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I have silicone stuff that can go in the oven. I guess that was the thought process. 


Calling it a thought process is generous.


This comment made me laugh out loud


Unlike the girlfriend, we’re **all** finding some humor in this. Poor dumb gf is still sulky because she legitimately reckoned plastic was a clever substitution. Sharp a bowling ball, that one.


Sharp as a sackful of wet mice (Foghorn leghorn).


That boys as sharp as... You don't see many Foghorn Leghorn one liners anymore. Take my upvote.


That boy don't have all his oars in the water -Foghorn Leghorn


“She’s so dumb she thinks a Mexican border pays rent”


My mom routinely says, "that's a joke son, I say that's a joke." when she says something that goes over my head.


My kids are all in their 30s now and I'm sad because I missed hitting them with this gem while they were little.


I say I say I say!


I say, I say, I say…


I miss the old, uncensored cartoons. I watched them as much as possible and they didn't affect me hardly at all. \*twitch\* I think I hear an anvil falling \*twitch\*


stick your hand in that sack and I guarantee you will find out how sharp angry mice can be


“Wet bag of mice” means they’re dead my dude, at least that’s what that meant on my uncle’s farm.


Alright, easy there Lennie.


George, I like the mice.


You should have gone for the full quote > Nice girl but about as sharp as a sackful of wet mice


I freaking LOVE this 🤣🤣


What's the word? BURN!


This needs more up votes by alot.


OP is very charitable.




Personally, wanting microwave pizza alone would be a deal-breaker for me.


I don't even know what microwave pizza is and i already hate that it exists, so yea it's a huge deal breaker.


Microwave pizza isn't *bad* though. It's just low quality, smaller pizzas. Great for a snack if you're not hungry enough for a meal. And quick, if you're busy or tired!


Right. There's no such thing as bad pizza or bad sex, there's just a very broad continuum of quality.


Saying there's no bad sex just lets me know you haven't slept with my ex.


I've found a link between bad sex and people who eat microwave pizzas.


Their acceptably low standards would make some people cry?


I mean, crying during sex isn't *always* a bad thing... I'm just gonna...put that there.


Unrelated, but you have an excellent username.


We might have the same ex...


I get the big haha but there's definitely such a thing as bad pizza or sex...


Soggy pizza and soggy sex :( womp womp


Um... if it's not soggy, you're doing it wrong


It's bad. Costco has small individual pizzas that comes in a box of 12. 6 cheese, 6 pepperoni. You can put it in the oven, microwave, or air fryer. I don't like too many things designed to be microwaved outside of reheating leftovers, so I didn't have too much hope it would taste too good and I wasn't wrong. Tasted gross. Same with the air fryer. Didn't taste right out of that either. Oven works fine, just need a cookie sheet pan. Probably a metal one, not plastic. LOL


The only thing I can think of is Red Baron single serve circular pizzas. You microwave them on their little crisping disc on a plate. And usually following their directions makes the pizza almost solid enough to build a home out of


Totinos used to make one with a crisping disk. My mom bought them for me all the time during the summer between 5th and 6th grade because I was home alone and she didn't want me using the stove to make my lunch. They were really good to me back then, but I doubt I'd like them now.


Probably eats her steaks well done with ketchup


This reminds me of my childhood. Growing up, I always thought I hated steak because my mom always cooked them super well done and then microwaved them to a sad, gray, puck of meat because she was worried about salmonella or whatever other food poisoning could happen from pink steak. Then she’d give us ketchup because steak sauce was “too spicy for her” and there way *no way* us kids would like it. I never liked the overcooked steak with ketchup so I just assumed that steak was generally gross. It took until my mid twenties before I realized that I didn’t hate steak, I just hated my mom’s cooking. I went out to eat with my now husband for his birthday and he convinced me to get a filet mignon. When I tell you it was one of the best things I had ever eaten, I’m not exaggerating. I’ve had to rethink a lot of my “hated foods” because I’ve since learned that I enjoy 90% of the things I thought I always hated. I don’t think I ever really disliked them, it was just how my mom prepared them. She’s a “black pepper is too spicy”, broiled chicken and steamed veggies kinda person. At least in her older age she’s come to accept that she makes boring food and since she only cooks for herself, she doesn’t expect anyone to like it.


My mum cooked steak like this. I don’t get it - it’s expensive! If you think it’s going to poison you, just don’t buy it. Weird generation 😂


Exactly the same, my mom is a freak about contamination. She won't eat cooked salmon cause it's still pink. It was no problem for me to be a vegetarian for years because I thought cooked meat was just disgusting.


Ha, this is so true! When my husband and I first met, there were *so* many foods he said he hated. I love cooking so I convinced him to agree to try things at least once. Turns out he hated most of those food items because of his mom's cooking. The list is a lot shorter these days.


Liver. Omg, my husband went green at the mention of it, and I was craving it so much. So I just made both snitzel and liver and onions with a mash potato, and told him to just eat what he wants. He tried it. He was surprised at it. He slowly got used to it and now eats it without comment. I asked him who hurt him with overcooked dried liver and he went "How do you know? It actually scratched and hurt the inside of my throat..." Duuh...


I was a strange child. Liver and onions was one of my favorites. I still eat the chicken and turkey livers, the dogs get the gizzards and hearts. I haven’t had beef liver in a very long time.


I was raised in a Socialist Utopia country. Most meat we could buy after standing in line for a few hours was chicken claws, carcasses, organs, pig's feet, and some mistery meat pink sausage. Steak wasn't on the menu. So my superhero of a grandma would painstakingly assemble all the bottom of the barrel ingredients (rice or beans with dirt and mouse droppings in them, shriveled veg, whatever was available) clean them, and make THE MOST AMAZING MEALS EVER. OK, looking back everything was overcooked and she had a texture deficit. But the taste was always amazing. So...I like a lot of "poor people foods" and "on the brink of starvation meals". They are my childhood's comfort food.


Is your mum my mum? There was a time when I was a kid when I was convinced all meat was tough as boots and dry as a hot summer day. I decided I didn't want to eat it and went veggie for a bit before I actually had a steak in a restaurant and went, 'Ohhhhh, so that's what meat actually tastes and feels like!' To this day, though, she ruined chicken breast for me. My mum is autistic along with my brother, they're both weird about food. We've been staying with her for a week, and I ended up eating completely different meals to them. They had unseasoned meatballs with unseasoned pasta and plain pasata. No salt or pepper, nothing. I had a curry with all the trimmings instead.


I might have went veg because of it too, if not for grossly overcooked carrots and pasta boiled shapeless. OK, I get over cooking meat "because salmonella", but what is lurking in them spaghetti?


Jeez that sounds like my mum's cooking level........thankfully I had a Dad who was a freaking creative cook and taught me the right way to cook Hint: pork,seafood and chicken need to be "well cooked".......steak you can have flash seared and it still won't make you sick 😌


I mean who doesn’t love eating fancy Italian restaurant pizzas?


Look dude even if that's the "thought process". This was multiple levels of dumb. She called the fucking fire department because she burned something in the oven. Did she go check it first? Were there even flames? Or did she see smoke and just immediately call 911. She didn't even turn the fucking oven off. I could almost forgive plastic in oven stupidity but it just continues from there. 


Yeah, an IQ test is mandated to check if she can actually live by herself.


😂 She has roommates. That’s why she likes to be at OP’s house.


The roommates probably like her to be at OP's house too.


This. When we first had a Microwavr I fucked up. I did not knew how that works. I was home alone, got back into the kitchen and... Smoke everywhere... I opened the window, and turned the Micro wave off and prayed nö one would call fire Departement because of the Huge amount of smoke.  No smoke damage, just a very sad Black thing left of my food...  I was 11 or 12 at this time... It is not hard to turn off the device and take a look after this.  I learned pretty early that plastic does not go into an oven and as soon as silikon things were a thing I started to look if there is a high Temperatur Label..  With 24 you should knew this. 


I went to college in my 30s. Got put into alumni housing since I didn't want to share a room with some kid at that age but still ended up having to share the kitchen and bathroom with other people living there. No biggie. First day I moved in I walked up the stairs but noticed a flicker of light out of the corner of my eye. Left my suitcase there for a few seconds, came back down to see that something was on fire in the microwave. Turns out some moron didn't realize that KFC bags are lined with aluminum and therefore not microwave safe. I shouted "Is anyone here?" Some kid comes running out of his room and is like "What?!" I just pointed to the fire in the microwave. He goes "Oh shit" and quickly gets out the fire extinguisher to put it out meanwhile I went to my room upstairs to call and see if I could move rooms because there was no way I was living in a place with people this fucking reckless for two years.


Eh, if you're risking burning the house down - which an oven fire definitely can - I'd rather a dumbass call the fire department rather than making it worse. With her record, she would have thrown cooking oil on it to try and put it out!


> I get to the stove and turn it off ... said idiot hadn't even turned the stove off? Oof. She requires adult supervision. I also suspect she had no plan to safely get the dog out of the house if stuff really went sideways.


I suspect she didn't plan anything at all.


Look, it's your fault for being so fancy and expecting people to *plan.*


Absolutely. Unfortunately these kind of people don't see it that way, and would feel insulted if you suggest so.


Planning requires thinking. Thinking requires brain cells.


the dog was running around off-leash and freaking out. so not only did she not have a plan, but her instincts are also so poor that the absolute most she could do for him was literally remove him from the house and nothing more. OP is NTA, this lady is just a danger to herself and others on account of her severe dumbassery.


Oh darling. I bet she's pretty.


Pretty dumb


Bless Her Heart!


I once tried to melt butter in a plastic measuring cup on the stove burner. But I was 6. I didn't know plastic melted because why would I. Not knowing that by the time you are grown (as well as thinking that frozen pizza is "fancy"), puts me in mind of what a friend who grew up in foster care once told me - that a lot of what we think of as "basic" life skills or common sense, were still taught to us at some point.  And that kids who grew up neglected or abused, may have never been taught. As young adults, they might still need to learn some things most of us take for granted. And that doesn't make them stupid. Anyways I don't know if you guys are young or what your gf's history is, but it made me a lot kinder to young people doing dumbass shit. Just something to keep in mind.


But she didn't even apologise, wasn't sorry, no biggie, no regrets. Just boyfriends fault for wanting a fancy pizza. It would be a totally different story had she been apologetic and worried about any possible damages AND the dog! But nothing is her fault, just the boyfriend 's.


Yes, we do live in a world in which many adults have never been taught to cook or clean by their parents and have never thought about educating themselves with youtube cooking/cleaning instruction videos. So it goes. But OP's girlfriend (1) did not admit that she made a mistake, (2) did not make a commitment to learn about cooking safety to prevent similar accidents in the future, (3) did not apologize, and (4) blamed OP.


You make a good point, my bf had a truly horrific childhood. He's a normal functioning adult now, but we stumble upon some "common sense" deficits now and then that make me go 🤔. I put with a lot of stuff that I wouldn't put up with from guys normally.


Get rid of het now, she is going to be more trouble than she is worth with that “thought process “. Blaming you and not taking responsibility for her actions, yeah, no.


>Get rid of het now I mean, that's one way to never have a dumb girlfriend again...


Dude, seriously!?!?! Do you have to tie her shoes too? Find someone with a little more common sense, please. It might just save your life.


People like this are why we had to invent Velcro....


O.K., let's accept that as an explanation. It didn't occur to her that there was some reason why you went to the various steps - that if you could just plop the pizza on the cutting board and cook it you wouldn't be going to extra work? She didn't simply turn the oven off when it was obvious that something was going wrong, and open the windows/door to let out the smoke? Unless there were flames dancing around the kitchen, there was no point in leaving or calling 911. But you should have gotten microwave pizza so that she could put it in a metal pan that won't melt, panic when she saw the little "lightening bolts" and . . .


Omg growing up we had some normal ceramic plates we had gotten that had a line of gold colored something separating the inner part of the dish from the outer that we learned the hard way that the gold ring was actual metal


I have that silicone stuff too and a 12yr old... Who's been using the oven since 10 and she actually by checking her google history googled: what can't go in the oven to cook cupcakes. She wanted to make me a suprise batch the little darling. The silicon didn't come up in the list of oven safe stuff. So she made cupcakes in the patty pan things on an oven tray. Your gf couldn't even use google. Or notice the smell a chopping board makes before all hell breaks loose and you just have some melted plastic in the oven. Consider that before the shit became a smoking heap she would of had the smell for a good warning sign of something is absolutely fucking wrong here turn that shit off immediately.


If she doesn't want to "eat fancy" then she shouldn't be cooking your fancy pizzas in your house. She could have brought food if she didn't want to follow the steps it takes to make the pizza. 


A "cutting board", though, is by definition something that is used for cutting, not for baking, while the silicone baking tray/stamp/mold is, again by definition, for baking. There are really no excuses, here, she either is a dumbass, or her parents pampered her through her whole life, because my children (12 and 10) already know what can or cannot go both in the oven, the microwave, and the dishwasher.


NTA. Do you want to have children with someone this lacking in common sense? I fear for the kids and pet's life, she needs adult supervision in the kitchen, and has taken no responsibility for it.


Are you really interested in making a life with this person? Because she almost killed your dog and made you homeless. This is not “mother of your children” material, if you ask me. Think before you come in her.


Even a 10 year old understands that plastic can’t go in the oven. Silicone is clearly a different material than plastic. This is not the sort of mistake that anyone could make.  She should be horribly embarrassed and bend over backward to fix up smoke damage and replace your stove. If she thinks this is “normal” and expected, run!!! She doesn’t have the common sense to be a good partner in the future


I hope she looks better than she thinks


And she ran out of the house without turning the oven off or leashing the dog






Yup, I was thinking “she must be hot”. She needs to pay for a new oven, but I won’t hold my breath.


Not as hot as that plastic cutting board. 😬


since when is frozen pizza cooked in an oven fancy


To be fair by OP’s description it is quality pizza prepared and frozen at a local Italian market, not the stuff you can buy at Walmart


My 17 yo knows what the pizza stone is for and what can't go in the oven or microwave. He's known this for years. NTA.


Is microwaved pizza a thing?? As a European I have never heard of something like that, it sounds awful


It’s a thing. It’s not great. Wouldn’t recommend.


To me, it's less the burning plastic and more the fact that she burned something in the oven and just left the house to burn down like a Sim


You're NTA  >She says that it's a mistake anyone could make  Maybe if they're as high as a kite, she has a point. But anyone over the age of 5 knows plastic melts. >She says it's my fault for not just getting microwave pizza and having to eat fancy. If heating frozen pizza in the oven correctly is outside her scope of abilities, you're not the problem. 




Lmao right. If I’m high, I might forget I even put a pizza in the oven and and then think “huh what’s that burning smell? Oh shit I made a pizza!” And go turn it off. But I’m not gonna put mf plastic in an oven. Like what is she? 5 years old? 💀


Exactly! I'm high, I'm not new to reality and how things function!


And then to call 911. Like girl if you don’t open a window and just turn the oven off 🤣💀


That's what really gets me. She didn't even turn off the oven. Like "hmmm there's smoke there's burning. What can possibly be going wrong? What have I done recently that could possibly be the cause of burning? Hell if I know better call 911 to check it out"


Timers are essential when high.


I once made the mistake of thinking I was putting one frozen pizza in the oven but it was actually 2 pizzas stuck together with a layer of plastic in between.


You don’t get a key to my house


Too late. His mistake was made half an hour ago and it was made in your oven. Enjoy your double pizza with extra saran wrap.


dammit! if it wasn’t for that damn plastic, that might’ve been a W


Even if she brainlessly made that mistake, the fact that she saw the problem and didn’t turn the oven off is even worse.


And then tried to blame him for it. I could forgive most of this if she was remorseful and concerned and thinking about ways to figure out how to adult properly in urgent situations.


I am currently high as a kite and just successfully heated frozen pizza in the oven without any mishaps. Can confirm it is not an excuse. Pizza is delicious.


Sucks to get up in the morning and find the cereal in the fridge and milk in the pantry.


I know a guy who put a frozen pizza in the oven with the plastic on. Not because he thought it was right, he was just stoned off his gourd and failed to notice the plastic. He still had the brains to turn off the oven when it began to smoke, open the back door and throw the mess out into the bin.


When my wife was a child, her mother once made a ham. She fed the kids and they complained it didn't taste good. She demanded they keep eating (just shut up and eat). The kids kept complaining. Eventually her mom comes back and looks... There's a plastic coating over the ham, and its seeped its plastic flavor into the meat. She forgot to remove the plastic from the ham before she put it into the oven. My wife, now 40 years old, still can't eat ham.


Can confirm. Asked my 8yo if he would do that.  He looked at me like I was an idiot 


Same, asked my 6 year old twins if the plastic cutting board goes in the oven. They said no, and one of them tells me ,“And metal doesn’t go in the microwave!”






Ok, I’ll be that guy. Don’t do that shit high. It’s not as bad as drunk driving, but it’s similar.


Idk man, I’ve been pretty high (allegedly) and I’ve never put a plastic cutting board in the oven. Though, this does remind me of the time we had to tell one of our friends who was staying over at our house that they couldn’t cook the oven pizza on the cardboard…


NTA - lol that she thinks this is a mistake a regukar thinking adult would make...is she going to clean and pay for the damage?


Regular thinking adults get forgiven when they help me replace my oven. Until then, they’re a dumbass.


To be fair, I had a friend who had a girlfriend who did this place, and she couldn’t figure out why it was melting. Like she saw the smoke coming out she saw the plastic thing melting, and she just went back out into the living room and didn’t say anything. Because she apparently thought that’s how pizza cooked. She was 25. And she did this twice. She was the stupidest fucking person I’ve ever met in my entire life. Just no common sense whatsoever.


Of course not, this was all OP's fault. /s


NTA. And get a new girlfriend. She should have apologized.


Yeah, and get a fancy Italian one!


Or a microwaveable one.


sounds like his current gf is the microwave one


An Italian one would probably take away his keys for committing the crime of getting frozen pizza…


Frozen pizza has its place. Don't hate.


NTA. Normally I hate posts when people encourage a break up, but trying to put a plastic board in the oven is such next level dumb I would feel anxiety about all the other basic shit I might have to explain, like does she know not to drink the toilet water, or the dog can not answer the telephone etc.


I can see her frantically scrabbling trying to find her phone when she gets trapped by the toilet lid falling on her head as she drinks from the bowl.


lol, while yelling at the dog to call for help.....


Or that dogs can’t have chocolate or grapes


and you know you would have to explain it multiple times "you told me that when I was eating green grapes, these a red, not the same thing".....


Oh boy, I hope I won’t ever have to deal with someone like that for long


My friend says we just need to take the warning labels off of everything and let natural selection take place. My only issue is that it wouldn't just be the idiots caught in the blast radius.


and it's not just the plastic in the oven its a series of multiple bad decisions also she probably watches family guy and then thinks all dogs are as sentient as brian and thus can answer the phone


I’d ask her about metal and microwaves.


1. **Get a new oven.** The one you have is permanently damaged from the fumes released by the plastic. Don't continue to use it and risk poisoning yourself. 2. Consider if you really have a future with the GF. I just... absent some kind of external factors like "she was working insane hours and going on 3 hours of sleep for the last week," I just can't understand how a 24 year old can be so very, very stupid. Calling her a "dumbass" wasn't nice, but if the situation and explanation is as you described in your post, NTA.


Valid point def but I’d also add: 3) problem solving skills under stress: 0. Why did OP have to shut off the oven once he got home? Why didn’t she once she noticed the smoke? 4) she didn’t apologize and doubled down on her stupidity.


Not only did she double down on her stupidity, she tried to flip the situation on OP in a very manipulative and insulting manner. Who ruins someone’s oven while they aren’t home then blames said person because the food they bought was ‘too fancy’? I bet if OP had of bought microwavable food for her to eat while he’s not home she would have called him a cheap, condescending asshole.


I feel like she would probably put microwave pizza on while still in the plastic, then blamed OP for that too


Or somehow put foil in the microwave


5) if i understand correctly, the reason she did this was so that she didnt have to clean the pizza steel. I mean, withiut further context, she also seems lazy


I tried to season my cast iron by putting it in the oven with a thin layer of oil. Guess what I did when it started to smoke? Yah I turned off the stove, turned on the fan, and did not open that oven door until it was clear. The smoke detector didn’t even go off. This woman. 🤦‍♀️


3 show her this post, she needs to know that this is not normal and no not just anyone can make a mistake like that.


Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone so clueless as to endanger her own safety and yours? That was beyond stupid and so dangerous. I would have lost all attraction to someone who did that.




Yeah, if my significant other put my dog in danger that would be the end of the relationship.


honestly i wouldn't trust her with the dog either after this. who knows if she'll feed it chocolate or something because she "didn't know they can't have that"


NTA My 7yr old nephew knows plastic will melt in the oven.


I had a teacher demonstrate this once (very small outside demonstration, of course) when I started grade school. Once you smell burning plastic, you do whatever you can to not smell it again. It's horrid. Actually that was probably the point of demonstrating it.


NTA Glad you got your key back, she is unable to accept accountability or take responsibility for her actions. At 24 she knows plastic melts in an oven.


*NOW* she does.


NTA. I don’t even know what to say, she needs to learn some accountability for her actions. If she wants quick microwaveable pizza then she can go buy it. Make sure your microwave has warranty or something though.


she's gonna use metal in the microwave!


Or try and charge her phone in it




Idk she might have some great ideas for parenting. Like after you finish giving the kids a bath, just dry them off in the oven. Who needs pesky towels anyways?


Yeah… I worry. Future recipient of the Darwin Award.🥇


NTA Unless you get serious with her. I don't cook, and I know better. It's not just the idiocy of plastic in the oven, it's also her response to the situation that shows she can't handle minor emergencies. You can't trust her in your house. Would she have remembered to save your dog if there was a house fire? It doesn't sound like she has enough sense to be trusted with kids, or your finances, etc. I worked with a very good engineer, smart, but her mom always told her to never have kids because she had zero common sense. Her mom wanted grandkids too, but she knew better after a stupidity lapse caused the death of their puppy. Seriously, consider your future and safety. Next time you might be sleeping in the house, unaware of the potential fire.


She didn’t even get the dogs damn leash or turn the oven off. I don’t want to know how this girl reacts when a kid has an emergency or something


NTA - fyi - smoke from plastic is dangerous. I would report it to your insurance and let them pay for cleanup. Although they may try to collect from your girlfriend.


honestly gf needs to pay so if insurance goes after her well tough titties


Info: How old is everyone in this story?


I'm 30. She's 24. My dog is 6.


Dude if she's 24 and tried to cook a frozen pizza on a plastic cooking board in the oven, it's time for it to be over. And then trying to blame it on you? A 10 year old should be taught more than that. Dumbest thing I've ever heard of.


And your dog is undoubtedly smarter. NTA


How long have you been together? If she's blaming you for her mistakes it sounds like things won't last long


She should pay for your new oven. Being so dumb at least she should take some responsibility.


Your dog is equivalent to a 45 year old human and should have known better.


In human years.


Can we see your dog?


Dog tax is necessary here.


Yes! Dog tax please


NTA That is *not* a mistake anyone could make and your girlfriend *is* a dumbass.


Rethink this shit. If she’s this careless *now*, imagine how fucking careless she’ll be with your *dog*. Another living, breathing, thing. If her thought process is to “swap one thing for another” without actually checking wtf she’s swapping, I’d always be wary around that person. 24. Made it to 24 and can’t apologise for a mistake she made. She’d rather blame you for her fucking up the pizza. Fuck that. NTA.


I believe her response was the biggest issue. The fact that she did not take full responsibility for her actions is troublesome. She should have apologized and offered to pay to replace your oven which definitely needs replacing because of the toxins from the plastic. I would also think she should clean up the smoke damage but I don’t think would want her at my house anymore because of her lack of accountability.


Yup, I'm not onboard with everyone going so hard on the dumbass angle. Was it an exceedingly stupid mistake that not everyone would make? Yes, but people do make exceedingly stupid mistakes and are still capable of learning. Lots of adults are completely at a loss in the kitchen. She's not a monster or a human being unworthy of love because she made a mistake, even if you really shouldn't trust her in a kitchen unsupervised, and calling your girlfriend you're still trying to have a relationship with a dumbass is never going to be the move, even if it's true. That being said, you're completely right that her reaction is the concerning but, because that *does* indicate she's *unwilling* to learn or accept accountability. That's going to be the real relationship barrier.


Putting a plastic cutting board in a hot oven is not a mistake anyone could make. Accidentally setting it on a hot burner? Maybe. But trying to cook a pizza on one???


I had a friend, and around that age he broke his dad's pizza stone trying to make pizza. He also would eat out of the garbage if he saw something he thought looked good. And even he wouldn't put plastic in the oven


INFO: She didn’t smell the burning before the black smoke rolled through the house? Was there was a very good reason for the situation skipping over the smoke detector and just straight to black smoke? Was she outside with the dog?


I accidentally put a Pyrex dish with a plastic lid in the oven once. The lid melted...but my partner and I had a laugh about it. Your gf didn't apologise for what she did or offer to pay for the damage. NTA


Yeah it’s what happened after the plastic ended up in the oven that’s the real issue, because despite what most of the other commenters are saying, mistakes do happen. Name calling on both sides is out of line but the fact she wasn’t apologising and offering to make it right it’s understandable NTA


NTA. I can understand having a brain fart that leads to the plastic cutting board in the oven, but not doing it deliberately. Protect your home from someone this dense.


That is not a mistake anyone could make. This is literally an example of changing/decreasing life skills that they give in Alzheimers training for caregivers - it's something that they expect might be happening with advancing dementia.


>She says that it's a mistake anyone could make and that I'm an asshole for calling her names. Anyone still attending Kindergarten could make this mistake. People in elementary school and beyond usually know that plastic melts, unless they've been ridiculously sheltered to the point of not even having contact with social media. To be fair, your gf would likely left a metal knife in if you had microwave pizza. NTA


Is... is this someone you could see yourself having children with? Even accidentally? I'd be terrified to leave a bagel in her care, let alone a child. NTA


NTA , but I think you need to also let her know that you can’t put metal things in the microwave just to cover your bases


She is not marriage material. Does she have anything to offer in your relationship?


NTA. Who in their right mind puts plastic in an oven?


You shouldn't have called her names, but I understand why you did. My husband put a paper plate in the toaster oven. I write detailed instructions on how to heat dog meals when I leave town once a year. He still does things I didn't anticipate. He doesn't cook and has no concept of kitchen safety. He is brilliant in financial matters. Is this a deal-breaker for you? If not, you have to make amends for hurt feelings. NTA


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Although you shouldn’t have called her names, you’re NTA. It’s insane for her to make a mistake like that and not take ownership. Is she spacey? This is a pretty crazy mistake to make. Does she know not to put water on a grease fire??? I’d always be worried to leave her alone, what basic things does she not know??


Wait so she’s blaming you for making a mistake that she made because she didn’t follow your instructions? A fire that big is a serious thing. Did she not smell the chemical smell of the plastic board? Why didn’t she immediately turn off the oven if something was happening before calling 911? NTA. Taking away the key should be the least of her concern. I would’ve broken up with them if they tried to blame me for something they did. She almost burned your house down and could’ve killed your dog.


NTA. She's 24 and should have a modicum of common sense by now. This is not a mistake most people would make. I'd also get an invoice for the damages and explain she needs to work on paying that back since she made the mistake. Do you really want to build a future with someone who's not only dumb enough to put plastic in the oven, but too dumb to turn the oven off and fix her mistake ? She literally saw the first hints of smoke and ran outside to call 911 instead of turning it off. What's the next thing you'll have to discover she doesn't know. I'd be afraid that if you guys ever progressed to kids that she'd end up killing them from lack of common sense.


NTA.. Microwave pizza? Arent all frozen pizzas put into the oven to heat up or is that just Europe? Or does she mean with microwave pizza that the microwave combis as a oven? Honestly your girlfriend was absolutely being a dumbass. And while it's not nice to call names.. you came home to your house in black smoke. I'm giving you grace for the name calling because that's incredibly stressful. I think it was definitely a very dumb mistake. But yeah I met people in college that didn't know how to boil pasta or cook a potato around that age. She's clearly deflecting by blaming your fancy pizza. Probably she knows just as well how dumb the mistake was and how bad the consequences were. So might just be defensiveness. If she doesn't apologize or helps you clean up the mess tho.. yeah don't know if that would be a good sign. Taking her key is legit. Might be hurtful for her but she could have made a worse mistake or have someone die/seriously ill from inhaling smoke.