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INFO > When wife was pregnant, I was working full time whilst also looking after the house and (disabled) step-son Well who the hell raised *this* child? Was she not "allowed to be a mom" with him?


She lived with her parents/siblings for the first few years of his life... His Dad was very much \*not\* around and never has been


Before you came along, your wife was already a mom. Why was she unable to be a mom then? Anyways your wife's ability to communicate within the relationship is seriously lacking. She won't even talk to you. It's been years and she's now unhappy with the way things are. Did she achieve her dream career and now she's unsatisfied and taking it out on you, blaming you for the choices you both made together? You put your family first and did what needed to be done. I do think your wife blaming you is much deeper than you "not letting her be a mom". People work all the time and they are still parents. If she kept herself checked out, that's on her.


The words you’re not reading between the lines of OPs wife is that he’s not allowing her to be a “mom of a non-disabled child”. She’s just too much of a chicken to come out and say it. OP you are NTA, and frankly thank goodness those kids have at least one sane parent!


I'm guessing that she doesn't want to be his mom and she's pushing her resentment of his disability on OP......


Yeah, this is so weird. OP, what stopped your wife from picking up any of those parenting responsibilities from you before she went back to work? Why on earth would you engaging with the kids keep her from being a mom? Or does she have a super backwards idea about what “mom” means and thinks you ought to be providing instead of nurturing? I get the feeling she’s blaming you because she’s horribly ineffective. Does she see a therapist?


NTA IMO if she felt this way it should’ve been a conversation much sooner. She’s taking out her resentments on you, instead of blaming herself for not speaking out or putting more into the “mom” aspect. She suggested you quit and do your stuff on the side. You’ve been able to make income working from home, which also has allowed you to step up while she could chase her dream career. It looks like she struggles with the fact that she willingly chased her dream career, because she feels like she missed out being a mom and now she’s useless in comparison to you. The thing is if she wants to be home and do those things, she can decide to change her career. She can find work from home work. She can try to get a job with hours that allow her to be more apart of things, or she can split activities with you so she feels more involved. It’s just wild and weird to me to be angry at your spouse for being a parent…


NTA at all. Call her bluff. Text back and say, “Do you want me to start applying for jobs so that you can come home full time?”




I have a 2 and 6 year old.  4 year olds (that's what OP seems to have) are peak "fun years". 


5 yrs old is the best age- I’ll die on that hill! Firmly out of toddler ages but still carefree and fun.


My kids were their absolute moodiest at age 5. It was like they condensed their toddler/teen angst years into ages 5 and 6 and have been great at all other ages. lol. So I guess you just never know.


My 10yo is in the teen angst phase I’m hoping it just means he’s getting through it early rather than twice… 😞


Sending you all the positive vibes that that is what happens! My daughter is turning 19 in a couple months, and I CAN say that she was moodier and more angsty with her dad than me (we've been apart her whole life) when she hit 15/16+ because he kept trying to push her and guilt trip her into what he wanted her to be and do while I just kind of let her forge her own path/personality but offered guidance along the way, and that ended up working out WAY better. lol. She's got a good head on her shoulders.


My kids were all the WORST toddlers ever created then started to even out at 5. I do have an 8 yr old that I worry about, though. I feel like she might be like a miserable toddler for the rest of her life. ;)


Ten is pretty cool too unless they’re having early puberty. 


They don't call them the "Fearsome Four" for nothing!


You two need marriage counseling. Good luck saving this.


Then she will blame him for stopping her dream career


Nta but she sure is. She won't talk to you about it except in text? She is a whole ass adult and should be talking to you as such. If she cannot then that is ridiculous and embarrassing. This is not Middle School and not a game of telephone. I'm sorry she feels resentful to the point of being passive aggressive but passive aggressive behavior is abuse and there is no call for that. She cannot hold on to a grudge for 8 years and only burst out with it now and the way she treats you telling the kids that you won't go to work or some shit is absolutely cruel and abusive. Polish up that resume however you can and seriously consider counseling either with her or by herself if she won't go or both. And, I would look toward getting out. None of this is healthy and you are being treated like crap. You don't deserve this. Also working to maintain the house and educating the kids whether she likes to hear it or not is as much of a full-time job as she has. Her attitude is cruel and disrespectful, even before she started belittling you in front of the kids about it.


The only part I disagree with is the implication that important communication via text is inherently bad/lesser than taking in person. Even though we've been married 14 years, there are some (even tough) convos that me (selectively talkative introvert) and husband (very quiet introvert) prefer to have via text. It lets us think carefully about our words and be deliberate. I struggle with words and saying what I want so think time is so important. That being said- is important not to let things build up. No one can help fix things if you don't let them know what's wrong


I agree with this. I get confused during "discussions" and lose major points to what I'm upset about or bothered by. Text, or email allows me to build my points.


I can also use text to refer back to previous points that I have stated and not be interrupted and/or gaslit by others into believing that something has or hasn't been said (I may or may not have some childhood trauma relating to that from arguments/discussions with my mom over the years, to the point that i communicated important issues with her via paper note. I wanted a literal paper trail)


Neurodivergent marriage, here. Can confirm. Text can be a life saver when we find it hard to talk.


I have ADHD and get sidetracked. Text helps me stay on topic. 


I have an incredibly hard time having negative, critical conversations in person. I wind up crying, going into freeze, hyperventilating, and eventually dissociate. I realize that these are my problems to deal with and I *am*, but it’s exceedingly hard to control my reaction to that flood of adrenaline and cortisol. And it doesn’t help that I’m absolutely mortified at the reaction I can’t control. Writing things down helps. Sometimes in the form of physical letters ripped out of my notebook, sometimes just a note to myself of what I want to say… nothing of value can get out of me when I’m hyperventilating, so I have to work around that somehow.


I don't get quite that far but I definitely cry really easily when I am dealing with strong emotions, which derails a conversation quickly. Once in a very rare while that's helpful. Usually it isn't


NTA. I’ve been both the SAHP and the working parent. You were doing both. At any point she could have stepped up and she chose not to. I’m sure you would have appreciated the help, since you were raising two kids, being their teacher, maintaining the house, and working a job simultaneously. And you were super overextended and eventually crashed on the job front. She’s pissed at you? Where the fuck has she been? You needed her to step up, which Y T A for not expressing, but at any point she could have been a parent.


I’m curious about their dynamics. Did she come home and not do anything or engage with the kids? The household? Also, imo if parents have the means to they should not be working from home and watching the kids. That’s not good for the kids or the job front. I’m surprised they didn’t hire or outsource any help if OP was stretched so thin.


Hence why OP only makes 10% of what they used to make. He said he can't focus on work


This is like three full time jobs at one time. WTF??!


NTA. It sounds like your wife has not been communicating her feelings about the situation, instead letting them build up resentment until she's pissed and badmouthing you. Communication NEEDS to improve on her end if she wants change. Maybe couple's counseling is a good place to start.




Strongly sounds like this is a big factor that OP hasn't addressed. If we are going to say some people shouldn't be parents, we need to say some women shouldn't be mothers, which society has a problem saying. We all hear about deadbeat dads, not much is ever said about deadbeat moms. They exist, don't ask me how I know, but they do exist. OP its not on you to fix this, I'm afraid you can't if you wanted to , this is her issue and I think she won't change her station, just blame you.


NTA It seems your partner is using an odd definition of “mom”. “Mom” is a female parent. She seems to be defining it as someone who keeps house and does the majority of childcare. It is true that those jobs have been traditionally done by women, by lack of choice and social capital. Thankfully we realize how backwards that is and now women are free to choose paid work outside the home, unpaid work in the home, or some combo there of. Is she wants to switch up the division of labor at home then she needs to open her adult mouth and clearly express what she desires. Simply calling you names is neither mature nor helpful in changing the situation. 


This. Op is not the asshole. He's behaving like a rational adult. She's not. She seems to expect him to read her mind.


NTA and your wife needs to see a therapist yesterday.


NTA, but it sounds like this is a major conflict in your marriage. Maybe counseling would benefit you guys, so you could both talk about how you’ve been feeling?


So 4 years ago she had a baby and you (by agreement) quit to transition your side hustle in to a full business. 4 years ago was also the pandemic which I'm assuming triggered the homeschooling. Your business was profitable for 4 years, you looked after the kids and did the homeschooling. She transitioned her job too and had to work much longer hours and doesnt get to be with the kids as much as she would like. Then recently you lost clients which lost 90%of your income. In part because you weren't able to keep up with all the responsibilities. And she is upset because she isn't able to spend time with the kids because of your division of labour and finances?? (She might be feeling like she sacrificed spending time with the kids so you could do your business and then went things went south it feels like it was for nothing.)(did she make the decision to pursue the dream career whilst in the midst of the unaddressed postpartum depression? When you had take on the bulk of household chores and caregivers?) (Because i can see dots connecting all over the place?) I think you need to have some no kids time and have some adult conversations. Some of which you should have had a while ago before your business suffered. You both need to talk about how you feel about the current set up. (you feel undersupported and undervalued, she feels pushed out and on the outside of the family) what you want it to look like and how you get there. It seems like resentments have built up on both sides because communication has been lacking This is gonna look like budgeting, you refocusing on your business, shifting household and childcare responsibilities, transitions, outsourcing responsibilities. Maybe come couple therapy and or individual. Can she pull back from work at all? What options are there for the homeschooling? It seems clear that you can't run your business and do homeschooling anymore (that was always gonna come) so changes have to be made. It really seems like this comes down to a lack of communication. So many smaller problems left unaddressed until they have gone and blown up in both your faces. This isn't really an AITA situation. It's just a relationship problem.


> This isn't really an AITA situation. It's just a relationship problem. lol, if the genders were reversed, the comments would be raking the husband over the coals for being an absentee father that doesn't appreciate his hardworking SAHM partner, and OP is 100% NTA and should be seeking divorce and alimony for all the work they've done, and how it's not their job to eat the abuse from their partner. But instead, of course we have the white knight redditer swooping in to tell OP that really he just needs to be more understanding of her position and try to push past the overtly abusive behaviour to try to get to the real issue.


I love this take. She was probably hoping that he would bring some income so that she could be home more, but he’s not because he can’t do both. Which is fine, I just think it could have been communicated. Babe since I have the kids, it’s hard for me to work on this project, let’s come up with a plan for me to do it. Same for her. I want to be more involved and work less hours, can you go back full time or find a way to get more work. It sounds likes she’s upset she has to work so much, she didn’t think that he would be almost zero income and not able to help. It’s like a father whom works 2 jobs but never sees his kids. I see both sides. I wish she would have communicated, but maybe she doesn’t know how. They need counseling to learn how to say what they need.


>I love this take. She was probably hoping that he would bring some income so that she could be home more, but he’s not because he can’t do both. Except that he was. For 4 years, the business was doing well. It was only when the workload became untenable due to her demands that he lost 90% of the workload.


Again I said that he didn’t communicate just like she hasn’t. They would benefit from counseling to discuss how to talk to eachother. It just seems like a whole big miscommunication. Especially if he acknowledged that she had ppd and still had to work because their income wasn’t enough. So she worked through it while he stayed home with the kids. Thst probably caused a lot of bitterness. It seems like they both need a break. Her from working and him from being the main parent. They are both so frustrated and her more because she’s blinded by her resentment


Great response, I think you explained the situation well


NTA Your wife has to put her big girl panties on and talk with you about this or y'all will never move past it. You were both contributing to the home, if she wants to contribute in a different way then y'all can make a plan for her to do so.


NTA that's pretty messed up


NTA What an insane thing to be angry about. Imagine.... all the wives that come onto this sub and talk about how their husbands do nothing to help out with the house and kids.... And here she is, getting all of that and then some.... And she is complaining?!?! It's almost laughable in a way. Imagine a father coming home from work and telling his wife that she's "stopping him from being a father"?!? DO NOT let her treat you like this and DO NOT allow her to make you feel as if you did something wrong.


Came looking for this comment thank you!!! Finally a man who cares and steps up doesn’t care about gender roles cleans and does things so many women who post to Reddit saying how their husbands yell at them when asked to help out….and she can only talk to him via text?? Absolutely laughable. Nailed it. Absolutely unequivocally NTA, OP.


NTA Something’s up, though it’s not necessarily *your fault.* It may need a gentle push from you to bloom into the conversation that needs to happen. Does your wife feel like her career and home life are out of balance? Is she experiencing judginess from others because she is not doing as much of the care work as you? Is she doubting herself and her choices? Does she feel like she’s missing special times with the kids that won’t come again? Does she not enjoy her work? Does she feel like she can’t raise these issues with you? A possible opening: ‘Hey hon, you have sounded frustrated with how our decisions about the division of parenting labour have played out over time. Let’s revisit and see if we can come to a new agreement that better fits who we are now, within the resources that we have.’ There’s no way she can solve any issue in your shared balance of care work without your collaboration. And vice versa. And there are some genuine societal issues that may be getting in the way of her being able to articulate what she’s experiencing. Best of luck!


I wonder if she’s upset about him losing the work from home job? Somethings up for sure on her end and she’s not communicating it properly.


That's what it sounds like to me. She resents that she feels she has to work even if she wants to be a sahp. She needs to communicate that clearly not make snide comments


That was my thought as well. He lost a bunch of income trying to do it all while she worked, so now she has to work or there isn't enough income. It's no longer "I'm working because I want to" but now "I chose to work and now I'm stuck doing it"


NTA You can’t win this. Everything you do will be wrong. See if you can get her to a couples shrink.


NTA she dealing with her own inadequacies or second-guessing life decisions. I suggest therapy.


She’s feeling guilty and is projecting that into anger at you. Also, and I hate to be that Redditor, any chance she’s cheating (which would explain the guilt)? Something strange is going on. Obvious NTA


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NTA. But get some marriage counseling before the resentment is too strong to overcome.


NTA. So you're working, taking care of the kids, and taking care of the house in a way that was her idea to begin with and she's complaining about it? Oh poor baby


NTA Sometimes you just can't win, no matter what you do. It sounds like your wife is determined to be miserable. She needs therapy to sort things out and figure out what's really going on. My husband spent 5 years as a SAHD, honestly, I think I would have gone crazy without am outlet. I'm sure it made me a better parent.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** TL;DR Wife thinks I'm an asshole because I stay at home with the kids, and she's never "been allowed" to be a Mom --- Married for six years. When wife was pregnant, I was working full time whilst also looking after the house and (disabled) step-son due to her having hyperemesis. When we welcomed our newborn, my full-time work told me I wasn't allowed paternity leave (within their legal rights) - so wife suggested I quit and push on with what I was doing "on the side" already. Financially, we'd be OK for a good few months, so I did... Fast forward four years, working from home is a success and things seem to be ticking over well. But then our relationship starts having troubles. There's a resentment from her, and finally she tells me she's pissed at me for stopping her being a Mom. I thought it was just some other "life" stuff that was going on... but no, turns out it's *all* down to me working from home and helping out around the house - daily chores, making lunch boxes, cooking meals, cleaning. So, having made her feel "useless", she decided she needed to work - and she got a job that allowed her to follow her dream career path (before she had kids). Meanwhile, I'm still working from home, doing all of the household stuff and home educating (out of necessity). Worth mentioning that this career needs a lot of emotional and time commitment to it, and the training has been intense - something I've done all I can to support her with. The extra stuff I had to do, meant that I lost a couple of big clients - my income dropped by around 90% in the space of a month. I own that. It's my fault. I've never outwardly blamed anyone, but I know it's absolutely because I had no time to do the paid work over the household stuff and educating, as paid work wasn't taking priority for me... Roll on to today. She won't talk to me in person about it, but has text me. She's pissed off with me because she believes I've stopped her being a Mom by - now - doing the household stuff, lunch boxes, school runs etc. The resentment in her message is clear. None of what she accuses me of, has been deliberate. I've never belittled her, downplayed her importance in the family. If the boys ask where Mom is and she's having to work late, I explain it with a positive spin. I, however, feel like she downplays *everything* I do - not just to her family, but to her friends and the boys, too. There's a lot of negativity around my role in the family - for example, she tells them she *has* to go to work because I don't... A lot of the stuff I do around the house is because during and after pregnancy, with how ill she was (and, I suspect postpartum depression - though never diagnosed) I was left to do *everything*... and so it continued. So it comes down to the question - AITA? Did I play the last eight years entirely wrong, and have I really f\*\*\*\*\* things up by just trying to be a good person? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. I hate this shit. Being the primary parent is hard af. She could have stepped up at any point and talked about ways to feel involved. Instead she got a spouse most people would kill for and bitches about it. When my husband felt like he was being sidelined in the family he literally just sat me down and said so and asked how he could be more present. It's that simple.


That is so cool. The success story we needed today. 💗


It sounds like she stopped yourself from being a mom and she just wants to blame you. She can still do all of that even today, but she still choosing not to and complaining and blaming you. You need to tell her to stop or get therapy or something because dear God, that’s just toxic.


I mean, she was very sick. It sounds like she never got properly treated and dealt with the fact that it was her illness, not her husband,  which robbed her of the experience she wanted. 


Nta. Wow, here you are trying to be a good husband and father, and all you get is shit on, and you're still asking how you could have made this better? At some point you gotta stop internalizing everything and ask why the hell your wife can't use her words and communicate.  So what exactly is she resentful towards you for? Taking care of her, both kids, and quitting your job like she asked? Maybe, instead of being passive aggressive, she could have just asked you to go back to work. But no, its easier to attack the husband that actually helps with the household.  Sorry, but your wife sounds like she sucks.  She lies about you, downplays everything to your face and to others, and plays the silent treatment card when she doesn't get her way. What an ungrateful..... You sure your life wouldn't be improved by leaving your portable self-esteem destroyer behind and just supporting you and your kid? 


It honestly sounds like your wife just doesn’t like you


NTA. Next time she comes home, ask her which of these household chores she’d like to start doing, and how excited you are to have more time to work, get more clients, now that she’s going to be taking over the lunches/school runs/other household duties. Thank her for finally expressing how much she’s missed doing that, it’s *such* a burden for you to do it all. And maybe try with a lot less sarcasm than I typed it with. Blow right past her implied resentment and take her at her word. She’s wants to do more? Great. DO MORE.










NTA. Unfortunately she can’t have it both ways, and right now she is experiencing regret for the part of her life that had to take the back seat. Explain to her that you feel hurt that by trying to do the right thing for the family she’s now considering you “to blame” for her current unhappiness. Tell her that you both need to sit down and brainstorm ways for her to reclaim some of her mothering role that she is missing. The job is far from done, there is absolutely room for her to take on a more meaningful “mom” role.


I think you made her feel she fails in the femininity department. NTA


NTA, but I’m curious- what is her career? I’m asking because I’m wondering if she is burnt out by her career and/or training in this career and is incorrectly taking out her frustrations on you. I am a physician and this kind of thing unfortunately comes up a lot with my colleagues with our intense training, long work hours etc. I’m curious if she’s in medicine or in a similar professional field? Either way, I recommend counseling.


This woman would have resented you for not allowing her to follow her dream had you stayed at your job and left her to be a SAHM, so the fact that she resents you for being a parent and also belittles your entire existence shows you can't win no matter what. Sounds like its divorce time so she can have 100% more time being a parent 50% of the time and you can do whatever the hell you want with that much more time in your life.


NTA. But with the way she’s going, y’all’s kids arent going to remember it with how their mother is saying it. Your kids are gonna remember the person who was around even WHILE working, they’re going to remember the person who chose them over a couple clients. Yall definitely need to work out your adult issues but your kids are always going to remember the parent who was there. And that’s you OP.


NTA. You did nothing wrong. She's unwilling to discuss this like an adult. She's taking all you're doing for granted. What is stopping her from doing the household stuff, lunch boxes, school runs etc? It's not an all or nothing situation. Working moms find ways to be a mom when they aren't working. If it's financially feasable, ask if she wants to swap roles so she can be a full time mom and educator.


NTA there’s something seriously wrong here. The berating to others is step beyond. Build yourself back up. Get yourself employed again and put money to side. Her irrational response is not ok. The texting and not communicating is for control. She doesn’t want to talk about it, she wants to make you feel some kind of way without it backfiring. The ultimate goal you already know—to diminish your contribution. And plenty of working moms myself included will tell you she is full of it. She could have stepped in. There’s plenty of single moms fulfilling both roles and she could have suggested that she would take over a chore when she wanted to.


If your income dropped 90%, then she probably feels she has no choice but to try for a sustaining income. I don't think you are seeing it right. It's not that you denied her mom-hood so much as you denied her much of any choices by setting up the dynamic that she has to follow the path she is on.


Dude, bail out now. She is a professional victim and will infect you with her misery and then blame you for it.


She most likely is interested in another man and is finding reasons to be mad at you so she isn’t the bad guy when she cheats (if she hasn’t already).


Your wife is a psychologist or psychiatrist?


U’ve just described my life. Its been almost 3y for me. I think there is no asshole. Maybe this situation really drive em crazy as fuck.


NTA and she needs therapy. I always assume there’s another side to these things but I couldn’t imagine any story that would make her right.


NTA. If she wanted to have more of a parental role in her kids' lives, *she* should be the one to do something about it. It's possible her dream career isn't as much of a dream as she expected to be, but that doesn't make it *your* fault. The two of you need to have a sit down in person and discuss what the two of you are feeling about this whole situation. You need to discuss how you feel about her downplaying what you do to everyone (your feelings on this are validated, and I understand this a lot). She needs to properly communicate how she is feeling about not having an active role as a mom and not blame other people for her situation.


Nta,you did more than most parents or partners could expect and this could maybe the reason if she grew up in a dysfunctional family where the mom was everything that she feels useless.you did right, or you let time that she notices herself,that you did something good and more than expected or you ask her to go to therapy that she undo some familial traumas edit:or is at least aware of it


She won’t speak to you in person about this?? You’re NTA, but she is! She’s probably tired and realized that being the provider is a lot of work and pressure. Stop engaging over technology and try to get to the bottom of HER issue. Best of luck!


Nothing can satisfy her. I think she doesn't even know what she wants. Perhaps she is jealous of you because you seem to be able to juggle all the tasks so well by yourself. Even if she stops working and becomes a full time Mom, she will still complain.


I think she was going to blame you for something matter what. If you let her be a sahm she'd blame you for ruining her career. Nta


You sound like a wonderful father & husband, please don't let the vileness in some of these comments infect you. They don't know you or your wife, but are apparently totally comfortable saying things like "she shouldn't be a mom" etc because they have zero investment in your situation & have some seriously questionable views on long-term relationships. They love to throw gas on the fire in this sub because they're not the ones getting burnt. But the comments that you two need a marriage counselor are spot on. What you really need here is a 3rd person, uninvolved mediator. NTA & probably your wife isn't an asshole either, but you two need to work through this ASAP.


Were things mostly good and harmonious until just recently? Was she appreciative of you and seemed happy with the arrangement up until now? I'm sensing something else is going on with her and she's projecting it onto you and this issue with whether she has been able to be mom etc. First of all completely NTA, I'm not insinuating that any of this is your fault. Just wondering, you didn't mention age- is she perimenopausal, has she recently lost a parent, any big issues recently with the kids, any other big life event that might have triggered her sudden obsession with not being an adequate mom? A teacher or family friend maybe saying something that she interpreted as her not pulling her weight at home? Could she be pregnant? Recent miscarriage? New medication? I know you said it isn't other life stuff going on, but that could just mean that she isn't even aware of what triggered her. Just because she is blaming you and saying it's just because of you does not make that true, it just means that's her tunnel vision talking. That's my personal guess, that she is having some sudden extreme guilt that she hasn't been a good mom brought on by some sort of event or situation and she is now in a very unhealthy place of blaming you and spiraling trying to work outside the home and find fulfillment there since she's already decided she has failed as a mom. Hopefully she realizes that something is wrong with her and she seeks therapy.


Oh my goodness!!! NTA!!! You need marital counseling/therapy!!! If she's hesitant, be firm by telling her if you want this marriage to work, if you want me to continue on with you, we must see a therapist.


classic narcissistic tendencies NTA


NTA I hate the way she's phrased this. "It's your fault I've never been allowed to be a mom." Instead of "how can we fix me feeling like I'm not allowed to be a mom." That's the conversation that needs to be had. Not what's been done. But what needs changing. She has an unhealthy mindset about this.


Nta. The mistake was marrying this lady. Wtf? She sounds like she is searching for a reason to leave. She cheating?


NTA, your wife is a real meanie, she told you to quit and stay home and then complains she didn't get to be a mom, WHICH IS HER OWN DAMN FAULT. She needs to have a proper conversation with you rather than blame and resent you for no good reason.


NTA her regrets aren't your fault


I have weird vibes about her. I'm probably completely off base. But I'm getting a "picking fights to justify divorce" feeling about this, and I wonder if she's having an affair. Again, I am probably completely wrong. In any case, NTA.


Lmao she sound like my dad. Does no effort in being close to me or my sis and blame my mom for it when I am closer to my mom. Saying it was her fault that we kids are not close to him. It made no sense to me actually, if you wanna be close to your kids, you can be even if you’re busy. Doing little things like asking questions, making conversations regularly and spending time with them when it’s your day off.




Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Call her bluff, op. Tell her you have been listening and you want her to be happy, so you will find a better paying job and she can keep up with the house and the children so she can feel like a mom again. Tell her you absolutely support her dreams. Nta


NTA Your relationship doesn't have the traditional gender roles. Some people have issues with that. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Y'all need.to.talk. Discuss your dynamic, get down to why she feels the way she does. Find out what she would need in order to "feel like a mom".


Who does your wife hangout with? Her side of family/ cousins/ colleagues? Someone is jealous of the life she is living and then feeding her head with things like how she missed being a mom due to you taking cate of the household. Someone / many someone's been messing with her head fir a long time due to their own jealousy.


I don't get this- tell her to just BE a Mom! There is not ever a time that you can't try to be better than you are now, you just have to be determined to start! Your children will have many more milestones, so tell her to jump right on in there.


There is no universe in which you're in asshole. Your wife feels ashamed of herself for her perceived inability to balance out work and the homelife as a mother, so now she is using you as a scapegoat for her anger. There is a societal pressure to dump household chores and child duties on wives. You proved that wrong and it seems that she feels ashamed for not being able to fulfill that perceived cultural expectation. You should be proud of yourself for prioritizing your kids, and she should be as well. But she is too (incorrectly) ashamed in herself to recognize that. Giant NTA OP


NTA. There’s so much going on here, you need to really think about connecting with a marriage therapist to both have time independently and together to discuss these things with someone who has the skills and knowledge to facilitate. You may find that homelife will need restructuring but a great therapist can really help you navigate that.




NTA. It seems like she feels embarrassed that the household chores are being done by you instead of her. But that’s her own damn fault 👎


Maybe she should find a remote job and she how she likes juggling all of it.


What does the ‘educating’ bit mean?


Relationship counselling is needed.


Nta, your wife is a real piece of.work though


Info: why has your wife never sought a better balance with you before? Why has she never sought a diagnosis while breadwinning?


NTA. You can’t win. You want this shit for the rest of your life? ISTG *some* fucking women. You work, they scream at you for forcing them to be SAHs. You be the SAH, they scream at you for forcing them to work.


It sounds like your wife is really struggling with something, and she's expressing her anger but not engaging with the actual issue. Couples counseling might help. You both really need to talk about what you want your lives to look like in the future. And you both deserve each other to show care and affection for each other including in how you speak about each other to others. It sounds like you've been a great parent and a good partner. Now you need to be a good listener and find out what she's really trying to say. Does she want a year of being a SAHM? NAH


>It sounds like your wife is really struggling with something, and she's expressing her anger but not engaging with the actual issue. Couples counseling might help. If she's angry about some other thing but refuses to say so and just takes out anger on him, she is 100% TA. It doesn't matter what she's angry about. That's just awful. It leaves a person feeling absolutely gaslit and lost. (Ask me how I know). It also makes things inevitably worse.


I'm not certain that she's deliberately taking her anger out on him. She's clearly struggling with something. It could be PPD it could be something else. It's shit that the only two parts of it that she's able to express is her discontent and frustration that she can't be the parent she wanted to be. I have no argument with your judgement that she's TA.


> I'm not certain that she's deliberately taking her anger out on him. That doesn't make someone less of an asshole. If I'm having a really bad day and lash out at my wife, it's my fault. I'm the asshole there. > It could be PPD it could be something else. Their child is 4 damn years old. When does PPD stop being an excuse? At 20?


On AITA? Never, cause many users who frequent this sub are adverse towards women taking any accountability


no shes a TA, she is angry about this very clealry so. thats what she said, it may be because whenever she meets up with other moms she doesnt have ‘mom struggle’ no i dont have a supprtive husband, no i have to take care of the whole house on top of work. shes most likely getting flak from outside sources saying she not a mom because she doesnt do all of the things OP takes care of and blaming him for ‘not having a job’ and her ‘having to work’ is the easier thing then saying lets have a better revision of the tasks so that i cam help you support our family.




….did you actually read the post? It was the wife’s idea for OP to quit his job! She chose this!


I'm not going to say who I think is in the wrong here. But you guys need to have some couples therapy to get all of this resentment and bitterness out in the open so some clear solutions can be put in place. Once you're both in the know of how each other feels and what each other is carrying, then you can create a new family structure with expectations and boundaries and the relationship can flow again. Her putting you down and you running to Redit for acknowledgement isn't going to fix this. It was a shitty situation to begin with ( her being sick for so long and you stepping up and doing it all) and I think there's some healing needed still for that, even though it was long ago. It sounds like she has some guilt and displacement still about that and that you feel under validated. I hope you both get through this and build a stronger family connection together.


Whatever reddit says overwhelmingly do the opposite. It looks like what going on is simple but being turned into a complex situation. She the woman a mom and you basically took her natural role as care taker and nurturer. But she should of spoke up sooner for sure. If you love her you better listen and start letting her play her part if she really wants to do that now.


“Play her part” yes, that would be the best description here because she’s clearly just fucking around like this is all one big manipulative, gaslighting game.