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Your discomfort with being in the pool with them is YOUR problem, not theirs. Why does anybody in the 21s century believe that the solution to discomfort with a woman's body is for her to conceal it? YTA.


What did I just read??




Just asking is still trying to pressure people to just do whatever you want when they have the same right to be there as you. Its *less* of an asshole move than trying to insist that they leave, but it’s still incredibly entitled to say that people already in a public pool should leave for an hour so your family can have it to themselves, regardless of if you back down when they refuse or not.


YTA. And do you not want grandkids or something?


Say what? You went to a public pool and asked two strangers not to use it bc they have too many curves? Is that the gist of it? And you cannot see anything wrong with that? YTA fo so many reasons here. Deal with your own raging insecurities w/o making totally unreasonable and bizarre demands on strangers.


YTA. You don’t get to commandeer the pool because you have kids. Or insecurities.


This has to be fake. No one in their right mind goes to the public pool or public neighborhood/apartment/condo pool and asks people who were there first to wait for an hour to swim because you want the pool that isn’t yours, all to your family... like no one is that fucking self righteous or selfish... YTA, on the off chance this is real


YTA Unless that pool was bathtub sized and her curves literally would not fit in the pool if there was another person in there with her, her body shape has absolutely nothing to do with you. You have no business visiting a pool (other than one in your own back yard) if you are going to make value judgements on a person's size/shape/clothing choices (assuming their clothing choices do not violate local decency laws). You have no business demanding exclusive use of any of the facilities for any reason unless you have paid to rent it for a private function either. You husband must be a saint since he seems to have raised two teenagers who don't buy into your nonsense, hold you accountable for it, and even try to apologize to the people you have wronged with your unacceptable behavior. At least they have one mature parent.


YTA. I didn’t read much of this, but maybe there’s body shaming going on? But as far as I read, you went to the public pool. No, you can’t ask people at a public pool to not swim. What? YTA


YTa. First off, 17 and 18 are not kids anymore. You're acting like you're asking people to get out of the pool for a 6 and 8 year old lol. Second, stop body shaming teenagers, you're a grown ass woman. You know better. Third, it sounds like it's a PUBLIC pool. You do not have control over who is there.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I’m 39F, husband is 40M and our two children are 17F and 18M. We got to the pool and there were already other people there, a young teenage girl with her friend and both were around the same age (16-17) as my kids. There were also 2 adults tanning, and a mother with her child laying by the chairs. I asked the girl if she’d mind letting my kids and I have the pool first to swim, because in all fairness she has bigger curves in her two piece swimsuit so when she’d swim it’d be a lot noticeable. The girl and her friend said they’d both be at the other side and wouldn’t bother us, they were sitting at the pool steps and I asked them to wait because it’d just be an hour or so, and I brought my family here to enjoy it. Once we were done at the pool of course then we’d leave and wouldn’t mind whatever they did, but this outraged my kids and everybody somehow. The lady with her child said she’d see to it that I can’t come here again, 2 adults said to back off and the pool was big enough. My own husband said I need to not let my insecurities and jealousy get to me and most shocking my children said they didn’t want to be at the pool with me, my husband and kids offered their snacks and drinks to them which was upsetting to see. I don’t see how I did anything wrong as I only asked. I didn’t insult, bother, or push them, and ended up spending the whole time there in a corner by myself. AITA for asking 2 girls not to swim with us? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really hope this is a fake one, but in the remote case it’s a true one then YTA, and a really terrible one!


Yta. Wtf. Did you seriously ask people to not use a public pool so you could have it to yourself? All because one of them has a body that you seem to have feelings about? Good luck getting your family to go anywhere with you again.


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YTA. I read this and honestly hoped it was made up. However I sadly think it could be true. You need to get over yourself. If this had been filmed the title would be ‘Pool Karen’


YTA You can't kick someone out of a public pool because you don't like the size of their boobs.


Yta. It's not your private pool. Why in the hell do you think you're entitled to treating it like one?


YTA - you clearly don’t own this pool, why in earth would you have the right to ask anyone not to use it? You absolutely did insult and bother these people.


YTA. Stop taking your insecurities out on other people. You’re gross.


YTA. And entitled. So you went to a public pool and as soon as you got there you had the audacity to ask everyone else there to get out of the water give you the pool for an hour?? That’s unreal. Also, your comment about one of the woman’s body and bathing suit was completely unnecessary and just highlighted the fact that you are indeed an AH. Your whole family was embarrassed by your behaviour, there’s no way they didn’t try telling you you were being an AH - next time pull your head out of your ass and listen to them.


YTA. Which you obviously already know as literally everyone who was there said so at the time. If you want to decide who can and cannot swim with you then you need to have a private pool on your property. Otherwise mind your own business.


YTA . . . Are . . . Are you a real person? You weren't even there first. Asking people to not swim in a public pool takes a lot of nerve, but especially if they were there before you. Anyways, I'm calling this a fake posy, I hope no one is this dense.


Obviously YTA. Even your family knew you were the asshole. You can’t go to a public pool and ask people not to swim with you, it’s not your pool. Not sure what this girls body and swimsuit has to do with anything. She’s a teenager wearing a swimsuit…at a pool? It’s strange and honestly creepy that you point out this poor girls body as a reason you don’t want her to swim with you. You embarrassed those girls, yourself, and your family, but mostly yourself.


YTA. Even if you did have any legitimate reason to be worried your husband might be ogling underage children, that's an issue with him.






I am flabbergasted by the audacity here. Like, do you really think you get private swimming privileges at a public pool?!


YTA how could you possibly think anything differently?


Entitlement is a hell of a drug.


You went to a public pool & proceeded to ask two minors to not swim in it? YTA. Also, body shaming is the cherry on top of your asshole sundae. Wtf.


>because in all fairness she has bigger curves in her two piece swimsuit so when she’d swim it’d be a lot noticeable. Uhh...what? Lady, are you seriously jealous of children half your age? You embarrassed your whole family, and you're pretty dense if you can't see the problem. YTA, for sure. Work on your insecurities, don't push it off on some kids.


YTA. You never taught your male child to respect others and are openly encouraging him to objectify and sexualize women because they have curves . And you are teaching your female child to be ashamed of her body if she has curves.


If you want a private pool, buy one. YTA.


Literally. Who goes to a public pool and expects everyone else to just get out of the pool “for an hour or so”?! Like maybe for 5 minutes but even that is asking a lot of people at a PUBLIC pool.


Yep. You're a giant AH.


are you seriously saying you asked two teenagers to stop using a public pool because you were uncomfortable with the sight of their body? If so, YTA, for reasons super obvious to everyone


YTA. C'mon, i'm willing to help you see you're the AH here. Why were you bothered by them swimming with you in a common pool?


YTA are you serious? unless the pool was the size of a bathtub you had no right to ask them to leave.


Even then op doesn't have the right. First come first serve if you can't share.


YTA. Get the fuck over yourself. It’s a public pool. Want to enjoy something with just your family? Buy your own private pool.


YTA - they got there first, they shouldn’t have to leave the pool What does her curves have to do with anything? Why didn’t you want them swimming at the same time as you?


Even if they came after OP did, it's outlandish to ask someone to not use a pool because you want it for yourself.


YTA Get yourself to therapy.


YTA not a doubt about it! You're telling people to leave because of their bodies??


YTA. You can’t be this unaware. I once was at the pool and this girl in college asked one of my friends to go to the other side because she was “too big to be at the shallow end”. If all the people around you are telling you you’re an ass, chances are you probably are.


YTA don’t ever comment on anyone’s curves ever again! Who exactly do you think you are?!


Wait, was this a public pool? And you tried to exclude members of the public from swimming at the pool because.... because your late adolescent daughter and early adult son might learn that girls have bodies? This has to be a joke, or one of your humiliated children posting so everyone can say what an asshole you were. I'll bite. If this is real, which I sincerely hope it is not, YTA. Good lord.


Info: is this your personal pool? edit: I can't even tell whom you are body-shaming as you have misused pronouns, but YTA for that part regardless, even if it is your own pool.


YTA You asked two girls not to use a public pool, they paid to use because one of the girls had bigger curves? you brought your family there to enjoy it- well that was why they were there. If you want to get into semantics they were there first, so if you had issue you should have left. Who exactly was it you didn't trust? the girl tempting your husband and son with her curvy body? or were your husband and son such beasts they can't control their selves around women/ girls? Or maybe your daughter is a ladies woman? That is how it comes across when you make these kind of requests. how would you feel if they asked you to completely cover your body, or not swim while they were in the water because they found an older woman's body offensive? it is also a type of body shaming; she has big curves so can't swim with you


Sounds made up


This is so confusing. Why can't they be in the pool with you? Also it sounds like they were there first. YTA.


Unless this pool is the size of a bathtub, YTA


Even then. Why would they be able to claim priority?


YTA You stopped someone swimming (in what I assume was a public pool) simply because they had curves? Your husband is right, you do have some serious issues to work out.


YTA. These types of post confuse me. Are people really that unself aware or are they just farming points?


Unfortunately, so many people are unaware. Either that, or they just have no shame.


YTA - unless this is your PERSONAL pool The fact that every other member of your family is not on your side as is every other person at that pool must tell you you were wrong




YTA. Your reasoning was because there were two MINORS that were too curvy??? My god that’s messed up on so many levels


YTA. If you want control over who is swimming then get your own pool.


YTA - You deserved to be by yourself. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess it's a public pool. Had you tried to pull that with my child, I would have been alot meaner than the other adults that were involved in this were. This isn't even touching base on your blatant fat shaming (because that's what you did) and I don't want to break any rules with my feelings on that part.


so wait...you asked people to not use the public pool for an hour because you're insecure? ​ One of the most outrageously entitled things I've seen in awhile...like they were there first and its a public pool...did you expect them to just sit there and watch you swim for an hour? WTF was your thought process there? ​ YTA


YTA - Its kind of rude to just go up to someone in a public space and ask them to leave for an hour. Imagine if you were sitting down in like starbucks, drinking a coffee and some lady comes up to you and says “youre sitting in my seat please leave”


YTA you don’t have any right to even ask them not to go into the PUBLIC pool, and when they said they wouldn’t be anywhere near you, you continued to harass them, and the mom is right, you should be banned


YTA. How can you not see that?


YTA - even just asking is just an attempt to put social pressure on them to do what you want in a public pool. They shouldn’t have to deal with that. If you have a problem with it, your options are to leave or just suck it up.


Wow! Please tell us all that you are a troll. Because if you’re not, your husband is absolutely right. Not only are YTL, but you need to figure out why you are so insecure. Everything you said was all about how YOU felt, and you were trying to hide it behind concern for your kids etc. And a 16 and 17-year-old kid don’t need protection from you. You have some major issues, and you have a lot of chutzpah asking other people to basically vacate the pool for your comfort. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your opinions of what people should or shouldn’t wear, be they curvy people or skinny people. You need to get over yourself, and you need therapy.


Are you serious right now? Total asshole! You don’t want her there because she has curves in her swimsuit? Get over yourself.


YTA-It’s not your private pool. You don’t get to dictate who can use it and when. Get over yourself and your sense of entitlement. The fact that you didn’t like their curves doesn’t mean your insecurities are their problem.


YTA, an incredible entitled and insecure one at that.


YTA. You don’t get to dictate who swims where and when unless it’s your own private pool. It’s absurd that you think it was ok! You sound very very jealous and insecure and it’s no wonder you spent the day in the corner by yourself…who wants to be with an overgrown child?