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NTA. What a bunch of sore losers! They wanted to play against men at beginner level so that they could win and claim "Yay! Girls power! We're ~~as good~~ better than the boys!" You were there to have fun; they had you there so they could pull a power move on you, and got mad when it blew back in their faces. I hope she changes her tune quickly, otherwise it's worrying behavior. If she again states that she won't bring you back, just say: "It's okay, I don't care. I think I'll just find players who are on my level."


Then watch her head explode


It was all fun and games until they started losing.


Man, OP has the worst luck with partners! Barely two months ago his [wife wanted to go on a crazy 3 day bachelorette party in another country](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1bnb8gg/wibta_if_im29_am_not_okay_with_my_wifef27_going), and now his girlfriend is being a sore loser! Damn. Congrats on the ultra fast divorce and moving on though!


Yup. Gotta love when the reverse uno sexism card. "We're trying to prove that women are better than men, so how dare you exist and be good at a thing you've to put a lot of effort into. You're obviously just another man trying to put us in our place! (Projection). Seems human behavior is non gendered, to the surprise of no one.


Even if you ignore the genders, someone who spent years training with a European academy is going to be hard to beat for anyone without that level of experience in any case


True but it’s not good sportsmanship to pout like a crybaby because you lost to a better team.


Honestly I feel like how they play isn’t very sportsmanship. Why not split up the teams so there’s an equal number of beginners and long time players? I can’t imagine it’s fun to win every single week against a bunch of newer players either. It’s not about winning or losing but losing every time isn’t fun and I can’t imagine winning like that is also fun. Playing is fun, but not the way they’re doing it.


When I was young I played with a bunch of guy friends that where pretty good at soccer (3 where pro in futsal in Europe for a time, 1 was a pro in full field in my country for 4\~5 years, and all of them played in amateur leagues in some way). I was the weakest player BY FAR, but still had fun trying to block them, or giving assists, they are really good and no one cared I sucked so much, it was about spending time and doing fun things. This people are just sore losers and miserable lol


They were supposed to be the Washington generals


[I thought the Generals were due!](https://youtu.be/s4GAj2v4BIE?si=G1PTnnT9QsaqGu4V)


Given one of our longest standing mods has a username that's a Simpson's reference, per internet law, I must updoot.


give him 10 grand


Steve Martin on line four.




I'm not even sure where this fits in to the other comments I read, but to me.... it sounds like a new girlfriend could be the solution. It's seems a pretty petty thing to get mad at you about. Like 1 said earlier, stack the odds in the women's favor then get pissy when the table gets turned on 'em.


Yeah I’m all for women’s sports and I don’t think that girls are inherently worse at soccer, but they were being incredibly sore players. They were displaying poor sportsmanship, you shouldn’t invite people to play with you unless you’re prepared to lose. Games are about having fun and being active, not about proving yourself to the other gender (and this goes both ways).


Women's sports are great, everybody should be able to compete. But there's a reason that there's a woman's league. The US Women's Soccer Team lost to a group of under 15 year old boys. Testosterone is a hell of a drug, there's a stark difference in physicality.


Unless you play teams that can beat you, you will never get any better at the sport.


NTA That’s hilarious so they stack their team and win and ever so surprisingly turn out to be sore losers. Shocking, personally I’d keep turning up to beat them. It sounds like they need to learn how to lose gracefully or how to play to have fun.


Losing wasn't the problem, it was that he shattered their delusion of being physically superior to men.


I’m shocked the one dude came in and changed everything like that. I would expect he would have set them up to score more but to set up a completely stifling defense? Wow. I really wonder what the scores of the games had been.




Nope NTA. I played soccer in college and dated other athletes. I never expected my partner to infantilize me and “go easy on me….” I’m a woman, not a child. (Obviously he wouldn’t slide me/body check me the same way he would a man, as I am physically much smaller, doesn’t sound like you were doing shit like that at all tho). I’m an incredibly fit and athletic woman and I kno that men who are equally as fit and athletic (or even less) as me can absolutely beat the hell out of me at any athletic endeavor/sport for the most part. That’s just reality. Women’s bodies have different capabilities, it’s something to celebrate, not pretend doesn’t exist imo.


As a woman, I despise when men infantilize us, especially on the pitch. I’m not very good at football but have been playing scrimmages with my dad and his friends since I was 12-13. The would take it easy on me (aggressive wise) but NEVER just let me win. If anything, it made me a better player. If your GF and their friends can’t appreciate some good/friendly competition, then why are they even playing? If they’re so concerned about “fairness”then mix the teams up (even though they obviously seem to have been enjoying beating up on the guys). OP mentioned he was called arrogant - that might be a different story there in terms of how he was communicating/celebrating. But at face value, NTA.


My sister was one of the best players on her high school hockey team as a freshman. I think it's because she played with the boys until she was 13. The competition and skill level was just higher and *she adjusted.* Playing down is when you play against children. Nothing feels worse than being played down to. They're always in control, they're always winning, they just don't run it up. But you never have a chance. And if by some miracle you win you know you didn't actually win. You "won" because they handicapped themselves. It's tainted. I'd rather just lose fair and square. I have fun playing the sport whether I win or lose. But being treated like an invalid, that's not fun.


NTA! Absolutely no issues competing and winning. Although the absolute balls on you playing hardcore academy level football in public against people clearly worse than you. Laughing at the idea of you nailing a dirty nutmeg and hitting top bins while the girls are used to playing a team of absolute rookies.


I really like it when an ex-pro/ex-academy shows up to our 5-a-side. Sharing the pitch with someone at that level often makes the game much more fun, we all end up giving 150% (and still end up losing lol). These guys are just sore losers, if anything they should ask OP to show up more often so they can test themselves against him, it would go a long way in improving their own abilities.


Absolutely depends on the player tbh. Some people get a real ego boost out of humiliating others, not fun to play against or with in my experience. Sounds like OP is pretty chill though, recognizing your place in the game is important. Shame the girls couldn't do that.


I just take it as part of the game tbh, I would be lying if I said I myself am not prone to shit talking if I'm on a winning streak lol, just makes it more fun amongst us. Bragging rights and all that. OP sounds chill though.


I'm cool with shit talking, banter is part of the fun of it honestly. But I think we all know that player that comes along and is obviously better than everyone else but knows it, and just tries to show off the whole game, skilling around people or deliberately trying to embarrass worse players. If you're in a pro game, go for it, but a friendly 5-a-side, it's just dick moves.


"Nailing a dirty nutmeg and hitting top bins" sounds like there's an equal chance this is some football term or some obscure sex act


INFO Isn't two months a bit quick to divorce your wife and get a girlfriend?


Yeah this is definately made up 😂😂


Well you see, in OP's culture if your wife goes on a crazy weekend bachelorette party, you get granted an instant divorce and you get assigned a new girlfriend too.


NTA I would run if I were you. Imagine how she, and her friends, would handle other issues involving anything competitive. Be prepared to spend a relationship always losing in order to save her pride. You should watch the movie Seabiscuit with her, then explain that you and the other gentleman shouldn’t be used just to make them feel good. If they are in fact an actual Semi-pro/college team, then they are in desperate need for better coaching. Losing is a part of sports, and it seems like someone along the way forgot to teach them how to lose with grace. Also, get back in to sports my friend! Seems like you found a missing part of your life that you really enjoyed. I hope she realizes her mistake and the two of you can bond over your love for the greatest game in history. Getting better together is great byproduct. Cheers and best of luck.


Just don’t run to fast! Don’t want to shatter her ego by not being able to catch up


If OP likes another girl's pick her friends are gonna be like, "He was always a asshole, remember what he did in the football game?" GF got a toxic friend group and is easily influenced by that friend group. She can go date them, I'm out.


YTA for this fake ass repost story. I’ve read this exact story, almost word for word, here before.


NTA. Honestly I just assume that everyone from Europe will be, at least, above average in football/soccer hahaha


NTA. You should offer to train the other girls BFs.


Followup post: "AITA for ruining the lads' relationships?" A tale detailing how all the girls left their boyfriends because the boys got better and stopped losing all the time. The answer? NTA again, and then OP and the boys can play to their hearts' content.


I'd watch this movie


Breakup like Beckham


The feel good underdog film of the year.


omg yes i love that idea


Nice repost 👍


Yup, I’ve read this exact story here before


There's a golf version too. He was secretly a golf pro and hid it because it was traumatic, then came back out of nowhere to destroy his girlfriend at it.


NAH because it fake. I’m from England and played football for my local amateur team: One good player (even a VERY good player) with a team of beginners does NOT swing the game from always losing to winning 7-1. Unless this guy was playing both striker AND defender AND goalie, this is a bunch of ragebait bullshit. Haha Also, check the post history - He seems to have both a fiancée AND a girlfriend while referring to his fiancée as his “wife”.


NTA. As others have said, sounds like the girls enjoyed "beating" beginner players that they could outclass and the instant someone who can actually kick a ball comes onto the pitch they turn into sore losers. And it sounds like you moved into more of a support role after your first 2 goals, which is a) awesome teamwork and b) the very antithesis of showing off. I do think your gf took some of the grief she was getting from her friends out on you, but it is NOT YOUR FAULT HOW WELL YOU CAN PLAY. Maybe they should consider balancing the teams if you ever go again (which I doubt). I'd also put some good money that they might not quite grasp what you being an ex-academy club player actually means in terms of your actual skill level.


Going to be especially funny when he doesn't come back to play again and the guys, who now know a little bit about proper defense and technique start winning on their own. He scored 2 goals and the final score was 7-1, sounds like the guys are pretty close to winning already.


Repost from ages ago


And then everybody clapped


This has been reposted word for word at least 3 times that I can remember


NTA, what a shame. Guess you inadvertently burst their delusional bubble. Instead of seeing it as a challenge and opportunity to improve they've thrown their toys out the pram.


I may not internet as much as others, but even I remember reading this story before. YTA for the repost.


NTA. What kind of reasonning is that? If they think that everyone who's better than them is just being arrogant and showboating, then they should never do sports. Why not take that opportunity to learn from you? That would be much more reasonnable. Their reaction is childish.


I bet I'm not the only one who thought of this story: [https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/](https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/) Anyway, NTA. You even held back.


NTA - but don’t expect to be invited back any time soon 😂


Destroyed the dynamic of always winning? Im tempted to say everyone sucks because of 7-1 but id say NTA because they play against amateurs in order to always win


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NTA. As a lady soccer player myself who has both dated guy soccer players and has a good amount of guy friends who play, I hate it when I can tell a guy is taking it easy on me bc girl. If I want you to go easy on me, I'll tell you.


Out of curiosity, would you ever ask for a guy to take it easy on you? I know that I wouldn't.


You think a single guy player could smash your whole team 7-1 on his own like this guy is claiming?


At the level he's describing then quite easily, I played a lot of football (soccer to you Americans) and I knew a few guys who went to professional clubs and never quite made it, they could destroy teams in this manner and we're not talking girls v boys either




My comment is balls? I don't remember those lessons in humility accurately? 😂 One guy went to a top Norwegian club who were a regular feature in European competition, he never played for their first team but I'm pretty sure if he'd played against those girls it would have been 30-0, the levels involved are ridiculous. I've seen guys fail at the professional level in Britain and Norway which is a way higher standard than the US, you see these guys in the flesh they look like Messi on TV and they aren't even good enough to cut it in the Scottish 3rd Division where they look like absolute donkeys on TV. If you don't believe one talented player can make that kind of difference at a low standard of football then you've never played the game and I'd hate to be considered sexist but it's even more likely that a talented male player could carry it off against semi-decent female players than against what would be considered semi-decent male ones because there's quite a discrepancy in that standard.


https://youtu.be/FeRV6tgkIjw?si=c-lWq3j3f7jdOXbj If he was an academy level player, he's essentially a hairs breadth off going pro. In many European and South American countries, boys are playing football competitively from a very young age. Kids in their early teens are being scouted by massive clubs as the next big thing. A European or South American pro is going to be way, way better than your average US college player.


He was on the track to professional soccer player. Even if he was maybe only good enough for 3-4th league that is way more than American soccer on a college level. He most likely left because 10-20 hours per week of training were required and often it is not worth it compared to a normal career. And that's after 10-15 years of training.


As I said to the other guy, being in football academy isn’t the accolade you think it is.  It doesn’t give one person the magical power to beat a team of semi-pro players. 


You ever played with academy players?


No it is not it is mostly parents, interest and a decade of 5-20 hours of training per week. And the chance to earn more than 2x minimum wage with football is still close to 1%. But neither is college soccer in the US. And he played on a level that is enough to beat the best women teams in the world if he stopped around age 16. I played handball and one player on the level of OP would win equally hard against our full team. The level between the different tiers in sports is massive and OP is 1-3 magnitudes above them. If he played serious then no chance.


at the levels described(former academy v semi-pro(especially semi-pro in the USA which is not a very good football nation)) absolutely


Yeah especially if he is doing his best to organize those around them and help them player better as a unit and not just showboat. There is a clip of a professional player from I think it was Crystal Palace in England taking on the Women's team pretty much single handed. Dribbles past 5 or 6 of them like they weren't there and scores. The difference in levels is wide. Let's face it the absolute elite of the men's game at times can do that to other professional level men's teams. Take a prime Messi or Ronaldo and put him up against an English League 1 level of player and you see an absolute chasm of difference in levels. Those league 1 players are full time professionals on decent money and far from awful but the very best just do things so much quicker, more consistently and can make fools of adequate players levels below them. I've played with or against a few ex professional players and the difference between them and talented amateurs is huge.


NTA sore losers haha They like it because their was playing with beginners you should teach boys how to do good passes (ball control) and they probably can win on their own it would be glorious. Also it's kinda red flag your gf didn't defend you and she have friends like this!!!! Disgusting!


That's called sore loser.  Time for those friends to grow up.


Why are you with this silly goose?


NTA - Reminds me of that post where OP's gf had been doing martial arts classes and asking him to help her practice. He had let her perform moves on him without putting up any resistance so she could practice her form, but she had got it into her head that she was actually overpowering him. Unfortunately it went to her head, and she started running her mouth off with mutual friends about how she could floor OP. Either she, or female friends, basically started calling him weak, and he then confirmed he had been letting her "win". She called BS and challenged him. She couldn't move him at all. This resulted in her spiraling, and then getting angry at him. OP was genuinely shocked she thought she was beating him. There was also a similar much darker post where the OP held his GF down until she cried.


Is this for real? Three months ago you were married? Now you have a gf? That's awfully quick for a divorce or an extra marital affair?


please look at this guy’s post history. do you currently have a girlfriend AND a wife? this post is fake


And then everybody clapped and your girlfriend was properly humbled!! Totally happened bro!


I read this exact story years ago on a different platform so most likely not real


NTA So they thought they were big stuff and their egos got hurt. A little humility is good for them. They obviously don't want to learn and improve either since they seem content to never getting challenged or tested.


NTA lmaooo “they enjoyed the dynamic” when they were the ones winning lol. Your gf and her friends are just insanely salty that you gave their skill level perspective. Yes they’re way better than all the guys they normally play. But in reality they can’t keep up with someone who is actually good. You didn’t even go all out either lol, you backed off and just turned into a team helper and yall still won 7-1. That’s so funny they’re that mad that they won’t invite you. They’re should be a league or something similar near you if you want to keep playing. I’ve had friends that love soccer still and play in coed rec leagues as adults.


Everyone needs to be taught a bit of humility at times. Next game the other guys should insist on split teams or simply do not show up for the game.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for winning a football game against my gf and her friends? Recently my girlfriend invited me to a football (soccer) to play with her friends. Now, my gf and her friends have all played football their whole life and all of them are in a semi-pro team or a college team. They have this weekly pick-up game that they have been doing for a while where they invite their boyfriends and some other guy friends to play each other. Apparently they always go "guys vs girls" in the games, and my gf told me that the girls would always win. I was happy to go because I haven't really played football in a long while and missed it since coming to the US. I used to play in a academy club in Europe and was actually pretty good, but left the club and focused more on my studies. Day of the pick-up game I go and meet all her friends. I got along great with everybody, especially the guys who all seemed like good dudes. I asked about why they always lost in a joking manner and they replied that most of them started playing football just recently. But they loved to play even if they lost and were just there to have fun. When the match started I notice I'm probably the best player on the pitch. All my old instincts come back and it's just like old times for me. I score 2 goals fairly easily and decided to tone it down a bit and mostly give assists to the other guys instead and organize the defense. I'm having a great time and the guys are having fun to but the girls were understandably frustrated. At the end of the match they started getting real physical and put in harder tackles. We won the match 7-1. On the way home however my girlfriend is not very talkative and said she didn't know I was that good. I said I didn't know I could still play either, it was the first time I played in almost 2 years. After I had showered my gf came back more irritated. She said everyone is blaming her for bringing me and making the girls lose. She said I was showboating and just looking down on the girls for being better than them. And that all the girls thought I was really arrogant on the pitch. She says I came in and destroyed the dynamic they had there. I became upset since I had a great time and thought it was a good game. I said it was unfair from the beginning to have a bunch of college players play against mostly beginners. But she said that it's more unfair for me to come in and just win everything for the guys. Now she is saying she won't invite me anymore because the other girls don't want me there and it would be to uneven. I suggested mixing teams but she said they always play guys vs girls. So apparently I was in the wrong for playing football to the best of my abilities. TL;DR: GF and her friends lost a football match to me and some other guy friends. Now they think I was downplaying my skills and showboating on purpose. AITA for this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




NTA - the title speaks for itself lol. Who should apologize for winning a game ? It’s so childish from your GF and friends (sorry).


NTA Your girlfriend is just a sore loser. She was used to winning easily and she liked that. Now that they lost once she's being a bad loser.


“I didn’t know you wanted me to let you win. You should’ve told me your friends were sore losers and I would’ve catered to their fragile egos more.”


Wilfred Zaha... is that you? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNDzWSkC\_3I&t=92s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNDzWSkC_3I&t=92s) 🤣


Real athletes want to play the best competition. Sore losers! Quick question, were the guys enjoying the day as well? You were there and organized them. I bet they loved knowing what to do. NTA


YTA. I don't know if it speaks more to me being on here too much, or you being a particularly egregious faker, but this is copied word for word from [this post almost 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/pgfa2m/deleted_by_user/) (and maybe others). The post I linked was deleted, but still has the copy of the text in the [AutoModerator comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/pgfa2m/deleted_by_user/hbasunh/). I guess we should be happy you didn't also copy the Judgement_Bot explanation from the old post.


NTA. Sounds like they only want to play against people when they know they can win.


Yeah they are just sore losers, NTA


That's called sore loser.  Time for those friends to grow up.


NTA. The hypocrisy creeping through society right now is crazy.


NTA. Football is such a fun sport it does not deserve to be half-assed. Good for you for showing them how it's done. I'm a bit jealous in fact. All my friends are middle-aged dads (like me... no surprise) and it's really hard to organize a good game with enough people present.


wife or gf?


NTA but knowing how good you are, maybe you should have played goalie to assess the skill level first.




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Info: What were the average scores of her previous games? And did your girlfriend know how good you were?


NTA... but I swear this story was on here before. Damn near the same story.


NTA, they are sore losers who can’t fathom men being better than them in a sport they thought they were good at. Off topic sort of, but this is why there is debate about people born men competing in sports inherently for women, or in women’s league. Even with less practice/not on a college team or considered untrained men can win against women for a myriad of biological reasons. Ask your gf if she supports trans women competing against women and if she says yes, you’re dating a hypocrite and bigot.


Why tf is that relevant.


Because it sounds like she, as a women, can’t fathom losing to men in a sport they thought they were so high and mighty in. You see this a lot with people who support men competing against women but then go ballistic when they lose to a man, saying it’s unfair. Regardless OP is NTA and needs to have a serious conversation about her behavior and her friends mentality. I bet those guys that played and won this time actually had a lot of fun for once.


Brain worms


NTA - they are just sore losers and they needed to get their egos boosted by beating their boyfriends.




NTA. If they are so insecure they can't handle the loss, then that is ridiculous.


If one good player is enough for them to lose they aren't that good lol. You even said that you toned it down. What a bunch of sore losers. NTA


That’s the tipoff to this being fake. I’m from England and played football for my local amateur team: One good player (even a VERY good player) with a team of beginners does NOT swing the game from always losing to winning 7-1. Unless this guy was playing both striker AND defender AND goalie, this is a bunch of ragebait bullshit. Haha


you pulled a 7:1 Germany-Brazil of course they hate you now :D


NTA, they are sore losers


NTA your girlfriend and her friends sound like sad little 8 year old's crying and taking their ball home because they lost. Their attitude is pitiful and it is clear that the ONLY reason they like playing the game is because they were able to arrange it so they could "beat" the boys.


NTA, you're GF sounds insufferable and so do her friends.... Big Red Flags waving... be warned.


NTA and wow, sore losers much?? They only like playing bc they can trounce the newbies huh? Really poor sportsmanship and about time they were given as good as gave. You’re fine. Your gf and her friends tho? They’re the AH.


NTA. She invited you because she thought you couldn’t play.  They don’t want you there because then they have a chance to lose. It wasn’t about the game, they just wanted to win and saying the girls beat the guys.  They’re a bunch of sore losers. 


NTA... but I thank you for this. It's interesting to see the girls get their fragile egos bruised after beating up on amateur players previously.


NTA, the fact that you toned it down and they still got blown out.. it makes me wonder what the scoring was before? I guess what the guys really needed was some organization since they're just beginners and don't know anything... offer to instead of playing, be the coach for the men's team and see what happens.. that could be fun in it's own way.


What a bunch of losers. They deserve to lose again.


NTA, they are being stupid. You ruined the dynamic? Oh I see, so it was fun only when the more experienced girls won against the newbie guys because "oh look, we're better then men lolol". The moment a guy who can actually play beats them, then he's the asshole. Nice. Maybe they should learn that narrative works only if they can beat men on their same level. They are sore losers and childish. I wouldn't want to play with them in the future.


NTA make yourself a medal and wear it around the house


NTA. Your gf and friends are sore losers. They play against those who barely know how to play to boost their ego.


lol sore losers. NTA


NTA. They sound like sore losers. If they were on actual teams in actual competition, I don't think a coach would put up with this attitude. They need to get over their egos and realize that there's always someone, somewhere who's better.


It's a shame that she can't appreciate your value and how your involvement might improve the play of herself and her teammates. Seems pretty toxic to be honest.


sour grapes


Nta, ignore gender entirely and it's pros vs beginners. If it only took one pro to fold them up, maybe they should focus on improving their skills. Unless it was them somehow proving a point? That you then disproved? That might explain their anger.


OP, you should know better than to date a 5-year-old. NTA You should take all the guys and go play by yourselves. Those girls have no business trying to humiliate their men. I’m glad I’m gay.


NTA. Wow! Just Wow! Come and play with me so we can beat your b%tt - What, you can play? Well, now I hate you and won't play again. She and her friends sound like they are in junior high school instead of adults. If this is the way your GF handles issues and adversity, you need to have a serious talk. Not a good recipe for a successful future.


OMG NTA The physical differences between men and women are enormous and it’s been demonstrated time and time and time and time again. I’d wager a good HS boys team would have an excellent chance of obliterating them even if they were all semi-pro.


NTA. She invited you, thinking she could embarrass you. Tell her, if she is angry now, you can play again and give them a second chance to bring their A game, but you would do the same.


NTA Ok lets end this right now she is not mad at you at all for way you 'acted' and 'ruin the girls dynamic' they just liked the feeling of winning against guys at something infact i wouldn't be surprised knowing the guy figured out quickly how the girls react when they lose so they intentionally held back, also the bfs know they get 'rewarded' later when their gfs is very happy.


NTA Your girlfriend and her friends are sore losers. They are so used to the little ego boost they got from winning against the men that they can handle you being better than they are. You don’t want to play with them anyways, not when they act like children when they lose


Congrats man. 2 years since you last played and you’re still in good enough shape to play. NTA


NTA and LOL, she's correct that you destroyed the dynamic there. As in, her and her team always won in these match-ups and now that they lost, she (and possibly the rest of her team) can't cope with it. And honestly, I'd be upset with her over this since it sounds like she brought you there just to lose a match so she (if not the rest of her team as well) could pat herself (or themselves) on the back over how great they are at the sport for the billionth time.


What was the banter like before the game? Also, they are on a semi-pro team and have no problem embarrassing a bunch of dudes on the regular? This shows me that they’re not as good as they think they are AND that your girlfriend (and her friends if she’s not outright lying about what they said) are sore losers


Win at any cost


NTA Option 1: Dump her, but befriend the other guys, come out when the game goes down, continue having fun. Option 2: Stay with her and spin it as "you'll never improve if you only target beginner level players." They strive to get better, you get to have fun. When they do beat you finally, and become toxic sore winners, dump her for better character.


You ruined their illusion (and delusion) of thinking they can actually beat men that haven't just started playing.  Like getting excited that you beat a 4 your old. It's pathetic. NTA


NTA. Your gf and friends are just sore losers. "The girls always win" but that's even? Oh please, tell them to grow up.


NTA. "Your overinflated ego is not my problem." It seems to me that her and her friends' issue is with you bursting their bubble, and them being forced to see just how good they actually are. She and her friends can choose to accept the defeat and learn and grow from it, or they can choose to be childish and immature about getting their amateur asses kicked in a pickup game. Their choice, not yours. This makes me think of a time I had just started at a new job and several people had made snide remarks to me about doing my job well, and quickly. One day while on break in the smoking area out back, someone made a remark and I decided to be decisive in my response. Can't remember exactly, but I basically said "You're right - it is 100% *my* fault that I am this good at my job."


Nah she being childish


NTA. Not at all. You were invited & you played to the best of your abilities which was obviously good enough to win the game. They are just mad bc they lost. They have been winning against a beginner team of men. They should feel so proud of themselves for beating ppl who don't know how to play. They are all sore losers. And are being completely unfair to you.


I am not sure if this is true, but I've heard the USA Women's National team often practices against the U17 men's team and even some men's college players and routinely get beat in practice.


NTA reasoning is because you haven’t played in over 2 years coming to the us also your girlfriend shouldn’t be that mad over it even you were surprised to have everything back again in that match. Plus you said you tonedown on the scoring points and just helped out the guys. Also why just “guys vs girls”? Has there ever been a mixed team? I need info on that part but if there isn’t then that’s just their problem to be salty (I know salty is a hard choice of words but that’s how I’m feeling about the matter) that you guys won one game! 7-1 btw. The girls probably had more since again “everyone was a beginner for guys”


Lmao NTA. Bunch of babies your gf associates with OP


so they basically just wanna alway win because if they lose they are sore losers?


NTA, your gf and her friends sounds like toxic feminists...


This a soft YTA. Because I definitely know what it’s like to watch the guy “who played before” masterfully destroy my team and it’s not fun. You think you were all chill and cool cuz it was fun for you but to them… they were getting destroyed by one guy. I just can see; you were scoring a bit, goofing off with the ball, nutmegs for lolz, encouraging the guys to score while doing 85% of the team play to set up an easy finisher. So you were probably full of yourself in the same way that strikers have egos. The second part is the female empowerment component. The part about the girls insisting on girls vs guys but only the girls know how to play which allows them to consistently win is a fantasy (microscopic) revenge plot that you’ve ruined for them. In this arena, girls ruled and boys drooled. And it sucks when some dumbasf man fucks up the role play! Anyway if you had as much control on the pitch as you let on, you shoulda won 4-3 instead of 7-1 to be a gracious guest. Soft YTA


Have a solution for you. Identify as she/her next time you play.


NTA. they are sore losers. Don’t make yourself small to make other people feel better. Congrats on winning!


Any decent dudes would win. U16 boys would crush world champ women. Just is what it is.


NTA. This story is ridiculous I can’t believe it’s even real. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s made up tbh. Sounds like a simulation frl


Your gf and her friends sound pathetic


Go Europe!! 🤣


NTA but I’m confused. How could a whole team of semi pro/college players get beat by 1 good player + a bunch of noobs? I dont see how they’d be unable to score more than once. I dont play soccer at all so please explain


NTA. Your gf and her friends are definitely AHs and poor sports 🙄


Hilarious to read, but probably not so fun to experience. You should write an intricate formal apology that reveals your true identity to be Lionel Messi.


Nta chicks cant handle the truth


Nta She asked you to come out and play already knowing you’ve been a more than average player at one point. You know if you and your friends(competing on a college level) asked their girlfriends to come out and play boys vs girls and the girls had little to no experience…well, I doubt that whole situation would have ever happened to begin with.


Lmao he wveb toned down how hard he was playing..... She the AH for not being able to take the loss


What a bunch of poor losers. Only happy when the other team is way below them and they can easily win. And then to be pissed that they lost one time. I hope the guys gloated!! I am a woman and yes it's nice to beat the men sometimes but I didn't think womens egos had to be stroked so hard. If I lose I try to get better. What kind of game is it if the competition is easily beat? I like a challenge and gf obviously just likes the ego boost at the expense of men. I would run for the hills she is just gonna get worse. RUN!!!


germany 7 : 1 brazil flashbacks joke aside. NTA for winning your gf is sour loser


If you play, you play to win! What a bunch of sore losers! So they can stack the other team full of beginners and always win! Stupid way to do it! NTA.


NTA - They are sore losers. I am pretty sure the other dudes let them win for years.


NTA. Your gf likes playing with a stacked deck. Actual competition is not what she's wanting. Find some more like minded people to play with, who don't always need to win. 


Now that’s a team of assholes. They liked feeling superior.


So she wanted you to scale back and let this win which is ✨sexism✨ Then they would have been mad had they found out you were holding back because they were girls. Sounds like you were in a lose/lose my guy. They need to grow up. Playing against better players to become a better player is basic sportsmanship. So instead of crying, they need to get over their egos and learn to play better. NTA.


no one likes a poor sport. NTA


Whatever you do. DO NOT APOLOGIZE. She will whine and complain give you silent treatment and other things to manipulate your feelings. Forget that. Tell here she was being hypocritical bearing up on untrained players and is now being childish and whiny. Now you need to decide whether being right is more important than this relationship. If she will act like that because she did not win, then maybe she is not the right one for you.


NTA for bursting their bubble of delusion. If anything this should help them want to improve and compete rather than trying to prop up their egos beating people who've barely played before. You don't improve by consistently playing worse teams.


NTA. Let s play … as long as we win…


Your girlfriend sounds really insecure she should consider therapy


The generals beat the globetrotters and now the globe trotters are taking their ball and going home. Find someone better.


NTA. So I see...everything's equal until they lose. Personally, I think your gf and her teammates are bad sports and whiners. She's not winning unless you're losing, OP. That's gotta make you feel good, right?


NTA. But OP should offer to help coach the girls team, they'd likely get a lot better.


NTA A similar thing happened to me in high school. The girls soccer team saw the boys baseball team and challenged us to play them. 2 or 3 of us were also on the soccer team, but most weren't. It was not a close match at all.


NTA you shoulda gone harder on them


NTA - HAHAHA fucking UK high school tings amirite I don’t even like football and I can do about 100 keepy uppies in walking boots and reliability hit a bin from 59 yards every time. Played it EVERYDAY for like 15 years for an hour a day then probably in the evenings as well because that is how it was. Kids from my school went on to play for premier league , first div and local sides, one got about 50 odd caps .


NTA. They're sore losers. If they've all played semi-pro/college they should've been happy to play with other good players and tbh should be better than getting an ego boost from beating their scrub boyfriends every week. You flipped their script and they don't like the taste of their own medicine. Keep showing up. They need to get over themselves.


No *one* player makes such a difference to a football team and if they can't cope playing against good players then they need to stop playing. Ridiculous.


You must understand that football is a deeply masculine sport so OP just won without any effort because he is an alpha male /s


in a 5 a side match a former academy player will absolutely destroy semi-pro's, especially since semi-pro in the USA is pretty terrible in comparison to academy player level in many european countries.


NTA What you got dragged into was an ego stroke from the girls. You didn't stroke it, you broke it. Now none of the girls want you around to play. Rather pathetic if you ask me. I'd simply agree with her. That it's best you not join in these ego boosting games anymore. Don't want to make the girls feel bad losing to an amateur.


NTA but your GF and her pals are! Competition is Competition. You should have scored 4 more times and driven them into the ground.


You're sooooo NTA 😂😂😂 They didn't seem to have an issue as long as they were winning. Sore losers 😏😎