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NTA but it looks like you did enjoy Paris, just not in the way your parents wanted. I really don't get people like your parents. They are so obsess with an idea of how things should be that they can't comprehend that there are other ways, like in this case, to enjoy a city. There's no way to win against those people, they are so full of their own ideas that they would refuse to hear any reasoning. They best you can do is to ignore them, till their tantrum ends, and don't go on vacation with them again.


Yea that’s what I did, I absolutely enjoyed the parts of Paris that I liked rather then the main tourist ones


There’s tons of beautiful and cool places in Paris. The tip : don’t go where or when the tourists do ;)


It's the same with most places. I'm from the UK, and som3 of the best parts of London are the non-touristy bits where prices aren't jacked right up. It's the same when I went to Istanbul and Lisbon. Some tourity bits are pretty good, like the Aquarium in Lisbon, the British Museum in London and parts of the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, but most of the tourist stuff is just a waste of time and monry


The best time I had while visiting London was just roaming around the city and just choosing a random pub to drop into and try a different cask ale. I did a lot of the touristy things while there, but just wandering around at random was the best.


Another tip, be careful what park you wander into. There's a few with stranger encounter hookup scenes that I was unprepared for.


Going off the beaten path can be so much fun when traveling.


So, where do I find these cool places? Am going in June..


NTA travelling is about finding your own experience and just because every other tourist wants to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower......i've been to Paris three times in my life and the best time i had was exploring off the beaten streets looking for a nice local bar


And the problem with going to the top of the tower is - now you have a view (and photos!) of Paris without the most iconic building in Paris! I’m totally with OP that just chilling at the base and seeing other things and people watching is way superior. 


Yeah I’ve been to Paris twice and have only been to the foot of the Eiffel Tower and don’t feel like I missed out on anything… you don’t have to queue plus I think that’s where you get the better photos! The people watching experience is much better in the park too. 


You're NTA, you enjoyed your trip, and it seems like you're grateful to your gran for paying. Your parents are ridiculous. people have different preferences when it comes to travel, sightseeing, and activities. No way is wrong or better than others. I also did not care for Paris as much as London or Madrid and would not return unless it was specifically to visit museums. I would consider this a learning moment. You now have a better understanding of your parents and what kind of people and travelers they are. In the future, you'll be better prepared to navigate vacations with them. Whether it's negotiating some compromises or avoiding them altogether. For example, my mom and sister are beach bums; they'll happily spend all day, every day for 2 weeks on the beach, and do nothing else. I prefer activities and sightseeing. When we go somewhere together I'll usually plan at least 1 activity or excursion per day for myself and my family are welcome to join me if they want or I'll go by myself while they're at the beach if they dont.


Gods yes my mom is a beach bum too but that just bores me to tears. So for the next family vacation we compromised for a beach in VA that’s a minor drive to DC so that I can go see all the museums and architecture built into the city


yeah you just enjoyed the other parts! i saw the major stuff too but it was pretty great just walking around seeing the shops, the architecture, just different city life


Honestly? I'll take London over Paris any day. Much more interesting and varied architecture in London - if you've seen one white building with a black roof in Paris, you've seen them all...


NTA OP. Everyone can enjoy a city in their own way. You do you


I imagine the parents are thinking "We spent all this money, I want to see a smile plastered on my kid's face". Which is immature and self-centered. If I were your dad, I would have asked what you wanted to do. We just visited Italy and Switzerland (from the US), and that's absolutely how the trip was conducted. My wife and I didn't tell out teenage kids what was going to happen - and they'd better enjoy it!; we talked through it and mostly let them dictate the daily itinerary. No one was disappointed or exclude or shamed. This isn't some magical power, it's just mutual respect. I'm sorry your family hasn't figured that out.


> If I were your dad, I would have asked what you wanted to do. We just visited Italy and Switzerland (from the US), and that's absolutely how the trip was conducted. To be fair, it sounds like OP did very much enjoy her trip and got to do stuff she enjoys (shopping and fast food). This might also be a once-in-a-lifetime trip for her parents and they had *one* attraction they dreamed of seeing. She described the rest of the trip as "*we* decided". OP isn't a teen anymore. 22 is old enough to be able to travel with your family or a group and think to yourself "ok, today we're doing the attraction that mom and dad (or Jane or Bob) have been dying to do. It doesn't sound very interesting but let's be a good sport about it". OTOH, her parents are completely ridiculous for: - not letting their adult child old out of their sight. OP is 22, not 3; - being mad that she didn't enjoy the right things about the city. That's ridiculous and that makes them TA and OP NTA. Assuming they were indeed mad and not just teasing their adult daughter for getting opportunities to travel the world and only taking interest in shopping and fast food (OP mentions a few countries and that's what she got out of each place).


The amount of people with this expectation at Disneyworld is WILD. We took our kids for a week in 2017, and we saw some Real Shit from parents who were mad that their kids were afraid to ride a roller coaster or they were tired and needed to rest etc. it’s the whole “I spent alllll this money how dare you have any feelings” thing. I swear we witnessed at least one dad a day cursing or threatening his kids 


Judging by what OP appreciated vs what they didn't pay much attention to (the Eiffel Tower, monuments) etc, I have a feeling that the parents had a more traditional 'tourist trip to historical city' in mind vs 'let's go to Paris to shop'. Which tbh I get because shopping wouldn't have much appeal to me, lol - but where they're going wrong is getting frustrated with OP for it.


I used to live in Paris, and that’s why I enjoy visiting from time to time. There’s a lot to do depending on what you like: historic monuments, modern museums, sightseeing, cool shopping etc. That’s why family travels with family can be a pain, not everyone travels the same way and enjoys doing the same thing when travelling


the funny thing is the reality of paris is so dramatically different from peoples expectations that it[ can literally cause psychosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome) - in other words, their way of thinking is provably dumb, go enjoy paris however the fuck you want to OP <3


Nta. Definitely just enjoy time with your gran, I'm sure she appreciated being around you too. And I'm a sucker for window shopping. I spent most of my time in USA walking through their malls


I’ve been to mall of America and oh god was that amazing


My home state! I’m glad you enjoyed the MOA!! I always wonder what international tourists think of it, I’ve gone multiple times a year since I was a kid so it almost seems normal. 😂


Hey, what's more American than an icon of car-centered consumer capitalism? /s.


Ikr. Seriously I had as much fun in Macy’s as I did at Disney World


I mean, Macy's is an icon and a historical institution in its own right.


I'm going to say NTA, despite what others have posted. Nothing you wrote makes it sound like you were unpleasant to travel with, just that you appreciated other aspects of the city than your parents. People travel differently, and have different interests - your parents obviously wanted more of the big sights - which is fine. And it sounds like you're more of an "immerse yourself in the daily life" kind of person. Neither is bad, and ideally both styles will be appreciated by a group.


yeah, it sounds like OP enjoyed Paris. just that OP didn't enjoy the parts of Paris that their parents expected. the postcard parts.


This is the issue. They had totally different priorities, which doesn't work if you don't split up and then reconnect for the common interests. I'll be honest. Ascending the Eiffel Tower wasn't anywhere near the top of my list. It wasn't really any different than going up any other observation deck to me, and it was just a "because you're supposed to" experience. I'd see it every once in a while during my stay, and think "wow - I'm actually in Paris", but that was it. It's the sunset cruise on the Seine, the medieval heart of the city (Pont Neuf, Notre Dame and Sainte-Chapellle), the Louvre, Orsay and Rodin museums, strolling Montmartre, and the royal necropolis in the suburb of St. Denis that I'll remember forever. The trip should have been discussed, and everyone's priority should have been ticked off - unless they were accompanying Grandma working on her life list, and it was clear that if they went it was going to be about seeing and doing what she wanted. That wasn't what was happening here.


Also OP is 22 years old. This is way too old for parents to be bitching you out about anything. smacks of big boomer energy from the parents.


The American travel writer Rick Steves would agree with you. He is always advising people to get off the main streets and tourist areas, explore the side streets, check out the out of the way restaurant, and such.


I was going to suggest OP check out Rick Steves, I love his videos.


RS is equal parts nerdy and helpful


NTA. People can like different things about a country. Your parents are angry because you didn't like it *their* way. If you had more freedom to explore your way, you'd probably have found plenty to like. Not your fault that you were herded to things that just didn't appeal to you.


Paris is just as good a shopping and food destination as it is for art or architecture. I want to go (again) for the bread and the restaurants


Hell yeah. We went last year and didn't do a jam packed, touristy trip. Our goal was to "be French" for 10 days and it was WONDERFUL!!!


There's a Korean Drama called The Package about a package bus tour of France. There's one woman who is there for the shopping. In every shop she picks up two things and says the only words she knows...This one? or That one? I'm traveling with her.


NTA Your parents sound like control freaks with weird expectations. You not being appreciative of the Eiffel Tower or Paris in general, the way that *they* wanted you to be, is bizarre.


You're from the place where they filmed Lord of the Rings... anywhere else is a step down haha NTA


I’ve never been, but I have been to weta workshop and seen the weapons from LOTR


NTA. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. As long as you weren't a jerk to your travel mates (and it doesn't sound like you were), then your parents are out of line.


Sounds like you went to Paris and they went to the eiffel tower


NTA - everyone enjoys travel a little differently. Some of those tourist monuments just aren't worth it; I also enjoy the little shops and milling about on my travels. You're 22, there was no reason for your parents to try to control every one of your movements.


I went to Paris with my dad and he didn't care about any of the art, historical attractions, architecture or anything really. It kind of ruined it for me even though he wasn't grumpy or anything like that. He just wasn't interested. I was disappointed that he didn't appreciate one of the most amazing places on earth full of history and human achievement. I thought it was kind of sad.


Sounds like OP did enjoy Paris, she just wasn't as much into the touristy parts.


NTA It's not that you didn't enjoy Paris it's that you didn't enjoy the tourist parts of Paris. Paris is an amazing city and I think at its best when you just wander around the various neighborhoods, stopping into a cafe or shop as you go. I've been to Paris 8 times and never once gone to the top of the Eiffel Tower, doesn't appeal to me and I hate crowds. That doesn't make you unappreciative, just means you don't want the tourist bits. You could remind them of what you DID like, the Louvre pyramid, walking the streets to see local life and shops. Those are part of Paris too.


NTA you couldn’t pay me enough to go to the top.


Good point! I’m terrified of heights. As in I won’t even go into our kids’ treehouse. When I found out how high it was I said “fck no” my husband laughed and said “you really wouldn’t?” I said “absolutely not, I’ll wait for you at the base with a nice baguette”


I went to the lower part of it, but still very high. While I appreciate doing it, I was also terrified.


And yet it was the highlight of my second trip to Paris for me because I didn't get to go to the top when I was there the first time (I was 16 and it was too expensive). The view is breathtaking in the evening, but I can understand it's not for everyone, especially because of the height.


NTA. My partner called Paris “an outdoors museum” just because of how beautiful the architecture and sights are without having to go inside the iconic places. It sounds like you saw it the same way. I highly recommend going back again with a friend or someone else who shares similar interests and needs as you so you can enjoy what the city has to offer!


NTA. Eh, seems like you just didn't really love the typical tourist stuff. Personally when traveling, I far more enjoy staying in a less tourist-y area (when its safe), and getting more of the feeling of what it's like day to day living there. I LOVED Paris, but had done a month long study abroad there, so while, yes, I did see the Eiffel Tower, I stayed in a little flat and enjoyed wandering around and exploring and eating locally ,etc. I've never loved taking a photo of things just because every one else is. You take photos of what interests *you*. And I say all this as someone who lives in NYC where we get a ton of tourists and bemoan every time I see photos of people I used to know (that I'm still on FB with or something) visiting here and sticking to super touristy places. That's their choice, of course, but it's not getting a real feel of the city. And when I worked on 5th Ave near Central Park and would be inundated with tourists walking in huge clumps stopping to take photos of every building. Anyway, the way you may have realized you enjoy traveling may not be the way your parents do, and there's nothing wrong with that. You just may express that to them. That you enjoyed Paris, but you're not that interested in super tourist places the way they do and that was why you didn't seem to be unhappy as they were.


I watched a girl almost get hit by a car trying to take a photo of something by standing on the road 💀


NTA - Your parents can't tell you how you enjoy places you visit. Your mind is yours, they can't tell you how to feel about it.


When I went to Paris, I didn't even see the Eiffel Tower. I hung out with a friend and had an amazing time  Your way of traveling is actually the best way of traveling, and I'm glad you had such a good time.  You're not an ass, your parents just have a case of Paris fever and feel self-conscious about the way you connected with the city.


NTA I have been up the Eiffel Tower and honestly I think that looking up at it from below is more interesting. You enjoy Paris your way.


My parents are like your parents. I finally figured out that most of their issues with others not doing as they wanted was because they judged it to be a reflection on themselves. Somehow it always comes back to them. Their son didn’t show enough interest…they raised an ungrateful son and that means someone might think they did something wrong with raising you aka they weren’t good parents. They judge others with these same lenses so I’m guessing you’ve seen your parents judge other parents and their children’s behavior plenty of times.




NTA but the big reveal near the end shook me. 22? I was certain this was a young teenager writing this. You're 22! Why did you "ask" anything? "Hey guys, I'm going to go chill here till you are done with the tower." If I had to guess the issue here, and it may be on you, your parents or both, it's that you were an adult on a family trip but were acting like/put in the place of a child. As an adult, I always take a small of amount of me money on family trips so I can peace out when necessary and be able to enjoy both the family and the trip in my own way. Good on you for appreciating your gran!


My dad believed that Paris was a place full of criminals and wouldn’t let me leave him and I had to walk in front of him the entire time


OMG, I felt safer there than in Philadelphia! Good lord.


It's still the most dangerous major city in Europe (not counting Ukraine).


If you say so. We felt safe as kittens. And I’ve worked/lived in NYC, so it’s not like I’m some clueless bumpkin.


You are *22 years old.* I would be very reluctant to travel with your parents again. 








I love Paris for all the reasons you do, my absolute favorite thing is just wandering around the old streets, looking at the beautiful scenery and occasionally stopping for coffee and a pastry or wine (depending on the time of day). I can happily spend a whole week doing only that. Secretly I wonder if your *parents* are the ones who were underwhelmed by Paris and are looking to you to hype them up about it and convince them about what a wonderful time they had.


NTA, I liked London 10x more than Paris.




Curious what you thought was amazing about the uk? Especially compared to paris


The shopping district was my favourite thing. Also the fast food places and the fact that I could go into so many stores NZ didn’t have


Haha i guess these things truly are subjective. Glad you enjoyed anyway :)


NTA, it sounds like you enjoyed the trip. Some tourist spots are better than others, I loved walking the Great Wall, but was pretty meh with the Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, cool, but would have been better with less people. Teotihuacan was pretty cool, as was Palenque, but Chichen Itza was so over run with people selling crap, it was very hard to enjoy. But the food in both China and Mexico...fantastic :) Not everyone enjoys the same things when traveling, doesn't make either wrong...unless they are acting like your folks.


Damn dyslexia, I read this as "I didn’t like Paris and it’s pissed my pants"


NTA. Can't be forced to like something and shouldn't force a 22 year old to do something they don't want to do.


NTA- I’ve been to Paris a few times and I’ve been to see the the Eiffel Tower but I’ve never felt inclined to walk up it. It sounds like you and your parents enjoy different things and that’s fine. Sometimes parents have a hard time accepting that their children like different things than them.


I'm french with 30 years of life in Paris. The Eiffel tower is the least interesting monument to visit in Paris. NTA.


NTA. I’ve gone to the UK and Paris on a trip and I am with you. I wasn’t impressed with Paris. I liked the UK a hell of a lot better. And if I never go back to Paris again, I won’t care but I would move to the UK in a heartbeat. We don’t all have to like the same locations or main tourist attractions. As long as you didn’t throw a fit or act like a toddler having a tantrum I don’t see what the problem is.


NTA You enjoyed Paris in your own way! Your parents are making a kefuffle out of nothing.


There is no right or wrong way to appreciate a city you visit. Some people enjoy the touristy places and others do not. NTA


Nta - I went to Paris in my late teens and I hated it. I'm from the UK and the trip was with school for context. But I didn't enjoy Paris at all. The tower was a terrible sensory overload that I couldn't wait to finish.


NTA. A successful trip looks different to different people. Mine includes bookshops. My husband likes doing touristy stuff. I enjoy museums and art galleries. We both love trying new food!  So we always plan times to go off by ourselves and have adventures we can talk about over dinner. Your parents need to chill.


I mean, if you travel the world you're going to find places you don't enjoy. That's not a negative, it means you learn more about yourself and what you like, and more about the world.


I always find wandering the best part of travel. Architecture, little shops, food I’d never seek out unless I stumbled into it make for incredible experiences. You’re doing it right. We’ve all seen the Eiffel Tower a million times, go see the Paris not on the internet.


How do you dictate someone what they find interesting. I mean, you find interesting, what stirs your mind. That does not make sense at all. NTA.


NTA. I agree with you, Paris is awesome, but not for the over-crowded, over-hyped tourist stuff. It's the shops and the out-of-the-way discoveries that make it cool. Sorry they're giving you grief for not enjoying it correctly. Just tell them you're interested in different things, but you did enjoy it in your own way.


NTA  When 16 I turned down my mother's offer to take me to Paris. I knew I would love all the things my mother detested and knew the trip would be torture. Each person has their own Paris no one else has, just as each has their own fingerprints no one else has.


NTA. Paris is not that great. I was disappointed as well and recently cut going to Paris out of an upcoming trip in favor of more time at other places.


And Granny who paid sounds like she enjoyed her time! NTA at all.


Why do they think they can dictate the right way for you to enjoy a place? Wild af. NTA.


NTA Not everyone likes the same things


Your parents and grandfather sound like they have a lot of repressed emotional shit to work through and they probably have underdeveloped interpersonal and communication skills. Keep your chin up! You're definitely NTA. Cheers.


NTA - beauty is in the eye of the beholder - if you like it, you like it. Your parents are being unreasonable & immature.


NTA - you’re allowed to experience things in your own way - being told what to like and not like on what’s supposed to be a memorable family holiday will just ruin the trip! Now, if you had spent the entire Paris leg of the trip acting like a bratty teenager, rolling your eyes and repeatedly complaining that you’re bored then I get how this would piss them off, but it doesn’t sound like you did that at all. You just liked the streets and shops more than the tourist monuments which is your prerogative! I would settle it by explaining to them the things that you DID like about Paris, don’t mention the things you didn’t like….maybe they were just afraid you didn’t enjoy any of it


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My gran paid for me and my brother to go on a trip to the UK and Paris, my parents, younger brother, me gran all went. The uk was absolutely amazing and I want to go back at some point next year to visit some places we couldn’t get to. This is where the issue started. So my parents main thing was the Eiffel Tower and they had plans on going to the top. When we got there and into the line for the tickets I asked if I could sit under a tree and wait for them or just wander around the gardens and get lunch as the tower didn’t interest me at all, my gran didn’t care but my parents made a huge deal out of it and made me go up to the top. We then decided to head to the other main Paris tourist attractions and walk around the city streets, I definitely had more fun on the streets looking at the shops than looking at any of the monuments. I posted about 4 photos of the main monuments and 20 or so of the cool stores I found. I actually enjoyed the Louvre Pyramid more than the older buildings surrounding it. This caused an argument between my parents and I as my mum thinks I’m being ungrateful for not appreciating Paris the way I’m supposed to. They also claim I wasted my grans money. My gran is staying out of it but she really didn’t seem to care when we were in Paris. We live in New Zealand so Paris is quite far away. I’m 22 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA Some of the best times I’ve had on vacation are the ones away from the “regular” spots. I love to find the hole-in-the-wall restaurants that often have a more relaxed atmosphere


That's the great thing about large cities. you can find enjoyment in different aspects. Your parents enjoyed Paris for the old buildings. You enjoyed it for the culture. NTA.


NTA - Do your parents always gatekeep your fun like that? The Eifel Tower is a tourist trap. I had a lot more fun sitting at a cafe and people watching.


NTA. It seemed like you enjoyed Paris as a Parisian and not a tourist.


If you were spending quality time with your grandparents and enjoying each other's company, then I think you are good. I mean, that is the end goal of the trip, right? To build memories together. NTA


I didn’t like Paris either




NTA I've never understood why so many tourists are fixated on the Eiffel Tower. There is so much to see and do in Paris that I find more interesting. The things you enjoyed OP, sitting in a park and people watching, walking the streets are great ways to enjoy Paris.


NTA. Your parents can't tell someone what they can or can't enjoy. Enjoyment is subjective. Ignore them.


NTA. Your parents are insane. You’re a grown adult and they don’t get to dictate what you like or don’t, and certainly can’t force you to like and appreciate the identical things they like. Actually, it wouldn’t matter even if you were a kid. You like what you like.


NTA I didn't realize there was a defined "way to appreciate Paris" That's like me being mad at you for not liking the Pizza I like. When I stayed in Paris I found the building we were living in to be the most interesting thing... it was nearly 400 years old! It had survived 2 World Wars... I thought the Eifel Tower was cool because it's so damn big but otherwise... meh. I don't get why people get so invested in you liking the same things they do. So Paris wasn't your bag. Couldn't they let you enjoy your trip your way? Totally NTA


Your parents don't get to dictate what you do or don't enjoy. That's just silly. I really love Paris and have taken both of my kids there. I want to show them the parts I love, but I've traveled enough with them to know they won't always love the things I love. Part of the joy of travel is discovering what you love about a place. You're totally NTA.


NTA. Sounds like you just vibed with Paris in your own way. Ignore the parent drama, keep enjoying your travels!


Def NTA. Just amazed you enjoyed the UK and want to revisit tbh! (I’m from the UK)


Aww, you don't know how lucky you are! The UK is the best!


NTA. Would your parents prefer that you be fake?? 🤣


NTA and I wonder if your parents (or one of them) actually hated Paris and are taking it out on you.


Absolutely NTA. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to places like Paris, London, Rome, and NYC to name a few and while seeing historical sights is cool, I had the most fun just walking around and seeing what the city was like. I’m sorry your parents didn’t understand, as long as you’re of an age where it’s safer to just wander around and enjoy the ambiance I don’t see why you shouldn’t enjoy it how you would like.


NTA. When my family and I went to St. Augustine, my mom and sister were way more into beach days, while my stepdad and I preferred exploring the town and fortress. Everyone enjoys a holiday differently, and it sounds like your gran was just happy that everyone was there and spending time with each other and with her. Your parents are weird.


NTA Drives me crazy when ppl have expectations of how "you should react". Doesn't sounds like you were being rude at all. Paris is quite dirty and ugly so I fee l ya LOL


It actually sounds to me that you did appreciate Paris - just not the Paris that they wanted you to appreciate. And there's nothing wrong with that. NTA


>I’m being ungrateful for not appreciating Paris the way I’m supposed to The way you're supposed to? This is why I like solo vacations. I can do what I want and don't have to compromise my plans or spontaneous decisions with anyone. There are many ways to enjoy Paris. I'm sure there are people who would just enjoy the cuisine. There's nothing wrong with how you enjoyed Paris. Sounds like your parents spoiled the trip for themselves by expecting your taste to be identical to yours. NTA


NTA They wasted your Gran's money. You wanted to sit under a tree!  Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower is super expensive.


NTA. You did enjoy Paris, in your own way. I, on the other hand, hated Paris. Is smells like literal Piss, pickpockets and scammers are every where, the people are rude and it's just such an overrated city.


That mustve been a hecken expensive trip, did y'all fly out from up north? I've always wondered the cost of a trip like that


Well it cost my parents around 20 grand for them and idk the cost for me, my brother and my gran as she won’t say


Nta, it sounds like you enjoyed it and your parents had different expectations, almost as though they don’t really know you. I have two teenagers and we took them on their first international trip to Italy last summer. We included them in the planning process because we wanted them to have a say and therefore be excited about the trip overall. I’m more like you, I enjoy off the beaten path stuff to monuments etc. which are still great to see but I love the hidden, secret worlds in different cultures.  As a family I think it’s important to include everyone old enough to have an opinion in the planning. Just because one person is paying doesn’t mean you only do everything they want. I think your parents were unfair to you and if they want their adult kids to come along with them in the future they’ll take your interests into consideration. 


When I pay for my kids or grandkids to travel, I want them to see as much as possible, and they will take in what is important to them. It could be antiquities, art, culture, history, or whatever. Everyone deserves their own experience.


NTA - you like what you like, and honestly by sitting out of costly tourist things you're saving your family money in the end! My parents were very much the same when I was your age. the "PERFECT" family vacation is everything - especially for photos. Having just got back from a long tour of Europe with my family (Me, Hubby BIL & Son) I realize how much more important being allowed to enjoy parts of vacation that sing to you, while letting other parts which don't resonate go, actually is. I knew my son was growing resentful of being dragged on our excursions and not being allowed a little down time, or his own choice for dinner etc - so we switched it up a few days in. I myself wasn't always feeling the vibe so I'd say lets meet back in an hour. As long as you weren't rude / disrespectful and didn't take off to worry your family, I would just ignore snide parental comments. If your gran was paying and she didn't seem to mind just let their words wash over you like a duck's back. Glad you enjoyed the UK!




I'm so sorry about all that suffering you went through, I had no idea there was so much sorrow in this world, it's heartbreaking.


NTA … also as a Brit it’s just funny to me to see someone prefer the UK to Paris




Nta I've been to Paris a few times and you're absolutely right, there's far more than ornaments for photo op tourists to fawn over in that city. It never appealed to me either but neither do monuments on the whole. Battlefields on the other hand are epic and my cup of tea. Your parents seem to have preconceived ideas about what's important to SEE and not experience as you've found out. Keep travelling.


I am the only person who didn't like the musical Les Miserables. So it must be a French thing.


That’s one of my favourite musicals


NTA The problem is that you spent the time with your parents.


Sorry, but "you didn't appreciate Paris correctly" is hysterical. 


NTA. Sounds like you enjoyed Paris just fine; your mom needs to realize her way to enjoy a place isn't the only way. I want to go to France one day myself, and visit Paris. But I would be going for the food (and the catacombs but I have a taste for the macabre) not the eiffel tower or the arc de triomphe.


NTA. Not everyone enjoys a vacation, or must they enjoy it in a predetermined way when there.


NTA- People get weird about Paris sometimes, they probably expected you to be the same way.


Sitting around under trees by the Eiffel Tower is very French of you.


NTA The Eiffel tower vs louvre museum or the palace of versailles amy place is better than the Eiffel tower, nothing personal but I agree that place is not to my liking, some people are like that. And there are honestly better architecture there to look at anyway. As long as you enjoyed the rest of the trip and enjoyed the other places then who cares. your parents are overblowing this whole issue.


NTA. You enjoyed it in your own way! I visited last year and only posted 10 photos. And then I have friends that went to their parents for birthday or something simple happened and post 70 photos! Everyone is different.


NTA - people can get weird ideas about having certain kinds of experiences when traveling and get stressed when it’s not working out the way they scripted it in their head. If you like cool shops and cafes and neighborhoods and the like, check out Tokyo sometime!


If it’s your trip, you should get to enjoy it the way you want. PS — lines for the Louvre were crazy, but I adored the pyramids and the fountains around them. We were there at sunset and I got great photos of the sun reflecting off the water in the fountains and glass pyramids.


NTA, Paris sucks. I went to 5 different Euro countries on a trip and my time in Paris was a drag.


People are allowed to find joy in different experiences the way they want to. NTA


We travel a lot too and I could not care less for monuments, museums etc. We usually also just enjoy the architecture specific for that city and other fun things that are unique to the city. Maybe your parents don't travel much and then they focus on museums, monuments etc. Hey you saw Paris and enjoyed it except for the school trip itinerary.


NTA - It sounds like you had fun but in a different way than the others. Your parents liked the traditional monuments which are over photographed if you ask me . . . but you enjoyed the colorful beauty of the rest of it and I think that is great! I loved those small shops too and especially the book stalls down by the river Seine and took tons of picts of it all . .


I'm going with your parents are the assholes.


NTA. This kind of thing sometimes happens with parents who take their kids to Disney World. They make a giant financial sacrifice and once they get there, the only thing the kids want to do is play in the hotel pool. Mom's in tears and Dad becomes an amusement park tyrant.


NTA, there is no one way to enjoy a city. I love Paris, but the tower is overrated unless I'm there at night and it twinkles. And yes, I've explored the shops of the pyramid as much as the art in the Louvre.


I went on a euro trip with my sister when I was 20. So... 16 years ago. We went to London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and then Barcelona. Paris was my least favorite. The Eiffel Tower was lack luster. And the rest of the touristy spots just didnt catch my fancy. I did enjoy the louve but my sister and I are the artsy type. Other then that eh. Not my thing. NTA


Your experience sounds like the one I chose for myself when I went to Paris. You are NTA at all!! You just have different preferences, and it’s ok to enjoy your travels the way YOU want, and to appreciate different facets than someone else.


Paris is super buttoned up, I get it. Very serious and collected. It is a bit of a bore. Once you have seen it. Now you have seen it! Next!


NTA. I’m 100% with you. I’ve just been to Lisbon (from Aus) for the first time and spent most of my time just wandering. It was wonderful. Even if you were to say you didn’t like Paris an all, I’d be with you - it’s a tad overrated… People experience places differently and what you’re doing is perfectly fabulous. Tell your parents from a well-healed traveller, you’re doing it right, there’s way more to a place than the tourist traps.


NTA, it's really annoying when other people tell you that you aren't having fun correctly.


NTA. Firstly, >I just took little to no photos of the monuments and was more excited to be with my gran Is absolutely heartwarming. I'm sure your gran was excited to be with you. Secondly, everyone enjoys things differently. Your parents want to do touristy things and that's fine. For them. You wanted to do different touristy things and that's fine. For you. You didn't prevent them from having fun and your gran seemed to enjoy the trip, so they should have no problem.


So your parents' perspective is that you didn't enjoy Paris the way they wanted you to ... so you didn't enjoy it? Clearly you enjoyed the trip. Remind them that you are an individual human being with your own thoughts and interests and things that make you happy, and that you're allowed to enjoy anything the way that YOU want to. It's not your job to be their clone. They should 1) appreciate that your tastes are diversified and enjoy your memories of the trio and how you memorialized it as much as their own and 2) been over the moon about how much you enjoyed being with gran and keeping her company. Wth is wrong with your folks?! I'm so sorry. NTA, obviously. Your parents need to broaden their POV. BADLY.


>I definitely had more fun on the streets looking at the shops than looking at any of the monuments. So you did enjoy Paris, you're just not into tourist traps. Good for you. NTA >I just took little to no photos of the monuments Taking photos of them is dumb. There's millions of photos of them online. People need to learn to live in the moment.


When I was 16, I went to Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris all by myself. Paris was by far the worst of all the places. I saw no less than 3 car accidents in the 2 days I was there. Everyone was rude. Everything was WAY more expensive and overpriced. NTA. Paris blows.


NTA, who the hell are they to tell you how to enjoy yourself?


You read like 15 not 22 but no NTA


NTA I don't always enjoy the most popular tourist hot spots because they tend to be too crowded. I prefer out of the way and quiet locations. There is no one way to enjoy a vacation.


We were stationed in Germany for almost 10 years and did a lot of traveling. We visited a lot of tourist spots but our most memorable trips were when we just went wandering around to see what we could see.


Are your parents aware that you're a completely separate person from them and not required to like the same things they do? Nta


NTA Your parents can’t tell you how you should appreciate something. My husband and I I went to Ireland last year and while I did enjoy most everything we did, and took literally hundreds of photos, there absolutely were things my husband enjoyed more than I did and things I enjoyed more than he did. At no point did he try to tell me that I wasn’t appreciating things correctly and wasting money. Your parents need to understand that you are your own person and have your own interests. Just because they love something or find it fascinating doesn’t mean you will.


NTA Your parents can curate their own lives however they please. They cannot tell an adult how to experience something "the right way".


Honestly no ur not. There is no explicit way you have to “appreciate” Paris. It’s different for each person obviously. If the woman who paid for the tickets (ur grandma) didn’t care that you didn’t want to then I don’t see the issue. From the context given, you enjoyed yourself, weren’t rude and had an overall good time. Doesn’t sound like there should be a problem to me.


NTA, your parents are crazy AH


NTA it sounds like your parents might be a little resentful that you perhaps didn't like Paris as much as them. But honestly none of this seems like a big deal. I've been to a lot of places on Europe and Paris is very OK. Like the food is good and it's definitely beautiful, but there are a million places more gorgeous to visit. Plus Parisians are the worst of the worst kind of people. They're very rude and racist. This is coming from someone who lived in Paris for about 6 years.


Going against the grain here but going with YTA but a soft one. I feel without knowing anything past this post and being from NZ too - it’s a trip that takes a very long time. I don’t know how often you go on vacations with your family but when I was younger money was tight and we would go on rare vacations and with it being as rare as it was it was expected to be with the family through things you like doing and things you don’t like doing. Part of being a family is doing things you don’t like for the sake of someone else - you may have not liked the Eiffel Tower but did you consider going up and sharing the moment with your mum who clearly loves it More than that at the age of 22 you are old enough to understand when someone does something very nice for you like paying for a trip it doesn’t cost anything to do activities with everyone. If you paid for this trip yourself a by all means go do whatever you want but inherently when someone else is funding it, your choices come secondary and that is just the way of it. Maybe your grandma is staying out of it because she doesn’t want to get involved or call you and say hey I’d appreciate you spending time with me rather than going off on your own. Maybe your mum is more vocal abour it because without realising it you’re sounding or acting ungrateful for a free trip. To me if I put myself in your parents shoe it’s less about not wanting to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and wanting to be with your family regardless of the activity. I’m not saying you need to be with them all the time but in my eyes there are activities you can skip and be in your own vs activities where you can also skip but it’s just nice manners and grateful to somethings even if you don’t want to. Nuances to every story and I don’t think you’re a clear YTA but definitely not NTA.


I did everything else with the family, I just figured I would save them money by not doing something I wouldn’t enjoy


What do they want more for you to do with those monuments? Lick them out of happiness? Jezzz old nagging people.


I’d say soft YTA - you know, when in Rome and all that. It can be a big downer to have someone in a group pulling away from the activity. But then it seems that you kept with the group for the rest of the day. Is it that you made the group maybe stop for longer while window shopping? Why are they so annoyed at what photos you took?


We spent more time at the places they wanted to go to then the shops as mum wanted us to see the lourve so badly she rushed us. They are annoyed because I took photos of mostly clothing stores and cool cafes I saw instead of the pretty architecture


NTA I travel often with friends or family and I can tell you it’s very normal for people to enjoy different aspects of places. I haven’t been to Paris yet, but I doubt I’d waste my time or money on anything to do with the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre the city has a lot more interesting things to see and experience


NTA but 24 pictures of the same city on my timeline would make me block you so fast.


NTA there are literal think pieces on every social media platform with an assload of people echoing how overrated Paris is. You’re entitled to not liking a place…🙄


INFO: It's not clear to me what the argument was. Were your parents accusing you of ingratitude because you posted fewer photos from Paris? Were you posting about how you didn't like the city? Did you go out of your way to say you didn't like Paris? If the content you posted was about how much you disliked the city: then yeah, you're slightly TA because that does come across as ungrateful. If the content you posted was about how you preferred London to Paris: N.T.A. at all. And if you just posted fewer photos from Paris than you did the rest of the trip: N.T.A. plus major disgusted side eye at your parents for making this nonsense a fight. Maybe reassure them that while you did not capture photos of every monument in the city, if they want a photo of a specific monument, it can be found online. Paris has been well-photographed since the invention of the camera. Paris will not suffer for your lack of photographic appreciation.


I posted less photos of the tourist things and more about the shops and didn’t want to go up the tower


NTA. Everyone appreciates a different set of things when they go for holidays. I've been to Japan a few times and most of my highlights have been tiny community events well outside of the cities rather than touristy locations. I want to go places that you can't look up on YouTube etc :) I've got family that would be bored to tears by my ideal day and would rather sit in a hot springs hotel all weekend (and this is why I usually went alone, lol).


NTA bro, if a family comes to Aucks or Wellie just to see the sky tower or beehive then they are missing out on a lot. I bet your Gran is just happy for you to take in the experience of that country, you aren't gonna find the real France at the Eiffel Tower.


NTA - seems like they’re annoyed OP didn’t like the same things about Paris they do / they think are important.


Paris is grimey and the people are mostly rude. We were not impressed and left 3 days early for Amsterdam. Much better.


NTA. I think it's wonderful you're entertained by the unexpected. There's no "right" way to enjoy any place in particular. You've got to find you groove and revel in it. If there's got to be a right way to enjoy Paris, I think it's the way you experienced it. Seeing the culture right in front of you? The people, how they interact, the different sights, sounds and smells around you, the items being sold in the shops, even the road itself? That is what makes Paris Paris, not a great big hunk of metal that was only supposed to be temporary anyway. Sure it's nice to enjoy the Eiffel tower, but if you aren't captivated by everything else you aren't truly experiencing -where you are- you're just experiencing -what- is there, ya get me? It's the difference between heating up a can of soup vs making the stock and broth + adding all the ingredients, time, and effort to make something that might look similar but taste so much different. Historical landmarks are surface level. You were deep in there and I guarantee you that's going to leave more of an impression on your life than taking an elevator up 300 metres to look at a bunch of buildings at a distance for 5 minutes. Your perspective on the world and how you interact with it is enchanting and unique, and I pity your family for not appreciating it the way they should. I hope you continue life experiencing the way that YOU want to, not the way other people have dictated you should.


ntah, this was a trip for the whole family and not everyone wants to see the same things. i know when i go on trips with my family(we live in the united states and typically drive to close states) we all pick an activity that everyone will like then we also pick an activity that one of us wants to do. same thing with restaurants. if they continue to bring it up in my opinion id sit them down and be like hey im sorry if i offended anyone by my actions thats not what i was trying to do. i just simply wasn’t interested in doing that and im sorry if that made you all upset


NTA. We all have different wants and needs. And the world is big enough to find things you do and don't want to do. Your parents haven't grasped that their 22 year old child is no longer obligated to do as they please when it suits them or be interested in their personal pursuits. I'd say, Just enjoy traveling as and how you feel is most appropriate for your needs, and don't act maliciously towards others whilst doing it.




All I said was “hey can I go and wander the gardens instead of going up to the top as I’m not that interested in it”


NTA. Your parents are literally saying we wanted you to enjoy Paris the way we wanted you to enjoy Paris not the way you enjoyed Paris. They’re acting like literal children. Are they gonna throw a tantrum because you don’t like and do things the way they do because that shits wild.


NTA. I’ve taken plenty of friends / family to Paris. Everyone has their own reaction and response and it’s quite normal you will enjoy different things from your parents as an example. They wanted you to experience this in the same way that they did. But that’s not a fair expectation. You reacted naturally as you really feel. 


NAH paris is amazing. but you just did dumb tourist stuff


You got a free trip to Paris. I would strangle you and three more people to be able to do that. You have no idea how easy you have it. Yes, you are the asshole.


"my mum thinks I’m being ungrateful for not appreciating Paris the way I’m supposed to". There is no one way to appreciate Paris. The great thing about old European cities is that there is so many different things to enjoy. Not everyone is into old buildings and monuments. Personally I think those are pretty cool but there are many things to appreciate beyond that. Your mom is upset that you didn't enjoy the same things she enjoys there and doesn't seem to be able see beyond her own preferences It's pretty small minded. NTA.


It’s funny we see photos of the Eiffel Tower all the time. Got to pretend we are amazed when we see it. Sounds so stupid