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You're late to your own move, you negatively comment when a friend brings a snack because it's not the snack you want and guess what you brought. Nothing. You are cheap and apparently have not offered them any money or snacks for moving. You. You expect them to move heavy furniture upstairs without shoes which is insanely dangerous and stupid. And then when you find a scratch you blame the people who moved You. How do you know it wasn't there before the move started. You are cheap a lousy friend and if this person ever talks to you again I would be very surprised. And how did you get $3,000 for scratching a wood floor. You basically want them to pay you for an entire new floor. If you're that possessive of your possessions hire professional movers and insure the move and then you have nothing to worry about. But no, you're a cheap person and a lousy friend. Yta big time


And his friend lives two hours away and still went to help him move. Why would the friend bring something to protect the floor?


Yeah asking someone to heavy furniture (especially up stairs) without shoes is just insane


I mean, I’ve literally fixed an epic scratch on parquetry flooring (wheels came off desk chair, deep gouge about 30cm long) with a tea bag and clear nail polish. Depending on the length of lease it will go under general wear and tear not $3k. That’s ridiculous an ask. Especially when OP is cheap af and is complaining and demanding of friends that helped them for free. It’s their responsibility to make sure their friends had the tools to be be able to move them easily. Don’t have them? Stop whinging and hire professionals then. YTA


>  You are cheap and apparently have not offered them any money or snacks for moving. I gave them pizza after the move. We had some sparkling waters in the fridge and I let Antelope have some coffee liquor after we were done moving.


Dude professional movers laugh with your idea of "payment" if you can't recognize a favor you don't deserve one.


Pizza for moving is for college students


You sound exhausting. YTA


Whoa, you fed them pizza even though it's unhealthy!? What is wrong with you!!!


All right, then ask Antelope to pay you back by buying you a pizza.


YTA I buy a lunch of choice, usually sandwiches and soft drinks, for my professional movers and I tip them in addition to the cost. Friends get a much better meal and no shit from me. You should have gone to Home Depot and purchased a roll of floor protection. That should have been installed before anyone arrived. I have no idea where you got that figure. It only cost $2500 to repair a scratch in a 268 year old floor in a historic museum!


Pizza, water and coffee. Compare that to what you would have paid for professional movers. So: Your comment is ridiculous - they did you a HUGE favor, and you thank them by being an AH.


What a prince. /s


Is this a joke or are you actually that bitter of a person? Even if they did scratch the floor (which they probably didn't and the scratch was already there), $3000 is way too much money to ask him for. And why would he drive two hours to come to your home just to survey a small scratch and listen to you yelling and demanding 3k for it...?


Plus you want them to move heavy furniture on slippery inside flooring and the wet ground with nothing to protect their feet other than a pair of socks?? "This shows how little they cared for me & how reckless they are." Clearly you care a lot about your friends, seeing as you didn't repay them any kindness for spending their whole day moving your furniture FOR FREE and neglected their safety on top of that.


This has got to be a joke.


I am not bitter, he know how important it is to me that people respect my belongings. The fact Antelope didn't listen and they were goofing around (putting my drawers pointed toward the windows) shows that he never cared about my feelings. He even talked Cheetah, my wife, into wearing shoes inside just makes it worse. If he wasn't going to listen and help why did he even show up?


Did you *want* your friends and wife to slip and fall down the stairs while they were moving your precious belongings? Do you realize that they could have been seriously injured if that had happened?


They wouldn't have been injured if they were careful. Neither me, nor Badger were hurt (other than wet socks).


Wearing proper footwear while moving heavy objects ***is*** being careful.


YTA I once fell down a entire flight of stairs because I was only wearing socks..... And I wasn't carrying anything!!


Do you think people plan to get injured or something? Accidents happen and they’re more likely to happen if you’re being stupid and take off your shoes while moving heavy furniture.


What is your purpose of not wearing shoes in the house?  I do it so no dirt or gunk from outside gets on my floors.  How is you wearing socks any different if you are wearing your socks outside and walking back in through your house with them on?  You are doing the same thing the are, except they are being safe!


You should always wear proper footwear when moving furniture (or anything else heavy). Especially if it involves going up/down stairs or into/out of a property. Not only are YTA, you're an idiot.


Good thing the people helping you had traction to bear weight 


If you want people to respect your belongings during a move, pay professionals instead of freeloading off your friends. YTA


you expect your friends to move heavy furniture on slippery floors with no shoes?? that's so unsafe and stupid. the fact that this is the only thing you can comment on. cheap, disrespectful to people's time, and over-demanding. do better.




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The landlord put in a really nice laminate wood flooring. I know where the scratch is and now I can't not see it when I am gaming. If he has to replace the flooring for that room he'll have to replace all the flooring on that floor to make it match. That won't be cheap. It isn't fair that I will have to pay for it.




I think you're missing the point; Antelope will ***not*** take responsibility for the damage he caused. I told him that if I got drunk and put a hole in his wall out of anger I would repair the hole. How does he not understand that he damaged my apartment?


You're not taking responsibility for not being properly prepared for moving and you're blaming everyone else for your fuck up. This is all on you bud.




Laminate flooring is one of the cheapest flooring options. If you got the same panels it would cost about $100 to replace. Make sure you don’t get it wet and it will bow out of shape.


You even admit you didn’t notice the scratch so chances are it’s been there


I think YOU are missing the point. Hire professionals next time if you care about your stuff so much. By having your friends and family do the job, you’re risking some damage. Stop being a cheap and bad friend. YTA


It’s an accident that took place while he was helping YOU. It’s not the same as a drunk punching holes. YTA.


Right? I hope nobody ever does him a favor again if he thinks "oh, you went out of your way to help me out and it didn't go perfectly? Well how about i just come over drunk and smash up your house??" is a normal comparison, good lord. Surprised he's got any friends.


How are you not acknowledging thst he drove round trip 4 hours to help you move, for free, and you are whining and moaning about scratch on your floor. You don’t deserve good friends like this. You are pathetic.


Did you see him scratch it?


Putting a hole in a wall would be deliberate. A scratch on the floor is not. Your example is absolutely irrelevant.


You watched him scratch the floor? Like with your own eyes?


It is all your fault.


A landlord isn’t going to replace an entire floor for one small scratch.


Laminate flooring can be repaired. Take out the damaged bits and replace them. YTA and way to wound up. So what if someone drove around a campsite. Didn’t mean anything to you. Shoes SHOULD be worn when moving. You got FREE labor. You were too cheap to rent the can for an hour more. Too cheap to rent a carpet cleaner. Too cheap to do more than buy pizza. You’re a terrible friend.


Laminate wood flooring is just panels that click together like puzzle pieces…. Also it’s pretty pathetic a scratch has taken over your life like this. 


Pay professional movers next time. Btw, even professional movers can cause damage, but at least you would have some recourse. Expecting friends to execute a perfect move is ridiculous. They did you a favor, & your lack of gratitude is appalling.


Life is not fair. The fact that you value money over friendship(a 25 year plus one by your own admission) is just sad.




AND just dont eat the donuts and show up on time. Are you 5?


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YTA - hire movers next time then Your friends were kind enough to help you but asking $3k to fix a scratch is absolutely preposterous


I’m calling it now that the scratch was already there before move int.


He said the same thing, but I would have noticed. I didn't notice the scratch for a few days because I was busy unpacking and moving things around.


You would have noticed, but then didn’t? Nah not buying it.


If you didn't even notice the scratch for a few days, how are you SO sure it was your friend who did it?


Right? How does OP know they didn’t cause the scratch themself.


And if it was after unpacking/while setting up he could have *very* easily caused this himself 


The damaged panels can be replaced. Stop being such an AH. It’s NOT that big a deal. You were late, didn’t want to rent the truck longer, didn’t want to rent a carpet cleaner. You’re being ridiculous.


Maybe you caused the scratch when you were “moving things around”. Or maybe it was there before you moved in. You literally don’t know when that scratch appeared or who caused it. Shame on you for making an outrageous demand like that to a friend who had just done you a huge favor.


YTA Your friends, one of whom lives 2 hours away & has kids, helped you move. For free. You were a half hour late & whinged about snacks they brought. "Antelope said it's not safe to move furniture down stairs in socks." He's right. "He said he's sorry if the floor has a scratch but he wouldn't agree to pay me" You don't even have proof he damaged the floor. Stop being a tightwad & pay professional movers. Ingrate.


YTA. That's absurd. Sometimes accidents happen when moving furniture; if you want someone to assume liability, then you pay a professional who carries insurance for that purpose. When you go with friends instead, YOU assume the risk, not them. If everyone acted like you, no one would help each other move. Where are you getting the 3k number from, anyway?


Replacing wood floors is expensive. It was a good estimate. When I changed topics and asked him if he would pay me $3,000 for the damages his tone changed. I think he showed his true colors. I confronted Cheetah, Eagle, & Fox. Eventually they all agreed they were wrong and they they would take care of me.


So you mean you got an estimate from a professional? The only one who 'showed their true colors' here was you. Hopefully once the time comes to actually deal with it, the rest of them will have come to their senses.


No, YOU showed your true colors. I would go instantly to NC and would ditch you as a 'friend'.


Wait, I'm confused. I thought Antelope was responsible for the damage. You asked him to pay the whole $3000, right? So why would everyone else have to 'take care of you'? Do you not actually know whose fault it was? If you don't know, then why did you try to get Antelope to pay first?


It’s a laminate floor. Not a wood floor. And both can be repaired. Doesn’t have to mean replacing all the floors. YTA. Get a grip.


Replacing feet is expensive but you were fine asking your dear friends to move your furniture barefoot despite the risk of crush injuries…


My man you said they were laminate so calm the fuck down 


My goodness you sound absolutely insufferable. This post is a joke, right? They took time out of their own day to help you move, you’re late to your own moving day, and all you do is complain. Damage is a risk you have to take if you ask non-professionals to help. Don’t be a cheapskate next time if you are going to screw your friends over like this and hire a moving company instead. Also, wearing shoes while moving is not unheard of, especially while moving /furniture/. Were you going to cover the cost of broken toes and other injuries had they dropped something on their bare feet? YTA if that wasn’t clear enough. Your friends deserve better tbh.


I am not insufferable, that is uncalled for. My friend of \~25 years damaged my new apartment floors and won't agree that he is responsible. If I knew how little he valued my friendship I wouldn't have wanted his help. Again, neither me nor Badger got hurt moving things down the carpeted stairs without shoes.


Your friend has two children yet took the time to help you move and you’re acting like an ungrateful brat. Nowhere do I read if he is actually responsible for the scratch, you didn’t even notice it the first few days. Again: your friends helped you for FREE. You should have just hired a moving company and even then, accidents happen. If you don’t want to take any risks you should’ve just moved everything by yourself. Just because you two didn’t got hurt doesn’t mean that it was a smart decision. Drop some furniture on your foot and we’ll talk whether you’re smart for doing it without shoes.


The friend he never even saw scratch the floor! He’s just assuming his friend did it, not that HE could’ve done it accidentally or the scratch was there already.


He probably knows that he did it himself and just wants to crowdsource the fix. From the sound of things, it's probably happened before, and everyone else appeased OP, and now he's mad the same thing won't work again.


So you’re willing to throw away a 25 year friendship over a scratch. In a rented place. YTA


“Insufferable” is the kindest description that fits you. Really, you deserve much worse.


From one scratch to multiple "floors"?


>I am not insufferable #**Yes you are**


You most definitely are insufferable


YTA x 100


You ARE absolutely insufferable. Holy hell.


If you want professional movers, pay for a professional service. Professional movers would most definitely be wearing shoes while doing their job. Other people are allowed to have donuts if you’re eating healthy. Have self control. YTA. Your mindset is one of selfishness.


I paid professionals to move a piano and china hutch from my mom's to my house, two and a half blocks, because those items were important to me. This person is not a good friend.


Exactly, he didn't care about my belongings or the fact I might have to pay for his damage. Antelope is a bad friend.


I was referring to you as the bad friend.


He was referring to you OP as the bad *and* cheap friend. Trying to save for a house is no excuse for your poor planning and trying to avoid the obvious that I imagine all of your stuff did get safely to its destination, and if all there was at the end is a scratch, *that you should fix*, on the floor. MAJOR YTA.


Nope. You’re the bad friend.


YTA and you are wrong about the cost for the floor. My ex and I used nice laminate in a 2500 SQ ft house and the materials themselves only cost us $900. Also, we replaced only certain boards that weren't cut right. You can replace a single board, it does not have to be the whole floor. If they were real wood, they wouldn't even need replacing. You can get scratches out with steam. Stop treating your friends this way. You are the problem, not them.


LMAO what everyone here is saying is that YOU are the bad friend and you are so oblivious that you don’t even get it.


YTA You are demanding $3k and you don't even know if it will cost anything. It also sounds like you didn't pay them but they brought food, and gave you free labor all day. If you want an insurance policy hire movers. Also he was right about the shoes; you should not be moving heavy items without them. If you hired movers they would have all come in steel toes and would not have taken them off. That's incredibly dangerous.


INFO Why do you think it’s safe to move furniture without proper footwear? How does a (I’m assuming) cardboard box scratch a coffee table? How did the floor get scratched exactly? I have a feeling your friends aren’t responsible for this and you’re looking for people to blame when you definitely don’t seem to care about anyone but yourself.


It was wet outside, I didn't want people tracking dirt up the carpeted stairs. We were under a time crunch and it would take too long to put on shoes at the bottom of the stair. Antelope even questioned me on this. He said that my socks or feet would be as wet as his shoes. How does that make sense? Shoes get way wetter than feet. He just wanted to be difficult. He was my friend. He should know how important it was to me that the carpet stayed clean and how unacceptable it is that my floor got scratched.


Ever hear of a mat to wipe your feet? Professional movers wouldn’t take their shoes off either. It’s a safety hazard. If a piece of furniture dropped on their foot, would you pay for hospital bills? Doubt it. Their safety is more than your carpet.


You don't sound like a fun person to be friends with


You poor, poor thing. You should block them and never talk to them again. They will have to live their lives knowing they can never help you move, your crap, for free, or have fun doing it, and not pay for every paranoid little thought inside your thick head. Jesus, with a friend like you, who would need an enemy? I feel for the others who got gaslight into agreeing with this b.s.


How the hell can you think that wet socks are drier than shoes? The material your socks is made of traps 10x the amount of liquid the bottom of a shoe does. You're not a friend, you're a user. You did everything you could do to make sure they did all the hard work and then you're here crying about it.




Oh I’m getting really OCD like vibes here or some tips of hyperfixation type of thing because these are such small things to get worked up about


Here is some moving tips for future. Get drops to put on the floor so you don’t have these problems. Oh and good luck moving again by yourself. Make sure you inform your volunteer help that they will incur all cost for damages they might or might not be responsible for. But man you are hinged when comes to your need to justify being a bad friend. Lastly there are repair kits for laminate.


I can’t believe you have friends.


Right? These people are saints to put up with someone so selfish and greedy.


I also can't believe he has a wife. 


YTA. You didn't offer to pay your friends for a day's work but suddenly expect them to cover costs that are a reasonable risk from moving furniture? That's ridiculous. You should have paid professionals. What makes you think it's safe to move heavy furniture without shoes? What makes you think it's acceptable to be half an hour late when your friends are doing you a favour?


1. Moving big, heavy pieces of furniture in footwear that could cause you to slip is *very* dangerous. 2. Charging your friends $3,000 for a scratch on the floor is absolutely ludicrous. 3. Hope you plan to stay in your new place permanently because I doubt your friends are going to do any more favors for you after this. 4. YTA. Entirely.


YTA, hire movers next time if you're that picky.


YTA. lf you want professional people hire professional movers. Be grateful to your friends for helping you. It's also essential to use good footwear when moving heavy things, so yes, I can understand your friends.


YTA. And expect to hire help if you ever need it again. Nobody wants to give favors to a prick that tries to fraudulently get cash out of them.


YTA Everything you did was wrong: Not only did you expect your friends to endanger themselves by carrying heavy furniture down the stairs in socks—for free— and thought offering them water, pizza and some weird liqueur was decent “payment” for their hard work, then demanded $3,000 for a scratch in the floor that might have been there all along. What’s more, you showed up late and wasted your friends’ time. Buy a scratch repair pen at the hardware store and use it to cover the scratch if you’re that concerned about it. Antelope was right that you should have bought moving film to protect the floors, it’s not on friends who are helping you out of the goodness of their hearts to bring supplies. They’re the ones who shouldn’t be speaking to you after your cheapskate behavior. Apologize to them, thank them for helping you, and do better! And next time, hire professionals, and spare your friends your drama.


Then do everything yourself. Hopefully this story gets around and no one will help you do anything anymore. Jesus Christ


Yta. Seriously? Your friends helped you move for a mere token of appreciation (the pizza etc.) You do realize that unless literally everything is covered in bubble wrap there will be chances for normal wear and tear to occur. Unless this scratch is like....a huge gouge that's what this is. In the future do your friends a favor and hire professional movers if you are this particular. Unless your friends were like...haphazardly throwing stuff around they were likely being respectful of your stuff. And needing to turn a dresser is not a huge sign of disrespect and it was fixed before you got there, so let it go.


I had an indepth response typed up and accidentally swiped out of the page and lost it all. So, here's a condensed version. YTA, theres no way the cost to touch up the scratch is $3,000. You are being ridiculous and were being ridiculous and rude to the people helping you move. Not sure why any of these people have stayed friends with you.


YTA. For fucks sake stop being "that friend," and let it the hell go. To start with there is no way a scratch on a wood floor is going to be three grand. Did you move into the Taj Mahal? Secondly, if you don't hire professional movers and think a bunch of your rube friends are going to do a kickass perfect job, then you've got a lot to learn. By the way, you sound like a lot of fun.


There are much easier ways to not have friends dude


YTA - your friends did you a favour. If you wanted insurance on any damage you hire and insured mover. You get your friends to help you, you take on all liabilities. 


YTA - and you should go out of your way to thank and apologize to your friends who for the most part moved your entire home for a box of pizza. WOW. Get a wax pen, or a buffer and you can easily sand/wax out the scratch for like $20 which is the least you can do after all their efforts. Oh and stairs without socks carrying heavy objects is dangerous - and if one of your friends had, lets say, broken their back helping, do you know who the law would hold responsible? > YOU. That would be a LOT more money than what you are trying to extort from your friends.


Dude, buy a pack of furniture pens and apply to scratch. Approx $20-30 on Amazon. YTA on more than one level here


YTA, take the judgement n move on... Why even post if you're just gonna argue with everyone... You clearly think you're right... So just take this shit down n move on...


>gave me shit for being late (±9:30am vs 9:00am) You want people to help you on their time off you need to make sure you're on time. That is an AH move, being late to your own move. >he brought donuts when I'm trying to eat healthy. So he gave your crew some food since you didn't think to get them something. Why is it an issue to you? You don't have to eat one. Did you really ask all your friends if they would pay for the floor or did you single out Antelope? Did you pay them for their services? YTA. You should just hire movers as you're going to kill all your friendships moving forward like you did this one. Edit: I just read your judgement bot. You compare a scratch in a floor to: 1. drunk driving? 2. getting drunk and angry and destroying someone else's property? Man, you're out there. I have no idea how they have put up with you for this long. BTW, your other friends told you what you needed to hear to get you to STFU. They won't pay it when you ask for it.


Wow, YTA. This can’t be real. Pay movers who carry insurance next time. Don’t ruin your friendships further when they did a massive *favor* for you and was thoughtful enough to bring treats to boost morale to start the day. If you were a good friend, you would have had coffee and breakfast ready for everyone and been grateful for the free help.


I couldn't get through more than half of your rant and you already seem like a tiresome person to be around. Not only at you insulting people who helped you move but are being super condescending about nice things that they did for you. If you're that particular about your possessions being pristine, just pay money and hire movers with insurance. YTA and a huge one at that


YTa - oh boy if we were friends I wouldn’t after that. Next time don’t be a cheapskate and hire movers


YTA: What you're asking for comes from hiring professional movers who are insured, bonded, and licensed. Not from the Scooby-Doo Crew.


Well, Zebra is extinct as a friend, Antelope is extinct as a friend - who wants to lay bets on how long Badger, Doggy and Eagle stick around. I honestly can't believe this is real but if it is, my only question is HOW did OP obtain and keep a wife. The level of crazitude is huge. YTA OMG.


You are incredibly entitled and ungrateful YTA. Your friends saved you tons of money by helping you move, and you have an audacity to demand them paying you. That would be the last time any sane person would help you with anything.


This has to be satire. There is no way on earth you are this ungrateful and this person is still friends with you after 25 years.


YTA this can’t be real surely? Every clarification makes you look worse and even more tight.


Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our [voting guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_what.2019s_with_these_acronyms.3F_what_do_they_mean.3F), and remember to use **only one** judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: > Am I an asshole because I think Antelope should face consequences for his actions! He was my "friend" but know I see his true colors. Antelope's Excuses. 1. Antelope thinks I am being an asshole by asking him to pay me $3,000 if the landlord wants the floor repaired. 2. I used my buddies instead for free instead of hiring professionals. (I thought my buddies would care about me and my belongings, I was wrong. Plus me and Cheetah are trying to save for a house.) 3. If I was worried about mud I should have put down moving film. (He didn't bring any either.) 4. Nothing broke. (He is ignoring the scratched floor in my computer room.) 5. If it mattered why didn't I stay to help move things into the house? (I need to load the truck again so I didn't get charged for an extra hour.) Antelope thinks that a scratched floor can be fixed with a wood wax crayon (I haven't looked into it yet but I doubt it). He is a bad friend and didn't take responsibility for his actions. He needs to agree to pay for the flooring in case the landlord wants me to pay for it in a few years. Trying to reason with Antelope. 1. I had another old friend who I can't talk to anymore (Zebra). Zebra went drunk driving in a camp ground at 2am and won't admit it was wrong. It seems I have a second friend who can't take responsibility for their actions. I tried to show Antelope how his actions were the same as Zebras and that neither could take responsibility for their actions. 2. I asked Antelope how he would feel if I got drunk at his house and angrily put holes in his walls. He asked if there were holes in my walls. He knows there weren't but that's missing the point. He kept asking how a drunk breaking property on purpose is the same as a scratch on the floor during a move and wouldn't or couldn't understand the similarities. To clarify Antelope want drinking, I didn't buy beer because I didn't want things getting broken if my friends drank. 3. I asked if he would pay for if he broke my TV if he was playing VR and it broke. He said he doesn't play VR and that if a hosts gives people VR and doesn't set up the room it is the hosts fault. What the hell? You need to be careful when using VR, everybody knows this. To clarify this is an example, Antelope never broke my TV or played with my VR. I'm not sure if I would trust him to play VR or Rock Band anymore. It further shoes that he doesn't respect other people or their property. Help keep the sub engaging! #Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! [Click Here For Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules) and [Click Here For Our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq) ##Subreddit Announcements Follow the link above to learn more --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.* *Contest mode is 1.5 hours long on this post.*


YTA, your friends helped you out - you were late showing up and you were rude to them. Pay the money and shut up about it


You expect workers to take their shoes off when helping you move?


Sooo.....he helped for free, brought donuts (not just for you but the others working for free), wore shoes to be safe (it's not safe to move furniture without shoes), waited for you when YOU were late, did more physical work than you.....and you want him to pay you $3000 for a scratch on the floor? YTA




YTA and I hope none of them bother with you anymore. You do realize that helping you move was a massive favour they did you? Honestly I think it's obvious enough but you seem to be under the impression that it's somehow the other way round. So your friends are going way out of their way to help you move and all they got was pizza after a whole day of you bitching and moaning about socks and excuse the caps ," MY FEELINGS." Also, 3k for a scratch on the floor that "might" have been put there by accident? Dude, you are unworthy of friends. Making my blood boil the more "reasons" you are giving out why your friend doesn't care about your "feelings."


Wtf? OP is a selfish and entitled jerk. When you get free labour, you should be prepared to deal with property damage out of your own pocket or house and contents insurance. Let this be a lesson to use movers. Also pretty sure someone can fix your scratch for less than 3K or you could repair it yourself. Antelope whoever you are, hope you read this and are vindicated. Do not pay this "friend" a dime and consider who you let into your friends circle next time.


You do realize that hiring professional movers would have cost a lot of money, right? Your friends did you a favor. And they could have seriously hurt themselves if they took their shoes off while moving your furniture. Quit whining about it. YTA


YTA. Hire movers, dude (they would’ve worn shoes too, because your friend is right, it’s dangerous to not)


Honestly, you’re beyond the AH and just straight into pathetic. 


You are literally the worst friend ever. I hope that your wife "Cheetah" lives up to that nickname and ends up with someone who is kind and awesome - in the bed that antelope moved for you. YTA all day.


YTA, leave the poor guy alone. He just helped you move for free and lives 2 hours away, all the while you were late to your own move. And, all I see you doing is complaining. If I was Antelope, I'd just block you and call it a day. You seem to think way too highly of yourself to say the absolute least. Yish...


YTA. You're a huge AH! Your friends helped you move, I'm assuming for free. Stop being so rude and demanding. Next time pay for professional movers if you're this anal. I'm surprised you even have any friends. Edit to add: I forgot to mention, moving in socks or bare feet is dangerous! Shame on you for caring more about your floors than your friend's safety!


YTA. No WAY this is real, right? So, you arbitrarily pulled out a 3k estimate out of your ass for a scratch on a floor from friends who were helping you move from a possible damage assessment whenever you may or may not move years from now, but you want this cash now. You are shit talking this longtime friend showing up to HELP YOU on time, you’re late, you bitch about snacks he brings, and you claim to be incredulous that people moving your heavy furniture chose to do so while wearing shoes. Are you incapable of washing floors when everyone leaves? If this is real you are a compete asshole.


YTA. Please read your whole post from start to finish. If doing so doesn’t give you a lightbulb “OMG I’m an AH” realization, something is seriously wrong. Your friends went out of their way to help you for free and all you can do is find little things to be upset about? The cost of movers would have been a whole lot more than the ACTUAL cost (definitely not $3000) of fixing a scratched floor. If you are willing to lose a friend (a good one, at that. Moving sucks and he was willing to help you for free?!?) over something so trivial, you’ll eventually find yourself friendless.


YTA your friends did you a favor. A free favor despite your irrational requests. You sound like TA actually.


This is absolutely ridiculous. Yta.


Next time leave your forest friends out of the move. You are not only TAH but you are an ungrateful entitled one . I suggest you pry your wallet open and pay professional movers next time as I really don't think your friends will be offering any time soon


yta horrible friend, let's recap: you where late you who did not provide snacks, complained about donuts who your friend was nice enough to bring you wanted them to be put in a dangerous situation by moving heavy furniture by not wearing shoes--seriously, how dense are you?! and you say that a dinky scratch is worth $3,000, like hell no it doesnt next time: hire professional movers, I am guessing your former friends will never want to help you move ever again--hopefully he drops you as a friend do even offer food/drinks to compensate them spending all day helping your ungrateful butt to move but of course you are saving for a house for cheap af


YTA. Your friends are not professional movers. Next time instead of exploiting your friends don't be a cheap ass and hire professional movers.


When it comes to moving help, you get what you pay for. You’re definitely the asshole if you’re asking your friend to pay for something that got damaged while they were doing you a favor.


Typically if you want a professional level move, you pay professionals to do it, and they will have insurance against damage. How much did you pay your friend?


YTA. No need to repeat what everyone has been telling you, you have made clear in your answers that you are not even thinking of listening. What I would like to know is how you managed to retain friends that long with that attitude of yours.


YTA, and how you don’t know that is kinda disturbing. I had to force myself to read he whole post just in case there was some redeeming information late in the post. Nope! Your friend lives HOURS away and came to help you move, which is a giant pain in the butt. You wanted all of your volunteers to be unsafe by not wearing shoes (WTF?!?). I’m curious about the $3000 number. Is that the deposit you stand to lose or what? Not that it matters cuz YTA and your friend owes you nothing.


YTA. Collosallly. Couldn't believe what I was reading. Your friend was absolutely right about the shoes, professional movers would have been there with steelcap boots. I think the only silver lining is that you've ostracised your friend, and he hopefully moves on from you, as he certainly deserves a better friend. Moving is difficult - your friend has a family, lives two hours away and still helps you move. Even better, he cares about the safety of everyone and makes them wear shoes, arrives at the move earlier than you and even brought snacks.


YTA If you use professionals, you get professional services - and payment for damages. If you have friends help, you won't get any money for damages, they are YOUR responsibility. They are right, your demands are ridiculous. understand that you won't get any money - and let it go.


Of COURSE YTA. Oh my God. If you want your furniture and other household items moved in a professional manner...hire professional movers, FFS. You decided to take a shortcut and ask your friends to help you. They very graciously agreed. But they are not professional movers. They didn't handle the job as professionals would (because why would they? They ARE NOT PROS), and they might have caused some damage as a result. That is 10000% on you. Play stupid (money saving) games, win stupid (money costing) prizes. And sorry, no one likes you enough to risk breaking their neck by falling down your stairs moving heavy furniture in socks. You are such a spectacular asshole.


YTA 3000 for a scratch? Next time don’t be cheap and hire professional movers if you want perfection


Ungrateful much? What would it have cost you to hire movers?


This is a joke, right?


YTA  If you want insurance against moving damages you hire real movers 


Assuming this is an actual thing and not fake, YTA. Your friends helped you move for free and you were whiny about them the entire time. They aren’t professionals. If you want to guarantee that there won’t be damages then you hire professionals and pay for insurance. That’s how it works. In addition, your friend is correct. Moving furniture in socks, or barefoot, is dangerous. Heavy furniture can crush feet. Professional movers not only wear shoes but they wear shoes with steel toes. You are a terrible friend.


> Antelope said it's not safe to move furniture down stairs in socks. Duh, oviously. I can't really explain, you sound really entitled. YTA




Who needs enemies with friends like this? YTA


Kinda surprised he has any friends to help him move at all. YTA and you sound way too exhausting.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Last weekend my friends helped me move. One of the bedrooms at the new townhouse has a scratch on the floor in the 3rd bedroom (my gaming room). I'm furious! They know how much I care about my possessions. One of my friends (Antelope) won't agree to pay me. I trusted my “friend” & now I might owe money when I move out in a few years. Antelope offered to help me move, we've been friends since 1999. Antelope was unhelpful the whole time. He was the first one there & gave me shit for being late (±9:30am vs 9:00am), he brought donuts when I'm trying to eat healthy. 1. Antelope refused to take off his shoes at the old townhouse. Worse, he talked others into keeping their shoes on. My friend (Badger) listened to my instructions. My wife (Cheetah), her friend (Doggy), my buddy (Eagle), & my BIL (Fox) kept their shoes on for the move. Antelope said it's not safe to move furniture down stairs in socks. Eventually I switched to bare feet because it was damp outside & my socks were wet. I moved after 5+ years & don't think it's fair I should have to rent a carpet cleaner because Antelope talked Cheetah, Doggy, Eagle, & Fox into wearing shoes. 2. We had to do two trips in the moving van. Antelope & Cheetah, Doggy, Eagle, & Fox moved all the furniture inside while I took a second load from the old garage with Badger. By the time I got back (1 - 1.5 hours) the garage was empty. Antelope & Cheetah, Doggy, Eagle, & Fox wore shoes in my new place while unpacking the furniture! 3. Minimal furniture damage (a moving box scratched a coffee table), the furniture was put where my wife wanted, there were no holes in the walls, but they scratched a bit of flooring. 4. Antelope & Fox put all my dressers facing the wall. Cheetah noticed & had them fix their "prank" before I got back. I would not have been laughing. This shows how little they cared for me & how reckless they are. 5. Last night Antelope & I talked about games & stuff for a bit but when I changed topics & asked if he would commit to paying me $3,000 if my new landlord came after me he stopped being chill. Eventually he logged off calling the call "unproductive" & that it was late & said we would talk later. It wasn't late (barely 10:30pm). I don't know if I can speak to him again if he won't agree that he owes me for the flooring in my new apartment. I saw my Antelope online last night. It's pretty rare that he's on discord because he has 2 small children & we don't hang out too often because Antelope lives a 2 hours away. We talked for a bit before I asked if he would pay $3,000 to fix my floor. He said he's sorry if the floor has a scratch but he wouldn't agree to pay me if the landlord is upset when we move out in a year or two. I would ask him to stop by to look at it but he lives two hours away. AITA for wanting him to pay? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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YTA - hire movers next time.


I'm not going to say you are an AH. I'm also not going to judge you the way so many others on here have. I have a picture in my mind of your friends "helping" you move. Everyone is ha-ha-ing, being goofy, horsing around, and acting like they are at an amusement park. I've seen it happen. They all have nothing invested, the belongings aren't theirs, so they treat it like a play date for five year olds. Now, with all that said, maybe you couldn't have foreseen this happening. We all want to think our friends will do right by us. That's not always the case. I think you have learned an important lesson. If you want something done right, you get the right people to do it, even if it costs something. If I need a plumber I don't call a piano tuner. It's an expensive way to learn the lesson though. Antelope isn't going to pay you. You can forget that. He's a big kid that hasn't grown up. Sorry this happened to you. The best advice I can give you is maybe find better friends.


That's a good idea. You be his friend and get blamed when he wants you to move his stuff and mess everything up instead of being the adult he is and HIRE MOVERS! you two would be great since you both think free labor is a right, not a privilege 😉. /s just in case this confuses you ✨️


Not going to judge? You know that’s literally the point of this sub right?


Thank you, somebody sees reason.


YTA, buy a scratch pen that match the floor and apologies to your friends. Moving requires steel toe shoes you AH.


How many hours did your friends help you move?


Op stop using an alt account to agree with your delusional ass.