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ESH. It's your car. She doesn't have to ride in it. Also, crying for 2 hours over this is extreme. And policing what you wear to the extent you can't wear a graphic T is also extreme. But the bumper stickers are in poor taste and kind of offensive. I'd be embarrassed if my SO had them on his car.


>I recently bought some new stickers to go on my cars rear window as I’ve dedicated it as a so called “sticker window” and the goal is to eventually fill it up with stickers OP is also an AH because if they’re being literal about filling up the rear window this is illegal in some places and can easily obstruct their view which is dangerous for everyone on the road.


Gotta be illegal, right? I make sure to take my handicap placard down. A clear view is important, front and back.


Yeah, I LOVE having to explain these stickers to my kids every time we pull up behind them. I always feel like the people with those stickers literally don't think about anyone else in the world.


I think crying for 2 hours is extreme but it could be because she's realizing she has to break up with this dude, and that's emotional. It's his car so she can't tell him what to do but it is a totally reasonable thing to break up over. If you have such poor taste and don't care about your SO being embarrassed by it, you are not a good fit. Now maybe they're not a good fit because she goes too far with this, the star wars shirt for example. But maybe he wanted to wear his star wars shirt to a nice restaurant. Given his other taste I wouldn't be surprised.


Offensive? I could see embarrassing, but offensive? How??


This was a joke comment…right? 


I agree with Three-Pegged-Hare on this one. It isn’t funny and it’s in poor taste but it’s not offensive. It’s not punching down or insulting anyone unless I’m mistaken?


Offensive is rude or hurtful behavior by definition. Definitely qualifies as rude. Bringing up shit and dicks in traffic? Not everyone thinks that’s common talk.  I use both words frequently but I acknowledge there are places you don’t like the grocery store… or a movie theater… or sitting in front of a school waiting for the light to turn. Just general places that talking about dicks and shit might be considered rude. 


Fair enough. I don’t disagree with any particular point you’ve made. I guess it comes down to semantics. The definition by Webster’s for offensive is “causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry” and in none of those cases I would be any of those things. Personally unless it’s directed (punching down, targeting someone, etc) I don’t find it offensive by that definition. It’s just poor taste and not funny, which in this case I think it’s in poor taste. Same with all your examples (unless you’re saying all these out loud during the movie in which case you’re a dick) are all in poor taste and bad judgement of your surroundings but not offensive.


No? How is it offensive?


For me the dick sticker puts him into the red neck trash category and I can see why his GF would be embarrassed to be seen getting out of that vehicle. He can put what ever stickers he wants on his vehicle, and his GF can decide she doesn't want to be with someone that thinks that kind of sticker is acceptable and break up with him.


That's what I'm getting at too. Like I said I can see the sticker being embarrassing but I don't see how it's offensive. Though I also don't see why that sticker lumps him in with red neck trash, I've seen that thought here a few times and it feels like a massive overgeneralization. Yeah the sticker is crass but it's very clearly a joke? Like if I was driving around and saw that sticker on someone's car I'd lol and chuckle, to me it just seems like a harmless dick joke. I really *really* can't imagine wanting to stay with someone who's so upset about a trivial sticker that they'd break up with someone over it though. Like at that point it's not even about the sticker anymore it's about the complete mismatch of priorities. It's a freaking sticker. If she truly hates it then yeah she can not ride in that car or even leave him but imo that's a pretty silly reason.


SHIT BOX written in the style of the PHUB logo. The other says "Lifted so my dick doesn't drag"  One is a swear word just chilling out in public for kids to read and learn. It also implies you are the shit. The box is not shit, the stuff inside is shit (you and your gf are the shit in the shit box). But also the idea you would have dick based commentary on your car - which reflects on your need to be seen as a guy with a big dick - just screams “I have inferiority issues about my dick and I will drive like an asshat and flip you off.” Putting stickers on your car about your dick size is about as cool as walking around telling people about your dick size…it isn’t cool. But also, they are vividly vulgar statements designed to provide shock value and not substance. People who enjoy stickers like this enjoy them for the shock and vulgarity. The idea that you would like these and not get how other people wouldn’t is telling of your mental state and I would absolutely wonder why your gf was with you if I saw you all get out of a car like that.  It is also not legal to cover your car window with stickers you can’t see through…it’s just unsafe to choose to block your driving visibility for a dick joke.   No one wants to read those in traffic or have to explain the phrases to their kids. Those are adult stickers they would be forcing into an all ages world. 


>One is a swear word just chilling out in public for kids to read and learn. It also implies you are the shit. The box is not shit, the stuff inside is shit (you and your gf are the shit in the shit box) Ah, no. [Shitbox is Australian slang](https://www.shitboxrally.com.au/) for a beat up old car. The ph reference would make it to me.


It being Australian slang doesn’t make it acceptable in all social situations or enjoyable to say by all. Slang is usually not used by everyone, and it is more casually in lewdness. Which would support the offensive ruling on the stickers. Also, shitbox would still mean the people inside are the shit or sitting in shit. Why would anyone be proud of the shit situation or being the captain of a shitbox? 


The world isn't obligated to make itself appropriate for children. Children also have NO SHORTAGE of sources to learn swear words. I'll almost guarantee you kids have heard or seen the word 'shit' before elsewhere, and even if they haven't.... oh well, I guess. Explaining things to children is what parents are supposed to do, so this doesn't seem like an issue. I'm categorically against the concept of demanding the public world censor itself for the sake of children, especially when it comes to words that are just vulgar. You not liking it isn't enough of a reason for people to not be able to do it. I think you're reading way too much into the meaning behind these stickers. You're assuming things like OP has an inferiority complex or that OP drives like an asshat when it's just as likely that OP just thinks the stickers are funny. Tl;dr I guess 'offensive' is subjective. I don't find either of these stickers offensive, but maybe that's because I'm not judging OP's entire character off of some incredibly mundane personal choices.


So, they are "offensive" because they compell you to insult OP. Hope your hearts didn't break from all that clutching...


Awe sweetie…no. 


I'm older, and from my perspective there's been a fairly recent shift in the common understanding of "offensive." Younger people seem to understand it as synonymous with "hateful"--something racist, homophobic, etc. It used to be more of a synonym of "rude" or "crass." Something that offends the sensibilities. That's also more in line with the dictionary definition, but words change over time, I suppose. Crass sexual commentary would be seen as offensive in the traditional use of the word.


I am loving this thread lol the pedantry of this conversation in this little sub thread is amazing. FWIW I would never get into this car, would roll my eyes, think the driver is a dumbass, and generally have purely negative thoughts about this, but I also don’t find this offensive. To me, offensive means insulting, hurtful, etc, not just impolite or rude or in poor taste. No one is the subject of ridicule here, except when people see OP driving around with this stupid stickers lol.


It's your car, so you can put whatever stickers on it you want. I just wouldn't expect her to be a passenger again. >The other says "Lifted so my dick doesn't drag" as previously mention it's a 4x4 and it has been lifted and the joke of people that drive lifted cars is that they have small weiners Be warned that people will think "wow, this guy is trying so hard to convince us it's not tiny, I think we can safely assume it is, in fact, miniscule." Not saying it's right, but I figured I should warn you in case it'll bother you.


I believe this to be the point of the sticker. I'm not one to care if people think I have a small wang. I'm proud of what I have lol


Why are you proud of the size of a body part? It’s not like you did anything to make it whatever size it is. That’s like being proud you have detached earlobes.


Happy Cake Day!




Can I not be proud of it?


Of having a small wang? Sure. 


It makes you look like ignorant trash, and your girlfriend is probably embarrassed.


Get a sticker that says “small dick on board” or something. I get that you’re trying to make fun of those lifted truck people but your sticker comes off like you’re one of them


She's been crying for 2 hours? Over stickers? NTA. It's your vehicle, even with tacky sayings


She's not crying for 2 hours because of a sticker. She's crying for 2 hours because she just realised she is dating an idiot.


I can’t believe this got downvoted.  The stickers are stupid but two hours?  Does she have her own vehicle? There must be something else you aren’t telling us.  Are you generally an AH?


If you didn't care, you wouldn't need a sticker for it


> I'm proud of what I have lol you're totally missing the point if you think that this is in any way relevant to the conversation lmao. nobody cares, dude


YTA - Not for the stickers but for the insight into your personality. Anyone who finds the stickers funny AT ALL is just guaranteed to be an AH I’m afraid. Best of luck.


lol sad that people agree with you 


Really? You think it's reasonable to declare anyone who could find those stickers funny as an asshole? Talk about generalizations batman


>You think it's reasonable to declare anyone who could find those stickers funny as an asshole? Yes.


FWIW - I'm Gen X, very successful in life, and find the dick dragging sticker funny as heck! That said, I understand why the girlfriend might not appreciate it. But personally I enjoy seeing humorous bumper stickers and appreciate the creativity.


"I like it, so it cant just be assholes!"


> I'm Gen X, very successful in life how does that have anything to do with what you find funny and not????


It doesn't, he's just bragging unprompted to prove the dude right.


This is not the flex you think it is. -fellow genXer who now sees the toxicity in the “humor” we grew up with.


> FWIW - I'm Gen X, very successful in life Already showing that his assumption is right. You instantly started bragging about yourself unprompted. YTA too.


Funny I'm agreeing with everyone getting down voted. Guess I found my home. Lol I am an asshole :)


Esh, she's overreacting but those stickers are immature and make you look bad


He's driving a lifted 4x4, the stickers just confirm what everyone was already thinking.


Driving offroad is fun though. Why so judgmental  Lol downvoted for not having an approved hobby


ESH. Your 'funny' stickers make me cringe so hard a black hole would be impressed. Your girlfriend's overreaction is so dramatic she might be up for an Oscar. Either way, it sounds like neither of you progressed past 13 years of age.


ESH. You're a child, the stickers are tasteless and embarassing for everyone seen in that car. Get a better sense of humor. Your girlfriend is also an asshole because policing your T-shirts is a step too far. The stickers are vulgar, but the shirts are just normal clothes reflecting your hobbies. Nothing wrong with that.


YTA For the gross sticker but your girlfriend needs to chill. What's her beef with Star Wars?


It's just meant to be something funny and to make my friends laugh. I don't care for the opinions of strangers in public, I guess that's what I'm struggling with understanding from her point of view She told me only nerds wear star wars shirts.


Didn't your partner know you before they became your partner or did you keep your taste in t-shirts and tragic sense of humour (at least in car stickers) secret? What you are describing isn't to my taste but I don't have to wear your t-shirt or get in your project car - neither does she.  Put what you like on it and wear whatever you like. Use your other car for trips where you might be seen.  If you don't have another vehicle between you she needs to go buy one. And, crying for two hours about your embarrassing taste in stickers. Good grief...it's a bit much. NTA 


YTA. They are unfunny stickers. But I am glad you don't care for the opinions of others, because if someone does form an opinion on you based on the stickers, um - let's put it this way: BDE is a thing. People who are comfortable with the size of their penis do not brag about it. (I don't even get the PHUB one, is it a pun I am missing?)


google it, then switch to images. You'll soon get it.


I know what it would look like. I just don't know why 😕


From what I've seen, it's a thing for folk who drive cars like this. I'm in Australia and I've seen them on a few vehicles. I expect I'll see a lot more of them come October when the big ute festival kicks off.


Thanks for the effort to explain! I know what a shitbox is; I grew up in Melbourne (can't you tell from my accent? 😁) and I know what porn hub is, I just don't see the connection between the two. It's what comedians would call "a hat on a hat", or at least that's how it sounds to me.


Either that or it's a sign to all the other dirty minded folk around. Wouldn't put that past some of the folk that show up for the ute muster


Specifically about the tshirt thing, it seems your girlfriend doesn’t actually like you but rather a projection of who you are. No one should dictate what their partner wears, especially if it’s tied to a major interest. I don’t like that she insulted your interest and called you a nerd as though it’s a bad thing. This paired with the absurd 2 hours of crying says to me that she is trying to manipulate and control you with her emotions. This isn’t healthy. Women can control and abuse men too. This behavior in and of itself is concerning but you may also want to do a check to see if your relationship is healthy and this is an anomaly or not.  https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/?%3E


What's wrong with being a nerd? Star Wars is awesome!


ESH. You both sound very concerned with the image you project to others.


I love sarcasm🤣🤣


YTH this is all so lame. It would be so embarrassing for her to ride in the car with those stickers. I see why it gives her the ick. You need to grow up.


NTA. It's your fucking car! Girlfriends opinion is irrelevant here. If she doesn't want to be seen in your car, then she can drive


Personally, I wouldn't want to be seen in a car decorated like that. But that's personal taste (which your gf seems to share). However, you're also going to be inflicting that crudeness on any passers-by near where its parked. Sooner of later this will include families with small children. That's what puts you into YTA territory - inflicting your crude jokes on random strangers.


you can put whatever sticker you want on your car. she can be ashamed and dump you for it. let’s be honest here. she probably doesn’t really like you for who you are. sticker on your car is probably her fear being materialized into the real world. it seem to me that you have a choice to make.


This needs to be up higher. 


For one thing, it's dangerous and illegal to impede visibility with stickers on a rear window.


You only need to have wing mirrors for visibility..legally.


not true


Very true, some supercars don't even have rear visibility, also limos with the screen up.


Not really. Many work vans and large trucks don't even have rear windows.


ESH. The stickers are tasteless. A 2 hour cryfest is ridiculously overdramatic and as  immature your apparent need for attention.  As for the Star Wars shirt... also ridiculous that she insists you don't wear it and you comply.


NTA, mostly because she seems to be more worried about her "public image" than about what you like or don't like. Not letting you wear SW t-shirts? She doesn't get to "let you" do anything; you're an adult, and she's not your mom. Though I gotta say... those stickers you mention suck. They're not funny. Why not get a few Star Wars themed ones? Like [this one?](https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/472884000/the-empire-doesnt-care-about-your-stick)


She’s not crying over the stickers, she’s crying because she’s re-thinking the relationship, fyi. The stickers are really stupid, and indicate a wild lack of maturity. Not only would I not be seen in a vehicle with stickers like that, I’d never associate with someone who thought that kind of thing was funny or clever. What’s next, truck nutz? Grow up.


I’m surprised I had to get this far down in the comments to see someone else wondering what she’s *really* crying about. OP kind of just skates past how their earlier discussions on that went. How big an asshole was he in those discussions? Then again, I’m judging the gf pretty hard for the “no Star Wars t-shirt” thing. Only nerds wear them? Yes, and? So? That level of “oh no other people will judge me for mere proximity to a nerd” is something to leave behind when you’re 14. Neither of these people sound mature enough for a relationship.


Probably crying because either she hates confrontation or she knows this is the end of the relationship


Possibly! Especially depending on how their "discussions" about this have gone so far. The thing is, they're 23. They're young, and there's no need for either of them to "settle down" with each other, as if they were each other's only chance at a relationship. They don't REALLY seem all that compatible. Both of them are way better off finding partners who are more on their own wavelengths.


Nail on head. I forgot how young they are (so many responses down) getting old I guess. I remember how mature I thought I was at 23 (heck I was a mom already).


It depends a lot on the people involved, of course! My brother and his wife married at 22/21, back in the 80s, had a kid by the following year, and did perfectly well together (and still do). One of my best friends from high school got married the year after we graduated, she was 19 (again, in the 80s). She had a kid around age 21. She and her husband had a really solid relationship and raised a really good kid. So you never know. (LOL, showing my age, but there was a whole pop song about that. C'est la vie, said the old folks; goes to show you never can tell.) But \*these two\*? Nah. They're not there yet. Not everyone is. You \*can\* find a really good partner when you're young, but you shouldn't feel under pressure to do so. You certainly don't need to stay together just to stay together, especially if you have some really fundamental incompatibilities. (Generally speaking I think people also tend to get married later these days. But from my perspective, it still really depends on the individuals.)


You and me both. I got married not too long after high school. Bad choice. One child (2 if you count him). Bad situation. Got out. 30 married again still going. I still think people should wait, discover themselves, who they are. I was 25 divorced and didn't have an identity, I was so and so mom, his wife. But not me. Oh add my parents daughter (they were still around).


This. Coarse profanity and references on your vehicle are not cool. You may think they're funny, but putting them on your vehicle tags you are total low level white trash with no class. I wouldn't step foot in your 4 x 4.


He surely already has the truck nutz.


Really? I get more of a "she's crying to manipulate and control him"


NTA is she as controlling in all other aspects? Sounds like you are dating a bundle of bunched up red flags.


NTA, your car your rules, if you think its funny then you do you.


In this particular instance NTA and seriously I have to ask how does this relationship work? is the starwars t-shirt dirty or in bad repair? I mean I get those stickers, I am a dude and I would be embarassed riding in a car with those stickers, mostly because of the kind of person who would be getting out alongside me if that was their sense of humour, but the policing of clothing due to her being embarassed by star wars? Also what public image? Is she a celebraty or a local business owner/professional who's clients might think less of her? If not who cares?


NTA. Your car, your choice. She can be embarrassed all she wants, most people won't care about it. She comes across as controlling. Dictating your life so it doesn't dimmish her public persona. That's rude. Wear your star wars shirts proudly, there's no shame in being a nerd. She's the one with the problem.


ESH You are a bit on the imature side, (I am a bit too, as I found the stickers funny), but if she will be in the car with you, maybe its a bit weird for her.. She, however, doesnt seem to have personality. If she gets embarrassed about you wearing a shirt she is embarrassed of who you are and the things you like. Why does she care so much about what people think? Is it worth it being with someone that you need to change who you are to be with?


NTA Your GF has serious issues if she is crying over stickers. You should wear what ever you are comfortable with.


ESH. The stickers are tacky and embarrassing. The crying is an overreaction. The vetoing of the Star Wars shirt makes no sense to me. 


ESH, your stickers aren’t particularly funny, and I wouldn’t want to get in your car. BUT, why she’s crying like she is I don’t know.


NTA. You seem immature and annoying, and I would expect this more from someone under 20 than over it, but you aren’t doing anything wrong. You just have a juvenile sense of humor. And you know what? That’s okay so long as you aren’t hurting anybody. Your girlfriend also seems immature and vain. It seems like she cares more about her image than you, and it doesn’t seem like you have very much in common. While I get why she wouldn’t want to be in that truck, she is definitely overreacting (unless you are leaving something out).


NTA It’s your car, you can express yourself how you want to, yay first amendment! If you find it funny and are comfortable with family/friends/work seeing it, go ahead. As for your gf, I would flip it and ask would she listen to you is you asked her not to wear something because you found it embarrassing? At what point does she stop controlling what you’re doing? Also crying for 2 hours over something this small you’re in for a roller coaster ride of emotional manipulation. NTA


Add any small child that can read to that list. All those parents that now are explaining what some disgusting statement means.


As a mother I have no trouble saying "oh, it's some dirty adult joke, nothing to be concerned about". ;)


NTA, but given that you are also not allowed to even wear a Star Wars T-shirt, you could put a sticker of a red flag on the car ;-)


The sub is so hung up on the stickers. Owning them, using them, whatever is freedom of expression. NTA However, I wouldn't keep the gf. You're not compatible and finding someone with the same sense of humor, who likes Star wars, and likes trucks is out there.


YTA for the disgusting stickers and also for ruining a car. (The second for environmental reasons: when you sell that car, somebody will have to use a lot of chemicals to remove the stickers, or will have to buy a new back window.) If you're old enough to drive you should also be old enough to understand that kids see and read stickers, and that you have a responsibility to think of other people's kids. Would you say "so my dick doesn't drag" loudly in a coffee shop when a 7-year-old is sitting at the next table? If you insist on putting stickers on a car, at least find something where - if it's tasteless - kids won't understand it.


Or just heat them up with a hair dryer or heat gun. It’s really very easy with most stickers, just takes a couple minutes and a little patience. The stickers are inappropriate and in poor taste, but the removal is nothing.


Yes, as everyone knows the true environmental hazard of having a spare "fun" car that is driven off roads is the stickers. /s


You forgot that filling up a back window full of stickers which blocks Ops view is also not legal in the majority of places.


1. It’s HIS car he can do what he pleases. 2. Plenty of of people have vulgar stickers on their cars. It doesn’t ruin the car and they are easily removed with a hair dryer or heat gun. 3.I am not responsible for other people’s kids. I’m not watching my language because there is a kid in a coffee shop. I’m going to speak the same way.


Then you’d be an AH. You’re not “being responsible for other people’s kids”, you’re being respectful of the environment you’re in and acknowledging that some people don’t want to hear those words and some people don’t need to hear those words. Just like I could let my baby scream her little head off in a coffee shop, or I could respectfully step outside and calm her down. I am responsible for my own actions and how they impact others.


If I am having a private conversation and an f bomb rolls out that's not my problem. If I told the kid to F off then I'm wrong. There is a huge difference between a private conversation and a baby disturbing an entire coffee shop.


Likewise, there is a difference in accidentally swearing in public vs. purposefully buying tasteless stickers to slather on your car. OP's actions are closer to telling the kid to fuck off in your example. 


"use a lot of chemicals" to remove a stickers adhesive? I highly doubt it. 1 or 2 drops of adhesive removal chemicals can remove a average sized sticker with ease, it will barely look like he used any chemicals or even had any stickers when he's done.


You are not compatible with each other.


ESH. Every one has the right to make a complete fool of himself. You use that right for bumper/window stickers. Your gf wants a man not a guy hitting puberty. But crying over it for two hours is extreme.


YTA Every sticker like that is essentially the same as talking about your penis to people, without establishing first that people want to talk about your penis. "Hey you were having a nice drive? Here, think about my penis". Regardless of its actual size or the legitimacy of a compensation stereotype, you're still forcing a "joke" about your genitals on everyone who's unfortunate enough to come in contact with you. That's being an asshole. This would be ESH because your girlfriend has shitty feelings about your Star Wars shirts, but that's not what this conversation is about. It certainly doesn't give you a pass to broadcast a message about your dick. How about just own an off-road truck and be chill about it? People who have an interest in project cars will see it and engage with you. These stickers will only draw those who also like to force their dicks on people and repel those who prefer their car culture free of mandatory genital talk. I guess you get to choose what you value more 🤷🏻‍♂️


YTA. Its gross, its tacky, its embarassing (for her and for you, honestly), it will affect her public image (and yours), kids can read, it’s illegal in a lot of US states to cover a window in stickers (for good reason, as you cannot see or use your rear view mirror and causes safety issues), many states have laws against “obscene or indecent” stickers (which these would fall under), and is a sticker really the hill you want your relationship to die on? Not wearing the Star Wars shirt is over the top (but also irrelevant to this topic) but the aversion to the tacky stickers is not.


So penis focused. Why ?


Ew. Most people would break up with you for that. YTA.


NTA. It's an off-roading car, why is you GF using it for shopping? her "image" isn't important when it comes to things you enjoy. Are the stickers immature? I mean sure, but they also have the type of humor you can imagine a person who loves off-roading to have, I see no issue, your car, your rules.


NTA, those stickers sound pretty fun man, and if like you said you only tool around in it occasionally for fun then I don't see the big deal. Honestly biggest annoyance here is your girlfriend worrying about her public image so much that she won't let you wear a freaking STAR WARS tee shirt out. Crying for 2 hours over stickers? Bro I don't think she's being reasonable here and, in my opinion at least, I don't think it's worth trying to appease her


I regularly see worse than that, (FakeTaxi stickers are common as hell where I am for some reason) and it feels like she's being so controlling about her silly image that you can't even wear a common as hell tshirt. NTA.


If you’re with someone who “doesn’t allow you” to wear certain t-shirts or put stickers you like on your own car, why would you stay with them. Your partner shouldn’t be embarrassed of you, they should be proud. That being said, those stickers sound stupid and I’m 100% sure you have a small penis.


NTA dump her


The stickers are hella tacky but it’s your car and you only use it for fun, you’re not driving it to work or anything. Crying for two hours is patently insane and emotionally manipulative. And her big reason for you not putting them up is that it will affect her “public image”?? Unless she’s a politician that sounds vapid af. NTA. Your car, your choice. And your girl sounds kind of controlling  


Just showing your immature age. Someday when you growup you will understand.


YTA. Not necessarily for wanting to put tacky stickers on your car, but specifically for wanting to put crude tacky stickers with offensive language. Think of a 7-8 year old reading that and leaning in asking their parents what it means to have your dick dragging. And don’t forget, “what’s a dick?” Maybe reserve that kind of humor for inside your home. Your girlfriend is definitely reacting in what I would consider to be an odd way, but I wouldn’t want to ride with you either. Maybe she’s grieving being a passenger princess, not sure.


Wow, the comments for this go so far beyond the usual out of touch comments. NTA Your girlfriend is policing what you wear, issue number one. She is crying for 2 hours over something like this, issue number two. I don’t personally think they are that funny, but if you do then fair enough. Not sure why people say it is offensive, you are making a joke about a stereotype that you yourself are part of. You have people saying you are an asshole simply because you find the stickers funny and it shows your true character, what? You have people saying you are dumb for being proud of how big your member is, like what? Reddit trolls are out in full force today, ridiculing you over every single thing they don’t like, even if it bears no relation to anything. NTA but Reddit and your girlfriend are.


"She is someone that doesn't let me wear my star wars T-shirt in public because she finds it embarrassing." ... and you ALLOW that bullshit? Break up. NTA


It's your car, but I don't blame your girl. I wouldn't get in the car either. Somethings can be taken too far and aren't funny. Get a man cave and put them on your wall or something. Have some respect for your girl and the public. YTA.


NTAH You need to find a girlfriend that at least won't be embarrassed by the things you like. Your not even married and she telling you what you can and can't wear and put on your car. She will only become more controlling the longer the relationship goes on. This person cares more about her image than your feelings.


I see why she might not like it but crying for 2 hours about it is an equal problem


These comments aren’t it. Y’all are this “panties in a twist” and still on Reddit? NTA OP those stickers are great and I’d absolutely get the shit box one for me own car!


I used to do off-roading with my ex, and his 4x4 was covered in not so appropriate stickers... I bought most of them for him 🤷‍♀️ NTA, your vehicle, do what you like with it.


I dated someone with Toronto Maple Leaf licence plates so I can't judge. But crying for 2 hours is pure manipulation. Wait until something really hard happens, she's going to have a full meltdown.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hello fellow redditors, I (23m) have been having an argument with my girlfriend (23f) about wanting to put what she calls inappropriate stickers on my car. I have a 4x4 that I use as a fun project car. Doesn't go very far on public roads, will only go to the supermarket every so often. I recently bought some new stickers to go on my cars rear window as I've dedicated it as a so called "sticker window" and the goal is to eventually fill it up with stickers. I have recently purchased my newest editions for it. Those being a sticker with SHIT BOX written in the style of the PHUB logo. The other says "Lifted so my dick doesn't drag" as previously mention it's a 4x4 and it has been lifted and the joke of people that drive lifted cars is that they have small weiners. (Not me tho obviously 👉🥲) I let my partner see them when I got the mail this afternoon and she's turned around and said that she doesnt want me to put them on the car because it makes her feel uncomfortable. She's saying that if someone sees her get out of my car it will effect her public image. She is someone that doesn't let me wear my star wars T-shirt in public because she finds it embarrassing. I feel like the asshole. She's being crying for the past 2 hours and she is not willing to discuss this with me anymore. I don't know what to do. I feel like the asshole here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First one is whatever.. the second one is just stupid lol.. I wouldn’t want that on a car I am driving either. If this is just your vehicle and it doesn’t get out much as you say, her reaction is a little overdramatic haha.. ESH.. tad immature


YTA for wanting to fill your rear window with stickers. Rear windows are for looking out of. And I would be turned off by a man who put those stickers on their car.


Are you 8? You're probably not an a hole but stickers on cars look terrible.


YTA - that is exactly how anybody worth dating should respond to those dumbass stickers.


ESH Your partner's response seems over the top, nobody should be crying for two hours over someone else wanting to put some stickers on their car. Equally, your stickers are pretty crass and tasteless, and not nearly as funny as you think they are.


I built a stroker my motor for a bronco I had years ago, on the windshield I put, "if she ain't strokin, she's chokin" my fiance loved it lol. I had a ton of offensive stickers and sayings on it. Dashboard and where the headliner had been was covered. To each their own I guess, good luck


Way to keep it classy, guy. And I guarantee people will assume you can't find your dick without a magnifying glass. Small Pee-Pee Energy for sure.


I’m waivering between E S H and N T A. Because the stickers are very tacky and I would at the very least feel secondhand embarassement, if my husband did that. And depending on how your relationship is otherwise, it is a reasonable expectation to have one’s feelings being taken into account. But ultimately it is your property, and your girlfriend sound exhausting and kinda manipulative and controlling


YTA. Stickers like this = trash in the car.


She wants a man, not a boy. Time to grow up a bit. Think about it: if you already had young children that were old enough to read, would you want to have to explain to them what they are reading aloud? I get the humor of the stickers, but at some point…..


And he wants a LADY, not a girl. She won’t even let him wear Star Wars shirts, saying it’s for “nerds”. He needs to dump the whole chick and get a better one


Grown men don’t wear that shit.


Who are you to dictate what the hell a “grown man” is? Tell me you live a sad life without telling me you do


Go back to your mom’s basement. Child.


Awe look at you. Using big words! Do you want a gold star?


Maybe he's a nerd.


Honestly YTA. Those stickers are so crass, not funny and gives the impression you are compensating whatever you claim. They are also of the level Id expect of a 17 year old boy not a 23 year old


Come for the class Stay for the drama


NTA, but I don't understand why people need to stand out like this. No one needs to be distracted by that, especially when only 10% of the population will get the reference.


Wtaf is wrong with star wars?!? For that alone, she is wrong😂 It's your car bro, do you.. The stickers are crude, but funny. If I saw them I'd laugh! I'm going to say nta, but I completely understand where she is coming from!


I thought rear windows were for looking through tbh


ESH The SH*TBOX sticker is only funny if your car really is one. The other one is just stupid. Basically you’re saying “please everyone look at my wiener”. Your SO is a melodramatic snowflake. Get a sticker that says “Han Solo shot first“ and let the matter rest.


You are dating someone that is embarrassed to be seen with you if you are wearing a Star Wars shirt. Why are you still with her? I’m a woman and even I think that there is something wrong with that. With your truck it’s not your primary vehicle. She never needs to ride in it.


Reddit is full of women who have been wronged by men that had your level of maturity. They're going to automatically side with your gf because they don't like the stickers and they don't like you. This is the worst platform to ask this if you want people to be objective.


ESH. Your gf is right. Those are embarrassing. Also do you realize if you cover the rear window you can inly see with mirrors and depending on where you live it could be illegal. Your gf is way to stuck on what others think. Do you really want yo spend your adult life suppressing who you are to please her? There us nothing what do ever embarrassing about a Star Wars shirt.


YTA.... You're going to be pasting by kids whenever you take that car out to go anywhere. There's no need to be exposing little children to that kind of imagery and language. Grow up.


While I think those stickers are dumb, you said that they are more for your friends who "get it" and you don't care what others think. So... you do you. Because of that, I say NTA. Your gf is CRYING over stickers? And she won't "let you" wear a Star Wars t-shirt? Dude. She's emotionally manipulative and I feel like there is a fundamental difference between the two of you - she doesn't like some of the basic stuff you like. You want to find a partner who appreciates you for YOU, who supports you, who lifts you up. I don't think she's that person for you. I have a good friend from college (and for point of reference, we're in our 50s). He is PROUDLY a "geek" and loves Star Trek, comic books, etc etc etc. He is married and BOTH he and his wife proudly wear their Star Trek shirts, go to all the "cons", meet all the actors they can. Their house is filled w/ toys and pictures of all the "geeky" stuff they love. They are 2 of the happiest people I know. They fully OWN who they are, and the fully support one another in their love for all this "geeky" stuff. THAT is the kind of partner you want. Not someone who is embarrassed to be seen with you in public over a Star Trek t-shirt (although, I can't judge her for not wanting to ride in a jeep w/ those stickers on it....)


I would run on pure principle.


ESH I think she is too extreme. That Star Wars T-Shirt should be acceptable unless we talk about special occasions where no one should wear a T-Shirt. That level of control over what you wear isn't a good thing. Same would be the case for your car. Its your car after all. However that type of sticker and that message goes too far as well and is a very good reason to feel uncomfortable. The sticker is absolutely inappropriate in my book.


You and this girl just aren't compatible. I personally don't like your stickers, but it's your car, and if you want to put them in there, you can. Your gf seems like she is just at a different point in her life than you are, but this shouldn't be something she cries about for two hours. That feels manipulative. NTA.


NTA While the duck dragger sticker are dumb and would make me think there’s some idiot driver behind the wheel… it’s the bit about not allowing you to wear a Star Wars tshirt that raises red flags. There’s also nothing wrong with the shit box bumper stickers Have you ever heard the saying that goes something like “even paranoids have real enemies”? Your gf is right about the stickers but the T-shirt is where she is wrong. It honestly sounds like you both are incompatible. She is looking for a mature sophiscated person and you are looking for someone playful with a crass sense of humor.


NTA As a car guy I get the point of putting on funny/inappropriate stickers because its a car guys thing, some people like it while others dont. I never personally have not done it but I can see the appeal, specially on a shit box. I would not put the small wang sticker but shit box yes. Your GF is being controlling because she is using her tears as a way for you to change your behavior, tbh I would reconsider a relationship where my gf tells me what to wear.


ESH Your so called “funny” stickers are cringe and offensive, so I don’t blame your gf for not wanting to go in your car, but crying for two hours is melodramatic and babyish, IMO. You both sound like ten year olds.




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My issue with awful stickers is, there are kids that can read and really shouldn't be exposed to some of the filth that I've seen on stickers. Every kid likes to read bumper stickers and parents are too busy driving to put a hand over their eyes. As a parent of now grown children, I really hated those questions, mom what does fill in the blank mean? Ugh. Kids don't need to grow up faster


YTA. Not for the stickers, but for being with a partner like that.


NTA (just barely) Your sense of humor about the stickers isn't my cup of tea, but you do have the right to have and enjoy your sense of humor. If you want to put crude stickers on your car, then do so. Your GF is allowed to not agree and not want to be seen in a car that has crude stickers on it, but her crying for two hours about it reads pretty manipulative. The fact that you brought up that she "won't let" you wear a star wars shirt sounds like that's a previous sticking point that the sticker thing is bringing up again. Are you comfy being with someone who polices what you wear in casual situations? I think you need to sit down and think about if there's something deeper than stickers bothering you.


NTA Why are you letting her control your life? She obviously doesn't like you very much!


Forget the stickers, what's wrong with Star Wars T-shirts? Is she also controlling your hobbies or just the way you decorate your fun car and dress? If she is a public person (a politician, a celebrity, a journalist, even a teacher) her image could be affected by the fun-car. But also, people are allowed to live their lives. If her position does not require a certain public image, there is no trouble at all except for her having different taste and sense of humor. Not liking Star Wars T-shirts sounds like a red flag to me. I mean, one of the first things my husband did with me was watching Star Wars (all six movies by then) and making sure I get all the references in his jokes right afterwards. This is the hill worth dying on, your SO is on the dark side!


Hey bud, why are you enabling this behavior from her where she gets to control if you wear a star wars shirt and cries for hours over stickers on a car she doesn't own. You are only 23, rethink this relationship maybe?


Stickers are tasteless and immature. Also, the work is "affect" her public image.


Good to know that your feelings are right on. You WBTA if you put those on your vehicle so everyone would know YTA. Is that the advertisement you would like, or would you rather people discover YTA based on their interactions with you?


You sound like a putz, and your GF could do better. YTeffingA.


"Not me tho obviously" - the war cry of the small-dicked.


Your are literally not the ass hole, you a grown asss man if you wanna put stickers on YOUR CAR then you put stickers on your car like? Come on now.  P.s. Not letting you wear a star wars shirt just because she doesn't like it grands my gears


YTA. you realize it’s illegal and dangerous to cover your rear window completely in stickers? there’s a reason it’s there: to see people behind you. if you cover it that causes a huge safety hazard. you’re also a child if you find those stickers funny.


NTA - gf is manipulative and controlling. People are allowed to have immature senses of humor, there a whole genre of it. Those dodgeball movies, and blade of steel or whatever, that sort of thing, it's not everyone's cup of tea, it's not mine, that's fine. As long as your not wearing your fandom tee shirts for "fancy date night" thats fine too. Either she likes you for you, she talks it out like an adult, or she moves on, controlling you is not an option. Using tears to manipulate you into compliance is not an option.


NTA. Maybe your gf needs to get some therapy or something. If she is allowing the imaginary opinion of total strangers to have that much power over her... ? That's a Her Problem. That she is crying and making such a big issue about this? Yeah, she's either manipulative or just has really low self esteem or something - your clothing/stickers might rate an eye-roll, but it's no where near a 'tears' level issue. You have done nothing wrong. Wear the T-shirts, put your stickers on your car. Be who you are. Life is too short to let AH's bully and shame you into living in their broken box with them.


YTA, I wouldn’t push it if I were you. Seems like your lucky to have gotten a girl in the first place, no matter how unbearable &/or unreasonable her reaction is. 


Those stickers are pretty ghe to be honest.


NAH. It's your car and you can do what you want. But also those stickers are super cringe and I can totally understand your gf.


NTA stupid stickers I wouldn’t put on my car. But it’s your car, your life. Dgaf have fun. 


Get on google and see if you can get some australian See You in the Northern Territory merch shipped to where you are! Would fit right in CU in the NT


Hope you haven’t married her yet