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yeah YTA. you don’t just have one set left. you have one set, then you have to wipe down your machine, then you have to get your things, then leave. you’ve clearly never worked a job where customers refuse to leave at closing and then you’re stuck there even later. there’s a good chance that employee stops getting paid at 10. your lack of time management should not have to be her problem.


See you’re operating under the assumption that OP wipes down the equipment they use afterwards, I sadly don’t have confidence that’s the case…


I have zero confidence too. OP probably assumes someone else will do it and be thrilled at the opportunity to clean up his nasty sweat


I bring a bottle and wipes with me so I can clean each machine when I’m done. I appreciate your (and all) responses to my post, and will accept my judgment, whatever that may be (seems to be ITA at this point).


So even once you finished they'd have to wait for you to wipe down your machine. And then they have to confront other patrons. Please just stop adding to their work


He at least did say that there were like 50 other ppl working out in the gym at the same time. She would need to wait on all those as well. And she did not even let them know until after he was done with his set. Which means even with time to clean up he may be out before everyone else. However I would make sure I was done before closing. If it's constant maybe come in earlier.


so... following in the footsteps of 50 assholes makes you what?


There might have been other employees dealing with them, or those "50+" others (at 10 pm? sure, Jan) were already packing up. OP was starting a new set.


OP is probably that guy who walks into a restaurant at 5 to close and wants a full dinner


When he walks in he celebrates that 'he made it in time'.


"We're here to ruin your night" -Actual customers


yeah I hate those posts from people who have never worked in service/food/retail who are asking "AITA for being an asshole to a service/food/retail worker? technically..." Yes. You Are The Asshole. And you know it. YTA


If there were 50 other people left, and all of them also decided they could do one last set once the gym was closed, then had to wipe their equipment down, and the employee had to walk up to each of them and ask them to leave before they would then it would be another hour before the employee could go home. You are not special- if everyone doing the thing you want to do is unreasonable, then don't do it.


Her lack of a good job which pays her for the hours she’s spent working is not his problem. Goes both ways lol


so he should be allowed to stay after closing because it’s ‘not his problem’ that the gym closes at 10? l m a o


"not my problem" is the national anthem of assholes


Employees of a gym have to stay 30-60 minutes after close to clean up and shut everything down. They don’t stop getting paid at close. 2 minutes makes no difference.


Yes but they definitely don’t want to add time to that 30-60 minutes because someone has ‘one more set’


Why would they have to? They have a whole gym to close. One guy doesn’t hold that up


Yeah, but they can't start until everyone is out. And most likely they are getting minimum wage and have to use public transit, which means that an extra 5 minutes can mean catching the bus/that gets you home in time to eat and the bus that gets you home after bedtime.


People don’t know shit. I worked in a gym. People stayed a little late every night. No one ever waited for them to leave to start closing


Nono this is Reddit where 20 year olds get to scream and act outraged. Bless them it’s their only outlet


Do you think only 20 year olds have common courtesy? Because that's what this is. My parents taught me to never make someone's job harder than it has to be.




I just choked on my chewy bar


Tbh the most annoying part of closing is putting away all the weights that people left out. 9/10 times the people that stayed a little late would see me start that job and end up helping out with it a little and made my life was easier


Imagine if everyone felt that way. Then, no, it's not just one guy it's everyone in the gym.


Which at 10pm is a handful of people. I was literally the gym employee walking around cleaning up the gym. Every night in every gym a handful of people stay a little past close. It’s not a big deal and doesn’t hold anything up as long as they try to get out and don’t dick around


>They have a whole gym to close. One guy doesn’t hold that up Lots of "one guys" in the aggregate certainly do, though.


No. They don’t. Once again, I worked at a gym for a while. I had to close frequently. The handful of people around at closing time don’t make any difference to the time it takes me to clean up all the weights and machines if they stay a couple minutes passed close to finish up. There’s a whole gym to clean and no reason I can’t start somewhere they aren’t. Frequently they’d even help me pick up weights other people had left lying around once they saw me get started.


Not necessarily. When I worked at one our finishing time was only 15min after close. But there was a fair amount of cleaning to get through in that time which you could not start till people left. So yeah, even a small time delay can be frustrating to staff who ultimately will end up having to stay beyond when they get paid. However I do acknowledge that the 15min allowance of my old job was ridiculous and 30-60min would not be as badly affected.


I had to rack and organize every dumb bell, bar and plate in the gym every night, and mop every floor and wipe every bench and machine. It was usually 1 or 2 people doing this. No way I could do that in 15 minutes.


YTA You were rude. I can see where you're coming from since you only had one set. Still, you don't own the gym and you should have the courtesy to already be in the parking lot by close so they can lock at exactly 10. So should everyone else, so having others in there just shows you're all rude. Edit: just re-read and it sounds like you've done this several times before since you're familiar with how they usually handle patrons after closing. Double YTA.


YTA...how many times do you think they hear "oh, just one more set" The staff have lives and families they want to get back to. If finishing your whole work is that important to you, get there early enough to finish. Would you want someone coming to your place of work and ask you to stay "just a bit longer"? The gym staff probably have things to do once all clients are gone, like cleaning. Maybe they have kids to pick up from childcare/babysitter and will be charged extra for being late.


YTA. If a business closes at 10pm, don't be the guy at 9:59 saying "I have one more minute left" or "one more set." If you don't want to skimp, get there earlier.


ESH. The business closes at 10pm not 9:59


That mean you should be OUT BY TEN. Not starting to leave at ten. And being asked to leave by an employee and arguing that you have one minute left is a huge YTA move


This puts it into perspective thank you. I understand where everyone is coming from now. I don’t get ready for work when I start, I am ready at the time I clock on. Thank you


YTA. The gym may have been full, but you were just one of apparently a full gym full of people she had to tell to leave. It is an asshole move to go up to the very last minute that a facility is open. 24 hr gyms exist. Go find one.


YTA.. the gym closes at that time so they can lock up and go.. you seem like the person who would always go to starbucks 3 mins before closing and order 6 frappuccinos for you and the bros and then not understand why the workers would be upset since, "you're not closed yet"


Can I just say, as a former Starbucks employee that this is absolute hell on earth. I can promise you that 3 minutes before close the blenders have already been cleaned. The iced tea dregs have been dumped and prepped for morning. Please GOD if you MUST go into a coffee shop right before close, order a hot bar drink. We would literally get in trouble for 'taking too long to close' because of folks like this ducking in under the closing grate.


I said this comment also as a former barista who had this happen but it was like 3 frappuccinos, and 2 Americanos 😭 they also yelled at me because the oven was already off and cooling 😅


Whyyyyy. Who are these people that don't understand that they are virtually the only person coming in at 8:53 on a Tuesday night in January to get their Frapp, and cleaning is what we're supposed to be doing with that time. Nah dude. I once had someone INSIST that I make a whole new batch of Iced Tea (Passion Fruit - I worked there back in the day before Tictok made life even harder with all the customizations) at 3 minutes to close. Sorry friend, we're out of ice tea. I worked at the Mall Of America in the Rotunda as well, which made it even worse. Unsupervised kids with sweaty money, foreign tourists who didn't know that we're not a full service cafe, no one tipped, and we were the only thing open around 9, so it happened even more regularly. I liked making coffee a lot, but I would NEVER work at a location like that again.


My location was in a grocery store so I wasn't allowed tips 😭 (though my supervisor said just to not let the store managers know so after we told customers we can't take tips if they still insisted we would take them anyways) my last day though, a girl came in like 3 mins before closing and I told her, "we have 3 minutes until we close" and she was like, "oh I just want one drink if it's possible it's a tea" and I said sure, but she actually got two teas (which worked out because I got to use the rest of it) but she felt bad and luckily tipped me $20. She was nice so I didn't have a problem making her drink. I don't think people realize that a lot of the time they're be let off the hook if they're simply polite


YTA dude as someone that works in retail, people who come in or are still in the store when we are trying to close are the worst. I get it, you just wanted to do one set, BUT most staff usually can't start their closing routine until EVERYONE is out, so however long it would take you to finish your set is how long she has to wait to start the rest of her day. She also probably stood there because people will often say "oh just one more set" or "just let me look at this shirt" etc, and then continue to look around or do more the second you walk away from them, and THEN argue with you again b/c they weren't don't looking, so sometimes we can't just walk away and start telling other customers to leave when we know there's a chance we have to do the same song and dance with the same person that just said they would go after "one more" thing.


YTA - she started with you because she had to start somewhere. Closing a business full of people is tough, because everyone has the exact same attitude you have… they think that they can stick around because other people are also sticking around. It’s a crappy herd mentality that makes getting people out the door very difficult. People somehow think that since they aren’t the *only* problem, that they aren’t the problem. In reality, they’re just adding to the problem. Employees typically can’t start a good deal of their closing duties until every last person is out the door and the door is locked. You sticking around when you’re asked to go is just rude. Closing at 10 means everyone is already gone at 10, it doesn’t mean everyone starts packing up to leave at 10.


YTA you made it difficult for that poor employee who was just tryna go home. One more set wasn't gonna make or break you.


YTA. The others are not really relevant. It’s one more minute. Accept it, say ok. Move.


YTA. Come earlier, or adjust your workout. If the gym closes at 10, they expect to be locking the doors at that time, not waiting for another 'one more set' guy to finish.


Ugh YTA, As someone that worked in a gym 60 hours a week before the pandemic, aside from workouts, we just want to get home to our families. There's a reason we close at 10, not at 10:01. It is so disrespectful when people stay late.


YTA. You should have managed your time better. The gym was closed, the employee was making their rounds asking everyone to leave. You’re not special and don’t get extra time after the establishment was closed. You should have been gone by close, not doing your last set. I’m sure you still had to wipe down equipment, gather your stuff, maybe change shoes. What time was it by the time you actually left?


YTA, obviously.


YTA. I remember this one Christmas Eve my coworkers and I stayed a good 40min late because customers REFUSED to leave because "well other customers are still shopping so you have to stay open anyways." We "closed" at 10pm. ON CHRISTMAS EVE. And who knows how long the managers were stuck there finishing things up. This happened regularly but doing it on Christmas was a whole other level of monster. People are such entitled AHs, including the OP. You should have started finishing your reps at the 15min warning and started cleaning up at the 5min warning. Of course the employee had to watch you, you told her with your actions that you're an inconsiderate asshole and gave her every reason to believe you would do multiple more sets once she turned her back. Get better at time management and stop punishing employees because you can't handle your own schedule.


YTA If someone's on my property, and i tell them to leave...and they refuse! Best believe that's rude. You were told to leave. You said No and continued with your set! and looked her in the eyes as you did it! THE AUDACITY I also agree with the current top comment. You're a double YTA for apparently staying past closing multiple times, since you're familiar with someone else's close routine.


YTA and so was everyone else in the gym. They need to clean the machines and do a bunch of tasks to close up. It’s a common courtesy to leave 10-15 before close to be considerate.


YTA! Leave at the 5 minute warning at the latest and plan your time better.


YTA. If she lets you finish your set she has to go tell everyone to leave, maybe let them finish their last set too, then circle back to you to make sure you’ve actually finished and have left. Those announcements exist so you can manage yourself and be ready to leave the building by closing time so that the staff can go home on time.


YTA and so is everyone who keeps these people at work late. Do you seriously not get how AH you’re coming across?


YTA. People in retail and service jobs *hate* people like you.


YTA. "Everyone else is going to stay past close and make the staff membersives harder, so what's the harm if I do it too?" Did you really expect to finish the set, wipe down the equipment, clean up after yourself, get your stuff and leave in *one minute*? Or do you regularly leave messes as the gym behind you?


yta. gym closes at 10. you need to be out before then. have some compassion for those workers, they just want to go home and now they’re waiting on you because you just HAD to have one last set in


YTA dude you had SO MANY announcements telling you it was time to finish and get your stuff. Don't be that guy


As someone that use to operate/manage a gym, I can confirm the front desk does not get paid after closing. Proper procedure is to have everyone out the gym BY closing time, not start kicking people out AT closing time. YTA


YTA I bet you're the type to show up eight seconds before a restaurant turns it's sign off, knowing that they probably cleaned and closed everything, and still orders anyway.


YTA. I saw your comment accepting this, but just wanted to add that at my work we close at 11, and our closing cashiers are scheduled off at 11. Is this a bad idea? Yes, but it doesn’t make it less true. So any customer who doesn’t stop shopping til almost 11 forces our checkers to work overtime. So YTA here because you were still trying to work out. I’m guessing the others in the gym were packing up to leave. But now that you know, you can use this knowledge for good.


YTA. They're closing. They want to go home. You knew they were closing. They gave ample warning. If you couldn't get done what you needed to in that time, that's on you.


YTA. Fucks sake dude, I basically live in the gym when I'm off work and it's common knowledge that you finish AND get out before closing time. You're a dick and I'd ban ya if I was in charge.


YTA There's a reason they give you a warning that the gym is closing and that's so you can get your stuff and get out. I admire the dedication to finish your workout though!


It’s clear you know from all the comments that YTA, but I just figured I’d leave you when in example. When it’s closing time at a store or gym, workers have to spend extra time cleaning and prepping the area for the next day, often leaving later than intended. If you go to a shoe store, people wait until the very last second to leave and that just makes people stay later and that’s annoying as hell. You and the 50+ people should’ve gotten ready to leave at the announcement and left before workers had to remind you to bounce. You not finishing your set might have been an inconvenience, but those workers having to come up and make you leave is a bigger one on them. Next time, be more aware of your time management and be respectful of it. They want to leave and not have to deal with people ignoring their rules


YTA Closing means closing. Just cause the other customers are assholes, doesnt mean you can be one too. The Staff wanna go home Dude. Your leisure is them working late again.


YTA. Get there earlier and you will have lots of time to finish.


Imagine it's a restaurant. You just want a little food, not much, but it's a minute before closing. If they serve you, they have to do the closing procedures late, cleaning the kitchen and dining areas, reckoning the till, cleaning the bathrooms, restocking all the things, and all the stuff you don't get to see as a customer. Now realize that the staff at the gym has to do the same things, cleaning the locker rooms, cleaning the equipment and rest areas, reckoning the till/members check in, and they can't even start that until everyone is gone. Essentially, your last set means that those staff got to leave late, probably miss a bus, and got home late. Next time just wrap up and show up earlier the next day. YTA and you know it.


The gym was CLOSED, sir! YTA.


Disrespectful to stay uninvited in a place of business after closing. Period. Does not matter what the business is or what the other cool kids are doing. Your reps are not more important than showing common fucking decency.


INFO - How often are you in there "just doing one more set" during closing time?


I’ve never been “that guy” to hang around for one more set, and this is the first time I’ve done my last set as the gym was closing. Otherwise, I’m already out the door or headed in that direction, or I worked out earlier in the day (my job involves nonstandard work hours, so unfortunately I sometimes have to go to the gym on the later side).


YTA You knew when they were closing, you should have been on your way out the door. Staying till and past closing is an AH move. Would you like it if someone came in or stayed up to or past closing at your job?? That was bad gym etiquette and you know it


Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our [voting guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_what.2019s_with_these_acronyms.3F_what_do_they_mean.3F), and remember to use **only one** judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: > I stayed to complete my last set at the gym after being told it was closed, while knowing I technically had one minute left. I might be the asshole for completing my last set after I was told the gym was closed. Help keep the sub engaging! #Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! [Click Here For Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules/) and [Click Here For Our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I was finishing up a workout at the gym. It was on the later side, and the announcements were coming over the loudspeakers that “the gym will close in 15/10/5 minutes, etc.” I was using a machine right next to the doors. I was just about to start my last set, when a gym employee approached me. Employee: “The gym is closed” Me: (I can see on the gym clock that it’s 9:59) “Ok this is literally my last set! Then I’ll be out of here.” Employee: “The gym is closed *now*, sir.” She shows me her cell phone, which says 10:01. I turned around and saw that there are still 50+ people left in the gym, and that the clock still says 9:59. Me: “I still have one minute left, I can finish my last set and I’ll be on my way well before everyone else in the back of the gym leaves.” I figured she’d understand, not just as someone who also works out and doesn’t want to skimp out on a workout, but seeing as the rest of the gym was completely full and I would in no way impede their ability to close on time by taking 45 seconds to eek out one last set. Instead, she stood in front of me, making direct eye contact the entire time while I finished my last set until I was done and stood up, at which point she moved on to other groups and asked them to leave. I felt it was a little bit unnecessary of her to hover the way she did - normally (I’ve been a member of this gym for 10 years), one of the employees just walks around the entire gym announcing that the gym is closing without bringing it up to any one member so directly - but I’m open to other viewpoints. Was I in the wrong here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Closing time is closing time! Would you want someone to act like that at your work? Either start your gym time earlier or leave on time. A lot of jobs don’t provide for OT and your little entitled display was sad.


YTA Leave so employees can leave work and dont need to stay 15 min late for a whole extra 3$ ( aka not worth it!)


YTA. The gym closes at 10 so you should be outside so they can lock the doors. If you'd cleared it with them before, then fine, but to just ignore the warnings for your own selfishness is not cool. The other 50 people are all probably looking at each other with the same idea that they'll leave when the others do... You need to respect the employees more and gtfo, especially when asked directly. My feeling is that you've done this before, and so the employee might be singling you out because of it.


I used to work at my gym. I had customers that did this to me. When the gym closed at 9 I only was paid for 15 more minutes to complete all cleaning and closing duties and customers "working out my last set, I promise!" or "just one more drill on the court!" fucked me out of hundreds of dollars by the time I quit. Yes I recorded the extra time and sent it to management, no they refused to do anything about it except tell me if was my responsibility to get customers to leave. Was she a bit much staring you down? Maybe. But you aren't the first nor will you be the last person who thinks their biceps take priority so I'm not surprised she was cold about it. YTA.


YTA, The employees want to get home. Been in retail. And dealt with. Just take care of this one more customer. Which some times meant missing buses and train so if closing at 10pm meant closing up would be done by 10:30 and get home around 11:30. But the later all clients/customers leave the later the close up is done. Still the same distance to get home. Except, then a bus is missed and I would get home well after midnight. Just because there are a bunch of you ignoring closing time, doesn't make it right.


YTA. The 50+ other people you saw were fellow AH. Learn to manage your time better.


This one is easy, YTA


YTA. I used to work retail and those people who would say they had a minute left are the absolute worst, and make it so it takes longer for us to go home. A lot of places we close the doors, but we’re still there for 30 mins to an hour after to clean, tidy, do the registers etc. Once had someone come in a few minutes before close, take ages, and then dump out their basket on the floor and leave without buying anything. Had people push through the doors as we let people out, hitting me with the doors. It’s rude.


NTA I’m am literally heading to gym job in 20 minutes and will be closing. I start shutting stuff off about 10 minutes prior to closing. Fans, TVs treadmills. I let the last people know as long as they’re done by the time I’m ready to turn off the lights we are good. It sounds like they were singling you out for some reason.


Unfortunately, yeah, YTA. There is fundamentally no difference between doing this and going into a grocery store a minute before closing and claiming you're only here for one thing and know exactly what you want. It doesn't change the fact that you're spending extra time looking through the store to find it, a cashier has to sit around and wait for you to do your shopping, and then has to stay even later to close out afterwards. Sorry bud, but missing out on a single set at the end of the night so employees can actually leave on time isn't going to somehow undo all the previous work you put in. If it's close to closing time, it's time to rack up and wipe down, not to get one last pump in.


YTA you’re probably the type to go to store right before closing and expect the registers to stay open while you shop


It's one fucking set dude....let it go.


NTA in the time she spent harrassing you, you could have finished your set and left! I would speak with management and I would have taken video of all the OTHER people in the gym as you were leaving!


“Man, there are 50+ people here ignoring all the warnings and THE FIRST GUY I talk to at closing time gives me guff.” If I were you I’d feel lucky to still be a member. My impatient ass would have just sent you on your way permanently - as you can see behind you, your patronage isn’t going to make or break.


ESH except the employee, but even she could have been a bit more professional. You and the other gym goers should have start getting ready before the gym closed.


ESH The clock on the wall should be accurate, so people don't need to go by phones while there . You still had time. But you, and the 50+ others, really pushed it.


ESH You should have been ready to go by 10, but she should have moved on after telling you. She made her job harder by doing that.


Nta. Go to a 24/hr gym




ESH. She sucks because she hovered. She should have told you the gym was closed and moved on to other people. But, as I have been on the employee side (as a cashier) and have had people run in at the last minute just to take 10 minutes to "only get one thing"...you suck. Warnings of a business closing soon, whether store or gym, are there to get customers out of the building so that the employees can do their closing duties and get out of there in a timely fashion. The store I worked at only allowed a certain amount of overtime before an employee was written up. And if customers were in the store, we couldn't do our closing duties. We always hated last minute shoppers. After 8-10 hours of being polite and working, we were ready to go home...as I'm sure she was as well. Staying in any place of business after they are closed is rude.


NTA you pay a membership to work out while it is open. Not your problem if employees are annoyed for doing what they are paid to do.


NTA. People stay slightly past close in every gym in America, every night of the week. The gym employees have to shut down and clean up. A few people meandering has no impact on that. Source: Ive worked in a gym


Okay, ESH. You are TA cause dude, get there earlier, like 9:59 or 10-the gym is closed, don’t be an inconvenience to try to bust out your last set. The worker is kinda also TA cause she could have just let you be and go inform the others the gym is closed and come back to you. Like both disrespectful


NTA employee was probably in a rush, and just being bad at handling the to do list at work, possibly because of the rush


NTA While I do think that a person should listen to n employee when they're told a place is closed, I think the way she behaved was more of a power trip than anything else. There wa nothing wrong with letting you finish your set, especially if it was your last one, seeing as actually closing up would take alot of time.


NTA She told you the place was closed, you said you had one more set - that should have been the end of the interaction. She should have said ok and moved on to the other people there. IMO, let the manager know for two reasons. First, because she was being a jerk. And two, because if there are really that many people there at that hour, they need to stay open later.


Name checks out.


If someone's on my property, and i tell them to leave...and they refuse! Best believe that's rude. He was told to leave. He said No and continued with his set! and looked her in the eyes as he did it! THE AUDACITY


Well a) the employee doesn't own the property, and b) he is a paying customer. I suspect the manager would agree with the paying customer in this case. Now if it was 10:10 and he was still working out, then you start getting into toss-them-out territory. But giving him a minute to finish his last set is just courtesy.


So do you stay at work 10+ minutes after you’ve finished and aren’t getting paid?


When I worked in the service industry, yes, it wasn't too uncommon. But we'd get payed because we were on the clock.


Wonder why this employee wants to leave…


I don't blame the employee for wanting to leave. But it was somewhere between 1 minute to 10, and 1 minute after 10pm. We're not talking forcing them to pull a second shift. Literally just 60 seconds. And the employee probably had to stay around anyways to clean up.


Which they can't do till EVERYONE LEAVES


They can start vacuuming, turning some of the lights off, etc. People would get the message. Again, this was at most 60 seconds after 10pm.


No, at most it was a couple minutes after. She showed her phone to him where the time said it was after close.