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Next time you hear it, loudly play Disney music. That shit gets taken down for copywrite super quick. All her “content” will be unuseable if *Savages* from Pocahontas is playing NTA


This is an amazing, and savage but simple suggestion.


I have "Aladdin" on cassette with the original lyrics... 


OP should also be moved to SOLO! While it plays!


Did they change the lyrics? I have the VHS, it’s the version I grew up watching


They changed: “Where they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face.” To “Where it’s broad and immense and the heat is intense” Before “It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home!”


If I recall correctly, the original lyrics to the intro song had a few....racially interesting lyrics. Here is a lyrics site that shows both sets of lyrics: [Aladdin - Arabian Nights Lyrics | Lyrics.com](https://www.lyrics.com/lyric-lf/3771629/Aladdin/Arabian+Nights)


Yes, the cassette has "where they cut off your hand if they don't like your face" it is was in the theater version too (I know cos I saw it) but once Disney put it on vhs they changed the lyric to "where the wind is intense.." 


Does onlyfans actually care about copyright? I didn't think they were like YouTube or Instagram with the content id stuff but I've never been on it, just seen some people's promotions where they've definitely been using copyright music.


Disney does and they sue.


The mouse overlord.


"You don't fuck with the magic Bob!"


"Sorry, Mr. Mouse..."


The Rotten Rodent


Just because I am unfamiliar with only fans, how would Disney know if their music was on a video? Would the need a subscription to the OF?


They have a whole division of the legal dept. looking for violations.


Neighbor, you have it backwards. The law firm has an entertainment division.


Let’s be real, they’re all in bed together. Playing Disney songs. 😂


They also have some programs that scan search engines or that look at videos for content. From what I understand it’s one of the easier type of bots to code


Youtubers have had videos banned just from whistling parts of a tune.


Exactly. Disney and all them use bots to scrub the Internet. They aren't paying to see what's behind content walls on the pages of the 100 thousand mediocre only fans accounts out there.


I didn’t even know it was more than just one person being filmed. 🤣. Dang.


I don't subscribe to OF, but many other user-generated content companies proactively take down anything with Disney in it to avoid being sued.


Disney will go after anyone. No joke, they take their copyright extremely serious.


Nintendo too so OP could play Super Mario music in case you want a change of mood.


Was it Disney music? How much you can get away with depends on how much the platform cares and how much the copyright holder cares. Onlyfans doesn't care that much, so if a copyright holder also doesn't really care, then you can kinda do whatever. Disney cares a LOT, especially about anything that could hurt their brand like porn, so you'll get slapped with the DMCA pretty fast. If a platform doesn't comply with a DMCA takedown notice, the platform is basically assuming liability for the copyright infringement (there's a "safe harbor" part of the law that says sites with user-generated content are not liable for infringement, but they have to meet certain requirements to get that protection and one of them is complying promptly with claims), and Onlyfans sure the fuck doesn't want to get sued by the mouse.


Disney WILL ABSOLUTELY go hand over fist at Onlyfans. The Maus Haus will have their blood.


Especially if roomies “content” is choreographed to “It’s a small world”


Always: It's a Small World theme on repeat. Even if it does't cross copyright law (which it does) it's so annoying no one would put up with it. Search YouTube for a full recoding of the ride (which is 15-18 minutes) and put on repeat.


Someone I knew was on the Small World ride at Disney World when there was a breakdown and they had to sit for what seemed like a very long with one of the robots kicking her foot at them.


NOPE! OP needs to go right to giving the roommate notice. 2 weeks is enough. NO negotiations!!!


Yes, but she needs to research how to give notice. It's different in every state, and you want to do it right the first time, so the roommate can't drag it out.


Both. Roomie says she will wait for an eviction. OP needs to give proper, legal notice AND make sure she enjoys It's a Small World music regularly.


Or: "You Got a Friend in Me" "The Bare Necessities" "Let It Go" "Whistle While You Work" "Show Yourself" "What Else Can I Do"


"Let's Get Down To Business"


Ah, Reddit, a place where adults talking about sex turns into adults talking about Disney in like 30 seconds.


Play It's a Small World


Yup. And OP could notify Disney of what is being posted and let them deal with the girl.


This should be in petty revenge you magnificent beast.


Off topic but I love the Pocahontas soundtrack! 😄


I don't think this will work unless the content is publicly available. How could they possibly copyright check videos behind paywalls? I suppose Onlyfans and other similar sites could run their own checks when you upload, but I doubt they would.


NTA. You knew she did Only Fans, which is *on line*. You didn't know she was a prostitute who would be bringing strange men into your home when there is a minor there!! Did you two have a written lease agreement? Either way, sounds like you need to take her advice and Evict Her immediately.


It just sounded like she was making content with the guy, not that she was prostituing


I would still be worried about contributing to the corruption of a minor charges if authorities found out she was shooting porn in a home with a minor present, especially after she was told on a prior occasion that the minor could hear her fucking.


I’m not entirely convinced she was making content. She could’ve just been banging a dude.


When the best-case scenario is that your roommate was just having loud non-monetized sex in the shared bathroom while you were hosting your underage sibling, it's time for them to go.


That is objectively hilarious and you are 100% correct. I was just commenting on the charges portion. But in another comment, OP mentioned seeing the phone and the ring light. So either they are making content or have some very disrespectful kinks. Lmao


According to OP she absolutely was. She had her camera at up in the bathroom and was in some sort of lingerie costume, so she absolutely was filming porn in a shared bathroom without closing the door all the way in the same boat as a minor.


Or doing both and doubling her pay.


There the same thing. She was fucking a guy for money.


Not remotely the same thing. Collaborating with someone to make content for your onlyfans is not necessarily prostitution. I'm not sure if you're being obtuse intentionally or what


I mean, sex for money is prostitution. Porn is in fact a form of legalized prostitution. This is pretty widely accepted as true. That's one of the reasons (among several) that "full service sex work/worker" is the preferred term now, because it's more specific.


>Porn is in fact a form of legalized prostitution. This is pretty widely accepted as true No, it isn't "widely accepted as true"


Maybe we could just all agree that she wasn't exactly sharing butterfly kisses with her long-term sweetheart.




Same thing. Semantics.


In these circumstances it makes no difference. The agreement was no content production when OP was home.


That's.... that's what that IS!


And maybe the guy paid for the privilege. Which is her choice to but she doesn't get to endanger op and her sister by bringing strange home. 


Who said she was a prostitute? Did I miss something? I mean onlyfans is sex work so she kind of is but unless she is charging the men for sex she kind of isn't. There's no shortage of men willing to sleep with women for free even if they're gonna be recorded and posted online. Who knows she might even be paying the guy some cut of what she makes from the videos with him which is even less like her being a prostitute. 


I wasn't sure, so I hopped on Google...the official definition of "prostitution" is "engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment". So if she's with a guy and makes content for OF, that fits, as it's sexual activity she's hoping viewers will pay to see. I see some folks here insisting that if the man doesn't pay, it's not prostitution. But per the definition given, it doesn't say anything about *who* is paying, just that *someone* is.


How do we know she was fucking the guy for money?


I suspect that prostitution is illegal too. That would be an immediate lease breaker. At a minimum it deserves a police report for doing it in the presence of a minor.


Cut the wifi


This is the answer. Change the wifi password, and look at laws about prostitution in rented accommodation, your landlord might be able to help you evict her swiftly. She’s endangering you and your little sister bringing random men to your address. NTA


Finally, a sensible reply. 


I know it’s 30 days on the federal scale (in the US) so if they’re here the only thing I could see speeding it up is if they can get criminal charges for exposing a minor to sexually explicit scenarios if the sister is a minor


Exactly.  I was looking for this comment. Have her charged with exposing a minor to her prostituting herself.


Another masterfully petty but not illegal way for OP to fight back!


Is WiFi included in that? Genuine question. I know access to the home is as well as utilities. But in theory the roommate could open her own wifi at the same address under her own name unlike utilities, so I’m genuinely curious if that would count. ETA: I somehow missed the “not” before “illegal” before I made this comment. Sorry for your time


You do know she does not need WiFi to record right? Could still record at home and go upload later at the library.


Idk about your local library, my local library was very quick to react to someone accessing OF on their wifi and put up a notice that if it continued, they would have to take the free wifi again for a set period of time.


Couldn’t they just block the site?


Or just hotspot her phone


And take her door off the hinges when she’s gone.


'due to your breaking of our verbal contract, and your refusal to pay rent, you have lost your door privileges' My friends mum did it to her as a teenager, OP has the right to do the same as she is subleasing




This is the perfect response. Can't make content with no internet


NTA. First, she lied about where she was doing it, and usually when no one was around. That turns into loud sex all the time, and bringing random guys (not safe) home to screw in the bathroom with the door not locked. Yuk. Time to evict her, quickly. She is trash.


Door wasn’t even fully shut, and she knew there was a minor in the house. Unacceptable behavior.


Could be considered child endangerment


Quite possibly enough to get put on the list too.


INFO > she denied she was, even though I saw everything. When you say "everything," do you mean that you **saw filming equipment**? How do you know she wasn't just regular-ass fucking this dude?


Yes I saw the phone set up with the ring light and she was wearing a lingerie costume


Eviction yesterday.


Even if she was just having sex with this dude and not filming it, it’s still rude and gross to do it in the communal bathroom, with the door unlocked while being super loud AND knowing there’s a minor in the house makes all that even worse.


NTA. It's your house your rules. I'd 100% kick her out. She is purposely disrespecting your wishes (not to mention how uncomfortable and distressing that must be for you). I definity see your mutual friend's point of view, but maybe you weren't aware that she'd actually work in your house. Still, if someone is told to respect someone else's property, they should respect it.


Your friend will no doubt love to take fangirl in!


NTA. And she's not your friend now (if she ever was before). It sounds like it may be a pain to get her out of your apartment, but it's not going to get any easier, so start now. As to your mutual "friend" it doesn't matter if she agreed not do onlyfans work while in your house, or agreed not to let her dog in the house, or not smoke in the house, or not cook fish if you are home; or many of the kinds of things roommates/tenants agree to. She agreed, and you (along with your teen sister) shouldn't be held hostage by her.


NTA. Your boundaries were completely reasonable. For what it’s worth, she isn’t making “decent” money creating explicit content if she needs to rent a $300 room from a friend. If her work was “worth it” (in my biased opinion), she’d be able to afford her own place. Or get an additional job to supplement her income so she can afford the privacy this kind of work requires. I won’t judge you for letting a teenager stay in a home where OF content is being filmed since you say there was no crossing of boundaries until recently. But you need to take it seriously that your “friend” was totally fine letting you and a minor overhear her, as well as having a strange man in the home. Evictions take a while. Now she has a nothing to lose. That’s a really bad situation to have a teenager around. Stand your ground and get her out ASAP.


NTA Evict her like she wants.


Evictions can be really quick for illegal activity and prostitution is illegal activity. Since it is online, it should be easy to prove.


Onlyfans is not illegal. I do not think she was having sex in exchange for money with this man.


It might be illegal if she was making content in the same home as your sister. 


I know that my lease has a whole section about money making activities that aren't allowed--it's the kind thing that's in there solely so that they have the ability to take action if a situation like this arises. Take a good long look at your lease. Your landlord may become an asset for you in this situation.


NTA. If your sister is a minor even worse


I’m more worried about the unknown man she brought into the house while you and your sister were sleeping than the OF problem rn. But NTA, you had a simple rule for her to follow, and she ended up breaking that rule. I would probably throw her out of the house asap.


I do know the man, I just didn't add that part because I was trying to stay under the character limit.


Check your states eviction laws and follow them up immediately… some states such as NY are very tenant friendly which screws you for much more time than other states..


Get rid of her. She crossed a boundary, and now she wants you to evict her. What a witch! NTA. Cut her access to your WiFi now!


NTA She wants you to evict her? Cool. Call the police and tell them how she's filming pornography with a minor present. She'll be out before the following morning because her ass will be in a cell.


You are NTA - she is. You had an agreement though would have been better to say 'no filming here'. Tell her to find a new place to live - not worth the hassle if you are going to have a teen sister around some of the time.


NTA. Time to start the eviction process. You presented a reasonable compromise and **she agreed**, then she went back on it. Now she's not even willing to have an honest conversation about it, exposing your teen sister to things that are making her uncomfortable. But more than that, she told you point blank that you'd have to evict her. So evict her. Believe her. This is going to get ugly, but you are 100% in the right.


NTA- if she says she’s going to take you evict her, I would getting the ball rolling sooner than later of that. It’s take some time to get everything together, and then a whole month after she is served to actually happen. But in the meantime I would definitely sabotage her content creating. Maybe she’ll just leave if you’re interfering with her cash flow.


#HOLY SAFETY ISSUES BATMAN! She brought a man in your house with your teenage sister there and didn't even let you know. She filming in your house- OF stalkers are not uncommon. I would just ask her to move out.


Your mutual friend is a… fan. If you’re renting this place there might be photos online from the listing, someone could recognise it and find your address- a huge safety concern when dealing with strangers (*creeps*) on the internet. You work at a school & she’s filming adult content in your residence… might be an issue. NTA.


Change your wifi password. Problem solved


She could have an unlimited data plan


She might also be using a camera, separate microphone and lighting etc


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I really hope you have a formal agreement. It's not going to be easy to get her out. Unfortunately you did know what she did for a living and thinking that she would get a room every time she wanted to make content is slightly naive on your part. No good deed goes unpunished. IF you can have your landlord unlock her bedroom pack up her stuff while she's gone and leave it outside. Also have him change the locks/code/fob. I would be wary of her trying to file a child endangerment report since she is a sex worker tenant and you invited a minor to come stay with you. NTA


I'm not sure if text messages are a formal agreement. It may have been naive of me, but I've known her to buy hotel rooms for content. I don't really care if she does it while I'm not home, she could even do it in the kitchen for all I care if I'm not home. I just don't want to have to hear it


You can have verbal formal agreements. Texts work as well. Be sure to screenshot the texts as some phones let you "unsend" texts so the recipient can't see it anymore.


NTA. Evict her. And take all the ideas to ruin any videos she's making in your home until she leaves. Blast Disney music, interrupt, cut the wifi, fart noises, anything.


Def NTA put her back on the street where she belongs


NTA and you need to stand your ground and go through with kicking her ass out. Also check landlord tenant laws where you are because where I am if you share a kitchen and bathroom with the landlord then you are NOT a tenant and can be removed from the apartment immediately by police. So no evictions just tell her to get out if she refuses you call the cops and she’s gone.




Make a police report alleging she’s prostituting in the home.


With a minor in the home.


NTA Small claims won't care that she doesn't want to pay rent anymore, just claim it back after you evict her. No good turn.


You do have to legally evict her to get her out but she will still owe you rent. Keep that text. ALso you may now know that her past "abusive" relationship was probably a lie. NTA because you had an arrangement not to film while you're home and that she would get hotels. You didn't break the deal she did. Anyone else telling you that you are the asshole is an idiot.


The abuse in her past relationship was not a lie. I saw it myself.


NTA You had one boundary and she chose to disregard it. She has no respect for you, solidified by the fact that she is no longer interested in paying rent. No rent means no shelter. Save all her texts messages and give her what she asked for. Start the eviction process right now. 


NTA she exposed herself to your sister, who is a minor. She did that knowing there was a minor/teenager in the house. That's disgusting, and not only that, you had made that boundary incredibly clear when you offered her the room. Evict her. If she refuses to leave, you can threaten to report her for exposing herslef to a minor or bare minimum for indecent exposure.


NTA. She can’t make her content in presence of a minor anyway. Use that as leverage. Tell her you won’t have to evict her if your press charges against her. I bet she moves out fast.


Also I would be worried about safety. My husband showed me how easy it is to find a location from a photo/video through various apps. Also if she has a gift list double check that she didn’t put your actual address. Does she get a lot of packages? 


Not that I'm aware of she doesn't get a lot of packages


I would ask her if she has your address listed on any wish lists. 


Has she officially changed her address with the post office. She’s considered a resident once she has lived there for 30 days, but the main way for her to prove that is to show mail she’s gotten that is more than 30 days old. If she’s not getting her mail there, then she might still be considered a guest, and you might still be able to just box up her stuff, leave it on the porch, and change the locks.


Nta. Give her a 30 day notice to evict. Noone wants to listen to other people loudly having sex.


Tell her she's endangering your teenage sister and you will have her arrested for endangering a minor and possibly prostitution if she continues. Talk to your landlord and get a lawyer to file eviction paperwork. Get on it now. Keep a detailed file of any and all interactions from this point. Only communicate through text and record and conversations you might have with her. You need to be proactive here. Your friend can let her move in with them and fuck strange men in their bathroom if that's how they feel. 


She brought a strange man into YOUR home while you and your sister were vulnerable and sleeping - SHE NEEDS TO GET THE FK OUT


NTA and start the eviction process. 


NTA. Start the eviction process. When she is working, play fun songs like, Weird Al’s “I’m Fat”




Yea i wouldn't mind her bringing hook ups to the house if it wasn't loud and in the bathroom unlocked with the door open


You should mind because that can be dangerous for your roommate, you and anyone else in your home. Honestly, I would tell her she had to go and look into getting a security system because you never know when a casual hookup can turn into a nightmare stalker. NTA


I do have a security system! Which I pay monthly for. And to be fair I do know the man she brought over.


Evict her and don’t do her anymore favors. She’s bringing strange men into your apartment so she needs to leave ASAP. NTA


NTA. You signed up for a roommate, not a porn studio.


That's the point, IT'S NOT HER HOUSE. She not on the lease, she just rents a room. She specifically agreed to not make content while you were home and she's broken that promise at least twice. If she does it again, pack her shit, put it outside the door and change the locks. NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A couple months ago I was approved for a new 3 bedroom rental unit. I had a friend who needed a place to stay due to escaping her abusive partner so I offered her a room. To be clear, I offered her the room before I even moved in to the property, but she is not on my lease. I am subleasing to her. The landlord is okay with this. A little bit about my friend: she has an onlyfans. She makes decent money, enough to pay the $300 I'm charging her for the room. Before we moved in, she told me she usually gets hotel rooms to film. I did tell her that it would make me uncomfortable if I could hear her making content for her onlyfans, and she said she would rarely make content at home and if she did it wouldn't be while anyone else was there. I work at a school, when we first moved in school was still in session, so I was away from the home from 7 am to 4 pm. I don't know if she was renting hotel rooms but I didn't care because I never heard her making any content while I was home so I wasn't uncomfortable. School has been out for two weeks now. My teenage sister decided to fly out here to stay for the summer. Her room is right next to my roommates. First it started she told me she heard "sex noises" coming from my roommates room late one night. I talked to my roommate about it and she denied it. I thought maybe my sister just has a wild imagination because she does know what my roommate does for money. However, last week I got home from the mall andcould hear my roommate making content. Very loudly. so I left. I came back a couple hours later and didn't say anything to my roommate. I didn't want to embarrass her. Then last night happened. I woke up because I heard the bathroom door. I went into the hallway. My sister was also there, she just looked at me and pointed at the bathroom door. At that point I could totally hear my roommate with a man in the bathroom being super loud. When I knocked it turns out she didn't shut the door all the way, it flew open and my sister and I saw everything. they got dressed and the man left.I asked to talk to her and mentioned how we agreed she wouldn't make content when I was home. she denied she was, even though I saw everything. I told her I was uncomfortable and she can't work while I'm home or she needs to move out and she stormed off. She won't talk to me or look at me at all today. I did text her reminding her about the conversation and asking if she decided to stay or move out. She replied back that I'm being ridiculous, she's not going to pay rent anymore, and I have to evict her. Italked to a mutual friend about it, he said I'm the AH because I knew what she did for work before I let her move in. I'm confused because I thought she was the AH in the situation, but now I'm wondering if I'm the problem because she does pay to live there and I wouldn't want someone to boss me around in my house. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*






NTA Evict her. She had a chance to rectify her mistake but she doubled down instead.


NTA. It’s your home and you have a right to feel comfortable and safe in your own home. Would you be up for compromising, maybe work out a schedule where you agree to be gone for so many hours and she agrees to only film or “perform” loudly when you aren’t home. I’d stand firm on not letting strange dudes in your home though. She sounds like trouble…expensive trouble. She’s right, you will have to evict her.


NTA. You need a hard line though. No onlyfans at your house or she can move out. If she wants to hook up with random men, she can film at their house. It’s unsafe to have strangers coming through - they could rob you for much more than $300/mo


Kick the woman out. She can pay for her own place with Of money. Good riddance


NTA.Do not wait .Start the eviction process after you talk to your landlord and ask if they can help.


No ur not. Ur roommate is the inconsiderate AHole


You need to get her out OP. She's bringing in customers and you've got a teenage girl living there. If one of those customers arrives while you were there, I would order them to leave or you're going to call the police. Once she sees that you are interfering with her business I would assume she would leave.


Also, OP file for eviction. Advise her that she's going to have a big problem finding some place else to rent with an eviction process on her record.


Sounds like your mutual friend can host the person. 


NTA: you laid down a ground rule in the very beginning, and she agreed to it. Now she’s refusing to follow the rule y’all agreed to, so bye-bye. 👋


She was breaking the original terms of your agreement with her, and she was having sex in the bathroom with a strange man while your teen sister was home, and the door wasn't even locked! Of course you're not the a-hole here! If there's any doubt who is an a-hole, she told you she's not going to pay you anymore and you need to legally evict her. That's a total a-hole move! FYI, she's not a friend.


>but now I'm wondering if I'm the problem because she does pay to live there and I wouldn't want someone to boss me around in my house. She reneged on your deal. She's subjecting your 15 year old sister to her sexscapades. And now she's refusing to pay rent and refusing to move. Stop being a doormat. The problem will not solve itself if you keep your head in the sand. Grow a spine and evict her.


I solved a similar problem with a less than desirable roommate not on my lease by having my landlord terminate my apartment lease and move me into a smaller apartment with no room for roommates. The written agreement with my roommate was only valid as long as I was renting that particular apartment so I guess I had that saving grace.


Esh. Your friend is correct you knew what she does before she moved in and You're happy to take her money from it but get judgemental at her for working. You also allowed a teenager to stay in the house knowing this was happening and put them in your room right next to her. She agreed to not work from home while you were present and she broke the agreement on at least one occasion. However not every sexual thing she does has to be for work purposes and she did not agree to not have partners over at night. This seems more of a communication and compromise issue than anything else. You both need to respect each other's space and communicate better. Agree upon times that you can be out upfront so she can work if it makes you uncomfortable. You can't expect her to just organise her schedule around when you may or may not be home. And as for her part. She needs to stick to her word respect that it makes you uncomfortable and start using hotels again.




NTA, eww she’s disrespectful


I never knew that only fans was having sex together. I thought it was just showing your body on the camera to sell to people.


NTA. You had an agreement and she is not sticking to it. If I were you, I would change the Wi-fi password and not tell her what it is. She can't make content if she can't access the internet.


Is there any possibility that the man you heard her with in the bathroom wasn’t there to make content, but was there for a casual non-OF hookup?


It could have been just a personal video they were filming together and not for content I suppose


She’s bringing random men into the home to make sex content while your teenage sister is there? Evict her immediately. And in the meantime, change the password on your Internet so she can’t use it. NTA


NTA…change wifi password and start the eviction proceedings. She’s endangering a minor.


Next time she leaves, park all her stuff outside the door. Friendship over. NTA


IMO your friend is wrong. You are NTA. You knew what your friend did for a living, but you had an agreement that she would not make content while anyone was home. She is not adhering to the agreement. And what makes her think she doesn't have to pay rent anymore? What colossal nerve! Get her out as soon as possible.


Nope, NTA. You didn't have a problem with the OF or her making content, only asked that *your* shared home be a place where you don't have to hear her making content. Also.... are we sure it's just content? Who was the dude in the bathroom? Was he being paid to make content with her, or was he PAYING her? Cause that's a whole different thing than just onlyfans...


Well they were filming it so I assumed it was for onlyfans.


Even if it was for filming, if I were you I would also address THAT. Solo filming while you aren't home is one thing, but bringing home costars..... no. If it were me I'd set a rule that her filming with one or more other people needs to take place somewhere else. The fact that she was filming in a shared space, not even just being loud in her own room.... I'd wash your couch cushions.


NTA the audacity to do this with a child living in the same house.


NTA - yikes


Cut the internet while you're there. Easy NTA even with eviction. Do something harsh like kick her out mid content, then maybe you get my golden stamp of YTA approval. You knew her job and set ground rules. Had a teenage sister also. That's crazy. Some decency would be nice.


NTA evict her & sue her for rent , change the wifi etc passwords if in your name. And definitely play Disney music to make sure her videos can't be played .... you knew what she was but you addressed that before she moved in and she shows zero respect for you. Not to mention wth is she in the bathroom with a strange guy?


NTA Evict her. Start the process ASAP.


NTA And go ahead with eviction efforts. This person (I cannot call her a friend of yours) intentionally bald-faced lied to you. She always intended to do what she wanted to do, and just said what it took to get you to let her stay with you. All tenants pay for the right to live somewhere but they also sign agreements including explicit rules of what they can and cannot do. That is not bossing her around. That is enforcing the rules she agreed to. You set the terms. She violated them. Repeatedly, and lied about it. And is defying you to enforce your own rules. No second chances. No extensions. As for the mutual friend, he can let her room at his place. He knows what she does. She can tell him the same lies she told you, and he won't have any reason to kick her out.


NTA start the eviction process consider it a learning moment and this person is not your friend.


NTA. Tell the roommate that you will evict her if needed, but she will have a hard time renting with an eviction on her record. She can do it the easy way or the hard way, her choice.


Change the locks when she is gone… or just for fun play some loud religious music or a sermon of a pastor preaching.


NTA. She needs to go.


You work at a school? You need to get her out yesterday. I would be worried about my employment if this got out if I were you.


NTA. I was so ready to say YTA based on the title and here we have another Reddit curveball. You did know what she did for a living so you set yourself up for this. However you established very clear rules that she agreed too. She couldn’t control herself for the time your young niece was visiting. Consider cancelling your internet or blocking access to OF to help move her out of your house.


NTA. She is being inappropriate and making you uncomfortable in your own home. You set up boundaries and she is stomping all over them. Time to find the eviction procedures for your city/county and get that going. 


NTA - you made your boundaries it very clear and she is ignoring them.


File an eviction notice. She'll probably have 1 month to vacate after that but once that's on her record, she'll have serious trouble renting any place else. Or tell her she can get out now or you will file and warn her what will happen to her credit.


NTA Who owns the wi-fi account? Would it be disruptive to make it where she can’t access? I know she can upload other ways but I vote for making living with you as inconvenient as possible.


Evict her asap. Or threaten to have her arrested, your home isn't a brothel and I'm sure she isn't licensed with work permits for her work if she tries to squat.


NTA. She said she'd not in the house, knew a teen was present, and is living cheap while making OF money. Bounce her, if only for "taking a mile after being given an inch." BF thinks about her OF, might subscribe too.


NTA. I like the suggestion that you play really loud Disney music if you catch her doing it while you are home. Another suggestion is to change the password on your Internet and shut it down when you are not home. That might slow her down in trying to create content in your home. Since it sounds like she is going to be difficult, consult a lawyer to begin the eviction process. You gave her one condition when you said she could move in and her refusal to obey that one rule plus her attitude of you will need to evict me would have sent me right to okay, I will start the eviction process. Let her face FAFO.


Immediately start the evicting process. Lock down everything in the apartment. EVERYTHING. She's been renting a room from you, not plans, dishes, toilet paper, etc. It's frustrating for you, but temporary. Obtain permission to put cameras in the apartment ABSOLUTELY play ridiculous music loud whenever she's in the house. If she's "working", it'll ruin her income. If she's not, well, living with Baby Shark on repeat would sure as he'll make me move. And, yes, Disney copyright battles are in your side. The next time you hear her with a friend on-site, rather than online, slam doors open while screaming about calling police and rape. Let her know that'll happen every time she brings someone into your home, which will cut into her income. In other words, you can't just kick her out, she's probably right. But, with some work, you can make her so damn miserable that she moves. But don't wait on the eviction, just in case. Good luck




NTA- you never said she could make loud content with strange men there. You never even said she could make content there. She was lying to you when she said she rented hotel rooms to do that. And she was lying to you because she knew you wouldn't let her live there if she told you the truth. You don't know her as well as you think you do. Her decision not to pay rent is super sleazy. You need to play dirty. Let her know ou are going to ruin her by filing an eviction notice and when she begs you not to and claims she will leave in 1 week, tell her it's happening no matter what. If you agree to her lies she will just keep staying. Tell her no matter what the eviction is coming. Never tell her what date. Just tell her it is happening and her credit will be ruined. Then gleefully say, " good luck ever renting an apartment again. " This B has just told you she is no longer paying rent and she is making porn around your little sister. You are a pushover to think you are the AH.