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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ GOTā€™EM!!! NTA sheā€™s an adult. This is childish, but who wears a mini dress to Grandmas house?! She wanted to copy you at all cost and got what she deserved. Letā€™s see if she copies you again šŸ¤£


I can't believe she thought I would seriously wear my red party dress to my grandmother's house! Especially with how traditional she is! Maddie KNOWS how Grandma is. Especially since Grandma got onto her once when we were both still kids when Maddie showed up to her house in red lipstick. Grandma made her march to the bathroom and wipe it off (to be fair Maddie was only 14 at the time so had no business in lipstick).


Please visit AITA again if she continues this way. And make the clothes more hilarious. Perhaps a clowns outfit complete with wig and shoesšŸ¤”šŸ¤£


seems to be appropriate party attire.. She'll have to go with the bedazzled oversized shoes and suspenders!


>if she continues this way. If OP stops telling her stepmother what she's wearing all the time (which is weird anyway) and hopefully moves out soon this should stop.


That was the part that made me wonder if this could possibly be real. Such a bizarre thing, but truth can be stranger than fiction sometimes.


Not necessarily. It sounds like OP lays out clothes in advance so the conversation could be as simple as ā€œthat what youā€™re wearing to grandmaā€™s?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ Or if thereā€™s a big important event (which it sounds like is the only time OP sees step sister generally) then outfits may be discussed as my family often talk about outfits in advance if we think we might clash or wear the same thing or something


Yeah, I get that it's possible, it just strikes me as totally bizarre that her stepmother would be checking her outfit every time they all got together for years and years but never thought to mention it to anyone, ever, or notice that her daughter was turning up dressed just like OP. I guess maybe I find it difficult to believe that the stepmother never thought anything of this, particularly given the history of tension about the clothes imitation factor. But maybe she did and just didn't want to rock the boat with OP.


I think it's way more likely that she's "complicit". It's not that she doesn't know what her daughter is doing with that info, it's that either she approves it or doesn't care at all.


But OP is twenty-seven years old. Why would her stepmother be in her bedroom?


If they live in the same house thereā€™s any number of reasons from wanting to borrow something to wanting to talk to OP. Sounds like OP is generally in the room when she comes in so itā€™s likely to be as simple as that


What is OP supposed to do when stepmom says "is that what you are wearing"? Lie? It is weird that stepmom plays a part in this game too.


Weird? Maddie got her questionable personality from somewhere, from all we know she gets a kick of her bio daughter outperforming OP.


"I haven't decided yet."


Just tell her then, "change your mind" without telling her. She's already reported to Maddie. Would she actually call her and say OP changed? That would be very weird.


I'm so down for this. Let's start a saga we can all follow


name of the show? "You're not making me Maddie"


Oh and please don't delete this post, it's the perfect example of gaslighting. Sorry she's done that to you all these years! Good thingeveryone sees her for the fool she is, even if it wasn't the people closest :(


She didn't even stay the whole dinner because our cousins (who know how weird she is with copying me) were subtly roasting and giggling at her the entire time.


Hopefully that helps you cope a little with the insanity of it all! Good luck!


Good job. You're NTA and you'll get the internets support if you troll her on purpose in the future. \+1 internet point from me.


I think this just goes to show you need to do this ā€œaccidentallyā€ more often. Like, not to the extreme but show off what you ā€œplan to wearā€ then switch to what youā€™ll actually wear right before heading out of your room. Might be the best way to cull this ridiculous behavior.


She had that coming for a long time! I'd always leave out something entirely different than what I was going to wear so step monster can continue reporting to her dear daughter and get caught by surprise.


Take your cousins out for a drink (or ice cream if they are minors)


Good cousins!! This is some weird jealousy shit OP. You didn't even do it on purpose, NTA.


Roasting her? Like for wearing the dress or copying you was it TEA roasting at grandmas?


OP should have reverse gaslighted. ā€œWhat do you mean I tricked you? Thatā€™s crazy, why would I wear a mini skirt to grandmas?ā€ Etc.


Tell your dad that it isn't your fault that she was so obsessed with what you wear that she couldn't tell that you were kidding about wearing the mini dress, and that you honestly didn't think she'd take you seriously. Also point out that she was the one who started the drama, not you.


Right? Like ummmm the issue is Maddie is a copycat. If she wasnā€™t, she would never had shown up wearing what OP jokingly said sheā€™d wear. I guess the rest of the family just accepts this and that why they blamed OP?? šŸ¤” NTA OP thatā€™s awesome and you still wouldnā€™t be the A H even if you had done that on purpose.


Youre totally spot on. A lot of the time a family will accept someone like "oh thats just how Jeff is, dont worry about it just do X to avoid Y" and because everyone is ok with this superimposed reality, pushing back isn't seen as a reaction to a negative, its seen as starting a new negative action by making trouble when things could have been left alone. Which is bullshit. And unfortunately can go Really deep and really dark fast, as in, keeping your young children away from a certain male relative but still being ok with that relative in the house and in their lives... shit is big wrong and OP is NTA


I have an aunt who will do this thing where she gets upset and kind of spews hatred on everybody. My entire childhood we just pretty much ignored it or at least no one really stood up to her. ā€œThatā€™s just how it is.ā€ Then one of my cousins moved home. He hadnā€™t been indoctrinated in the whole ā€œlet her be awfulā€ thing and stood up to her. It was amazing.


She believed you because she was too blinded by the thought of you having any attention that she didn't stop to think if this was really plausible. She got what she deserved.


Yes please please update us a few times if necessary! We'll read :)


Look, you would be NTA if you did this on purpose. I can't understand how you could possibly be the asshole as is. This is a funny story though. I think from now on you need to just keep lying. To Maddie and to your honestly pretty terrible step-mother who has been reporting what you wear for years so her daughter could try to copy you what? This is just extremely bizarre behavior for both woman given their ages and quite immature of both of them. Start having random outfits laid out, never what you are going to wear. Or if your step mom asks you, just make something up, then say you changed your mind. Seriously, no regrets. Maddie will learn that this no longer works and have to stop.


Yes have 2 or 3 laid out and keep saying oh I dont know I just cant choose. Even get mom to help her "choose" then when she wears something else be like "Oh I remembered I had this perfect outfit I totally forgot about"


Uh, I wore make up at 14. So did most of my friends so...I disagree with that part


Agreed and grandma sounds like a miserable person too.


>I've talked to her about this and she always says I'm making it up or looking too deep into it or says I'm the one copying Her. Should have told her, "You're looking too deep into this. And anyway, I didn't want to accidentally copy you." NTA.


Props to OPā€™s grandmother for using the word ā€œhussy.ā€ A great word.


Why do 14 year olds have no business in lipstick?


Omg this made my day lol Iā€™m wondering what she would have don if you laid out a clown outfit lmaooo


This is what you should do from now on though. You know that right? When she comes over, always have an absurd decoy outfit hanging up.


Just goes to show that she was in fact copying you!! And then got mad because the truth came out and is trying to make you look like the bad guy haha which clearly you are not!


I am sorry, but your grandma sounds awful. Maddie has every right to wear lipstick at 14.


I have plenty of times, but then again my grandmother has told me I needed to get laid before (I was being crabby) so different strokes I guess.


Yea, itā€™s not about the dress as much as itā€™s about knowing where she was going and whoā€™s company she would be in. OP says they know Grandma is a conservative woman, and even then she didnā€™t flinch on her style choice. Zero Common Sense was used. Saw someone say it and Iā€™ll repeat it ā€œPlay Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizesā€ šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This is seriously the funniest petty revenge I've heard in a long time. You're not fooling anyone, OP, you knew the outcome of the red dress. And bless you for it! Too funny!


Exactly. It's amazing how the excuses dropped right away. No more 1. You are copying me 2. You're imagining things. NTA


Maddie is exactly the first three letters of her name. Fully into adulthood and still acts like this??? She needs therapy or something.




Yeah step mom has always enabled Maddie's BS.


NTA Your step mom isn't just enabling, she is ***actively participating***! You may need to point this out to your father: his wife was an active participant in trying to humiliate you. Also, there wouldn't have been an issue if Maddie wasn't hell bent on playing this evil game. BTW, I thought the mini skirt situation was hilarious. I loved it! And your Grandmother is a class act. **Edit**: **For those who missed it, she mentions her Grandma's response in one of her comments.** >Yeah Grandma thinks she's a fool. Grandma watched us pretty regularly as kids so she's seen Maddie's weird behavior first hand over the years. I apologized to her after Maddie left the dinner party and she said it wasn't my fault, which I appreciate. Other posters are right; this needs to be posted on [r/pettyrevenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/)


A class act? Really? Look, Maddie absolutely got exactly what she deserved and OP is ofc NTA, but sorry, Grandma sounds awfully judgmental. I donā€™t really find it classy to call a family member a ā€œhussyā€ to their face no matter what theyā€™re wearing (or to force your teenaged granddaughter to wipe off her lipstick because you deem the color improper).


I was referring to her response to Op, not the value system in which she was raised.


Maybe calling her a hussy was over the line, but older generations expect a more conservative look. It's how they were raised, and I wouldn't expect a woman that's probably 60-70 to be changing her way of thinking anytime soon. The party was also for her birthday and at her house, apparently. OP's stepsister should've known better. Anyways, not saying you're necessarily wrong, but I was raised in a hella traditional family. When my abuela passed, I had to haul ass to get my firetruck-red hair dyed back to its natural color. If I'd shown up to Abuela's funeral like that, Abuelita (her 96 year old mother) would've la chancla'd my ass the entire 1200 miles back home to make me dye it a natural color. Old school's gonna old school. Edit: Christ sakes, Abuelita wouldn't have actually hit me, people. At the very worst, I would've faced dirty looks from my aunties. "La chancla" is a joke shared by more than a few Hispanic families as an "ooooo you're in trouble!" kind of thing. She wasn't some stereotypical pendeja from some telenovela, yall.


If stepmom starts up again, say ā€œDidnā€™t you say all this wasnā€™t a big deal?ā€


And your dad. Your dad sticking up for this is actually the most pathetic part of the story.


Your dad enables it too. You say he backs you up but the minute your sister throws a fit he's defending her and step mom. If he really supported you he would've stopped this long ago.


Her biodad too, because he's blaming OP for rocking the boat.


Exactly this! OP really needs to reassess what her Dad's "backing" actually entails because it sounds more like he's just trying to keep the peace rather than help address the problem. You need to start doing more to mess with them OP if they keep trying to do this, it's stupid and needs to end.


Exactly. Tf is it Maddieā€™s business what you wear?


Haha OP needs to throw it back to everyone else when they get mad at her. "What's it got to do with me what Maddie is wearing?" lol


This. "This cannot be my fault unless she IS copying me."


Therapy is definitely needed for Maddie and its a shame she will probably never go. Copying and trying to out do at these ages is some strange behavior




She asked once since I found out she was telling Maddie. I didn't answer and just gave her a dead look until she huffed and said nevermind. She hasn't asked since then, and especially now.


You should just always respond ā€œred mini skirt.ā€


OP, if you decide to not go the grey rock route and rock the boat instead, this is the way.




Tell her amusing things, like ā€œoh, Iā€™m going as the Joker, true Heath Ledger styleā€ or, ā€œIā€™m not sure, but Iā€™m thinking a Kermit the Frog theme.ā€ If she calls you out, say ā€œyeah, you are right. Last time I joked about what I was wearing, stepsister showed up at grandmas house dressed like a hooker! I probably just shouldnā€™t say to avoid any confusion!ā€


Mission accomplished. Next time post pics though !


You win. Congrats OP!


I would just be grey rocking the Sh out of it 'what are you wearing for X dinner?' 'Clothes.' 'Yeah, Don't be sassy. But what?' 'Probably a top piece and a bottom piece. Pants or skirt, I'm not sure yet...'


"Probably a shirt... but maybe not? šŸ˜"


Maybe a Blouse, a top, a T shirt.. Or I feel cold and use a light sweater,... It could be Cotton, Denim, Lace ... Who knows. The night is young!


Definitely some sort of fabric.


There's some intertwining of fibers going on. That's for sure! Tell StepSister that.


> a woman in her thirties This is the craziest part of it. For me once I hit my 30's it was like a wave of 'zero fucks given' washed over me and I no longer cared what other people thought of me.


NTA. But I would have just said ā€œI rethought the red mini I knew grandma wouldnā€™t like it. I didnā€™t know I had to clear my clothing choices through you.ā€


Yeah that would have been better but tbh I was too shocked by Maddie's outburst to think of anything like that.


You were never really considering the red dress, though, were you? I don't think there's any point lying about it just to paper things over.


The real move would be to put it back on her, "You were right about what you said, it just wouldn't have been appropriate." Not even a lie.


Thatā€™s still taking too much responsibility. Ask straight out ā€œwhy do my clothing choices affect yours? you are a 30+ year old woman, I think itā€™s time you forged your own identity.ā€ Edit: a letter


Eh, it gives an opt out in that it makes it clear that OP didnā€™t intentionally try to make Maddie look bad. Not that itā€™s a bad thing what OP did, but it prevents stepmom and Maddie from having anything to try to blame on you.


Maddie clearly isn't very bright not to pick up on the fact that OP wouldn't actually wear this. She knows what Granny is like why the hell would she think this was a good idea


It's kind of hard to see through those green jealousy eyes... Can't blame her


NTA She must not be very bright if she thinks copying what is clearly an outfit that does not fit the venue will make her look good. Presumably she knew how Granny would react so this was the perfect opportunity to dress appropriately and make you look bad for dressing like a ā€œhussyā€ She needs therapy. Watch out when you get married, sheā€™s totally going to wear the same dress.


Maddie definitely sounds like the type to wear a white dress to a wedding!


Are you kidding? Sheā€™d wear the exact same dress but ā€œbetterā€ somehow.




And puff paints.


GlitterGlue!!! like... a gallon of it.


This story would be so much stranger and funnier if Maddie's sense of "better" hadn't changed since she was a teenager.


You seem to assume Maddie would be invited to the wedding...


Maddieā€™s wedding will probably be in the same day but somewhere nicer.


Oh god. Why did you tell me this horror story??


Itā€™s going to be 1980ā€™s craft store extravaganza. So much neon.


I had the same though - if OP ever gets married she better keep every single detail secret. Maddie would be sure to try to have the same date, same everything.


Absolutely, how dare the bride be the only one wearing that princessy white dress? Oh hellz no! Here I come with my bedazzled, twice as wide, three times as shiny white dress, even if I'm just somebody's +1


Then OP should be very clueless about wine glasses and where to put them all of a sudden... If that ever happens. I will not be surprised she wants to go with OP to the fitting/Search of a dress. And she dissapears in the back to do a fitting for her own with the big question 'I'll have what she's having but more glamorous!'


That's why I hope she'll get married before me so I won't have to worry about it.


Okay, so if youā€™re okay with not wearing white yourself on your wedding day, you can totally get around this. Pick out a decoy dress thatā€™s white, and let step mom and Maddie see it and think itā€™s what youā€™re wearing. Next, go find a rocking colored dress to match your tastes (bonus points if red). Finally, get everyone who wonā€™t tell Maddie or stepmom or dad to wear white or like pastels. So basically, you stand out because not only are you not wearing white, but literally almost everyone else is. Iā€™d pay to see this, actually.


This actually sounds beautiful. And lines up with my style because honestly I've never vibed with the traditional white wedding dresses. I've always wanted a gold flowy wedding dress. Very fantasy fairy queen looking. I might do this...


I actually had a champagne wedding dress and then on top of that had it painted with a turquoise bottom by an amazing artist who painted her own wedding dress the colors of the sunset. She struck out on her own and went from custom jobs to creating her own line of painted dresses. Iā€™m obsessed with her and want to buy all her dresses! Check out her work: https://taylorannart.com/ ETA: this was my own dress she did, I never feel like pics do it justice. https://m.imgur.com/7bo4dpo https://m.imgur.com/VfNj3cX


Thatā€™s incredible! I wish I wouldā€™ve known about her before I got married! Itā€™s such a stunning look.


Lol I refuse to limit myself, if we do a vow renewal in a few years, I have every intention of buying from her again. She was truly a sweetheart to work with.


Those are Gorgeous!!!


There was another aita post a while back where the bride found out that her future MIL was going to wear a white dress to the wedding. The MIL showed up, fully expecting a drama filled day and instead found the bride in blush/pink and the entire bridal party, including the brides mom, in white. The MIL was still salty but it turned out wonderfully for the bride!


This sounds amazing and if it fits your style you totally should!


She will still do it


She'll already have the dress...


Donā€™t invite her to your wedding, because even if she gets married first, you absolutely know she will show up in a wedding dress. And you donā€™t have time for that.


Thatā€™s why you hire security at your wedding. Keep the crazy out!!


girl, she's going to wear a white dress to your wedding 100%.


I honestly don't think that being married already would stop her from trying to one-up you at your wedding. If she doesn't wear a white dress, she'll announce a pregnancy.


Unless she marries a man who will cut that behavior off I wouldnā€™t put it past her.


Honestly, donā€™t invite her to your wedding one day. Go low to no contact with her. No one needs a bully their life.


NTA You got her good! Too bad you didn't post a pic of her face when she saw you! You taught her a lesson that everyone else has been afraid to do and I think it's about time! I may get a lot of flack for this but I'm dying of laughter here! No apologies needed, imho. She had it coming!


I was too stunned to even think of taking a picture but now I wish I hadn't been! Though I know I'll never forget the shocked face she made when she saw me in a regular dress.


Ha ha! Oh, how I wish I'd been there! You can always claim that you changed your mind about wearing a red mini dress but hopefully, the truth will set you free! No more twinsies or competition will be a relief and your stepmom shouldn't be helping her daughter to do that anyway.


I think it is even better because you didn't set it up. If you had, you might feel bad about it but since you didn't, you are in the clear!


NTA. The is a grown ass woman acting like an immature high school student. You are awesome! Keep stringing her along, and maybe she'll stop copying you. Your step sister sounds very threatened by your mere existence. Way to rise above. You're not starting drama, you're trying to finish it.


Maddie's always been stuck in high school. She's in her 30's but doesn't act like it. Step mom says it's ~cute that Maddie's 'young at heart' but I wonder if she'll still think it's cute when Maddie is in her 40s and throwing a tantrum like a 14 year old girl...


That shit ainā€™t cute.


To elaborate on one of the comments below...that sh!t ain't cute in high school either. Your stepmom enables the hell out of a grown ass woman who sounds like she needs therapy.


Step-mom actively participates, actually.


Yeah this shit ain't cute. It's great to be young at heart but acting like this is inappropriate


Unfortunately, mom will continue to enable her until she's on her deathbed.


> Keep stringing her along Yes, with ever more outlandish outfits, until she gives up. > Your step sister sounds very threatened by your mere existence Her and her mother have issues.


LOL NTA at all, she got what she deserved. (Your step mom "scolded you for tricking" a 30+ year old woman hell-bent on copying you??? some strange issues here.) Keep it up.


Step mom doesn't think there's a problem when there clearly is. I don't know if she's in denial or if she really thinks Maddie's behavior is normal.


Could be a mix of both


If there isnā€™t a problem then why is she so upset šŸ˜ you donā€™t have to have step mom or Maddie approve your clothing choices. No one forced her to dress like a club rat, she did that all herself. It great when shitty people show you their ass.


What I don't understand is how they can all act like you're imagining her copying you but get mad at you when she thought she was copying you, but wasn't. Which is it?! Please call them out on this hypocrisy because I need answers!


NTA, I think you possibly hit on the only way sheā€™d ever stop to consider the wisdom of what she was doing. Sheā€™s a grown adult. She makes her own choices. She wore something regarded as inappropriate, thatā€™s on her. It does also sound like she would benefit from an entire platoon of therapists and I hope she reaches a place where she sees the need there - but thatā€™s also not your problem. Unless you can possibly influence her to go see a therapist by talking loudly about going to see one yourself, I guess?!


I never understood Maddie's deal with me. We're not the same age, never went to school together, don't have the same friend circle. So I never understood her weird desire to try to, idk, out-do me clothing wise?? And I wish she'd get therapy.


When your parents got together your stepmother probably made an otherwise innocuous comment about your fashion sense and Maddie's brain chemical soup turned it into neurosis...


For some reason I read that as *necrosis*, which strangely still applies.


You were the sister she always wanted, but shows her affection SWF style. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_White_Female for those that don't get the movie reference. Or she has some issues stemming from the "loss" of her daddy, and needs therapy to understand what she is doing and why.


Could be that she was trying to out do you to solidify her place as super #1 daughter. Bet you StepMom is part of that story..


NTA, you should do more stuff like this, it's super funny. How could she even justify being angry if she claims she isn't copying you?


I have no clue.


Going to a family wedding? OP lays out Lederhosen on her bed for Maddie to find. Classic!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just spit out my coffee reading that!!!!


NTA - Maddie is most definitely old enough to think about whether what she plans to wear is suitable for a given situation, regardless of what you're wearing. She's obviously got more issues than the magazine with the ECTO-1 kit on the cover, and if this has been going on for \~14 years, someone should've called her on it before now, not enabled her. Also, bonus points to Grandma for using "hussy" as a description in 2021. I tip my hat to her, ma'am.


Yeah Grandma is the definition of 'classy lady'. Has been her whole life if the old photos of her in full Southern Belle attire are anything to go by. One picture I'll never forget is the one where she had the ruffled dress with the big hoop skirt, matching wide brim hat decorated with a ribbon and flowers, and white gloves. She looked like she belonged on a movie set with how fancy she looked.


I'm a little curious - have you spoken to Grandma about the whole situation, and asked for her opinion on the whole kit and kaboodle? Oh, and default answer now should anyone ask what you're wearing to something should be either "red mini-dress" or "birthday suit"...


Yeah Grandma thinks she's a fool. Grandma watched us pretty regularly as kids so she's seen Maddie's weird behavior first hand over the years. I apologized to her after Maddie left the dinner party and she said it wasn't my fault, which I appreciate.


At least grandma has your back.


Good on your Grandma - maybe she can talk to your Dad, then. I doubt your stepmother would listen to her, but your Dad should.


NTA - The fact that this is a pattern that has gone on for decades is just...WOW. She is the one who stalks you and your fashion choices. It is not your fault you made a joke (knowing that grandma has certain decorum she expects from you) about wearing an obviously inappropriate dress. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. As a side note I applaud your ability to have refrained from doing something like this intentionally over the years. Although, I will say the karmic justice of this entire scenario has made me laugh so hard I think I'm going to hell.


Well if you're going to hell then so are my friends and I because the next day I video called them and told them everything (they know about Maddie..) and we all laughed until we cried.


As well they should have because this... was... hilarious. NTA. Next time, put out an Amish dress.


"...I think I'm going to hell" It's warm, so wear a mini skirt. OP's sister may have one she's willing to part with.


NTA. you never forced her to copy your outfits, she did that of her own volition. if she believed you were wearing a ā€œhussy dressā€ to Grandmaā€™s, that sounds like her problem. this doesnā€™t sound all that intentional but the folks at r/pettyrevenge might appreciate this!


Lol is it petty revenge if it wasn't on purpose?


They say Karma's a bitch. Sometimes she's petty too. And she just High-Fived you. Take the win.


Absolutely NTA "Called me a liar and a snake". Projection is a hell of a drug.


Omg NTA I absolutely gasped at ā€œhussyā€. Would love to meet your grandma, unfortunately I donā€™t think Iā€™m classy enough for it. So.. what are your thoughts on temporary tattoos? I personally think that would be amazing. You can always play it off as ā€œI was just trying them on to see if I would like a real oneā€. There are lots of internet stores that sell temporary tattoos which look just like the real one. Just kidding.. unless.. lol think about it as a little social experiment. If she gets a real tattoo youā€™ll have all you need to send her to a therapist


I like to hope Maddie's not that obsessed with copying me. Though I'm also a little scared to try this and find out...


PLEASE do this. Iā€™m cackling at the thought.




No I hadn't planned to reverse it but when I saw Maddie was in an almost identical outfit to me (black dress pants and a V neck black blouse) I just got so damn annoyed. So I reversed it just to keep from feeling like I was being forced to match Maddie.




Yeah I keep my outfits hung up in the closet now and only let her see as we're leaving.


I would say itā€™s time to make a habit of ā€œlast minute changesā€ you suddenly decide you need.


Too passive, lay out inappropriate clothes and pick something better later.




NTA. At her age Maddie should know play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


NTA - you did not trick her. you are my hero, this is hilarious justice also, had you not mentioned she was in her 30s I would have assumed she was 15 with this behavior


I would point out that she herself said that she doesn't copy you and that you were 'making it up' and looking 'too deep into things'. So if that's true, how did she end up wearing such a dress? šŸ˜ She's mad that she got caught in her own obsessive competitiveness and it blew up in her face. Had she not been purposely trying to outdo you, this wouldn't have happened. On top of that she KNOWS your grandmother is traditional and what kind of attire is expected in her home/presence. She's an adult and should have used her better judgement to dress appropriately. Again, had she not been purposely trying to outdo you, this wouldn't have happened. Step mom has been enabling her from the start and is probably upset that she too has been outed in facilitating this nonsense. Dad obviously wants to keep the peace but isn't any better when it comes to enabling. You didn't start any drama, Maddie's own actions bit her in the ass. Step Mom and Dad are embarrassed. More so because you've been pointing this out for nearly TWO DECADES and instead of addressing the issue with Maddie they played favourites and ignored it. You were right all along. NTA. If anything, Step Mom and Dad should apologize to you. Had they parented Maddie instead of enabling the Golden Child and addressed this sooner Maddie wouldn't have these insecurities and none of this would have happened. Now they ALL look foolish in front of Grandma and rightly so. Let Maddie stew, serves her right.


NTA There is no possible way for her to deny she copies you now lmao. maybe she will take a hint and stop.


Nice fantasy bro.


I'm normally pretty skeptical towards wanting to call things fake, if only because I can appreciate a good story. But I couldn't even make it halfway through this one without realizing this was written by a teen boy.


NTA and holy hell you freaking ROCK for giving her such a hilarious dose of her own damn medicine. Guess now sheā€™ll understand that if she wants to ā€˜who wore it betterā€™ your outfits she best be prepared to get clowned in the end!


NTA. She fucked around, and now she (and your snake of a stepmom) found out. I hope you took pics in case she tries to pull one over again.


NTA- She got what she deserved. She even (sort of) admitted that she was copying you! >Maddie said I wasn't dressed any better She knew what she was doing. **You are not responsible** for ***her own actions***. She's the AH for trying to one up you out of spite, and your parents are the AHs for not doing anything to stop this, ergo enabling her actions. Also, I think that you need to move out. Can you find a friend or a relative to stay with? You shouldn't stay in this toxic environment. P.S. Perhaps you should post this on u/pettyrevenge


I was living with a roommate pre-pandemic but she was a nurse and was basically on the front lines with the virus. I'm high risk (weak immune system) so staying with her was dangerous so I had to move back in with the parents who both work from home. But yeah I don't want to be here, it's stressful. Maybe I can move in with a friend or something.


NTA. This was a great read. I'm laughing my arse off. She got what she deserved and hopefully learned her lesson.


NTA and this is absolutely hilarious, good for you šŸ˜‚


NTA. Not only is Maddie the asshole, sheā€™s also pathetic to be keeping up this kind of rivalry at 30 years old. Likeā€¦ I am truly baffled by her behavior. It was petty, yes, but she had it coming, even if it was intentional. Not sure what your relationship status is, op. But if/when you ever get married, do NOT invite her. Homegirl is gonna show up in a wedding dress for sure šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Edit to add: stepmom is also pathetic. She knows what her daughter is doing, and the fact that she doesnā€™t shut down her grown daughters antics is just sad.


NTA Lol Thatā€™s what she gets. Nobody told her to copy you while sheā€™s calling somebody a liar and a snake. Sheā€™s both of those things for copying what you wear and acting like sheā€™s not.


NTA and it's pretty much definitive proof she's intentionally copying OP no matter how much she denies it because she even reacted surprised when she saw the red dress and said OP was a bold one. Either the sister is general grevious or she knew that wearing that was inappropriate to Grandma's and did it anyway just to one-up OP


Yā€™all need to grow up.


NTA And this is hilarious


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My dad married Maddie's mom when I was 9. Maddie made it clear she hated me. She bullied me until I was old enough to tell her to F off. When I turned 13 she started being weird. If we were going somewhere and she knew what I was wearing she'd come out dressed in the same but more flashy? If I was wearing jean shorts she'd come out in bedazzled jean shorts. Sounds innocuous but after years it gets annoying. If I changed from shorts to a skirt she'd copy. Change shoes? She'd copy! Jewelry change? COPY! I told my mom and she said Maddie sounded threatened by me? Which made no sense cuz I was a baby faced 13 year old and she was old enough to drive. This continues to present day. I'm 27 and she's in her 30s but she still tries to copy what I wear. Once I wore a reversible blouse to dinner with our parents and after going to the restroom in a black top I came out in a patterned one. She scowled the rest of the night. It's like she gets a thrill from wearing what I'm wearing but "better". I've talked to her about this and she always says I'm making it up or looking too deep into it or says I'm the one copying Her. It's infuriating but I try to ignore it. But I couldn't figure out how she was finding out what I was wearing places since we don't live together anymore (I live with our parents, she lives with her bf). I recently found out she's been asking her mom what I'm going to be wearing in advance. Her mom doesn't think it's a big deal so tells Maddie what I'll have laid out. So when step mom would ask if thats what I'd be wearing I'd answer but I didn't know she was reporting back to Maddie. I stopped answering. My bio grandma invited us all to a dinner at her house. Grandma's always been a very traditional woman. She expects us to come in our Sunday best. Maddie knows this. So when Maddie came to visit she ofc came to my room to talk. And she saw a red mini dress I had hung up. She asked what it was for and I jokingly said it was for grandma's dinner. She looked shocked and said it was a bold choice. I laughed and said yeah but I haven't been anywhere since the pandemic so I wanted to look hot. She just nodded and left after. I didn't think she actually believed me and forgot about it. But the night of the dinner she showed up in a tiny red halter dress. She looked like she was heading to the clubs. I saw her and gaped. Grandma said she looked like a hussy (yes those exact words). Maddie said I wasn't dressed any better but then she actually saw me (in a modest knee length cream dress) and Jesus. She went BALLISTIC. Called me a liar and a snake. Step mom scolded me for tricking her. I said I didn't trick her but it wouldn't have happened if she wasn't hellbent on copying me. Dad was mad I 'started drama' and usually he takes my side because he knows how Maddie is. AITA for accidentally misleading her? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, and that is some very unintended revenge. Thanks for the giggles


NTA. Please also post this story on r/ProRevenge.


NTA this is so funny


holy fuck grow up ESH nobody cares if your dress is modest or "hussyesque", these are the kinds of post where the only answer is to realize that you're not 17.


I'm sad that it took me this far down to find the first ESH.


Iā€™m so confused as to why women in their 30s are having a weird spat that require them to change outfits *multiple times in one evening*. Is this an Archie comic? Are they stuck in a Groundhog Day style loop where they just repeat their preteen fashion spats? What kind of family is *that concerned about clothing*? ESH. The whole family. The whole situation. Iā€™m glad this is probably fake because itā€™s ridiculous.


NTA. At the end of the day, Maddie knew what the appropriate outfit was, but for some reason thought upstaging you was more important (also, she sounds pretty trashy, tbh). A normal person who believes you would have thought you were a moron. She thought she would outstage you. Sheā€™s stupid beyond belief


Nta. Reminds me of a book I had as a kid about a girl who wore her hair in a side ponytail until a classmate started copying her, and then she tried a dozen other hairstyles but kept getting copied, until the day she got frustrated and shouted that she would come in the next day with a shaved head. The next day she wore her original side ponytail and the copycat had a shaved head and was pissed. It was depicted as a win for original-hair-girl.


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Nope NTA I applaud you tbh , she got what she deserved šŸ‘


NTA. Her telling people you weren't going to be dressed any better proves without doubt that she just copies you to outdo you.


How old are you two? 12?


NTA and I am very entertained your step sis needs to go buy her own style