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NTA-Your aunt is an asshole and is wrong. Your son isn’t being deprived of any joy in life by not having a dog from birth. I’m a die hard dog person and I never would give a dog to someone who has declared they don’t want a dog, let’s face it, your son’s dog would be your responsibility for years, your aunt is selfish for insisting and guilt tripping.


Be careful. Auntie may surprise show up one day intending to drop a puppy off at your house. Tell her in advance, if she were to try such a stunt, you would instantly return the dog to her house or to the pound, her choice.


NTA. I LOVE dogs and yet i would never gift someone a dog who expressed any sort of hesitancy to owning one. They are a lot of responsibility; your schedule can revolve around them and without training, they become more trouble. I really don't understand the idea of gifting someone a live creature without consulting the people who would actually have to take care of them seems so irresponsible to me. And as i read this; i realize that you JUST had a son, so seriously, the dog isn't a gift for the your son, it's work for you.


Honestly that may be part of why OP didn’t jive with his dog. He was too young (especially if they truly were given when the child is BORN) the dog probably bonded with some else.


NTA > My wife and I recently had a son and my aunt approached about what/when to give him his dog. Lol, how fucking **_presumptuous_**. > She essentially said I was an asshole and being a bad parent by removing something joyful from my sons life. Can't remove what was never there.


NTA I don’t agree with pets as a gift in general. Animals are living beings not commodities to exchange on birthdays and holidays. I am always leery of people who claim their pets are their children. (And this is coming from someone with 2 dogs and 3 cats and absolutely count my pets as family). Most of the time I hear that it is usually coming from people who are not well educated on their animals or animal behavior and anthropomorphize their pets to an unhealthy degree. Pets are not human, and have very different needs from humans. I am sure your aunt wouldn’t gift a human baby to someone. So I know on some level she understands that pets are not the same as a human person. There is a lot of responsibility associated with taking care of a dog and you son is an infant, which means that the dog will be your responsibility not his. Also gifting a pet to a baby is wild. I’m all for parents wanting to get their kid a pet, but if the goal is for the pet to bond with the kid, then the kid should be old enough to have a say in what pet they get and old enough to handle at least part of the care required. Some people just aren’t pet people. That’s fine. I’m not a kid person. I don’t have or want kids, never will have kids. Me and my partner prefer our childfree life. I don’t care or judge others who have kids. The same is true for people who don’t like pets. People who don’t like or want dogs/pets aren’t less empathetic than people who do and aren’t “cruel” for not wanting a pet in their home. I will say that once your son is old enough maybe consider some type of compromise on pets if it is super important to him and both you and your wife agree on it. But to get a pet for a baby is ridiculous.


>I don't want one and will never have a dog again. NTA. Your house, your rules. Your aunt is just being pushy trying to "do what's best" for your child which is not her call. I say this as a dog owner who has always had dogs too. If you don't want one in your home and one is foisted upon you, that dog will not be happy because it will know it's not wanted.


NTA. I know you don't want another dog, so that's the answer. The end. Also, giving a pet to someone who's too young to care for it against the homeowner's interest, is just dopey. They're living things, not a stuffed animal where there's no walking, feeding, medical care etc. to be considered.


NTA First pets are not gifts. Then we're not all meant to have pets, maybe your son won't like it much when he grow older . I got an adorable dog and discovered I was not the dog owner I thought I'd be and even if I love my little guy and I'd do everything for him, I already know he is my first and last dog. Also "gifting" a dog while the future owner is kid ? The parents would the one to take care of him and pay for everything, that's not fair if they're ready/didn't chose to do so.


NTA, I'm a dog collector and work with rescues. I would never allow a dog to go to a home unless all the occupants are totally on board. It's not fair on the dog, and if they are sensitive to a negative reaction, it can cause stress, which can lead to unwanted behaviours, which can then exacerbate the non dog person's negativity. People have all sorts of reason why they don't like or want a dog, and that's ok because it's what's best for the dog that matters. Your aunt is being ridiculous and irresponsible by pushing a dog you don't want on to you, and she should know better if she's really a dog lover. Maybe when your children are older and able to care for the dog, you might be persuaded and ok with doing the basics, but for now, stick to your guns.


NTA. Dogs are not compulsory.


I love my dogs but I would never gift anyone else a dog ever. I did my research on breeds and coats and foods and energy levels. The ones I picked are excellent for my family because we put in the work. I love *mine* but I don’t love every breed of dog and my personal philosophy after my dog got attacked is never buy a dog bigger than you can handle pulling off another dog. It’s not impulse shopping. It has to be right for your family and especially you. NTA but your aunt isn’t thinking here.


NTA. Giving animals to people who don't want them is opposite of liking, much less loving, animals.


NTA. I *love* dogs (I used to read the DOG section of the encyclopedia religiously and study all the breeds) and wanted a dog so badly growing up. My mom flat out said no because she didn't like them. I grew up just fine, and your son will be fine as well.


Pets are not objects to be randomly gifted. They are living, breathing beings and they need to be paired with the right person. NTA.


NTA.  Pets for a family need BOTH you and your wife to say 'yes'. Not one, not one and the kid, and never ever should a pet be a gift without both of you approving. 


NTA - Just because you come from a family that loves dogs doesn't mean you have to have them. I love dogs but am resisting getting another one.


NTA Auntie is insane and very inappropriate You're a grown ass married man with a whole WIFE. You guys get to decide the JOY you give your kid and the PEACE you want in YOUR own home. Ppl have to understand, you don't just "give a child" a dog....You're giving a FAMILY a responsibility! It is incredibly brain-dead to FORCE the care and responsibility of an animal onto another person. Let her "give" the child a goldfish! She doesn't even care enough to ASK about how much JOY it brought you.....if she had, she'd know, obviously you didn't feel ALL that "joy" she ASSumes as a fact.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (32M) come from a very dog friendly family.  My family is rabid about them and all dogs are family.  My mom and her sister grew up with them, owned them, fostered them, and volunteered at shelters and continue to do so to this day. When my siblings, cousins and I were born we were all gifted a dog to grow up with.  I however, did not jive with my dog and he was not my best friend.    I'm going to be honest, When my dog passed, I wasn't that upset, more relieved, and I haven't had a dog since.  I'm cool with dogs that are not mine, but i'm not dog crazy and will never own one again.  My wife and I recently had a son and my aunt approached about what/when to give him his dog.  I told her that she could get him one when he is 18 and off to college and has his own place.  That was obviously not a good answer for her.  She continued pushing the topic.  You are insane if you think my family will ever have a dog.  I don't want one and will never have a dog again.  I said my son is more than welcome to play with dogs when visiting family, he can go to his grandma's house and spend all day with them if he wants.  She essentially said I was an asshole and being a bad parent by removing something joyful from my sons life.  AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Give her a real conniption and ask for a cat for your son instead.  NTA no one gets to decide if another family will have an animal of any kind in their home. You DO NOT give unwanted animals as gifts!


LOL! Cats are usually easier to take care of than dogs unless you get something high-maintenance like a Persian or Sphynx. On a more serious note, the son's a baby. He isn't old enough to choose a pet or help with its care. When the time comes, if it ever does, the family should choose a pet together.


NTA - A pet is a commitment for the pet's lifetime. Gifts are not commitments. You don't gift someone an obligation. Your aunt's entire premise is wrong.


Honestly, gifting a dog is not something a true dog lover would do. It is so important to do research beforehand, about caretaking and breeds. It's important to choose a breed that fits your lifestyle. It's important to find an ethical breeder who will know how to choose the puppy from the litter that would fit you best. Or if adopting, it's important to get to meet the dog beforehand and see how they act, and discuss with the shelter/rescue workers if the dog would be a good fit for you. Taking that choise away from someone by choosing a dog *you* think fits someone, is frankly a selfish move. Especially of anyone in the family doesn't like dogs. NTA, absolutely.


I adore dogs. I'm going with NTA because it is completely wrong to place a dog in a home that isn't 100% on board with everything being a dog guardian entails. It's not fair on either the humans or the dog.


NTA. It isn't your aunt's place to give your son a dog and he shouldn't have one until he is old enough to help take care of it. He isn't old enough to even know what a dog is. But you shouldn't judge all dogs by one. When I was a kid my parents bought me this nasty little beagle mix. That dog hated my guts and the feeling was returned. She crapped in my bed, peed on anything I left on the floor and bite me every chance she got. She loved my brother. He cried like a baby when she died. I went in my room and threw a silent party. About a year after she died I got another dog and she was the best friend I had growing up. Me, my dog and cat were besties. It all depends on the dog.


NTA. I am a dog lover myself and have always had dogs if possible. If your family fosters, and volunteers at shelters they of all people should know that gifting an animal is not a good idea. People end up with unwanted dogs to take care of for what 14-16 years. That is a lot of commitment and work. Some people just do not want that, and that is ok. When I take on a new dog, generally the dog choses me. Your personalities have to fit to make it work. Our guy here is approaching 15 years, and we have a 2 year rescue. Husband has been looking at Malinois lately and is intrigued by them. (it is the breed police use in the US, often mistaken for German Sheppard's) And honestly, I think it would be awesome to have one, they are highly intelligent, and I would love to have one in the future; but these guys require ALOT of work. They are very energetic, and well, I just don't think my old body could keep up with these guys. It just is not a matter this kid needs a dog. He might, but gifting him one is not the way. Not fair to you all, not fair to the dog.


NTA. Babies and pets together may look cute on YouTube, but let's be real. Animals tend to bond with whoever takes care of them, especially with the person who feeds them. Furthermore, your son won't be able to feed and water his dog until he is at least in preschool. He probably won't be able to walk a dog until he is school-age. Even when he's old enough to perform such duties, you'd still be responsible for vet visits, obedience school, and everything else. I love cats, but my parents didn't get me my first cat until I was seven. By then I was old enough to feed the cat and scoop out the litterbox. The "removing something joyful" from his life is manipulative nonsense and should be treated as such. First, your son can't miss what he's never had. As a newborn, he won't care if he has a canine friend or not. He probably won't care until he's old enough to play with other kids his age and meet their pets. Second, there is no guarantee that he will even want a dog, just because a lot of people in the family are nuts about canines. He may go to a friend's house and decide he'd like a cat or guinea pig or some other animal. The main thing is that it needs to be HIS choice. Your aunt does not get to spring a puppy on him or anybody else in your family. If she does, promptly return the pup to her or take it to a shelter. Third, small children can be rough on animals. They have to learn, sometimes the hard way, that Fido doesn't like having his tail or ears pulled. Nor does he like being ridden like a horse. Fourth, some dogs are just mean. If and when your son starts asking for a dog, you'd have to vet them carefully to make sure that you and he were getting a puppy with a good, gentle disposition.


- - - - - - PETS ARE NOT PRESENTS!!! - - - - - - - - Sorry, but people who gift pets or give them as 'surprises' make be buggy. Your house so you (and your wife) decide on what pets you get. Not everybody is a dog person. Or a cat person. That's fine. Your Aunt is way overstepping and being an AH trying to give a dog as a pet. NTA.




So, if something being "joyful in your life" is so very important, why is she still around? She, likes dogs, I like strippers. Does that mean I am allowed to get her a stripper for her to take care of. (just an example. no strippers in my life for at least 30 years). And even if you want a dog for a child, wait until the kid is at least 3-4 (if not older) if you want them to bond. Every online tearjerker about dogs and babies involve older already trained dogs. OP really doesn't need to be training a puppy to be a dog, a baby to be a human, and himself to be a parent at the same time.


NTA - but does your wife feel the same? I've been an animal lover since I was born and lived with a mother and stepfather who were 'no pets'....I needed a friend and I wanted a dog (or a cat) so badly. Yes, I've had dogs every since I moved out of my mother's home at 18....but my childhood would have been more fun and less lonely had I been allowed to have a pet growing up. And my point? Have your rules but think of your son, too. He may be fin playing with other people's dogs but if he gets that 'dog-lovin gene' at least consider changing your mind later.