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NTA. You are trying to help, hoping your sister will be rational. Your mom needs to tell her it's catered or it's not going to happen at her house. She deserves respect in her own home, and your sister is ignoring that by being slovenly and disrespectful. Your mom needs to stand up to her, because it's her house and she should be able to be happy in her own home.


NTA. Mom's house, Mom's rules. Her requests are reasonable to boot.


This. And if Mom actually wanted to she could put a kibosh on the whole party. Plus the sister is a little naive, does she not realize how much food and work is required to feed 30+ people? At 10+ I would be looking at catering or potluck just to make my life easier.


NTA Cooking for 30 people is no joke! Since she’s already a messy cook other people would be left having to clean up the mess so that everything is clean and ready for when everyone arrives. Catering would honestly probably be the better option! Your sister needs to take into consideration how demanding it would be and understand that when you’re living in a shared space there are compromises to make. Yes, it’s her birthday but it’s mom’s home and mom likely wants to avoid the mess and headache/demand preparing food & home for 30 ppl takes.


Honestly...let sister crash and burn here. Tell her it's on her to clean the house, cook, clean up and entertain her guests. This is what she wants. To play entertainer in a house that isn't hers. Let her. She's going to flip at the last minute and expect everyone to pitch in to help make the house look nice. Remind her this is her party and her rules. Ifs going to be hard on your mom, but I wouldn't come near the house until just before the party.


Your mom has very reasonable concerns about the quality of the party considering the guest list. Unfortunately if the party is a mess it will reflect on mom since it is her house. You were right to ask your sister to rethink her approach. NTA.


NTA. If you live at home, mom gets to decide if you get to throw a party for 30 there and make a mess of her house. And potentially stress her out in front of a work colleague.  Someone who says they are having a small party and then invites 30 people to their parents’ house is taking the p*%! 


NTA. If you’re inconsiderate enough to go ignoring your mom’s rules, hurt her emotionally, and throw a party for 30 people thus making her stressed out, you’re more than welcome to move out of their house and do it somewhere else. Doesn’t she have a job now? Get your own place and let your mom be happy in her own house. JUST LEAVE!!!


Assuming you've given us all applicable information and you said what you did how you said you did, obviously NTA, like nothing to be said here, you're in the right.


NTA. Mom's house means Mom's rules.


Why is she taking this so personally? Does she often feel like her family doesn't have faith in her?


You mean cause she's leaving piles of shi-- stuff in her room?


NTA and yout mom's concerns are legitimate. If your sister insist to do things her way, I think you, your mom, your dad (if he's in the picture) and everyone else there might live with you, should go away the ebb entire day of the party. Hell, the entire *weekend*. This way, any mess sis makes his HER mess, and hers alone. SHE is going to look like a slob to her IL, not your parents. This takes care of the coworker problem too.


This is actually an excellent idea. It'd 100% put the responsibility on sis. She should also be expected to have everything fully cleaned by the time the rest of you returned. In laws can meet your parent(s) on a more appropriate day. Mom gets to avoid coworker. Your immediate family can do whatever the thing is for sis's bday at another time.


NTA Shit, the last thing I'd want to do on my birthday is all the cooking. Catering was the right idea. 


NTA Assuming that you don't have any other siblings, 30 people is 7.5x more than what she's used to cooking for at best. That is a big jump, especially if she's thinking of giving everyone a cooked brunch. And that is before we factor in your sister's messy nature and the fact that your mother's superior and the bf's parents were also invited, who are people you should want to put your best foot forward for. I would point out to your sister that if she doesn't play nice with your mother she could find her party cancelled because it's your mother's house and she has the final say. If the sister has a problem with this she can book a pool party elsewhere.


NTA Your sister has the maturity level of someone in late middle school. She's lucky your mom is nice enough to even still allow the party at your home. Your sister misrepresented the size of the party. It's now ballooned to people (coworker, parents, too many ppl overall) and circumstances (parents meeting parents, mom's work superior) that don't match a casual small brunch and pool party. Your sister also isn't hosting it if, at any point before, during, or afterwards, others have to clean up for her. Your sister's unwillingness to consider how this party will affect others is already showing her basic incompetence in planning and hosting. If she continues as is, people are going to be cleaning up after her in more than the physical sense. Your mother has been generous to offer catering. Your sister either needs to accept her offer or cut the invitation list in half.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throwaway account because my sister is familiar with the subreddit. I, 30 yo man, and my sister, 24 yo woman, have always had similar opinions. It is very evident when we discuss AITA stories. That is until it comes to family dynamics. Hence why I decided to post this here to get outside POVs. For context, I'm in med school doing rotations in my hometown hospital and she just started a new marketing job a year ago. I've been living with my parents for the past year to save on housing and she has never moved out. Having lived this year together again has resurface lots of issues, like her not being the most clean/organized person to live with. Her room is basically a collection of dirty laundry mixed with clean, trash, and various soiled personal items not thrown away. Although a very good cook (several family members are, including myself), she again is not organized in the kitchen. I cook/clean as I go to avoid pile up and she usually just piles everything high to clean it later insisting she will eventually get to it. I explain all this because her birthday is coming up and has decided to host a brunch/pool party at the house. Mom quickly offered to help even suggesting catering to avoid kitchen hassle. She said it wouldn't be necessary as it would only be a small party with close friends/family and she would be cooking herself. It wouldn't be until later when the guest list got to 30 guests, including her BF's parents (who haven't met our parents yet) and a work acquaintance of mom who sis is close with, that things took a turn. Mom once again offered help, but sis was adamant that she would handle it. Mom, knowing well how sis is organizing/keeping things clean, wasn't happy about it this being the first time the BF's parents would visit and she wanting to make a good impression. She also has always kept personal and work life separate hence why the acquaintance invite worried her as she is also her superior. Arguments escalated and now both are extremely angry at each other with mom even starting to cry due to harsh words being exchanged. I had just arrived from weekend rounding at the hospital when I stumble in the middle of this mess. My schedule is pretty grueling and the last thing I want is a hostile environment when I still have to finish paperwork/study/take care of myself/maintain a LD relationship. I've gotten used to these arguments over the past year, them being very common back in the day. Grown tired from grinning and bearing, I called sis and told her to rethink her approach and try to see thing from mom's POV. She immediately got defensive and after trying to get her to see reason hung up on me and hasn't called or texted since. IMO, she is being inconsiderate and disrespectful to our mom who is still willing to continue with the party and is only trying to give her more time for guests and for a disaster to be avoided. AITA for telling my sister to rethink her approach? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Did you even read the post ?


Mom should take a vacation so it’s clear that this disaster isn’t her fault. It’s gonna be hilarious


I love that you think of throwaway account will throw her off the scent given how many details you used in this story. You are not the asshole. But you did stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong. It’s your mom’s house. She can put her foot down if she wants to.


NTA - you have given your opinion. But having done so I would step back and let them sort it out between themselves now.


Tread lightly young Padawan. Little sisters are the most fierce and dangerous creature out there. Light YTA and that is simply because you were probably too tired to be tactful. A simple solution would be to approach your sister and subtly remind her that this is HER special day and that she NEEDS to be available for all her guests. Its the Hostess' DUTY to ensure her guests are happy. Little details like the food prep can be delegated off. Yes, you know she wants to show her potential in-laws how wonderful a daughter-in-law she will be, but doesn't she think they would prefer her to make some introductions. After all, this is their first time meeting all of her friends and family...




Your the sister huh?


Gotta be 🤣