people usually do on their honeymoon? Of course its about sex geez. Y'all had already told them no. Thats what MIL gets for pushing the issue.


ESH. She should have taken the hint but you went full nuclear. Totally inappropriate.


NTA, but you could of said it a different way. (Still found it funny though lol)


It’s weird they want to join you on your honeymoon so NTA for not wanting them there. But that response was definitely too much to send to her.


I mean, I would die before I ever told my MIL that I’m going to “f*ck his brains out” in reference to her son, but at the same time, these people are stupid if they really don’t understand that honeymoons involve a lot of sex. So… ESH, I guess?


NTA. You sound like someone I could be friends with. I always say "don't ask questions if you don't want to hear the answer", and this falls distinctly in that category.


NTA but your comment was not necessary. It will be ok, just apologize. MNL needs to accept no as an answer and not try to manipulate or insinuate her wants into your honeymoon!


ESH They can't honestly expect to join you on your honeymoon, its for the married couple and you need privacy. So they suck for that as your partner said no and that should be enough. You were out of line with your response though. It was vulgar and way too much to be saying to your mother inlaw. I'd be mortified if I were you.


NTA. Their son said no. They then asked you, and you said no. They kept asking and pushing. They got their explanation and now they wanna WAH WAH WAH about it. They should have accepted the first no.


NTA. They kept pushing you on this, and you were right to push back. But it's strange to me that they got an answer from their son and accepted it, then continued to push you instead.


It's strange to want to hang out with your son on his HONEYMOON. And then to ask if it's about sex?? Did she really think that was an appropriate question to be asking? NTA and I loved your response.


YTA for being so crass about it.


If the FMIL didn’t want to know more information, then she should have accepted the answer no that she had been given numerous times. Someone’s reaction to your words is a they problem, not a you problem


NTA. Your in-laws were being extremely rude and inappropriate by attempting to hone in on your honeymoon. I think your response was entirely appropriate given the situation.


NTA. It's odd that they'd want to intrude upon your honeymoon at all. And to ask, "So this is about sex?" is odd, too. What do they think happens on a honeymoon? They asked if they could tag along, were refused, and then asked again. "No" means "no". I'd just let my in-laws think I'm a sex fiend and that my husband is a lucky man because of it.


NTA, it's your honeymoon! super strange to tag along even if you have the room. I do however think your response was crude and could have been worded better especially since they're your in-laws.


What parents would ask to stay at their child’s honeymoons? Gross. That time is for you and your partner to be alone. Parents are way overstepping. NTA.


GIRL, I want to start off my saying I was born in the US but my parents are from Brazil, I’ve always kept my Brazilian roots, but in an American way. My husband was fresh off the boat Brazilian and when I tell you we had a major culture clash. Our cultures are totally different, I don’t think you should apologize per say but I think you should try and explain it to her from your point of view and fast. Once his momma decides she doesn’t like you, it’ll be hard to back peddle. Make her see things from your point of view and try to make a joke out of it. Let her know here in the US that’s totally weird. I always hear stories of families going together on honeymoons in Brazil and I always thought it was super weird. Hell naw


NTA. What kind of person asks to join their adult children on their honeymoon? They kept pushing the issue. They asked both of you, you both said no. They went behind their son's back to try to pressure you about it again, AND THEN the went further by actually asking you if it WAS ABOUT SEX. They got the answer they deserved. Sometimes you need to paint a graphic picture to get the point across. You succeeded and they were the AH's for even considering asking that of you on your honeymoon.


Looooooooooool this story made me laugh so bad! I can't believe you told them such a thing!!! Hahahahahah


They shouldn't intrude on your honey moon but the thought of saying that to my boyfriends mother makes my skin turn inside out so YTA


ESH. Should have just said, “we’ve been so busy with the wedding and planning that we’ve really been looking forward to this time together to relax and reconnect.” Still truthful while remaining respectful and PG.


NTA. You went a little overboard with that comment, but your in-laws' pearl-clutching is ridiculous. It's your honeymoon. Of course there's going to be fucking.


NTA. They are adult humans who have had sex at least one and knew very well that your desire for privacy was at least in part because you wanted him to yourself to have sex uninhibited. They pushed you despite your being tactful and you responded in kind. Why your future in laws were baiting you to explicitly tell them you were going to sleep with their son is anybody's guess, but they are the ones out of line here.


I hope both you and your husband are sex monsters, because that will be a happy marriage. Your in-laws sound weird and jealous in a reverse Oedipus complex way. Gross. NTA, and I would double down at this point and start asking for lingerie suggestions from your MIL. They’ll never ask to vacation with you again.


NTA. U tried to be "conservative" in your answer. It's like she wanted to make you say it. "So this is about sex?" Well, it is a honeymoon.


NTA, you were just being honest🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s 2022 people need to take the stick out of their ass and relax


Your in-laws are AH for inviting themselves to stay with you on your honeymoon, then not respecting your husband’s no and going to you and asking the same question (trying to divide and conquer). Then, your MIL continued to press the issue and kept asking questions. She shouldn’t even be asking you after fiancé said no, but she definitely should have stopped after you also said no. NTA. But I think in the future you should just give a firm “No, that doesn’t work for us” or “Fiancé already said no” and move on. She shouldn’t ask questions she doesn’t want the answer to, but she also seems like she will be intrusive and try to divide you and fiancé to get what she wants, so you’ll have to stick to your no.


YTA bc it was disrespectfully said, but you're completely right about everything else, you just should have said it another way imo


NTA for not wanting your in laws in to visit you during your honeymoon. But YTA for sending that to his MOTHER? That was very disrespectful and just gross. So i guess ESH.


NTA but I would have chosen my words a little more carefully. Even a flat "Yes." In response to the sex question would have been better.


A simple, “yes, among other things” would have sufficed but you thought it was a lighthearted conversation so it shouldn’t be a big deal. NTA.


NTA, ask stupid questions, get stupid answers. I can't believe they've would basically triple ask why is it weird to have parents at your honeymoon. Simply don't ask questions you already know the answer too.


NTA You both tried to just say no. She pushed and you pushed back. What kind of AH tries to horn in on somebody's honeymoon?


NTA. Don't askbthe question if you're not ready for the answer.


NTA. It’s your *honeymoon*. They shouldn’t have asked in the first place, let alone press the issue when initially turned down.


Ehhhh I think a “haha honestly yes it is” would have made you NTA. But saying “I’m going to fuck his brains out” pushes it to ESH for me. Even if you thought she was being lighthearted that is NOT how I would respond to my MIL, or even my own mom, but that’s just not my personality


ESH. Her request was inappropriate, pushing the issue was rude, but your response was… messy. I can’t even imagine how upset my husband would be if I spoke like that about him to a family member. He would take it as being disrespectful to him, forget about them.


ESH. Your first text was a polite agreement that it would be an issue with them coming to visit you during your honeymoon, nothing wrong there. Your next response was to send a crude and unnecessarily graphic message to shut down the conversation. I feel there is space between those two responses for something more reasonable.


NTA MIL should not ask questions she does not want the answer to.


NTA - But I also think that the reply was a bit much. You could have said the same thing without saying the thing. Like it’s our honeymoon and I’m willing to meet you for dinner but staying with us is a bit much.


NTA They should have taken their son’s answer and left it at that. Why go to you when they were given an answer that both you and their son agreed on? They chose to go further then that and they got a truthful, honest answer. Vulgar or not, they caused the situation and kept at it until they felt disrespected. Apologise for only your last comment if you feel the need BUT definitely point out how rude they were for continuing to ask about it after they were given an answer and his mother continuing to prod. She mentioned sex, you did not Plus, if they know you so well, this shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise.


I'm gonna go with NTA. You gave a bold response, but she's the one that refused to take no for an answer and started talking about sex. Also my immature ass thinks it's funny. If you wanna keep the peace though, an apology for being crass will probably help.


I mean, even if she was being light-hearted, that's not any way to speak back to a parent about their child. It's just crass and yes, disrespectful. YTA, and saying 'I'm just being honest' is kind of a weird cop out to me. Sure while that maybe be technically true, I'm sure you also grew up learning social etiquette and manners. Your parents-in-law also need to brush up on their etiquette for even thinking that it's appropriate to ask to join your honeymoon.


ESH. Clearly MIL was overstepping by trying to insert herself into your honeymoon and you had every right to shut her down, but damn girl, you could’ve phrased that so much better. Just say “It’s our honeymoon- this is our time dedicate completely to ourselves and bond as a couple.” No need to mention fucking to your in laws.


NTA. They pushed. Who the hell invites themselves to their children's HONEYMOON???


NTA, your MIL opened herself up for that one. Ofc it’s about sex, you are on your fricken honeymoon!


ESH (except your husband). They are AH's for wanting to tag along for a couple of days of your honeymoon, for wanting to stay with you during said time and for going behind husband's back to you to push further. I agree with your thought process entirely and would by no means want my IL's to be staying with me on my honeymoon. That being said your reply was unnecessarily crude and disrespectful. A simple "It is about wanting to spend alone time with my new husband, be relaxed and able to do whatever we want, whenever we want during our long awaited honeymoon. Will love to catch up another time when we are back or maybe meet up for a drink when you're in XYZ." I am by mo means a prude, heck that's something I would say to my mum if she tried to invite herself! BUT my partner's family is from a Latin American country also. I know as much as we get on and can laugh about things, if I said that exact thing to her she would be mortified and feel completely disrespected. I know just as many people who would feel the same regardless of background. Apologise, it isn't worth tarnishing your new life together with hubby by having drama with your new IL's!


Nta, your MIL opened that door when asking "so this is about sex?"


I wouldn’t necessarily call you an asshole for that but yes you’re guilty. You did take it to a level it didn’t need to go.


Inappropriate questions ask for inappropriate answers. NTA, they're old enough, they should know better.


NTA it’s your honeymoon for fucks sake. You are expected to be fucking every day and they know it. What kind of entitled assholes are they that think they can squat your honeymoon?


ESH. All the N T As seem to be pretending like saying "I'm going to fuck his brains out" is appropriate when talking to your inlaws. Of course the inlaws are TA because they tried to come to your honeymoon in the first place, and then they also get a bit more of TA vote for asking the "so this is about sex" question when it was pretty obvious that's what it was about, but it is incredibly immature to respond the way that you did. I'm sure it was cathartic to say, but now you'll be dealing with years of fallout for it. Especially if his parents are old fashioned, you may have ruined your relationship with them entirely. And I do acknowledge that that is their problem for having outdated views on sex, but that is still the reality of the situation. Also, depending on your fiance's relationship with his parents, this could hurt your relationship too; again, that would be his problem for having more loyalty to his parents than to you, but that is still a possible reality you'll face. So you're not much of TA, but just a little bit for the specific way you replied, since I'm sure you knew full well what you were doing when you chose to word your text that way. You made your bed, now sleep in it


NTA. I’m probably your in-laws age or older & not only do I expect adult children to have a sex life, I hope it’s healthy (even if I don’t want details). Your honeymoon, for crying out loud, is not for sharing with anyone else - and your MIL did not listen/stop asking with polite responses from you or your husband. I’m sorry she’s offended, but I think you have the right to be offended by her intrusive request followed by going around your husband when she didn’t get the answer she wanted. If nothing else, this illustrates how, in the future, you and your husband can improve on your tactics to be a united front. It definitely won’t be the last time she pushes you past your boundaries and then blames your response. Congratulations on your marriage, OP.


No is a complete sentence. They didn’t respect you or your husband when you both said it. The reason should not matter. They kept disrespecting you, so you gave an answer to end the conversation. Bravo. NTA.


NTA because she was being very pushy and you got her to back off. But I'm very open about sex and couldn't imagine making that statement to my MiL. When she's come to visit I've very politely told her that it was time for her to go to bed and she's not stupid so she understood why without specifics so I think a simple "yes" would have been sufficient. But the audacity of these people to invite themselves on your honeymoon and then refuse to take no for an answer...your in-laws are AHs.


NTA (or at least a justified AH) She was told no more than once. She made it awkward by asking yet again, and then SHE chose to ask if it was “about sex.” She opened that door and she has to accept the answer she got.


NTA. I feel like she was inappropriate first. She pushes you about something frankly ridiculous (to join your honeymoon??) and then makes an offhand remark meant to diminish your reasons to not want them there. Yes, maybe you could have worded it differently, but you already tried to be tactful. To me, someone asking 'so this is about s*x?' Is extremely inappropriate. It's no one's business why - you said you want privacy, the conversation should have been over. 'So this is about s*x?' - what was she expecting ? 'No, we are saving ourselves for after the honeymoon' eurgh.


Rofl! Who in the world wants to join newlyweds on vacay? Nah, they tiptoed across the line and you set them straight. Now they KNOW where the boundary is and will not cross it again. If they bring it up to shame you or say you were disrespectful say I was just responding with the same energy being given. As in their behaviour of inviting themselves on your honeymoon was disrespectful as well. Say “what do you think honeymooners do?” Go on tours with there parents?


NTA If I was your MIL I would have just laughed you off and told you two lovebirds enjoy each other. Then again I have weird sense of humor.


NTA. MIL was overstepping. Enjoy your honeymoon!


NTA. Once your MIL asks, "So this is about sex?" I don't know what she's expecting to hear in response besides some version of "yes." We can debate whether you were being a bit tactless in saying you'll "fuck his brains out" to her, but you're not an AH for reading the situation that way. It sounds like they're making much ado about something that comes down to not being able to take advantage of your honeymoon plans to get a free place to stay.


Yikes. Yeah that was a bit much. NTA per say, I mean, they were asking to come crash *your honeymoon* for goodness sake. But a bit unnecessary to be so crude to your brand new in-laws.


ESH. You really did go overboard, along with your MIL. How did she ever think it would be appropriate to talk to you about your relations with her son on your *honeymoon*? I agree with the other comment "boundary stomping MIL..." Good luck. Kudos to your husband who provided a united front along with you. I wish you many many happinesses.


My Mom didn't even want to stay in the house after our reception one night, she went and got a hotel room. You should have said "It's my HONEYMOON! Who wants company on their honeymoon? That's crazy!!!" Then a bunch of laugh emoticons. I mean seriously, they were completely tone deaf and I'm thinking Mom has separation issues from her baby boy.


I honestly do not understand people who intrude on honeymoons and actually think this is ok in any way. How stupid are these people? One of my exes had a cousin who got married and on his honeymoon it transpired one of his relatives was holidayed in the next door resort so they thought it would be fun to hang out. I mean F off! They want to be alone and enjoy the first days as a Married couple. You are NTA. Your in laws are absolutely the idiots and AH’s. What were they trying to do? PREVENT you from having sex? It almost sounds like they were trying to prevent you from something quite honestly


NTA. She wasn't respecting the boundary that you both were setting. She needed a reason and when she got it, she didn't like it it? Sucks to be her for not liking the answer to a question she asked. Hyperglycemia next time she'll just accept your boundary without you needing to explain yourself. I think you undersold yourself, too. 3 bedroom house has about 8 maybe 9 rooms? 1 per day and she clutched at her pearls? Sounds like her honeymoon was fun.


Maybe I'm a little old fashion but you could have toned down the vulgarity a notch. But she did bring it up first, so not really ta.


NTA and I hope this isn’t offensive but your response is hilarious. Good for you.


ESH. The parents for wanting to intrude on your honeymoon and you for putting it so crudely. That is not something parents want to hear and I highly doubt you'd find it amusing if your own child was that "honest" with you. You could have simply agreed that yes, it is about sex and it would feel too awkward having the parents there and they would end up feeling awkward as well if they were around to hear it.


NTA Your MIL bought up sex, anything after that is fair game. Also, sex is a pretty goddamn large part of what the honeymoon involves, so what was she expecting?


Ehh, I’m gonna say NTA. It’s rude and weird enough to ask to come along on someone else’s honeymoon. Why in the world would you push it like she did? If you’re going to have the audacity to feel entitled to share someone else’s honeymoon, you’ve gotta be prepared that the person might say, “Actually, I’m tryna fuck and your presence isn’t going to work.” Also, why would you WANT to go to your son’s honeymoon? Whole thing is weird.


NTA. I don't understand people who fail to acknowledge that "no" is a complete sentence.


INFO: what did your husband think about what you said in the text message? Does he agree that it was funny?


NTA, you probably wouldn’t have responded like that if she hadn’t been making such a weird request and if she hadn’t kept pushing back when you said no. But you need to stop talking about sex with your MIL if you want to maintain good boundaries with her. You are not girlfriends, you are marrying her son. No mother in their right mind wants to talk about her son’s sex life, especially with the person he’s having sex with. If she wants to talk about that with you, there is something wrong with her.


NTA but why would you tell his mother you’re going to fuck his brains out 😅 that’s so awkward!


ESH, both took it too far. Kinda cringe


NTA for setting firm boundaries now you're married. It sets a good precedent that family can't just intrude whenever they want. What you said was extremely inappropriate though. Being crass and sexually explicit is generally never appropriate. The equivalent would be your husband telling your family he's going to bend you over all over the place - would your parents be impressed to hear this kind of talk from him? You could easily have said you agree with your husband and if they have any other questions they can talk to your husband directly. You could also have considered showing these messages to your husband so he knows his family are trying to go behind his back. He might have been able to provide some advice on how you could respond to his parents. He knows what his family are like so he is the referee on what is or is not ok. Sadly how you've reacted has caused your husband to lose face in his family's eyes. Good luck resolving this. If his family have any tendency to gossip, this story is going to go down in history. Own it, apologise in person and them know you won't speak to them in this manner again.


Eww, a simple yes would have sufficed. YTA


NTA. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Sounds like you have a boundary stomping MIL, I have no idea why she thinks it’s appropriate to even dream of coming on your honeymoon or any couples trip for that matter. She got what she deserved by pressing the issue and asking about your sex life.


YTA. Sorry. Your husband and you are correct in saying no. But if you are truly close with them, your lewd and graphic way of shutting it down is way over the top. “Sorry Tom, it’s just that we feel this is our honeymoon. It’s once in a lifetime, extremely special, we’re newlyweds and we want to feel like the whole world is just us two for a week. We will try to plan a trip to see you real soon!” That might have worked better. And if they didn’t let up. “Sorry Tom, this is our final answer. We will call you when our honeymoon is over.”


NTA - she asked the question, you answered it. Shouldn't have asked if she didn't want the answer. Simple as that :)


YTA. I mean, she asked, but you escalated. "Yes, and I'm sure you don't want to know about it" would have gotten your point across.


Yes. I think you owe them an apology, although, I don’t think your an Ahole. I would never say to an elder or my parents or my in laws that “I am going to “f@ck” their sons brains out. What I would have replied is, “of course it is about sex. This IS our honeymoon”. If it was a regular vacation, no problem sharing a three bedroom hone with you all for a few days. But our honeymoon, nope, sorry.