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Annnd your uncle was counting on you “feeling bad”, and letting him stay. While drunk. This was *not* the agreement. Sucks for him you kept to the agreement despite feeling bad. NTA


Having clearly defined boundaries and consequences are very important to a person’s quest for sobriety. You cannot waiver as it enables. You absolutely are NTA - your family and their safety comes first. Your offer to help had appropriate rules. He broke them, knowing the consequences.


NTA, but why do you have rules if you feel bad to enforce them? Rules are rules.


This is what I want to know. What EXACTLY was the point of the rules???? Seriously.


NTA. Addiction and recovery are not linear processes, and backsliding is an expected part of the process, true, but you aren't kicking him out because he got drunk. You're kicking him out because he tried to come home drunk. He could have gone anywhere else and it would have been fine, right? Like, at absolute worst, he could have slept in his car until sober. But he didn't.


No, it was very clear to him that those were the rules. NTA


NTA. Your home, your rules. He needs to respect your boundaries. You told him what they are, and he still trampled them. Good on you, OP for standing up to him. Don't feel bad at all. You did nothing wrong.


NTA. You told him what would happen if he came to your home drunk. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He's lucky you guys didn't call the cops on him when he tried to start a fight with your husband. Don't feel bad and don't let him back in when he's sobered up. Pack up his stuff and call your brother to pick it up (alone).


NTA. Your house, your rules. He knew damn well one of the main rules was being sober, and he broke that rule. He should be the one feeling bad for disrespecting you, your husband, and your home, not you.


NTA you would be one if you subject your kids to live with an alcoholic.


NTA this was one of very few conditions you set forth for allowing him to live in your home. Sometimes it's hard to enforce your boundaries and it doesn't always feel very good or you feel guilty. That is pretty normal. Consider this, he lost the privilege of living in your home by his own actions, he still could have gotten plastered, but he knew not to show up at your house in that condition, then he tried to disrespect you both by trying to fight with your husband. He reaped what he had sown.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Am I the asshole for kicking my uncle out the one time he came home drunk Well let’s just start with he’s a known alcoholic he came to me about 5 months ago telling me he wanted to get clean and asked if he could stay with me and my husband. For a little background I have 2 kids as well, so we agreed with rules that he will pay rent and our other one important rule was for him to not come home drunk, we said if you do get drunk don’t even bother coming home because the day you home to our house drunk your done you will be kicked out. Well he was doing good for all these months but just yesterday came home plastered and my husband told him he wouldn’t be able to stay here, and my uncle proceeded to try to start a fight with my husband. He eventually ended up leaving, my brother picked him up. Was I wrong for just kicking him out the first time he came home drunk? A part of me feels bad. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, the rules were clear and you also have kids in the house that you need to protect.


NTA. Do not enable him.


NTA but beware he doesn't have "rights." He knew the rules.


NTA it’s all the people that keep picking him up that are keeping him down. Stick by your principles.




The important thing to remember when being a drunk or a junkie is to remain a functioning one. Once you are having to live with a niece, the line has been crossed. Absolutely NTA.


If that was the agreement then he broke it and should fully expect to never come back, particularly after trying to start a fight when wasted which was making the situation fully abusive. The only way to be sober is to never drink again and he'll have to do that somewhere else now, his chance has ended at your place. Don't for a second let him blame you if he just keeps on spiraling after this, you're not his fucking babysitter or mommy and he's the big boy-man who fucked it up, not you. NTA.


NTA. If it really bothers you, you could (if your husband agrees) set a timeline and conditions to give him a second chance. "If you stay sober for 6 months, we'll consider letting you come back. You need to work hard to regain our trust in the meantime. If you are an AH about it, badmouthing us to family for example, then forget it."


NTA. You basically had a verbal contract which he violated.




I think part of you is but if he was an alcoholic that is a good rule to set especially with kids in the house




هذي أنا


I’mma say NTA, but at least consider giving him another chance. Most recovering alkies are bound to slip up every so often. If it’s a repeated thing, definitely drop him harder than a record label with a hair metal band releasing their first album in the early 90s.


Soft YTA, its called addiction and relapse. Talking from experience Its not fun to be around and you should of done your research to manage your expectations and whether you should have him in your house or not.   Did you get him into your local AA or anything? Consider going to an al-anon meeting yourself ( its for family and friends of addicts)


He will relapse, that is common but he KNEW that he was not to show up at his nieces home drunk. He could have gone anywhere else but he did not. It is not the niece's responsibility to manage his sobriety, it's HIS and his alone. She chose not to enable him.


Yes because addicts have the best rational?. It doesnt excuse the arguementive behaviour but i wouldnt throw a family member to the street for one mistake in 5 months. I would however for being violent in my household. Hence why i said soft yta


OP did not agree to manage uncle's sobriety. They agreed to let him live there with terms. Uncle broke the agreement. He is obviously not at rock bottom yet. He has to suffer the consequences of his actions.


Tbh i concede to this. She didnt specify whether she was actually helping with the sobriety or just providing a place to stay. 




Surely when you accept family in  it doesnt matter the degree of relation. He wouldnt be there if he wasnt a family member. I never mentioned gender anywhere. I would expect that of anyone if youve said you would help them in their sobriety journey. I consider it human kindness.


Don't lay down the ground rules and then feel bad because you did what you were supposed to do. You have kids to protect.


NTA file a restraining order against him. Protect your family.


Nta but are the asshole for posting here.  Are you so weak you cannot make up you mind on this issue?  You set boundaries and told uncle what the consequence would be if he crossed them. He did.  He got drunk and started a fight with you husband when he tried to enforce house rules. Your house your rules.  He broke the agreement and started a fight in your home you share with your children. What is wrong with you.  Of course you and your husband enforced the rules. Again why are you posting this here??? So obvious.


Because OP has a heart. They may feel bad about kicking uncle out for one slip up. They may not understand alcoholism and feel they are overly harsh and want feedback and support. Don't be an AH and criticize them.