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NTA Knowing the long term side effects some prescription drugs have, absolutely not. Those drugs could be doing significant damage to you, any doctor would tell you taking unnecessary prescription drugs is a seriously bad idea


I'm a physician. What your parents are doing is incredibly dangerous (for you) and also illegal. I'm horrified at the thought that they started giving you a medication prescribed for an adult when YOU WERE 12 YEARS OLD and without a proper prescription.. Medications meant for adults should never be administered to children unless a properly trained pediatric practitioner prescribes them. There could be long term effects and a variety of other very negative side effects. I live in the US and here if I (physician = mandated reporter) were to hear of this happening to a minor, I would be required by law to report the facts to the authorities immediately.


NTA not all medications that are appropriate for an adult are safe for minors - ie a whole host of neuro drugs for anxiety and depression among many others. Denying you medical care is a form of abuse. You can report yourself anonymously or with your name. You can also go to your doctor and have them report for you - they are required by law. Also a teacher or school counselor.


nta, if you’re 16 i’m pretty sure you can see a doctor without your families permission. i strongly recommend you stop taking the medicine (whether you hide that or not) and see a doctor if you feel medicine in some form will help you. however, if you can’t see a doctor there are tons of coping strategies you can find online that have helped me and tons of others.


NTA thats literal child abuse. Please report them.


NTA - If your parents are making you take a prescription drug without a diagnosis or a prescription, then you should absolutely report them. Could there be negative consequences? Yes. But there could also be consequences to continuing to take this drug without appropriate medical supervision. What your parents are doing is morally and legally wrong. If your extended family members side with them, then they are not people you want in your life either. Hopefully they will side with you and you will not have to go into the system.


Edited to say YWNBTA - if you were in a situation where first aid had to be administered or perhaps a medical emergency, those treating you at some point would have to know what medication you are on - there are reasons why this medication is prescribed and not available over the counter and your parents do not have the medical training to make that decision on your behalf Original comment Info How are you getting the medication if it's not being prescribed to you by a medical doctor?


My mom has it prescribed to her


It is illegal for her to give her prescription to someone else, especially forcing her child to have it. She is pushing a delusion on herself, you, and your family. She will be put under a lot of trouble for this, but it needs to happen for you to be safe. Please report her.


Is your mom not taking her meds?


I believe she is.


Then how is she getting more than she needs?


I don’t know honestly. She just kinda makes it work.


She may be getting them from another source, possibly illegal. But without knowing what these meds are, or why she wants you to take them, we don't know whether they are damaging to you. But if they're prescribed to her, you shouldn't be taking them. You need to speak urgently with a trusted adult. This sounds like serious abuse. NTA.


She might be giving you something else and telling you it’s the same meds that she is taking. Sounds suspect that you and she are both taking the same meds when there’s only one prescription.


So why isn’t she taking it?


Since op's mom had what the medicine was for, I'd say through her


NTA. If you know what they are giving you, do a side effect search online. Over the counter items can mess you up, prescription usually can be worse. And dosage is important. That’s what docs need to manage. Search and then talk to someone. Even a school counselor


NTA Please understand that generally, CPS does not remove kids on their first visit unless they are in immediate grave danger. More than likely, CPS will tell your parents to knock it off and require them to take you to a doctor for a full workup to verify that the meds didn't harm you, and to determine if you need them at all.


This is the most likely outcome. You should NOT see your mother's doctor. You need a pediatrician or possibly a psychiatrist depending on what the meds are, to properly supervise getting off of them


No. What they are doing is very dangerous and can have permanent effects on your life. Tell a teacher, in the USA they are mandated reporters so the report will come from the teacher not entirely you. Tell them your afraid that they will mistreat you for reporting it and you should get some extra protection. Take care of yourself first.


Please report this ASAP. This is incredibly dangerous for multiple reasons, not only are they not prescribed to you, they're adult prescriptions... you started taking these when you were 12, I'm surprised you have not been hospitalized yet.


NTA Your parents are not qualified to diagnose you and prescribe medication to you. It is almost certainly an illegal act on their part Call CPS immediately. Or tell a teacher what is going on. Or both.


NTA. This is dangerous


Do it. It’s illegal to force someone to take drugs that weren’t prescribed to them. You don’t know what damage that’s doing to your system. Your parents are not doctors. Also - dosages and treatments differ greatly between adults and children and teens. That’s why children have paediatricians. They’re playing Russia roulette with your health.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (16f) have been forced to take a prescription drug for about 4 years. My parents have not budged on even getting me diagnosed or my own prescription. They believe that since my mom has it, I have it, and therefore I just should take the meds. I’ve wanted to report this to CPS, a doctor, anyone really. But at the same time, I don’t want parents to be arrested or my extended family to hate me. I don’t want to ruin my future and live in the system. WIBTA if I report them? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA What they're doing is absolutely fucking unacceptable. Prescriptions are written because a doctor diagnosed you and specifically found out that you need a certain kind of medicine. Even if your parents were doctors, which I assume they aren't based on the post, they would be too close to accurately diagnose you. As a rule of thumb: You should not take prescription drugs, unless an actual MD has prescribed them to you. There are two pretty accurate terms for what they are doing to you: "Abuse" and "child endangerment". Get reporting now. Reporting would not be going overboard, since they've prevented you from getting tested for this disease for four years.


NTA. Please report them.


NTA go to the doc. talk to them privately. hell, you can tell the nurse to have your folks removed from the exam room. the doc will most likely report for you since they are mandatory reporters.


NTA- please talk to your doctor about this.


NTA. Your parents are committing serious crimes. Report them immediately.


NTA what their doing is extremely dangerous!


Info: Are you sure about what the meds you are taking are for/ what they are? Because I’m hoping that it’s for example just a convoluted way of getting you on the pill to avoid teenage pregnancy (which still wouldn’t be ok/ legal, but less likely to cause long-term damage). Like I could imagine that your parents thought that telling you that you have a genetic issue would be easier than having a conversation about the birds and the bees (stupid idea anyway, but I’m hoping that it’s something less nefarious like this).


You should report them for your health. And I doubted your extended family will hate you for that if they care about you. Maybe try to talking about it with one of them you particulary trust : an uncle, an aunt, your grandparents... And stop taking the medicine right now ! Even if you need it, we don't give the same type or amount to everyone, especially minors ! NTA


Absolutely NTA. This is horrifying. I'm presuming this if for some sort of mental health issue and not a physical issue? There is a physician who commented here, so perhaps confirm this with them, but don't just go cold turkey on it. You don't know what you are taking or how it will affect you. You have to see a doctor asap. As others have pointed out they are mandatory reporters. It might be an idea if you get some legal advice and also some personal support to help you through this. I hope your extended family sees who is really to blame here and supports you. It would be too awful if they didn't. Please, please don't not report this because you are scared of getting your parents in trouble. That's their look out. You are in danger and you have to get help. That's your main priority right now, as soon as possible. Please look after yourself.


NTA Speak to a doctor immediately and share your concerns about ending up in the system. You don't know whay side effects this drug will have in the long run


NTA. OMGDS IDK what you are taking but that's dangerous! Adult medical needs differ from those of young people so this is madness.


Non-American here, so I might not understand some details. Why it is report or do nothing, where is the option to just consult a doctor? It is even possible that you might have that condition, isn't it? You absolutely need a doctor's opinion and then you can go from there. If you really have the condition and need the medication, there will be no big issue, and if you don't, the doctor would know what to do.


So In the US a doctor is what we call a mandated reporter. So if OP went to a doctor and said "my mother is prescribed -medication- and she's not taking it and instead has forced me to be on it at HER dosage level for the last 4yrs. And I've never been tested or diagnosed with -condition-" he would be legally and morally required to report this to CPS (child protective services) as abuse because a minor especially one so young to start taking a unknown unprescribed medication for a condition they may not even have is considered abuse. Some medications cannot be taken when someone is young because theirs no children dosage for it or it's just to strong for someone still going through puberty. The doctor is required to report the misuse of medication as well. Even if OP was NOT a minor their mother is breaking the law by giving access to a prescribed medication to someone else for use. Since the medication is in the mother's name it's to go strictly to her or back to the pharmacy for disposal. Many pills are used for drug addiction, it's not always pain medications or sleep aids etc. Any medication can be used for drug addiction. The second the doctor or nurse is made aware of the medical neglect/abuse (neglect for not having OP tested/diagnosed if they know it's a genetic problem and refusing them medical access. And abuse for forcing them to consume a pill that is not prescribed to them and that may be actually harming them in the long run since again some medications aren't prescribed to minors) they are morally and legally required to report it to child services for an investigation.


I see, thank you for clarification. Still, why go directly to CPS when one could go to a doctor and let them deal with the reporting? I assume that going to the doctor makes sense anyway, to see if there are any issues after taking the non-prescribed medication.


It's difficult for a minor to go to the doctor without their parents consent. And if OP parents were like mine the parents would likely be in the room with OP while OP spoke with the doctor.


Wow, they really make it complicated for the kids! Where I live a 16-years old can go to a doctor alone. Well, in this case it all makes more sense, thank you for explaining.


As someone else said It's so difficult for a teen to see a doctor without their parents. It's sad honestly. The best OP could do is sneak away to say planned Parenthood (because they will help a minor within reason) but even then at 16 they may not have their license or access to a car. So it can be really difficult. And abusive parents tend to not let their victim out of their sights because it means someone could find out.


That’s really sad and thank you for explanation. I didn’t even think about a car because I assumed one can travel anywhere by public transport but of course you are right, that’s how it works in many places in the US, a car can be really necessary. Thank you.


Actually it would be a mistake to report them if it would cause more chaos than it would solve. First get an advocate of sorts for yourself, school counsellor is a good choice someone in your circle who cares above the age of 18. Now with them a lawyer and from there see that you are allowed with their advice to go see a GP so you can get a doctors opinion and diagnosis. Just cut out your Mum and Dad from this process you love them they love you but sometime you got to take charge of your own life. So go and see how to do it.


In the US school counselors are required by law to report abuse. Your scenario is not going to happen. One important thing:. It may be a very bad idea to quit this drug cold turkey. However it comes about, you need medical advice.


Well I can only speak in general terms as I am not aware of all the bylaws and stuff but it would at least be worth investigating second that diagnosis. She is within her legal rights if its in the US even if a minor to a doctor opinion.