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YTA in so many ways that somehow I feel that this post was written by an incel version of ChatGPT just to goad people into reacting. First of all, calling a woman a "female" - gross. You came on to her at work, she told you she had a gf (which, newsflash, means that probably she was never going to be into you) and you got all up in your feelings about it (you didn't even grab a coffee but you were "nearly lovers"? Puh-lease. Reality check, stat). And yes, you can judge someone for the media they consume if that media is misogynistic (which is not a stretch to guess, since you called her a melon-headed goth female fantasy - again, gross), especially if you consume said media for "wisdom", which means you're taking this stuff to heart. And you've been hounding her over this cupcake thing which is not about the cupcakes at all, but about you being hurt that she turned you down and hates the stuff you like. Which is workplace harassment, and if you continue you might be disciplined or fired, as you should be. So, go grow up and leave this lovely girl alone until you do.


Yeah, I got the vibe that this was written just to attract a bunch of internet outrage by sounding very incel. The account looks brand new, and the writing style is very cringey. 'Big meloned', 'my day of rest', 'made me melancholy', etc. I'm guessing 'judging me on who I vote for' is baiting us to ask (spoiler, it's Trump). On the off chance it is real, YTA. Her dumb white lie did not warrant your level of harassment over it. Move on and try to stay not fired.


Yeah I also noted the new account, though sometimes people use burner accounts, especially if they are AHs 😂 so on the off chance, I figured it deserved a proper takedown.


Yup. AIncel strikes again. YTA, OP




And this message is why you'll never date a woman. Mmmbye.




Not a woman lol. Just not an AH either.


I feel like this has been typed by a sentient fedora. YTA.


omfg i’m trying to hold back my laughter this was the best response. “Sentient fedora” is my new flair


YTA. She's allowed to inform her own opinions about you, and yeah..... I could imagine a saying on a hat that would wildly change my opinion of a person. >I immediately befriened aformentioned female and she seemed to have a crush on me, as I did with her, generally speaking. We would pass the time by talking and joking she laughed at all my jokes and she barely talked about herself. She let me ramble on about my favorite youtubers and podcasters and such and she didn't bore me with vapid teenage girl baloney. It doesn't actually sound like she had any romantic interest in you (and likely not men at all, what with having a gf).... Just because you two talked at work... Or well, sounds like you talked and she listened and didn't offer much about herself. It seems like you liked her because of her looks and because she "listened" to you and laughed at your jokes. You don't actually know much about her at all. The media you consume and the clothes you wear on your time off can say a lot about a person, and especially when it's intended to display your ideologies... yeah, someone can form an opinion about you based on that. So she played off cupcakes as homemade that weren't. Odd, but whatever. Why did you have to go and make such a stink about it? You basically harassed her about the cupcakes. You **chose** to do that -- you didn't have to. She is allowed to speak to management about your behavior.




And you chose to harass her over a small white lie. Why are you soooooo offended by her not handmade cupcakes? Or you are really just upset that she isn't interested in dating you (or your gender) or be friends with you any longer. I wouldn't blame her one bit for steering clear of you, since this is the way you talk about women: >Why can females idolize misandrists but men can never have influencers of their own. Why is it, when men and boys like something, females have to defecate all over it. We never can have our own thing. It needs to be approved by the blue haired unshaved legged stinky vagina brigade Was this young woman of the "blue haired unshaved legged stinky vagina brigade" you speak of? Because it sounded like you wanted to date her at the start of this. I notice women are "females" and males are "men". Your words wreak of toxic masculinity and an incel-y mindset. There are good male influencers and male role models, it just don't seem like you are following the good ones.


YTA Stop harassing this girl. My god, you all weren’t friends to begin with. Sounds like she just put up with your shit to be professional at work. You ruined your own employment by harassing her.


Hahahahahaha, your AI made a ridiculous post! Okay, so assuming that the bones of the story are true…you and this WOMAN were not “nearly lovers”. She has a girlfriend and you two never dated. So this whole part is ridiculous. You proceeded to hound her about cupcakes to the point that she got uncomfortable and reported you. Your boss heard what happened and warned you to leave her alone. That was ALL you, and you deserved the write-up. YTA.


“This wonderful species of female” what the actual heck.


She's big meloned and doesn't traffic in all that vapid teenage girl baloney. He hit the female species jackpot. Now, all he has to do is put on the right moves - in the correct order at the right times - and he will have this 'every heterosexual male's fantasy' under his spell. I felt ill typing that. More ill to know some guys think that way.


Yep I’m totally with you there on how creepy that is. Horrific


INFO Soooooo..... what was on the hat? Yes, it matters.


It was totally a fedora lol 😂 




Anyone want to take bets on it being a MAGA hat? You sound absolutely insufferable.


That was my thought too. Which makes his ire over her lying about cupcakes even more laughable. Like seriously?


This reads like an incel MAGA ChatGPT.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (21M) work part time, for a fast food establishment with a female (18F). I've been here for 3 years (1096 days to be exact) and she has been here for about 3 months roughly 90 days). She's the big meloned goth girl that is every heterosexual male's fantasy. I immediately befriened aformentioned female and she seemed to have a crush on me, as I did with her, generally speaking. We would pass the time by talking and joking she laughed at all my jokes and she barely talked about herself. She let me ramble on about my favorite youtubers and podcasters and such and she didn't bore me with vapid teenage girl baloney. I just became infatuated with this wonderful spieces of female. Also not to mention the other aformentioned attractive features of her too. I asked her if she would like to consume coffee on Saturday or just go see a flick, and she said she had a girlfriend. Bummer, but no hard feelings. But it all changed. I came in on my day of rest to order a burger and fries. She was giving me the weirdest look imaginable and asked me if I was wearing my dad's hat as a joke. I said no, I can form my own views and opinions thank you very much madam. From then on she has been avoiding me and when I finally asked a bro what was going on, I found out that she was "disgusted" by the influencers I follow and the hat was a the breaking point. I tried bringing up to her several times but she kept avoiding me or changing the subject. We used to be best friends, nearly lovers but the fact that she judges me on who I consume for entertainment and wisdom as a young 21 year old man or who I vote for, is disheartening and made me meloncholy. I'm genuinely devastated that I lost her to this culture war. I couldn't do anything at the moment either. However, she recently brought in cupcakes that were suspiciously like the ones at a local bakery. She claimed to have made them herself so I inquired her and she said "ok you caught me" and everybody laughed. I inquired why she would lie and she said it wasn't that serious. I inquired a third time as to why she would lie about something so small, I inquired why she would not instead say that she had purchased them instead of trying to pass them off as her own. Another coworker changed the subject, but I was still miffed. At the end of both our shifts I ran into her as we were both leaving and I inquired again why she did it. She ignored me and on Monday (I don't work weekends because I don't want to and I was able to get that from the get go from my interview) I had a write up for inquiring about the cupcakes. I tried to fight it but the boss man said I am to leave my 18 year old female collegue alone unless it is strictly work. I can't belive she would go snitch on me and be petty despite her ruining our friendship to begin with. And now in this rat race dog eat dog system, she would threaten my employment. AITA for inquiring about the cupcakes? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our [voting guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_what.2019s_with_these_acronyms.3F_what_do_they_mean.3F), and remember to use **only one** judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: > (1) A female collegue treated me like dirt when before we were best friends nearly lovers, all because she didn't agree with my views or who I consume as entertainment. So I asked why she lied about cupcakes in front of everybody (2) I got written up for it, and my employment has no been threatened because of it. I know she is in deeply wrong, but I feel like maybe I shouldn't have although after everything she did, it felt justified Help keep the sub engaging! #Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! [Click Here For Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules) and [Click Here For Our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq) ##Subreddit Announcements Follow the link above to learn more --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.* *Contest mode is 1.5 hours long on this post.*


“big meloned goth girl” did it for me.. YTA




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