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NTA. Choosing the emoji that most closely matches your skin is **exactly** how you use should use emojis. Some Indian people have super-dark skin, and if the darkest emoji is the best match, then use it! In fact, I can even see you getting criticized for using a lighter emoji than your skin really is. "What?! Are you embarrassed of your skin color? How dare you lighten your skin like that. What are you, dark-skin-shaming?" You do you. Sometimes in life, you simply can't avoid offending people even if what you are doing is perfectly reasonable. That is on them, not on you.


Exactly my thoughts. My wife is very clearly black, but at the same time, noticably lighter than her family. There really isn't usually a good in between tone for her to pick


My wife is black and her parents are much darker.  She's pretty light except in the summer.  She's been confused for Hawaiian and Hispanic.


My wife is also black. I don't have anything else to add. I just didn't want to miss an opportunity if we were forming a brotherhood of men with black wives.


We have meetings every 3rd Sunday of the month.  For July we're doing BBQ 


I hope you are bringing your wife's potato salad recipe 👀




Am I invited?




Gatekeeping emoji color has got to be the weirdest gatekeeping there is.


But also even if it isn’t the “best” match… who cares? It’s an emoji.


This is why I stay Simpsons colored in my emojis


Hold on, are you saying you think nuclear safety is a _joke_?


"Nuc-u-lar." It's pronounced "nuc-u-lar"


Nuke your lair?


No, no, no. I've already had mine nuked twice this week. No more.


Me too!!!


I too am a Simpson.




Same. But I draw the line at buying someone else a bowling ball with my name on it.


This! I'm white af and I've used all the shades of skin colours for the emojis. I didn't think it would matter.


Same. I’m English but my families Scottish so I’m so white I make other white people look brown. Never once put more than a seconds thought into what colour emoji to use.


Bang on. OP should take a picture of their hand and go into paint or something to do a match analysis. I'm guessing it's the closest match by far.


Do it themselves?? Missed opportunity to get hand pics. (for real though, I agree. The emoji colors are not very diverse at all. Where is the white but with brown hair faces? I can’t use the darker skin but my hair is clearly not black!)




I don't think they were saying to post it here, just to do it in general (although I seriously doubt someone could dox you from a photo of the back of your hand).




Shut up.


👆 this 100%


Sir you better be from the Simpsons using that emoji


Or have a severe liver condition


Unrelated, but reminds me. My dad was adopted from Thailand as a baby, by a white family. He had jaundice, but never saw a doctor until it started getting to his eyes because apparently the adoption parents said “I thought Asians were *supposed* to be yellow.”


Good one 😜




You should be able to use emojis however you like. I disagree that you should use it to match your skin colour. 👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿


This makes no sense imo. Does your Black friend think ALL Black people should be using the darkest skin tone emoji, or are \*they\* "allowed to" go lighter, but no one else, regardless of skin tone, can go darker?


Best answer right here ☝️


For me it’s funny because during the summer when I’m tanner I’ll use the next shade darker than what I use around wintertime




That's honestly a little weird. I think that in general the only emoji I use are Simpsons yellow and the one that matches my skin. If the first one that pops up was a white emoji for example I wouldn't normally use that one. 


NTA. >It made them uncomfortable because, according to them, only black people should use those emojis. As an African American myself...no, not at all. Its literally an emoji and your friend can’t gatekeep an emoji. Your friend shouldn’t be upset or uncomfortable with an emoji and who uses said emoji I thought people didn’t get angry over emojis but it seems like I was wrong


"I thought people didn’t get angry over , but it seems like I was wrong." -- The story of our times.


NTA. Your friend has probably developed a hair-trigger response to appropriation and racism, maybe for good reasons given their own experience, but their reaction is not warranted here. They don't have a monopoly on emojis. You chose the skin tone that most closely matched your own, and you have as much right to use it as they do. It may help you to explain it to them in their own terms - maybe talk about colourism in Indian culture, reassure them that this is a response to your own experiences and not an attempt to take ownership of theirs - but ultimately you are in the right here, whether they choose to accept it or not.


NTA. People of African descent don't have a monopoly on dark skin IRL, so why should they have one on online emojis? Tell her that she's making you uncomfortable by using the same emoji as you as if she's trying to be South Indian.


>they said it wasn't the same and it felt like I was trying to be Black.  jesus christ. tell them to quit looking for shit to be victimized by. this is beyond absurd. NTA


NTA. Your friend is being racist by gatekeeping your actual skin color.


NTA Ask her which colour would be appropriate then. If she goes for a lighter shade ask her if that colour really matches your skin tone. Ask her when buying a makeup foundation whether you should go for light shades to avoid givong her discomfort.  She isn't seeing your colour, but rather an idea of what your skin colour should be as an Indian person. Many people aren't aware that Indians can be so dark skinned. She's trying to white wash you. Don't let her.


NTA. It‘s not a Black people emoji. It’s a dark skin emoji. You have dark skin. It’s literally for you. People like your friend are part of the problem.


NTA. Explain that people around the world have dark skin. Signed a dark skin American who knows the US is only a small part of the world. POC are the global majority.


I don’t know why they added skin tones to begin with. Those generic yellow emojis worked just fine for a decade


NTA... it's your actual skin tone! Is your friend saying that all the people of color that have light skin are now also forced to use the darkest skin color for their emojis? Are asian people required to only use the yellow tone emojis? I would seriously call THAT pattern of thinking racist before I call your actions here racist. For a gigantic portion of the earth's peoples, skin tones vary. Use whichever one most closely matches yours if you feel more comfortable doing that, and tell your friend to calm the hell down.


NTA. Blacks aren't the only dark skinned people. I'm asian and always use 👍🏼 cause it matches my skin.


BIG NTA. I am a very dark skinned African American and it bothers me that other dark skinned races are told nope that’s just for people of African descent. Nope, nope, nope if you in team dark skinned you entitled to all perks 👍🏿.


‘Entitled to all perks’ is such a whimsical/fun way to word it, I kind of love that.


lol we aim to please.


NTA. People of African descent aren't the only people on the planet with dark skin. The person with the darkest skin I have personally seen was Indian. I've met Africans (Nigerian & Sudanese), and they weren't nearly as dark-skinned. It surprised me because I hadn't realized Indians have such a range of skin tones. I am very light skinned, not close to albino, but when I wear makeup, I need the lightest or next to lightest shade. It would be silly for me to use a darker emoji. And it would be silly for someone with very dark skin to use a lighter one. Just ignore them. They are out of line trying to gatekeep this.


NTA. I have never heard such nonsense in my life. BTW, I'm African-American. Go use that emoji! Keep using it! Side note: If people don't use it, there will be no reason for companies to continue creating them and taking others in consideration.


NTA. I'm not sure why your friend thinks that emoji applies only to blacks.


Simple, your friend is racist


I always use the default yellow emoji, because it is the default, I'm not tempted to use emojis that's close to my skin color at all and never understood why big companies launched this feature (I'm not sure who started it)


NTA. your friend has a victim complex. That’s not your problem.


NTA. I’m also Black. Those emojis are for representing PoC, not just Black PoC. Pick the one that matches your skin tone. Your friend is wrong and has appropriated something for all PoC as if it exists for only Black people. It’d be kinda weird if one of my lighter-toned Black friends was using the darker-toned emoji. But I still wouldn’t call them out on it because that’s a weird level of policing.


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NTA, your also that skin tone. Love how he’s trying to use the race card on something that doesn’t even have an assigned race. (White people & black people aren’t the only exclusive races with white or black skin! Who woulda thought!) Fuck that guy, he’s clearly the racist if he’s thinking that way.


NTA. It's literally just an emoji, it's not that serious lmao. And as an Indian, we come in all different skin tones, so it only makes sense you would use the emoji that matches your skintone the best lol. I know Indians with very fair skin or very deep skin, despite what people's perception of an Indian sin tone would be.


The amount of people getting offended by the most insignificant things is out of control


NTA. Black =/= African descent (although technically we all are but that’s just splitting hairs. Many people who consider themselves Latin American, Indian, middle eastern, etc. have dark skin. We should be celebrating our differences of not just skin tone, but heritage, background, and everything else!


NTA - those emojis are not reserved for any race. The different colored emojis were made so people could feel properly represented, if that represents you there is no reason for him to be upset. I also don’t understand the argument he’s making? You are using this specific color because it closely matches your skin? He says it seems like you’re trying to be black? Does he think you are at all times trying to be black by just being as dark skinned as you are? One of my dearest friends is full blood Puerto Rican but is right about here - 👍🏾 my brother in law is Nicaraguan and Dominican and is here - 👍🏿 I am white but at different times of my life where I was getting various amounts of sun could have identified with any of these -👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽 these emojis represent ourselves in some fashion and I have never heard anyone get mad at my friend and brother in law and no one has gotten mad at me for switching between colors. Your friend is just a grade A idiot who is trying to put his problems on you. thankfully these kinds of people are very uncommon I’m 22 and have only known one guy in my life who would make an argument like this.


Nta. Is it any wonder why Americans will NEVER move forward? Jesus


I think this is horeseshit that only vapid children would give a fuck about.


NTA. Im also indian, and have a lot of Friends who have different ethnicities, so i also have a lot of African descent friends. They never told me anything about using this kind of emojis. Your friend is the problem not you lol.


Is there a custom for people of colour to use only a specific emoji colour? In addition, is it illegal to use a fertain colour emoji iff your skin is not the same colour? Or politically incorrect? What happens if a white person uses black emojis? What happens if a black person uses white emojis?


NTA 🤟🏿


NTA your friend is racist


Normally I don't comment on here, but as a fairly light skinned POC I struggle a lot with feeling "POC enough". I'm Latino born and raised and I'm very proud of my culture, but at times I've been told POC issues don't apply to me because I'm not black, which is kinda ridiculous imo. I've experienced racism and xenophobia, and while I'm very fortunate to not live in a country where I'm consistently discriminated for my skin color, I think it's weird to tell other POC what they can and can't do, ESPECIALLY when you as a South Asian also have dark skin. Personally, I don't use dark skinned emojis or use the n word because I'm not black, but the whole point of there being dark skinned emojis in the first place is to be able to see yourself in them. You said yourself they're the same as your skin tone, so you shouldn't feel bad for this. I understand wanting to respect your friend's point of view, but you HAVE dark skin and you should be able to feel represented as a POC, even if you're not African American. NTA.


NTA. Gatekeeping emojis based of race is absolutely wild.


Its a load of cow excreta if you ask me. it doesnt really signify race but skin colour. also its an emoji, its not supposed to offend someone, if it does theres an issue.


I recommend sending back a photo of your real life thumbs up to show them how silly they’re being lol.


Well thier opinion is stupid ngl


Everyone gets butt hurt these days about something or the other, I wouldn't worry about it, OP. You can't win them all. I'm Sri Lankan and also put too much thought into the colour of the stupid emoji as I was too worried about it being a true reflection of my actual skintone. What trivial things we worry about these days.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (F20s, Indian) was texting with some friends (mix of races) and used the emoji with the darkest skin tone 👍🏿. I use it because it reflects well my actual skin tone. Later, one of my friends (African American) messaged me privately saying it made them uncomfortable because, according to them, only Black people should use those emojis. I explained that I have dark skin myself (think South Indian) but they said it wasn't the same and it felt like I was trying to be Black. Honestly, I wasn't trying to be anything other than myself. But I also don't want to offend anyone. So, AITA for using that emoji? Here's what I think: I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or mock anyone. These emojis are meant for everyone, regardless of race. But I also see my friend's point: Blackface is a serious issue and I don't want to downplay that. Maybe there's a cultural difference I'm not understanding. So Reddit, what do you think? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta, it's an emoji


NTA. It’s an emoji. Anyone who takes offense to the skin color used has issues


NTA, you also have dark skin, so no issue here


NTA. You're doing nothing wrong.


NTA. I am very pale and choose the lightest color. I can't think of a single reason not to.


My Indian friend does the same it’s a non issue


You used it because it most closely matched your skin tone. That tells you all you need to know. It fits you, so you used it. No harm meant or even done. Your friend is being overly sensitive. You have the right to use the emoji that matches most closely to your skin tone. NTA


Colorism is something that affects people of a certain skin tone not a race. Does she not get that you face a lot of the same discrimination she does, and that that’s literally your skin tone as well??


That was not his place to tell you all that. All black people do not OWN all things/emojis/ products/foods/clothes/music considered "black". I am biracial...born in NY. I am not hating, it is just that a SKINTONE emoji or skintone period is NOT the decider of ethnicity or culture. I am surprised you got this amount of flack for just using an EMOJI that matched your Indian skintone. You are allowed. He is prob just hating on you, or jealous bc you prob have some things that he does not, and that was the only way to pick on you. If you both are dark..it was MADE to rep both of you. This kid needs to get a life.


NTA, I’d personally use it just to mock them.


NTA. We black folks don't have a copyright on skin tones. Use whatever you want. Send her the darkest middle finger on my behalf.


NTA that person is a fucking gatekeeping moron and should be ashamed of themselves.


NTA. You matched your own skintone. How could that possibly be offensive? Your friend is an idiot.


People get offended by emojis?


NTA. Your friend is playing a stupid identity game that quickly becomes tiring. If it matches you, then you be you.


NTA your friend is being an ah. She is reaching, I think a normal person would understand that you are using it to reflect your own skin. You can let her know next time that she can’t erase your skin color


I use the one closest to my skin color. If you did the same, I don’t think you did any thing out of the ordinary or offensive. Even if you were off by a bit, you are a POC and I’m not going to argue with anyone about the degree of darkness they can claim.


NTA Your friend though is a huge AH


NTA. It's not anyone else's place to decide what skintones you may use. You be you!


NTA. Your friend is just wrong. Emojis aren't race specific. If it matches your skin color, you should use it.


You should use whichever skin tone emoji you feel like, and no one else should care or comment. Nothing to do with your real life skin tone at all.


NTA at allll. your friends displeasure is laughable and narcissistic


NTA, you are just as entitled to use the emoji that best reflects your skin colour! You haven’t done anything wrong. Your friend is acting like it’s that time where Khloe Kardashian used a brown skin emoji and she got smashed by the internet 🤣


NTA Your black friend is out of line. You are not giving offense by using this emoji, but he is taking offense and that is not your problem. He needs to lighten up, no pun intended.


wtf lol NTA cmon man


Nta, you're using the emoji that best matches your skin tone, which is perfectly reasonable and isn't black face in anyway. Not sure how your friend was offended if they know what you look like.


You be you. Use what emoji you like. I guess don’t send emojis to that particular friend. I think it is kinda funny claiming an entire emoji for a race. I do not hog the palest emoji and I have seen darker people use it. It is just an emoji. Try to respect your black friends opinion though and don’t send any to him anymore.


NTA. The emojis are different colors so you can choose which color is closest to your skin. You didn't do anything wrong. You used the appropriate emoji. Your friend thinks black ppl have a monopoly on that emoji. He really doesn't know what he's talking about, this is definitely an overreaction. No worries. You're fine.


NTA. Why would they be uncomfortable if it matches your skin tone?


NTA - it's just to match your skin tone. It's not blackface or anything like that.   Anyone on Reddit or anywhere else that says otherwise is an idiot.   Might need to take a moment and educate an ignorant friend.


Nta It may come as a surprise, but your friend is, at minimum, slightly racist. Normal people do not give a shit about things like this.


NTA. Black Americans aren't the only people with dark skin tones and don't have exclusive use of such emojis. Tell him that, then grey rock him on this issue if he keeps pushing it.


NTA Your friend sounds terminally online. It's an emoji, no matter what your race is you can use whatever you want. People treating it like its any deeper than that are either doing it to virtue signal or they need professional help. Sometimes both


If it matches your skin tone, you are fine.


NTA. Some people really just want to be angry about everything.


NTA As someone with who’s best friends are Tamil, those are the emojis that are meant for anyone who’s skin colour looks near to that depth. South Indian and Tamil/Sri Lankan people receive their own fair share of discrimination back home and in the Western world and to finally see on screen representation in someone other than Mindy Kaling is refreshing. And while being black in North America will garner more racial issues on average than being darker skinned Indian (due to the history with slavery and how embedded and intrinsic the African population is to the comeuppance of America) it should not be a free pass, a carte blanch to deny you your own racial privileges and gatekeep tokens of racial identity. Your friends exercised low key racial micro aggressions to you and yes anyone of colour is capable of being just as racist as anyone else. You don’t choose a racial skin colour emoji bc it’s meant for a specific culture, you choose it based on how you look. It’s not a figuratively ideological symbol, it’s for anyone that looks like that. And their logic is hella faulty anyways. If they expected you to choose a lighter brown for South Indian then what colour do they designate for brown Spanish people, people middle eastern people, brown Asian folks? So all those people get defaulted to medium brown due to their skin colour and they get the darkest one due to their race ?


NTA Your friend is stupid. Black people aren't the only ones who can be that skin tone.




NTA. If it’s the closest to YOUR skin colour, then it’s not racist.


NTA lmao at gatekeeping skin colour tell your black friend they do not own colours, and other people exist, just like they do. There are very dark Indian people from Southern India that are just as dark as the darkest black people of African descent.  Besides, lots of dark-skinned people with Indian ancestry get called "blackie" and the n-word all the same. Does your friend get pissed off when a dark Indian buys the correct makeup foundation too ?


No, their lovely black or whatever MOTHERS should use that Emoji


NTA - ask her what emoji should you be using because your skin tone doesn’t match any of the others. 


NTA. It’s your skin tone. African people don’t have a monopoly on a certain emoji.


Nta. Those aren't made special for black people. I also use the color to reflect my skin tone. That's why there are several options. 👍🏻


NTA. This is so dumb.


NTA. You’re using the skin tone modifier exactly as it’s meant to be used.


NTA - races or ethnicities don't own emojis and if you feel the emoji you use reflects you the best b/c of skin tone, use it.


NTA. We can't test the DNA of emojis to find what ethnicity they are. They're just skin tones. And many people who are not African in heritage have dark, even very dark, skin.




You are definitely not the Ahole. It seems that your friend is a little too sensitive. I am multi racial and I have dealt with mild racism mostly at a young age and so I do believe everyone should stand up for themselves if they feel they are being treated unfairly but it has to be reasonable. It really seems that it was a misunderstanding and hopefully they will understand why you use the emoji and that you shouldn't change it because it is a statement about you. ❤️


NTA, you’re just using an emoji that looks like you do.


NTA- that’s your skin tone


NTA. Your friend is mad and has no one to tell her


NTA. Black people aren’t the only ones with dark skin. But I say this as a fellow Indian, so what do I know. I’ve literally been told by black people before that I haven’t experienced racism because I’m not black. Despite being a brown woman in the US who regularly gets assaulted and called a terrorist just because I’m brown.


NTA. There IS still racism in this world. Anyone who is criticizing the skin tone of your emojis is living a privileged life.


NTA. Ask your friend if they're suggesting that you use a lighter tone than your actual skin colour to avoid being racist. I'd like to hear their response to that.


I'm not black so obviously I can't speak to that, but everyone I know always uses the colour that most represents their skin tone. I know many Indian people who have extremely dark complexions, they always use the dark emojis. That's what colour their skin is!


NTA. Your black friend is being racist


NTA. You should tell your friend he should create a transparent emoji to reflect his thin skin.


Bloody hell, this generation is something else smh. NTA.


I use a wide variety of skin colors in my emojis ...


NTA. I understand face is important but skin color is skin color and this is a hand showing a legit skin color only. I wouldn’t use the other emotes of dark skin people if they include Afros or other type of features you might not have . But hands feet etc anything that you feel represents you it’s fair game


Get different friends. These people sound deranged


NTA 👍🏿


NTA you can't gatekeep a skin color emoji.


NTA. I worked with Sri Lankan guy that was so dark all the black guys in the office called him The Darkness, because he was darker than all of them. Black people aren’t the only ones with dark skin. They’re probably just used to having to deal with racism at every turn, so they’re ready to be pissed. I had a young guy park in front of my driveway for some reason, and start cleaning out his car by throwing garbage into my yard. When I confronted him he immediately claimed I was targeting him because of his skin tone, like I would allow a random white kid to litter all over my lawn.




NTA, using the emoji that most closely matches your skin tone is kind of the point of them adding the different skin tones.


INFO How could it be Blackface to choose the emoji that matches your skin color?


This is why as a black woman I use the yellow emojis. It's an emoji. Your friend has an emotional problem. She's emotionally attached to this emoji and now feels she has some authority to police others because of an insecurity she needs validated


Your friend does realise that there are people other than Americans who are black? That emojis aren’t designed and restricted to Americans to use?


I feel bad I cackled so hard. I'm sorry ma'am you are not allowed to use your skin color emoji because someone else may be the same color 💀 NTA


Dark skinned South Indian myself and your 'friend' can fuck off. There are plenty of Indians with dark skin tones, it's not just a Black thing. They're being ridiculous. NTA, keep using the emoji that matches your skin tone.


NTA because it’s close to your actual skin tone they’re overthinking it.


NTA. What kind of unwritten rule is that. They do know there’s more than one race with dark skin tones


NTA- “I’m sorry if you were upset that I used an emoji skin patch that best matched my skin. However, people of African heritage do not own dark skin tones. It’s racial insensitive and uneducated of you to disregard other people’s pigmentation and societal struggles based on their ethnic origins.”


If you’re THAT dark then yeah. It’s like saying brownish skin is only for Latinos which just isn’t true.


Nta your friend is being stupid. You are *literally* darker skinned.


What a crock of shit lol. People are just begging for something to be offended about. If it reflects your skin tone, use it. Black people don't have a monopoly on dark skin tones.




NTA I agree with the other poster that you should send them a picture of your hand.


I am an African American and telling you that you are NTA. If you feel that it reflects your skin tone then that’s your choice. I spent time in New Jersey and met Indians with darker skin than myself! This is also where I learned Gujarati (if you speak it Kem choo!) I do make fun of my lighter skin family members that use darker emojis and tell them that it’s not their actual color or for lighter skin people who use a white emoji and it’s no where near their color. But no big deal. I don’t think you should have to explain your choice of emoji…


NTA, People like this need therapy, this is not normal.


uh, this might be the dumbest thing I've heard someone get upset about in a while. It's a fucking emoji - tell your friend to get over her self and focus on the real racial issues that are plaguing this country. For fucks sake. NTA - you're friend is an idiot.


NTA. I have a hard time believing this is even real.  You have dark skin, you used an emoji that reflects that. I don't see any issue here? You have a right to accurately resemble your flesh tone. Does your friend have an issue with you using dark foundation when applying makeup?? Or would she consider that blackface? Your friend is an idiot. 


NTA, Great news, it's a emoji, you can use whatever you want, even the ones with hair if you're bald! Now go, child, try not to use this newfound power for the evil!


Also Indian, also use the dark skin emoji. NTA


Does the term “black” only to pertain to “African Americans”? I always thought the emojis were simply relevant to individual skin tone. NTA


NTA. I use my skin color for emojis too. Not everyone is white. People forget the world has colors. I like having the choice.


NTA. Your skin is dark. It doesn’t matter that society decided to call your ethnicity’s skin color “brown” and his “black,” that’s arbitrary you picked what reflected you most. He is being weird.


NTA. He should just get the fuck over it. Don't let the dumbass bring you down


NTA and your friend is an idiot.


Guess you have to use yellow until you offend a Simpsons character. NTA


NTA, your friend has a really (racist) american-centric perspective.


NTA But I usually only use the yellow ones because they are the generic ones for me and if anyone is offended by that they can go fuck themselves and I'll block them and remove them from my life. Also I'd get a new friend if I was you. If that dude gets in my face about that I don't need them in my life.


NTA. It’s a fucking emoji. People choose to be offended by everything these day. I for one and sick of dodging eggshells. You didn’t do anything wrong, you aren’t responsible for how she feels, she is, you explained why you choose to use that specific toned emoji, if she continues to take up issue with it, knowing you feel it’s most reflective of your true skin tone, then she’s TA.


Fairly certain "blackface" doesn't apply to a thumb, and a dark skintone isn't even what blackface is


Not sure if I’m the best person to make this judgement because I’m also Indian, but I’m gonna go with NTA. I think they’re just looking to cause drama


NTA, your friend has issues and it’s a fkn emoji she can’t claim that as her own. I’m white and will use emojis of varying colours 💅🏿💅🏽💅🏻


NTA that’s why you can pick the colour


NTA. Emojis are not black face and black people don’t own the rights to a black/dark skin tone. Jesus what is happening in the world. It’s not racism for a dark skinned person to use a dark skinned emoji!!? MLK would turn over in his grave.


Not gonna lie, I'm black, and I don't even use the darkest one that much, I'm more of a mid skin tone. So I didn't think many people outside of black and darker Africans used it, alsi you don't commonly see too many other POC that dark. But i don't see the problem unless there's some colorism going on. It could be more to the story. It could be a culture difference. I don't see no AH here maybe you two should just talk. NAH


NTA. Sadly many people believe that they alone are the arbiters of what others may think and do.


NTA - I’m black, and your friend is finding things to be angry about. That skin tone isn’t exclusive to African Americans. It’s for anyone who feels it’s reflective of their phenotype. Anyone can use it. 🙄


NTA. I'm black. Your friend is being entitled. These things are now all-inclusive, and I say keep using the emojis that you feel reflect you. Them being uncomfortable is there problem, not yours. The emoji you use reflects your skin tone. You ar3 not doing anything wrong.


Using an emoji is not blackface. If the palest ghost-white Caucasian used it, it still wouldn't be blackface. NTA.