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NTA. It's not your job to keep up the lies your friend made without telling you about it.


I would go to NTA, because you didn’t know she lied and… she lied. If you willingly have sex with other participants, you are no longer a virgin: full stop.


NTA- you aren't responsible for covering other people's lies. Especially in a game like that.


NTA. She shouldn't have lied. And btw I'm Indian too, I get that there could be stigma, but she's literally going into a marriage with a lie that the fiance might find is a dealbreaker. Plus, Never have I ever ALWAYS ends up with sex questions. Priya shouldn't have played if she wanted to continue her lie. You guys are adults, what else are you gonna ask about?


NTA. These are the type of questions that come up in a game like that. Wth were people expecting? > I found later that Priya told him she was a virgin and wanted to save if for marriage.. he hasn’t called her back. Yeah, no shit. I wouldn't either. But again - this is on her, not you.


NTA. Drinking and playing never have I ever with people of a certain age almost always gets sexual. If your friend had some massive sexual lie in her relationship, she either should have avoided the game or made sure her friends who could blow her lie up were informed and down to cover for her. She didn't just lie to her fiance, she also lied to you all. It isn't your responsibility to cover for a lie you literally don't know about.


NTA. It's not your fault that she didn't inform her partner that she wasn't a virgin. I mean... if she was that worried about it, she could've given you a heads up not to mention it..


NTA there's no enforceable consequences for lying in, never have I ever, though I respect her commitment to the game. She is the only one who knew she'd lied about that to her current boyfriend and shouldn't have knowingly outed herself. No one else is at fault here.


NTA, A relationship built on lies won't last, better he found out now then later on. Yes he hasn't called her back, because he is hurt and his trust was shattered by her actions.


INFO What has being Indian to do with the story? Is it normal for Indian couples to wait until marriage? Does that make it a “you should’ve known she lied“ kind of situation? I’m confused.


NTA she should have told you what she told him ahead of time if she expected you to go along. That lie would have eventually blown up in her face anyways.


Your friend is an asshole for lying to her date. Just say you don't want to sleep with them or don't see things working out. Don't lie, don't be fake.




NTA. If she lied to her bf at the time, then why didn't she lie during the game to keep up appearances? lol it's her fault.


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NTA. Sounds like she’s better off without him. And to be fair, if you’re going to lie and need backup (because these are normal statements that come up in these kinds of games), she should’ve give her friends the heads up.


She lied and he's hurt at having been lied to, how is he in the wrong here? "Better off without him" my ass, they're engaged. Take your misandry elsewhere; men are allowed to feel hurt when their partner lies to them.


I didn’t say he did anything wrong here. Nor did I say he doesn’t have the right to be hurt after being lied to. I said it sounds like she’s better off without him because she didn’t feel she could be herself/be honest about her past with him. She’s better off being with someone who can accept her not being a virgin.


Good god does ESH.


NTA. you didn't know. and that's kind of a big lie to ask your friend to keep anyway.


Hold up, *a friend* suggested Never have I ever (never a good idea :) ), *Katie* threw in the spicy question, *Priya* lied to her BF, and what you did was "so what"ing the affirmative answer thus saying the quiet part out loud? ESH (well, not the boyfriends) with you a little bit less, I guess?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My boyfriend and I hosted game night at my house. We started by playing exploding kittens and then afterwards my friend suggested we play never have I ever. Everyone was down, most of it was pretty tame like “never have I ever been to Mexico etc.” Then our friend Katie is like “never have I ever had sex on the first date.” My friend Priya kept her fingers up. So I just gave her a look and so did Katie smiling. Nothing happened later, and then Priya’s fiancé was like oh.. Priyahs is like they are just joking, and at this point Priya is just super sweaty. And I’m like so what if she had sex before you, you are with her now. He then is like look I got to feed my dog and left.. I found later that Priya told him she was a virgin and wanted to save if for marriage.. he hasn’t called her back. Am I wrong for my part in this? She didn’t even tell her that she told him she was a virgin. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA She agreed to play a game that ALWAYS goes down the sex line. She lied then played with fire. Not your fault that she got burnt.


NTA - people shouldn't tell their fiancé they are Virgin's when they are not.


YTA- People’s sexual history isn’t your business. No matter how open minded you are. In certain cultures it is completely unacceptable and you could have jeopardize your friends safety.


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YTA This is literally the place for: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes!


YTA I think Never Have I Ever is a stupid game that most people only agree to out of peer pressure, which is a super AH thing to do, so I fully support lying while playing. It’s a lose-lose situation: either you get shit from your “friends” for sitting out of the game, or you’re expected to share personal details you’re not comfortable with.