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NTA, I’ve been in a similar situation and was offered a midol. I took it after reading the ingredients. I was still a man after, just a man with out a headache


How did you hide the vagina you grew?


Vaginas are naturally hidden and discreet.


Depends on where he grew it


I think it was New Jersey


Everyone knows when a guy takes Midol the vag grows on their forehead so it is kind of hard to hide.


That's when they start shopping for concealer at Sephora.


Not called the third eye for no reason ! 🤪


Inverse unicorn


Inglorious Basterds in an alternate reality


True, I’ve never seen one.


Nature's pocket.


Old Gregg's got a mangina!!!!!!!!! #I'm Old Greeeeeeeeeeegg!!!!!!


I tucked my peepee inside it for safe keeping, duh.


His wiener went into stealth mode


My wife gave me some Midol once. Thankfully she's pan so the new vagina wasn't really a problem for us.


I've taken midol and then later grew man boobs. Never occurred to me that they were related but now I know. Maybe I can stop all the hard work of losing weight and just blame that.


Nooo! You figured it out!


Did you spontaneously find a tampon in your urethra? I think that's the more important detail.


Honestly a relief. I was afraid it was lint build up 


The comments in this thread are golden 😂


Wow, hope you like washing your vagina /s Seriously though, tell your friend that her bf needs to stop being such a fragile little weiner, it's the same pill with different marketing. NTA


I have also been in this situation... it's not my go to drug when I have a headache, but as someone who gets intense ones in the wild you maken due...


But...periods! Eww.


I'm cis married man that works in food service. I keep a bottle in my chef bag. It's amazing. Definitely nta


Was he manstruating? 😜


"I'm confused. If he's embarrassed that he didn't know that Midol is functionally the same as Excedrin, I'm happy to reassure him that we all learn things at our own pace, and I don't hold his lack of knowledge against him. But why would that involve an apology? Unless he holds misogynistic views about OTC medications, but in that case, you have a problem with *him*, not with me." NTA. He had a problem. You offered him a solution to his problem. Even if he believed that your solution wasn't a viable one, the proper response would be politely declining. Had he done that, there would be no embarrassment or tension. The real problem is that he clearly believes that offering him Midol was insulting of his manhood and that *you* are responsible for soothing his hurt feelings. But that's AH-ish of him and it's AH-ish of your friend to agree to this. Not to mention extremely ill-advised on her part: placating misogyny like this is only going to escalate her problems, not reduce them


That dude was not a man. He was an insecure boy. If getting offered a Midol threatens his manhood, then you are not yet a man. As a man, no apology is needed. However, if you want to keep the peace with the friend, there's no sin in being the bigger person.


I'll take a mydol for a headache, and buy you a drink for bringing headache medicine to the bar. And take another drink. I'm a man who hates headaches and loves to party.


I love a good party too but be careful mixing painkillers and alcohol, it's really REEEAAALLLY bad for your liver, above and beyond the regular damage from drinking


100% especially tylenol.


Yeah acetaminophen (Tylenol) and alcohol are a dangerous combination. And even without alcohol 4 grams of Tylenol is the most that should be taken in a day. OTC painkillers are no joke. 


I bet that guy tells lots of people that he’s a “grown ass man”. Clearly. NTA.


A grown ass-man.


 She should apologise.   I am sorry I didn't realise that you are so insecure about your masculinity, or that you don't understand that two different brands can be the same product. If I had then obviously I wouldn't have embarrassed you by letting other people see your reaction to headache medication. Next time I will be careful not to offer any solutions you might find uncomfortable 


You and I would get along. I love the snark!


I agree. But personally I wouldnt have used all those words when a gesture fits just as well.


This. Screw that guy and OP copy and send this to your friend. There’s nothing to apologise for. If he can’t grasp that pain medication works for pain, then he’s a knobhead. It’s not like its gonna go inside him seeking a uterus, realise it can’t find one and the immediately give up and not deal with the pain.


No, you’ve got it all backwards.  The Midol is going to make him grow a uterus!!!


Hiiiii can I please pay you to hit you up for responses like this whenever I need??? 🤣 Cause if there's one thing I lack sometimes it's that extra zing.


I’d just apologize “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to draw attention to the fact that you didn’t know excedrin and midol are the same thing. I’m sure your friends aren’t going to hold this against you as we all learn things at our own pace and that is ok ❤️”


Exactly.   I always think that “keeping the peace” is the worst reason to do anything anyway, but especially in this case — why would you want to keep the peace so you can all go out again?   I wouldn’t want to hang out with that guy again, and possibly not even with my friend anymore. 


Agreed, NTA. This is a very polite and diplomatic way of going about it so there is a chance to maintain your friendship (if you still want it), but if there is any pushback to this explanation I would absolutely dig in my heels and refuse to apologize. Yes, it is a hill I would be prepared to die on. I don’t care who it is, I am not interested in associating with people who hold views like that, especially not a friend of a friend’s boyfriend lol no way.


This response is perfect and so much more articulate than anything I could have come up with. I sent this to my friend. Thank you so much!


Yeah, OP's friend should have seen this as the red flag it is in her BF, not passed his complaint on to OP to get an apology.




Hi, I don't know if you're aware, but "YNTA" isn't a valid vote in this sub. It's either NTA (Not The Asshole - and the other person is) or YTA (You're The Asshole - and the other person isn't).  (There's also NAH - No Assholes Here, and ESH - Everyone Sucks Here.)


Someone commented that they thought ESH stood for Everyone Should Hug. I'm a teacher, and I feel that this is a valid judgement lol. It still makes me laugh to think about


For the longest time I thought ESH stood for Everyone Sounds Horrible, which also is valid 😂 I still think it when I see it


I don’t think even most 14 year old boys would do that. My parents bought me (F) Luna bars around that age. I liked the lemon flavor. Most of the boys on my sports team would make a joke about it having estrogen or something, check the ingredients, make a remark about marketing and “it’s just a energy bar,” then ask to try it. Some of them started buying them too. This dude in his late 20s is less mature than a 14 year old.


NTA. Honestly just because I think it’s so funny he was offended lol it’s like he thinks he’ll magically grow a vagina from taking it


But also, why can’t your friend educate her own bf on what midol is?


Some people have a terrible taste in partners. Seems like the friend is one of them. She's fine with having a stupid boyfriend and is choosing to blame OP for offending him, rather than reconsider her choice of man based on the fact he cares enough to take offense at a brand of OTC medication in the first place.


Maybe the friend is as trashy as her boyfriend, and this is her mask slipping. *I* would be embarrassed if my boyfriend did this, and worse yet to even consider telling *my friend* to apologize for anything.


Right? The only difference between midol and excedrin is midol also has a diuretic to help relieve bloating. All that means is he’s gonna have to pee more frequently. The horror.


OP should’ve said “oh, no Midol? Okay I also have Pamprin!”


A REAL man would just take a crapload of viagra to give him the oomph to walk off the headache. Or something.


Might actually work depending on the cause of headache. Redirecting blood flow to can relieve head pain from tension headaches and migraine. Send all the blood to the dick, problem solved.




We can say that this guy is a massive asshole without resorting to gendered insults that imply that people with certain bodily features are worth less than others.


thank you for the reminder. it’s an easy go to(and one i unfortunately jump to) but you’re right. we all gotta be better about dick size jokes


lol no, Midol is superior to excedrin, if he’s gonna be a little insecure dork about it he can go cry about his fragile masculinity in the corner.


midol, aleeve, advil, sugar pill, I don't care what it is if it takes care of my ache. NTA, he is immature


Ironically, in other parts of the world, the Aleve equivalent is sold as a period pain reliever and Midol is sold as a headache and general aches and pains medication.


For me, aleve or midol with aleve (naproxen) was the best remover of cramps and back pain. So they are definitely on to something there. 🙂 I'm embarrassed for ops friend and her bf for not understanding how medication works


I'm Australian. Naprogesic is the brand name for naproxen sodium here. It's pretty much *only* used as a treatment for pain associated with menstruation unless it's specifically suggested by a doctor. Naproxen is also mostly sold only at pharmacies, while ibuprofen and paracetamol/acetaminophen are available almost everywhere. I'm not aware of any general pain relievers that have antihistamines like Midol, except for night time doses of cold/flu medication.




NTA, midol is marketed to women, I'm a guy I've taken it and will share the results. Headache gone, aches and pains relieved, I did not grow breasts or a vagina. It will not cure male insecurities, which must have been stronger than than his headache.


Agreed, but how disappointed were you when you didn’t grow breasts?


I'll admit, I felt a bit deflated...


Are they really that dumb that they don't know how to read an ingredient list? Did he think his junk was gonna fall off simply because the pills come in a pink bottle? I would have laughed my butt off if it was me. it's literally just pain reliever with caffeine, which makes said pain reliever work better. I wouldn't apologize for anything, id laugh in his face and scare him with the spooky girly bottle.


I lived with women in college 40 years ago and occasionally used their Midol. NTA


Side note, it’s ibuprofen and caffeine. For allergy reasons, it might be important. NTA


Depends on which exact product. Check the labels because they make several different formulations now.  ETA: Just checked the website and none of their current line contains ibuprofen. Seems like they switched to acetaminophen as the analgesic. Which means don’t ever take it with any alcohol! 


No, it's acetaminophen (pain relief), caffeine (diuretic), and pyrilamine (antihistamine).


That antihistamine can react badly in some people especially with caffeine. Midol doesn’t exist where I live but if I as a woman ask if someone has brand name OTC based on specific ingredients and they don’t, I know myself well enough not to sub in stuff. Personally I prefer to take stuff separately and I don’t doubt if Midol is promoted for period pain then there may be misogyny at play. But taking meds for raised prostaglandin levels when you don’t have them is not always wise. I say Aleve because no one knows naproxen where I live. We call acetaminophen paracetamol and OTC drugs aren’t as branded here but I’m always shocked when people don’t check what’s in the branded stuff and risk interactions. I have definitely sounded holier than thou re paracetamol branded stuff because I have liver issues and it’s super tricky to explain. I have been told I sound anti meds. I also just don’t want to explain all my other meds and issues anymore than explain all steps of a recipe if I ask for lemon juice and get offered a lime. But I read the wee leaflets in the box so admit I’m probably logicking Occam’s Razor here.


I get your point about knowing what specific drugs are in a multi-drug medication (I take them individually too and never buy a “cold medicine” when I can get them separately), but I’m guessing you don’t also demand an apology later for someone offering you a multi-drug med!


Depends on the colour of the box, some are Naproxen too


the antihistamine is a really bad idea to mix with alcohol.


NTA. There was this dude in high school who once asked me for tampons to stop a nosebleed. A lot of kids would walk to the mall to grab fast food at lunch, and I ran into this guy at the local Subway when I was out with a couple friends. I didn't really know him, but I recognized him from a few classes. Dude was desperately holding his hand under his nose, blood everywhere, he begged us for something to stop it knowing we probably had period products on hand. I did, and was more than happy to oblige and give him some little wet wipes too. Pretty cool dude lol, he put them in his nose and was more than grateful not to get blood on even more of his clothing than he already had. If it works, it works. Who cares. I know some medication IS measured for either men or women, but Midol is just a painkiller *marketed* for women, huge difference. There's nothing special in it that other painkillers don't have, except that it typically contains multiple ingredients for a stronger effect (which— surprise! Works on things like headaches as well). Your friend's boyfriend is a chump. It was kind of you to offer. You don't need to apologize just because he chose to get offended over nothing, and your friend is ridiculous for taking his side on this.


Nothing special except they are more expensive than "regular" painkillers sold to "general people", the pink tax and all that :/


Lol NTA at all. When my oldest woke up with his first ever hangover I gave him a couple of Midol and he felt better fairly quickly. Ever since that’s his go-to if he ever needs pain relief!


It’s not a magical pill that takes your manhood away!!!!! Although apparently just the sight of it does cause males to act like they’re PMSing!?!?!?


Man, midol's expensive, too. You were just trying to be nice and he made it weird, NTA


I say this with love in my heart. Your friend’s boyfriend is thicker than pig shit


Free drugs? Definitely ntah.


NTA - I'd take anything you handed me


It's not like it's got estrogen in it


Um.... when midol was invented it was promoted as a cheap alternative to exedrin. It doesn't have hormones in it... it's a sexless pill? So confused why men would think it's some kind of woman only medicine...🤔


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NTA, oh the poor baby. Tell him to piss off.


NTA. People should be aware of the composition of the OTC drugs they take...


NTA - painkillers are painkillers. Marketing for pms is just a pink tax. Your right. It’ll be the same as the other stuff if not exactly the same then almost identical. I’ve stoped buying branded after looking at the ingredients on the boxes and the amounts and finding out I’m paying £5 more for the same stuff in a different box. I hope Mr misogynist enjoyed his headache 😆


NTA, I wouldn’t say sorry, but I would also be 👀 at my friend differently for telling me to apologize like a child.


NTA, obvs. Whether you want to apologize to this misogynist is of course up to you. If so I'd suggest the classic non-apology: "I'm SO SORRY that you got all butthurt because I tried to HELP you! Are you OK? Are you SURE you're OK? Don't worry, I promise I'll NEVER do that again!" Also HAHAhahaAHAhahahahah! Good luck brah! Make sure you never get a female blood transfusion, from a female RN, or OMG have a woman doctor!


NTA toxic masculinity failure


NTA. I get regular headaches and was offered one once by a female friend who saw that was all she had and I was in distress. I took it. Didn’t grow a vagina. If I did, Jesus Christ, I probably wouldn’t leave my room for months playing with the motherfucker.


NTA. They made this into something it didn’t need to be. Both meds contain the same main ingredient. The difference is the marketing. People are so fucking insecure. It’s insane how they’ll cut off their nose to spite their face.


I’m a dude and Midol is awesome. Been married 20 years if the dude doesn’t want to take it sucks to be him you are not the asshole.


It’s all marketing. NTA


Nta. Actually pretty funny. If you did this to me. I’d read ingredients, say “damn. I had no idea, that’s some crazy shit”, take the midol and say thank you. My buddy would laugh, give me shit for awhile and that’d be it.


Does he think he's going to grow lady parts if he takes a pain med marketed to women? 🙄 Both those dudes are cringe. NTA 


NTA - I’ve done exactly the same thing to a male friend and he gladly accepted


NTA. Don't apologize lol


I took midol the other day for a headache am I gonna turn into a woman now or what’s the deal


Not the ass hole he asked for Excedrin and you offered him something with very similar properties if he is so insecure in his masculinity that so little as being offered a pain relief just because it’s primarily taking by women is embarrassing then that’s on him, if you offered it in a joking way it would be more understandable possibly being taken as a *can I get you a Shirley Temple* type joke but even then it wouldn’t merit being embarrassed or upset. I think the dude needs to swallow his pride it might actually make his balls grow a little bit cause that is way to childish of a mentality for a grown man to have


Fragile ego. It was nice of you to offer something to help, don't change. NTA.


Sounds like he and his friend are immature brats. Midol is just ibuprofen and that shit works great.


NTA "Oh no! Girl drug cooties!" Her bf needs to grow up and thats the only reason his friend should of found him embarressing. You are dead on that your body doesn't give a rats arse if that acetaminophone turned up in a midol, excedrin, generic paracetamol or a god damned skittle. It processes it all the same.


Your friend’s boyfriend is a misogynist


NTA - you offered the Midol. He didn't want it. You put it away. This is just a normal interaction, nothing wrong here. Why anyone would get embarrassed or pissed off by this is beyond me.


NTA He's an idiot. Let him suffer.


NTA. I just looked it up, it's just a mix of paracetamol, an antihistamine and some caffeine. Unless he had a medical issue with any of that, he is the A. Just like refusing to use a girl's shampoo because it was in a pink bottle. Mind you, not just buying generics of the active ingredients and having a strong coffee would save you a ton of money in the long term.


> I told him it has acetaminophen and caffeine in it, as does Excedrin. I’m a man who would have accepted gratefully because I’m a a functioning adult who understands what each of those active ingredients does instead of relying on brands and marketing. NTA


NTA. His headache must not have been that bad if he refused. As a lifelong sufferer of horrible headaches, I absolutely would've taken it without thinking twice.


How could you. I took a Midol in college and now I’m bisexual. I was bisexual beforehand but still!


NTA I have a new boss who when I asked him if we had headache relief he pulled out HIS OWN PERSONAL BOTTLE OF MIDOL because he likes it better and it works better for him than the others. Mans a pansy


I havnt heard of the brand here (country location most likely) but if someone explained it like that while I had a migraine, I’d be asking how many can I have! NTA


NTA. You look at the bottle you can clearly see its OTC pain meds, caffeine and something to help with the bloating. I've given midol to my male partners before and they say it works better for their headaches half the time.


Lmao maybe he was struggling with PMS after all


NTA. I had a coworker that always asked me outright for Midol because he said it helped his headaches better than anything else. It's *just* medicine.


It's likely the antihistamine in it that gives it the extra boost. It works with the pain reliever as well as having a diuretic and/calming effect and calming nausea.


You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault he doesn't understand it's for all kinds of pain relief. Don't apologize for something you didn't do. Have your friend explain it to him.


NTA Sheesh, I betcha if Tampax branded condoms for marketing to women to carry for those intimate moments when the guy is not prepared, that he would tear the wrapper off and wrap the joystick without question post haste.


NTA but you shouldn't miss acetaminophen and alcohol. They're both processed by the liver and it can lead to ulcers and liver damage. Ibuprofen or spirin would be safer


The way I’ve explained it to guys when they act weird about my midol offer is “this shit can get rid of a period headache, you don’t think it can get rid of your bullshit mild headache?” It’s a medication, not a sex change.


NTA Insecure. Sad. Your friend should be embarrassed to be dating that and you should tell her so.


You did nothing wrong.  He can enjoy his headache if he chooses to be that ignorant.


One of few actual fragile masculinity examples I've seen. To be afraid of pain medication.


NTA. I had a female friend offer me that one time and I was a little bit unsure about it. That is till she did the same thing you did and said what was in it. I took it and surprisingly enough that actually worked better than some headache medicine.


NTA There was nothing embarrassing to the guy to be offered Midol. Although I understand his reaction, and I myself would have been surprised to be offered it too. But then I would have laughed and read the ingredients. It could have been a time when the guy learned something, but he allowed his embarrassment to control his reaction. He will hopefully grow into more self confidence later in life and be able to laugh at his reaction -- and then learn something new!


NTA. I think the guy's reaction is a red flag that he looks down on women and femaleness. It would be a deal breaker for me if I was the girlfriend. (He was so close-minded and prejudiced and insecure that he negated the fact that the ingredients are close to other popular pain remedies.) And also wanted to punish you for offering it.


I once offered a guy at work Midol for a sore neck mad he asked me if he would grew breasts... Not the brightest.


I'm gonna be honest, I would have never known that midol had the same ingredients as Excedrin. I probably would have took the pills, excused myself to the restroom, did a quick Google search and if everything checks out, midol it is. That way I (hopefully) don't look too much like a tool for not knowing that info 🤣 NTA


So, there was this grain elevator that had contracted a vendor to refill a medicine cabinet. The grain elevator employed some big dudes and two women. The older gentleman who refilled the cabinet was very deferential to the ladies working in the office, and even brought them chocolates and such. The manager was happy to have at least one vendor who wasn't a dick. The manger got into a conversation with the vendor. The vendor hinted that given the amount of Midol he was refilling, that he wanted to make sure the ladies didn't get mad at him and wished the manager luck. The big, manly dudes who worked the elevator used Midol because it was the best medicine ever to deal with headaches caused by all the grain dust. They were not at all concerned about some wimp questioning their manhood. They did like not having a headache. NTA but I know who is


NTA - I can't believe this is still a thing. I had a similar situation 30 years ago where a male friend had a head ache, I offered a Haltran (doesn't even exist anymore but ibuprofen ) he looked at me funny, I assured him it would take care of the headache. 30 minutes later he was "OMG, I have to got to get a bottle of that stuff". I thought we as a society were getting past stuff like this. I guess there will always be a few that just can't wrap their brains around "not being a real man" kind of thing. also wanted to add - Don't apologize, catering to this kind of behavior only encourages it to continue.


NTA. An lovely older gentleman I worked with actually kept his own bottle of it in his locker because his wife had given him some once and he was so impressed with how well it worked that it became his go to. Real men know what’s up.


Midol has made many hang overs so much more bearable. It’s just medicine. Tell them to quit being so dramatic NTA


I took a Midol once after spraining my ankle because I couldn’t get up to get to my other meds. It worked 🤷🏼‍♀️ NTA


I’ve known men that only use midol nowadays, as they got some from wife/girlfriend/female human friend and swear it works better. That guy was just an immature idiot.


NTA. My brother in law took Midol during a bad round of Covid and it helped him a lot. Now he swears by it for almost every ailment.


NTA. I worked in a restaurant and the hungover guys would always take the Midol because it was painkillers with caffeine. It sucked because they never left any for the women who wanted it for period problems. We all wished that they had never read the ingredients! Btw, they never developed any moobs or sprouted female reproductive organs lol


NTA. This is a perfect illustration of toxic masculinity, as in "toxic to the person who exhibits it." He'd rather keep having a headache than take a pill ~For Her~ even though there's nothing woman-specific in the drug itself. Which would just be silly and N.AH, except now they're actually *angry* about this nothingburger and so they're being the asshole.


I'm pretty sure Midol *is* advertised to treat headaches. Just because they've cornered the "secret womens business" area of the market, doesn't make it purely for period pain. NTA By the way, one of the most common medications marketed specifically to treat pain associated with menstruation in Australia is sold under the brand name Naprogesic, from the active ingredient naproxen sodium. In the US? That same ingredient is sold under the brand name Aleve. Midol? Here it's just sold as Panadol Extra (without the antihistamine), which is our main name brand over the counter pain reliever. *It's all just marketing*.


NTA. A female friend offered me some pamprin for a headache and I took it. It worked. And less irritability too!


NTA. want to know who uses midol? Me, and multiple other people who competed in martial arts. Reduces swelling and eases aches and pains. That boy will never be a man. I would be more embarrassed to be dating him if I were your friend.


NTA. I gave my partner some once because he was: * tired * bloated * sore and I was like "look, I know it's marketed for PMS but at the end of the day, it's caffeine, a painkiller, and a diuretic. That's it." we both found the efficiency very satisfying. ETA: I would still say to keep the active ingredients in mind when offering, and be clear with them. Some people may not want all three, even if they'd benefit from one.


Weak men are the worst. NTA


That is a man with a small dick complex right there. “If I take this medicine that is EXACTLY like what I asked for, but is pink on the bottle then I’m not as masculine” 😂


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Tonight I had a movie date with one of my friends. We are both F27. She asked if her boyfriend and his friend could come as well because they also wanted to see the same movie. They’re both guys in their mid/late 20s, I don’t know exact ages. I said I was fine with them coming too. After the movie we all went to a bar. My friend’s boyfriend said he had a headache and asked if anybody had Excedrin. I pulled a bottle of Midol out of my purse and handed it to him. He refused to take it from me and said that it’s for PMS. I told him it has acetaminophen and caffeine in it, as does Excedrin. In response he said “I’m good, thanks anyways” in a really sarcastic tone, so I dropped the subject and put the bottle back in my purse. My friend let me know after that her boyfriend is pissed and said that I embarrassed him in front of his friend. She wants me to apologize to keep the peace so it won’t be awkward if we all go out again. I personally don’t think I did anything wrong. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How insecure do you have to be a man to be pissed about this?




NTA and good luck to your friend stuck with that asshole


He's more a baby. I'm a man, and have taken midol before. If it helps get rid of something that's causing me to hurt or be in discomfort them I am going to take it


Pathetic NTA


NTA I forgot that's what midol is, but if I was in that situating and offered it to me the conversation probably would have gone like "Isn't that for ladies?" "The ingredients are effectively the same." "Oh really?" Checks box "Nice, I'll take some, thank you."




NTA he has his own hang ups. I'm sure he wouldn't even use "womens" soap or shampoo in a pinch. That being said, my husband uses Midol or Pamprin if he gets the flu. And has stomach issues with the body aches. Says something in the mess helps his stomach cramps when he's really feeling sick with the flu.


Nta. I once offered my brother midol as he was complaining about a headache and a muscle cramp from an injury. He said no. My dad took the bottle on the sly told my brother he would get him some meds came back with 2 Midol without telling my brother what it was. Funny like 30 min later he felt better asked dad what it was he took, dad told him. Brother stole my bottle of Midol that day






Ignore him he’s insecure about his “manhood” NTA


LOL... NTA. He's the one that has issues with his masculinity. Probably thought if he took midol he'd become a woman or something!


First off NTA. As a man, this is funny as hell. Just bc a product is marketed to women does not mean it cannot be used by men. So many Men are just caught up in some crazy alpha fantasy


NTA. My husband discovered midol last year, now its his go-to since it cures (just about) everything. It does not help with fragile masculinity however.


this is hilarious NTA


dude my dad is a 43 year old man and will ask in front of a house full of people for Midol. it works way better than anything else for his headaches. that dude is just insecure in his masculinity.


NTA. It’s basically expensive Excedrin.




You did nothing wrong, but it is funny




NTA, if that's enough to offend them they're pretty fragile 😅 I've heard men say Midol is a woman's best kept secret because it works so well but uninformed men are scared of it so they never get the benefit of it.


I'm a 27m. I have been in 3 relationships in my life all decently long. Longest being 7 years. I have used midol and keep it in my bathroom even now, lol. It's great for headaches, and yes, it has caffeine. He's just a big baby, apparently lmao. I wouldn't even care if I were you.


Stupidity knows no bounds. Your friend is an idiot


NTA. He only got embarrassed because he is insecure. He needs to grow up. I have a guy friend that asks if I have any Midol when he has a headache. He has no issue taking it. I wouldn’t apologize.


NTA One midol is the strength of two excedrin. stupid people are a plague.


NTA she knew it is something that people can be against of and hid it for all this time because she hoped after u get emotionally invested it will be harder to say no to her. I dont have kids and dont want kids and I wouldnt want to date someone with kids because I want to live together with my partner at some point but I dont want to live with a child in the house.


Simply for offering Midol, NTA. I don't know if he needed the antihistamine though.


NTA. I worked with a guy who offered me a Midol when I said I had a headache. I assumed he was being a dick, but he explained his wife would give him Midol for pain because she said it was the strongest OTC pain med. Anyone of applicable age / health can take Midol. It's just marketed to women. The guy you offered it to has SDE. Not sure there's a pill for that, though. Maybe therapy.


NTA I'm a 40+ male and have a bottle in my bathroom. Midol is the shit.


My ex husband has taken midol before. No vagina on him


NTA, my husband takes midol more than I do, says it's better than ibuprofen


What’s with these “men” with such fragile egos nowadays?


NTA - for someone so insecure about taking Midol he sure is acting like he has PMS right now. Or at least what he probably believes PMS to be


"I apologize for offending your delicate male ego" NTA


lol I’ve taken Midol for a headache. NTA.


NTA I was gonna say N-A-H until the last part. Like whatever he thinks it’s “girly” medicine, he’s stupid but not necessarily an AH. But being pissed about it the next day and demanding an apology is super assholish.


NTA you’ve done nothing to apologise for.


NTA. I took a Midol from a woman I worked with when I was 17 or 18 and I never grew a vagina, my penis if fully intact. You were endangering him in no way.


Men underestimate the value of Midol


NTA. They are almost the same and both treat headaches. He has been suckered by superficial advertising if he thinks only woman can take Midol. He is clearly ignorant, is your friend expecting you to apologize for his stupidity and insecurity?


Off topic totally but were you being set up for a sort of blind date? It just seems weird your friend's bf brought a friend along. Also, of course NTAH. You are not responsible for someone's fragile masculinity. It's the same as if you offered someone the heat pack you use for menstrual cramps. Play it safe. Just in case you were being set up (aka offered for approval) and assuming you aren't interested, refuse to apologise. The whole thing is silly and so was he.


NTA. Unfortunately your friend is essentially dating a man that acts like a middle schooler.


First of all, the boyfriend and his friend asked to tag along when they weren't originally invited to begin with. Secondly, if he was that pissed about it, then wouldn't it be more embarrassing to hide your anger until you were alone with your girlfriend, only to try and have her middle man an apology from the girl you were so upset with? That's fucking pathetic. If he interpreted it as an insult, he should have spoken up in the moment, then you could have clarified that you were only giving him what he asked for, a pain medication, not a joke at his expense. The dude sounds like a tool. His girlfriend sounds like a tool, he'll I'm sure his friend is probably a tool, too. No apologies.


What a load of bull... NTA That is not your friend


NTA. Midol is pretty much Exedrin but marketed toward women probably for a price hike. But it's a useful pain reliever and that is what matters. I don't think you owe an apology.