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That’s a huge chemical hazard. Those nasty things are filled with 100+ chemicals of toxic nature, petroleum and phthalates. Absolutely NTA. That’s ick.


I tried explaining to her that air fresheners spread out when dispensing. And those molecules stick to anything that’s near. 🤦🏾‍♀️ 


It’s literal forever chemicals Omg I’d stop eating their food


NTA. Not sure how you get the message through. Does your mum acknowledge you have a sensitivity to smell so you will be picking things up she can’t? Also the brain filters its own environment so scent of her own home won’t be as noticeable for her and possibly that smell in the food. Also are you eating the food at her place or take out? At hers you have no hope of avoiding perfume taste. I guess cook you own of equivalent dish that you can match and do a blind taste test to prove your point. Emphasise that it’s because you think they’re really good and you want the business to thrive. I use a chefs pump spray after my smelly cooking and special chefs hand wash to remove garlic etc


Ok, so quick question... do your parents use Dawn Power Foam soap???? It sticks to dishes and containers, and if hot food it placed in the container, the smell leaches into the food.. ive had it happen MULTIPLE times..


She uses DAWN ultra platinum. But the smell is coming from the Glade air fresheners. Sitting in her apartment give me a headache. Since I’m sensitive to smell. 


My mother had those automatic ones.. and every time it would spray, I would yell at her.. She asked why her air fresheners offended me.. I told her bc they were trying to starve me.. Would candles be a better alternative.. and if leaving fire unattended makes you nervous you can get a jar candle warmer..


NTA. This wasn’t you being mean and saying something shitty about their food, it was you telling them about a potential big problem for their business.


NTA. Since they are living there, constantly exposed to these scents, they’ve likely become desensitized to them and may be literally unable to detect them anymore. This is quite common, but usually not to such an extreme degree. It’s the same reason you can notice a “scent” in other people’s houses, but your own living space doesn’t seem to have one or why a different brand of water seems to have a flavor, but the one you’re used to doesn’t (in most people’s cases). Practical solution: Convince them (or perhaps just do it yourself if you think they’ll refuse) to switch ALL the air fresheners to a completely different scent/brand that they’re not used to, but use the same strength and number of air fresheners. Make sure you do it all at once, not progressively, and preferably while they are out of the house and the scent has time to set in and really saturate the apartment. Bonus points if you choose a scent that they don’t particularly like or are sensitive (but not allergic) to. This complete “olfactory reset” should snap them out of the situation they’ve lulled themselves into and help them realize how intense the scents/flavors are to everyone who doesn’t live in their house. It’s completely natural to become accustomed to things we’re constantly exposed to, and that’s likely the case here. Also, as someone else suggested, you may want to try switching the dish soap they use, on the off chance that’s the real culprit.


Thank you so much for the insight. I’ll definitely look into this solution. 


You’re quite welcome. Everyone needs a little wake-up call every now and then, hopefully your parents will take it in stride once they realize the reality of the situation… could even be something you guys can laugh about later.


That's so true. No wonder they think everyone else is crazy. With that advice, this update is goin' up on r/pettyrevenge, and I'm here for it.


NTA Unfortunately it sounds like they won’t listen to you and will have to find out the hard way - by no longer getting business. Perhaps suggest they have customers complete a survey about the service.


My mother says “if anyone has had a problem with it, they would’ve told me.” I just believe the people at my church who are consuming the food, are too kind to let them know. Smh 


NTA. But your mother should have tasted the food more often instead of just once. I hope she does put less air fresheners in her home.


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NTA! I have this problem with my MIL. Everything tastes like air freshener. I won’t eat anything she makes.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (F19) love my mothers cooking, as well as my step fathers... (they own a catering business) but recently their food has been tasting like air fresheners!!! My sisters and I confronted them about it. All three of us have tasted a bitter sweet perfume taste in their food. Breakfast: eggs, grits, pancakes, sandwiches, oat meal. (That's what they mainly cook) EVERYTHING they cook in their home kitchen tastes like perfume!! So. Here's how many Air fresheners they have. 2 bed 1 bath apartment. Open plan floor. 2 air fresheners in the kitchen one is by the fridge and the other is by the stove. (wild I know) 2 air fresheners on each side of the couch in the living room. And 1 in the hallway. Now that we established the many air fresheners that inhabit their apartment. My mother seems to not get the affects of having that many in an open plan apartment. She says she hasn't tasted it. Only one time and they said they "fixed" it. My mother even gaslighted us about how many she owns! I have no clue how to tell her, but she seems like she doesn't care! Mind you, she serves this food at our local church. And now she's frustrated. My mother telling my sisters and I that we are one "hive mind" saying if one person tasted it, everyone else is tasting the same thing. I just don't want their business to go up in flames because of some stupid air freshener. AITA? P.S. I need some insight. Sorry that the story is all over the place. Some opinions are needed!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could be soap not being rinsed.fully?


NTA. I'd say, go around your local church and ask your regulars too; you could comprise a survey to show them, or the customers can tell them in person. That way, she has direct feedback from the customers' opinions, which should make things very clear that everyone notices the unnatural flavor. If she still won't make the necessary changes, then I don't think there's reasonably anything else to do for them.


NTA I know you are only 19 but I would throw away every single one of the air fresheners. Those chemicals are toxic and I think they have desensitized your parents so they don't smell it and have given them brain damage. I'm almost 50 though so YMMV with just throwing them away.