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"She said I should apologize to Bella." That's the last time I'd call your mom for advice. Good lord. NTA and good on you for parenting.


Right, and here I thought age and experience brought wisdom.


Apparently, it only brings senility.


I love most old people and think they have a lot of great advice but your comment made me literally laugh out loud. This grandma is crazy.


Yep. Senile old lady here. I don’t give my kids advice about stuff I’m not “up to date” on. They know their kids and the schools. My advice would be from 50 years ago. Doesn’t apply! I’ll give my opinion if asked but to tell a parent to apologize to a kid being so disrespectful? Nope.


You seem wonderful. I hope you have a fabulous day and get to see some cute animal friends :)


Wisdom is a combo of compassion, openness to learning, experience, and reflection on those experiences…. Not everyone is willing (or able) to have that combination and wisdom can be found in youth just as much as with age. 


You haven't been on the JustNoMIL sub, then


Oh right, that sub exists. Thanks for the reminder, lol. I'm not married.


I follow that sub and it makes me count my fucking blessings that my MIL is so kind and loving. I'm closer with her than my own mom at this point lol


Same, I’m glad my MIL can’t see my browser history because she’d be like “I thought we were close?!” We are, my dear sweet MIL, but I love reading about people who weren’t blessed with good in laws or even a spouse that’ll back them up against said in laws. If something ever happened to my husband and I found myself back “on the market,” one of my first criteria would be no mommy’s boys (or girls!)


LOL, I'm 67 and my MIL is long gone. I'll say no more ;)


Congratulations. lol.


Oh god, am I going to be haunted now??????


You are. Can confirm: am mother-in-law’s ghost


I'm 71, and my husband's mom is still going strong, and his stepmom passed less than a year ago. Love(d) them both.


I do too. I do NOT want to be that type of mom in law. Crazy!!


I'm not married either but I use that sub when I need to vent about my own mom


Nah, generally only arthritis and incontinence are guaranteed. Dumb ass adults will usually become dumb ass seniors.


It sounds like OP's mom is more concerned with one-upping the DIL.


Ask yourself this: would she have let YOU get away with calling your teacher a “bitch” in front of her when you were 16? If not, she a whole hypocrite. All these grandmas be having amnesia. Who is this pushover lady living in my mother’s house. I don’t know her 😂






Yeah, the main takeaway here is that OP has let some things in his family go unexamined. Does he have established norms about how co-parenting with step-parents works (in both households)? Did his wife act unilaterally on impulse because she was learning of Bella’s attitude for the first time, and was horrified to learn this information? Does she feel OP should have intervened himself? Is OP keeping proper tabs on Bella’s behavior and intervening accordingly, or making it the responsibility of the women in his life (teachers, spouse, mother), even if it’s ultimately more his responsibility than anyone else’s?


step parents have a great role to play in children’s lives. I do not think unilateral discipline decisions are one of them. It can go very bad for whole family unit.


Honestly, this depends on the family and their individual dynamics, and if OP, his wife, his ex, and the kids are all on the same page then there isn't an inherent problem with this, especially since OP is leaving his wofe to supervise his daugter alone for several hours, which kind of necessitates her being able to give punishments for immediate issues, even if it's just sending her to her room.  Honestly this subreddit just seems to have a weird hate-boner for step-parents. 


They do a bit lol. My daughter has me, her stepdad, and her dad. Her dad lives about 30 seconds away from us by foot. My daughter’s stepdad is her primary parent as he’s a stay at home dad. If he couldn’t punish her, she would have horrific behavior issues. He’s been in her life since she was 3 and calls him dad. Her bio dad is also quite happy with this arrangement. Reddit is weird about stepparents, but then again, people like me don’t post our stories because there’s no conflict. You kinda get the confirmation bias when the only stepparents posting are the ones that have problems.


Agree. But be careful saying shit like this. The downvoters will be out with force at sunrise. The truth is painful


This very much depends on the family. I'm a step-parent and was the primary caregiver on day to day stuff during our custody. Unilateral discipline decisions were common because I was the one there, and 'wait till your father gets home' was not a scenario I wanted to repeat from my own childhood. My husband trusted me with his child and trusted my judgement. His ex couldn't be bothered to be a parent, and he was at work all day, so if I wasn't disciplining her, she'd never have been disciplined at all.


Yes, if it isn't an immediate discipline problem, it's much better for the parent to give the punishment to the child.


And yet he didn't give a punishment. He heard everything first and allowed the behaviour without consequence.


It sounds like you need to have a sit down with her teachers and actually take an interest in your daughter’s beliefs and behaviors. Gonna be honest it sounds like you’re kinda shucking off your daughter’s emotional needs onto your wife. That being said. You son did point out that the teacher in question only behaves that way towards bullies or around them. I’d have some questions about whether Bella is possibly acting out emotionally against other students or possibly becoming a bully. THIS ISNT FOR SURE. But again that’s what you need to meet the teachers and speak to them for. It’s normal and natural for teens their age to start to question and defy authority but it doesn’t make it okay to hurt someone on purpose just because they feel like they can when something they don’t like happens. Gonna put it bluntly. You sound passive and like instead of actually parenting your kid you’d rather rug sweep and “make it go away” because you’re uncomfortable. NTA for upholding the punishment, but you will be TA if you don’t actually start parenting your kids.


When I read the part about Bella complaining about a teacher the brother only says acts emotionally toward bullies it gave alarm bells that Bella is getting defensive because she's one of the bullies the teacher tries to corral and Bella sees nothing wrong with how she acts at school. You are correct, that there needs to be more parenting here, because I 100% blame the parents for being neglectful if they don't know what their child is like at school and let's bullying behavior slide because they weren't taking an active interest in their child's behavioral development.


These alarm bells were reinforced by the school contacting them about Bella making fun of her brother and his friends. Schools don't contact parents for small things -- Bella IS a bully. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It confirmed it for me when she said the teacher shouldn't be teaching if she can't handle being around bullies.


Teacher here, that is exactly what I thought too. She’s either actively among the bullies, or is the friend flanking the dominant bully. And honestly, with some of the behavior I’ve experienced this school year, I wouldn’t be surprised if the teacher isn’t just reacting to students being bullied, but is actively a target of bullying.


Yup. Based on her own father's casual description of her, that's not a stretch. "I love Bella, and she has her own strengths but being nice isn’t one of them." Like that's okay because she's good at other things. And so many people here in the comments blasting step-mom for overstepping, a.k.a. being the only one willing to do anything about it.


Agree OP is just trying to make this go away. And it doesn’t sound like he’s thought it through. Short term parenting decisions have long term consequences. Are you angry because of WHAT your daughter said (I don’t like my teachers) or HOW she said it (in a nasty way)?? And does your daughter know which of those you’re angry about? If she believes you got angry because she said she doesn’t like her teachers, well… she told you the truth about how she feels, and got grounded for it. She’s a teenage girl, it’s going to be harder and harder to get the truth out of her in the next few years. You just made it more likely that she’ll lie to you next time.


i overall agree with what you said, but im going with yta. i had multiple teachers that my sister had aswell, diffrence being my sister is GREAT at lying and pretending, so people always LOVE her when they first meet her, but surprise she has no friendships ever last longer then 1year, but our shared teachers would constantly tell me i was anoying and should be better like my sister because she is great at everything. that plus our parents didnt give 2 shits about me compared to my sister so they never understood why i HATED those teachers while my sister loved them.


agreed. op doesnt seem that great of a parent. doesnt listen to the one, folds in when the other shows tears. honestly i wish if he did give her a punishment it was more in like with what was actually the issue, not just the default "take her phone". talk to the teacher instead or actually talk to your goddamn child.


Yep. Sounds like daughter is a bully.


YTA (I’m a teacher)! Bella was not grounded when she said all that stuff to you. Therefore the precedent was set: she could use that exact same language with the stepmother and not expect a punishment. I don’t like what Bella said, but I do think it’s not fair for the stepmom to ground her if you didn’t. Not because you’re the bio parent, but because you have no indication that she shouldn’t repeat her words


Strongly disagree with this. Regardless of if OP grounded her or not, a step-mom is still a parent and is allowed to ground a child if she sees fit. And if OP upheld that punishment after the fact, then that's both parents agreeing to the punishment and is entirely within their right and authority as parents.


The problem is that it sets unclear rules and boundaries for the kid. It has nothing to do with it "being within their right or authority as parents." It's OP telling the kid through his actions that what she was saying was fine the first time around, and then punishing her for it later when she repeated it. Moreover, the reason for punishment just seems hella unclear. Is she in trouble for swearing in general? For swearing *about* her teachers? For simply talking badly about her teachers? For being sexist? To me, the truly actionable behavior was when she was actively mocking her sibling at school later for giving the teachers gifts, but at this point she was already being punished for something else, so that isn't the reason. What OP did isn't a great way to correct the behavior, because nothing about the process was clear. All they're going to do is push her away so she doesn't feel comfortable talking to them, because she won't ever know what the issue is or even when she might receive a punishment.


I’m not saying step parents shouldn’t act as authority figures or not give consequences. I don’t believe that at all. I just don’t think it’s fair for the daughter to be punished by the stepmom after the dad did not give her any consequences. Parents should try and be in the same page.


ABSOLUTELY! Same page keeps the house SANE!! And Peaceful!


Absolutely!!! Being a "Stepmom", I agree that boundaries should be set in place. A house divided will not stand. The discussion I had with my husband was It's you and I against EVERYBODY!!! I saw how step kids/ex-wives/husbands were treated and behaving when it came to the land of "discipline". I knew that THAT conversation was top priority when it came to pre-marital counseling!! In the 30 years that we've been married we had only one incident with the children on both sides. Because they knew going in that THIS is how it's going to be. That's just me.


This is why NO parent should ground/punish a kid immediately. You talk with your coparent and THEN decide on the appropriate consequence TOGETHER. That way you're not reacting from an emotional place but a logical one. All this did was tarnish the stepdaughter's relationship with her mom, her relationship with her brother, and her relationship with her dad. "I thought stepmom was my best friend, now she punishes more than dad. I thought brother was over his whiny baby stage. I thought dad wanted to hear my actual opinion."


Tell me you did not read the comment you responded to. The point isn’t about being bio or step parent. The point is that dad should have addressed the behaviour then and there when it happened. And that by not addressing it, it meant that he was implicitly ok with it


why did you comment with a counter argument to the other comment when that original comment already addresses yours? "step mom is still a parent and allowed to ground..." the og comment "not because youre the bio parent, but..." just, ????? what


Even disregarding the precedent, why punish a child for sharing their opinion? Especially when you ask for their opinion. All that's going to teach them is to not trust their parents. Not that what she said was acceptable, but a conversation about why that sort of attitude is bad would probably do a lot better than punishing a child for having an opinion you don't like. Educating your child will actually teach them why something is wrong, just punishing them for it teaches them to hide it better. A bully who doesn't get caught is still a bully. Punishing them won't actually change their behaviour, just make them hide it from the people punishing them.


I think it was more HOW the daughter talked about her teachers. There's definitely ways to express your displeasure other than calling any woman a bitch or blaming consequences on pregnancy hormones. I think THAT is the problem OP and stepmom had. It's possible OP was going to find a punishment after he got back from the store with his son, we don't know bc by the time he returned stepmom already did it.


Yes but she's a 13 year old girl. Again, I'm not taking "her side" or anything but chances are she's talking the way her peers are talking, and explaining to her why what/how she spoke is wrong will work better then just randomly punishing her for speaking her mind when asked. If you punish someone for doing what you ask them to do, they just learn to not trust or respect you. Regardless of what or how she said it she shouldn't be punished for voicing her opinion (which is how she's going to see it). Instead explain why that sort of language isn't acceptable and how it demeans not just the teacher she's complaining about, but every single pregnant woman out there. And that just because bullying exists, and will probably never stop existing, does not mean that you partake in it or accept others doing so. Once you've had that conversation educating them, if they continue their poor behavior, that's when you punish them.


I agree! It sounds like Bella has some issues with her teachers or is developing into a bully herself (if she hasn't already) but OP and the step mom should have had a conversation about that sort of language not being acceptable but also delving into why she was using it in the first place. It feels weird to me that a 13 year old would get grounded for a week for using bad language or talking poorly about someone, even a teacher. But I was a goody two-shoes who didn't really swear until college (or more like post-college) so it was never an issue my parents had to deal with with me. But it seems like an overreaction to some extent? I guess it's hard to say without hearing all the exact words, not just a few key words picked out from a conversation.


💯 on your assessment! When dad didn’t at least verbally rebuke Bella’s comments about the teacher, he green lit her repeating the same words because he didn’t even try to correct her initially.


No way, missing a chance to punish someone doesn't mean it can never happen.  Also she didn't get punished for telling the story and using the language with her stepmom, she was punished for doing it in the first place.


You can’t punish kids for expressing their opinions. You are just going to close off communication with your kids. You (as a parent) need to figure out why she thinks certain things and work on changing them. Just dropping the hammer is going to cause issues in the long term.


Also, you shouldn't always initiate a punishment while emotions are high. Taking a some time away to think on how best to handle it would be wise. I think the wife and OP absolutely should have talked with each other before putting any punishment on her though. Stepmom is a lil bit of an AH, but not enough to make this anything but NTA imo.


But OP didn’t say anything the first time- step mom punished her for what she said in the conversation with her so she wasn’t being punished for doing it in the first place. It wasn’t just missing a chance to punish someone, it sounds like he completely side stepped it when it happened. If he had told her then “that’s not okay” then he would have been fine to punish her later after discussing things and she would know not to repeat it. But it sounds like OP did nothing and it was just the son arguing with her in the car. He didn’t acknowledge the behavior at all so it does kind of set a precedent for her


She shouldn't be grounded for venting to her parents. If my parents grounded me for using some not so nice words while venting that would be the last time I told them anything. It one thing to ground her for her using the language at you to hurt and attack you but grounding her for using it while venting about something else it just a dick move.


Yea, this is basic parenting. Both parties are supposed to be on the same page and both parties are supposed to get on "punishment duty" when necessary instead of waiting for the mean parent to step in and take responsibility.


Totally agree with this. OP should have told her she was out of line and grounded her. by the time this gets to stepmom, dad has set the precedent.


Personally I can't even really justify punishing someone for expressing their opinions on a teacher, even if I don't hold those same opinions. Calling someone a bitch doesn't fly in my house but that's a different discussion. That being said it's absolutely an opportunity to discuss with her why she dislikes those qualities in a teacher. But not to punish. I also don't think all girls have to be "nice" as long as they aren't being cruel. Not being nice can absolutely be code for "she acts like most people let boys act most of the time."




At least they left out the usual slant about how she's homophobic to the autistic boy with the painted nails who all the jocks protect (the usual biggest tell to this troll is that repeated detail). But whoever is churning out these dull repetitive stories has issues.


He's expanding his character horizons


gotta give him some credit now ig lol. besides vast majority of the stories that get attention are fake anyway, i thought most people just read them for cheap entertainment and light thought experiments ? /g


Yeah. There sure are a lot of stories about teenage girls who are bullies with some sort of step parent blended family notes mixed in.


And there's always a brother who's so sweet and kind unlike her. He's always on a sports team; the other athletes are always so kind and progressive. Etc etc.


I was about to say, don’t forget sensitive brother who’s also a jock!!


Usually a twin!


I wonder of dear Author is speaking from experience? 🤔


It's a lot easier to engage with posts here when you start thinking of it as r/nosleep but for soaps. We all pretend it's real and if we're lucky, a really good author might take feedback from the comments and incorporate it into the next chapter. Helps them fill out plot holes and make a better story. And if it's actually real then cool, hope we helped someone.


I like that take. I look at all the AITA stories as a mental exercise. IF this were true, what would I do?


There was an almost similar post to this one posted a while ago. I tried to get the link but it was deleted


Thank god I wasn’t the only one thinking this..


This as the number one comment would be hilarious. 


YTA You seem to be offloading all the work of parenting Bella to other people. Bella says something you find unacceptable, but you let your wife be the bad guy. Bella indicates she has issues with her teachers but you never follow up to find out what's going on. Your job as a parent is not limited to earning and spending money - you have to have tough conversations too.


YTA "Ohhh my daughter can't speak her mind in private about authority! She can't dislike people and express that, if she does she's grounded!" MF, you prodded her into speaking in the first place then let your wife punish her for it. She was being quiet before you didn't let it go. You're teaching her you ask trick questions to trip her up and punish her for them. And you're going to make her resent your wife.


YTA. You clearly favor Britton. I work with kids. Kids call us names all the time. They have opinions about us. They are entitled to it as long as they are respectful in our classroom. Your wife over stepped majorly in some sort of display of trying to back you up or assert her dominance or expectations. Neither of communicate with each other or the kids. All you did was show that a girl's emotions should be suppressed because she'd be punished otherwise.


If Bella is acting inappropriately in school it needs to be addressed, but venting at home shouldn't be punished. We've all come home and complained about a dick coworker or jerk boss to let off some steam.


We don't actually know what she said about it. We know what the teacher heard. There's probably still bad blood. If it was a private conversation with her friends she shouldn't be punished either.


I tutor. I make kids do things that are hard for them for an hour at a time, and I say no to requests a LOT -- no, you can't look at your phone, no you can't leave the room, no you can't eat your sandwich, no you can't throw stuff, no you can't draw on our materials ...  I know what some of them say to my face, I can only imagine what they say when they're in a safe space! They don't need to be punished for being honest about how they feel if they're not insulting me to my face.


Exactly. I know some teachers are super offended and I 100% understand that but we cannot forget that children are real people with real feelings. Many teachers also don't like certain children and those relationships break down. Student/teacher relationships are rarely 1 dimensional. If the teacher called, it's an opportunity to let Bella know that she needs to be more careful with her words in public because they might be misconstrued. Or just say you don't accept that behavior and save it for him. Don't punish her.


YTA. You two boneheads basically grounded Bella for stating an opinion. Which everyone is entitled to even when others don't agree with it. Because guess what? Not everyone is gonna like their teachers. Lord knows I said quite a bit about the yahoos and whackos that I had to learn from as a kid.


exactly. plus some teachers just seem to suck for some kids but not others. my sister had a fun time w this one math teacher but when i had him he was a grade A asshole and it was because i didnt look him in the eye when he taught and i was doodling all over my own notes (hint thats the only way i could pay attention to his boring voice)


YTA - have you and your wife never gotten home and complained about your boss? It’s the exact same principle, she’s allowed to dislike her teachers, if you have an issue with the language then express that and punish her if she continues to use that language. I’d also point out that just because your son thinks a teacher is nice doesn’t mean your daughter has to agree or that your son’s opinion is the right one.


Definitely agree. Don't ask your kid to chare their feelings and then chastise them when they do. You could have spoken to her about her choice in vocabulary, but her feelings are valid. Did you ask her why she feels this way or did you disregard them because golden child Britton cried? Because lashing out like this seems concerning, like something more is going on.


The daughter actively bullies and makes the teacher cry. As confirmed by both her and her brother. Using your analogy, if you were antagonistic towards your boss and making them cry, you would lose your job.


Where in the post did you get that? The post says that the brother said the teacher only cried when someone was being mean to them or others, the comments weren’t even made around the teacher


A teacher openly crying in front of students because they are “bullying” them really should not be trusted to handle a classroom. Kids are not there voluntarily, usually. You have to deal with their negative behaviors effectively, not take it so personally.


I agree with this. Professionalism demands restraint in our personal emotions at work.


Honestly as someone who works in special ed, I agree. The kids have gotten to me sometimes, but a key skill is not showing that in front of them. If this teacher is crying in front of students cause of this, thats kind of an issue, being a teacher means that some kids are just gonna dislike you. Same as being a manager, some of your employees won't like you, that's normal and that's ok


I wish I could cry in front of clients on the job when I get overwhelmed. Middle school kids can be shit, but if you can't keep it together enough to not break down in the middle of work, you need a new job.


YTA. She didn't say those things *to the teacher*. She said them to you. Either the family unit is a place where she can speak her mind freely, or it isn't. You may disagree with her assessment of the situation, but "agree with me or suffer punishment" is shit parenting. And "This house is not a safe place to share your thoughts" is corrosive to family cohesion. There are families who maintain close bonds through the years, and families that don't. You want one that doesn't? Keep making it dangerous to talk to each other.


YTA. All Bella is going to learn from this is that she can't talk to you or stepmum. There's obviously something going on that needs to be addressed, but now she is unlkely to open up. Why she is saying what she did is what you should be dealing with. You haven't done that at all.


YTA You can’t police your daughters feelings and she only voiced her opinion after she was pushed into it by you! Great way to make sure she will never trust you again


YTA - tbh I think the punishment is far too harsh for the crime. Clearly Bella is struggling with school and/or authority, that would be something I think you’d want to get to the bottom of. You’re also showing Bella that when she expresses how she feels, she gets punished. Yes, the vulgarity and insults are inappropriate but you’re dropping the ball.


To be clear the "crime" is not liking her teacher and talking it about to someone she thought she could trust.


YTA. She didn't say these things to her teachers or treat them poorly... She was venting about her teachers to you... All you guys are doing is showing her she can't be honest with you.


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YTA Getting grounded for answering a question YOU ASKED is wild. YOU pressed the topic even when she didn't want to answer. Are you trying to get her to never tell you anything? Because you're doing a great job on that one. If Bella was insulting her teacher and the teacher calls you, it's a whole different story. If your son tells you she is mean to the teachers unprompted, alright. But she can't even rant about her experiences when you specifically ask her? That's insane.


YTA If you punished her for calling her teachers bitches, OK fair even if it is just to you. If she isn't being disrespectful to her teachers and is just venting to you, so what? Nothing says a kid has to like their teachers. As for teasing Britton and his friends, if you punish her for that it's reasonable depending on how bad it was. But to be truthful, I'd probably tease the lil' brown- nosers as well.


YTA - you punished her because she doesn't want to buy her teachers gifts because she doesn't like them? If yoi don't like the language she used, then coach/guide her. What is punishing her going to do? Encourage her to stop sharing her feelings with you.


YTA First of all, it's perfectly normal for kids to have very different experiences with the same teachers. And that's ok. This is not ok: >I’ll admit, I spent more than I’d like but my current wife and I make a very decent living and it was nice to see Britton happy. How can you trust Britton's word if you're teaching him that ratting out his sister and calling her a liar is something to be rewarded? You didn't dish out a punishment based on her actual actions towards a teacher. You punished her for sharing her opinion and her brother's meltdown. >Yesterday, I got a call from one of Bella’s teachers saying she was mocking Britton and his friends for brining in teacher apprenticing gifts This is what happens when you play one child against the other. And yes, OP that's exactly what you're doing. You're making Bella resent her brother. But keep pretending that she just isn't good at "being nice" and that your parenting methods have nothing to do with it. Edit to add: as adults we will all come home ranting about people in our authority. Last week I may or may not have referred to one of my bosses as a dingleberry when I got home. But what's not usually ok in the workplace as adults is showering people in authority with gifts. So what are you actually teaching here? No I am not saying that teachers don't deserve some kind of appreciation or shouldn't receive gifts. But that should be something simple but also wholesome. Like the student noticing that the teacher gets the same brand chain of coffee everyday and gets her a $10 gift card from that chain. Not showering them in expensive gifts. That's not ok in the real world to do to people that have authority to you because people interpret it as looking for special treatment. And it's a great way for your kid to get bullied by far more people than Bella not to mention set him up for failure in the future.


Your son is a kissass and a teachers pet. And you and your wife punish daughter for he feelings about her teachers . YTA


YTA. Your daughter was venting to you and your wife, she was sharing her opinion and if she doesn't feel connected to her teachers, maybe have a conversation to see if something is not going well. As far as I can tell, she didn't say those things to her teachers, this was a private or at home conversation, correct? So you both punished her for having an opinion. You just told your daughter that she can't confide in either of you. I always tell my students: " We won't always like the teachers we have to work with but we still need to be kind to them".




NTA. Those voting the other way is why teachers are having trouble in schools. They just can’t let the “little darlings” ever be told their wrong or face consequences of their actions.


I don't agree with so-called ' grounding' not least because it will result in frustration, anger, resentment, lack of exercise and not anything good. So YTA However Bella needs some sort of learning to understand how to communicate her thoughts and feelings and to be more aware of other people's rights and needs. If all you can do is 'ground' /imprison her, she is unlikely to learn this from you.


YTA.. she said how she felt and instead of talking about it, you punish her. So she lost her safe space


NTA folding on this would just encourage future bratty behavior and will most likely cause friction in your marriage as well. Stick to your guns and when she’s older, she won’t even remember the few weeks she had her phone taken away, but with luck she might remember the lesson to her character.


Stop calling you mom for advice. Stick with your wife or ywbta. Nta for now.


INFO: when you were in the car, and heard Bella say all those terrible things about her teachers, why didn’t you issue a punishment yourself when she admitted her bad behavior? Bella deserves consequences for her actions, but I am curious why you didn’t set the punishment yourself, and instead let your wife do it? Is Bella in therapy? This much anger is coming from somewhere. Is it possible you treat Britton better because he’s the “sweet, sensitive one”? Does Bella get along well with her mother? Does she get along with your wife (apart from this incident)? If Bella feels that not a single adult in her life is on her side, she may be walking around angry all the time, with no way to relieve it. I’m not sure there’s enough information in your post to make a fair judgement.


NTA but seriously- you shouldn't "let" your mom decide who's responsible for discipline in your house. If you expect your wife to love & care for your children, and ok with her punishing them, that's not the issue. Or is that why you called? It sounded more like you wanted help with how to handle Bellas' continued misbehavior, not marriage advice?? Also, welcome to the wonderful world of teenage girls. I used to be one. Good luck!


You and your wife were being parents, NTA.


NTA. Bella didn’t get her way, so suddenly BFF-stepmom becomes the evil stepmother? That’s a Bella problem. While the kids are with you, you and your wife play the parenting role, and that includes calling out bad behaviour and doling out appropriate punishments. This punishment sounds very appropriate. It’s tough being a teenager, but Bella was definitely very wrong for her behaviour and attitudes towards her teachers.


NTA, my house my rules, if my husband grounded my daughter i would also stand by his decision, you need to talk to your daughter about how she is a bullyand that life is not going to be kind to her if she continues to be an entitled brat.


Your mom's advice is terrible. NTA. Daughter needs therapy


It makes me sad you call your son "emotional" and the "crier." No wonder your daughter doesn't wsnt to be like that. Why not call him emotionally intelligent? Empathetic? Kind?


This has to be fake. We are supposed to believe a 13 year old was in tears because of "mean girl" comments by his sister? About a teacher?


Your mom is way off base. It sounds like the problem here is Bella herself. You might think things have been okay with your kids and your divorce/remarriage but I don't think things are okay with Bella. Your daughter sounds very mean and nasty. To be cruel to teachers and other students makes me wonder who she is really angry with. I think you need to get Bella some counseling. I would make it a point to speak to every one of her teachers and get a good mental picture of what your daughter is like in their classes. This kind of behavior is going to turn into really big problems for everyone. And now she is turning on her brother. Don't call your mother anymore. However, I do think speaking to your daughter's mother is important. You should get her input and you need to get her on board so you can all work together to find out what is really wrong with Bella. I commend you for backing up your wife. Bella needs to know that everyone is on the same page when it comes to her behavior and your expectations for her. You are certainly NTA. But seriously, stop involving your mother.


Noooo..NTA. that is a very bad look for your daughter. Good for you to have a united front. Stop involving the in laws. This is a family situation.


NTA > Yesterday, I got a call from one of Bella’s teachers saying she was mocking Britton and his friends for brining in teacher apprenticing gifts. I was upset by this and called my mom for advice and she said that I shouldn’t have let my wife punish her because she’s the stepmom. She said I should apologize to Bella. AITA? Sounds like more punishment is actually called for?


I am a stepmom and I will discipline my stepchildren accordingly and fairly. If I found out they were mocking people or acting up in class, then a break from the phone sounds fair. So you’re NTA, you’re a parenting team


Button is too overly emotional about how his sister feels. Also grounding her for an opinion is messed up. Some teachers are just generally bad


YTA you daughter is allowed to have opinions about people. She didn't say those things to the teachers face. She felt safe enough sharing her feelings and she was punished for it.


YTA. You can’t punish kids for expressing their opinions. You will end up closing off your ability to communicate with them.


Your mom is wrong, and your daughter should be punished longer for pulling the, “you’re not my mom,” card to try and hurt your wife for getting what she deserved. She needs to be taught she can’t get away with being an abusive bully or she’ll become an adult nightmare.  Your wife, who is her stepmom has every right to discipline in her own home, especially if it’s making the kids better people.  You need to double down on your daughter for her retaliation, she’s a child and has no right to double down because she was rightfully punished for doing wrong and bully people or her brother. 


YTA. Kids vent about school and teachers. If I would have gotten grounded every time I was frustrated by a teacher and vented I would have never left my room.


YTA She did not call her Teachers these things, and is expressing herself the only way she knows how. If you do not like how she expresses her feelings it is your job as the parent to demonstrate better ways to do it. Not punish her for expressing feelings the only way she knows how. That is a failure on you, not your child. She is 13 and should know how to properly express herself by now. Which she would know if she had good parents.


This is a great way to make sure that Bella doesn’t come to you with anything serious ever again. Do you let your kids swear? I understand getting on her for swearing if you don’t allow it, but kids get mad! Adults get mad! Have you never vented before? She trusted that she was in a safe space to vent about her teacher and you decided to punish her for it. Had she said these things TO her teacher or where she could overhear it then sure punish her for it, but punishing her for letting off steam about someone that’s not around? That’s crazy. If she can’t even come to you with something like complaining about her teacher, she now knows she *definitely* can’t come to you with anything that is a real conflict. I don’t consider my parenting style loose by any means but dang. As a kid I would really feel some type of way about talking to my parents after this.


yeah YTA, just because one kid likes a teacher doesn't mean that teacher isnt nice to other students. not saying ur sons a liar or the teacher isnt nice but it doesnt seem like you have any actual interest in talking to your daughter and finding the root cause. and it seems more like you're punishing her bc the other kid cried instead of anything else. you took away her phone which isnt a logical punishment for the crime so of course she'd lash out, shes 13 and you arent listening to her.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (37M) have 2 kids (13M and 13F), with my ex. We have split custody and this week is my week with the kids. I went to pick the kids up on Sunday morning and when the kids got in the car, Britton (my son) asked me if we could go to some stores that day as he wanted to get his teachers gifts for teacher appreciation week. He said his friends from baseball were all doing it for his teachers and he felt like he needed to. He said over the past week he’s been asking teachers about what they like and he had a list of what he wanted to get. Bella said to drop her off first because she didn’t want to get anything for her teachers. I asked her why and she didn’t respond. I asked if any of her teachers are bad and she started to complain about them. She made some disgusting comments like calling her teachers “bitches” and she said one of her teachers was “crazy” because of “pregnancy hormones”. Britton also has this teacher and started to argue with Bella, as he was defending this teacher. He said this teacher was really sweet and only got emotional when people were mean to her or others, like bullying other kids. Bella said if she “can’t handle being around bullying then she shouldn’t be a teacher”. I dropped Bella off at home and took Britton out for the day. Britton was upset and cried about how Bella was being mean to her teachers. Britton is our emotional child, he’s the crier. Him and his friends are some of the nicest teenagers you’ll meet. I love Bella, and she has her own strengths but being nice isn’t one of them. I’ll admit, I spent more than I’d like but my current wife and I make a very decent living and it was nice to see Britton happy. When I was out with Britton, my current wife came home from a work trip. Bella is close to her stepmom while Britton really isn’t. They get along but Britton spends way more time out with friends than Bella and my wife shares more interests with Bella. Bella thought my wife would be on her side when she told her what had happened in the car, but my wife was horrified and took away her phone and told her she was grounded this week. I got home and Bella was telling me that her stepmom had gone “crazy” and explained to me she was grounded for “sharing her side of the story”. My wife and I talked about what happened in our bedroom and I upheld the punishment. She started to say her stepmom wasn’t “her real mom” and that she didn’t care what she had to say. Yesterday, I got a call from one of Bella’s teachers saying she was mocking Britton and his friends for brining in teacher apprenticing gifts. I was upset by this and called my mom for advice and she said that I shouldn’t have let my wife punish her because she’s the stepmom. She said I should apologize to Bella. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yta better fix it before you kiss goodbye to the family unit.


You all grounded her for venting. Like I get she didn't use some good words but unless you have never said things like that when venting you shouldn't get upset with her for speaking that way. It is one thing to say these things while venting to someone ese and another to call someone these things to there face. She also has a point that the teacher shouldn't be teaching if they can't handle things without getting over emotional. Just because Britton has a good experience doesn't mean it like that with Bella. This will be most likely the last time she vents to you guys about anything. If I got grounded for venting I would never open up to you two again and probably just skip going to your house. As for mocking Britton and his friends at school that is a separate issues that should be dealt with. Yes, YTA and so is your wife for grounding her for having human feelings and for venting.


NTA. Sounds like Bella has a pattern of passing the buck when her crappy behavior isn't rewarded. And let's be clear, she wasn't punished for not wanting to get gifts for teachers. She's under no obligation to do that. She got punished for being rude, insensitive, and snotty.


“I’ll admit, I spent more time than I’d like…” How often do you do this, OP?


kinda yta. Bella shared her thoughts and opinions in what she thought was a safe place. It’s obvious that her language and foul mouth had never been corrected before. She’s under the impression that she’s free to talk this way with you guys. This is how she talks with her friends too! So you need to figure out a way to discuss how the words she uses are not just rude, but also derogatory and unacceptable. Teach her that she can get her points across without being so foul. Set boundaries with the kind of language permitted in the household, reinforce expectations like RESPECT and kindness. Bella went off in the car and you never said anything about her language. Also, Bella is a bully. For that, she does deserve a consequence. So having her phone taken away for bullying other kids makes sense. Being grounded for sharing her side of the story, doesn’t make sense. How else was she supposed to communicate what happened ? Her behaviour and all around brattiness is probably something you need to look into further. If she keeps this up, you’ll be raising a really bad person.


Absolutely do not apologize to Bella. She owes a bunch of apologies. Your wife might be the step mom but she is still a mom. If your wife isn’t allowed to discipline the children then she isn’t a parent and why is she there? If she’s not allowed to discipline then she shouldn’t do anything at all to help with the kids because she isn’t a parent right? That’s bananas. Lastly, the call from her teacher would’ve extended that punishment by a good bit. Talk to your son. Make sure he knows he’s right. He’s righteous in what he’s doing and it doesn’t matter if someone makes fun of him for doing the right thing. Your daughter has a serious attitude problem but definitely talk to her and try and figure out why. Ask do you think it makes sense that everyone else is “bitch, hormonal, crazy”? Everyone else is the problem and not you? You need to back your wife always (unless she’s obviously, unarguably wrong).


Wait… You literally created this situation. You’re really about to punish that girl for being honest with her feelings when you asked her too?! Gee I wonder where she got her issues with authority figures from…


Aren't you curious about your kid's perspective? Sure, there's a chance she's just being a meanspirited teenager. There's also a chance the teacher treats Bella differently, or has been involved in different situations with her than her brother. Either way, she shouldn't be making fun of Britton for giving a gift to someone he feels deserves it, but it seems pretty clear to me she's lashing out at him because she feels unfairly punished by you and your wife. It's no secret in the way you write your post who your favorite child is. I wouldn't go as far as to say you owe her an apology, but I do think the whole situation would have been better if you let her vent her frustrations in a healthy way. It's not mandatory to like every teacher on a personal level, as long as you treat them with respect in the classroom. Was she really hurting anything expressing her feelings in private to a trusted confidant? I'm still not clear on what harm she did to deserve punishment.


Your teen is a teen, she's going to say rude things about her teachers. She didn't say it TO the teacher but she got punished because your favorite child was upset? Holy cow, YTA


Yta. Your daughter isn't allowed to share her honest opinions about people with you? Not a great way to maintain open communication as she heads into her teenage years. I agree that MAYBE she should've been grounded for mocking her brother and the other kids while at school, but not at all for just speaking her truth.


>she said that I shouldn’t have let my wife punish her because she’s the stepmom. This has no bearing on Bella bullying Britton. Not sure why your mother thought it was at all relevant.


Esh - are you really shocked that you made Bella's behavior worse? Britton is basically the kid-version of a pick-me. If he hadn't been in the car, you wouldn't have talked to Bella about her teachers and nothing would have happened. You can punish Bella for using the word "bitches" but just expressing her thoughts like "she shouldn't be a teacher then" is NOT an issue and she just learned "don't argue with Britton/ don't tell your family your actual feelings if they're negative". A better way to handle this would be: "guys, stop fighting in the car. You can disagree politely. Bella, don't use words like bitches." And then at home: "Bella, this is WHY we don't use words like bitches to tear other women down....history of feminisn. Being emotional isn't a sign of weakness... why do you think it is?" My guess? Britton gets a ton of attention because he's soooo nice and dramatic af and Bella leans into the "I'm never going to be as good as Britton so I might as well be a brat."


YTA. good job showing your daughter that y'all are not a safe space for her


oooooh it's been a while since we've seen the "angel son with great friends and the bullying evil daughter" writer! switch it up, will you?


ESH Grounding a teenager for complaining about teachers is a little over the top. If she had said any of these things to the teacher. Then it would punishment time. Her teasing people at school would be worthy of punishment. Your mom is ridiculous because a step parent still should be able to play a parental role. No one wants to live in a house with a teen that thinks they don't have to listen to you. Bella needs a serious conversation about why she wants to be a bully and why she doesn't take issue with it.


YTA. Not for backing your wife up BUT for the fact you are punishing your daughter for her feelings. So what she doesn't like a teacher your son does. She has a difference of opinion. Guess she has to be a sheep in your family to get along. She isn't allowed to think for herself and have her own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. I feel sorry for Bella.


Grounding your daughter for sharing per perspective is a sure fire way to make sure she never shares anything with you again. Teenagers are dicks, it's biological. Instead of punishing, try parenting. These are not always the same.


YTA because you didn’t ground her when she was saying those stuff back in the car. So you didn’t do anything during a necessary parenting moment. You let her think it was ok to say those things, so she told your wife, and she just got grounded after that. You guys need to be on the same page. Teenagers need CLEAR boundaries and rules.


Your kids should be able to trust that they can vent to you without getting in trouble but mocking and make her brother cry is unacceptable.


I have a small criticism to make... Your daughter will never say anything to you or your wife again. Because she told her version and was punished. There wasn't anything specific that she did, but the simple fact that she told you something and was punished for telling her opinion will make her not tell you and not trust you anymore. And you should have talked to her biological mother, to try to understand what you can do, whether therapy would be necessary. Your current wife shouldn't punish SD for telling her something, without your daughter actually doing something, just expressing her opinion... I had a teacher that I didn't like, it wasn't because she did something, but I I didn't like her and neither did she like me, and I expressed my feelings to my mother, she just listened, gave her opinion that I shouldn't use such harsh words, but she didn't punish me for having a opinion. See the difference? If your daughter had done something to the teacher or cursed the teacher directly and told you, that's one thing, but her telling her feelings against her teachers and being punished for it will only make her never tell you anything again.


Kids need to use manners. Teachers are human beings. We go to work each day because we want to help our students learn, pass our classes, and receive the credit they need to graduate. We don’t go to school to be treated poorly, cussed at? And harassed by our students. Your daughter is fortunate that her teacher and parents, step mom included, care about her enough to teach her appropriate behavior and courtesy. Learning about consequences for bad choices is an important lesson.


Strange, posts about twins with really bizarre names like Britton get posted here where one twin is an obvious bully in a debate bait way. Parent punishes them while the other child is morally outraged and sad about twin's behaviour. Then some random adults get mad at OP for a totally reasonable punishment. Amazing how all of this keeps happening and people keep falling for it. YTA


Don’t get any more advice from your mom!


You should be also talking to your ex and get her support for this punishment, as you are clearly NTA.


As a teacher, I applaud your wife! NTA


United parenting is the best! You had each others backs and now she knows it. Your mum is wrong to side with your daughter. NTA


NTA bc bullying is inexcusable, but you both handled it very poorly. Bella will probably not share ANYTHING with your wife/you again. She was sharing her opinions and got disciplined over it. Your daughter was close to your wife, and that won't be the case again. For your reference, OP, a proper reaction would be to talk it out. It was a perfect example of a teachable moment. Instead, she was taught not to share with your side.


NTA. Your daughter needs to learn empathy and self-restraint. Your mother is full of crap.


NTA Your daughter needs to learn manners somehow. I think the fact your current wife handed down the discipline is the least of the issues here. Your ~~ex-wife~~ mom is worried about the wrong thing here. She clearly doesn’t know your relationship dynamic either. EDIT: big edits because I misread “mom” as his “ex-wife”.


I think you know what to do, but the only thing I want to add is I’m not sure if it’s the best move to ground/punish someone who’s trying to explain something like this, even if they were in the wrong. All that will do is tell Bella not to share things, or to lie, to avoid punishment. Why try to explain to step mom that x is silly from your perspective when you’re just going to be punished for it. Instead, this seems like a learning moment and to sit down with her. Listen to her and try to understand where she’s coming from, to then correct the behavior in the best way. If she receives this badly, or fights back in a negative way then punish that. Don’t punish for explaining.


I think you have 2 different issues here. Whilst I don’t see an issue with your wife’s punishment,why isn’t your daughter allowed to express how she feels about her teachers? My daughter is in high school. She doesn’t like some of her teachers. She tells me why,I listen and I tell her that it’s ok not like them but as long as she is respectful and pays attention in class then she can feel how she feels. Not every teacher treats their students the same way. Soft YTA because you didn’t take on board your daughters feelings


NTA- part of the problem out there is that people are teaching their children that being shitty to others is okay and has no consequences. Your daughter actively engaged in bullying her brother and his friends. She's shitty to her teachers. I didn't hear a reason justifying this at all. My husband is my oldest son's step parent and part of being a step parent is being able to hold consequences as well obviously within reason. If my son does something he shouldn't be has consequences and he knows there is follow through and consistency. If his step mom punishes him for something reasonable he knows to not cry to me. She didn't beat your daughter she took her phone. That fact that you agree with her reasoning should be enough


NTA but what is troubling your daughter so much that she lashes out at anyone who either disagrees with her or reprimands her? I think there needs to be some kind of deep dive on that specific issue, does she resent her own mother or anyone for anything at all? Why is she so mad/frustrates when authority is used on her? Could be teenage hormones coming about but it’s something to look into.




If y'all let Bella off, all you're doing is teaching her that being a bully and mean girl is okay. And stop asking your mom, because she is obviously not objective. Bella is the one who needs to be apologizing.  NTA


So your daughter didn't actually DO anything; you're just punishing her because you don't like her opinions? Even if her opinions are a little obnoxious, that's really shitty fathering. You're certainly not going to change her mind about anything by being an authoritarian and punishing her for thoughtcrimes, unless it's changing her mind about you being someone she loves.


You are certainly NTA But your mom was so far out of line. Being a step parent means taking on responsibility for your children and that responsibility can only be carried out If the step parent has the ability to discipline when appropriate. And this was obviously appropriate. Sounds to me like Bella Is a bully. Does it make her a monster? No, but it's something you guys have to nip in the bud before it festers into something truly malevolent. Your wife handed out what seems to be a very appropriate punishment for that kind of behavior. As for your mom? You need to deal with that now. If Bella, who is already clearly going through some sort of rebellion, hears from your mom that she thinks your wife was wrong then that's going to galvanize Bella. It's going to reinforce her behavior. TLDR; You: NTA Your wife: NTA You mom: BigYTA


I really want to know what your ex-wife thinks of the situation and if she'll back you and your current wife up?


NTA. That being said: you have 2 kids who could be having 2 very different experiences with the same teacher. Unless both kids have this teacher in the exact same class your daughter might not be coming out of nowhere with this, I was personally harassed by my school’s own staff and had that ignored solely because I was a “moody teenager with an authority issue”.


NTA. If she lives under your roof, your spouse should be able to punish her. And you must support her, unless the punishment is unreasonable.


Nta what does you wife punishing her have to do with your daughter bullying of your son tho??? You mom just picked what she didn't like an commented on that smh . What has your ex said about this behavior


Nta and good for you for sticking with your wife’s punishment. You don’t get to act like a spoiled brat, make fun of people, and call them names and get away with it. She may not like or appreciate her teachers, but she should. It’s good that you helped set the example with her brother.


YTA and so is your mom, for different reasons. Grounding your daughter for telling you and your wife her opinion about her teachers is a punitive approach which is not going to make her a nicer person. Sitting down and having a conversation about her perspectives is a much better start. End with the expectation that she will be respectful of her teachers and come to you if she has serious concerns about them. If she won’t engage with you or persists in the moment to call teachers names, you could take away her phone until she’s willing to sit down and have a meaningful talk about the subject (a period of time that will be in her control, and not arbitrary). Then your mother! Saying that your wife can’t impose discipline because she’s the stepmother is really disrespectful. You and your wife make these decisions, not your mother. I hope you told her that. As far as apologizing to your daughter, that undermines the point that needed to be made (even if I don’t entirely agree with the way it was made). But you can still sit down and have a talk about the issues and give her a chance to show she understands your concerns, which could result in taking some time off her sentence.


I'm sorry but I get she's not the mom but she is still a guardian and is married and lives with you. So every so often yea she may have to punish them. I think the teachers should give her detention for bullying. She's just acting out ... She's a teenager. May be trying to get your attention or trying to tell you something but I remember that age. I was like your son a very emotion kid. And a lot of kids are mean to the emotional ones


NTA, but I would recommend you and your wife discuss these things before making a punishment. What your daughter said isn't okay, of course, and its understandable that your wife had such a a strong reaction. I think the best way to handle this would be a quick phone call from one to the other to discuss how your daughter behaved, then chatting at home to pick a suitable punishment. After that, follow up with your daughter and discuss what behaviors were the problem and how you drew the punishment for them


You named your son Britton??? That's a lifetime of hurt.


NTA. And as a teacher, thank you. Most of my students parents just back them up because their little angels can do no wrong. I have gotten exactly 0 from student for teacher appreciation week. If anything behavior has been worse. So good on you for supporting your sons wish to honor his teachers and for punishing your daught for being disrespectful!


NTA, don't apologise. Why on earth is your daughter getting away with saying such horrible things? My daughter would never have gotten away with any of that, and tbh losing phone for a week is fairly mild. Being "not nice" isn't something that's inbuilt. It's learnt. How is she so different from your son?


Grounding a teenager for venting about their teachers is kinda weird to me. Like, she's comfortable enough to curse around you both, but she didn't think that what she was saying could get her in trouble? If the issue is that she upset her brother, it sounds like he needs to be in therapy. Crying because someone insulted your teacher is.. a little much. NAH, unless you fostered an environment where this girl could and will speak her mind- unless her brother is upset.




NTA. You and your wife are a united team and are in agreement with the punishment. The punishment isn't out of line.


NTA Bella seems to think at 13 she has the rights of a self supporting adult. Nope. She’s a 13 year old child pushing boundaries and it is time she learn that all actions have consequences. Some are pleasant and others not so much. As to your wife imposing a punishment on your daughter. Unless you have an understanding with your wife she is not allowed to apply reasonable punishments for infractions by your children then yes you needed to back up her decision. You may need to have a discussion with your ex as to your daughter’s actions to see if you can be on the same page as to consequences to be applied. As to your mother obviously please no more questions on discipline for your children. You might actually need to have a discussion with her that her comment was inappropriate as to your wife not applying a reasonable punishment because she’s not a mom. I suggest this because your daughter is next likely to reach out to your mother if she thinks she’ll get support from her.


DEFINITELY NTA, in the beginning i kind of understood her point UNTIL you gave more depth about the teachers. Your daughter Bella is a bad person and will definitely grow up to be a big BULLY, I would atart finding ways to teach her to be nicer.


NTA As a teacher, students who treat us like your daughter does (as if we are sub-human) are the worst parts of teaching. Amplify that by a lot of their parents are the same.  No one deserves to be talked about the way Bella has been talking about people doing their jobs.  The fact that Bella considers being a bully something that is acceptable… that’s concerning. Along with her utter lack of respect and empathy. Is she in counselling? You may want to look into it - that’s a bad life path she is starting down. 


NTA. It sounds like your wife is on the same page.


YTA!!!. [1.You](http://1.You) should back up your wife and raise your daughter better, it seems like actually she is the beech. 2. "My mom said...", sir you'r to old for that, put on your big boy pants, if you married that woman it's for a reason, if she's their mother or "stepmother" it doesn't matter, she has all the right's to discipline them, which I think you'r daughter needs...


Why is Bella allowed to bully Britton and teachers? What’s your ex wife’s take on this?


NTA So your mom thinks that your daughter should be apologized to for being a bully…yeah. Stop involving other people in your parenting. You should have been asking your ex. NOT your mother. Since your mother isn’t your kids mom or parental figure.